MODULE lsq ! Module for unconstrained linear least-squares calculations. ! The algorithm is suitable for updating LS calculations as more ! data are added. This is sometimes called recursive estimation. ! Only one dependent variable is allowed. ! Based upon Applied Statistics algorithm AS 274. ! Translation from Fortran 77 to Fortran 90 by Alan Miller. ! A function, VARPRD, has been added for calculating the variances ! of predicted values, and this uses a subroutine BKSUB2. ! Version 1.14, 19 August 2002 - ELF90 compatible version ! Author: Alan Miller ! e-mail : amiller @ ! WWW-pages: ! ! Bug fixes: ! 1. In REGCF a call to TOLSET has been added in case the user had ! not set tolerances. ! 2. In SING, each time a singularity is detected, unless it is in the ! variables in the last position, INCLUD is called. INCLUD assumes ! that a new observation is being added and increments the number of ! cases, NOBS. The line: nobs = nobs - 1 has been added. ! 3. row_ptr was left out of the DEALLOCATE statement in routine startup ! in version 1.07. ! 4. In COV, now calls SS if rss_set = .FALSE. 29 August 1997 ! 5. In TOLSET, correction to accomodate negative values of D. 19 August 2002 ! Other changes: ! 1. Array row_ptr added 18 July 1997. This points to the first element ! stored in each row thus saving a small amount of time needed to ! calculate its position. ! 2. Optional parameter, EPS, added to routine TOLSET, so that the user ! can specify the accuracy of the input data. ! 3. Cosmetic change of lsq_kind to dp (`Double precision') ! 4. Change to routine SING to use row_ptr rather than calculate the position ! of first elements in each row. ! The PUBLIC variables are: ! dp = a KIND parameter for the floating-point quantities calculated ! in this module. See the more detailed explanation below. ! This KIND parameter should be used for all floating-point ! arguments passed to routines in this module. ! nobs = the number of observations processed to date. ! ncol = the total number of variables, including one for the constant, ! if a constant is being fitted. ! r_dim = the dimension of array r = ncol*(ncol-1)/2 ! vorder = an integer vector storing the current order of the variables ! in the QR-factorization. The initial order is 0, 1, 2, ... ! if a constant is being fitted, or 1, 2, ... otherwise. ! initialized = a logical variable which indicates whether space has ! been allocated for various arrays. ! tol_set = a logical variable which is set when subroutine TOLSET has ! been called to calculate tolerances for use in testing for ! singularities. ! rss_set = a logical variable indicating whether residual sums of squares ! are available and usable. ! d() = array of row multipliers for the Cholesky factorization. ! The factorization is X = Q.sqrt(D).R where Q is an ortho- ! normal matrix which is NOT stored, D is a diagonal matrix ! whose diagonal elements are stored in array d, and R is an ! upper-triangular matrix with 1's as its diagonal elements. ! rhs() = vector of RHS projections (after scaling by sqrt(D)). ! Thus Q'y = sqrt(D).rhs ! r() = the upper-triangular matrix R. The upper triangle only, ! excluding the implicit 1's on the diagonal, are stored by ! rows. ! tol() = array of tolerances used in testing for singularities. ! rss() = array of residual sums of squares. rss(i) is the residual ! sum of squares with the first i variables in the model. ! By changing the order of variables, the residual sums of ! squares can be found for all possible subsets of the variables. ! The residual sum of squares with NO variables in the model, ! that is the total sum of squares of the y-values, can be ! calculated as rss(1) + d(1)*rhs(1)^2. If the first variable ! is a constant, then rss(1) is the sum of squares of ! (y - ybar) where ybar is the average value of y. ! sserr = residual sum of squares with all of the variables included. ! row_ptr() = array of indices of first elements in each row of R. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! General declarations IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, SAVE :: nobs, ncol, r_dim INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: vorder(:), row_ptr(:) LOGICAL, SAVE :: initialized = .false., & tol_set = .false., rss_set = .false. ! Note. dp is being set to give at least 12 decimal digit ! representation of floating point numbers. This should be adequate ! for most problems except the fitting of polynomials. dp is ! being set so that the same code can be run on PCs and Unix systems, ! which will usually represent floating-point numbers in `double ! precision', and other systems with larger word lengths which will ! give similar accuracy in `single precision'. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12,60) REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: d(:), rhs(:), r(:), tol(:), rss(:) REAL (dp), SAVE :: zero = 0.0_dp, one = 1.0_dp, vsmall REAL (dp), SAVE :: sserr, toly PUBLIC :: dp, nobs, ncol, r_dim, vorder, row_ptr, & initialized, tol_set, rss_set, & d, rhs, r, tol, rss, sserr PRIVATE :: zero, one, vsmall CONTAINS subroutine linregression(N,Xc,Yc,A,B,R2) !USE lsq IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=8),INTENT(OUT) :: A,B,R2 integer,intent(in) :: n real(KIND=8),intent(in),dimension(n) :: xc,yc REAL ( kind=8 ) :: x(n,1), y(n), xrow(2), yelem, beta(2), one = 1.D0,VAR,STDEV_RES INTEGER :: nvar, i, j, ifault LOGICAL :: fit_const, lindep(2) CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: key !DATA y/65647., 70638., 75889., 81399., 87169., 93202., 99503., & ! 106079., 112939., 120094., 127557./ WRITE(*, *)'Fitting nasty cubic' WRITE(*, *)'1st 4 regression coefficients should equal 1.0' WRITE(*, *)'Last variable = X + X^2, to introduce a deliberate singularity' WRITE(*, *) X(:,1)=XC Y(:)=YC !DO i = 1, 11 ! x(i,1) = i + 39 ! x(i,2) = x(i,1)**2 ! x(i,3) = x(i,1) * x(i,2) ! x(i,4) = x(i,1) + x(i,2) !END DO ! Use includ to form the orthogonal reduction. nvar = 1 fit_const = .true. CALL startup(nvar, fit_const) DO i = 1, N !11 xrow(1) = one DO j = 1, 1 !4 xrow(j+1) = x(i,j) END DO yelem = y(i) CALL includ(one, xrow, yelem) END DO ! CALL tolset to set tolerances, then sing to detect singularities. CALL tolset CALL sing(lindep, ifault) WRITE(*, *)'From routine SING, IFAULT =', ifault WRITE(*, *)'Array LINDEP:', lindep WRITE(*, *) WRITE(*, *)'sserr = ', sserr, ' Should be 286.000' ! Calculate residual sums of squares (RSS). CALL ss() ! Calculate regression coefficients, using vmove to cycle through ! the order of the variables. DO i = 1, 2 CALL regcf(beta, 2, ifault) WRITE(*, 920) vorder 920 FORMAT(1x, 'Variable order:'/ 1x, i10, 4i15) WRITE(*, 900) beta 900 FORMAT(' Regn. coeffs.:'/ 4x, 5g15.7) WRITE(*, 910) d, r, rhs, rss 910 FORMAT(' d: ', 5g15.7/ ' r: ', 4g15.7/19x,3g15.7/34x,2g15.7/ & 49x,g15.7/ ' rhs: '/4x, 5g15.7/ ' rss: '/4x, 5g15.7//) !WRITE(*, *)'Press ENTER to continue' !READ(*, '(a)') key ! Move variable in 1st position to the last. CALL vmove(1, 2, ifault) END DO var = rss(2)/(n - 1) stdev_res = SQRT( var ) r2 = one - rss(2) / rss(1) A=BETA(1) B=BETA(2) R=R2 END subroutine linregression SUBROUTINE startup(nvar, fit_const) ! Allocates dimensions for arrays and initializes to zero ! The calling program must set nvar = the number of variables, and ! fit_const = .true. if a constant is to be included in the model, ! otherwise fit_const = .false. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nvar LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: fit_const ! Local variable INTEGER :: i vsmall = 10. * TINY(zero) nobs = 0 IF (fit_const) THEN ncol = nvar + 1 ELSE ncol = nvar END IF IF (initialized) DEALLOCATE(d, rhs, r, tol, rss, vorder, row_ptr) r_dim = ncol * (ncol - 1)/2 ALLOCATE( d(ncol), rhs(ncol), r(r_dim), tol(ncol), rss(ncol), vorder(ncol), & row_ptr(ncol) ) d = zero rhs = zero r = zero sserr = zero IF (fit_const) THEN DO i = 1, ncol vorder(i) = i-1 END DO ELSE DO i = 1, ncol vorder(i) = i END DO END IF ! (fit_const) ! row_ptr(i) is the position of element R(i,i+1) in array r(). row_ptr(1) = 1 DO i = 2, ncol-1 row_ptr(i) = row_ptr(i-1) + ncol - i + 1 END DO row_ptr(ncol) = 0 initialized = .true. tol_set = .false. rss_set = .false. RETURN END SUBROUTINE startup SUBROUTINE includ(weight, xrow, yelem) ! ALGORITHM AS75.1 APPL. STATIST. (1974) VOL.23, NO. 3 ! Calling this routine updates D, R, RHS and SSERR by the ! inclusion of xrow, yelem with the specified weight. ! *** WARNING Array XROW is overwritten. ! N.B. As this routine will be called many times in most applications, ! checks have been eliminated. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE REAL (dp),INTENT(IN) :: weight, yelem REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN OUT) :: xrow ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, k, nextr REAL (dp) :: w, y, xi, di, wxi, dpi, cbar, sbar, xk nobs = nobs + 1 w = weight y = yelem rss_set = .false. nextr = 1 DO i = 1, ncol ! Skip unnecessary transformations. Test on exact zeroes must be ! used or stability can be destroyed. IF (ABS(w) < vsmall) RETURN xi = xrow(i) IF (ABS(xi) < vsmall) THEN nextr = nextr + ncol - i ELSE di = d(i) wxi = w * xi dpi = di + wxi*xi cbar = di / dpi sbar = wxi / dpi w = cbar * w d(i) = dpi DO k = i+1, ncol xk = xrow(k) xrow(k) = xk - xi * r(nextr) r(nextr) = cbar * r(nextr) + sbar * xk nextr = nextr + 1 END DO xk = y y = xk - xi * rhs(i) rhs(i) = cbar * rhs(i) + sbar * xk END IF END DO ! i = 1, ncol ! Y * SQRT(W) is now equal to the Brown, Durbin & Evans recursive ! residual. sserr = sserr + w * y * y RETURN END SUBROUTINE includ SUBROUTINE regcf(beta, nreq, ifault) ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! Modified version of AS75.4 to calculate regression coefficients ! for the first NREQ variables, given an orthogonal reduction from ! AS75.1. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nreq INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ifault REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: beta ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, j, nextr ! Some checks. ifault = 0 IF (nreq < 1 .OR. nreq > ncol) ifault = ifault + 4 IF (ifault /= 0) RETURN IF (.NOT. tol_set) CALL tolset() DO i = nreq, 1, -1 IF (SQRT(d(i)) < tol(i)) THEN beta(i) = zero d(i) = zero ifault = -i ELSE beta(i) = rhs(i) nextr = row_ptr(i) DO j = i+1, nreq beta(i) = beta(i) - r(nextr) * beta(j) nextr = nextr + 1 END DO ! j = i+1, nreq END IF END DO ! i = nreq, 1, -1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE regcf SUBROUTINE tolset(eps) ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! Sets up array TOL for testing for zeroes in an orthogonal ! reduction formed using AS75.1. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: eps ! Unless the argument eps is set, it is assumed that the input data are ! recorded to full machine accuracy. This is often not the case. ! If, for instance, the data are recorded to `single precision' of about ! 6-7 significant decimal digits, then singularities will not be detected. ! It is suggested that in this case eps should be set equal to ! 10.0 * EPSILON(1.0) ! If the data are recorded to say 4 significant decimals, then eps should ! be set to 1.0E-03 ! The above comments apply to the predictor variables, not to the ! dependent variable. ! Correction - 19 August 2002 ! When negative weights are used, it is possible for an alement of D ! to be negative. ! Local variables. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables INTEGER :: col, row, pos REAL (dp) :: eps1, ten = 10.0, total, work(ncol) ! EPS is a machine-dependent constant. IF (PRESENT(eps)) THEN eps1 = MAX(ABS(eps), ten * EPSILON(ten)) ELSE eps1 = ten * EPSILON(ten) END IF ! Set tol(i) = sum of absolute values in column I of R after ! scaling each element by the square root of its row multiplier, ! multiplied by EPS1. work = SQRT(ABS(d)) DO col = 1, ncol pos = col - 1 total = work(col) DO row = 1, col-1 total = total + ABS(r(pos)) * work(row) pos = pos + ncol - row - 1 END DO tol(col) = eps1 * total END DO tol_set = .TRUE. RETURN END SUBROUTINE tolset SUBROUTINE sing(lindep, ifault) ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! Checks for singularities, reports, and adjusts orthogonal ! reductions produced by AS75.1. ! Correction - 19 August 2002 ! When negative weights are used, it is possible for an alement of D ! to be negative. ! Auxiliary routines called: INCLUD, TOLSET ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ifault LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: lindep ! Local variables REAL (dp) :: temp, x(ncol), work(ncol), y, weight INTEGER :: pos, row, pos2 ifault = 0 work = SQRT(ABS(d)) IF (.NOT. tol_set) CALL tolset() DO row = 1, ncol temp = tol(row) pos = row_ptr(row) ! pos = location of first element in row ! If diagonal element is near zero, set it to zero, set appropriate ! element of LINDEP, and use INCLUD to augment the projections in ! the lower rows of the orthogonalization. lindep(row) = .FALSE. IF (work(row) <= temp) THEN lindep(row) = .TRUE. ifault = ifault - 1 IF (row < ncol) THEN pos2 = pos + ncol - row - 1 x = zero x(row+1:ncol) = r(pos:pos2) y = rhs(row) weight = d(row) r(pos:pos2) = zero d(row) = zero rhs(row) = zero CALL includ(weight, x, y) ! INCLUD automatically increases the number ! of cases each time it is called. nobs = nobs - 1 ELSE sserr = sserr + d(row) * rhs(row)**2 END IF ! (row < ncol) END IF ! (work(row) <= temp) END DO ! row = 1, ncol RETURN END SUBROUTINE sing SUBROUTINE ss() ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! Calculates partial residual sums of squares from an orthogonal ! reduction from AS75.1. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables INTEGER :: i REAL (dp) :: total total = sserr rss(ncol) = sserr DO i = ncol, 2, -1 total = total + d(i) * rhs(i)**2 rss(i-1) = total END DO rss_set = .TRUE. RETURN END SUBROUTINE ss SUBROUTINE cov(nreq, var, covmat, dimcov, sterr, ifault) ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! Calculate covariance matrix for regression coefficients for the ! first nreq variables, from an orthogonal reduction produced from ! AS75.1. ! Auxiliary routine called: INV ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nreq, dimcov INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ifault REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: var REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: covmat, sterr ! Local variables. INTEGER :: dim_rinv, pos, row, start, pos2, col, pos1, k REAL (dp) :: total REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE :: rinv(:) ! Check that dimension of array covmat is adequate. IF (dimcov < nreq*(nreq+1)/2) THEN ifault = 1 RETURN END IF ! Check for small or zero multipliers on the diagonal. ifault = 0 DO row = 1, nreq IF (ABS(d(row)) < vsmall) ifault = -row END DO IF (ifault /= 0) RETURN ! Calculate estimate of the residual variance. IF (nobs > nreq) THEN IF (.NOT. rss_set) CALL ss() var = rss(nreq) / (nobs - nreq) ELSE ifault = 2 RETURN END IF dim_rinv = nreq*(nreq-1)/2 ALLOCATE ( rinv(dim_rinv) ) CALL INV(nreq, rinv) pos = 1 start = 1 DO row = 1, nreq pos2 = start DO col = row, nreq pos1 = start + col - row IF (row == col) THEN total = one / d(col) ELSE total = rinv(pos1-1) / d(col) END IF DO K = col+1, nreq total = total + rinv(pos1) * rinv(pos2) / d(k) pos1 = pos1 + 1 pos2 = pos2 + 1 END DO ! K = col+1, nreq covmat(pos) = total * var IF (row == col) sterr(row) = SQRT(covmat(pos)) pos = pos + 1 END DO ! col = row, nreq start = start + nreq - row END DO ! row = 1, nreq DEALLOCATE(rinv) RETURN END SUBROUTINE cov SUBROUTINE inv(nreq, rinv) ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! Invert first nreq rows and columns of Cholesky factorization ! produced by AS 75.1. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nreq REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: rinv ! Local variables. INTEGER :: pos, row, col, start, k, pos1, pos2 REAL (dp) :: total ! Invert R ignoring row multipliers, from the bottom up. pos = nreq * (nreq-1)/2 DO row = nreq-1, 1, -1 start = row_ptr(row) DO col = nreq, row+1, -1 pos1 = start pos2 = pos total = zero DO k = row+1, col-1 pos2 = pos2 + nreq - k total = total - r(pos1) * rinv(pos2) pos1 = pos1 + 1 END DO ! k = row+1, col-1 rinv(pos) = total - r(pos1) pos = pos - 1 END DO ! col = nreq, row+1, -1 END DO ! row = nreq-1, 1, -1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE inv SUBROUTINE partial_corr(in, cormat, dimc, ycorr, ifault) ! Replaces subroutines PCORR and COR of: ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! Calculate partial correlations after the variables in rows ! 1, 2, ..., IN have been forced into the regression. ! If IN = 1, and the first row of R represents a constant in the ! model, then the usual simple correlations are returned. ! If IN = 0, the value returned in array CORMAT for the correlation ! of variables Xi & Xj is: ! sum ( Xi.Xj ) / Sqrt ( sum (Xi^2) . sum (Xj^2) ) ! On return, array CORMAT contains the upper triangle of the matrix of ! partial correlations stored by rows, excluding the 1's on the diagonal. ! e.g. if IN = 2, the consecutive elements returned are: ! (3,4) (3,5) ... (3,ncol), (4,5) (4,6) ... (4,ncol), etc. ! Array YCORR stores the partial correlations with the Y-variable ! starting with YCORR(IN+1) = partial correlation with the variable in ! position (IN+1). ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: in, dimc INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ifault REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: cormat, ycorr ! Local variables. INTEGER :: base_pos, pos, row, col, col1, col2, pos1, pos2 REAL (dp) :: rms(in+1:ncol), sumxx, sumxy, sumyy, work(in+1:ncol) ! Some checks. ifault = 0 IF (in < 0 .OR. in > ncol-1) ifault = ifault + 4 IF (dimc < (ncol-in)*(ncol-in-1)/2) ifault = ifault + 8 IF (ifault /= 0) RETURN ! Base position for calculating positions of elements in row (IN+1) of R. base_pos = in*ncol - (in+1)*(in+2)/2 ! Calculate 1/RMS of elements in columns from IN to (ncol-1). IF (d(in+1) > zero) rms(in+1) = one / SQRT(d(in+1)) DO col = in+2, ncol pos = base_pos + col sumxx = d(col) DO row = in+1, col-1 sumxx = sumxx + d(row) * r(pos)**2 pos = pos + ncol - row - 1 END DO ! row = in+1, col-1 IF (sumxx > zero) THEN rms(col) = one / SQRT(sumxx) ELSE rms(col) = zero ifault = -col END IF ! (sumxx > zero) END DO ! col = in+1, ncol-1 ! Calculate 1/RMS for the Y-variable sumyy = sserr DO row = in+1, ncol sumyy = sumyy + d(row) * rhs(row)**2 END DO ! row = in+1, ncol IF (sumyy > zero) sumyy = one / SQRT(sumyy) ! Calculate sums of cross-products. ! These are obtained by taking dot products of pairs of columns of R, ! but with the product for each row multiplied by the row multiplier ! in array D. pos = 1 DO col1 = in+1, ncol sumxy = zero work(col1+1:ncol) = zero pos1 = base_pos + col1 DO row = in+1, col1-1 pos2 = pos1 + 1 DO col2 = col1+1, ncol work(col2) = work(col2) + d(row) * r(pos1) * r(pos2) pos2 = pos2 + 1 END DO ! col2 = col1+1, ncol sumxy = sumxy + d(row) * r(pos1) * rhs(row) pos1 = pos1 + ncol - row - 1 END DO ! row = in+1, col1-1 ! Row COL1 has an implicit 1 as its first element (in column COL1) pos2 = pos1 + 1 DO col2 = col1+1, ncol work(col2) = work(col2) + d(col1) * r(pos2) pos2 = pos2 + 1 cormat(pos) = work(col2) * rms(col1) * rms(col2) pos = pos + 1 END DO ! col2 = col1+1, ncol sumxy = sumxy + d(col1) * rhs(col1) ycorr(col1) = sumxy * rms(col1) * sumyy END DO ! col1 = in+1, ncol-1 ycorr(1:in) = zero RETURN END SUBROUTINE partial_corr SUBROUTINE vmove(from, to, ifault) ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! Move variable from position FROM to position TO in an ! orthogonal reduction produced by AS75.1. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: from, to INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ifault ! Local variables REAL (dp) :: d1, d2, x, d1new, d2new, cbar, sbar, y INTEGER :: m, first, last, inc, m1, m2, mp1, col, pos, row ! Check input parameters ifault = 0 IF (from < 1 .OR. from > ncol) ifault = ifault + 4 IF (to < 1 .OR. to > ncol) ifault = ifault + 8 IF (ifault /= 0) RETURN IF (from == to) RETURN IF (.NOT. rss_set) CALL ss() IF (from < to) THEN first = from last = to - 1 inc = 1 ELSE first = from - 1 last = to inc = -1 END IF DO m = first, last, inc ! Find addresses of first elements of R in rows M and (M+1). m1 = row_ptr(m) m2 = row_ptr(m+1) mp1 = m + 1 d1 = d(m) d2 = d(mp1) ! Special cases. IF (d1 < vsmall .AND. d2 < vsmall) GO TO 40 x = r(m1) IF (ABS(x) * SQRT(d1) < tol(mp1)) THEN x = zero END IF IF (d1 < vsmall .OR. ABS(x) < vsmall) THEN d(m) = d2 d(mp1) = d1 r(m1) = zero DO col = m+2, ncol m1 = m1 + 1 x = r(m1) r(m1) = r(m2) r(m2) = x m2 = m2 + 1 END DO ! col = m+2, ncol x = rhs(m) rhs(m) = rhs(mp1) rhs(mp1) = x GO TO 40 ELSE IF (d2 < vsmall) THEN d(m) = d1 * x**2 r(m1) = one / x r(m1+1:m1+ncol-m-1) = r(m1+1:m1+ncol-m-1) / x rhs(m) = rhs(m) / x GO TO 40 END IF ! Planar rotation in regular case. d1new = d2 + d1*x**2 cbar = d2 / d1new sbar = x * d1 / d1new d2new = d1 * cbar d(m) = d1new d(mp1) = d2new r(m1) = sbar DO col = m+2, ncol m1 = m1 + 1 y = r(m1) r(m1) = cbar*r(m2) + sbar*y r(m2) = y - x*r(m2) m2 = m2 + 1 END DO ! col = m+2, ncol y = rhs(m) rhs(m) = cbar*rhs(mp1) + sbar*y rhs(mp1) = y - x*rhs(mp1) ! Swap columns M and (M+1) down to row (M-1). 40 pos = m DO row = 1, m-1 x = r(pos) r(pos) = r(pos-1) r(pos-1) = x pos = pos + ncol - row - 1 END DO ! row = 1, m-1 ! Adjust variable order (VORDER), the tolerances (TOL) and ! the vector of residual sums of squares (RSS). m1 = vorder(m) vorder(m) = vorder(mp1) vorder(mp1) = m1 x = tol(m) tol(m) = tol(mp1) tol(mp1) = x rss(m) = rss(mp1) + d(mp1) * rhs(mp1)**2 END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE vmove SUBROUTINE reordr(list, n, pos1, ifault) ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! Re-order the variables in an orthogonal reduction produced by ! AS75.1 so that the N variables in LIST start at position POS1, ! though will not necessarily be in the same order as in LIST. ! Any variables in VORDER before position POS1 are not moved. ! Auxiliary routine called: VMOVE ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, pos1 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: list INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ifault ! Local variables. INTEGER :: next, i, l, j ! Check N. ifault = 0 IF (n < 1 .OR. n > ncol+1-pos1) ifault = ifault + 4 IF (ifault /= 0) RETURN ! Work through VORDER finding variables which are in LIST. next = pos1 i = pos1 10 l = vorder(i) DO j = 1, n IF (l == list(j)) GO TO 40 END DO 30 i = i + 1 IF (i <= ncol) GO TO 10 ! If this point is reached, one or more variables in LIST has not ! been found. ifault = 8 RETURN ! Variable L is in LIST; move it up to position NEXT if it is not ! already there. 40 IF (i > next) CALL vmove(i, next, ifault) next = next + 1 IF (next < n+pos1) GO TO 30 RETURN END SUBROUTINE reordr SUBROUTINE hdiag(xrow, nreq, hii, ifault) ! ALGORITHM AS274 APPL. STATIST. (1992) VOL.41, NO. 2 ! ! -1 -1 ! The hat matrix H = x(X'X) x' = x(R'DR) x' = z'Dz ! -1 ! where z = x'R ! Here we only calculate the diagonal element hii corresponding to one ! row (xrow). The variance of the i-th least-squares residual is (1 - hii). !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nreq INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ifault REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: xrow REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: hii ! Local variables INTEGER :: col, row, pos REAL (dp) :: total, wk(ncol) ! Some checks ifault = 0 IF (nreq > ncol) ifault = ifault + 4 IF (ifault /= 0) RETURN ! The elements of xrow.inv(R).sqrt(D) are calculated and stored in WK. hii = zero DO col = 1, nreq IF (SQRT(d(col)) <= tol(col)) THEN wk(col) = zero ELSE pos = col - 1 total = xrow(col) DO row = 1, col-1 total = total - wk(row)*r(pos) pos = pos + ncol - row - 1 END DO ! row = 1, col-1 wk(col) = total hii = hii + total**2 / d(col) END IF END DO ! col = 1, nreq RETURN END SUBROUTINE hdiag FUNCTION varprd(x, nreq) RESULT(fn_val) ! Calculate the variance of x'b where b consists of the first nreq ! least-squares regression coefficients. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nreq REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: x REAL (dp) :: fn_val ! Local variables INTEGER :: ifault, row REAL (dp) :: var, wk(nreq) ! Check input parameter values fn_val = zero ifault = 0 IF (nreq < 1 .OR. nreq > ncol) ifault = ifault + 4 IF (nobs <= nreq) ifault = ifault + 8 IF (ifault /= 0) THEN WRITE(*, '(1x, a, i4)') 'Error in function VARPRD: ifault =', ifault RETURN END IF ! Calculate the residual variance estimate. var = sserr / (nobs - nreq) ! Variance of x'b = var.x'(inv R)(inv D)(inv R')x ! First call BKSUB2 to calculate (inv R')x by back-substitution. CALL BKSUB2(x, wk, nreq) DO row = 1, nreq IF(d(row) > tol(row)) fn_val = fn_val + wk(row)**2 / d(row) END DO fn_val = fn_val * var RETURN END FUNCTION varprd SUBROUTINE bksub2(x, b, nreq) ! Solve x = R'b for b given x, using only the first nreq rows and ! columns of R, and only the first nreq elements of R. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nreq REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: x REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: b ! Local variables INTEGER :: pos, row, col REAL (dp) :: temp ! Solve by back-substitution, starting from the top. DO row = 1, nreq pos = row - 1 temp = x(row) DO col = 1, row-1 temp = temp - r(pos)*b(col) pos = pos + ncol - col - 1 END DO b(row) = temp END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE bksub2 END MODULE lsq