MODULE MOD_UDF_BENCH USE MOD_IDF_PAR USE MOD_IDF, ONLY : IDFREAD,IDFGETVAL,IDFIROWICOL USE MOD_UTL,ONLY : UTL_GETUNIT,UTL_TIMING contains subroutine udf_bench() ! program idf2udf ! modules use ifport ! USE MODPLOT_idf use MOD_UDF_UTL implicit none ! locals type(idfobj) :: idf character(len=mxlen) :: idffile, udffile, csvfile integer :: ncol, nrow REAL(KIND=DP_KIND) :: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, dxy, nodata, x, y integer :: nbench integer :: nrxy REAL(KIND=DP_KIND), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: rxy integer :: i, icol, irow, n, ibench integer, dimension(8) :: t1, t2 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ndiff REAL(KIND=DP_KIND), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: td REAL(KIND=DP_KIND), dimension(:), allocatable :: idfval, udfval character(len=mxlen) :: s character(len=mxlen), dimension(4) :: sa integer :: iu !------------------------------------------------------------------ call getarg(1,idffile) call getarg(2,udffile) call getarg(3,s); read(s,*) nbench call getarg(4,csvfile) allocate(td(2,nbench),ndiff(nbench)) ! open the IDF file if (.not.idfread(idf,idffile,0)) then write(*,*) 'Could not read '//trim(idffile) ! call imod_utl_printtext('Could not read '//trim(idffile),2) end if ncol = idf%ncol; nrow = idf%nrow; xmin = idf%xmin; ymin = idf%ymin; dxy = idf%dx; nodata = idf%nodata xmax = xmin + ncol*dxy; ymax = ymin + nrow*dxy ! read the UDF file if(UDF_OPEN(idf,udffile,1,iu))then; call UDF_deallocatemesh() endif do ibench = 1, nbench nrxy = 10**(ibench-1) write(*,*) 'Running benchmark for # random xy: ',nrxy ! allocate variables allocate(rxy(2,nrxy),idfval(nrxy),udfval(nrxy)) ! generate random coordinates do i = 1, nrxy x = (rand(0)*(xmax-xmin))+xmin y = (rand(0)*(ymax-ymin))+ymin x = max(xmin,x); x = min(x,xmax) y = max(ymin,y); y = min(y,ymax) rxy(1,i) = x; rxy(2,i) = y end do ! test calling IDF call date_and_time(values=t1) do i = 1, nrxy call idfirowicol(idf,irow,icol,rxy(1,i),rxy(2,i)) idfval(i)=idfgetval(idf,irow,icol) end do call date_and_time(values=t2) call UTL_TIMING(t1,t2,td(1,ibench)) ! test calling UDF call date_and_time(values=t1) do i = 1, nrxy call readudfxy(rxy(1,i),rxy(2,i),nodata,udfval(i),iu) end do call date_and_time(values=t2) call UTL_TIMING(t1,t2,td(2,ibench)) ! check values n = 0 do i = 1, nrxy if (idfval(i) /= udfval(i)) then n = n + 1 end if end do ndiff(ibench) = n ! deallocate deallocate(rxy,idfval,udfval) end do close(iu) ! write the csv file write(*,*) 'Writing ',trim(csvfile),'...' iu = utl_getunit() open(unit=iu,file=csvfile,status='replace') write(iu,'(a)') 'ncall,tidf,tudf,ndiff' do ibench = 1, nbench nrxy = 10**(ibench-1) write(sa(1),*) nrxy write(sa(2),*) td(1,ibench) write(sa(3),*) td(2,ibench) write(sa(4),*) ndiff(ibench) do i = 1, 3 write(sa(i),'(2a)') trim(adjustl(sa(i))),',' end do write(s,'(4a)')(trim(adjustl(sa(i))),i=1,4) write(iu,'(a)') trim(s) end do close(iu) end subroutine udf_bench end module mod_udf_bench