MODULE MOD_RESIDUALPLOT_PAR USE IMODVAR, ONLY : DP_KIND,SP_KIND TYPE IPFRESOBJ REAL(KIND=DP_KIND),POINTER,DIMENSION(:) :: X => NULL() !## x-coordinate REAL(KIND=DP_KIND),POINTER,DIMENSION(:) :: Y => NULL() !## y-coordinate REAL(KIND=DP_KIND),POINTER,DIMENSION(:) :: M => NULL() !## computed values REAL(KIND=DP_KIND),POINTER,DIMENSION(:) :: O => NULL() !## observation REAL(KIND=DP_KIND),POINTER,DIMENSION(:) :: W => NULL() !## weight value INTEGER,POINTER,DIMENSION(:) :: L => NULL() !## layer INTEGER(KIND=DP_KIND),POINTER,DIMENSION(:) :: D => NULL() !## date INTEGER :: NPOINTS !## number of points in ipf END TYPE IPFRESOBJ TYPE(IPFRESOBJ),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: IPFR !## stores original values from txtfile per ipf REAL(KIND=DP_KIND),DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: X,Y,Z !## values to be plotted REAL(KIND=DP_KIND),DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: X_TMP,Y_TMP,Z_TMP !## values to be plotted CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: INPUTFILE,BMPNAME,IPFNAME !## name of txtfile INTEGER :: IPLOT,IWEIGHT !## plot type INTEGER :: ITRANSIENT !## transient/steadystate (lacking date) INTEGER,POINTER,DIMENSION(:) :: ILAYER,IIPFS,IRDATE !## all layer numbers/IPF-files to be read INTEGER :: NLAYER,NIPFS,NRDATE !## amount of layers/IPF-files to be read REAL(KIND=DP_KIND) :: GOF !## goodness-of-fit with linear regression REAL(KIND=DP_KIND) :: WC1,WC2 !## weight lower and upper class REAL(KIND=DP_KIND),DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: HCLASSES !## (user) defined histogram classes REAL(KIND=DP_KIND),DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: XCLASSES !## amount of points per defined histogram class for x-array END MODULE MOD_RESIDUALPLOT_PAR