c Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2017. c c This file is part of iMOD. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. subroutine gwf2met1da(igrid) c deallocate MET memory use gwfmetmodule use idfmodule, only: xmask implicit none integer, intent(in) :: igrid call sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) if (associated(runcomment)) deallocate(runcomment) if (associated(coord_descr)) deallocate(coord_descr) if (associated(time_syear)) deallocate(time_syear) if (associated(time_smonth)) deallocate(time_smonth) if (associated(time_sday)) deallocate(time_sday) if (associated(time_shour)) deallocate(time_shour) if (associated(time_sminute)) deallocate(time_sminute) if (associated(time_ssecond)) deallocate(time_ssecond) if (associated(time_sjd)) deallocate(time_sjd) if (associated(time_cjd)) deallocate(time_cjd) if (associated(time_cstring)) deallocate(time_cstring) if (associated(time_ostring)) deallocate(time_ostring) if (associated(coord_xll)) deallocate(coord_xll) if (associated(coord_yll)) deallocate(coord_yll) if (associated(gcoord_xll)) deallocate(gcoord_xll) if (associated(gcoord_yll)) deallocate(gcoord_yll) if (associated(gcoord_xur)) deallocate(gcoord_xur) if (associated(gcoord_yur)) deallocate(gcoord_yur) if (associated(coord_xur)) deallocate(coord_xur) if (associated(coord_yur)) deallocate(coord_yur) if (associated(coord_xll_nb)) deallocate(coord_xll_nb) if (associated(coord_yll_nb)) deallocate(coord_yll_nb) if (associated(coord_xur_nb)) deallocate(coord_xur_nb) if (associated(coord_yur_nb)) deallocate(coord_yur_nb) if (associated(iss)) deallocate(iss) if (associated(ieq)) deallocate(ieq) if (associated(resultdir)) deallocate(resultdir) if (associated(debugdir)) deallocate(debugdir) if (associated(ibound_fixed_west)) deallocate(ibound_fixed_west) if (associated(ibound_fixed_east)) deallocate(ibound_fixed_east) if (associated(ibound_fixed_north)) deallocate(ibound_fixed_north) if (associated(ibound_fixed_south)) deallocate(ibound_fixed_south) if (associated(cdelr)) deallocate(cdelr) if (associated(cdelc)) deallocate(cdelc) if (associated(save_no_buf)) deallocate(save_no_buf) if (associated(write_debug_idf)) deallocate(write_debug_idf) if (associated(idate_save)) deallocate(idate_save) if (igrid.eq.1) then if (allocated(xmask)) deallocate(xmask) end if return end subroutine sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) C change meta data to a different grid. use gwfmetmodule implicit none integer, intent(in) :: igrid runcomment => gwfmetdat(igrid)%runcomment coord_descr => gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_descr idate_save => gwfmetdat(igrid)%idate_save time_syear => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_syear time_smonth => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_smonth time_sday => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_sday time_shour => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_shour time_sminute => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_sminute time_ssecond => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_ssecond time_sjd => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_sjd time_cjd => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_cjd time_cstring => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_cstring time_ostring => gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_ostring coord_xll => gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_xll coord_yll => gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_yll coord_xur => gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_xur coord_yur => gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_yur gcoord_xll => gwfmetdat(igrid)%gcoord_xll gcoord_yll => gwfmetdat(igrid)%gcoord_yll gcoord_xur => gwfmetdat(igrid)%gcoord_xur gcoord_yur => gwfmetdat(igrid)%gcoord_yur coord_xll_nb => gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_xll_nb coord_yll_nb => gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_yll_nb coord_xur_nb => gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_xur_nb coord_yur_nb => gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_yur_nb iss => gwfmetdat(igrid)%iss ieq => gwfmetdat(igrid)%ieq resultdir => gwfmetdat(igrid)%resultdir debugdir => gwfmetdat(igrid)%debugdir ibound_fixed_west => gwfmetdat(igrid)%ibound_fixed_west ibound_fixed_east => gwfmetdat(igrid)%ibound_fixed_east ibound_fixed_north => gwfmetdat(igrid)%ibound_fixed_north ibound_fixed_south => gwfmetdat(igrid)%ibound_fixed_south cdelr => gwfmetdat(igrid)%cdelr cdelc => gwfmetdat(igrid)%cdelc save_no_buf => gwfmetdat(igrid)%save_no_buf write_debug_idf => gwfmetdat(igrid)%write_debug_idf idate_save => gwfmetdat(igrid)%idate_save return end subroutine sgwf2met1psv(igrid) C save meta data for a grid. use gwfmetmodule implicit none integer, intent(in) :: igrid gwfmetdat(igrid)%runcomment => runcomment gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_descr => coord_descr gwfmetdat(igrid)%idate_save => idate_save gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_syear => time_syear gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_smonth => time_smonth gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_sday => time_sday gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_shour => time_shour gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_sminute => time_sminute gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_ssecond => time_ssecond gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_sjd => time_sjd gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_cjd => time_cjd gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_cstring => time_cstring gwfmetdat(igrid)%time_ostring => time_ostring gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_xll => coord_xll gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_yll => coord_yll gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_xur => coord_xur gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_yur => coord_yur gwfmetdat(igrid)%gcoord_xll => gcoord_xll gwfmetdat(igrid)%gcoord_yll => gcoord_yll gwfmetdat(igrid)%gcoord_xur => gcoord_xur gwfmetdat(igrid)%gcoord_yur => gcoord_yur gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_xll_nb => coord_xll_nb gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_yll_nb => coord_yll_nb gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_xur_nb => coord_xur_nb gwfmetdat(igrid)%coord_yur_nb => coord_yur_nb gwfmetdat(igrid)%iss => iss gwfmetdat(igrid)%ieq => ieq gwfmetdat(igrid)%resultdir => resultdir gwfmetdat(igrid)%debugdir => debugdir gwfmetdat(igrid)%ibound_fixed_west => ibound_fixed_west gwfmetdat(igrid)%ibound_fixed_east => ibound_fixed_east gwfmetdat(igrid)%ibound_fixed_north => ibound_fixed_north gwfmetdat(igrid)%ibound_fixed_south => ibound_fixed_south gwfmetdat(igrid)%cdelr => cdelr gwfmetdat(igrid)%cdelc => cdelc gwfmetdat(igrid)%save_no_buf => save_no_buf gwfmetdat(igrid)%write_debug_idf => write_debug_idf return end subroutine gwf2getcurrentdate(igrid,cdate) !,issflg,cdate) use gwfmetmodule USE IMOD_UTL, ONLY : IMOD_UTL_IDATETOJDATE,imod_utl_printtext use m_mf2005_main, only : kkper use global, only : issflg implicit none integer,intent(in) :: igrid !,issflg character(len=*),intent(out) :: cdate integer :: ios,idate c body call sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) if (issflg(kkper).eq.0 .and. associated(time_ostring)) then ! TR if(idate_save.eq.0)then cdate=time_ostring elseif(idate_save.eq.1)then cdate=time_cstring endif cdate=adjustl(cdate) read(cdate,'(i8)',iostat=ios) idate IF(IOS.EQ.0)then IDATE=IMOD_UTL_IDATETOJDATE(IDATE) else call imod_utl_printtext('Error cannot read date '//TRIM(CDATE),2 1) endif else ! SS cdate='steady-state' end if call sgwf2met1psv(igrid) end subroutine gwf2getcurrentdate subroutine gwf2met1ar(inmet,igrid,iout) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c allocate storage for METadata package. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use gwfmetmodule c implicit none statement implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: inmet ! package input file integer, intent(in) :: igrid ! grid number integer, intent(in) :: iout c local variables integer :: ios, lloc, istart, istop, n, icol, irow real :: r character(len=300) :: line logical :: eol integer :: date, year, month, day, hour, minute, second c functions character(len=300) :: cfn_trim c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c nullify runcomment => null() coord_descr => null() idate_save => null() time_syear => null() time_smonth => null() time_sday => null() time_shour => null() time_sminute => null() time_ssecond => null() coord_xll => null() coord_yll => null() coord_xur => null() coord_yur => null() gcoord_xll => null() gcoord_yll => null() gcoord_xur => null() gcoord_yur => null() coord_xll_nb => null() coord_yll_nb => null() coord_xur_nb => null() coord_yur_nb => null() resultdir => null() debugdir => null() iss => null() allocate(ieq) ibound_fixed_west => null() ibound_fixed_east => null() ibound_fixed_north => null() ibound_fixed_south => null() cdelr => null() cdelc => null() save_no_buf => null() write_debug_idf => null() c read options C2------READ A LINE; IGNORE BLANK LINES AND PRINT COMMENT LINES. ios = 0 do while (ios.eq.0) read(unit=inmet,fmt='(a)',iostat=ios) line if (ios.ne.0) exit if (ios.eq.0 .and. line.ne.' ' .and. line(1:1).ne.'#') then lloc=1 r = 0. call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,1,n,r,iout,inmet) if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COMMENT') then if (.not.associated(runcomment)) allocate(runcomment) runcomment = cfn_trim(line(lloc:)) end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COORD_XLL') then if (.not.associated(coord_xll)) allocate(coord_xll) if (.not.associated(gcoord_xll)) allocate(gcoord_xll) read(line(lloc:),*) coord_xll end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COORD_YLL') then if (.not.associated(coord_yll)) allocate(coord_yll) if (.not.associated(gcoord_yll)) allocate(gcoord_yll) read(line(lloc:),*) coord_yll end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COORD_XUR') then if (.not.associated(coord_xur)) allocate(coord_xur) if (.not.associated(gcoord_xur)) allocate(gcoord_xur) read(line(lloc:),*) coord_xur end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COORD_YUR') then if (.not.associated(coord_yur)) allocate(coord_yur) if (.not.associated(gcoord_yur)) allocate(gcoord_yur) read(line(lloc:),*) coord_yur end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COORD_XLL_NB') then if (.not.associated(coord_xll_nb)) allocate(coord_xll_nb) read(line(lloc:),*) coord_xll_nb end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COORD_YLL_NB') then if (.not.associated(coord_yll_nb)) allocate(coord_yll_nb) read(line(lloc:),*) coord_yll_nb end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COORD_XUR_NB') then if (.not.associated(coord_xur_nb)) allocate(coord_xur_nb) read(line(lloc:),*) coord_xur_nb end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COORD_YUR_NB') then if (.not.associated(coord_yur_nb)) allocate(coord_yur_nb) read(line(lloc:),*) coord_yur_nb end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'COORD_DESCR') then if (.not.associated(coord_descr)) allocate(coord_descr) coord_descr = cfn_trim(line(lloc:)) end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'RESULTDIR') then if (.not.associated(resultdir)) allocate(resultdir) read(line(lloc:),*) resultdir end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'IBOUND_FIXED_WEST') then if (.not.associated(ibound_fixed_west)) 1 allocate(ibound_fixed_west) ibound_fixed_west = .true. end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'IBOUND_FIXED_EAST') then if (.not.associated(ibound_fixed_east)) 1 allocate(ibound_fixed_east) ibound_fixed_east = .true. end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'IBOUND_FIXED_NORTH') then if (.not.associated(ibound_fixed_north)) 1 allocate(ibound_fixed_north) ibound_fixed_north = .true. end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'IBOUND_FIXED_SOUTH') then if (.not.associated(ibound_fixed_south)) 1 allocate(ibound_fixed_south) ibound_fixed_south = .true. end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'SAVE_NO_BUF') then if (.not.associated(save_no_buf)) 1 allocate(save_no_buf) save_no_buf = .true. end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'IDATE_SAVE') then if (.not.associated(idate_save)) 1 allocate(idate_save) read(line(lloc:),*) idate_save end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'WRITE_DEBUG_IDF') then if (.not.associated(write_debug_idf)) 1 allocate(write_debug_idf) if (.not.associated(debugdir)) allocate(debugdir) write_debug_idf = .true. read(line(lloc:),*) debugdir end if eol = .false. if (line(istart:istop).eq.'STARTTIME') then do while(.not.eol) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,1,n,r,iout,inmet) if (istart.gt.len_trim(line)) eol = .true. if (line(istart:istop).eq.'YEAR') then if (.not.associated(time_syear)) 1 allocate(time_syear) read(line(lloc:),*) time_syear end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'MONTH') then if (.not.associated(time_smonth)) 1 allocate(time_smonth) read(line(lloc:),*) time_smonth end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'DAY') then if (.not.associated(time_sday)) 1 allocate(time_sday) read(line(lloc:),*) time_sday end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'HOUR') then if (.not.associated(time_shour)) 1 allocate(time_shour) read(line(lloc:),*) time_shour end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'MINUTE') then if (.not.associated(time_sminute)) 1 allocate(time_sminute) read(line(lloc:),*) time_sminute end if if (line(istart:istop).eq.'SECOND') then if (.not.associated(time_ssecond)) 1 allocate(time_ssecond) read(line(lloc:),*) time_ssecond end if end do end if end if end do c set default for idate_save if (.not.associated(idate_save)) then allocate(idate_save) idate_save = 0 end if c determine Julian Date of starting time if (associated(time_syear).and. 1 associated(time_smonth).and. 1 associated(time_sday)) then year = time_syear month = time_smonth day = time_sday date = year*10000 + month*100 + day hour = 0 minute = 0 second = 0 if (associated(time_shour)) hour = time_shour if (associated(time_sminute)) minute = time_sminute if (associated(time_ssecond)) second = time_ssecond allocate(time_sjd) call cfn_datehms2mjd(date,hour,minute,second,time_sjd) if (.not.associated(time_cstring)) allocate(time_cstring) if (.not.associated(time_ostring)) allocate(time_ostring) write(time_cstring,'(i8)') date end if c determine Julian Date of current time if (associated(time_sjd)) then allocate(time_cjd) time_cjd = time_sjd end if c save data call sgwf2met1psv(igrid) c end of program return end subroutine gwf2met1iss(igrid) c modules use global, only: nper, issflg use gwfmetmodule implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid c locals integer :: iper c body call sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) c find out whether model is steady state or not if (.not.associated(iss))then allocate(iss) iss = 1 ! SS do iper = 1, nper if (issflg(iper).eq.0) iss = 0 ! TR enddo endif call sgwf2met1psv(igrid) end subroutine subroutine gwf2met1extent(igrid,ncol,nrow,delr,delc) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c compute coord_xur and coord_yur. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use gwfmetmodule c implicit none statement implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: ncol integer, intent(in) :: nrow real, dimension(ncol), intent(in) :: delr real, dimension(nrow), intent(in) :: delc c local variables integer :: icol, irow real :: cs c functions c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) if (.not.associated(coord_xur)) allocate(coord_xur) if (.not.associated(coord_yur)) allocate(coord_yur) if (.not.associated(ieq)) allocate(ieq) c check for equidistant grid if ((maxval(delr).eq.minval(delr)).and. 1 (maxval(delc).eq.minval(delc))) then ieq = 0 ! default equidistant else ieq = 1 end if c determine coord_xur if (ieq.eq.0) then coord_xur = coord_xll + ncol*delr(1) else coord_xur = coord_xll do icol = 1, ncol coord_xur = coord_xur + delr(icol) end do end if c determine coord_yur if (ieq.eq.0) then coord_yur = coord_yll + nrow*delc(1) else coord_yur = coord_yll do irow = nrow, 1, -1 coord_yur = coord_yur + delc(irow) end do end if c determine cumulative delr and delc if (associated(coord_xll).and.associated(coord_yur)) then allocate(cdelr(0:ncol),cdelc(0:nrow)) if (ieq.eq.0) then cs = maxval(delr) cdelr(0) = coord_xll do icol = 1, ncol cdelr(icol) = coord_xll + real(icol)*cs end do cs = maxval(delc) cdelc(0) = coord_yur do irow = 1, nrow cdelc(irow) = coord_yur - real(irow)*cs end do else cdelr(0)=coord_xll cdelc(0)=coord_yur do icol = 1, ncol cdelr(icol) = cdelr(icol-1) + delr(icol) end do do irow = 1, nrow cdelc(irow) = cdelc(irow-1) - delc(irow) end do end if end if c save data call sgwf2met1psv(igrid) return end subroutine gwf2met1st(kkper,igrid) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Setup time for METadata package. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use global, only: itmuni, iout, ISSFLG use gwfbasmodule, only: delt use gwfmetmodule use m_mf2005_main, only: timesteptime ! workaround c implicit none statement implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid,kkper ! grid number c local variables integer :: date, hour, minute, second double precision :: factor c functions double precision :: sutl_getLengthTotalStressPeriod !sutl_getTimeStepLength c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) if (.not.associated(time_sjd)) return factor = 1.d0 if (itmuni.eq.1) factor = 1/86400.d0 ! seconds if (itmuni.eq.2) factor = 1/1440.d0 ! minutes if (itmuni.eq.3) factor = 1/24.d0 ! hours if (itmuni.eq.5) then write(iout,*) 1 ' ERROR. ITMUNI = 5 is not allowed using MET1 package.' call ustop(' ') end if c update current time call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) if(issflg(kkper).eq.0)then time_cjd = timesteptime+sutl_getLengthTotalStressPeriod(igrid) time_ostring = time_cstring call cfn_mjd2datehms(time_cjd,date,hour,minute,second) write(time_cstring,'(i8,3i2.2)') date,hour,minute,second endif call sgwf2met1psv(igrid) c end of program return end !!###==================================================================== !SUBROUTINE met1_ITIMETOGDATE(ITIME,IH,IM,IS) !!###==================================================================== ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER(KIND=8),INTENT(IN) :: ITIME ! INTEGeR,INTENT(OUT) :: IH,IM,IS ! !IH = ITIME / 3600 !IM = MOD( ITIME, 3600 ) / 60 !IS = MOD( ITIME, 60 ) ! ! END SUBROUTINE met1_ITIMETOGDATE subroutine met1ubudsv(text,ibdchn,buff,ncol,nrow, 1 nlay,iout,retflag) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Write idf files for budgets. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use global, only: iunit, ibound use gwfbasmodule, only: HNOFLO use fsplitmodule use m_mf2005_iu, only: iumet implicit none c arguments character(len=16), intent(in) :: text integer, intent(in) :: ibdchn integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nrow, nlay real, dimension(ncol,nrow,nlay) :: buff integer, intent(in) :: iout logical, intent(out) :: retflag c local variables logical :: writefile character(len=1024) :: fname integer :: ilay, type, isplit, iuidx, i, j real :: nodata c functions character(len=1024) :: met1fname c parameters character(len=16), parameter :: frftxt = 'FLOW RIGHT FACE ' character(len=16), parameter :: ffftxt = 'FLOW FRONT FACE ' character(len=16), parameter :: flftxt = 'FLOW LOWER FACE ' c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c check if type of file call met1getfiletype(ibdchn,type,isplit) if (type.eq.0) then retflag = .false. return end if c check if MET package is activated if (IUNIT(IUMET).le.0) then if (type.eq.splitidf) then write(iout,*) 1 'ERROR. For using DATA(BINARYIDF) enable MET1 package.' end if if (type.eq.splitnc) then write(iout,*) 1 'ERROR. For using DATA(BINARYNC) enable MET1 package.' end if call ustop(' ') end if c swap sign for bcf fluxes if (index(text,trim(frftxt)).gt.0 .or. 1 index(text,trim(ffftxt)).gt.0 .or. 1 index(text,trim(flftxt)).gt.0) then write(iout,*) 1 'INFO. Sign of cbc-flux ',trim(text),' is swapped!' buff = -buff end if c loop over the layers do ilay = 1, nlay c clean for nodata DO I=1,NROW; DO J=1,NCOL IF(IBOUND(J,I,ilay).EQ.0) buff(J,I,ilay)=hnoflo !0. ! CHECK WITH PETER enddo; enddo if (type.eq.splitidf) then fname = met1fname(isplit,text,ilay,'idf') ! write(*,*) trim(fname) writefile = .true. ! check SAVE BUDGET layers call splitgetiuidx(ibdchn,iuidx) if (iuidx.gt.0) then ! write(*,*) fooclay(iuidx,ilay) if (fooclay(iuidx,ilay).eq.0) writefile = .false. end if if (writefile) then nodata = HNOFLO !0. call met1wrtidf(fname,buff(:,:,ilay),ncol,nrow, 1 nodata,iout) end if end if end do retflag = .true. c end of program return end subroutine met1ulasav(text,ichn,buff,ncol,nrow,ilay,retflag) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Write idf files for ulasav. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use global, only: iunit, iout use gwfbasmodule, only: hnoflo use fsplitmodule use m_mf2005_iu, only: iumet implicit none c arguments character(len=16), intent(in) :: text integer, intent(in) :: ichn integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nrow real, dimension(ncol,nrow) :: buff logical, intent(out) :: retflag c local variables character(len=1024) :: fname integer :: ilay, type, isplit, iuidx real :: nodata c functions character(len=1024) :: met1fname c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c check if type of file call met1getfiletype(ichn,type,isplit) if (type.eq.0) then retflag = .false. return end if c check if MET package is activated if (IUNIT(IUMET).le.0) then if (type.eq.splitidf) then write(iout,*) 1 'ERROR. For using DATA(BINARYIDF) enable MET1 package.' end if if (type.eq.splitnc) then write(iout,*) 1 'ERROR. For using DATA(BINARYNC) enable MET1 package.' end if call ustop(' ') end if c check SAVE BUDGET layers call splitgetiuidx(ichn,iuidx) if (iuidx.gt.0) then if (fooclay(iuidx,ilay).eq.0)then retflag = .true. return endif end if c loop over the layers nodata = hnoflo if (type.eq.splitidf) then fname = met1fname(isplit,text,ilay,'idf') call met1wrtidf(fname,buff,ncol,nrow,nodata,iout) end if if (type.eq.splitnc) then fname = met1fname(isplit,text,ilay,'idf') call met1wrtidf(fname,buff,ncol,nrow,nodata,iout) call met1wrtnc(fname) end if retflag = .true. c end of program return end subroutine met1getfiletype(iu,type,isplit) c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use fsplitmodule implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: iu integer, intent(out) :: type integer, intent(out) :: isplit c local variables integer :: i c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ isplit = 0 type = 0 if (.not.associated(nfsplit) ) return do i = 1, nfsplit if (foiu(i).eq.iu) then select case( fotype(i)) case(splitidf) isplit = i type = splitidf case(splitnc) isplit = i type = splitnc end select end if end do c end of program return end subroutine met1wrtidf(fname,buff,ncol,nrow,nodata,iout) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Write idf file. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use global, only: delr, delc use fsplitmodule use gwfmetmodule use imod_idf use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_pol1located implicit none c arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nrow real, dimension(ncol,nrow) :: buff real, intent(in) :: nodata integer, intent(in) :: iout c parameters double precision,parameter :: tiny=0.001D0 !1.0 !needed to compute ir1,ir2,ic1,ic2 properly c local variables integer :: i, ilay, iok integer, dimension(2) :: dims real, dimension(2) :: lcorner real, dimension(ncol+nrow) :: dgrd logical :: lok, leq integer :: ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2, sncol, snrow c functions c integer :: idfx_wrfile c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c set parameters for IDF-writer c dims(1) = ncol c dims(2) = nrow c lcorner = 0 c if (associated(coord_xll)) lcorner(1) = coord_xll c if (associated(coord_yll)) lcorner(2) = coord_yll c dgrd(1:ncol) = delr c dgrd(ncol+1:ncol+nrow) = delc leq = .true. if (minval(delr).ne.maxval(delr)) leq = .false. if (minval(delc).ne.maxval(delc)) leq = .false. c write IDF-file iok = 0 c iok = idfx_wrfile(fname,buff,2,dims,dgrd, c 1 lcorner,nodata,1.) if (associated(save_no_buf).and. 1 associated(coord_xll_nb).and.associated(coord_yll_nb).and. 1 associated(coord_xur_nb).and.associated(coord_yur_nb)) then call imod_utl_pol1located(cdelr,ncol+1, 1 dble(coord_xll_nb)+tiny,ic1) call imod_utl_pol1located(cdelr,ncol+1, 1 dble(coord_xur_nb)-tiny,ic2) call imod_utl_pol1located(cdelc,nrow+1, 1 dble(coord_yur_nb)-tiny,ir1) call imod_utl_pol1located(cdelc,nrow+1, 1 dble(coord_yll_nb)+tiny,ir2) !#check to make sure dimensions are within bounds! ic1 = max(1,ic1); ic2 = min(ic2,ncol) ir1 = max(1,ir1); ir2 = min(ir2,nrow) sncol=(ic2-ic1)+1; snrow=(ir2-ir1)+1 if (leq) then lok = idfwrite_wrapper(sncol,snrow,buff(ic1:ic2,ir1:ir2), 1 (/delr(1)/),(/delc(1)/), 1 coord_xll_nb,coord_yll_nb, 1 nodata,'',fname) else lok = idfwrite_wrapper(sncol,snrow,buff(ic1:ic2,ir1:ir2), 1 delr(ic1:ic2),delc(ir1:ic2), 1 coord_xll_nb,coord_yll_nb, 1 nodata,'',fname) end if else if (leq) then lok = idfwrite_wrapper(ncol,nrow,buff, 1 (/delr(1)/),(/delc(1)/), 1 coord_xll,coord_yll,nodata,'',fname) else lok = idfwrite_wrapper(ncol,nrow,buff,delr,delc, 1 coord_xll,coord_yll,nodata,'',fname) end if end if c check if everything went right if (iok.gt.0 .or. .not.lok) then write(iout,*) 'ERROR. Writing IDF file' call ustop(' ') end if c end of program return end subroutine met1wrtnc(fname) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Write netcdf file. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules #if (defined(IFORTNC)) use mod_nc2idf #endif implicit none c arguments character(len=1024), intent(inout) :: fname c local variables integer :: lun, ios c functions integer :: cfn_getlun c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c convert idf file #if (defined(IFORTNC)) call nc2idf_exportnc(fname) #else return #endif c open file and delete idf lun=cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=fname,status='UNKNOWN') close(lun,status='DELETE') c end of program return end function met1fname(isplit,text,ilay,ext) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Write idf file. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use fsplitmodule use gwfmetmodule USE GLOBAL,ONLY : ISSFLG use m_mf2005_main, only : kper use gwfrivmodule, only: nrivsubsys use gwfdrnmodule, only: ndrnsubsys implicit none c function declratation character(len=1024) :: met1fname c arguments integer, intent(in) :: isplit character(len=16), intent(in) :: text integer, intent(in) :: ilay character(len=*) :: ext c local variables integer :: i character(len=16) :: txt character(len=10) :: fmt character(len=300) :: prefix character(len=300) :: tmp character(len=1024) :: fname character(len=300) :: root character(len=52) :: cdate_string integer :: isub character(len=10) :: partstr c parameters CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: RIVTXT = 'RIV LEAKAGE ' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: DRNTXT = ' DRAINS ' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: STOTXT = ' STORAGE' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: BNDTXT = ' CONSTANT HEAD' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: FRFTXT = 'FLOW RIGHT FACE ' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: FFFTXT = 'FLOW FRONT FACE ' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: FLFTXT = 'FLOW LOWER FACE ' ! DATA textinf/' UZF INFILTR.'/ ! DATA textinf2/'SFR-DIV. INFLTR.'/ ! DATA textrch/' UZF RECHARGE'/ ! DATA textet/' GW ET'/ ! DATA textexfl/' SURFACE LEAKAGE'/ ! DATA uzinftxt/' INFILTRATION'/ ! DATA uzsttext/' STORAGE CHANGE'/ ! DATA uzettext/' UZF ET'/ CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: INFTXT = ' UZF INFILTR.' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: RCHTXT = ' UZF RECHARGE' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: GETTXT = ' GW ET' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: EXFTXT = ' SURFACE LEAKAGE' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: UETTXT = ' UZF ET' !CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: UETTXT = ' ' ! DATA uzinftxt/' INFILTRATION'/ ! DATA uzsttext/' STORAGE CHANGE'/ CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: IBSTXT = 'INTERBED STORAGE' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: SUBTXT = ' SUBSIDENCE' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: LCPTXT = 'LAYER COMPACTION' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: SCPTXT = 'SYSTM COMPACTION' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: ZDPTXT = ' Z DISPLACEMENT' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: PSTTXT = 'PRECONSOL STRESS' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: DPSTXT = 'CHANGE IN PCSTRS' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: GSTTXT = 'GEOSTATIC STRESS' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: CGTTXT = 'CHANGE IN G-STRS' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: ESTTXT = 'EFFECTIVE STRESS' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: DESTXT = 'CHANGE IN EFF-ST' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: VRATXT = ' VOID RATIO' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: THITXT = ' THICKNESS' CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: CELTXT = 'CENTER ELEVATION' c funtions logical :: done, rivflg, isgflg, olfflg, drnflg, ldrn, lriv integer :: cfn_length,ios,ihms c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call sgwf2met1pnt(1) !igrid) c convert TEXT txt = TEXT call cfn_s_trim(txt) call cfn_s_lowcase(txt) do i = 1, cfn_length(txt) if (txt(i:i).eq.' ') txt(i:i) = '_' end do done = .false. prefix = fofname(isplit) if (cfn_length(prefix).eq.0) then prefix = txt(1:cfn_length(txt)) done = .true. end if c check for bcf fluxen if(.not.done)then isub = 0 if (index(text,stotxt).gt.0) isub = 1 if (index(text,bndtxt).gt.0) isub = 2 if (index(text,frftxt).gt.0) isub = 3 if (index(text,ffftxt).gt.0) isub = 4 if (index(text,flftxt).gt.0) isub = 5 if (isub.gt.0 .and. .not.done) then read(prefix,*)(tmp,i=1,isub) prefix = tmp done = .true. end if endif c check for uzf fluxen if(.not.done)then isub = 0 if (index(text,inftxt).gt.0) isub = 1 if (index(text,rchtxt).gt.0) isub = 2 if (index(text,gettxt).gt.0) isub = 3 if (index(text,exftxt).gt.0) isub = 4 if (index(text,uettxt).gt.0) isub = 5 ! if (index(text,uettxt).gt.0) isub = 6 if (isub.gt.0 .and. .not.done) then read(prefix,*)(tmp,i=1,isub) prefix = tmp done = .true. end if endif c check for scr terms if(.not.done)then isub = 0 if (index(text,ibstxt).gt.0) isub = 1 if (index(text,subtxt).gt.0) isub = 2 if (index(text,lcptxt).gt.0) isub = 3 if (index(text,scptxt).gt.0) isub = 4 if (index(text,zdptxt).gt.0) isub = 5 if (index(text,psttxt).gt.0) isub = 6 if (index(text,dpstxt).gt.0) isub = 7 if (index(text,gsttxt).gt.0) isub = 8 if (index(text,cgttxt).gt.0) isub = 9 if (index(text,esttxt).gt.0) isub = 10 if (index(text,destxt).gt.0) isub = 11 if (index(text,vratxt).gt.0) isub = 12 if (index(text,thitxt).gt.0) isub = 13 if (index(text,celtxt).gt.0) isub = 14 if (isub.gt.0 .and. .not.done) then read(prefix,*)(tmp,i=1,isub) prefix = tmp done = .true. end if endif c assemble root root = '' if (associated(resultdir)) then root = resultdir(1:cfn_length(resultdir))// 1 '\'//prefix(1:cfn_length(prefix)) //'\' call osd_s_filename(root) end if c check for subsystem lriv = .false.; rivflg = .false.; isgflg = .false. ldrn = .false.; drnflg = .false.; olfflg = .false. i = index(text,trim(rivtxt)) if (i.gt.0)then lriv=.true. !rivflg = .true. endif i = index(text,trim(drntxt)) if(i.gt.0)then ldrn=.true. endif if(lriv.or.ldrn)then if (cfn_length(text(14:)).gt.0) then read(text(14:),*) isub if (isub.lt.0)then if(lriv) isgflg = .true. if(ldrn) olfflg = .true. isub = abs(isub) else if(lriv) rivflg = .true. if(ldrn) drnflg = .true. end if end if if(lriv.and.nrivsubsys.eq.1)then isub = 0 end if if(ldrn.and.ndrnsubsys.eq.1)then isub = 0 end if ! for isg, riv --> isg if (isgflg) then i = index(prefix,'riv') if (i.gt.0) prefix(i:i+2) = 'isg' end if ! for olf, drn --> olf if (olfflg) then i = index(prefix,'drn') if (i.gt.0) prefix(i:i+2) = 'olf' end if c assemble root root = '' if (associated(resultdir)) then root = resultdir(1:cfn_length(resultdir))// 1 '\'//prefix(1:cfn_length(prefix)) //'\' call osd_s_filename(root) end if if(isub.gt.0)then if (isub.lt.10) then fmt = '(2a,i1)' else fmt = '(2a,i2)' end if write(prefix,fmt) prefix(1:cfn_length(prefix)),'_sys', isub end if end if c create output file name if (ilay.lt.10) then fmt = 'i1,3a)' else if (ilay.lt.100) then fmt = 'i2,3a)' else fmt = 'i3,3a)' end if call pks7mpipartstr(partstr) if (issflg(kper).eq.0 .and. associated(time_ostring)) then ! TR fmt = '(5a,'//fmt ! write(*,*) idate_save if(idate_save.eq.0)then cdate_string=time_ostring !## trim last zero is all zero read(time_ostring(9:14),*,iostat=ios) ihms if(ios.eq.0)then if(ihms.eq.0)cdate_string=time_ostring(1:8) endif write(fname,fmt) root(1:cfn_length(root)), 1 prefix(1:cfn_length(prefix)),'_', 1 cdate_string(1:cfn_length(cdate_string)), 1 '_l', ilay, partstr(1:cfn_length(partstr)), 1 '.',ext(1:cfn_length(ext)) elseif(idate_save.eq.1)then cdate_string=time_cstring !## trim last zero is all zero read(time_cstring(9:14),*,iostat=ios) ihms if(ios.eq.0)then if(ihms.eq.0)cdate_string=time_cstring(1:8) endif write(fname,fmt) root(1:cfn_length(root)), 1 prefix(1:cfn_length(prefix)),'_', 1 cdate_string(1:cfn_length(cdate_string)), 1 '_l', ilay, partstr(1:cfn_length(partstr)), 1 '.',ext(1:cfn_length(ext)) ! write(fname,fmt) root(1:cfn_length(root)), ! 1 prefix(1:cfn_length(prefix)),'_', ! 1 time_cstring(1:cfn_length(time_cstring)), ! 1 '_l', ilay, partstr(1:cfn_length(partstr)), ! 1 '.',ext(1:cfn_length(ext)) endif else ! SS fmt = '(5a,'//fmt write(fname,fmt) root(1:cfn_length(root)), 1 prefix(1:cfn_length(prefix)),'_', 1 'steady-state', 1 '_l', ilay, partstr(1:cfn_length(partstr)), 1 '.',ext(1:cfn_length(ext)) end if c assign result met1fname = fname c end of program return end subroutine gwf2met1ibound(ibound,ncol,nrow,nlay,igrid) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Adjust the ibound from free to fixed for a subdomain. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use gwfmetmodule use pksmpi_mod, only: nrproc, myrank c implicit none statement implicit none c arguments integer,intent(in) :: ncol,nrow,nlay,igrid integer, dimension(ncol,nrow,nlay), intent(inout) :: ibound c local variables integer :: icol, irow, ilay double precision :: mask logical :: ln, ls, le, lw c functions c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) c west lw = .false. if (associated(ibound_fixed_west)) then if (ibound_fixed_west) then icol = 1 do ilay = 1, nlay do irow = 1, nrow if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then call pks7mpimaskbound( mask,icol,irow,ilay, ! PKS 1 ncol,nrow,nlay ) ! PKS if (mask.gt.-0.5d0) then ! skip band nodes ibound(icol,irow,ilay) = -1 lw = .true. end if end if end do end do end if end if c east le = .false. if (associated(ibound_fixed_east)) then if (ibound_fixed_east) then icol = ncol do ilay = 1, nlay do irow = 1, nrow if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then call pks7mpimaskbound( mask,icol,irow,ilay, ! PKS 1 ncol,nrow,nlay ) ! PKS if (mask.gt.-0.5d0) then ! skip band nodes ibound(icol,irow,ilay) = -1 le = .true. end if end if end do end do end if end if c north ln = .false. if (associated(ibound_fixed_north)) then if (ibound_fixed_north) then irow = 1 do ilay = 1, nlay do icol = 1, ncol if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then call pks7mpimaskbound( mask,icol,irow,ilay, ! PKS 1 ncol,nrow,nlay ) ! PKS if (mask.gt.-0.5d0) then ! skip band nodes ibound(icol,irow,ilay) = -1 ln = .true. end if end if end do end do end if end if c south ls = .false. if (associated(ibound_fixed_south)) then if (ibound_fixed_south) then irow = nrow do ilay = 1, nlay do icol = 1, ncol if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then call pks7mpimaskbound( mask,icol,irow,ilay, ! PKS 1 ncol,nrow,nlay ) ! PKS if (mask.gt.-0.5d0) then ! skip band nodes ibound(icol,irow,ilay) = -1 ls = .true. end if end if end do end do end if end if if (nrproc.gt.1) then if (ln) then write(*,*) 'Setting ibound=-1 for NORTH boundary',myrank end if if (ls) then write(*,*) 'Setting ibound=-1 for SOUTH boundary',myrank end if if (le) then write(*,*) 'Setting ibound=-1 for EAST boundary',myrank end if if (lw) then write(*,*) 'Setting ibound=-1 for WEST boundary',myrank end if end if return end subroutine gwf2met1pks(igrid,nlay,nrow,ncol) c modules use gwfmetmodule, only: coord_xll, coord_yll, 1 coord_xur, coord_yur, 1 gcoord_xll, gcoord_yll, 1 gcoord_xur, gcoord_yur, 1 coord_xll_nb, coord_yll_nb, 1 coord_xur_nb, coord_yur_nb, ieq use pksmpi_mod, only: myproc, mpptyp, mppser, mppini1, 1 iovl, inovl, gnrow, gncol, gdelr, gdelc, 2 proc_ncol, proc_nrow, 3 proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, 4 proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax c implicit none statement implicit none c arguments integer,intent(in) :: igrid integer,intent(inout) :: nlay, nrow, ncol c local variables logical :: leq integer :: ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2, ic, ir real :: xll, yll, xur, yur c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return c checks if (gnrow.eq.0 .or. gncol.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error 1 initializing PKS package for MPI' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call ustop(' ') end if if (gnrow.ne.nrow .or. gncol.ne.ncol) then write(*,*) 'Program error 2 initializing PKS package for MPI' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call ustop(' ') end if !write(*,*) 'gdelr gdelc=',gdelr,gdelc if (.not.allocated(gdelr) .or. .not.allocated(gdelc)) then write(*,*) 'Program error 3 initializing PKS package for MPI' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call ustop(' ') end if c set pointer call sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) c set grid ncol = proc_ncol(myproc,iovl) nrow = proc_nrow(myproc,iovl) c check equidistant grid leq = .true. if (minval(gdelr).ne.maxval(gdelr)) leq = .false. if (minval(gdelc).ne.maxval(gdelc)) leq = .false. ieq = 0 if(.not.leq) ieq = 1 c save gcoord_xll = coord_xll gcoord_yll = coord_yll c coordinates overlapping ic1=proc_icolmin(myproc,iovl) ic2=proc_icolmax(myproc,iovl) ir1=proc_irowmin(myproc,iovl) ir2=proc_irowmax(myproc,iovl) c... local xll overlapping coord_xll = gcoord_xll if (leq) then coord_xll = coord_xll + (ic1-1)*gdelr(1) else do ic=1,ic1-1 coord_xll = coord_xll + gdelr(ic) end do end if c... local yll overlapping coord_yll = gcoord_yll if (leq) then coord_yll = coord_yll + (gnrow-ir2)*gdelc(1) else do ir=gnrow,ir2+1,-1 coord_yll = coord_yll + gdelc(ir) end do end if c coordinates non-overlapping ic1=proc_icolmin(myproc,inovl) ic2=proc_icolmax(myproc,inovl) ir1=proc_irowmin(myproc,inovl) ir2=proc_irowmax(myproc,inovl) c... local xll non-overlapping xll = gcoord_xll if (leq) then xll = xll + (ic1-1)*gdelr(1) else do ic=1,ic1-1 xll = xll + gdelr(ic) end do end if c... local yll non-overlapping yll = gcoord_yll if (leq) then yll = yll + (gnrow-ir2)*gdelc(1) else do ir=gnrow,ir2+1,-1 yll = yll + gdelc(ir) end do end if c... local xur non-overlapping xur = xll if (.not.associated(gcoord_xur)) allocate(gcoord_xur) gcoord_xur = gcoord_xll if (leq) then xur = xur + proc_ncol(myproc,inovl)*gdelc(1) gcoord_xur = gcoord_xur + gncol*gdelc(1) else do ic=ic1,ic2 xur = xur + gdelr(ic) end do do ic=1,gnrow gcoord_xur = gcoord_xur + gdelr(ic) end do end if c... local yur non-overlapping yur = yll if (.not.associated(gcoord_yur)) allocate(gcoord_yur) gcoord_yur = gcoord_yll if (leq) then yur = yur + proc_nrow(myproc,inovl)*gdelc(1) gcoord_yur = gcoord_yur + gnrow*gdelc(1) else do ir=ir2,ir2,-1 yur = yur + gdelc(ir) end do do ir=gnrow,1,-1 gcoord_yur = gcoord_yur + gdelc(ir) end do end if if (associated(coord_xll_nb)) coord_xll_nb = max(xll,coord_xll_nb) if (associated(coord_yll_nb)) coord_yll_nb = max(yll,coord_yll_nb) if (associated(coord_xur_nb)) coord_xur_nb = min(xur,coord_xur_nb) if (associated(coord_yur_nb)) coord_yur_nb = min(yur,coord_yur_nb) c save data call sgwf2met1psv(igrid) c write(*,*) '==>myrank',myrank,ncol,nrow,nlay,coord_xll,coord_yll c call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() c call ustop(' ') end subroutine