!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2016. !! !! This file is part of iMOD. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by !! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or !! (at your option) any later version. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. !> description !! read file of different formats subroutine rdfile4(infile,string,mv,sn,coldate,colval,exitcode) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use m_cross implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: sn !> series number to store the data real , intent(in) :: mv !> missing value character (len=*), intent(in) :: infile !> input file name character (len=*), intent(out) :: string !> description of data set character (len=*), intent(in) :: coldate !> column name for date values character (len=*), intent(in) :: colval !> column name for values !! when colnames are given the input files !! are interpeted as iModflow text files integer , intent(out) :: exitcode !> exit status of this routine: 0=OK ! local variables integer lun,ios,l,lc1,lc2,ftype,nd,i integer icoldate,icolval character record*128,del*1 character (len=32) :: cdate,cval,cname real vmv,r ! functions integer cfn_getlun,osd_open2,cfn_length,osd_rindex character osd_basename*64 ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! init exitcode = 0 lun = -1 vmv = mv ! initialise m_cross module call m_cross_init() ! disassociate pointers when pointing to the same memory if (associated(ser(1)%x,ser(2)%x)) then nullify(ser(2)%x) nullify(ser(2)%y) endif ! use pointers if (sn.ge.1 .and. sn.le.2) then psr=>ser(sn) if (.not.associated(psr%n)) allocate(psr%n) n=>psr%n else write(*,'(/a/)') ' ERROR, wrong data series number for reading file '//infile(1:cfn_length(infile)) exitcode = -3 endif ! open file if (exitcode.eq.0) then lun=cfn_getlun(10,99) ios=osd_open2(lun,0,infile,'old,readonly,shared,formatted') if (ios.ne.0) then write(*,'(/2a/)') ' ERROR, could not open file ',infile(1:cfn_length(infile)) lun=-1 exitcode=-1 endif endif ! determine file type if (exitcode.eq.0) then cdate=coldate cval =colval call cfn_token(cdate,'tl') call cfn_token(cval ,'tl') lc1=cfn_length(cdate) lc2=cfn_length(cval) if (lc1.le.0 .and. lc2.le.0) then ! type 1 ftype=1 else ! type 2 ftype=2 endif endif ! read header if (exitcode.eq.0) then if (ftype.eq.1) then ! type 1 ! record 1 : identification ! 2 : number of data records ! 3...: date (yyyymmdd), value ! data columns icoldate=1 icolval =2 ! record 1: data identification string call rdrecord(lun,record,ios) string=record ! record 2: number data records n=-1 call rdrecordi(lun,record,n,ios) if (ios.ne.0) then write(*,'(/2a/)') ' ERROR, reading header of file ',infile(1:cfn_length(infile)) exitcode=-2 endif if (n.le.0) then write(*,'(/2a/)') ' ERROR, zero length data file ',infile(1:cfn_length(infile)) exitcode=-4 endif else ! type 2 ! record 1 : number of data records ! 2 : number of data columns ! 3...: , ! ....: value , value, value, ...... ! record 1: number of data records n=-1 call rdrecordi(lun,record,n,ios) if (ios.ne.0) exitcode=-2 ! record 2: number of data columns nd=-1 call rdrecordi(lun,record,nd,ios) if (ios.ne.0) exitcode=-2 ! record 3: column names ! try to read integer values from column names read(coldate,*,iostat=ios) icoldate if (ios.ne.0) icoldate=0 read(colval ,*,iostat=ios) icolval if (ios.ne.0) icolval =0 do i=1,nd ! read(lun,*) cname,vmv call rdrecord(lun,record,ios) call cfn_par_ext(cname,record,' ,',2,del) call cfn_token(cname,'tl') if (icoldate.eq.0) then if (cname.eq.cdate) icoldate=i endif if (icolval.eq.0) then if (cname.eq.cval ) then icolval=i ! try also to get missing value code read(record,*,iostat=ios) r if (ios.eq.0) then vmv=r endif endif else if(i.eq.icolval)then read(record,*,iostat=ios) r if (ios.eq.0) then vmv=r endif endif endif enddo ! default column names if (icoldate.le.0) icoldate=1 if (icolval .le.0) icolval =2 if (exitcode.ne.0) then write(*,'(/2a/)') ' ERROR, reading header of file ',infile(1:cfn_length(infile)) exitcode=-2 endif ! set identification string, take filename without extension string=osd_basename(infile,' ') i=osd_rindex(string,'.') if (i.gt.0) string=string(1:i) endif endif ! allocate data arrays if (exitcode.eq.0) then if (associated(psr%x)) then if (size(psr%x).lt.n) then ! current allocated array too small deallocate(psr%x,psr%y) ! reallocate allocate(psr%x(n),psr%y(n)) endif else allocate(psr%x(n),psr%y(n)) endif ! pointer x=>psr%x y=>psr%y endif ! read data if (exitcode.eq.0) then call rdseries4(lun,x,y,n,vmv,icoldate,icolval,exitcode) ! call rdseries4(lun,x,y,n,mv,icoldate,icolval,exitcode) endif ! close file if (lun.gt.0) then close(lun) endif ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! read time series !! missing values will be removed from the data subroutine rdseries4(lun,x,y,n,mv,icoldate,icolval,exitcode) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: lun !> unit number integer , intent(inout) :: n !> number of data values real , intent(out) :: x(*),y(*) !> values integer , intent(in) :: icoldate !> column number for date values integer , intent(in) :: icolval !> column number for values real , intent(in) :: mv !> missing value code integer , intent(out) :: exitcode !> exit status: 0=OK ! local variables integer i,j,idat,ios,l,nval,mc real v double precision ddat integer, parameter :: mxcol=20 double precision tmpv(mxcol) character record*128 ! functions integer cfn_length,cfn_dat2cen ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! init exitcode = 0 ! check column numbers mc=max(icoldate,icolval) if (mc.gt.mxcol) then ! oops, temporary array to small write(*,*) ' ERROR, temporary array TMPV in routine rdseries4 to small! Increase to at least ',mc call exit(21) endif ! read data records nval=0 do i=1,n call rdrecord(lun,record,ios) read(record,*,iostat=ios) (tmpv(j),j=1,mc) if (ios.eq.0) then ! FR 20140206 ddat=tmpv(icoldate) ddat=int(FLOOR(ddat/1000000.)) v =tmpv(icolval) if (v.ne.mv) then nval=nval+1 idat=int(ddat) x(nval)=cfn_dat2cen(idat) y(nval)=v endif else ! ERROR write(*,'(/a,i8,a,i8/)') ' ERROR reading data. record ',i,' iostat=',ios exitcode=-10 ! leave do-loop exit endif enddo ! set new value for n n=nval ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! series 1 and 2 are equal, let point series 2 to the arrays of series 1 subroutine rdequal() ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use m_cross implicit none ! arguments ! local variables ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! initialise m_cross module call m_cross_init() ! set pointers n1=>ser(1)%n x1=>ser(1)%x y1=>ser(1)%y x2=>ser(2)%x y2=>ser(2)%y ! check or series 2 has to be deallocated if (associated(x2)) then ! be sure it is not pointing to x1 already if (.not.associated(x2,x1)) then ! aha, different memory locations. Deallocate series 2 deallocate(x2,y2) endif endif ! check n2 if (.not.associated(ser(2)%n)) allocate(ser(2)%n) ! set pointers ser(2)%x=>x1 ser(2)%y=>y1 ! set value for n ser(2)%n= n1 ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** subroutine rdrecord(lun,record,ios) ! read one record from file lun and remove a trailing ^M implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: lun !> unit number character (len=*), intent(out) :: record !> output record integer, intent(out) :: ios !> I/O status ! local variables integer l read(lun,'(a)',iostat=ios) record l=index(record,char(13)) if (l.gt.0) record(l:l)=' ' return end ! ****************************************************************************** subroutine rdrecordi(lun,record,n,ios) ! read one record from file lun and remove a trailing ^M ! try to read an integer from record and store the value into n implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: lun !> unit number character (len=*), intent(out) :: record !> output record integer, intent(out) :: ios !> I/O status integer, intent(out) :: n !> integer ! local variables integer l call rdrecord(lun,record,ios) if (ios.eq.0) then read(record,*,iostat=ios) l if (ios.eq.0) n=l endif return end