!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2016. !! !! This file is part of iMOD. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by !! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or !! (at your option) any later version. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. MODULE ROVAR USE MOD_IDF_PAR, ONLY : IDFOBJ INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MAXINDT = 1000 !max number of natuurdoeltypen natuurdoeltypen INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MXC = 4 !max number of colums for natuurdoeltypen INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MXRFC = 100 !max number of repro functions INTEGER,PARAMETER :: MAXOPT = 6 REAL,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: IGLD,IKWL,INDR,CELRVW !arrays REAL,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:) :: GVGRVW,GLGRVW,DSTRVW !boundary conditions for gvg, glg and stress to drought (A1,B1,B2,A2) REAL,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: B,M,C !arrays for reprofunctions, indices B,M,C CHARACTER(LEN=52) :: DRTYPE ! effect keuze REAL,PARAMETER :: FLXWNS = 0.5 ! gewenste minimale kwelflux voor kwelafhankelijke natuur (m/d) INTEGER :: RDOELMIN ! minimale doelrealisatie die 'goed' wordt gevonden (0-100%) INTEGER,PARAMETER :: MAXIR = 25 !Maximaal aantal IRmaatregelen INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MAXHLPC = 14 !aantal help gewassen (zijn er 14) INTEGER :: NRECS,IRCREC,NCOLS !resp. NO RECORDS IN DIALOG GRID, no ircosts INTEGER :: ROSIZE,MAXIMP !SIZE OF ROOBJ, MAX Number of Impulses INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: LGNLUT(:,:),NDTLUT(:) !arrays LGN and nature doeltype REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: EXPORTTAB !Per tabblad, per rij, per kolom REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: ROSCENCOSTS(:,:,:),CCOSTS(:,:) CHARACTER(LEN=100),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:) :: RWSD,CLSD !BESCHRIJVING RIJEN,KOLOMMEN CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: LEGEND(2) CHARACTER(LEN=256),ALLOCATABLE :: IDFS(:,:) CHARACTER(LEN=50),ALLOCATABLE :: DAGR(:), DNDT(:) !descriptions of croptypes and natuurdoeltype CHARACTER(LEN=256),ALLOCATABLE :: RESULTIDFS(:,:) !SCENARIO RESP. REFERENCE RESULT CHARACTER(LEN=256),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: ROVISIDF !array met daarin idf's die kunnen worden gevisualiseerd (hangen de tabs) CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: STDLEG TYPE IRTC !TOTAL COSTS CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: IRNM REAL :: IRTC END TYPE IRTC TYPE(IRTC),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: IRTCST !TYPE ROOBJ ! INTEGER :: NROW,NCOL,IU ! REAL :: XMIN,YMIN,XMAX,YMAX,DX,DY,NODATA !END TYPE ROOBJ TYPE(IDFOBJ),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: RO TYPE VISVAR !VISUALISATION VARIABLES INTEGER :: IU, IDF !IU = unit number, idf = dialog object CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: FNLEG END TYPE VISVAR TYPE(VISVAR),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: VARVIS !ROSCEN VARIABLES !TYPE ROSOBJ ! INTEGER :: NROW,NCOL,IU ! REAL :: XMIN,YMIN,XMAX,YMAX,DX,DY,NODATA ! CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: IDFNM !END TYPE ROSOBJ TYPE(IDFOBJ),DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: ROSCEN CHARACTER(LEN=25),DIMENSION(MAXOPT) :: RONAME !DATA RONAME /'Wet_Damage_Agriculture','Drought_Damage_Agriculture','Objective_Wet_Agriculture',& ! 'Objective_Drought_Agriculture','Objective_Nature','Objective_Urban_Area'/ !CHARACTER(LEN=25),DIMENSION(MAXOPT) :: ROSUBS DATA RONAME /'natschade_lanbouw','droogteschade_landbouw','doelrealisatie_lb_nat',& 'doelrealisatie_lb_droog','doelrealisatie_natuur','doelrealisatie_stedelijk'/ !twee maal een array voor bijhouden van kaartmateriaal !SUBTYPE IACT GHG GLG LUSE SOIL LUT1 LUT2 LUT3 !1 natschade_lanbouw 0 ghgmap glgkaart lgn5 soil hlp_wet costtable - !2 droogteschade_landbouw 0 ghgmap glgkaart lgn5 soil hlp_dry costtable - !3 doelrealisatie_lb_naT 0 ghgmap glgkaart lgn5 soil hlp_wet costtable - !4 doelrealisatie_lb_droog 0 ghgmap glgkaart lgn5 soil hlp_dry costtable - !5 doelrealisatie_natuur 0 ghgmap glgkaart ndt rfcsoil abiot.txt rfc.lut ndt.lut !6 doelrealisatie_stedelijk 0 ghgmap - lgn5 - URBANRANGE.LUT - - TYPE FILEPREFS INTEGER :: IACT CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: GHG,GLG,LUSE,SOIL,LUT1,LUT2,LUT3 END TYPE FILEPREFS TYPE(FILEPREFS),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: SCENPREF,REFPREF END MODULE