!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2016. !! !! This file is part of iMOD. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by !! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or !! (at your option) any later version. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. subroutine tscorr2(x1,y1,ts1w,nval1,x2,y2,ts2w,nval2, !*URT* 1 result,dtmp,nlag,ncol,minlag,maxlag,mv, !*URT* 1 lp501,lp502) !*URT* c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none c arguments integer nval1, 1 nval2, 1 nlag, 1 ncol real, intent(out) :: result(nlag,ncol) double precision dtmp(nlag,ncol) real x1(nval1),y1(nval1), 1 x2(nval2),y2(nval2), 1 ts1w(nval1,nlag), 1 ts2w(nval2,nlag), 1 minlag, 1 maxlag, 1 mv logical lp501 logical lp502 c local variables integer i,i1b,j,j2b,j2e,lag real n,rlag,perc, 1 lowint,uppint double precision val1,val2,dval,dmv logical continue include 'tscorr2.inc' c functions c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c init dmv=mv ! double precision version of nodata value do j=1,ncol do i=1,nlag dtmp(i,j)=0.0 enddo enddo do j=1,nlag do i=1,nval1 ts1w(i,j)=mv enddo do i=1,nval2 ts2w(i,j)=mv enddo enddo if (nval1.gt.0 .and. nval2.gt.0) then j2b = 1 j2e = 1 i1b = 1 continue=.true. do while(continue) if (i1b.le.nval1) then ! lowint=x1(i1b)+minlag uppint=x1(i1b)+maxlag c if ((ts2(1,1)-ts1(i1b,1)).gt.maxlag) then if (uppint.lt.x2(1)) then i1b=i1b+1 else continue=.false. endif else continue=.false. endif enddo do i=i1b,nval1 val1=y1(i) if (val1.ne.dmv) then lowint=x1(i)+minlag uppint=x1(i)+maxlag continue=.true. do while(continue) if (j2b.le.nval2) then if (x2(j2b).lt.lowint) then j2b=j2b+1 else continue=.false. endif else continue=.false. endif enddo j2e=max(j2b,j2e) j2e=min(j2e,nval2) continue=.true. do while(continue) if (j2e.lt.nval2) then if (x2(j2e+1).lt.uppint) then j2e=j2e+1 else continue=.false. endif else continue=.false. endif enddo if (x2(j2e).ge.uppint) then j2e=j2e-1 endif j2e=min(j2e,nval2) do j=j2b,j2e val2=y2(j) if (val2.ne.dmv) then rlag=nlag*(x2(j)-x1(i)-minlag)/ 1 (maxlag-minlag)+1 lag=int(rlag) if (lag.lt.1 .or. lag.gt.nlag) then endif lag=max(1,min(lag,nlag)) dval=val1-val2 dtmp(lag,igmlg) = dtmp(lag,igmlg)+x2(j)-x1(i) dtmp(lag,icov) = dtmp(lag,icov) +val1*val2 dtmp(lag,ivar1) = dtmp(lag,ivar1) +val1*val1 dtmp(lag,ivar2) = dtmp(lag,ivar2) +val2*val2 dtmp(lag,irmse) = dtmp(lag,irmse) +dval*dval dtmp(lag,igem1) = dtmp(lag,igem1) +val1 dtmp(lag,igem2) = dtmp(lag,igem2) +val2 dtmp(lag,in) = dtmp(lag,in) +1. ts1w(i,lag)=val1 ts2w(j,lag)=val2 endif enddo endif enddo endif do i=1,nlag if (dtmp(i,in).eq.0.0) then do j=1,ncol dtmp(i,j)=dmv enddo dtmp(i,in)=0.0 else n=dtmp(i,in) dtmp(i,igmlg) = dtmp(i,igmlg)/n dtmp(i,igem1) = dtmp(i,igem1)/n dtmp(i,ivar1) = dtmp(i,ivar1)/n - dtmp(i,igem1)**2.0 dtmp(i,igem2) = dtmp(i,igem2)/n dtmp(i,ivar2) = dtmp(i,ivar2)/n - dtmp(i,igem2)**2.0 dtmp(i,icov) = dtmp(i,icov)/n dtmp(i,irmse) = sqrt(dtmp(i,irmse)/n) dtmp(i,icov) = dtmp(i,icov) - dtmp(i,igem1)*dtmp(i,igem2) if ((dtmp(i,ivar1)*dtmp(i,ivar2)).gt.0.0) then dtmp(i,icc) = 1 dtmp(i,icov)/sqrt(dtmp(i,ivar1)*dtmp(i,ivar2)) else dtmp(i,icc) = dmv endif perc=dmv if (lp501) call calperc(ts1w(1,i),nval1,mv,50.,perc) dtmp(i,ip50_1)=perc perc=dmv if (lp502) call calperc(ts2w(1,i),nval2,mv,50.,perc) dtmp(i,ip50_2)=perc endif dtmp(i,ilag) = (i-0.5)*(maxlag-minlag)/nlag+minlag do j=1,ncol result(i,j)=dtmp(i,j) enddo enddo return end