!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2014. !! !! This file is part of iMOD. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by !! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or !! (at your option) any later version. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. !> Module to convert runfile --> modflow 2005 module rf2mf_module use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_dir_level_up implicit none private !... parameters integer, parameter :: ilst = 1 integer, parameter :: idis = 2 integer, parameter :: ibas = 3 integer, parameter :: ibcf = 4 integer, parameter :: ioc = 5 integer, parameter :: imet = 6 integer, parameter :: iriv = 7 integer, parameter :: idrn = 8 integer, parameter :: ighb = 9 integer, parameter :: iwel = 10 integer, parameter :: iani = 11 integer, parameter :: ihfb = 12 integer, parameter :: ipcg = 13 integer, parameter :: irch = 14 integer, parameter :: ichd = 15 integer, parameter :: ievt = 16 integer, parameter :: iscr = 17 integer, parameter :: ipwt = 18 integer, parameter :: npck = ipwt character(len=4), dimension(npck) :: pckftype data pckftype/& 'list',& 'dis ',& 'bas6 ',& 'bcf6',& 'oc ',& 'met ',& 'riv ',& 'drn ',& 'ghb ',& 'wel ',& 'ani ',& 'hfb6',& 'pcg ',& 'rch ',& 'chd ',& 'evt ',& 'scr ',& 'pwt '/ integer, parameter :: ihead = 1 integer, parameter :: ibcfflux = 2 integer, parameter :: irivflux = 3 integer, parameter :: idrnflux = 4 integer, parameter :: ighbflux = 5 integer, parameter :: iwelflux = 6 integer, parameter :: irchflux = 7 integer, parameter :: ievtflux = 8 integer, parameter :: iscrflux = 9 integer, parameter :: ndat = iscrflux character(len=15), dimension(ndat) :: datftype data datftype/& 'data(binaryidf)',& 'data(binaryidf)',& 'data(binaryidf)',& 'data(binaryidf)',& 'data(binaryidf)',& 'data(binaryidf)',& 'data(binaryidf)',& 'data(binaryidf)',& 'data(binaryidf)'/ integer, public, parameter :: iaru = 0 ! not defined integer, public, parameter :: iarr = 1 ! real integer, public, parameter :: iari = 2 ! integer integer, parameter :: maxlen = 256 ! maximum string length integer, public, parameter :: maxsubsys = 500 ! maximum number of subsystems integer, public, parameter :: maxgen = 10 ! maximum number of gen files integer, public, parameter :: maxcol = 10 ! maximum number of stress package columns integer, public, parameter :: ialloc = 1 ! allocate integer, public, parameter :: idealloc = 2 ! de-allocate ! upscaling integer, parameter, public :: iusclnodata = -1 ! no data integer, parameter, public :: iusclspec = 1 ! special/ibound integer, parameter, public :: iusclarith = 2 ! arithmetic integer, parameter, public :: iusclgeom = 3 ! geometric integer, parameter, public :: iusclsumq = 4 ! sum(Q) integer, parameter, public :: iusclsumcdr = 5 ! sum(cond)*ratio integer, parameter, public :: iusclinvc = 6 ! inverse (c) integer, parameter, public :: iusclmostfr = 7 ! most freq. occ integer, parameter, public :: iusclsuminvcvr = 8 ! sum(1/c)*ratio integer, parameter, public :: iusclperc = 9 ! percentile ! downscaling integer, parameter, public :: idsclnodata = -1 ! no data integer, parameter, public :: idsclnointp = 0 ! no interpolation integer, parameter, public :: idsclintp = 1 ! interpolation logical, save, public :: lmfroot = .false. character(len=maxlen), save, public :: mfroot = '' !... globals integer, public, save :: nlay, nrow, ncol integer, public, save :: nper integer, public, save :: dxciu logical, public, save :: trflag = .false. type tRoot character(len=50) :: submodel = '' character(len=maxlen) :: modeldir = '..\modflow2005\' character(len=maxlen) :: modelname = 'modelname' character(len=maxlen) :: resultdir = '' ! filled by wrapper end type tRoot type(tRoot), public, save :: root !... general types type, public :: tArrayRead integer :: type = iarr character(len=maxlen) :: keyword = 'open/close' character(len=maxlen) :: fname = '' character(len=maxlen) :: fmtin = '(free)' real :: cnstnt = 0. real :: fct = 1. real :: imp = 0. real :: pow = 0. character(len=10) :: oper = '' integer :: iprn = -1 integer :: ilay = 0 integer :: iuscl = -1 integer :: idscl = -1 end type tArrayRead type tSubsys integer :: ilay = -1 integer :: isub = -1 real :: factor = -1. logical :: lisg = .false. logical :: active = .true. ! type(tArrayRead), dimension(maxcol) :: data type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: data end type tSubsys type tGcd integer :: ncolumns = -1 integer :: nsubsys = 0 ! type(tSubsys), dimension(maxsubsys) :: subsys type(tSubsys), dimension(:), pointer :: subsys => null() end type tGcd type tLcd integer :: ngen = 0 ! type(tSubsys), dimension(maxgen) :: gen type(tSubsys), dimension(:), pointer :: gen => null() end type tLcd type tSpGcdLcd logical :: reuse = .true. logical :: lriv = .false. logical :: lisg = .false. integer :: np = 1 logical :: usegcd = .true. logical :: uselcd = .false. type(tGcd) :: gcd type(tLcd) :: lcd end type tSpGcdLcd !======================================================================= type tPackage logical :: active = .false. character(len=maxlen) :: ftype integer :: nunit character(len=maxlen) :: fname = '' character(len=maxlen) :: fnamenoroot = '' integer :: cbnlay = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() end type tPackage type tNam character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Name file' character(len=maxlen) :: fname type(tPackage), dimension(npck) :: package type(tPackage), dimension(ndat) :: data end type tNam type(tNam), save :: nam !....................................................................... type tSp real :: perlen = -1 integer :: nstp = 1 real :: tsmult = 1.0 character(len=2) :: SsTr = '' logical :: writeoc = .true. end type tSp type tDis character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Discretization file' integer :: nlay = -1 integer :: nrow = -1 integer :: ncol = -1 integer :: nper = -1 integer :: itmuni = 4 ! days integer :: lenuni = 2 ! meters integer, dimension(:), pointer :: laycbd => null() real, dimension(:), pointer :: delr => null() real, dimension(:), pointer :: delc => null() logical :: settop = .false. logical :: setbot = .false. type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: aquifertop => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: aquiferbot => null() type(tSp), dimension(:), pointer :: sp => null() end type tDis type(tDis), public, save :: dis !....................................................................... type tBas character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Basic Package file' character(len=maxlen) :: options = 'free' type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: ibound => null() real :: hnoflo = -999.99 type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: strt => null() end type tBas type(tBas), public, save :: bas !....................................................................... type tBcf character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Block-Centered Flow Package file' integer :: cbnlay = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() real :: hdry = -9999. integer :: iwdflg = 0 real :: wetfct = 0. integer :: iwetit = 0 integer :: ihdwet = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: ltype => null() type(tArrayRead) :: trpy type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: sf1 => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: tran => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: hhy => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: vhy => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: kva => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: vcont => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: sf2 => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: wetdry => null() logical :: llpf=.false. integer :: iminkd = 0 integer :: iminc = 0 real :: minkd real :: minc end type tBcf type(tBcf), public, save :: bcf !....................................................................... type tPwt character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Perched Water Table Package file' type(tArrayRead), pointer :: ilay => null() type(tArrayRead), pointer :: sc2 => null() type(tArrayRead), pointer :: bot => null() type(tArrayRead), pointer :: top2 => null() type(tArrayRead), pointer :: thkaf => null() type(tArrayRead), pointer :: vcont => null() end type tPwt type(tPwt), public, save :: pwt !....................................................................... type tOc character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Output Control Option' integer :: cbnlay = 0 ! heads integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() ! heads integer :: ihedun end type tOc type(tOc), public :: oc !....................................................................... integer, public, parameter :: imet_coord_xll = 1 integer, public, parameter :: imet_coord_yll = 2 integer, public, parameter :: imet_coord_xll_nb = 3 integer, public, parameter :: imet_coord_yll_nb = 4 integer, public, parameter :: imet_coord_xur_nb = 5 integer, public, parameter :: imet_coord_yur_nb = 6 integer, public, parameter :: imet_starttime = 7 integer, public, parameter :: imet_resultdir = 8 integer, public, parameter :: imet_ibound_fixed_west = 9 integer, public, parameter :: imet_ibound_fixed_east = 10 integer, public, parameter :: imet_ibound_fixed_north = 11 integer, public, parameter :: imet_ibound_fixed_south = 12 integer, public, parameter :: imet_save_no_buf = 13 integer, parameter :: nmetkws = imet_save_no_buf character(len=18), dimension(nmetkws) :: metkws !... 12345678901234567890123 data metkws/& 'coord_xll ',& 'coord_yll ',& 'coord_xll_nb ',& 'coord_yll_nb ',& 'coord_xur_nb ',& 'coord_yur_nb ',& 'starttime ',& 'resultdir ',& 'ibound_fixed_west ',& 'ibound_fixed_east ',& 'ibound_fixed_north',& 'ibound_fixed_south',& 'save_no_buf '/ integer, public, parameter :: imetu = 1 integer, public, parameter :: imeti = 2 integer, public, parameter :: imetr = 3 integer, public, parameter :: imetc = 4 integer, public, parameter :: imett = 5 type tTime integer :: year = -1 integer :: month = -1 integer :: day = -1 integer :: hour = -1 integer :: minute = -1 integer :: second = -1 !... 123456 character(len=4) :: kw_year = 'year' character(len=5) :: kw_month = 'month' character(len=3) :: kw_day = 'day' character(len=4) :: kw_hour = 'hour' character(len=6) :: kw_minute = 'minute' character(len=6) :: kw_second = 'second' end type tTime type tKw character(len=maxlen) :: keyword integer :: type = imetu integer :: ival real :: rval character(len=maxlen) :: cval = '' type(tTime) :: time end type tKw type tMet ! integer, save :: nmult type(tKw), dimension(nmetkws) :: kws end type tMet type(tMet), public, save :: met !....................................................................... type tRiv character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'River Package file' integer :: type = iriv integer :: mxactr = 1 integer :: cbnlay = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() logical :: rfact = .true. logical :: rsubsys = .true. logical :: rconc = .false. logical :: ifvdl = .false. logical :: sft = .false. type(tArrayRead), pointer :: sft1 => null() type(tArrayRead), pointer :: sft2 => null() type(tSpGcdLcd), dimension(:), pointer :: sp => null() end type tRiv type(tRiv), public, save :: riv !....................................................................... type tDrn character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Drain Package file' integer :: type = idrn integer :: mxactr = 1 integer :: cbnlay = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() logical :: dsubsys = .true. logical :: iconchk = .false. logical :: dconc = .false. type(tSpGcdLcd), dimension(:), pointer :: sp => null() end type tDrn type(tDrn), public, save :: drn !....................................................................... type tGhb character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'General-Head Boundary Package file' integer :: type = ighb integer :: mxactr = 1 integer :: cbnlay = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() logical :: gconc = .false. type(tSpGcdLcd), dimension(:), pointer :: sp => null() end type tGhb type(tGhb), public, save :: ghb !....................................................................... type tWel character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Well Package file' integer :: type = iwel integer :: mxactr = 1 integer :: cbnlay = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() type(tSpGcdLcd), dimension(:), pointer :: sp => null() end type tWel type(tWel), public, save :: wel !....................................................................... type tChd character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Time-Variant Specified Head package file' integer :: type = ichd integer :: mxactc = 1 logical :: negbnd = .true. type(tSpGcdLcd), dimension(:), pointer :: sp => null() end type tChd type(tchd), public, save :: chd !....................................................................... type tAni character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Anisoptropy Package file' type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: factor => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: angle => null() end type tAni type(tAni), public, save :: ani !....................................................................... type tScr integer :: cbnlay = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Subsidence-Creep Package file' type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: pcsoff => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: pcs => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: gl0 => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: sgm => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: sgs => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: thick => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: rrisoa => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: rrisob => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: caisoc => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: void => null() type(tArrayRead), dimension(:), pointer :: sub => null() integer :: istpc=0 integer :: nsys=0 integer :: ithk=0 integer :: ivoid=0 integer :: imethod=2 real :: alpha=0.0 end type tScr type(tScr), public, save :: scr !....................................................................... type tHfb character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Horizontal Flow Barrier Package file' integer :: type = ihfb integer :: nphfb = 0 integer :: mxfb = 0 integer :: nhfbnp = 1 logical :: hfbfact = .false. logical :: hfbresis = .true. type(tSpGcdLcd), dimension(:), pointer :: sp => null() end type tHfb type(tHfb), public, save :: hfb !....................................................................... type tPcg character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Preconditioned Conjugate-Gradient Package' integer :: mxiter = 100 ! maximum number of outer iterations integer :: iter1 = 20 ! maximum number of inner iterations integer :: npcond = 1 ! 1: modified incomplete Cholesky; 2: polynomial real :: hclose = 1e-3 ! head change criterion real :: rclose = 100. ! residual criteron real :: relax = 0.98 ! relaxation parameter real :: nbpol = 1. ! upperbound maximum eigen value integer :: iprpcg = 1 ! printout flag integer :: mutpcg = 0 ! print flag reaL :: damp = 1. ! damping factor end type tPcg type(tPcg), public, save :: pcg !....................................................................... integer, parameter, public :: mxrech = 10 type tSpRch logical :: reuse = .true. integer :: inrech = 0 integer :: inirch = -1 type(tArrayRead), dimension(mxrech) :: rech type(tArrayRead) :: irch end type tSpRch type tRch character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Recharge Package file' integer :: type = irch integer :: nrchop = 1 ! 1: top grid layer; 2: layer variable IRCH; 3: highest active cell integer :: cbnlay = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() type(tSpRch), dimension(:), pointer :: sp => null() end type tRch type(tRch), public, save :: rch !....................................................................... type tSpEvt logical :: reuse = .true. integer :: insurf = -1 integer :: inevtr = -1 integer :: inexdp = -1 type(tArrayRead) :: surf ! elevation of the ET surface type(tArrayRead) :: evtr ! maximum ET flux type(tArrayRead) :: exdp ! ET extinction depth end type tSpEvt type tEvt character(len=maxlen) :: text = 'Evapotranspiration Package file' integer :: type = ievt integer :: nevtop = 1 ! 1: top grid layer; 2: vertical column specified by IEVT integer :: cbnlay = 0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cblay => null() type(tSpEvt), dimension(:), pointer :: sp => null() end type tEvt type(tEvt), public, save :: evt character(len=8), public, save :: starttime integer, public, save :: debugflag = 0 public :: AllocNam,AllocDis,AllocBas,AllocBcf,AllocMet,AllocOc, & AllocRiv,AllocDrn,AllocGhb,AllocWel,AllocAni,AllocHfb,AllocRch,AllocEvt,AllocChd,AllocPcg,AllocScr,AllocPwt public :: WriteDis,WriteBas,WriteBcf,WriteMet,WriteOc,WriteRiv,& WriteDrn,WriteGhb,WriteWel,WriteAni,WriteHfb,WriteRch,WriteEvt,WriteChd,WritePcg,WriteNam,WriteScr,WritePwt contains !======================================================================= !> Allocate name package. subroutine AllocNam(iact) use imod_utl implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact ! dummy !... local variable logical :: sq, dq integer :: i, iu, n character(len=256) :: modeldir !....................................................................... !... initialize if (iact == ialloc) then modeldir = imod_utl_getfname(root%modeldir) sq = .false. dq = .false. n = len_trim(modeldir) if (n==0) then modeldir = '.' n = 1 end if if (modeldir(1:1).eq."'".and. modeldir(n:n).eq."'") sq = .true. if (modeldir(1:1).eq.'"'.and. modeldir(n:n).eq.'"') dq = .true. if (sq.or.dq) modeldir = modeldir(2:n-1) call osd_s_filename(modeldir) !... change output root%modeldir = trim(modeldir) if(index(root%modeldir,'\',.true.).eq.len_trim(root%modeldir))root%modeldir(len_trim(root%modeldir):len_trim(root%modeldir))=' ' if (len_trim(root%submodel).gt.0) then if (lmfroot) then nam%fname = trim(mfroot)//'\mf2005_tmp\'//trim(root%submodel)//'\'//trim(root%modelname)//'.nam' else nam%fname = trim(root%resultdir)//'\'//trim(root%submodel)//'\mf2005_tmp\'//trim(root%modelname)//'.nam' end if else if (lmfroot) then nam%fname = trim(mfroot)//'\mf2005_tmp\'//trim(root%modelname)//'.nam' else nam%fname = trim(root%resultdir)//'\mf2005_tmp\'//trim(root%modelname)//'.nam' end if end if call osd_s_filename(nam%fname) iu = 10 do i = 1, npck nam%package(i)%ftype = pckftype(i) nam%package(i)%nunit = iu iu = iu + 1 nam%package(i)%fnamenoroot = trim(root%modelname)//'.'//adjustl(trim(pckftype(i))) if (len_trim(root%submodel).gt.0) then if (lmfroot) then nam%package(i)%fname = trim(mfroot)//'\mf2005_tmp\'//trim(root%submodel)//'/'//trim(nam%package(i)%fnamenoroot) else nam%package(i)%fname = trim(root%resultdir)//'\'//trim(root%submodel)//'\mf2005_tmp\'//trim(nam%package(i)%fnamenoroot) end if else if (lmfroot) then nam%package(i)%fname = trim(mfroot)//'\mf2005_tmp\'//trim(nam%package(i)%fnamenoroot) else nam%package(i)%fname = trim(root%resultdir)//'\mf2005_tmp\'//trim(nam%package(i)%fnamenoroot) end if end if call osd_s_filename(nam%package(i)%fname) end do do i = 1, ndat nam%data(i)%ftype = datftype(i) nam%data(i)%nunit = iu iu = iu + 1 nam%data(i)%fname = '' allocate(nam%data(i)%cblay(nlay)) end do dxciu = iu !... enable list file nam%package(ilst)%active = .true. else do i = 1, ndat if (associated(nam%data(i)%cblay)) deallocate(nam%data(i)%cblay) nam%data(i)%active = .false. nam%data(i)%cbnlay = 0 end do end if return end subroutine AllocNam !> Allocate discretization package. subroutine AllocDis(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(idis)%active = .true. allocate(dis%delr(ncol)) allocate(dis%delc(nrow)) allocate(dis%laycbd(nlay)) allocate(dis%aquifertop(nlay)) allocate(dis%aquiferbot(nlay)) allocate(dis%sp(nper)) !... set defaults dis%nlay = nlay dis%nrow = nrow dis%ncol = ncol dis%nper = nper dis%laycbd = 1 dis%aquifertop(:)%keyword = 'constant' dis%aquifertop(:)%fct = 0. dis%aquiferbot(:)%keyword = 'constant' dis%aquiferbot(:)%fct = 0. else if (associated(dis%delr)) deallocate(dis%delr) if (associated(dis%delc)) deallocate(dis%delc) if (associated(dis%laycbd)) deallocate(dis%laycbd) if (associated(dis%aquifertop)) deallocate(dis%aquifertop) if (associated(dis%aquiferbot)) deallocate(dis%aquiferbot) if (associated(dis%sp)) deallocate(dis%sp) end if return end subroutine AllocDis !> Allocate basic package. subroutine AllocBas(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(ibas)%active = .true. allocate(bas%ibound(nlay)) allocate(bas%strt(nlay)) else if (associated(bas%ibound)) deallocate(bas%ibound) if (associated(bas%strt)) deallocate(bas%strt) end if return end subroutine AllocBas !> Allocate Block-Centered Flow package. subroutine AllocBcf(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !... local variables integer :: ilay !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(ibcf)%active = .true. allocate(bcf%ltype(nlay)) allocate(bcf%sf1(nlay)) allocate(bcf%tran(nlay)) allocate(bcf%hhy(nlay)) allocate(bcf%vhy(nlay-1)) allocate(bcf%vcont(nlay-1)) allocate(bcf%sf2(nlay)) allocate(bcf%wetdry(nlay)) allocate(bcf%cblay(nlay)) allocate(bcf%kva(nlay)) bcf%cblay = 0 !... defaults bcf%ltype = 0 ! confined bcf%trpy%keyword = 'constant' bcf%trpy%cnstnt = 1. do ilay = 1, nlay - 1 bcf%vcont(ilay)%oper = '^' bcf%vcont(ilay)%pow = -1. end do do ilay = 1, nlay bcf%kva(ilay)%oper = '^' bcf%kva(ilay)%pow = -1. bcf%kva(ilay)%keyword = 'constant' bcf%kva(ilay)%cnstnt = 1. end do else if (associated(bcf%ltype)) deallocate(bcf%ltype) if (associated(bcf%sf1)) deallocate(bcf%sf1) if (associated(bcf%tran)) deallocate(bcf%tran) if (associated(bcf%hhy)) deallocate(bcf%hhy) if (associated(bcf%vhy)) deallocate(bcf%vhy) if (associated(bcf%vcont)) deallocate(bcf%vcont) if (associated(bcf%sf2)) deallocate(bcf%sf2) if (associated(bcf%wetdry)) deallocate(bcf%wetdry) if (associated(bcf%cblay)) deallocate(bcf%cblay) bcf%cbnlay = 0 end if return end subroutine AllocBcf !> Allocate perched water table package. subroutine AllocPwt(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(ipwt)%active = .true. allocate(pwt%ilay) allocate(pwt%sc2) allocate(pwt%bot) allocate(pwt%top2) allocate(pwt%thkaf) allocate(pwt%vcont) else if (associated(pwt%ilay)) deallocate(pwt%ilay) if (associated(pwt%sc2)) deallocate(pwt%sc2) if (associated(pwt%bot)) deallocate(pwt%bot) if (associated(pwt%top2)) deallocate(pwt%top2) if (associated(pwt%thkaf)) deallocate(pwt%thkaf) if (associated(pwt%vcont)) deallocate(pwt%vcont) end if return end subroutine AllocPwt !> Allocate meta data package. subroutine AllocMet(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact ! dummy !... locals integer :: ikey !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(imet)%active = .true. !... fill with keywords do ikey = 1, nmetkws met%kws(ikey)%keyword = trim(metkws(ikey)) end do else do ikey = 1, nmetkws met%kws(ikey)%type = imetu met%kws(ikey)%cval = '' end do end if return end subroutine AllocMet !> Allocate Output Control Option. subroutine AllocOc(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact ! dummy !....................................................................... !... initialize if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(ioc)%active = .true. allocate(oc%cblay(nlay)) else deallocate(oc%cblay) end if oc%ihedun = nam%data(ihead)%nunit return end subroutine AllocOc !> Allocate River package. subroutine AllocRiv(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(iriv)%active = .true. allocate(riv%sp(nper)) riv%sp(1:nper)%gcd%ncolumns = 4 allocate(riv%cblay(nlay)) if (riv%ifvdl) then allocate(riv%sft1,riv%sft2) end if else if (associated(riv%sp)) deallocate(riv%sp) if (associated(riv%cblay)) deallocate(riv%cblay) end if return end subroutine AllocRiv !> Allocate Drain package. subroutine AllocDrn(iact,iconchk) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact integer, intent(in) :: iconchk !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(idrn)%active = .true. allocate(drn%sp(nper)) if (iconchk.eq.1) then drn%iconchk = .true. drn%sp(1:nper)%gcd%ncolumns = 3 else drn%sp(1:nper)%gcd%ncolumns = 2 end if allocate(drn%cblay(nlay)) else if (associated(drn%sp)) deallocate(drn%sp) if (associated(drn%cblay)) deallocate(drn%cblay) end if return end subroutine AllocDrn !> Allocate General-Head boundary package. subroutine AllocGhb(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(ighb)%active = .true. allocate(ghb%sp(nper)) ghb%sp(1:nper)%gcd%ncolumns = 2 allocate(ghb%cblay(nlay)) else if (associated(ghb%sp)) deallocate(ghb%sp) if (associated(ghb%cblay)) deallocate(ghb%cblay) end if return end subroutine AllocGhb !> Allocate Well package. subroutine AllocWel(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(iwel)%active = .true. allocate(wel%sp(nper)) wel%sp(1:nper)%gcd%ncolumns = 1 allocate(wel%cblay(nlay)) else if (associated(wel%sp)) deallocate(wel%sp) if (associated(wel%cblay)) deallocate(wel%cblay) end if return end subroutine AllocWel !> Allocate anisotropy package. subroutine AllocAni(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !... local variables integer :: ilay !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(iani)%active = .true. allocate(ani%factor(nlay)) allocate(ani%angle(nlay)) ani%factor(1:nlay)%keyword='constant' ani%factor(1:nlay)%cnstnt = 1. ani%angle(1:nlay)%keyword='constant' ani%angle(1:nlay)%cnstnt = 0. else if (associated(ani%factor)) deallocate(ani%factor) if (associated(ani%angle)) deallocate(ani%angle) end if return end subroutine AllocAni !> Allocate subsidence-creep package. subroutine AllocScr(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !... local variables integer :: ilay !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(iscr)%active = .true. if(.not.associated(scr%gl0))then allocate(scr%gl0(1)) allocate(scr%sgm(1)) allocate(scr%sgs(1)) allocate(scr%pcsoff(nlay)) allocate(scr%pcs(nlay)) scr%gl0(1)%keyword='constant' scr%gl0(1)%cnstnt= 1. scr%sgm(1)%keyword='constant' scr%sgm(1)%cnstnt= 1. scr%sgs(1)%keyword='constant' scr%sgs(1)%cnstnt= 1. allocate(scr%cblay(nlay)) scr%cblay = 0 else allocate(scr%thick(scr%nsys)) allocate(scr%rrisoa(scr%nsys)) allocate(scr%rrisob(scr%nsys)) allocate(scr%caisoc(scr%nsys)) allocate(scr%void(scr%nsys)) allocate(scr%sub(scr%nsys)) scr%thick(1:scr%nsys)%keyword='constant' scr%thick(1:scr%nsys)%cnstnt= 1. scr%rrisoa(1:scr%nsys)%keyword='constant' scr%rrisoa(1:scr%nsys)%cnstnt= 0. scr%rrisob(1:scr%nsys)%keyword='constant' scr%rrisob(1:scr%nsys)%cnstnt= 0. scr%caisoc(1:scr%nsys)%keyword='constant' scr%caisoc(1:scr%nsys)%cnstnt= 0. scr%void(1:scr%nsys)%keyword='constant' scr%void(1:scr%nsys)%cnstnt= 0. scr%sub(1:scr%nsys)%keyword='constant' scr%sub(1:scr%nsys)%cnstnt= 0. endif else if (associated(scr%pcsoff))deallocate(scr%pcsoff) if (associated(scr%pcs)) deallocate(scr%pcs) if (associated(scr%gl0)) deallocate(scr%gl0) if (associated(scr%sgm)) deallocate(scr%sgm) if (associated(scr%sgs)) deallocate(scr%sgs) if (associated(scr%thick)) deallocate(scr%thick) if (associated(scr%rrisoa))deallocate(scr%rrisoa) if (associated(scr%rrisob))deallocate(scr%rrisob) if (associated(scr%caisoc))deallocate(scr%caisoc) if (associated(scr%void)) deallocate(scr%void) if (associated(scr%sub)) deallocate(scr%sub) end if return end subroutine AllocScr !> Allocate Horizontal Flow Barrier package. subroutine AllocHfb(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(ihfb)%active = .true. allocate(hfb%sp(nper)) hfb%sp(1:nper)%usegcd = .false. hfb%sp(1:nper)%uselcd = .true. hfb%sp(1:nper)%reuse = .true. else if (associated(hfb%sp)) deallocate(hfb%sp) end if return end subroutine AllocHfb !> Allocate PCG package. subroutine AllocPcg(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) nam%package(ipcg)%active = .true. return end subroutine AllocPcg !> Allocate Recharge package. subroutine AllocRch(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(irch)%active = .true. allocate(rch%sp(nper)) allocate(rch%cblay(nlay)) else if (associated(rch%sp)) deallocate(rch%sp) if (associated(rch%cblay)) deallocate(rch%cblay) end if return end subroutine AllocRch !> Allocate Evapotranspiration package. subroutine AllocEvt(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(ievt)%active = .true. allocate(evt%sp(nper)) evt%sp(1:nper)%evtr%fct = 0.001 ! iMOD in mm! allocate(evt%cblay(nlay)) else if (associated(evt%sp)) deallocate(evt%sp) if (associated(evt%cblay)) deallocate(evt%cblay) end if return end subroutine AllocEvt !> Allocate Constant head package. subroutine AllocChd(iact) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iact !....................................................................... if (iact == ialloc) then nam%package(ichd)%active = .true. allocate(chd%sp(nper)) chd%sp(1:nper)%gcd%ncolumns = 3 else if (associated(chd%sp)) deallocate(chd%sp) end if return end subroutine AllocChd !======================================================================= !> Write name file. subroutine WriteNam(dxcfile) implicit none !... arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: dxcfile !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, ipck, idat, i, lastlun character(len=maxlen) :: outstr,absfile character(len=maxlen), dimension(3) :: str !....................................................................... !... open nam-file lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) call CreateDir(nam%fname) open(unit=lun,file=nam%fname,action='write') ! text !... write nam-file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(nam%text) ! text write(lun,'(a)') '# packages:' do ipck = 1, npck if (nam%package(ipck)%active == .true.) then write(str(1),*) trim(nam%package(ipck)%ftype) write(str(2),*) nam%package(ipck)%nunit call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ipck)%fnamenoroot) write(str(3),*) "'"//trim(nam%package(ipck)%fnamenoroot)//"'" write(lun,'(3(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 3) ! ftype nunit fname end if end do !... data exchange file if (len_trim(dxcfile).gt.0) then write(str(1),*) 'DXC' write(str(2),*) dxciu outstr = dxcfile call imod_utl_dir_level_up(outstr) call osd_s_filename(outstr) write(str(3),*) "'"//trim(outstr)//"'" write(lun,'(3(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 3) ! ftype nunit fname end if write(lun,'(a)') '# data:' do idat = 1, ndat if (nam%data(idat)%active == .true.) then write(str(1),*) trim(nam%data(idat)%ftype) write(str(2),*) nam%data(idat)%nunit if (len_trim(nam%data(idat)%fname).gt.0) call osd_s_filename(nam%data(idat)%fname) write(str(3),*) "'"//trim(nam%data(idat)%fname)//"'" write(lun,'(3(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 3) ! ftype nunit fname end if end do !... close nam-file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteNam !> Write basic anisotropy file. subroutine WriteAni() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, i, ilay !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(iani)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(iani)%fname) !... open ani-file call CreateDir(nam%package(iani)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(iani)%fname,action='write') !... write ani file do ilay = 1, nlay call WriteArrayRead(ani%factor(ilay),lun) ! factor call WriteArrayRead(ani%angle(ilay),lun) ! angle end do !... close ani file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteAni !> Write discretization file. subroutine WriteDis() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, i, ilay, irow, icol, iper character(len=maxlen) :: nstr character(len=maxlen), dimension(:), allocatable :: str character(len=20), dimension(:), allocatable :: strdelrc !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(idis)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(idis)%fname) allocate(str(max(7,nlay))) allocate(strdelrc(max(ncol,nrow))) !... open dis-file call CreateDir(nam%package(idis)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(idis)%fname,action='write') !... write dis-file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(dis%text) ! text write(str(1),*) dis%nlay write(str(2),*) dis%nrow write(str(3),*) dis%ncol write(str(4),*) dis%nper write(str(5),*) dis%itmuni write(str(6),*) dis%lenuni write(str(7),*) 'tbcheck' write(lun,'(7(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 7) ! nlay nrow ncol nper itmuni lenuni do ilay = 1, nlay if(ilay.eq.nlay)then dis%laycbd(ilay)=0 else dis%laycbd(ilay)=1 endif end do do ilay = 1, nlay write(str(ilay),*) dis%laycbd(ilay) end do write(nstr,*) nlay write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, nlay) ! laycbd if (minval(dis%delr) == maxval(dis%delr)) then write(strdelrc(1),*) 'constant' write(strdelrc(2),*) dis%delr(1) write(lun,'(2(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(strdelrc(i))), i = 1, 2) ! delr else do icol = 1, ncol write(strdelrc(icol),*) dis%delr(icol) end do write(nstr,*) ncol write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(strdelrc(i))), i = 1, ncol) ! delr end if if (minval(dis%delc) == maxval(dis%delc)) then write(strdelrc(1),*) 'constant' write(strdelrc(2),*) dis%delc(1) write(lun,'(2(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(strdelrc(i))), i = 1, 2) ! delr else do irow = 1, nrow write(strdelrc(irow),*) dis%delc(irow) end do write(nstr,*) nrow write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(strdelrc(i))), i = 1, nrow) ! delc end if do ilay = 1, nlay call WriteArrayRead(dis%aquifertop(ilay),lun) ! top call WriteArrayRead(dis%aquiferbot(ilay),lun) !bot end do do iper = 1, nper if (dis%sp(iper)%perlen < 0.0 .or. len(dis%sp(iper)%SsTr) < 2) then write(*,*) 'Error: incorrect stress period writing for DIS file' stop 1 end if write(str(1),*) dis%sp(iper)%perlen write(str(2),*) dis%sp(iper)%nstp write(str(3),*) dis%sp(iper)%tsmult write(str(4),*) dis%sp(iper)%SsTr write(lun,'(4(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 4) ! perlen nstp tsmult SS/Tr end do !... close dis-file close(lun) deallocate(str,strdelrc) return end subroutine WriteDis !> Write basic package file. subroutine WriteBas() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, i, ilay character(len=maxlen) :: str !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(ibas)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ibas)%fname) !... open bas-file call CreateDir(nam%package(ibas)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(ibas)%fname,action='write') !... write bas file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(bas%text) write(lun,'(a)') trim(bas%options) do ilay = 1, nlay call WriteArrayRead(bas%ibound(ilay),lun) ! ibound end do write(str,*) bas%hnoflo ! hnoflo write(lun,*) trim(adjustl(str)) do ilay = 1, nlay call WriteArrayRead(bas%strt(ilay),lun) ! strt end do !... close bas file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteBas !> Write Block-Centered Flow package. subroutine WriteBcf() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, i, ilay, laycon, luncb, n character(len=maxlen), dimension(10) :: str character(len=maxlen) :: nlaystr, fmtstr !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(ibcf)%active) return !... change to lpf package whenever unconfined if(bcf%llpf)then nam%package(ibcf)%ftype = 'lpf' nam%package(ibcf)%fname=nam%package(ibcf)%fname(:index(nam%package(ibcf)%fname,'.',.true.))//'lpf' nam%package(ibcf)%fnamenoroot=nam%package(ibcf)%fnamenoroot(:index(nam%package(ibcf)%fnamenoroot,'.',.true.))//'lpf' endif !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ibcf)%fname) !... set oc data nam%data(ibcfflux)%fname = 'bdgsto bdgbnd bdgfrf bdgfff bdgflf' nam%data(ibcfflux)%cbnlay = bcf%cbnlay nam%data(ibcfflux)%cblay = bcf%cblay !... open bcf/lpf-file call CreateDir(nam%package(ibcf)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(ibcf)%fname,action='write') !... write bcf/lpf file if (bcf%cbnlay.gt.0) then nam%data(ibcfflux)%active = .true. luncb = nam%data(ibcfflux)%nunit else luncb = 0 end if write(str(1),*) luncb write(str(2),*) bcf%hdry if(bcf%llpf)then write(str(3),*) 0 n = 3 n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'STORAGECOEFFICIENT' if (bcf%iminkd == 1) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'MINKD',bcf%minkd end if if (bcf%iminc == 1) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'MINC',bcf%minc end if write(fmtstr,'(a,i1,a)') '(',n,'(a,1x))' write(lun,trim(fmtstr))(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) else write(str(3),*) bcf%iwdflg write(str(4),*) bcf%wetfct write(str(5),*) bcf%iwetit write(str(6),*) bcf%ihdwet n = 6 if (bcf%iminkd == 1) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'MINKD',bcf%minkd end if if (bcf%iminc == 1) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'MINC',bcf%minc end if write(fmtstr,'(a,i1,a)') '(',n,'(a,1x))' write(lun,trim(fmtstr))(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) endif write(nlaystr,*) nlay write(lun,'('//trim(nlaystr)//'i2)')(bcf%ltype(ilay), ilay = 1, nlay) ! laytype if(bcf%llpf)then write(lun,'('//trim(nlaystr)//'i2)')(0, ilay = 1, nlay) ! layavg endif if(bcf%llpf)then write(lun,'('//trim(nlaystr)//'f3.0)')(1.0, ilay = 1, nlay) ! chani write(lun,'('//trim(nlaystr)//'i2)')(1, ilay = 1, nlay) ! layvka (vertical permeability) write(lun,'('//trim(nlaystr)//'i2)')(0, ilay = 1, nlay) ! laywet (inactive) !... skip wettable layers, we don't have those (wetting is also inappropriate to use) do ilay = 1, nlay laycon = bcf%ltype(ilay) call WriteArrayRead(bcf%hhy(ilay),lun) ! hy call WriteArrayRead(bcf%kva(ilay),lun) ! vertical anisotropy if (trflag) then call WriteArrayRead(bcf%sf1(ilay),lun) ! sf1 if ((laycon == 2 .or. laycon == 3))& call WriteArrayRead(bcf%sf2(ilay),lun) ! sf2 endif if (ilay < nlay) then call WriteArrayRead(bcf%vhy(ilay),lun) ! vertical anisotropy end if if (bcf%iwdflg /= 0 .and. (laycon == 1 .or. laycon == 3))& call WriteArrayRead(bcf%wetdry(ilay),lun) ! wetdry end do else call WriteArrayRead(bcf%trpy,lun) ! chani do ilay = 1, nlay laycon = bcf%ltype(ilay) if (trflag) call WriteArrayRead(bcf%sf1(ilay),lun) ! sf1 if (laycon == 0 .or. laycon == 2)& call WriteArrayRead(bcf%tran(ilay),lun) ! tran if (laycon == 1 .or. laycon == 3)& call WriteArrayRead(bcf%hhy(ilay),lun) ! hy if (ilay /= nlay) call WriteArrayRead(bcf%vcont(ilay),lun) ! vcont if (trflag .and. (laycon == 2 .or. laycon == 3))& call WriteArrayRead(bcf%sf2(ilay),lun) ! sf2 if (bcf%iwdflg /= 0 .and. (laycon == 1 .or. laycon == 3))& call WriteArrayRead(bcf%wetdry(ilay),lun) ! wetdry end do endif !... close bcf/lpf file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteBcf !> Write perched water table file. subroutine WritePwt() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, i, ilay !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(ipwt)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ipwt)%fname) !... open ani-file call CreateDir(nam%package(ipwt)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(ipwt)%fname,action='write') !... write pwt file call WriteArrayRead(pwt%ilay,lun) call WriteArrayRead(pwt%sc2,lun) call WriteArrayRead(pwt%bot,lun) call WriteArrayRead(pwt%top2,lun) call WriteArrayRead(pwt%thkaf,lun) call WriteArrayRead(pwt%vcont,lun) !... close pwt file close(lun) return end subroutine WritePwt !> Write subsidence-creep file. subroutine WriteScr() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, i, ilay character(len=maxlen), dimension(50) :: str !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(iscr)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(iscr)%fname) !... set oc data nam%data(iscrflux)%fname = 'bdgibs,subsidence,layer_compaction,systm_compaction,z_displacement,preconsol_stress,change_in_pcstrs,'// & 'geostatic_stress,change_in_g-strs,effective_stress,change_in_eff-st,void_ratio,thickness,center_elevation' nam%data(iscrflux)%cbnlay = scr%cbnlay nam%data(iscrflux)%cblay = scr%cblay ! unit for saving subsidence is 70 ! unit for saving compaction by layer is 70 ! unit for saving compaction by system is 70 ! unit for saving vertical displacement is 70 ! unit for saving preconsolidation stress is 70 ! unit for saving change in preconsol stress is 70 ! unit for saving geostatic stress is 70 ! unit for saving change in geostatic stress is 70 ! unit for saving effective stress is 70 ! unit for saving change in effective stress is 70 ! unit for saving void ratio is 70 ! unit for saving thickness is 70 ! unit for saving center elevation is 70 !... open scr-file call CreateDir(nam%package(iscr)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(iscr)%fname,action='write') nam%data(iscrflux)%active = .true. write(str(1),*) 35 write(str(2),*) 1 !## a single definition for saving, foor all stress-periods results (for now) write(str(3),*) scr%nsys write(str(4),*) 0 write(str(5),*) scr%ithk write(str(6),*) scr%ivoid write(str(7),*) scr%imethod write(str(8),*) scr%istpc write(str(9),*) scr%alpha write(lun,'(9(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 9) !... get layers for current systems do ilay=1,scr%nsys write(str(ilay),*) scr%thick(ilay)%ilay enddo write(lun,'(99(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, scr%nsys) write(str(1),*) -1 write(str(2),*) 0 write(str(3),*) -1 write(str(4),*) 0 write(str(5),*) -1 write(str(6),*) 0 write(str(7),*) -1 write(str(8),*) 0 write(lun,'(8(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 8) !... write scr file call WriteArrayRead(scr%gl0(1),lun) ! gl0 call WriteArrayRead(scr%sgm(1),lun) ! sgm call WriteArrayRead(scr%sgs(1),lun) ! sgs do ilay = 1, scr%nsys call WriteArrayRead(scr%thick(ilay),lun) ! thickness call WriteArrayRead(scr%rrisoa(ilay),lun) ! rrisoa call WriteArrayRead(scr%rrisob(ilay),lun) ! rrisob call WriteArrayRead(scr%caisoc(ilay),lun) ! caisoc call WriteArrayRead(scr%void(ilay),lun) ! void call WriteArrayRead(scr%sub(ilay),lun) ! sub end do do ilay = 1, nlay if(scr%istpc.ne.0)then call WriteArrayRead(scr%pcsoff(ilay),lun) ! pcsoff else call WriteArrayRead(scr%pcs(ilay),lun) ! pcs endif enddo !... write istwoc for formats for output, irrelavant icw IDF files do ilay=1,26,2; write(str(ilay),*) 0; write(str(ilay+1),*) 35; enddo write(lun,'(99(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 26) !... write starting stessperiod, ending stressperiod, starting timestep, ending timestep write(str(1),*) 1 write(str(2),*) nper write(str(3),*) 1 write(str(4),*) 1 !... write print/save sequences !subsidence 1 2 !compaction by layer 3 4 !compaction by interbed system 5 6 !vertical displacement 7 8 !preconsolidation stress 9 10 !change in preconsolidation stress 11 12 !geostatic stress 13 14 !change in geostatic stress 15 16 !effective stress 17 18 !change in effective stress 19 20 !void ratio 21 22 !compressible bed thickness 23 24 !layer-center elevation 25 26 ilay=4 do i=1,13 ilay=ilay+1; write(str(ilay),*) 0 !... save them all ilay=ilay+1; write(str(ilay),*) 1 enddo write(lun,'(99(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 30) !... close scr file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteScr !> Write Meta Data package. subroutine WriteMet() implicit none !... locals logical :: writekey, dq, sq integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, ikey, n, i character(len=maxlen) :: cdum character(len=maxlen), dimension(7) :: str, nstr type(tKw) :: kwtmp !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(imet)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(imet)%fname) !... open met-file call CreateDir(nam%package(imet)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(imet)%fname,action='write') do ikey = 1, nmetkws kwtmp = met%kws(ikey) writekey = .true. select case( kwtmp%type ) case(imeti) write(str(1),*) kwtmp%ival case(imetr) write(str(1),*) kwtmp%rval case(imetc) cdum = trim(adjustl(kwtmp%cval)) n = len_trim(cdum) sq = .false. dq = .false. if (n.gt.0) then if (cdum(1:1).eq."'".and. cdum(n:n).eq."'") sq = .true. if (cdum(1:1).eq.'"'.and. cdum(n:n).eq.'"') dq = .true. end if if (sq.or.dq) cdum = cdum(2:n-1) if (n.gt.0) then str(1) = "'"//trim(cdum)//"'" !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(str(1)) else str(1) = '' end if case(imett) n = 1 if (kwtmp%time%year.gt.0) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) kwtmp%time%kw_year n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) kwtmp%time%year end if if (kwtmp%time%month.gt.0) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) kwtmp%time%kw_month n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) kwtmp%time%month end if if (kwtmp%time%day.gt.0) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) kwtmp%time%kw_day n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) kwtmp%time%day end if write(nstr,*) n write(str(1), '(10(a,:,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 2, n) case default writekey = .false. end select if (writekey) then write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') trim(adjustl(kwtmp%keyword)), trim(adjustl(str(1))) end if end do ! !... close met file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteMet !> Write output control option subroutine WriteOc() implicit none !... locals integer :: lun, cfn_getlun, iper, ikstp, idat, ilay, n, i character(len=maxlen) :: nstr character(len=maxlen), dimension(50) :: str !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(ioc)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ioc)%fname) !... open oc-file call CreateDir(nam%package(ioc)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(ioc)%fname,action='write') !... write oc-file if (oc%cbnlay.gt.0) then write(str(1),*) oc%ihedun write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') 'head save unit', trim(adjustl(str(1))) end if do iper = 1, nper if (dis%sp(iper)%writeoc) then do ikstp = 1, dis%sp(iper)%nstp write(str(1),*) iper write(str(2),*) ikstp write(lun,'(4(a,1x))') 'period', trim(adjustl(str(1))),& 'step', trim(adjustl(str(2))) !... heads if (oc%cbnlay.gt.0) then write(str(1),'(a)') 'save head' n = 1 do ilay = 1, oc%cbnlay write(str(1+ilay),*) oc%cblay(ilay) n = n + 1 end do write(nstr,*) n write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) end if ! budgets do idat = 1, ndat if (nam%data(idat)%cbnlay.gt.0) then write(str(1),'(a)') 'save budget' write(str(2),*) nam%data(idat)%nunit n = 2 do ilay = 1, nam%data(idat)%cbnlay write(str(2+ilay),*) nam%data(idat)%cblay(ilay) n = n + 1 end do write(nstr,*) n write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) end if end do end do end if end do !... close oc-file close(lun) !... set for name file if (oc%cbnlay.gt.0) nam%data(ihead)%active = .true. return end subroutine WriteOc !> Write River package. subroutine WriteRiv() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, iper, jper, kper, isub, n, i, luncb, isys, nsys, iact character(len=maxlen) :: nstr character(len=maxlen), dimension(20) :: str type(tsubsys), dimension(:), pointer :: subsys => null() !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(iriv)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(iriv)%fname) !... write oc-data nam%data(irivflux)%fname = 'bdgriv' nam%data(irivflux)%cbnlay = riv%cbnlay nam%data(irivflux)%cblay = riv%cblay !... open riv-file call CreateDir(nam%package(iriv)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(iriv)%fname,action='write') !... write riv file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(riv%text) !... write mxactr and irivcb n = 1 write(str(n),*) riv%mxactr if (riv%cbnlay.gt.0) then nam%data(irivflux)%active = .true. luncb = nam%data(irivflux)%nunit else luncb = 0 end if n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) luncb if (debugflag.eq.0) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'noprint' end if if (riv%ifvdl) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'ifvdl' end if if (riv%sft) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'sft' end if if (riv%rfact) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'aux rfct' end if if (riv%rconc) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'aux rcnc' end if if (riv%rsubsys) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'aux isub' end if if (riv%rfact) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'rfact rfct' end if if (riv%rconc) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'rconc rcnc' end if if (riv%rsubsys) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'rsubsys isub' end if write(nstr,*) n write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) if (riv%sft) then call WriteArrayRead(riv%sft1,lun) ! D call WriteArrayRead(riv%sft2,lun) ! kh end if ! merge river and isg data do iper = 1, nper if (.not.riv%sp(iper)%reuse) then if (riv%sp(iper)%lriv .and. .not.riv%sp(iper)%lisg) then kper = 0 do jper = iper, 1, -1 ! find most recent isg if (riv%sp(jper)%lisg) then kper = jper; exit end if end do if (kper.gt.0) then do iact = 1, 2 nsys = riv%sp(iper)%gcd%nsubsys if (iact.eq.2) then subsys(1:nsys) = riv%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys end if do isys = 1, riv%sp(kper)%gcd%nsubsys if (riv%sp(kper)%gcd%subsys(isys)%lisg) then ! find isg nsys = nsys + 1 if (iact.eq.2) then subsys(nsys) = riv%sp(kper)%gcd%subsys(isys) end if end if end do if (iact.eq.1) then allocate(subsys(nsys)) else riv%sp(iper)%gcd%nsubsys = nsys riv%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys = subsys deallocate(subsys) end if end do end if else if (.not.riv%sp(iper)%lriv .and. riv%sp(iper)%lisg) then kper = 0 do jper = iper, 1, -1 ! find most recent riv if (riv%sp(jper)%lriv) then kper = jper; exit end if end do if (kper.gt.0) then do iact = 1, 2 nsys = riv%sp(iper)%gcd%nsubsys if (iact.eq.2) then subsys(1:nsys) = riv%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys end if do isys = 1, riv%sp(kper)%gcd%nsubsys if (.not.riv%sp(kper)%gcd%subsys(isys)%lisg) then ! find riv nsys = nsys + 1 if (iact.eq.2) then subsys(nsys) = riv%sp(kper)%gcd%subsys(isys) end if end if end do if (iact.eq.1) then allocate(subsys(nsys)) else riv%sp(iper)%gcd%nsubsys = nsys riv%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(1:nsys) = subsys deallocate(subsys) end if end do end if else end if end if end do call writeSPckSPer(lun, nper, riv%sp, pckftype(riv%type)) !... close riv file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteRiv !> Write Drain package. subroutine WriteDrn() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, iper, isub, n, i, luncb character(len=maxlen) :: nstr character(len=maxlen), dimension(10) :: str !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(idrn)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(idrn)%fname) !... write oc-data nam%data(idrnflux)%fname = 'bdgdrn' nam%data(idrnflux)%cbnlay = drn%cbnlay nam%data(idrnflux)%cblay = drn%cblay !... open drn-file call CreateDir(nam%package(idrn)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(idrn)%fname,action='write') !... write drn file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(drn%text) !... write mxactr and idrncb n = 1 write(str(n),*) drn%mxactr if (drn%cbnlay.gt.0) then nam%data(idrnflux)%active = .true. luncb = nam%data(idrnflux)%nunit else luncb = 0 end if n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) luncb if (debugflag.eq.0) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'noprint' end if if (drn%dsubsys) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'aux isub' end if if (drn%iconchk) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'aux ic' end if if (drn%dsubsys) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'dsubsys isub' end if if (drn%iconchk) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'iconchk ic' end if write(nstr,*) n write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) call writeSPckSPer(lun, nper, drn%sp, pckftype(drn%type)) !... close drn file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteDrn !> Write General-Head Boundary package. subroutine WriteGhb() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, iper, isub, n, i, luncb character(len=maxlen) :: nstr character(len=maxlen), dimension(3) :: str !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(ighb)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ighb)%fname) !... write oc-data nam%data(ighbflux)%fname = 'bdgghb' nam%data(ighbflux)%cbnlay = ghb%cbnlay nam%data(ighbflux)%cblay = ghb%cblay !... open ghb-file call CreateDir(nam%package(ighb)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(ighb)%fname,action='write') !... write ghb file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(ghb%text) !... write mxactr and ighbcb n = 1 write(str(n),*) ghb%mxactr if (drn%cbnlay.gt.0) then nam%data(ighbflux)%active = .true. luncb = nam%data(ighbflux)%nunit else luncb = 0 end if n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) luncb if (debugflag.eq.0) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'noprint' end if write(nstr,*) n write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) call writeSPckSPer(lun, nper, ghb%sp, pckftype(ghb%type)) !... close ghb file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteGhb !> Write Well package. subroutine WriteWel() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, iper, isub, n, i, luncb character(len=maxlen) :: nstr character(len=maxlen), dimension(3) :: str !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(iwel)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(iwel)%fname) !... write oc-data nam%data(iwelflux)%fname = 'bdgwel' nam%data(iwelflux)%cbnlay = wel%cbnlay nam%data(iwelflux)%cblay = wel%cblay !... open wel-file call CreateDir(nam%package(iwel)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(iwel)%fname,action='write') !... write wel file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(wel%text) !... write mxactr and iwelcb n = 1 write(str(n),*) wel%mxactr if (wel%cbnlay.gt.0) then nam%data(iwelflux)%active = .true. luncb = nam%data(iwelflux)%nunit else luncb = 0 end if n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) luncb if (debugflag.eq.0) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'noprint' end if write(nstr,*) n write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) call writeSPckSPer(lun, nper, wel%sp, pckftype(wel%type)) !... close wel file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteWel !> Write Horizonal Flow Barrier package. subroutine WriteHfb() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, iper, isub, n, i, luncb character(len=maxlen) :: nstr character(len=maxlen), dimension(7) :: str !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(ihfb)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ihfb)%fname) !... open hfb-file call CreateDir(nam%package(ihfb)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(ihfb)%fname,action='write') !... write hfb file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(hfb%text) !... write nphfb, mxfb, nhfbnp n = 1 write(str(n),*) hfb%nphfb n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) hfb%mxfb n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) hfb%nhfbnp if (debugflag.eq.0) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'noprint' end if if(dis%settop .and. dis%setbot) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'hfbresis' else n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'hfbfact' end if !if (hfb%hfbfact) then ! n = n + 1 ! write(str(n),*) 'hfbfact' !end if !if (hfb%hfbresis) then ! n = n + 1 ! write(str(n),*) 'hfbresis' !end if write(nstr,*) n write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) call writeSPckSPer(lun, nper, hfb%sp, pckftype(hfb%type)) !... close hfb file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteHfb !> Write Preconditioned Conjugate-Gradient package. subroutine WritePcg() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, i, ilay, laycon character(len=maxlen), dimension(7) :: str character(len=maxlen) :: nlaystr !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(ipcg)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ipcg)%fname) !... open pcg-file call CreateDir(nam%package(ipcg)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(ipcg)%fname,action='write') !... write pcg file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(pcg%text) write(str(1),*) pcg%mxiter write(str(2),*) pcg%iter1 write(str(3),*) pcg%npcond write(lun,'(3(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 3) ! mxiter iter1 npcond write(str(1),*) pcg%hclose write(str(2),*) pcg%rclose write(str(3),*) pcg%relax write(str(4),*) pcg%nbpol write(str(5),*) pcg%iprpcg write(str(6),*) pcg%mutpcg write(str(7),*) pcg%damp write(lun,'(7(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 7) ! hclose rclose relax nbpol iprpcg mutpcg damp !... close pcg file close(lun) return end subroutine WritePcg !> Write Recharge package. subroutine WriteRch() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, iper, n, i, luncb character(len=maxlen), dimension(3) :: str !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(irch)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(irch)%fname) !... write oc-data nam%data(irchflux)%fname = 'bdgrch' nam%data(irchflux)%cbnlay = rch%cbnlay nam%data(irchflux)%cblay = rch%cblay !... open rch-file call CreateDir(nam%package(irch)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(irch)%fname,action='write') !... write rch file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(rch%text) !... write nrchop and irchcb write(str(1),*) rch%nrchop if (rch%cbnlay.gt.0) then nam%data(irchflux)%active = .true. luncb = nam%data(irchflux)%nunit else luncb = 0 end if write(str(2),*) luncb write(str(3),'(a)') 'addrech' write(lun,'(3(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 3) do iper = 1, nper if (rch%sp(iper)%reuse) then if (iper == 1) then write(*,'(3(a,1x))') 'Error: please specify first stress period for rch package.' stop 1 end if write(lun,'(a)') '-1' else write(str(1),*) rch%sp(iper)%inrech write(str(2),*) rch%sp(iper)%inirch write(lun,'(2(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 2) if (rch%sp(iper)%inrech >= 0) then do i = 1, rch%sp(iper)%inrech call WriteArrayRead(rch%sp(iper)%rech(i),lun) end do end if if (rch%nrchop == 2 .and. rch%sp(iper)%inirch >= 0) then call WriteArrayRead(rch%sp(iper)%irch,lun) end if end if end do !... close rch file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteRch !> Write Evapotranspiration package. subroutine WriteEvt() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, iper, n, i, luncb character(len=maxlen), dimension(3) :: str !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(ievt)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ievt)%fname) !... write oc-data nam%data(ievtflux)%fname = 'bdgevt' nam%data(ievtflux)%cbnlay = evt%cbnlay nam%data(ievtflux)%cblay = evt%cblay !... open rch-file call CreateDir(nam%package(ievt)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(ievt)%fname,action='write') !... write rch file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(evt%text) !... write nrchop and irchcb write(str(1),*) evt%nevtop if (evt%cbnlay.gt.0) then nam%data(ievtflux)%active = .true. luncb = nam%data(ievtflux)%nunit else luncb = 0 end if write(str(2),*) luncb write(lun,'(2(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 2) do iper = 1, nper if (evt%sp(iper)%reuse) then if (iper == 1) then write(*,'(3(a,1x))') 'Error: please specify first stress period for evt package.' stop 1 end if write(lun,'(a)') '-1 -1 -1' else write(str(1),*) evt%sp(iper)%insurf write(str(2),*) evt%sp(iper)%inevtr write(str(3),*) evt%sp(iper)%inexdp write(lun,'(3(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 3) if (evt%sp(iper)%insurf >= 0) then call WriteArrayRead(evt%sp(iper)%surf,lun) end if if (evt%sp(iper)%inevtr >= 0) then call WriteArrayRead(evt%sp(iper)%evtr,lun) end if if (evt%sp(iper)%inexdp >= 0) then call WriteArrayRead(evt%sp(iper)%exdp,lun) end if end if end do !... close evt file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteEvt !> Write Constant Head package. subroutine WriteChd() implicit none !... locals integer :: cfn_getlun, lun, iper, isub, jsub, n, i, luncb, ilay, jlay, flag(nlay) character(len=maxlen) :: nstr character(len=maxlen), dimension(4) :: str logical :: linterp, lfound type(tArrayRead), pointer :: dataptr !....................................................................... !... return in case package is not active if (.not.nam%package(ichd)%active) return !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(nam%package(ichd)%fname) !... open chd-file call CreateDir(nam%package(ichd)%fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=nam%package(ichd)%fname,action='write') !... write chd file write(lun,'(a,1x,a)') '#', trim(chd%text) !... check for factor usage linterp = .false. do iper = 1, nper if (.not.chd%sp(iper)%reuse) then n = chd%sp(iper)%gcd%nsubsys if (n.gt.nlay) linterp = .true. end if end do if (linterp) then do iper = 1, nper if (.not.chd%sp(iper)%reuse) then n = chd%sp(iper)%gcd%nsubsys if (n.gt.nlay) then flag = 0 do isub = 1, n ilay = chd%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(isub)%ilay if (flag(ilay).eq.0) then lfound = .false. do jsub = 1, n if (jsub.ne.isub .and. chd%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(jsub)%ilay.eq.ilay) then chd%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(jsub)%active = .false. dataptr => chd%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(jsub)%data(1) lfound = .true.; exit end if end do if (.not.lfound) then chd%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(isub)%data(2)%keyword='constant' chd%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(isub)%data(2)%cnstnt=0.0 else chd%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(isub)%data(2) = dataptr flag(ilay) = 1 end if end if end do else do isub = 1, n chd%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(isub)%data(2)%keyword='constant' chd%sp(iper)%gcd%subsys(isub)%data(2)%cnstnt=0.0 end do end if end if end do end if !... write mxactc n = 1 write(str(n),*) chd%mxactc if (debugflag.eq.0) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'noprint' end if if (chd%negbnd) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'negbnd' end if if(linterp) then n = n + 1 write(str(n),*) 'interp' end if write(nstr,*) n write(lun,'('//trim(nstr)//'(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, n) call writeSPckSPer(lun, nper, chd%sp, pckftype(chd%type)) !... close chd file close(lun) return end subroutine WriteChd !> Write Stress Package Stress Period input subroutine writeSPckSPer(lun, nper, sp, pckname) implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: lun integer, intent(in) :: nper type(tSpGcdLcd), dimension(nper), intent(in) :: sp character(len=4) :: pckname !... locals integer :: iper character(len=4) :: ext character(len=maxlen) :: str type(tArrayRead) :: arr character(len=maxlen) :: fname !....................................................................... do iper = 1, nper if (sp(iper)%reuse) then if (iper == 1) then write(*,'(3(a,1x))') 'Error: please specify first stress period for', trim(pckname), 'package.' stop 1 end if write(lun,'(a,1x,i5.5)') '-1',iper else if (sp(iper)%usegcd) then write(str,*) sp(iper)%np write(lun,'(a)') trim(adjustl(str)) write(lun,'(a,1x,i5.5)') 'gcd',iper call WriteGcd(sp(iper)%gcd, lun) else if (sp(iper)%uselcd) then write(lun,'(a,1x,i5.5)') 'lcd',iper call WriteLcd(sp(iper)%lcd, lun) end if end if end do return end subroutine writeSPckSPer !> Write array file. subroutine WriteArrayRead(arr, lun) use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_dir_level_up implicit none !... arguments type(tArrayRead), intent(in) :: arr integer, intent(in) :: lun !... functions integer :: cfn_length !... locals logical :: lfct, limp, lpow integer :: i real :: val character(len=20) :: keyword character(len=maxlen), dimension(8) :: str character(len=maxlen) :: cnstnt, fstr !....................................................................... lfct = .false.; limp = .false.; lpow = .false. if (arr%fct/= 1.) lfct = .true. if (arr%imp/= 0.) limp = .true. if (arr%pow/= 0.) lpow = .true. keyword = adjustl(arr%keyword) cnstnt = '' select case (keyword) case ('open/close') fstr = arr%fname if (cfn_length(fstr) == 0) then return end if !... set slashes call osd_s_filename(fstr) call AppendVal(cnstnt,arr%fct,arr%type) if (limp) then if (arr%imp.gt.0.) then cnstnt = trim(cnstnt)//'+' call AppendVal(cnstnt,arr%imp,arr%type) else cnstnt = trim(cnstnt)//'-' call AppendVal(cnstnt,-arr%imp,arr%type) end if end if if (lpow) then cnstnt = trim(cnstnt)//'^' call AppendVal(cnstnt,arr%pow,arr%type) end if !cnstnt = trim(cnstnt)//trim(arr%oper) ! replace relative dot for one level deeper call imod_utl_dir_level_up(fstr) ! write string write(str(1),*) trim(keyword) write(str(2),*) "'"//trim(fstr)//"'" write(str(3),*) trim(cnstnt) write(str(4),*) trim(arr%fmtin) write(str(5),*) arr%iprn write(str(6),*) 'scaling' write(str(7),*) arr%iuscl write(str(8),*) arr%idscl write(lun,'(8(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 8) case ('constant') val = arr%cnstnt if (lfct) val = val*arr%fct if (limp) val = val + arr%imp if (lpow) val = val ** arr%pow call AppendVal(cnstnt,val,arr%type) !cnstnt = trim(cnstnt)//trim(arr%oper) ! write string write(str(1),*) trim(keyword) write(str(2),*) trim(cnstnt) write(lun,'(2(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 2) case default write(*,*) 'Error: unsupported keyword for writing array.' stop 1 end select return end subroutine WriteArrayRead subroutine AppendVal(str,val,typ) implicit none !... arguments character(len=*), intent(out) :: str real, intent(in) :: val integer, intent(in) :: typ !... locals character(len=maxlen) :: valstr !....................................................................... valstr = '' if (typ == iarr) then write(valstr,*) val else write(valstr,*) int(val) end if str = trim(str)//trim(adjustl(valstr)) end subroutine AppendVal subroutine WriteGcd(gcd, lun) implicit none !... arguments type(tGcd), intent(in) :: gcd integer, intent(in) :: lun !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... locals integer :: isub, jsub, icol, i, nsubsys character(len=maxlen), dimension(5) :: str logical :: lrenum !....................................................................... !... open gcd file nsubsys = 0; lrenum = .false. do isub = 1, gcd%nsubsys if (gcd%subsys(isub)%active) nsubsys = nsubsys + 1 end do if (gcd%nsubsys.ne.nsubsys) lrenum = .true. write(str(1),*) nsubsys write(lun,'(a)') trim(adjustl(str(1))) jsub = 0 do isub = 1, gcd%nsubsys if (.not.gcd%subsys(isub)%active) cycle jsub = jsub + 1 write(str(1),*) gcd%subsys(isub)%ilay if (lrenum) then write(str(2),*) jsub else write(str(2),*) gcd%subsys(isub)%isub end if write(lun,'(2(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 2) do icol = 1, gcd%ncolumns call WriteArrayRead(gcd%subsys(isub)%data(icol),lun) ! column data end do ! icol end do ! isub return end subroutine WriteGcd subroutine WriteLcd(lcd, lun) implicit none !... arguments type(tLcd), intent(in) :: lcd integer, intent(in) :: lun !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... locals integer :: igen, icol, i character(len=maxlen), dimension(5) :: str !....................................................................... write(str(1),*) lcd%ngen write(lun,'(a)') trim(adjustl(str(1))) do igen = 1, lcd%ngen write(str(1),*) lcd%gen(igen)%ilay write(str(2),*) lcd%gen(igen)%factor write(lun,'(2(a,1x))')(trim(adjustl(str(i))), i = 1, 2) call WriteArrayRead(lcd%gen(igen)%data(1),lun) ! column data end do ! igen return end subroutine WriteLcd !> Create directory wrapper routine. subroutine CreateDir(file) implicit none !... arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: file !... functions integer :: osd_fsplit !... locals integer :: ios character(len=300) :: dir, name !....................................................................... ios = osd_fsplit(file,dir,name) if (ios.ne.0) then write(*,*) 'ERROR. File splitting ipf.' stop 1 end if call osd_mkdir(dir,ios) ! if (ios.ne.0) then ! write(*,*) 'ERROR. Creating directory.' ! stop 1 ! end if end subroutine CreateDir end module rf2mf_module