module dflowfmmod contains !> returns internal id for 1D grid cell closest to (x,y), and -1 when fails !> In this unit test setup: always 1 function dflowfm_MapCoordinateTo1DCellId(x, y, id) result(success) implicit none logical :: success double precision, intent(in) :: x double precision, intent(in) :: y integer, intent(out) :: id integer :: ndx2d id = 1 success = .true. end function !> returns internal id for 2D grid cell closest to (x,y), and -1 when fails !> In this unit test setup: always 1 function dflowfm_MapCoordinateTo2DCellId(x, y, id) result(success) implicit none logical :: success double precision, intent(in) :: x double precision, intent(in) :: y integer, intent(out) :: id id = 1 success = .true. end function end module dflowfmmod