!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2014.
!! This file is part of iMOD.
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see .
!! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl
!! Stichting Deltares
!! P.O. Box 177
!! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands.
subroutine idbvip ( md, ndp, xd, yd, zd, nip, xi, yi, zi, iwk, wk )
!! IDBVIP performs bivariate interpolation of irregular X, Y data.
! Discussion:
! The data points must be distinct and their projections in the
! X-Y plane must not be collinear, otherwise an error return
! occurs.
! Inadequate work space IWK and WK may cause incorrect results.
! Latest revision:
! January, 1985
! Purpose:
! To provide bivariate interpolation and smooth surface fitting for
! values given at irregularly distributed points.
! The resulting interpolating function and its first-order partial
! derivatives are continuous.
! The method employed is local, i.e. a change in the data in one area
! of the plane does not affect the interpolating function except in
! that local area. This is advantageous over global interpolation
! methods.
! Also, the method gives exact results when all points lie in a plane.
! This is advantageous over other methods such as two-dimensional
! Fourier series interpolation.
! Usage:
! This package contains two user entries, IDBVIP and IDSFFT, both
! requiring input data to be given at points
! ( X(I), Y(I) ), I = 1,...,N.
! If the user desires the interpolated data to be output at grid
! points, i.e. at points
! ( XI(I), YI(J) ), I = 1,...,NXI, J=1,...,NYI,
! then IDSFFT should be used. This is useful for generating an
! interpolating surface.
! The other user entry point, IDBVIP, will produce interpolated
! values at scattered points
! ( XI(I), YI(I) ), i = 1,...,NIP.
! This is useful for filling in missing data points on a grid.
! History:
! The original version of BIVAR was written by Hiroshi Akima in
! August 1975 and rewritten by him in late 1976. It was incorporated
! into NCAR's public software libraries in January 1977. In August
! 1984 a new version of BIVAR, incorporating changes described in the
! Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics article cited below, was
! obtained from Dr Akima by Michael Pernice of NCAR's Scientific
! Computing Division, who evaluated it and made it available in February,
! 1985.
! Accuracy:
! Accurate to machine precision on the input data points. Accuracy at
! other points greatly depends on the input data.
! References:
! Hiroshi Akima,
! A Method of Bivariate Interpolation and Smooth Surface Fitting
! for Values Given at Irregularly Distributed Points,
! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
! Volume 4, Number 2, June 1978.
! Hiroshi Akima,
! On Estimating Partial Derivatives for Bivariate Interpolation
! of Scattered Data,
! Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics,
! Volume 14, Number 1, Winter 1984.
! Method:
! The XY plane is divided into triangular cells, each cell having
! projections of three data points in the plane as its vertices, and
! a bivariate quintic polynomial in X and Y is fitted to each
! triangular cell.
! The coefficients in the fitted quintic polynomials are determined
! by continuity requirements and by estimates of partial derivatives
! at the vertices and along the edges of the triangles. The method
! described in the rocky mountain journal reference guarantees that
! the generated surface depends continuously on the triangulation.
! The resulting interpolating function is invariant under the following
! types of linear coordinate transformations:
! 1) a rotation of the XY coordinate system
! 2) linear scale transformation of the Z axis
! 3) tilting of the XY plane, i.e. new coordinates (u,v,w) given by
! u = x
! v = y
! w = z + a*x + b*y
! where a, b are arbitrary constants.
! complete details of the method are given in the reference publications.
! Parameters:
! Input, integer MD, mode of computation. MD must be 1,
! 2, or 3, else an error return occurs.
! 1: if this is the first call to this subroutine, or if the
! value of NDP has been changed from the previous call, or
! if the contents of the XD or YD arrays have been changed
! from the previous call.
! 2: if the values of NDP and the XD and YD arrays are unchanged
! from the previous call, but new values for XI, YI are being
! used. If MD = 2 and NDP has been changed since the previous
! call to IDBVIP, an error return occurs.
! 3: if the values of NDP, NIP, XD, YD, XI, YI are unchanged from
! the previous call, i.e. if the only change on input to idbvip is
! in the ZD array. If MD = 3 and NDP or NIP has been changed since
! the previous call to IDBVIP, an error return occurs.
! Between the call with MD = 2 or MD = 3 and the preceding call, the
! IWK and WK work arrays should not be disturbed.
! Input, integer NDP, the number of data points (must be 4 or
! greater, else an error return occurs).
! Input, real XD(NDP), Y(NDP), the X and Y coordinates of the data points.
! Input, real ZD(NDP), the data values at the data points.
! Input, integer NIP, the number of output points at which
! interpolation is to be performed (must be 1 or greater, else an
! error return occurs).
! Input, real XI(NIP), YI(NIP), the coordinates of the points at which
! interpolation is to be performed.
! Output, real ZI(NIP), the interpolated data values.
! Workspace, integer IWK(31*NDP+NIP).
! Workspace, real WK(8*NDP).
implicit none
integer ndp
integer nip
real ap
real bp
real cp
real dp
integer iip
integer itipv
integer itpv
integer iwk(31*ndp + nip)
integer jwipl
integer jwipt
integer jwit
integer jwit0
integer jwiwk
integer jwiwl
integer jwiwp
integer jwwpd
integer md
integer nl
integer nt
integer ntsc
real p00
real p01
real p02
real p03
real p04
real p05
real p10
real p11
real p12
real p13
real p14
real p20
real p21
real p22
real p23
real p30
real p31
real p32
real p40
real p41
real p50
real wk(8*ndp)
real x0
real xd(ndp)
real xi(nip)
real xs1
real xs2
real y0
real yd(ndp)
real yi(nip)
real ys1
real ys2
real zd(ndp)
real zi(nip)
save /idlc/
save /idpt/
common /idlc/ itipv,xs1,xs2,ys1,ys2,ntsc(9)
common /idpt/ itpv,x0,y0,ap,bp,cp,dp, &
p00,p10,p20,p30,p40,p50,p01,p11,p21,p31,p41, &
! Error check.
if ( md < 1 .or. md > 3 ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDBVIP - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Input parameter MD out of range.'
end if
if ( ndp < 4 ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDBVIP - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Input parameter NDP out of range.'
end if
if ( nip < 1 ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDBVIP - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Input parameter NIP out of range.'
end if
if ( md == 1 ) then
iwk(1) = ndp
if ( ndp /= iwk(1) ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDBVIP - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' MD = 2 or 3 but NDP was changed since last call.'
end if
end if
if ( md <= 2 ) then
iwk(3) = nip
if ( nip < iwk(3) ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDBVIP - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' MD = 3 but NIP was changed since last call.'
end if
end if
! Allocation of storage areas in the IWK array.
jwipt = 16
jwiwl = 6*ndp+1
jwiwk = jwiwl
jwipl = 24*ndp+1
jwiwp = 30*ndp+1
jwit0 = 31*ndp
jwwpd = 5*ndp+1
! Triangulate the XY plane.
if ( md == 1 ) then
call idtang ( ndp, xd, yd, nt, iwk(jwipt), nl, iwk(jwipl), &
iwk(jwiwl), iwk(jwiwp), wk )
iwk(5) = nt
iwk(6) = nl
if ( nt == 0 ) then
end if
nt = iwk(5)
nl = iwk(6)
end if
! Locate all points at which interpolation is to be performed.
if ( md <= 2 ) then
itipv = 0
jwit = jwit0
do iip = 1, nip
jwit = jwit+1
call idlctn ( ndp, xd, yd, nt, iwk(jwipt), nl, iwk(jwipl), &
xi(iip), yi(iip), iwk(jwit), iwk(jwiwk), wk )
end do
end if
! Estimate the partial derivatives at all data points.
call idpdrv ( ndp, xd, yd, zd, nt, iwk(jwipt), wk, wk(jwwpd) )
! Interpolate the ZI values.
itpv = 0
jwit = jwit0
do iip = 1, nip
jwit = jwit + 1
call idptip ( ndp, xd, yd, zd, nt, iwk(jwipt), nl, iwk(jwipl), wk, &
iwk(jwit), xi(iip), yi(iip), zi(iip) )
end do
subroutine idgrid ( xd, yd, nt, ipt, nl, ipl, nxi, nyi, xi, yi, ngp, igp )
!! IDGRID organizes grid points for surface fitting.
! Discussion:
! IDGRID sorts the points in ascending order of triangle numbers and
! of the border line segment number.
! Parameters:
! Input, real XD(NDP), YD(NDP), the X and Y coordinates of the data
! points.
! Input, integer NT, the number of triangles.
! Input, integer IPT(3*NT), the indices of the triangle vertexes.
! Input, integer NL, the number of border line segments.
! Input, integer IPL(3*NL), containing the point numbers of the end points
! of the border line segments and their respective triangle numbers,
! Input, integer NXI, NYI, the number of grid points in the X and Y
! coordinates.
! Input, real XI(NXI), YI(NYI), the coordinates of the grid points.
! Output, integer NGP(2*(NT+2*NL)) where the
! number of grid points that belong to each of the
! triangles or of the border line segments are to be stored.
! Output, integer IGP(NXI*NYI), where the grid point numbers are to be
! stored in ascending order of the triangle number and the border line
! segment number.
implicit none
integer nl
integer nt
integer nxi
integer nyi
integer igp(nxi*nyi)
integer il0
integer il0t3
integer ilp1
integer ilp1t3
integer insd
integer ip1
integer ip2
integer ip3
integer ipl(3*nl)
integer ipt(3*nt)
integer it0
integer it0t3
integer ixi
integer iximn
integer iximx
integer iyi
integer izi
integer jigp0
integer jigp1
integer jigp1i
integer jngp0
integer jngp1
integer l
integer ngp(2*(nt+2*nl))
integer ngp0
integer ngp1
integer nl0
integer nt0
integer nxinyi
real spdt
real u1
real u2
real u3
real v1
real v2
real v3
real vpdt
real x1
real x2
real x3
real xd(*)
real xi(nxi)
real xii
real ximn
real ximx
real xmn
real xmx
real y1
real y2
real y3
real yd(*)
real yi(nyi)
real yii
real yimn
real yimx
real ymn
real ymx
! Statement functions
spdt(u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3) = (u1-u2)*(u3-u2)+(v1-v2)*(v3-v2)
vpdt(u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3) = (u1-u3)*(v2-v3)-(v1-v3)*(u2-u3)
! Preliminary processing
nt0 = nt
nl0 = nl
nxinyi = nxi * nyi
ximn = min ( xi(1), xi(nxi) )
ximx = max ( xi(1), xi(nxi) )
yimn = min ( yi(1), yi(nyi) )
yimx = max ( yi(1), yi(nyi) )
! Determine grid points inside the data area.
jngp0 = 0
jngp1 = 2*(nt0+2*nl0)+1
jigp0 = 0
jigp1 = nxinyi + 1
do it0 = 1, nt0
ngp0 = 0
ngp1 = 0
it0t3 = it0*3
ip1 = ipt(it0t3-2)
ip2 = ipt(it0t3-1)
ip3 = ipt(it0t3)
x1 = xd(ip1)
y1 = yd(ip1)
x2 = xd(ip2)
y2 = yd(ip2)
x3 = xd(ip3)
y3 = yd(ip3)
xmn = min ( x1, x2, x3 )
xmx = max ( x1, x2, x3 )
ymn = min ( y1, y2, y3 )
ymx = max ( y1, y2, y3 )
insd = 0
do ixi = 1, nxi
if ( xi(ixi) < xmn .or. xi(ixi) > xmx ) then
if ( insd == 0 ) then
end if
iximx = ixi-1
go to 23
end if
if ( insd /= 1 ) then
insd = 1
iximn = ixi
end if
end do
if ( insd == 0 ) then
go to 38
end if
iximx = nxi
23 continue
do iyi = 1, nyi
yii = yi(iyi)
if ( yii < ymn .or. yii > ymx ) then
go to 37
end if
do ixi = iximn, iximx
xii = xi(ixi)
l = 0
if ( vpdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,xii,yii) ) 36,25,26
25 continue
l = 1
26 continue
if(vpdt(x2,y2,x3,y3,xii,yii)) 36,27,28
27 continue
l = 1
28 continue
if(vpdt(x3,y3,x1,y1,xii,yii)) 36,29,30
29 continue
l = 1
30 continue
izi = nxi*(iyi-1)+ixi
if ( l == 1 ) go to 31
ngp0 = ngp0+1
jigp0 = jigp0+1
igp(jigp0) = izi
go to 36
31 continue
do jigp1i = jigp1,nxinyi
if ( izi == igp(jigp1i) ) then
go to 36
end if
end do
ngp1 = ngp1+1
jigp1 = jigp1-1
igp(jigp1) = izi
36 continue
end do
37 continue
end do
38 continue
jngp0 = jngp0+1
ngp(jngp0) = ngp0
jngp1 = jngp1-1
ngp(jngp1) = ngp1
end do
! Determine grid points outside the data area.
! in semi-infinite rectangular area.
do il0 = 1, nl0
ngp0 = 0
ngp1 = 0
il0t3 = il0*3
ip1 = ipl(il0t3-2)
ip2 = ipl(il0t3-1)
x1 = xd(ip1)
y1 = yd(ip1)
x2 = xd(ip2)
y2 = yd(ip2)
xmn = ximn
xmx = ximx
ymn = yimn
ymx = yimx
if ( y2 >= y1 ) then
xmn = min ( x1, x2 )
end if
if ( y2 <= y1 ) then
xmx = max ( x1, x2 )
end if
if ( x2 <= x1 ) then
ymn = min ( y1, y2 )
end if
if ( x2 >= x1 ) then
ymx = max ( y1, y2 )
end if
insd = 0
do ixi = 1, nxi
if ( xi(ixi) < xmn .or. xi(ixi) > xmx ) then
if ( insd == 0 ) then
go to 42
end if
iximx = ixi-1
go to 43
end if
if ( insd /= 1 ) then
insd = 1
iximn = ixi
end if
42 continue
end do
if ( insd == 0 ) go to 58
iximx = nxi
43 continue
do iyi = 1, nyi
yii = yi(iyi)
if(yiiymx) go to 57
do ixi = iximn,iximx
xii = xi(ixi)
l = 0
if(vpdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,xii,yii)) 46,45,56
45 l = 1
46 if(spdt(x2,y2,x1,y1,xii,yii)) 56,47,48
47 l = 1
48 if(spdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,xii,yii)) 56,49,50
49 l = 1
50 izi = nxi*(iyi-1)+ixi
if(l==1) go to 51
ngp0 = ngp0+1
jigp0 = jigp0+1
igp(jigp0) = izi
go to 56
51 continue
do jigp1i = jigp1,nxinyi
if(izi==igp(jigp1i)) go to 56
end do
53 continue
ngp1 = ngp1+1
jigp1 = jigp1-1
igp(jigp1) = izi
56 continue
end do
57 continue
end do
58 continue
jngp0 = jngp0+1
ngp(jngp0) = ngp0
jngp1 = jngp1-1
ngp(jngp1) = ngp1
! In semi-infinite triangular area.
60 continue
ngp0 = 0
ngp1 = 0
ilp1 = mod(il0,nl0)+1
ilp1t3 = ilp1*3
ip3 = ipl(ilp1t3-1)
x3 = xd(ip3)
y3 = yd(ip3)
xmn = ximn
xmx = ximx
ymn = yimn
ymx = yimx
if(y3>=y2.and.y2>=y1) xmn = x2
if(y3<=y2.and.y2<=y1) xmx = x2
if(x3<=x2.and.x2<=x1) ymn = y2
if(x3>=x2.and.x2>=x1) ymx = y2
insd = 0
do ixi = 1, nxi
if ( xi(ixi) < xmn .or. xi(ixi) > xmx ) then
if(insd==0) go to 62
iximx = ixi-1
go to 63
end if
if ( insd /= 1 ) then
insd = 1
iximn = ixi
end if
62 continue
end do
if(insd==0) go to 78
iximx = nxi
63 continue
do iyi = 1, nyi
yii = yi(iyi)
if(yiiymx) go to 77
do ixi = iximn, iximx
xii = xi(ixi)
l = 0
if ( spdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,xii,yii) ) 66,65,76
65 l = 1
66 if(spdt(x3,y3,x2,y2,xii,yii)) 70,67,76
67 l = 1
70 izi = nxi*(iyi-1)+ixi
if ( l /= 1 ) then
ngp0 = ngp0+1
jigp0 = jigp0+1
igp(jigp0) = izi
go to 76
end if
do jigp1i = jigp1, nxinyi
if(izi==igp(jigp1i)) go to 76
end do
ngp1 = ngp1+1
jigp1 = jigp1-1
igp(jigp1) = izi
76 continue
end do
77 continue
end do
78 continue
jngp0 = jngp0+1
ngp(jngp0) = ngp0
jngp1 = jngp1-1
ngp(jngp1) = ngp1
end do
subroutine idlctn ( ndp, xd, yd, nt, ipt, nl, ipl, xii, yii, iti, iwk, wk )
!! IDLCTN finds the triangle that contains a point.
! Discusstion:
! IDLCTN determines what triangle a given point (XII, YII) belongs to.
! When the given point does not lie inside the data area, IDLCTN
! determines the border line segment when the point lies in an outside
! rectangular area, and two border line segments when the point
! lies in an outside triangular area.
! Parameters:
! Input, integer NDP, the number of data points.
! Input, real XD(NDP), YD(NDP), the X and Y coordinates of the data.
! Input, integer NT, the number of triangles.
! Input, integer IPT(3*NT), the point numbers of the vertexes of
! the triangles,
! Input, integer NL, the number of border line segments.
! Input, integer IPL(3*NL), the point numbers of the end points of
! the border line segments and their respective triangle numbers.
! Input, real XII, YII, the coordinates of the point to be located.
! Output, integer ITI, the triangle number, when the point is inside the
! data area, or two border line segment numbers, il1 and il2,
! coded to il1*(nt+nl)+il2, when the point is outside the data area.
! Workspace, integer IWK(18*NDP).
! Workspace, real WK(8*NDP).
implicit none
integer ndp
integer nl
integer nt
integer i1
integer i2
integer i3
integer idp
integer idsc(9)
integer il1
integer il1t3
integer il2
integer ip1
integer ip2
integer ip3
integer ipl(3*nl)
integer ipt(3*nt)
integer isc
integer it0
integer it0t3
integer iti
integer itipv
integer itsc
integer iwk(18*ndp)
integer jiwk
integer jwk
integer nl0
integer nt0
integer ntl
integer ntsc
integer ntsci
real spdt
real u1
real u2
real u3
real v1
real v2
real v3
real vpdt
real wk(8*ndp)
real x0
real x1
real x2
real x3
real xd(ndp)
real xii
real xmn
real xmx
real xs1
real xs2
real y0
real y1
real y2
real y3
real yd(ndp)
real yii
real ymn
real ymx
real ys1
real ys2
save /idlc/
common /idlc/ itipv,xs1,xs2,ys1,ys2,ntsc(9)
! Statement functions
spdt(u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3) = (u1-u2)*(u3-u2)+(v1-v2)*(v3-v2)
vpdt(u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3) = (u1-u3)*(v2-v3)-(v1-v3)*(u2-u3)
! Preliminary processing
nt0 = nt
nl0 = nl
ntl = nt0+nl0
x0 = xii
y0 = yii
! Processing for a new set of data points
if ( itipv/=0) go to 30
! Divide the x-y plane into nine rectangular sections.
xmn = xd(1)
xmx = xd(1)
ymn = yd(1)
ymx = yd(1)
do idp = 2, ndp
xmn = min ( xd(idp), xmn )
xmx = max ( xd(idp), xmx )
ymn = min ( yd(idp), ymn )
ymx = max ( yd(idp), ymx )
end do
xs1 = ( xmn + xmn + xmx ) / 3.0E+00
xs2 = ( xmn + xmx + xmx ) / 3.0E+00
ys1 = ( ymn + ymn + ymx ) / 3.0E+00
ys2 = ( ymn + ymx + ymx ) / 3.0E+00
! Determine and store in the iwk array, triangle numbers of
! the triangles associated with each of the nine sections.
ntsc(1:9) = 0
idsc(1:9) = 0
it0t3 = 0
jwk = 0
do it0 = 1, nt0
it0t3 = it0t3+3
i1 = ipt(it0t3-2)
i2 = ipt(it0t3-1)
i3 = ipt(it0t3)
xmn = min ( xd(i1), xd(i2), xd(i3) )
xmx = max ( xd(i1), xd(i2), xd(i3) )
ymn = min ( yd(i1), yd(i2), yd(i3) )
ymx = max ( yd(i1), yd(i2), yd(i3) )
if ( ymn <= ys1 ) then
if(xmn<=xs1) idsc(1) = 1
if(xmx>=xs1.and.xmn<=xs2) idsc(2) = 1
if(xmx>=xs2) idsc(3) = 1
end if
if ( ymx >= ys1 .and. ymn <= ys2 ) then
if(xmn<=xs1) idsc(4) = 1
if(xmx>=xs1.and.xmn<=xs2) idsc(5) = 1
if(xmx>=xs2) idsc(6) = 1
end if
if(ymx=xs1.and.xmn<=xs2) idsc(8) = 1
if(xmx>=xs2) idsc(9) = 1
25 continue
do isc = 1, 9
if ( idsc(isc) /= 0 ) then
jiwk = 9*ntsc(isc)+isc
iwk(jiwk) = it0
ntsc(isc) = ntsc(isc)+1
idsc(isc) = 0
end if
end do
! Store in the wk array the minimum and maximum of the X and
! Y coordinate values for each of the triangle.
jwk = jwk+4
wk(jwk-3) = xmn
wk(jwk-2) = xmx
wk(jwk-1) = ymn
wk(jwk) = ymx
end do
go to 60
! Check if in the same triangle as previous.
30 continue
it0 = itipv
if(it0>nt0) go to 40
it0t3 = it0*3
ip1 = ipt(it0t3-2)
x1 = xd(ip1)
y1 = yd(ip1)
ip2 = ipt(it0t3-1)
x2 = xd(ip2)
y2 = yd(ip2)
if(vpdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,x0,y0) < 0.0E+00 ) go to 60
ip3 = ipt(it0t3)
x3 = xd(ip3)
y3 = yd(ip3)
if(vpdt(x2,y2,x3,y3,x0,y0) < 0.0E+00 ) go to 60
if(vpdt(x3,y3,x1,y1,x0,y0) < 0.0E+00 ) go to 60
iti = it0
itipv = it0
! Check if on the same border line segment.
40 continue
il1 = it0 / ntl
il2 = it0-il1*ntl
il1t3 = il1*3
ip1 = ipl(il1t3-2)
x1 = xd(ip1)
y1 = yd(ip1)
ip2 = ipl(il1t3-1)
x2 = xd(ip2)
y2 = yd(ip2)
if(il2/=il1) go to 50
if(spdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,x0,y0) < 0.0E+00 ) go to 60
if(spdt(x2,y2,x1,y1,x0,y0) < 0.0E+00 ) go to 60
if(vpdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,x0,y0) > 0.0E+00 ) go to 60
iti = it0
itipv = it0
! Check if between the same two border line segments.
50 continue
if(spdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,x0,y0) > 0.0E+00 ) go to 60
ip3 = ipl(3*il2-1)
x3 = xd(ip3)
y3 = yd(ip3)
if ( spdt(x3,y3,x2,y2,x0,y0) <= 0.0E+00 ) then
iti = it0
itipv = it0
end if
! Locate inside the data area.
! Determine the section in which the point in question lies.
60 continue
isc = 1
if ( x0 >= xs1 ) then
isc = isc+1
end if
if ( x0 >= xs2 ) then
isc = isc+1
end if
if ( y0 >= ys1 ) then
isc = isc+3
end if
if ( y0 >= ys2 ) then
isc = isc+3
end if
! Search through the triangles associated with the section.
ntsci = ntsc(isc)
if(ntsci<=0) go to 70
jiwk = -9+isc
do itsc = 1, ntsci
jiwk = jiwk+9
it0 = iwk(jiwk)
jwk = it0*4
if(x0wk(jwk-2)) go to 61
if(y0wk(jwk)) go to 61
it0t3 = it0*3
ip1 = ipt(it0t3-2)
x1 = xd(ip1)
y1 = yd(ip1)
ip2 = ipt(it0t3-1)
x2 = xd(ip2)
y2 = yd(ip2)
if(vpdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,x0,y0)<0.0E+00 ) go to 61
ip3 = ipt(it0t3)
x3 = xd(ip3)
y3 = yd(ip3)
if ( vpdt(x2,y2,x3,y3,x0,y0) >= 0.0E+00 ) then
if ( vpdt(x3,y3,x1,y1,x0,y0) >= 0.0E+00 ) then
iti = it0
itipv = it0
end if
end if
61 continue
end do
! Locate outside the data area.
70 continue
do il1 = 1, nl0
il1t3 = il1*3
ip1 = ipl(il1t3-2)
x1 = xd(ip1)
y1 = yd(ip1)
ip2 = ipl(il1t3-1)
x2 = xd(ip2)
y2 = yd(ip2)
if(spdt(x2,y2,x1,y1,x0,y0)<0.0E+00 ) go to 72
if(spdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,x0,y0)<0.0E+00 ) go to 71
if(vpdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,x0,y0)>0.0E+00 ) go to 72
il2 = il1
go to 75
71 continue
il2 = mod(il1,nl0)+1
ip3 = ipl(3*il2-1)
x3 = xd(ip3)
y3 = yd(ip3)
if(spdt(x3,y3,x2,y2,x0,y0)<=0.0E+00 ) go to 75
72 continue
end do
it0 = 1
iti = it0
itipv = it0
75 continue
it0 = il1*ntl+il2
iti = it0
itipv = it0
subroutine idpdrv ( ndp, xd, yd, zd, nt, ipt, pd, wk )
!! IDPDRV estimates first and second partial derivatives at data points.
! Parameters:
! Input, integer NDP, the number of data points.
! Input, real XD(NDP), YD(NDP), the X and Y coordinates of the data.
! Input, real ZD(NDP), the data values.
! Input, integer NT, the number of triangles.
! Input, integer IPT(3*NT), the point numbers of the vertexes of the
! triangles.
! Output, real PD(5*NDP), the estimated zx, zy, zxx, zxy, and zyy values
! at the ith data point are to be stored as the (5*i-4)th, (5*i-3)rd,
! (5*i-2)nd, (5*i-1)st and (5*i)th elements, respectively, where i =
! 1, 2, ..., ndp.
! Workspace, real WK(NDP).
implicit none
integer ndp
integer nt
real d12
real d23
real d31
real dx1
real dx2
real dy1
real dy2
real dz1
real dz2
real dzx1
real dzx2
real dzy1
real dzy2
real, parameter :: epsln = 1.0E-06
integer idp
integer ipt(3*nt)
integer ipti(3)
integer it
integer iv
integer jpd
integer jpd0
integer jpdmx
integer jpt
integer jpt0
integer nt0
real pd(5*ndp)
real vpx
real vpxx
real vpxy
real vpy
real vpyx
real vpyy
real vpz
real vpzmn
real w1(3)
real w2(3)
real wi
real wk(ndp)
real xd(ndp)
real xv(3)
real yd(ndp)
real yv(3)
real zd(ndp)
real zv(3)
real zxv(3)
real zyv(3)
! Preliminary processing.
nt0 = nt
! Clear the PD array.
jpdmx = 5*ndp
pd(1:jpdmx) = 0.0E+00
wk(1:ndp) = 0.0E+00
! Estimate ZX and ZY.
do it = 1, nt0
jpt0 = 3*(it-1)
do iv = 1, 3
jpt = jpt0+iv
idp = ipt(jpt)
ipti(iv) = idp
xv(iv) = xd(idp)
yv(iv) = yd(idp)
zv(iv) = zd(idp)
end do
dx1 = xv(2)-xv(1)
dy1 = yv(2)-yv(1)
dz1 = zv(2)-zv(1)
dx2 = xv(3)-xv(1)
dy2 = yv(3)-yv(1)
dz2 = zv(3)-zv(1)
vpx = dy1*dz2-dz1*dy2
vpy = dz1*dx2-dx1*dz2
vpz = dx1*dy2-dy1*dx2
vpzmn = abs(dx1*dx2+dy1*dy2)*epsln
if ( abs(vpz) > vpzmn ) then
d12 = sqrt((xv(2)-xv(1))**2+(yv(2)-yv(1))**2)
d23 = sqrt((xv(3)-xv(2))**2+(yv(3)-yv(2))**2)
d31 = sqrt((xv(1)-xv(3))**2+(yv(1)-yv(3))**2)
w1(1) = 1.0E+00 / (d31*d12)
w1(2) = 1.0E+00 / (d12*d23)
w1(3) = 1.0E+00 / (d23*d31)
w2(1) = vpz*w1(1)
w2(2) = vpz*w1(2)
w2(3) = vpz*w1(3)
do iv = 1, 3
idp = ipti(iv)
jpd0 = 5*(idp-1)
wi = (w1(iv)**2)*w2(iv)
pd(jpd0+1) = pd(jpd0+1)+vpx*wi
pd(jpd0+2) = pd(jpd0+2)+vpy*wi
wk(idp) = wk(idp)+vpz*wi
end do
end if
end do
do idp = 1, ndp
jpd0 = 5*(idp-1)
pd(jpd0+1) = -pd(jpd0+1)/wk(idp)
pd(jpd0+2) = -pd(jpd0+2)/wk(idp)
end do
! Estimate ZXX, ZXY, and ZYY.
do it = 1, nt0
jpt0 = 3*(it-1)
do iv = 1, 3
jpt = jpt0+iv
idp = ipt(jpt)
ipti(iv) = idp
xv(iv) = xd(idp)
yv(iv) = yd(idp)
jpd0 = 5*(idp-1)
zxv(iv) = pd(jpd0+1)
zyv(iv) = pd(jpd0+2)
end do
dx1 = xv(2)-xv(1)
dy1 = yv(2)-yv(1)
dzx1 = zxv(2)-zxv(1)
dzy1 = zyv(2)-zyv(1)
dx2 = xv(3)-xv(1)
dy2 = yv(3)-yv(1)
dzx2 = zxv(3)-zxv(1)
dzy2 = zyv(3)-zyv(1)
vpxx = dy1*dzx2-dzx1*dy2
vpxy = dzx1*dx2-dx1*dzx2
vpyx = dy1*dzy2-dzy1*dy2
vpyy = dzy1*dx2-dx1*dzy2
vpz = dx1*dy2-dy1*dx2
vpzmn = abs(dx1*dx2+dy1*dy2)*epsln
if ( abs(vpz) > vpzmn ) then
d12 = sqrt((xv(2)-xv(1))**2+(yv(2)-yv(1))**2)
d23 = sqrt((xv(3)-xv(2))**2+(yv(3)-yv(2))**2)
d31 = sqrt((xv(1)-xv(3))**2+(yv(1)-yv(3))**2)
w1(1) = 1.0E+00 /(d31*d12)
w1(2) = 1.0E+00 /(d12*d23)
w1(3) = 1.0E+00 /(d23*d31)
w2(1) = vpz*w1(1)
w2(2) = vpz*w1(2)
w2(3) = vpz*w1(3)
do iv = 1, 3
idp = ipti(iv)
jpd0 = 5*(idp-1)
wi = (w1(iv)**2)*w2(iv)
pd(jpd0+3) = pd(jpd0+3)+vpxx*wi
pd(jpd0+4) = pd(jpd0+4)+(vpxy+vpyx)*wi
pd(jpd0+5) = pd(jpd0+5)+vpyy*wi
end do
end if
end do
do idp = 1, ndp
jpd0 = 5*(idp-1)
pd(jpd0+3) = -pd(jpd0+3)/wk(idp)
pd(jpd0+4) = -pd(jpd0+4)/(2.0*wk(idp))
pd(jpd0+5) = -pd(jpd0+5)/wk(idp)
end do
subroutine idptip ( ndp,xd, yd, zd, nt, ipt, nl, ipl, pdd, iti, xii, yii, zii )
!! IDPTIP performs interpolation, determining a value of Z given X and Y.
! Modified:
! 19 February 2001
! Parameters:
! Input, integer NDP, the number of data values.
! Input, real XD(NDP), YD(NDP), the X and Y coordinates of the data.
! Input, real ZD(NDP), the data values.
! Input, integer NT, the number of triangles.
! Input, ipt = integer array of dimension 3*nt containing the
! point numbers of the vertexes of the triangles,
! Input, integer NL, the number of border line segments.
! Input, integer IPL(3*NL), the point numbers of the end points of the
! border line segments and their respective triangle numbers,
! Input, real PDD(5*NDP). the partial derivatives at the data points,
! Input, integer ITI, triangle number of the triangle in which lies
! the point for which interpolation is to be performed,
! Input, real XII, YII, the X and Y coordinates of the point for which
! interpolation is to be performed.
! Output, real ZII, the interpolated Z value.
implicit none
integer ndp
integer nl
integer nt
real a
real aa
real ab
real ac
real act2
real ad
real adbc
real ap
real b
real bb
real bc
real bdt2
real bp
real c
real cc
real cd
real cp
real csuv
real d
real dd
real dlt
real dp
real dx
real dy
real g1
real g2
real h1
real h2
real h3
integer i
integer idp
integer il1
integer il2
integer ipl(3*nl)
integer ipt(3*nt)
integer it0
integer iti
integer itpv
integer jipl
integer jipt
integer jpd
integer jpdd
integer kpd
integer ntl
real lu
real lv
real p0
real p00
real p01
real p02
real p03
real p04
real p05
real p1
real p10
real p11
real p12
real p13
real p14
real p2
real p20
real p21
real p22
real p23
real p3
real p30
real p31
real p32
real p4
real p40
real p41
real p5
real p50
real pd(15)
real pdd(5*ndp)
real thsv
real thus
real thuv
real thxu
real u
real v
real x(3)
real x0
real xd(*)
real xii
real y(3)
real y0
real yd(*)
real yii
real z(3)
real z0
real zd(*)
real zii
real zu(3)
real zuu(3)
real zuv(3)
real zv(3)
real zvv(3)
save /idpt/
common /idpt/ itpv,x0,y0,ap,bp,cp,dp, &
p00,p10,p20,p30,p40,p50,p01,p11,p21,p31,p41, &
! Preliminary processing
it0 = iti
ntl = nt+nl
if ( it0 > ntl ) then
il1 = it0/ntl
il2 = it0-il1*ntl
if(il1==il2) go to 40
go to 60
end if
! Calculation of ZII by interpolation.
! Check if the necessary coefficients have been calculated.
if ( it0 == itpv ) go to 30
! Load coordinate and partial derivative values at the vertexes.
jipt = 3*(it0-1)
jpd = 0
do i = 1, 3
jipt = jipt+1
idp = ipt(jipt)
x(i) = xd(idp)
y(i) = yd(idp)
z(i) = zd(idp)
jpdd = 5*(idp-1)
do kpd = 1, 5
jpd = jpd+1
jpdd = jpdd+1
pd(jpd) = pdd(jpdd)
end do
end do
! Determine the coefficients for the coordinate system
! transformation from the XY system to the UV system and vice versa.
x0 = x(1)
y0 = y(1)
a = x(2)-x0
b = x(3)-x0
c = y(2)-y0
d = y(3)-y0
ad = a*d
bc = b*c
dlt = ad-bc
ap = d/dlt
bp = -b/dlt
cp = -c/dlt
dp = a/dlt
! Convert the partial derivatives at the vertexes of the
! triangle for the UV coordinate system.
aa = a*a
act2 = 2.0E+00 *a*c
cc = c*c
ab = a*b
adbc = ad+bc
cd = c*d
bb = b*b
bdt2 = 2.0E+00 *b*d
dd = d*d
do i = 1, 3
jpd = 5*i
zu(i) = a*pd(jpd-4)+c*pd(jpd-3)
zv(i) = b*pd(jpd-4)+d*pd(jpd-3)
zuu(i) = aa*pd(jpd-2)+act2*pd(jpd-1)+cc*pd(jpd)
zuv(i) = ab*pd(jpd-2)+adbc*pd(jpd-1)+cd*pd(jpd)
zvv(i) = bb*pd(jpd-2)+bdt2*pd(jpd-1)+dd*pd(jpd)
end do
! Calculate the coefficients of the polynomial.
p00 = z(1)
p10 = zu(1)
p01 = zv(1)
p20 = 0.5E+00 * zuu(1)
p11 = zuv(1)
p02 = 0.5E+00 * zvv(1)
h1 = z(2)-p00-p10-p20
h2 = zu(2)-p10-zuu(1)
h3 = zuu(2)-zuu(1)
p30 = 10.0E+00 * h1 - 4.0E+00 * h2 + 0.5E+00 * h3
p40 = -15.0E+00 * h1 + 7.0E+00 * h2 - h3
p50 = 6.0E+00 * h1 - 3.0E+00 * h2 + 0.5E+00 * h3
h1 = z(3)-p00-p01-p02
h2 = zv(3)-p01-zvv(1)
h3 = zvv(3)-zvv(1)
p03 = 10.0E+00 * h1 - 4.0E+00 * h2 + 0.5E+00 * h3
p04 = -15.0E+00 * h1 + 7.0E+00 * h2 -h3
p05 = 6.0E+00 * h1 - 3.0E+00 * h2 + 0.5E+00 * h3
lu = sqrt(aa+cc)
lv = sqrt(bb+dd)
thxu = atan2(c,a)
thuv = atan2(d,b)-thxu
csuv = cos(thuv)
p41 = 5.0E+00*lv*csuv/lu*p50
p14 = 5.0E+00*lu*csuv/lv*p05
h1 = zv(2)-p01-p11-p41
h2 = zuv(2)-p11-4.0E+00 * p41
p21 = 3.0E+00 * h1-h2
p31 = -2.0E+00 * h1+h2
h1 = zu(3)-p10-p11-p14
h2 = zuv(3)-p11- 4.0E+00 * p14
p12 = 3.0E+00 * h1-h2
p13 = -2.0E+00 * h1+h2
thus = atan2(d-c,b-a)-thxu
thsv = thuv-thus
aa = sin(thsv)/lu
bb = -cos(thsv)/lu
cc = sin(thus)/lv
dd = cos(thus)/lv
ac = aa*cc
ad = aa*dd
bc = bb*cc
g1 = aa * ac*(3.0E+00*bc+2.0E+00*ad)
g2 = cc * ac*(3.0E+00*ad+2.0E+00*bc)
h1 = -aa*aa*aa*(5.0E+00*aa*bb*p50+(4.0E+00*bc+ad)*p41) &
h2 = 0.5E+00 * zvv(2)-p02-p12
h3 = 0.5E+00 * zuu(3)-p20-p21
p22 = (g1*h2+g2*h3-h1)/(g1+g2)
p32 = h2-p22
p23 = h3-p22
itpv = it0
! Convert XII and YII to UV system.
30 continue
dx = xii-x0
dy = yii-y0
u = ap*dx+bp*dy
v = cp*dx+dp*dy
! Evaluate the polynomial.
p0 = p00+v*(p01+v*(p02+v*(p03+v*(p04+v*p05))))
p1 = p10+v*(p11+v*(p12+v*(p13+v*p14)))
p2 = p20+v*(p21+v*(p22+v*p23))
p3 = p30+v*(p31+v*p32)
p4 = p40+v*p41
p5 = p50
zii = p0+u*(p1+u*(p2+u*(p3+u*(p4+u*p5))))
! Calculation of ZII by extrapolation in the rectangle.
! Check if the necessary coefficients have been calculated.
40 continue
if(it0==itpv) go to 50
! Load coordinate and partial derivative values at the end
! points of the border line segment.
jipl = 3*(il1-1)
jpd = 0
do i = 1, 2
jipl = jipl+1
idp = ipl(jipl)
x(i) = xd(idp)
y(i) = yd(idp)
z(i) = zd(idp)
jpdd = 5*(idp-1)
do kpd = 1, 5
jpd = jpd+1
jpdd = jpdd+1
pd(jpd) = pdd(jpdd)
end do
end do
! Determine the coefficients for the coordinate system
! transformation from the XY system to the UV system
! and vice versa.
x0 = x(1)
y0 = y(1)
a = y(2)-y(1)
b = x(2)-x(1)
c = -b
d = a
ad = a*d
bc = b*c
dlt = ad-bc
ap = d/dlt
bp = -b/dlt
cp = -bp
dp = ap
! Convert the partial derivatives at the end points of the
! border line segment for the UV coordinate system.
aa = a*a
act2 = 2.0E+00 * a * c
cc = c*c
ab = a*b
adbc = ad+bc
cd = c*d
bb = b*b
bdt2 = 2.0E+00 * b * d
dd = d*d
do i = 1, 2
jpd = 5*i
zu(i) = a*pd(jpd-4)+c*pd(jpd-3)
zv(i) = b*pd(jpd-4)+d*pd(jpd-3)
zuu(i) = aa*pd(jpd-2)+act2*pd(jpd-1)+cc*pd(jpd)
zuv(i) = ab*pd(jpd-2)+adbc*pd(jpd-1)+cd*pd(jpd)
zvv(i) = bb*pd(jpd-2)+bdt2*pd(jpd-1)+dd*pd(jpd)
end do
! Calculate the coefficients of the polynomial.
p00 = z(1)
p10 = zu(1)
p01 = zv(1)
p20 = 0.5E+00 * zuu(1)
p11 = zuv(1)
p02 = 0.5E+00 * zvv(1)
h1 = z(2)-p00-p01-p02
h2 = zv(2)-p01-zvv(1)
h3 = zvv(2)-zvv(1)
p03 = 10.0E+00 * h1 - 4.0E+00*h2+0.5E+00*h3
p04 = -15.0E+00 * h1 + 7.0E+00*h2 -h3
p05 = 6.0E+00 * h1 - 3.0E+00*h2+0.5E+00*h3
h1 = zu(2)-p10-p11
h2 = zuv(2)-p11
p12 = 3.0E+00*h1-h2
p13 = -2.0E+00*h1+h2
p21 = 0.0E+00
p23 = -zuu(2)+zuu(1)
p22 = -1.5E+00*p23
itpv = it0
! Convert XII and YII to UV system.
50 continue
dx = xii-x0
dy = yii-y0
u = ap*dx+bp*dy
v = cp*dx+dp*dy
! Evaluate the polynomial.
p0 = p00+v*(p01+v*(p02+v*(p03+v*(p04+v*p05))))
p1 = p10+v*(p11+v*(p12+v*p13))
p2 = p20+v*(p21+v*(p22+v*p23))
zii = p0+u*(p1+u*p2)
! Calculation of ZII by extrapolation in the triangle.
! Check if the necessary coefficients have been calculated.
60 continue
if ( it0 /= itpv ) then
! Load coordinate and partial derivative values at the vertex of the triangle.
jipl = 3*il2-2
idp = ipl(jipl)
x0 = xd(idp)
y0 = yd(idp)
z0 = zd(idp)
jpdd = 5*(idp-1)
do kpd = 1, 5
jpdd = jpdd+1
pd(kpd) = pdd(jpdd)
end do
! Calculate the coefficients of the polynomial.
p00 = z0
p10 = pd(1)
p01 = pd(2)
p20 = 0.5E+00*pd(3)
p11 = pd(4)
p02 = 0.5E+00*pd(5)
itpv = it0
end if
! Convert XII and YII to UV system.
u = xii-x0
v = yii-y0
! Evaluate the polynomial.
p0 = p00+v*(p01+v*p02)
p1 = p10+v*p11
zii = p0+u*(p1+u*p20)
subroutine idsfft ( md, ndp, xd, yd, zd, nxi, nyi, nzi, xi, yi, zi, iwk, wk )
!! IDSFFT fits a smooth surface Z(X,Y) given irregular (X,Y,Z) data.
! Discussion:
! IDSFFT performs smooth surface fitting when the projections of the
! data points in the (X,Y) plane are irregularly distributed.
! Special conditions:
! Inadequate work space IWK and WK may may cause incorrect results.
! The data points must be distinct and their projections in the XY
! plane must not be collinear, otherwise an error return occurs.
! Parameters:
! Input, integer MD, mode of computation (must be 1, 2, or 3,
! else an error return will occur).
! 1, if this is the first call to this routine, or if the value of
! NDP has been changed from the previous call, or if the contents of
! the XD or YD arrays have been changed from the previous call.
! 2, if the values of NDP and the XD, YD arrays are unchanged from
! the previous call, but new values for XI, YI are being used. If
! MD = 2 and NDP has been changed since the previous call to IDSFFT,
! an error return occurs.
! 3, if the values of NDP, NXI, NYI, XD, YD, XI, YI are unchanged
! from the previous call, i.e. if the only change on input to idsfft
! is in the ZD array. If MD = 3 and NDP, nxi or nyi has been changed
! since the previous call to idsfft, an error return occurs.
! Between the call with MD = 2 or MD = 3 and the preceding call, the
! iwk and wk work arrays should not be disturbed.
! Input, integer NDP, the number of data points. NDP must be at least 4.
! Input, real XD(NDP), YD(NDP), the X and Y coordinates of the data.
! Input, real ZD(NDP), the data values.
! Input, integer NXI, NYI, the number of output grid points in the
! X and Y directions. NXI and NYI must each be at least 1.
! Input, integer NZI, the first dimension of ZI. NZI must be at
! least NXI.
! Input, real XI(NXI), YI(NYI), the X and Y coordinates of the grid
! points.
! Workspace, integer IWK(31*NDP+NXI*NYI).
! Workspace, real WK(6*NDP).
! Output, real ZI(NZI,NYI), contains the interpolated Z values at the
! grid points.
implicit none
integer ndp
integer nxi
integer nyi
integer nzi
real ap
real bp
real cp
real dp
integer il1
integer il2
integer iti
integer itpv
integer iwk(31*ndp + nxi*nyi)
integer ixi
integer iyi
integer izi
integer jig0mn
integer jig0mx
integer jig1mn
integer jig1mx
integer jigp
integer jngp
integer jwigp
integer jwigp0
integer jwipl
integer jwipt
integer jwiwl
integer jwiwp
integer jwngp
integer jwngp0
integer jwwpd
integer md
integer ngp0
integer ngp1
integer nl
integer nngp
integer nt
real p00
real p01
real p02
real p03
real p04
real p05
real p10
real p11
real p12
real p13
real p14
real p20
real p21
real p22
real p23
real p30
real p31
real p32
real p40
real p41
real p50
real wk(6*ndp)
real x0
real xd(ndp)
real xi(nxi)
real y0
real yd(ndp)
real yi(nyi)
real zd(ndp)
real zi(nzi,nyi)
save /idpt/
common /idpt/ itpv,x0,y0,ap,bp,cp,dp, &
p00,p10,p20,p30,p40,p50,p01,p11,p21,p31,p41, &
! Error check.
if ( md < 1 .or. md > 3 ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDSFFT - Fatal error!'
write(*,*)' Input parameter MD out of range.'
end if
if ( ndp < 4 ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDSFFT - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Input parameter NDP out of range.'
end if
if ( nxi < 1 .or. nyi < 1 ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDSFFT - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Input parameter NXI or NYI out of range.'
end if
if ( nxi > nzi ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDSFFT - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Input parameter NZI is less than NXI.'
end if
if ( md <= 1 ) then
iwk(1) = ndp
if ( ndp /= iwk(1) ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDSFFT - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' MD = 2 or 3 but ndp was changed since last call.'
end if
end if
if ( md <= 2 ) then
iwk(3) = nxi
iwk(4) = nyi
if ( nxi /= iwk(3) ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDSFFT - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'MD = 3 but nxi was changed since last call.'
end if
if ( nyi /= iwk(4) ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDSFFT - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' MD = 3 but nyi was changed since last call.'
end if
end if
! Allocation of storage areas in the IWK array.
jwipt = 16
jwiwl = 6*ndp+1
jwngp0 = jwiwl-1
jwipl = 24*ndp+1
jwiwp = 30*ndp+1
jwigp0 = 31*ndp
jwwpd = 5*ndp+1
! Triangulate the XY plane.
if ( md == 1 ) then
call idtang ( ndp, xd, yd, nt, iwk(jwipt), nl, iwk(jwipl), &
iwk(jwiwl), iwk(jwiwp), wk )
iwk(5) = nt
iwk(6) = nl
if ( nt == 0 ) then
end if
nt = iwk(5)
nl = iwk(6)
end if
! Sort output grid points in ascending order of the triangle
! number and the border line segment number.
if ( md <= 2 ) then
call idgrid ( xd, yd, nt, iwk(jwipt), nl, iwk(jwipl), nxi, &
nyi, xi, yi, iwk(jwngp0+1), iwk(jwigp0+1) )
end if
! Estimate partial derivatives at all data points.
call idpdrv ( ndp, xd, yd, zd, nt, iwk(jwipt), wk, wk(jwwpd) )
! Interpolate the ZI values.
itpv = 0
jig0mx = 0
jig1mn = nxi*nyi+1
nngp = nt+2*nl
do jngp = 1, nngp
iti = jngp
if ( jngp > nt ) then
il1 = (jngp-nt+1)/2
il2 = (jngp-nt+2)/2
if(il2>nl) then
il2 = 1
end if
iti = il1*(nt+nl)+il2
end if
jwngp = jwngp0+jngp
ngp0 = iwk(jwngp)
if ( ngp0 /= 0 ) then
jig0mn = jig0mx+1
jig0mx = jig0mx+ngp0
do jigp = jig0mn, jig0mx
jwigp = jwigp0+jigp
izi = iwk(jwigp)
iyi = (izi-1)/nxi+1
ixi = izi-nxi*(iyi-1)
call idptip ( ndp, xd, yd, zd, nt, iwk(jwipt), nl, iwk(jwipl), &
wk, iti, xi(ixi), yi(iyi), zi(ixi,iyi) )
end do
end if
jwngp = jwngp0+2*nngp+1-jngp
ngp1 = iwk(jwngp)
if ( ngp1 /= 0 ) then
jig1mx = jig1mn-1
jig1mn = jig1mn-ngp1
do jigp = jig1mn, jig1mx
jwigp = jwigp0+jigp
izi = iwk(jwigp)
iyi = (izi-1)/nxi+1
ixi = izi-nxi*(iyi-1)
call idptip ( ndp, xd, yd, zd, nt, iwk(jwipt), nl, iwk(jwipl), &
wk, iti, xi(ixi), yi(iyi), zi(ixi,iyi) )
end do
end if
end do
subroutine idtang ( ndp, xd, yd, nt, ipt, nl, ipl, iwl, iwp, wk )
!! IDTANG performs triangulation.
! Discussion:
! The routine divides the XY plane into a number of triangles according to
! given data points in the plane, determines line segments that form
! the border of data area, and determines the triangle numbers
! corresponding to the border line segments.
! At completion, point numbers of the vertexes of each triangle
! are listed counter-clockwise. Point numbers of the end points
! of each border line segment are listed counter-clockwise,
! listing order of the line segments being counter-clockwise.
! Parameters:
! Input, integer NDP, the number of data points.
! Input, real XD(NDP), YD(NDP), the X and Y coordinates of the data.
! Output, integer NT, the number of triangles,
! Output, integer IPT(6*NDP-15), where the point numbers of the
! vertexes of the IT-th triangle are to be stored as entries
! 3*IT-2, 3*IT-1, and 3*IT, for IT = 1 to NT.
! Output, integer NL, the number of border line segments.
! Output, integer IPL(6*NDP), where the point numbers of the end
! points of the (il)th border line segment and its respective triangle
! number are to be stored as the (3*il-2)nd, (3*il-1)st, and (3*il)th
! elements, il = 1,2,..., nl.
! Workspace, integer IWL(18*NDP),
! Workspace, integer IWP(NDP),
! Workspace, real WK(NDP).
implicit none
integer ndp
real dsqf
real dsqi
real dsqmn
real, parameter :: epsln = 1.0E-06
integer idxchg
integer il
integer ilf
integer iliv
integer ilt3
integer ilvs
integer ip
integer ip1
integer ip1p1
integer ip2
integer ip3
integer ipl(6*ndp)
integer ipl1
integer ipl2
integer iplj1
integer iplj2
integer ipmn1
integer ipmn2
integer ipt(6*ndp-15)
integer ipt1
integer ipt2
integer ipt3
integer ipti
integer ipti1
integer ipti2
integer irep
integer it
integer it1t3
integer it2t3
integer itf(2)
integer its
integer itt3
integer itt3r
integer iwl(18*ndp)
integer iwp(ndp)
integer ixvs
integer ixvspv
integer jl1
integer jl2
integer jlt3
integer jp
integer jp1
integer jp2
integer jpc
integer jpmn
integer jpmx
integer jwl
integer jwl1
integer jwl1mn
integer nl
integer nl0
integer nlf
integer nlfc
integer nlft2
integer nln
integer nlnt3
integer nlsh
integer nlsht3
integer nlt3
integer, parameter :: nrep = 100
integer nt
integer nt0
integer ntf
integer ntt3
integer ntt3p3
real sp
real spdt
real u1
real u2
real u3
real v1
real v2
real v3
real vp
real vpdt
real wk(ndp)
real x1
real x2
real x3
real xd(ndp)
real xdmp
real y1
real y2
real y3
real yd(ndp)
real ydmp
! Statement functions
dsqf(u1,v1,u2,v2) = (u2-u1)**2+(v2-v1)**2
spdt(u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3) = (u2-u1)*(u3-u1)+(v2-v1)*(v3-v1)
vpdt(u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3) = (v3-v1)*(u2-u1)-(u3-u1)*(v2-v1)
! Preliminary processing
if ( ndp < 4 ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDTANG - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Input parameter NDP out of range.'
end if
! Determine IPMN1 and IPMN2, the closest pair of data points.
dsqmn = dsqf(xd(1),yd(1),xd(2),yd(2))
ipmn1 = 1
ipmn2 = 2
do ip1 = 1, ndp-1
x1 = xd(ip1)
y1 = yd(ip1)
ip1p1 = ip1+1
do ip2 = ip1p1, ndp
dsqi = dsqf(x1,y1,xd(ip2),yd(ip2))
if ( dsqi == 0.0 ) then
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDTANG - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Two of the input data points are identical.'
end if
if(dsqi ( abs(sp) * epsln ) ) go to 37
end do
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
write ( *, '(a)' ) 'IDTANG - Fatal error!'
write ( *, '(a)' ) ' All collinear data points.'
37 continue
if ( jp /= 3 ) then
jpmx = jp
do jpc = 4, jpmx
jp = jpmx+4-jpc
iwp(jp) = iwp(jp-1)
end do
iwp(3) = ip
end if
! Form the first triangle.
! Store point numbers of the vertexes of the triangle in the IPT array,
! store point numbers of the border line segments and the triangle number in
! the IPL array.
ip1 = ipmn1
ip2 = ipmn2
ip3 = iwp(3)
if ( vpdt(xd(ip1),yd(ip1),xd(ip2),yd(ip2),xd(ip3),yd(ip3)) < 0.0E+00 ) then
ip1 = ipmn2
ip2 = ipmn1
end if
nt0 = 1
ntt3 = 3
ipt(1) = ip1
ipt(2) = ip2
ipt(3) = ip3
nl0 = 3
nlt3 = 9
ipl(1) = ip1
ipl(2) = ip2
ipl(3) = 1
ipl(4) = ip2
ipl(5) = ip3
ipl(6) = 1
ipl(7) = ip3
ipl(8) = ip1
ipl(9) = 1
! Add the remaining data points, one by one.
do jp1 = 4, ndp
ip1 = iwp(jp1)
x1 = xd(ip1)
y1 = yd(ip1)
! Determine the first invisible and visible border line segments, iliv and
! ilvs.
do il = 1, nl0
ip2 = ipl(3*il-2)
ip3 = ipl(3*il-1)
x2 = xd(ip2)
y2 = yd(ip2)
x3 = xd(ip3)
y3 = yd(ip3)
sp = spdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)
vp = vpdt(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)
if ( il == 1 ) then
ixvs = 0
if(vp<=(abs(sp)*(-epsln))) ixvs = 1
iliv = 1
ilvs = 1
go to 53
end if
ixvspv = ixvs
if ( vp <= (abs(sp)*(-epsln)) ) then
ixvs = 1
if(ixvspv==1) go to 53
ilvs = il
if(iliv/=1) go to 54
go to 53
end if
ixvs = 0
if ( ixvspv /= 0 ) then
iliv = il
if(ilvs/=1) go to 54
end if
53 continue
end do
if(iliv==1.and.ilvs==1) ilvs = nl0
54 continue
if(ilvs 0.0E+00 ) then
u1 = (y3-y1)*(x4-x1)-(x3-x1)*(y4-y1)
u2 = (y4-y2)*(x3-x2)-(x4-x2)*(y3-y2)
a1sq = (x1-x3)**2+(y1-y3)**2
a4sq = (x4-x1)**2+(y4-y1)**2
c1sq = (x3-x4)**2+(y3-y4)**2
a2sq = (x2-x4)**2+(y2-y4)**2
a3sq = (x3-x2)**2+(y3-y2)**2
c3sq = (x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2
s1sq = u1*u1 / (c1sq*max(a1sq,a4sq))
s2sq = u2*u2 / (c1sq*max(a2sq,a3sq))
s3sq = u3*u3 / (c3sq*max(a3sq,a1sq))
s4sq = u4*u4 / (c3sq*max(a4sq,a2sq))
if ( min ( s3sq, s4sq ) - min ( s1sq, s2sq ) > epsln ) then
idx = 1
end if
end if
idxchg = idx
subroutine timestamp ( )
!! TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
! Example:
! May 31 2001 9:45:54.872 AM
! Modified:
! 31 May 2001
! Author:
! John Burkardt
! Parameters:
! None
implicit none
character ( len = 8 ) ampm
integer d
character ( len = 8 ) date
integer h
integer m
integer mm
character ( len = 9 ), parameter, dimension(12) :: month = (/ &
'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', &
'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', &
'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' /)
integer n
integer s
character ( len = 10 ) time
integer values(8)
integer y
character ( len = 5 ) zone
call date_and_time ( date, time, zone, values )
y = values(1)
m = values(2)
d = values(3)
h = values(5)
n = values(6)
s = values(7)
mm = values(8)
if ( h < 12 ) then
ampm = 'AM'
else if ( h == 12 ) then
if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then
ampm = 'Noon'
ampm = 'PM'
end if
h = h - 12
if ( h < 12 ) then
ampm = 'PM'
else if ( h == 12 ) then
if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then
ampm = 'Midnight'
ampm = 'AM'
end if
end if
end if
write ( *, '(a,1x,i2,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) &
trim ( month(m) ), d, y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, trim ( ampm )