!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2014. !! !! This file is part of iMOD. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by !! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or !! (at your option) any later version. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. module m_main_info integer,save :: timestep !> timestep number end module m_main_info subroutine main_info_timestep(ts) use m_main_info implicit none integer , intent(out) :: ts !> timestep ts=timestep return end module mf_module implicit none logical :: ok integer, save :: mf_ngrid, mf_igrid !logical, save :: endOfSimulation = .false. logical, save :: stsave,strestore,mozstsave integer, save :: deltats,ios,iteration,lunc,lunsts,lc,xchinit,exitcode,ivcl,jvcl,iarg,jarg,itermozart,narg double precision, save :: currentTime,currentTimeMF2005,currentTimeMozart, & endOfCurrentTimeStep,endOfCurrentTimeStepMF2005, & nodataTime,BeginOfNextTimeStepMF2005,& endOfCurrentTimeStepMozart logical, save :: usemodflow,usemetaswap,usetransol,usemozart,usests,usestsmodflow,useribasim character (len=1024), save :: root, wd, modwd1, modwd2, simwd1, simwd2, mozwd, infile, rfopt, wddum integer, save :: retValMF2005 integer, save :: tsc ! debug variable logical, save :: lss real, save :: hnoflo integer, save :: isub, nsub logical, save :: convergedMF2005,convergedMetaSwap !,convergedMozart,convergedPest logical, save :: mf_steadystate logical, save :: lrunfile, lnamfile, llpf, lipest, lpwt, lrf character (len=1024), save :: record, modrecord, sobrecord, mozrecord integer, save :: date, hour, minute, second integer, allocatable, dimension(:), save :: hrivsys, wrivsys integer, save :: nhrivsys, nwrivsys integer, save :: timestep double precision :: dtMetaSwap ! variable for metaswap double precision :: dtMozart integer :: iterMetaSwap ! variable for metaswap double precision :: stsTestTime ! iPEST with MetaSWAP integer, save :: mf_nrow, mf_ncol, mf_nlay ! parameters real, parameter :: mv = -99999. integer, parameter :: nsubmax = 1000 character(len=50), dimension(nsubmax), save :: submstr ! ############################################################################## ! MODFLOW-2005 ! ############################################################################## ! functions logical, external :: mf2005_PutSimulationType,& ! general mf2005_PutGridDimensions,& ! general mf2005_PutNumberOfGrids,& ! general mf2005_PutLPFActive,& ! general mf2005_PutHeadNoFlo,& ! general mf2005_GetPestFlag,& ! pest mf2005_PutPWTActive,& ! pest mf2005_TimeserieInit,& ! timeseries mf2005_TimeserieGetHead,& ! timeseries mf2005_PutModSimNumberOfIDs,& ! mod-sim coupling mf2005_PutModSimIDs,& ! mod-sim coupling mf2005_PutModSimCells,& ! mod-sim coupling mf2005_PutHeads,& ! mod-sim coupling mf2005_GetUnsaturatedZoneFlux,& ! mod-sim coupling mf2005_GetStorageFactor,& ! mod-sim coupling mf2005_GetStorageFactorLPF,& ! mod-sim coupling mf2005_PutSeepageFlux,& ! mod-tran coupling mf2005_PutRiverFlux,& ! mod-tran and mod-moz coupling mf2005_PutDrainFlux,& ! mod-tran and mod-moz coupling mf2005_PutSaltFlux,& ! mod-moz mf2005_PutModMozNumberOfIDs,& ! mod-moz mf2005_PutModMozIDs,& ! mod-moz mf2005_PutModMozCells,& ! mod-moz mf2005_GetLSWLevels,& ! mod-moz mf2005_PutModMozRiversToSkip,& ! mod-moz mf2005_PutModMozPVNumberOfIDs,& ! mod-mozpv mf2005_PutModMozPVIDs,& ! mod-mozpv mf2005_GetPVLevels,& ! mod-mozpv mf2005_GetQdemand,& ! mod-ribasim coupling mf2005_PutQrealized,& ! mod-ribasim coupling mf2005_PutHeadsForLayer,& ! mod-wflow coupling mf2005_GetRecharge ! mod-wflow coupling ! general integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: XchModSimModCells, XchModMozModCells, XchModTranModCells ! MODFLOW - MetaSWAP coupling integer :: XchModSimModNID integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModSimModIds, XchSim2ModIdx, XchSim2ModOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModSimModHeads ! MODFLOW - MOZART (LSW) coupling integer :: XchModMozModNID integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModMozModIds, XchMoz2ModIdx, XchMoz2ModOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModMozModRiverFlux, XchModMozModRiverFluxWells,& XchModMozModDrainFlux, XchModMozModSalt ! MODFLOW - MOZART PV coupling integer :: XchModMozPVModNID integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModMozPVModIds, XchMozPV2ModIdx, XchMozPV2ModOff ! MODFLOW - TRANSOL coupling integer :: XchModTranModNID integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModTranModIds, XchTran2ModIdx, XchTran2ModOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModTranModSeepageFlux,& XchModTranModRiverFlux,& XchModTranModDrainFlux ! ############################################################################## ! MetaSWAP ! ############################################################################## ! functions logical, external :: metaswap_PutModSimNumberOfIDs,& ! mod-sim coupling metaswap_PutModSimIDs,& ! mod-sim coupling metaswap_PutModSimUnsaturatedZoneFlux,& ! mod-sim coupling metaswap_PutStorageFactor,& ! mod-sim coupling metaswap_GetHeads,& ! mod-sim coupling metaswap_PutModMozNumberOfIDs,& ! sim-moz coupling metaswap_PutModMozIDs,& ! sim-moz coupling metaswap_PutCumSWSprinklingDemandFluxes,& ! sim-moz coupling metaswap_PutCumRunonFluxes,& ! sim-moz coupling metaswap_GetFractions ! sim-moz coupling ! MODFLOW - MetaSWAP coupling integer :: XchModSimSimNID integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModSimSimIds, XchMod2SimIdx, XchMod2SimOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModSimSimUnsZFlux, XchModSimSimStrFct ! MetaSWAP - MOZART coupling integer :: XchSimMozSimNID integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchSimMozSimIds, XchMoz2SimIdx, XchMoz2SimOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchSimMozSimCuSWSprinklingFlux, XchSimMozSimCuRunonFlux ! ############################################################################## ! TRANSOL ! ############################################################################## ! functions logical, external :: TRANSOL_GetSeepageRiverDrainFlux,& ! mod-tran coupling TRANSOL_PutSalt,& ! tran-moz coupling TRANSOL_GetSalt ! tran-moz coupling ! MODFLOW - TRANSOL coupling integer :: XchModTranTranNID integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModTranTranIds, XchMod2TranIdx, XchMod2TranOff ! TRANSOL - MOZART coupling integer :: XchTranMozTranNID integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchTranMozTranIds, XchMoz2TranIdx, XchMoz2TranOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchTranMozTranSalt ! ############################################################################## ! MOZART ! ############################################################################## ! functions logical, external :: mozart_PutModMozNumberOfIDs,& ! mod-moz coupling mozart_PutModMozIDs,& ! mod-moz coupling mozart_PutLSWLevels,& ! mod-moz coupling mozart_GetRiverDrainFlux,& ! mod-moz coupling mozart_PutModMozPVNumberOfIDs,& ! mod-mozpv coupling mozart_PutModMozPVIDs,& ! mod-mozpv coupling mozart_PutPVLevels,& ! mod-mozpv coupling mozart_PutLSWFractions,& ! sim-moz coupling mozart_GetCumSWSprinklingDemandFluxes,& ! sim-moz coupling mozart_GetCumRunonFluxes,& ! sim-moz coupling mozart_PutLSWSalt,& ! tran-moz coupling mozart_GetSalt ! tran-moz coupling ! general integer :: XchMozNID, XchMozPVNID integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchMozIds, XchMozPVIds ! MODFLOW - MOZART coupling integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchMod2MozIdx, XchMod2MozOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModMozMozLevels ! MODFLOW - MOZART PV coupling integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchMod2MozPVIdx, XchMod2MozPVOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchModMozPVMozPVLevels ! MetaSWAP - MOZART coupling integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: Xchsim2MozIdx, XchSim2MozOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchSimMozMozFractions ! TRANSOL - MOZART coupling integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchTran2MozIdx, XchTran2MozOff real, dimension(:), allocatable :: XchTranMozMozSalt ! ############################################################################## ! parameters integer :: rt = -1 integer, parameter :: rtmod = 1 ! MODFLOW only integer, parameter :: rtmodsim = 2 ! MODFLOW-MetaSWAP integer, parameter :: rtmodsimtranmoz = 3 ! MODFLOW-MetaSWAP-Mozart integer, parameter :: rtmodriba = 4 ! MODFLOW-Ribasim character(len=31), dimension(4) :: rtdesc data rtdesc/'MODFLOW ',& 'MODFLOW-MetaSWAP ',& 'MODFLOW-MetaSWAP-Transol-Mozart',& 'MODFLOW-Ribasim '/ contains ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ recursive subroutine qsort(a,ai) integer, intent(in out) :: a(:), ai(:) integer :: split if(size(a) > 1) then call partition(a, ai, split) call qsort(a(:split-1),ai(:split-1)) call qsort(a(split:),ai(split:)) end if end subroutine qsort ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine partition(a, ai, marker) integer, intent(in out) :: a(:), ai(:) integer, intent(out) :: marker integer :: left, right, pivot, temp pivot = (a(1) + a(size(a))) / 2 ! average of first and last elements to prevent quadratic left = 0 ! behavior with sorted or reverse sorted data right = size(a) + 1 do while (left < right) right = right - 1 do while (a(right) > pivot) right = right-1 end do left = left + 1 do while (a(left) < pivot) left = left + 1 end do if (left < right) then temp = a(left) a(left) = a(right) a(right) = temp temp = ai(left) ai(left) = ai(right) ai(right) = temp end if end do if (left == right) then marker = left + 1 else marker = left end if end subroutine partition ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine findid(ids,nid,idval,i,i1,i2) ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ids(nid) integer, intent(in) :: idval integer, intent(inout) :: i integer, intent(out) :: i1, i2 ! locals integer :: is logical :: l1, l2, fnd !....................................................................... is = i i1 = -1 i2 = -1 if (i.gt.nid) return l1 = .false. l2 = .false. fnd = .false. do while(.true.) if (is.gt.nid) exit if (l1 .and. l2) exit if (ids(is).eq.idval) fnd = .true. if (fnd .and. .not.l1) then l1 = .true. i1 = is end if if (is.lt.nid) then if (l1 .and. ids(is+1).ne.idval) then l2 = .true. i2 = is end if end if is = is + 1 end do if (l1 .and. .not.l2) then if (is-1.eq.nid) then i2 = nid l2 = .true. end if end if if (.not.l1 .or. .not.l2) then i1 = -1 i2 = -1 else i = is end if end subroutine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> Get the index array for mapping ID1 --> ID2 subroutine mapIds(idx1,nidx1,off1,id1,nid1,id2,nid2) ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid1 ! number of indices integer, intent(in) :: nid2 ! number of indices integer, intent(in) :: nidx1 ! length of idx1 integer, dimension(nid1), intent(in) :: id1 ! indices integer, dimension(nid2), intent(in) :: id2 ! indices integer, dimension(nidx1), intent(out) :: idx1 ! idexes integer, dimension(nid1), intent(out) :: off1 ! off-sets ! locals type tMap integer :: n = 0 integer :: i = -1 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: iarr end type tMap type(tMap), dimension(:), allocatable :: mapidx integer :: i, j, k, n, m, n1, n2, idval, i1s, i1e, i2s, i2e integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: id1s, id2s, id1si, id2si, itmp !....................................................................... ! allocate temporary data allocate(id1s(nid1), id2s(nid2), id1si(nid1), id2si(nid2)) allocate(mapidx(nid1), itmp(nid2)) ! sort the indices (quick sort) id1s = id1 id2s = id2 do i = 1, nid1 id1si(i) = i end do do i = 1, nid2 id2si(i) = i end do call qsort(id1s,id1si) call qsort(id2s,id2si) ! store mapping indices n1 = 1 n2 = 1 itmp = 0 do while(.true.) if (n1.gt.nid1 .or. n2.gt.nid2) exit idval = id1s(n1) call findid(id1s,nid1,idval,n1,i1s,i1e) call findid(id2s,nid2,idval,n2,i2s,i2e) if (i2s.gt.0 .and. i2e.gt.0) then do i = i1s, i1e j = id1si(i) m = i2e-i2s+1 mapidx(j)%n = m if (m.eq.1) then mapidx(j)%i = id2si(i2s) else allocate(mapidx(j)%iarr(m)) do k = i2s, i2e mapidx(j)%iarr(k-i2s+1) = id2si(k) end do ! sort (this is not really necessary) call qsort(mapidx(j)%iarr, itmp(1:m)) end if end do end if end do ! create index array and offset array k = 0 off1 = 0 do i = 1, nid1 m = mapidx(i)%n if (m.eq.1) then k = k + 1 idx1(k) = mapidx(i)%i else if (m.gt.1) then do j = 1, m k = k + 1 idx1(k) = mapidx(i)%iarr(j) end do end if if (i.eq.1) then off1(i) = m else off1(i) = off1(i-1) + m end if end do ! deallocate do i = 1, nid1 m = mapidx(i)%n if (m.gt.1) deallocate(mapidx(i)%iarr) end do deallocate(mapidx) deallocate(id1s, id2s, id1si, id2si, itmp) end subroutine mapIds ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine driverXchInitModSim() ! allocate the MOD-SIM exchange arrays allocate(XchModSimModIds(XchModSimModNID)) allocate(XchModSimModHeads(XchModSimModNID)) XchModSimModHeads = mv allocate(XchModSimModCells(3,XchModSimModNID)) ! allocate exchange arrays allocate(XchModSimSimIds(XchModSimSimNID),& XchModSimSimUnsZFlux(XchModSimSimNID),& XchModSimSimStrFct(XchModSimSimNID)) XchModSimSimUnsZFlux = mv XchModSimSimStrFct = mv end subroutine driverXchInitModSim subroutine driverXchInitModSimTranMoz() ! allocate arrays to store the IDs allocate(XchMozIds(XchMozNID)) allocate(XchMozPVIds(XchMozPVNID)) allocate(XchModMozModIds(XchModMozModNID)) allocate(XchModMozPVModIds(XchModMozPVModNID)) allocate(XchSimMozSimIds(XchSimMozSimNID)) allocate(XchModMozModCells(3,XchModMozModNID)) ! allocate the exchange data arrays allocate(XchModMozMozLevels(XchMozNID)) allocate(XchModMozPVMozPVLevels(XchMozPVNID)) allocate(XchSimMozMozFractions(XchMozNID)) allocate(XchModMozModRiverFlux(XchModMozModNID)) allocate(XchModMozModRiverFluxWells(XchModMozModNID)) allocate(XchModMozModDrainFlux(XchModMozModNID)) allocate(XchModMozModSalt(XchModMozModNID)) allocate(XchSimMozSimCuSWSprinklingFlux(XchSimMozSimNID)) allocate(XchSimMozSimCuRunonFlux(XchSimMozSimNID)) XchModMozMozLevels = mv XchModMozPVMozPVLevels = mv XchSimMozMozFractions = mv XchModMozModRiverFlux = mv XchModMozModRiverFluxWells = mv XchModMozModDrainFlux = mv XchModMozModSalt = mv XchSimMozSimCuSWSprinklingFlux = mv XchSimMozSimCuRunonFlux = mv ! Transol (temporary) XchModTranModNID = XchModSimModNID XchTranMozTranNID = XchSimMozSimNID allocate(XchModTranModCells(3,XchModTranModNID)) allocate(XchModTranModSeepageFlux(XchModTranModNID)) allocate(XchModTranModRiverFlux(XchModTranModNID)) allocate(XchModTranModDrainFlux(XchModTranModNID)) allocate(XchTranMozMozSalt(XchMozNID)) allocate(XchTranMozTranSalt(XchTranMozTranNID)) XchModTranModSeepageFlux = mv XchModTranModRiverFlux = mv XchModTranModDrainFlux = mv XchTranMozMozSalt = mv XchTranMozTranSalt = mv XchModTranModCells = XchModSimModCells end subroutine driverXchInitModSimTranMoz subroutine driverXchIniMapModSim() integer :: n ! allocate arrays to map MetaSWAP to MODFLOW IDs n = max(XchModSimSimNID,XchModSimModNID) allocate(XchSim2ModIdx(n), XchSim2ModOff(XchModSimModNID)) allocate(XchMod2SimIdx(n), XchMod2SimOff(XchModSimSimNID)) ! get mapping MODFLOW -> MetaSWAP IDs write(*,*) 'Constructing coupling tables: MODFLOW --> MetaSWAP' call mapIds(XchMod2SimIdx,n,XchMod2SimOff,XchModSimSimIds,XchModSimSimNID,& XchModSimModIds,XchModSimModNID) ! get mapping MetaSWAP -> MODFLOW IDs write(*,*) 'Constructing coupling tables: MetaSWAP --> MODFLOW' call mapIds(XchSim2ModIdx,n,XchSim2ModOff,XchModSimModIds,XchModSimModNID,& XchModSimSimIds,XchModSimSimNID) end subroutine driverXchIniMapModSim subroutine driverXchIniMapModMoz() integer :: n ! MODFLOW - MOZART coupling (LSW) n = max(XchMozNID,XchModMozModNID) allocate(XchMoz2ModIdx(n), XchMoz2ModOff(XchModMozModNID)) allocate(XchMod2MozIdx(n), XchMod2MozOff(XchMozNID)) ! mapping MODFLOW --> MOZART (LSW) write(*,*) 'Constructing coupling tables: MODFLOW --> MOZART (LSW)' call mapIds(XchMod2MozIdx,n,XchMod2MozOff,XchMozIds, XchMozNID,& XchModMozModIds,XchModMozModNID) ! mapping MOZART (LSW) --> MODFLOW write(*,*) 'Constructing coupling tables: MOZART (LSW) --> MODFLOW' call mapIds(XchMoz2ModIdx,n,XchMoz2ModOff,XchModMozModIds,XchModMozModNID,& XchMozIds, XchMozNID) end subroutine driverXchIniMapModMoz subroutine driverXchIniMapModMozPV() integer :: n ! MODFLOW - MOZART coupling (PV) n = max(XchMozPVNID,XchModMozPVModNID) allocate(XchMozPV2ModIdx(n), XchMozPV2ModOff(XchModMozPVModNID)) allocate(XchMod2MozPVIdx(n), XchMod2MozPVOff(XchMozPVNID)) ! mapping MODFLOW --> MOZART (PV) write(*,*) 'Constructing coupling tables: MODFLOW --> MOZART (PV)' call mapIds(XchMod2MozPVIdx,n,XchMod2MozPVOff,XchMozPVIds, XchMozPVNID,& XchModMozPVModIds,XchModMozPVModNID) ! mapping MOZART (PV) --> MODFLOW write(*,*) 'Constructing coupling tables: MOZART (PV) --> MODFLOW' call mapIds(XchMozPV2ModIdx,n,XchMozPV2ModOff,XchModMozPVModIds,XchModMozPVModNID,& XchMozPVIds, XchMozPVNID) end subroutine driverXchIniMapModMozPV subroutine driverXchIniMapSimMoz() integer :: n ! MetaSwap - MOZART coupling n = max(XchMozNID,XchSimMozSimNID) allocate(XchMoz2SimIdx(n), XchMoz2SimOff(XchSimMozSimNID)) allocate(XchSim2MozIdx(n), XchSim2MozOff(XchMozNID)) ! mapping MetaSWAP --> MOZART write(*,*) 'Constructing coupling tables: MetaSWAP --> MOZART' call mapIds(XchSim2MozIdx,n,XchSim2MozOff,XchMozIds, XchMozNID,& XchSimMozSimIds,XchSimMozSimNID) ! mapping MOZART --> MetaSWAP write(*,*) 'Constructing coupling tables: MOZART --> MetaSWAP' call mapIds(XchMoz2SimIdx,n,XchMoz2SimOff,XchSimMozSimIds,XchSimMozSimNID,& XchMozIds, XchMozNID) end subroutine driverXchIniMapSimMoz subroutine driverXchIniMapModTran() integer :: n ! MODFLOW - TRANSOL coupling (for now: using MODFLOW-MetaSWAP coupling) XchModTranTranNID = XchModSimSimNID n = max(XchModTranTranNID,XchModTranModNID) allocate(XchTran2ModIdx(n), XchTran2ModOff(XchModTranModNID)) allocate(XchMod2TranIdx(n), XchMod2TranOff(XchModTranTranNID)) XchTran2ModIdx = XchSim2ModIdx XchTran2ModOff = XchSim2ModOff XchMod2TranIdx = XchMod2SimIdx XchMod2TranOff = XchMod2SimOff end subroutine driverXchIniMapModTran subroutine driverXchIniMapTranMoz() integer :: n ! TRANSOL - MOZART coupling (for now: using MetaSWAP-Mozart coupling) n = max(XchMozNID,XchTranMozTranNID) allocate(XchMoz2TranIdx(n), XchMoz2TranOff(XchSimMozSimNID)) allocate(XchTran2MozIdx(n), XchTran2MozOff(XchMozNID)) XchMoz2TranIdx = XchMoz2SimIdx XchMoz2TranOff = XchMoz2SimOff XchTran2MozIdx = XchSim2MozIdx XchTran2MozOff = XchSim2MozOff end subroutine driverXchIniMapTranMoz subroutine driverXchDeallocate() !##### BEGIN EXCHANGE: De-allocate ############################################ if (allocated(XchModSimModCells )) deallocate(XchModSimModCells ) if (allocated(XchModMozModCells )) deallocate(XchModMozModCells ) if (allocated(XchModTranModCells )) deallocate(XchModTranModCells ) if (allocated(XchModSimModIds )) deallocate(XchModSimModIds ) if (allocated(XchSim2ModIdx )) deallocate(XchSim2ModIdx ) if (allocated(XchSim2ModOff )) deallocate(XchSim2ModOff ) if (allocated(XchModSimModHeads )) deallocate(XchModSimModHeads ) if (allocated(XchModSimModIds )) deallocate(XchModSimModIds ) if (allocated(XchSim2ModIdx )) deallocate(XchSim2ModIdx ) if (allocated(XchSim2ModOff )) deallocate(XchSim2ModOff ) if (allocated(XchModMozModRiverFlux )) deallocate(XchModMozModRiverFlux ) if (allocated(XchModMozModRiverFluxWells )) deallocate(XchModMozModRiverFluxWells ) if (allocated(XchModMozModDrainFlux )) deallocate(XchModMozModDrainFlux ) if (allocated(XchModMozModSalt )) deallocate(XchModMozModSalt ) if (allocated(XchModMozPVModIds )) deallocate(XchModMozPVModIds ) if (allocated(XchMozPV2ModIdx )) deallocate(XchMozPV2ModIdx ) if (allocated(XchMozPV2ModOff )) deallocate(XchMozPV2ModOff ) if (allocated(XchModTranModIds )) deallocate(XchModTranModIds ) if (allocated(XchTran2ModIdx )) deallocate(XchTran2ModIdx ) if (allocated(XchTran2ModOff )) deallocate(XchTran2ModOff ) if (allocated(XchModTranModSeepageFlux )) deallocate(XchModTranModSeepageFlux ) if (allocated(XchModTranModRiverFlux )) deallocate(XchModTranModRiverFlux ) if (allocated(XchModTranModDrainFlux )) deallocate(XchModTranModDrainFlux ) if (allocated(XchModSimSimIds )) deallocate(XchModSimSimIds ) if (allocated(XchMod2SimIdx )) deallocate(XchMod2SimIdx ) if (allocated(XchMod2SimOff )) deallocate(XchMod2SimOff ) if (allocated(XchModSimSimUnsZFlux )) deallocate(XchModSimSimUnsZFlux ) if (allocated(XchModSimSimStrFct )) deallocate(XchModSimSimStrFct ) if (allocated(XchSimMozSimIds )) deallocate(XchSimMozSimIds ) if (allocated(XchMoz2SimIdx )) deallocate(XchMoz2SimIdx ) if (allocated(XchMoz2SimOff )) deallocate(XchMoz2SimOff ) if (allocated(XchSimMozSimCuSWSprinklingFlux)) deallocate(XchSimMozSimCuSWSprinklingFlux) if (allocated(XchSimMozSimCuRunonFlux )) deallocate(XchSimMozSimCuRunonFlux ) if (allocated(XchModTranTranIds )) deallocate(XchModTranTranIds ) if (allocated(XchMod2TranIdx )) deallocate(XchMod2TranIdx ) if (allocated(XchMod2TranOff )) deallocate(XchMod2TranOff ) if (allocated(XchTranMozTranIds )) deallocate(XchTranMozTranIds ) if (allocated(XchMoz2TranIdx )) deallocate(XchMoz2TranIdx ) if (allocated(XchMoz2TranOff )) deallocate(XchMoz2TranOff ) if (allocated(XchTranMozTranSalt )) deallocate(XchTranMozTranSalt ) if (allocated(XchMozIds )) deallocate(XchMozIds ) if (allocated(XchMozPVIds )) deallocate(XchMozPVIds ) if (allocated(XchMod2MozIdx )) deallocate(XchMod2MozIdx ) if (allocated(XchMod2MozOff )) deallocate(XchMod2MozOff ) if (allocated(XchModMozMozLevels )) deallocate(XchModMozMozLevels ) if (allocated(XchMod2MozPVIdx )) deallocate(XchMod2MozPVIdx ) if (allocated(XchMod2MozPVOff )) deallocate(XchMod2MozPVOff ) if (allocated(XchModMozPVMozPVLevels )) deallocate(XchModMozPVMozPVLevels ) if (allocated(Xchsim2MozIdx )) deallocate(Xchsim2MozIdx ) if (allocated(XchSim2MozOff )) deallocate(XchSim2MozOff ) if (allocated(XchSimMozMozFractions )) deallocate(XchSimMozMozFractions ) if (allocated(XchTran2MozIdx )) deallocate(XchTran2MozIdx ) if (allocated(XchTran2MozOff )) deallocate(XchTran2MozOff ) if (allocated(XchTranMozMozSalt )) deallocate(XchTranMozMozSalt ) end subroutine driverXchDeallocate ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine driverChk(ok,mes) logical, intent(in) :: ok character(Len=*), intent(in) :: mes if (.not. ok) then write(*,*) 'Error: ',trim(mes) stop 1 end if end subroutine driverChk ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer function driverGetRunType(usemodflow,usemetaswap,usetransol,usemozart,usests,useribasim) logical, intent(in) :: usemodflow logical, intent(in) :: usemetaswap logical, intent(in) :: usetransol logical, intent(in) :: usemozart logical, intent(in) :: usests logical, intent(in) :: useribasim integer :: rt if (usemodflow .and. .not.usemetaswap .and. .not.usetransol .and.& .not.usemozart) rt = rtmod if (usemodflow .and. usemetaswap .and. .not.usetransol .and.& .not.usemozart) rt = rtmodsim if (usemodflow .and. usemetaswap .and. usetransol .and.& usemozart .and. usests) rt = rtmodsimtranmoz if (usemodflow .and. useribasim .and. .not.usetransol .and.& .not.usemozart) rt = rtmodriba if (rt.le.0) call driverChk(.false.,'Invalid run combination of components') driverGetRunType = rt end function driverGetRunType end module mf_module