subroutine modflow_dll_init(config_file, start_time) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modflow_dll_init ! modules use modflow_dll_module use m_main_info use m_vcl, only: targ use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_has_ext, imod_utl_printtext use mod_pest, only: pest1_meteo_metaswap, pest1alpha_metaswap, pest1appendlogfile, pestnext implicit none ! arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: config_file double precision, intent(in) :: start_time ! general logical :: mf_steadystate ! PEST with MetaSWAP integer :: mf_nrow, mf_ncol, mf_nlay, kper ! parameters integer, parameter :: nsubmax = 1000 ! functions integer osd_open2,cfn_length integer cfn_idx_get_i double precision cfn_mjd_nodata ! local variables logical :: ok character del*1,cont*1,comm*1 integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: hrivsys, wrivsys integer :: nhrivsys, nwrivsys integer, dimension(1) :: m character (len=1) :: cdum character (len=1024) :: record, modrecord, sobrecord, mozrecord character (len=32) :: compcls character (len=1024) :: compfile double precision :: dtMetaSwap ! variable for metaswap double precision :: dtMozart integer :: iterMetaSwap ! variable for metaswap double precision :: stsTestTime integer :: stsFtest,stsBtest,stsItest,i,j,n double precision, allocatable :: stsTtest(:) character tekens(1)*1 logical :: lrunfile, lnamfile, llpf, lipest, lpwt, lrf integer :: isub, nsub, nnsub character(len=50), dimension(nsubmax) :: submstr ! debug integer lswid, js, je, k, ilay, irow, icol, lun, cfn_getlun ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ... init lunc = 9 ! unit number for components file lunsts = 8 ! <=0: sts2init() will assign a free unit number ! >0: unit number will be used comm = '!' ! comment sign for components input file cont = char(92) ! continuation mark for components input file records nodataTime = cfn_mjd_nodata() nsub = 0 ! ... process initialisation ! ... init components ! ios: 0: OK ! -1: commandline argument not found ! <-1: ERROR ! define virtual commandline call cfn_vcl_set(' ',ivcl) ! get the root name call osd_getcwd(root) modwd1 = root simwd1 = root mozwd = root ! run-file lrunfile = .false. lnamfile = .false. usemodflow = .false. usemetaswap = .false. lipest = .false. infile = config_file if (imod_utl_has_ext(infile,'nam')) lnamfile= .true. if (imod_utl_has_ext(infile,'run')) lrunfile= .true. if (lrunfile .or. lnamfile) then ! run-file or nam-file usemodflow=.true. modrecord='' if (lnamfile) write(modrecord,'(a,1x,a)') '-namfile',trim(infile) wd = '' call rf2mf_prg(lrunfile,lipest,modrecord,usemetaswap,submstr,nsub,nsubmax,wd) modwd1 = trim(wd) call osd_s_filename(modwd1) end if usests = .true. usestsmodflow = .true. usetransol = .false. usemozart = .false. useribasim = .true. ! get explicit arguments call cfn_vcl_fndc(ivcl,iarg,'-components',.true.,compfile,1) rt = driverGetRunType(usemodflow,usemetaswap,usetransol,usemozart,usests,useribasim) write(*,'(50(''*''),/,2(1x,a),/,50(''*''))') 'Running mode:', trim(rtdesc(rt)) ! check state-save options if (usests.and..not.usestsmodflow) call driverChk(.false.,'MODFLOW state-save not activated.') if (.not.usests.and.usestsmodflow) call driverChk(.false.,'MODFLOW state-save activated.') nnsub = max(1,nsub) modwd2 = modwd1 simwd2 = simwd1 timestep = 1 stsave = .false. strestore = .false. ! init return values retValMF2005 = 0 ! time values currentTime = nodataTime currentTimeMF2005 = 0.d0 ! init all components TODO!!!!!!! if (usemodflow) then call osd_chdir(modwd2) if (usestsmodflow) call sts2init(usestsmodflow,lunsts) call mf2005_initComponent(modrecord,retValMF2005) ! get number of grids ok = mf2005_PutNumberOfGrids(mf_ngrid); call driverChk(ok,'mf2005_PutNumberOfGrids') if ( call driverChk(.false.,'More than one MODFLOW grids is not supported.'); mf_igrid = 1 end if ! check if MODFLOW is activated if ( call driverChk(.false.,'MODFLOW initialization failed.') if (start_time > -1) then ! outside world provides starting date/time call mf2005_setCurrentTime(start_time,retValMF2005) currentTime = start_time else ! get starting date/time from modflow call mf2005_getCurrentTime(currentTimeMF2005,retValMF2005) currentTime = currentTimeMF2005 endif ! start sts if (usestsmodflow) call sts2start(currentTime) ! read data for entire simulation call osd_chdir(modwd2) call mf2005_initSimulation(currentTime,retValMF2005) !Allocate and read MF data constant for entire simulation if ( exitcode = -12 ! #### BEGIN EXCHANGE: BeforeInitSimulationMozart ############################# ok = mf2005_PutLPFActive(mf_igrid, llpf); call driverChk(ok,'mf2005_PutLPFActive') ! get flag if BCF is used or LPF ok = mf2005_PutSimulationType(mf_igrid, lss); call driverChk(ok,'mf2005_PutSimulationType') ! get flag if simulation is steady-state or transient ok = mf2005_PutHeadNoFlo(mf_igrid, hnoflo); call driverChk(ok,'mf2005_PutHeadNoFlo') ! get hnoflo !#### TIMESERIES #### call tserie1init1(lipest,lss,hnoflo) ok = mf2005_TimeserieInit(mf_igrid) call driverChk(ok,'mf2005_TimeserieInit') call tserie1init2(lipest,lss,hnoflo) ! #### BEGIN EXCHANGE: BeforeTimestep ######################################### ! Coupling MODFLOW-Ribasim if (rt.eq.rtmodriba) then ok = mf2005_PutModRibaNumberOfIDs(mf_igrid, XchModRibaModNID); call driverChk(ok,'mf2005_PutModRibaNumberOfIDs') ! MODFLOW puts the number of MOD-RIBA IDs ! ok = ribasim_PutModRibaNumberOfIDs(XchModRibaRibaNID); call driverChk(ok,'ribasim_PutModRibaNumberOfIDs') ! Ribasim puts the number of MOD-RIBA IDs XchModRibaRibaNID = 17 !temp call driverXchInitModRiba() ! allocate and init ok = mf2005_PutModRibaIDs(mf_igrid,XchModRibaModIds); call driverChk(ok,'mf2005_PutModRibaIDs') ! MODFLOW puts the MOD-Riba exchange IDs ok = mf2005_PutModRibaCells(mf_igrid,XchModRibaModCells); call driverChk(ok,'mf2005_PutModRibaCells') ! MODFLOW puts the MOD-Riba cells (per ID the lay,row,col) ! ok = ribasim_PutModRibaIDs(XchModRibaRibaIds); call driverChk(ok,'ribasim_PutModRibaIDs') ! get exchange id's do i=1,XchModRibaRibaNID; XchModRibaRibaIds(i)=i; enddo !temp end if if (rt.eq.rtmodriba) call driverXchIniMapModRiba() ! ###### END EXCHANGE: BeforeTimestep ######################################### ! ... timestep timestep = 0 tsc=0 ! debug: TimeStepCycle end subroutine modflow_dll_init subroutine modflow_dll_get_grid_sizes(mmax, nmax, kmax) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modflow_dll_get_grid_sizes integer, intent(out) :: mmax, nmax, kmax mmax = -1 nmax = -1 kmax = -1 ! TODO end subroutine modflow_dll_get_grid_sizes subroutine modflow_dll_set_recharge(recharge, mmax, nmax) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modflow_dll_set_recharge integer, intent(in) :: mmax, nmax real , intent(in), dimension(mmax, nmax) :: recharge ! TODO end subroutine modflow_dll_set_recharge subroutine modflow_dll_get_heads(head, mmax, nmax) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modflow_dll_get_heads integer, intent(in) :: mmax, nmax real , intent(out), dimension(mmax, nmax) :: head head = -888.0 ! TODO end subroutine modflow_dll_get_heads function modflow_dll_timestep() result(retVal) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modflow_dll_timestep use modflow_dll_module use m_main_info implicit none integer :: retVal integer :: date, hour, minute, second logical :: converged,convergedMF2005,convergedMetaSwap,convergedMozart,convergedPest logical :: ok ! doTimeLoop integer :: kper, kstp ! convergence convergedMF2005 = .true. convergedMetaSwap = .true. convergedMozart = .true. retVal = 0 ! when 0: ok stsave = .true. ribastsave = .true. strestore = .false. tsc=tsc+1 timestep = timestep + 1 call cfn_mjd2datehms(currentTime,date,hour,minute,second) write(*,'(5x,a,1x,i5,1x,a,1x,i8,3(a,i2.2))')& 'Timestep ',tsc,':',date,' ',abs(hour),':',minute,':',second ! one timestep for each cycle !##### BEGIN EXCHANGE: BeginOfTimestep ######################################## !####### END EXCHANGE: BeginOfTimestep ######################################## ! perform state save, phase 1 (before reading and writing data) if (usests) then if (ribastsave) stsave = .true. ! call osd_chdir(modwd2) if (usestsmodflow) call sts2saverestore(currentTime,stsave,strestore,1) !external decision whether stsave is needed, internal decision whether strestore is needed. end if ! ... init timestep call mf2005_prepareTimestep(currentTime,stsave,retValMF2005,kper,kstp) !checks o.a. whether new stress period and/or new time step call osd_chdir(modwd2) call mf2005_initTimeStep(currentTime,retValMF2005,rt,rtmodriba) !Read and prepare for new stress period and new timestep if ( retVal = -15 ! get end of current timestep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only modflow information is used !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call mf2005_getEndOfCurrentTimeStep(endOfCurrentTimeStepMF2005,retValMF2005) if ( retVal = -17 endOfCurrentTimeStep = endOfCurrentTimeStepMF2005 ! extra check if (endOfCurrentTimeStep.eq.nodataTime) call driverChk(.false.,'endOfCurrentTimeStep = nodataTime') ! ... iteration converged =.false. do while (.not. converged .and. retVal.eq.0) call mf2005_performIter(retValMF2005) if ( retVal = -26 !##### BEGIN EXCHANGE: AfterSolve ############################################# !(No exchange with Ribasim within iterations) !####### END EXCHANGE: AfterSolve ############################################# ! finish iteration call mf2005_finishIter(convergedMF2005,retValMF2005) ! get next iteration information converged = .true. converged = converged .and. convergedMF2005 if ( ) retVal = -261 enddo if (.not.converged) write(*,*) ' Model did not converge!',retVal ! ... write results if (converged .and. retVal.eq.0) then call osd_chdir(modwd2) call mf2005_finishTimestep(retValMF2005) if ( retVal = -31 !##### BEGIN EXCHANGE: AfterFinishTimeStepMODFLOW ############################# !##### BEGIN EXCHANGE: AfterFinishTimeStepMODFLOW ############################# !#### TIMESERIES ##### ok = mf2005_TimeserieGetHead(mf_igrid); call DriverChk(ok,'mf2005_TimeserieGetHead') call tserie1write(0,lss,currentTime,hnoflo,usests) !#### TIMESERIES ##### endif if (retVal.eq.0) then ! perform state save, phase 2 (after reading and writing data) if (usestsmodflow) call sts2saverestore(currentTime,stsave,strestore,2) endif ! ... next timestep if ( then ! ERROR, do not continue endOfSimulation=.true. else ! get new time information ! Let Modflow be leading. don't ask the other components call mf2005_getBeginOfNextTimeStep(BeginOfNextTimeStepMF2005,retValMF2005) ! find errors if (retValMF2005.eq.-1) then ! end of simulation for Modflow endOfSimulation=.true. retValMF2005 =0 endif if ( then retVal = -31 endif if ( then endOfSimulation=.true. endif ! find start time of next timestep ! this may be a time in the 'future', the 'past' or the 'current' time ! nodata value of time-value means: this was the last timestep for this component if (retVal.eq.0) then currentTime=nodataTime ! check for each component (ok, only modflow available now) if ( then if (currentTime.eq.nodataTime) then currentTime=BeginOfNextTimeStepMF2005 else currentTime=min(currentTime,BeginOfNextTimeStepMF2005) endif endif if ( then endOfSimulation=.true. endif ! if (currentTime.eq.nodataTime) endOfSimulation=.true. endif !retVal.eq.0 endif ! ! doTimeLoop = .not.endOfSimulation ! enddo ! time loop end function modflow_dll_timestep subroutine modflow_dll_set_timestep_done(done_with_current_timestep, Reset_time) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modflow_dll_set_timestep_done use modflow_dll_module implicit none integer nribasimtimestep double precision Reset_Time,LastSavedTime logical done_with_current_timestep if (.not. done_with_current_timestep) then ! jump back to begin of time step currenttime = Reset_time call set_last_saved_time(Reset_time) else ! time step done endif end subroutine modflow_dll_set_timestep_done subroutine set_last_saved_time(LastSavedTime) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modflow_dll_set_timestep_done use m_sts2 implicit none double precision LastSavedTime currenttime = LastSavedTime ! Last_Saved_Time = currenttime end subroutine function mf_end_of_simulation_reached() result(end_of_simulation_reached) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: mf_end_of_simulation_reached use modflow_dll_module implicit none logical end_of_simulation_reached end_of_simulation_reached = endOfSimulation end function mf_end_of_simulation_reached function mf_external_timestep_reached(external_end_of_timestep) result(external_timestep_reached) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: mf_external_timestep_reached use modflow_dll_module implicit none logical external_timestep_reached double precision external_end_of_timestep if( external_timestep_reached = .true. else external_timestep_reached = .false. endif end function subroutine modflow_dll_finish !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modflow_dll_finish use modflow_dll_module use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_closeunits implicit none ! ... end call osd_chdir(modwd2) if (exitcode.eq.0) call mf2005_finishSimulation(retValMF2005) if ( ) exitcode = -61 !#### TIMESERIES ##### call tserie1write(1,lss,currentTime,hnoflo,usests) call tserie1close() !#### TIMESERIES ##### ! list routine timer info call cfn_rtt_list(0) ! Deallocate coupling arrays call driverXchDeallocate() ! exit if ( then write(unit=*,fmt=*) 'ERROR, exit code: ',exitcode call exit(10) endif call imod_utl_closeunits() end subroutine modflow_dll_finish function modflow_dll_get_number_of_wells() result(number_of_wells) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modflow_dll_get_number_of_wells use modflow_dll_module implicit none integer :: number_of_wells number_of_wells = XchModRibaModNID end function modflow_dll_get_number_of_wells subroutine get_currenttime(current_time) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_currenttime use modflow_dll_module implicit none double precision current_time current_time = currenttime end subroutine subroutine set_well_values(RibaQdemand) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: set_well_values use modflow_dll_module implicit none real, dimension(17), intent(in) :: RibaQdemand logical :: ok ok = mf2005_GetQdemand(mf_igrid,XchModRibaModNID,RibaQdemand,XchRiba2ModIdx,XchRiba2ModOff,mv); call DriverChk(ok,'mf2005_GetQdemand') ! Modflow gets Qdemand end subroutine set_well_values subroutine get_well_values(RibaQrealized) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_well_values use modflow_dll_module real, dimension(17), intent(out) :: RibaQrealized logical :: ok ok = mf2005_PutQrealized(mf_igrid,RibaQrealized,XchModRibaModNID,XchMod2RibaIdx,XchMod2RibaOff,mv); call DriverChk(ok,'mf2005_PutQrealized') ! MODFLOW puts the realized extraction rates flux for Ribasim end subroutine get_well_values