c Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2014. c c This file is part of iMOD. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. c c iMod is partly based on the USGS MODFLOW2005 source code; c for iMOD the USGS MODFLOW2005 source code has been expanded c and extensively modified by Stichting Deltares. c The original USGS MODFLOW2005 source code can be downloaded from the USGS c website http://www.usgs.gov/. The original MODFLOW2005 code incorporated c in this file is covered by the USGS Software User Rights Notice; c you should have received a copy of this notice along with this program. c If not, see . C KJH 20030327 -- Patched Hyd.K term in LPF option -- cel2wel function C KJH 20030717 -- Patched budget output switch -- subroutine GWF1MNW1bd c Cleaned output so outrageous pointers are not printed c GZH 20050405 -- Converted calculations to use double precision c KJH 20050419 -- Array WELL2 dimensioned to 18 to store well id C AWH 20080411 -- Retrieve HDRY from GWFBASMODULE rather than from C LPF, BCF, or HUF c MODULE GWFMNW1MODULE DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: TWOPI=2.0D0*3.1415926535897932D0 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: ZERO25=1.0D-25, ZERO20=1.0D-20 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: ZERO8=1.0D-8, BIG=1.0D30 CHARACTER(LEN=200),SAVE,POINTER:: MNWNAME INTEGER, SAVE,POINTER :: NWELL2, MXWEL2, IWL2CB, KSPREF INTEGER, SAVE,POINTER :: IWELPT, NOMOITER DOUBLE PRECISION, SAVE,POINTER :: PLOSS DOUBLE PRECISION, SAVE,POINTER :: SMALL, HMAX CHARACTER(LEN=32),SAVE,DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: MNWSITE INTEGER, SAVE,DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: IOWELL2 DOUBLE PRECISION, SAVE,DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: WELL2 DOUBLE PRECISION, SAVE,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: HREF real, save, dimension(:), pointer :: demandbuff => null() ! DLT TYPE GWFMNWTYPE CHARACTER(LEN=200), POINTER :: MNWNAME INTEGER, POINTER :: NWELL2, MXWEL2, IWL2CB, KSPREF INTEGER, POINTER :: IWELPT, NOMOITER DOUBLE PRECISION, POINTER :: PLOSS DOUBLE PRECISION, POINTER :: SMALL, HMAX CHARACTER(LEN=32), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: MNWSITE INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: IOWELL2 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: WELL2 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: HREF real, dimension(:), pointer :: demandbuff => null() ! DLT END TYPE TYPE(GWFMNWTYPE), SAVE:: GWFMNWDAT(10) END MODULE GWFMNW1MODULE C c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17AR(In, Iusip, Iude4, Iusor, Iupcg, Iulmg, + Iugmg, Fname, Igrid) C VERSION 20020819 KJH c c----- MNW by K.J. Halford 1/31/98 c ****************************************************************** c allocate array storage for well package c ****************************************************************** c c specifications: c ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY: IOUT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY USE GWFMNW1MODULE USE SIPMODULE,ONLY:HCLOSE USE DE4MODULE,ONLY:HCLOSEDE4 USE PCGMODULE,ONLY:HCLOSEPCG USE GMGMODULE,ONLY:HCLOSEGMG IMPLICIT NONE c ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTRINSIC ABS INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: IFRL EXTERNAL NCREAD, UPCASE, QREAD, USTOP c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Arguments c ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER :: In, Iusip, Iude4, Iusor, Iupcg, Iulmg, Iugmg, Igrid CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: Fname !!08/19/02KJH-MODIFIED c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Local Variables c ------------------------------------------------------------------ REAL :: bs INTEGER :: ierr, io, iok, jf, ke, kf, ki, kio DOUBLE PRECISION :: rn(25) CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: txt, tx2 c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Static Variables c ------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: ftag(3) INTEGER :: icf(3) DATA ftag/'WEL1 ', 'BYNODE', 'QSUM '/ DATA icf/4, 6, 4/ c ------------------------------------------------------------------ ALLOCATE (MNWNAME, NWELL2, MXWEL2, IWL2CB, NOMOITER, KSPREF, + IWELPT) ALLOCATE (PLOSS, SMALL, HMAX, IOWELL2(3), + HREF(NCOL,NROW,NLAY)) c IOWELL2(1) = 0 IOWELL2(2) = 0 IOWELL2(3) = 0 c c1------identify package and initialize nwell2 WRITE (IOUT, 9001) In 9001 FORMAT (/, ' MNW1 -- MULTI-NODE WELL 1 PACKAGE, VERSION 7,', + ' 11/07/2005.', /, ' INPUT READ FROM UNIT', i4) NWELL2 = 0 c c2------read max number of wells and c2------unit or flag for cell-by-cell flow terms. CALL NCREAD(In, txt, ierr) CALL UPCASE(txt) c ki = INDEX(txt, 'REF') IF ( ki.GT.0 ) THEN tx2 = txt(ki:256) CALL QREAD(rn, 1, tx2, ierr) IF ( ierr.EQ.0 ) KSPREF = IFRL(rn(1)) txt(ki:256) = ' ' ELSE KSPREF = 1 ENDIF c CALL QREAD(rn, 4, txt, ierr) MXWEL2 = IFRL(rn(1)) IWL2CB = 0 IF ( ierr.LE.2 ) IWL2CB = IFRL(rn(2)) IWELPT = 0 IF ( ierr.EQ.1 ) IWELPT = IFRL(rn(3)) NOMOITER = 9999 IF ( ierr.EQ.0 ) NOMOITER = IFRL(rn(4)) c WRITE (IOUT, 9002) MXWEL2 IF ( IWL2CB.GT.0 ) WRITE (IOUT, 9003) IWL2CB IF ( IWL2CB.LT.0 ) WRITE (IOUT, 9004) WRITE (IOUT, 9005) KSPREF WRITE (IOUT, 9006) NOMOITER 9002 FORMAT (' MAXIMUM OF', i7, ' WELLS') 9003 FORMAT (' CELL-BY-CELL FLOWS WILL BE RECORDED ON UNIT', i3) 9004 FORMAT (' CELL-BY-CELL FLOWS WILL BE PRINTED WHEN ICBCFL NOT 0') 9005 FORMAT (' The heads at the beginning of SP:', i4, + ' will be the default reference elevations.', /) 9006 FORMAT (' Flow rates will not be estimated after the', i4, + 'th iteration') c c Define well model to be used c CALL NCREAD(In, txt, ierr) CALL UPCASE(txt) PLOSS = 0.0D0 !! Default use of Skin so linear loss varies with T IF ( INDEX(txt, 'LINEAR').GT.0 ) THEN PLOSS = 1.0D0 !! ADD THIS LINE to make sure that the power term is 1 for the linear model ki = INDEX(txt, ':') + 1 tx2 = txt(ki:256) CALL QREAD(rn, 1, tx2, ierr) IF ( ierr.EQ.0 ) PLOSS = rn(1) c Add error checking to shut down MODFLOW bs = 3.6 !! Maximum limit on power term IF ( PLOSS.GT.bs ) THEN WRITE (*, *) 'Power term of', PLOSS, ' exceeds maximum of', bs WRITE (IOUT, *) 'Power term of', PLOSS, ' exceeds maximum of', + bs C C When compiling MNW with Modflow-96, comment out the call to C USTOP and uncomment the STOP statement CALL USTOP(' ') C STOP C ENDIF c ENDIF c c Test for a specified PREFIX NAME for time series output from MNW7OT c CALL NCREAD(In, txt, ierr) tx2 = txt CALL UPCASE(tx2) kf = INDEX(tx2, 'PREFIX:') IF ( kf.GT.0 ) THEN MNWNAME = txt(kf+7:256) ke = INDEX(MNWNAME, ' ') MNWNAME(ke:200) = ' ' tx2 = MNWNAME CALL UPCASE(tx2) IF ( INDEX(tx2, 'FILEPREFIX').GT.0 ) THEN MNWNAME = Fname ke = INDEX(MNWNAME, '.') MNWNAME(ke:200) = ' ' ENDIF ELSE MNWNAME = 'OUTput_MNW' BACKSPACE (In) ENDIF c c Test for creation of a WEL1 package and auxillary output files c iok = 1 DO WHILE ( iok.EQ.1 ) CALL NCREAD(In, txt, ierr) tx2 = txt CALL UPCASE(tx2) kf = INDEX(tx2, 'FILE:') IF ( kf.GT.0 ) THEN kio = 0 jf = 0 DO WHILE ( kio.EQ.0 .AND. jf.LT.3 ) jf = jf + 1 kio = INDEX(tx2, ftag(jf)(1:icf(jf))) IF ( kio.GT.0 ) THEN tx2 = txt(kio+1+icf(jf):256) CALL QREAD(rn, 1, tx2, ierr) IF ( ierr.EQ.0 ) THEN IOWELL2(jf) = IFRL(rn(1)) c OC over ride is ALLTIME IF ( INDEX(tx2, 'ALLTIME').GT.0 ) IOWELL2(jf) + = -IOWELL2(jf) c Find and use file name tx2 = txt(kf+5:256) kf = INDEX(tx2, ' ') - 1 CLOSE (ABS(IOWELL2(jf))) OPEN (ABS(IOWELL2(jf)), FILE=tx2(1:kf)) WRITE (tx2(253:256), '(i4)') ABS(IOWELL2(jf)) txt = ' A '//ftag(jf) + //' data input file will be written'//' to '// + tx2(1:kf)//' on unit '//tx2(253:256) WRITE (IOUT, '(/1x,a79)') txt IF ( jf.EQ.1 ) + WRITE (ABS(IOWELL2(jf)),'(3i10)') MXWEL2, IWL2CB, IWELPT ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ELSE BACKSPACE (In) iok = 0 ENDIF ENDDO c c Write header in Auxillary BYNODE file if KPER=1 & IO>0 c IF ( IOWELL2(2).NE.0 ) THEN io = ABS(IOWELL2(2)) WRITE (io, 9008) ENDIF c c Write header in Auxillary QSUM file if KPER=1 & IO>0 c IF ( IOWELL2(3).NE.0 ) THEN io = ABS(IOWELL2(3)) WRITE (io, 9009) ENDIF c 9008 FORMAT ('SiteID', 27x, 'Entry NODE', 5x, 'Total_Time', 8x, 'Q', + 5x, 'H-Well', 5x, 'H-Cell', 5x, 'QW-Avg') 9009 FORMAT ('SiteID', 31x, 'Entry', 5x, 'Total_Time', 10x, 'Qin', + 10x, 'Qout', 10x, 'Qsum', 5x, 'H-Well', 5x, 'QW-Avg') c C 4/18/2005 - KJH: Explicit well tracking addition changed 1st WELL2 C dimension from 17 to 18 ALLOCATE (WELL2(18, MXWEL2+1), MNWSITE(MXWEL2)) c C-------SET SMALL DEPENDING ON CLOSURE CRITERIA OF THE SOLVER IF ( Iusip.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSE IF ( Iude4.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSEDE4 ! IF ( Iusor.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSESOR IF ( Iupcg.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSEPCG IF ( Iulmg.NE.0 ) SMALL = 0.0D0 !LMG SETS HCLOSE TO ZERO IF ( Iugmg.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSEGMG c c-----SAVE POINTERS FOR GRID AND RETURN CALL SGWF2MNW1PSV(Igrid) c c7------return END SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17AR c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17RP(In, Iubcf, Iulpf, Iuhuf, Kper, Igrid) c VERSION 20020819 KJH C c----- MNW by K.J. Halford 1/31/98 c ****************************************************************** c read new well locations, stress rates, conc, well char., and limits c ****************************************************************** c c specifications: c ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:NODES,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,IBOUND,HOLD,HNEW,IOUT USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY:TOTIM,HDRY USE GWFMNW1MODULE, ONLY:NWELL2,MXWEL2,IWELPT,PLOSS,HMAX, 1 MNWSITE,IOWELL2,WELL2,HREF,KSPREF, 2 BIG,ZERO25, 3 demandbuff ! DLT use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxcqdemand IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MOD, INT INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: IFRL, IDIRECT DOUBLE PRECISION, EXTERNAL :: CEL2WELBCF, CEL2WELLPF, CEL2WELHUF EXTERNAL NCREAD, UPCASE, QREAD, USTOP c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Arguments c ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Iubcf, Iulpf, Iuhuf, Kper, Igrid INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: In c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Local Variables c ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOUBLE PRECISION :: qfrcmn, qfrcmx, qreject, drytest, ipole, hlim DOUBLE PRECISION :: hrfw, qsum, rw, cond, qact, sk, cf, q, rn(25) INTEGER :: i, icmn, ierr, igrp, ii, iin, io, iok, ip, ipt, irmx INTEGER :: itmp, j, k, kblk, kcp, kfini, ki, kpc, kqc, ksiteid INTEGER :: ktab, m, mstep, n, n1, nb, ne, ngrp, nl, nn, node INTEGER :: nstart, nqreject INTEGER :: idwell,mm CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: tab CHARACTER(LEN=32) :: tempsite CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: txt, tx2, txtraw c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c-----SET POINTERS FOR THE CURRENT GRID. CALL SGWF2MNW1PNT(Igrid) cswm: SET POINTERS FOR FLOW PACKAGE TO GET K's FOR CEL2WEL IF ( Iubcf.NE.0 ) CALL SGWF2BCF7PNT(Igrid) IF ( Iulpf.NE.0 ) CALL SGWF2LPF7PNT(Igrid) IF ( Iuhuf.NE.0 ) CALL SGWF2HUF7PNT(Igrid) C icmn = 1 kfini = 1 tab = CHAR(9) qfrcmn = ZERO25 qfrcmx = ZERO25 qreject = 0.0D0 nqreject = 0 nl = 0 IF ( PLOSS.GT.1.001D0 ) nl = 1 !! Read NL loss Coefficient after Skin c c Check for setting the HREFerence array CERB IN FIRST STRESS PERIOD, HOLD IS UNDEFINED, SO USE HNEW INSTEAD IF ( Kper.EQ.1 ) THEN HMAX = ABS(HNEW(1,1,1)) DO k = 1, NLAY DO i = 1, NROW DO j = 1, NCOL HREF(j,i,k) = HNEW(j,i,k) HMAX = MAX(ABS(HREF(j,i,k)),HMAX) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE IF ( Kper.LE.KSPREF ) THEN HMAX = ABS(HOLD(1,1,1)) DO k = 1, NLAY DO i = 1, NROW DO j = 1, NCOL HREF(j,i,k) = HOLD(j,i,k) HMAX = MAX(ABS(HREF(j,i,k)),HMAX) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c The 18 rows of the well array store: c Row # = Description c------------------------------------------------------------------ c 1 = Well node locator (= cell number, counted from (1,1,1) in column direction) c 2 = Desired flow rate c 3 = Actual flow rate used c 4 = Water Quality attribute to be averaged by flow c 5 = Radius of wellbore c 6 = Skin associated with well completion c 7 = Minimum/Maximum head or drawdown c 8 = Elevation of reference head for computing lift costs c 9 = Water Quality Group identifier c 10 = Water level in wellbore c 11 = HCOF value / QWaverage c 12 = RHS value c 13 = Minimum flow rate - to turn off c 14 = Minimum flow rate -- to turn on c 15 = Reserve Desired flow rate c 16 = Non-linear loss term c 17 = Actual flow rate to individual nodes of a multi-node well c kept for transport or other purposes !!7/13/2003 - CZ c 18 = Explicit well identifier -- Same value for all nodes in a well c------------------------------------------------------------------ c c1------read itmp(number of wells or flag saying reuse well data) CALL NCREAD(In, txtraw, ierr) txt = txtraw CALL UPCASE(txt) CALL QREAD(rn, 1, txt, ierr) itmp = rn(1) c IF ( itmp.LT.0 ) THEN c if itmp less than zero reuse data. print message and return. call sts2nodata(in) ! STS WRITE (IOUT, 9001) 9001 FORMAT (1X,/1X,'REUSING MNW7 FROM LAST STRESS PERIOD') RETURN ELSE c If itmp > 0, Test if wells are to replace old ones or be added. c call sts2data(in) ! STS IF ( INDEX(txt, 'ADD').EQ.0 ) NWELL2 = 0 c c return if there are no wells to read ........ IF ( itmp.EQ.0 ) RETURN c c Redundant well information is allowed in MNW c c Read additional well info nstart = NWELL2 DO m = 1, itmp CALL NCREAD(In, txtraw, ierr) txt = txtraw CALL UPCASE(txt) c Attempt read with QREAD first CALL QREAD(rn, 4, txt, ierr) IF ( ierr.EQ.0 .AND. rn(5).LT.0.5D0 ) THEN k = IFRL(rn(1)) j = IFRL(rn(2)) i = IFRL(rn(3)) q = rn(4) irmx = IFRL(rn(6)) + 1 ELSE c Use fixed form reader if errors were detected READ (txt(1:40), '(3i10,f10.0)') k, j, i, q irmx = 41 ENDIF node = (k-1)*NCOL*NROW + (j-1)*NCOL + i c Test for if well is in active grid ...... iok = 1 IF ( i.GT.NCOL .OR. j.GT.NROW .OR. node.GT.NODES ) iok = 0 drytest = HNEW(i,j,k) - HDRY IF (iok.GT.0 .AND. ABS(drytest).GT.ZERO25) iok = IBOUND(i,j,k) c c Should MNW wells be allowed in specified-head cells? IF ( iok.NE.0 ) THEN !! Allow SH now, "gt" for no SH c Test for redundant info ...... ipt = 0 c The commented statements prevent having multiple MNW sites in the same cells c nt = 0 c do while (nt.lt.nwell2 .and. ipt.eq.0 ) c nt = nt + 1 c if( well2(1,nt).eq.node ) ipt = nt c enddo IF ( ipt.EQ.0 ) THEN NWELL2 = NWELL2 + 1 ipt = NWELL2 ENDIF c c Assign data now that the pointer is set WELL2(1, ipt) = node WELL2(2, ipt) = q if(associated(demandbuff))then WELL2(2, ipt) = demandbuff(ipt) !modflow-ribasim elseif(associated(dxcqdemand))then WELL2(2, ipt) = dxcqdemand(ipt) !modflow-ribasim else end if ipole = 0.0D0 IF ( ABS(q).GT.ZERO25 ) ipole = q/ABS(q) WELL2(3, ipt) = WELL2(2, ipt) WELL2(13, ipt) = qfrcmn ! default lower limit WELL2(14, ipt) = qfrcmx c c Look for limit modifications kqc = INDEX(txt, 'QCUT') kpc = INDEX(txt, '%CUT') IF ( kqc+kpc.GT.0 .AND. ABS(q).GT.ZERO25 ) THEN tx2 = txt(kqc+kpc+5:256) CALL QREAD(rn, 2, tx2, ierr) IF ( kqc.GT.0 ) THEN !! Absolute value was provided rn(1) = 100.0D0*rn(1)/q !! Convert to percentage rn(2) = 100.0D0*rn(2)/q ENDIF IF ( ierr.GE.1 ) rn(2) = rn(1) WELL2(13, ipt) = rn(1)*0.01D0 !! convert percentages to fractions WELL2(14, ipt) = rn(2)*0.01D0 IF ( INDEX(tx2, 'DEFAULT').GT.0 ) THEN qfrcmn = rn(1)*0.01D0 !! New default lower limit qfrcmx = rn(2)*0.01D0 !! New default upper limit ENDIF ENDIF c c Look for NonLinear coefficient WELL2(16, ipt) = 0.0D0 !! NonLinear Loss Coefficient kcp = INDEX(txt, 'CP:') IF ( kcp.GT.0 .AND. nl.GT.0 ) THEN tx2 = txt(kcp+3:256) CALL QREAD(rn, 1, tx2, ierr) IF ( ierr.EQ.0 ) THEN WELL2(16, ipt) = rn(1) c Could reset default C-term here to a non-zero value ENDIF ENDIF c c Look for Site Identifier -- Set to NO-PRINT if not present. ksiteid = INDEX(txt, 'SITE') IF ( ksiteid.GT.0 ) THEN MNWSITE(ipt) = txtraw(ksiteid+5:256) kblk = INDEX(MNWSITE(ipt), ' ') ktab = INDEX(MNWSITE(ipt), tab) IF ( kblk.GT.0 ) kfini = kblk IF ( ktab.GT.0 .AND. ktab.LT.kblk ) kfini = ktab IF ( kfini.LE.32 ) THEN MNWSITE(ipt)(kfini:32) = ' ' ELSE kfini = 32 ENDIF txt(ksiteid:ksiteid+kfini+4) = ' ' ELSE MNWSITE(ipt) = 'NO-PRINT ' ENDIF c c Read remaining info from card to set MNW specific parameters tx2 = txt(irmx:256) ki = INDEX(tx2, 'ZONE') IF ( ki.GT.0 ) tx2(ki:256) = ' ' CALL QREAD(rn, 6, tx2, ierr) c c Move from well data from temp to permanent locations DO ip = 1, 6 - ierr WELL2(ip+3, ipt) = rn(ip) ENDDO IF ( ierr.GE.1 ) WELL2(9, ipt) = ipt IF ( ierr.GE.2 .OR. ABS(WELL2(8,ipt)).GT.HMAX ) + WELL2(8, ipt) = HREF(i,j,k) c Compute HLIM relative to reference elevation if HLIM read was a DrawDown (DD) IF ( INDEX(txt, 'DD').GT.0 ) + WELL2(7, ipt) = ipole*WELL2(7, ipt) + WELL2(8, ipt) IF ( ierr.GE.3 ) WELL2(7, ipt) = ipole*1.0D+26 IF ( ierr.GE.4 ) WELL2(6, ipt) = 0.0D0 IF ( ierr.GE.5 ) WELL2(5, ipt) = 0.0D0 IF ( ierr.GE.6 ) WELL2(4, ipt) = -1.0D0 c Flag as 2-point definition of a multi-node well if MULTI is detected. IF ( INDEX(tx2, 'MULTI').GT.0 .AND. + ABS(WELL2(5,ipt)).GT.ZERO25 ) THEN c Define direction and # of points in well WELL2(2, ipt-1) = WELL2(2, ipt) + WELL2(2, ipt-1) n1 = IFRL(WELL2(1, ipt-1)) mstep = IDIRECT(n1, node, NCOL, NROW) DO nn = n1 + mstep, node, mstep ipt = ipt + 1 NWELL2 = NWELL2 + 1 WELL2(1, ipt) = nn WELL2(2, ipt) = 0.0D0 WELL2(3, ipt) = WELL2(2, ipt) WELL2(4, ipt) = WELL2(4, ipt-1) WELL2(5, ipt) = WELL2(5, ipt-1) WELL2(6, ipt) = WELL2(6, ipt-1) WELL2(16, ipt) = WELL2(16, ipt-1) !! NonLinear Loss Coefficient WELL2(9, ipt) = WELL2(9, ipt-1) WELL2(8, ipt) = -1.0D31 WELL2(13, ipt) = 0.0D0 WELL2(14, ipt) = 0.0D0 icmn = icmn + 1 WELL2(7, ipt) = icmn ENDDO c Flag as part of a multi-node well if MN is detected. ELSE IF ( INDEX(tx2, 'MN').GT.0 .AND. + ABS(WELL2(5,ipt)).GT.ZERO25 ) THEN c Set to very large -value to flag MN status WELL2(8, ipt) = -1.0D31 icmn = icmn + 1 WELL2(7, ipt) = icmn ELSE icmn = 1 ENDIF ELSE c Sum details on rejected wells qreject = qreject + q nqreject = nqreject + 1 ENDIF ! IBOUND test statement ENDDO ! end of well entry loop c c Process wells that are screened across multiple nodes c c Check for extreme contrast in conductance c WELL2(8, NWELL2+1) = 0.0D0 IF ( nstart.LT.1 ) nstart = 1 IF ( nstart.GT.NWELL2 ) nstart = NWELL2 - itmp + 1 DO i = nstart, NWELL2 IF ( WELL2(8, i).LT.-1.E30 .AND. WELL2(8, i+1).GT.-1.E30 .OR. + WELL2(8, i).LT.-1.E30 .AND. i.EQ.NWELL2 ) THEN ngrp = IFRL(WELL2(7, i)) ne = i nb = ne - ngrp + 1 hlim = WELL2(7, nb) hrfw = WELL2(8, nb) qsum = 0.0D0 tempsite = 'NO-PRINT ' DO iin = nb, ne qsum = qsum + WELL2(2, iin) IF ( MNWSITE(iin)(1:8).NE.'NO-PRINT' ) + tempsite = MNWSITE(iin) WELL2(2, iin) = 0.0D0 WELL2(7, iin) = 1.0D31 WELL2(8, iin) = 1.0D31 c Set to very large +value to flag MN status ENDDO c Set All SiteIDs in a multinode well to a common tag DO iin = nb, ne MNWSITE(iin) = tempsite ENDDO WELL2(7, nb) = ne WELL2(2, ne) = qsum WELL2(7, ne) = hlim WELL2(8, ne) = hrfw ENDIF ENDDO ! end of multi-well pointer setting c ENDIF c c nwell2>mxwel2. print message. stop. IF ( NWELL2.GT.MXWEL2 ) THEN WRITE (IOUT, 9002) NWELL2, MXWEL2 9002 FORMAT (1X,/ 1 1X,'nwell2(', i4, ') IS GREATER THAN mxwel2(', i4, ')') C C When compiling MNW with Modflow-96, comment out the call to C USTOP and uncomment the STOP statement CALL USTOP(' ') C STOP C ENDIF c c Place desired flow rates in a reserved location c DO m = 1, NWELL2 WELL2(15, m) = WELL2(2, m) ENDDO c c--assign unique well id for use with MT3DMS link package (cdl: 4/19/05) m=0 IDwell=1 do while (m.lt.nwell2) m=m+1 if(well2(8,m).gt.1.D30) then do mm=m,ifrl(well2(7,m)) well2(18,mm)=IDwell enddo m=ifrl(well2(7,m)) else well2(18,m)=IDwell endif IDwell=IDwell+1 enddo c c Echo input to iout file c IF ( IWELPT.EQ.0 ) THEN IF ( nqreject.GT.0 ) THEN txt = ' wells were outside of the model domain.' WRITE (IOUT, '(1X,/,5x,i5,a50)') nqreject, txt txt = 'The rejected pumpage totaled: ' WRITE (IOUT, '(1X,/1X,a34,g14.5)') txt, qreject ENDIF c WRITE (IOUT, '(1X,/,10x,i5," MNW WELLS")') NWELL2 WRITE (IOUT, 9003) 9003 FORMAT (' No. Lay Row Col Stress QW param', 6x, + 'Rw Skin WL Limit WL Refer NonLinear Cp', + ' QW Group Cell-To-Well Min-Qoff Min-Qon', + ' Site Identifier') c DO m = 1, NWELL2 n = INT(WELL2(1, m)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = MOD((n-1), NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j, are switched i = MOD((n-1), NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style igrp = INT(WELL2(9, m)) c rw = WELL2(5, m) IF ( rw.LT.-ZERO25 ) THEN cond = -rw ELSE qact = WELL2(3, m) sk = WELL2(6, m) cf = WELL2(16, m) IF ( Iubcf.NE.0 ) cond = CEL2WELBCF(i,j,k,rw,sk,qact,cf) IF ( Iulpf.NE.0 ) cond = CEL2WELLPF(i,j,k,rw,sk,qact,cf) IF ( Iuhuf.NE.0 ) cond = CEL2WELHUF(i,j,k,rw,sk,qact,cf) IF ( rw.LT.ZERO25 ) cond = cond*1.0D3 ENDIF WELL2(11, m) = cond c c ---------Modified OUTPUT to hide internal pointers that "Look Funny" --KJH-- July 10, 2003 IF ( WELL2(8, m).LT.BIG ) THEN hlim = WELL2(7, m) hrfw = WELL2(8, m) ELSE IF ( WELL2(7, m).LT.BIG ) THEN ne = IFRL(WELL2(7, m)) hlim = WELL2(7, ne) hrfw = WELL2(8, ne) ENDIF WRITE (IOUT, 9004) m, k, j, i, (WELL2(ii, m), ii=3, 6), hlim, + hrfw, WELL2(16, m), igrp, WELL2(11, m), + (WELL2(ii, m)*100.0D0, ii=13, 14), + MNWSITE(m) 9004 FORMAT (1x, 4I6, 6g11.4, g13.6, i10, g13.6, 2F10.3, 2x, a32) c ENDDO ELSE WRITE (IOUT, *) 'WELLS WILL NOT BE PRINTED' ENDIF c c Write blank fields in Auxillary BYNODE file if KPER=1 & IO>0 c IF ( TOTIM.LT.1E-26 .AND. IOWELL2(2).NE.0 ) THEN io = ABS(IOWELL2(2)) DO m = 1, NWELL2 n = IFRL(WELL2(1, m)) WRITE (io, '(a32,1x,2i8)') MNWSITE(m), m, n ENDDO ENDIF c c Write blank fields in Auxillary QSUM file if KPER=1 & IO>0 c IF ( TOTIM.LT.1E-26 .AND. IOWELL2(3).NE.0 ) THEN io = ABS(IOWELL2(3)) m = 0 DO WHILE ( m.LT.NWELL2 ) m = m + 1 IF ( WELL2(8, m).GT.BIG ) THEN ne = IFRL(WELL2(7, m)) WRITE (ABS(IOWELL2(3)), '(a32,1x,i5.5,"-",i5.5)') MNWSITE(m) + , m, ne m = ne ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF c END SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17RP c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17AD(Iubcf, Iulpf, Iuhuf, Igrid) C VERSION 20020819 KJH c c----- MNW by K.J. Halford c c ****************************************************************** c Update Qact for wells that were constrained c ****************************************************************** c C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:NCOL,NROW,IBOUND,HNEW USE GWFMNW1MODULE,ONLY:NWELL2,SMALL,WELL2,ZERO8,BIG IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC ABS, MOD INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: IFRL DOUBLE PRECISION, EXTERNAL :: CEL2WELBCF, CEL2WELLPF, CEL2WELHUF c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Iubcf, Iuhuf, Iulpf, Igrid c Local Variables DOUBLE PRECISION :: rw, cond, qact, sk, cf, qoff, qon, qsmall DOUBLE PRECISION :: qdes, csum, chsum, hwell, hlim, href, ipole DOUBLE PRECISION :: ddmax, ddsim, qpot, ratio INTEGER iin, m, n, ne, k, j, i c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c-----SET POINTERS FOR THE CURRENT GRID. CALL SGWF2MNW1PNT(Igrid) c c c1------if number of wells <= 0 then return. IF ( NWELL2.LE.0 ) RETURN c c Compute cell-to-well conductance for each well node c DO m = 1, NWELL2 n = IFRL(WELL2(1, m)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = MOD((n-1),NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j are switched i = MOD((n-1),NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style c-----if the cell is inactive or specified then bypass processing. IF ( IBOUND(i,j,k).NE.0 ) THEN rw = WELL2(5, m) IF ( rw.LT.-ZERO8 ) THEN cond = -rw ELSE qact = WELL2(3, m) sk = WELL2(6, m) cf = WELL2(16, m) IF ( Iubcf.NE.0 ) cond = CEL2WELBCF(i,j,k,rw,sk,qact,cf) IF ( Iulpf.NE.0 ) cond = CEL2WELLPF(i,j,k,rw,sk,qact,cf) IF ( Iuhuf.NE.0 ) cond = CEL2WELHUF(i,j,k,rw,sk,qact,cf) IF ( rw.LT.ZERO8 ) cond = cond*1.0D3 ENDIF WELL2(11, m) = cond ENDIF ENDDO c c Allow constrained wells a new chance with the next time step c m = 0 DO WHILE ( m.LT.NWELL2 ) m = m + 1 qoff = WELL2(13, m) qon = WELL2(14, m) qact = WELL2(3, m) qsmall = SMALL c c A very large # in WL reference array (8,m) triggers multi-node calculation c IF ( WELL2(8, m).GT.BIG ) THEN c Compute hwell / Qpot for multi-node well ne = IFRL(WELL2(7, m)) qdes = WELL2(15, ne) csum = 0.0D0 chsum = 0.0D0 qact = 0.0D0 qsmall = SMALL*ABS(qdes) DO iin = m, ne n = IFRL(WELL2(1, iin)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = MOD((n-1),NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j are switched i = MOD((n-1),NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style IF ( IBOUND(i,j,k).NE.0 ) THEN csum = csum + WELL2(11, iin) chsum = chsum + WELL2(11, iin)*HNEW(i,j,k) qact = qact + WELL2(3, iin) ELSE qact = 0.0D0 ENDIF ENDDO c---div0 --- CSUM could go to zero if the entire well is dry IF ( csum.GT.ZERO8 ) THEN hwell = (qdes+chsum)/csum ELSE hwell = HNEW(i,j,k) ENDIF m = ne c Test DD constraints, Hlim is assumed to be a Max/Min for Injection/Production wells ipole = 0.0D0 IF ( ABS(qdes).GT.ZERO8 ) ipole = qdes/ABS(qdes) hlim = WELL2(7, ne) href = WELL2(8, ne) ddmax = ipole*(hlim-href) ddsim = ipole*(hwell-href) qpot = hlim*csum - chsum IF ( ddsim.GT.ddmax ) THEN hwell = hlim qpot = hwell*csum - chsum ENDIF cond = csum ELSE ! End of multi-node conditioning IF statement c Compute hwell / Qpot for single-node well n = IFRL(WELL2(1, m)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = MOD((n-1),NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j are switched i = MOD((n-1),NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style cond = WELL2(11, m) hlim = WELL2(7, m) qpot = (hlim-HNEW(i,j,k))*cond qdes = WELL2(15, m) ENDIF c c Compute ratio of potential/desired flow rates ratio = 1.00D0 IF ( ABS(qdes).GT.SMALL ) ratio = qpot/qdes IF ( ratio.GT.0.9999D0 ) THEN ratio = 1.0D0 qpot = qdes ENDIF c Check if potential flow rate is below cutoff IF ( ratio.LT.qoff ) THEN qact = 0.0D0 qdes = qact WELL2(2, m) = qdes WELL2(3, m) = qact c Check if potential flow rate is above restart threshold ELSE IF ( ratio.GT.qon .AND. ABS(qact).LT.qsmall ) THEN qdes = WELL2(15, m) WELL2(2, m) = qdes WELL2(3, m) = qpot c ELSE c Otherwise leave the flow rate alone ENDIF c ENDDO ! End of overall test loop c END SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17AD c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17FM(Kiter, Iubcf, Iulpf, Iuhuf, Igrid) c VERSION 20020819 KJH c c----- MNW by K.J. Halford c c ****************************************************************** c add well flow to source term c ****************************************************************** c C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:NCOL,NROW,IBOUND,HNEW,HCOF,RHS USE GWFMNW1MODULE,ONLY:NWELL2,NOMOITER,SMALL,WELL2,ZERO20,BIG IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC ABS, MOD INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: IFRL DOUBLE PRECISION, EXTERNAL :: CEL2WELBCF, CEL2WELLPF, CEL2WELHUF c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Iubcf, Iuhuf, Iulpf, Kiter, Igrid c Local Variables INTEGER :: iin, iqslv, m, n, ne, k, j, i DOUBLE PRECISION :: rw, cond, qact, sk, cf, qdes, csum, chsum DOUBLE PRECISION :: hwell, ipole, hlim, href, ddmax, ddsim, ratio DOUBLE PRECISION :: dhc2w c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c-----SET POINTERS FOR THE CURRENT GRID. CALL SGWF2MNW1PNT(Igrid) c c CR( i, j, k) ------> CR i + 1/2 c CC( i, j, k) ------> CC j + 1/2 c CV( i, j, k) ------> CV k + 1/2 c c1------if number of wells <= 0 then return. IF ( NWELL2.LE.0 ) RETURN c c Compute cell-to-well conductance for each well node c DO m = 1, NWELL2 n = IFRL(WELL2(1, m)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = MOD((n-1),NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j are switched i = MOD((n-1),NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style c-----if the cell is inactive or specified then bypass processing. IF ( IBOUND(i,j,k).NE.0 ) THEN rw = WELL2(5, m) IF ( rw.LT.-ZERO20 ) THEN cond = -rw ELSE qact = WELL2(3, m) sk = WELL2(6, m) cf = WELL2(16, m) IF ( Iubcf.NE.0 ) cond = CEL2WELBCF(i,j,k,rw,sk,qact,cf) IF ( Iulpf.NE.0 ) cond = CEL2WELLPF(i,j,k,rw,sk,qact,cf) IF ( Iuhuf.NE.0 ) cond = CEL2WELHUF(i,j,k,rw,sk,qact,cf) IF ( rw.LT.ZERO20 ) cond = cond*1.0D3 ENDIF WELL2(11, m) = cond ENDIF ENDDO c c Prepare components and limits of a multi-node well m = 0 DO WHILE ( m.LT.NWELL2 ) m = m + 1 WELL2(10, m) = 1.0D31 c c A very large # in WL reference array (8,m) triggers multi-node calculation c IF ( WELL2(8, m).GT.BIG ) THEN ne = IFRL(WELL2(7, m)) qdes = WELL2(2, ne) qact = qdes csum = 0.0D0 !swm: why not initialize DP chsum = 0.0D0 !swm: why not initialize DP DO iin = m, ne n = IFRL(WELL2(1, iin)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = MOD((n-1),NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j are switched i = MOD((n-1),NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style IF ( IBOUND(i,j,k).NE.0 ) THEN csum = csum + WELL2(11, iin) chsum = chsum + WELL2(11, iin)*HNEW(i,j,k) ELSE WELL2(3, iin) = 0.0D0 !swm: why not initialize DP ENDIF ENDDO c---div0 --- CSUM could go to zero if the entire well is dry IF ( csum.GT.ZERO20 ) THEN hwell = (qact+chsum)/csum ELSE hwell = HNEW(i,j,k) ENDIF c c Test DD constraints, Hlim is assumed to be a Max/Min for Injection/Production wells ipole = 0.0D0 IF ( ABS(qdes).GT.ZERO20 ) ipole = qdes/ABS(qdes) hlim = WELL2(7, ne) href = WELL2(8, ne) ddmax = ipole*(hlim-href) ddsim = ipole*(hwell-href) c IF ( ddsim.GT.ddmax ) THEN hwell = hlim qact = hwell*csum - chsum c DD constraints that stop production are not tested until after the 2nd iteration IF ( Kiter.GT.2 ) THEN ratio = 1.00D0 IF ( ABS(qdes).GT.SMALL ) ratio = qact/qdes IF ( ratio.LT.0.00001 ) THEN qact = 0.0D0 IF ( csum.GT.0.0 ) THEN hwell = chsum/csum ELSE hwell = HNEW(i,j,k) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF c c Assign flow rates and water levels to individual nodes DO iin = m, ne n = IFRL(WELL2(1, iin)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = MOD((n-1),NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j are switched i = MOD((n-1),NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style WELL2(10, iin) = hwell qact = (hwell-HNEW(i,j,k))*WELL2(11, iin) WELL2(3, iin) = qact ENDDO m = ne ENDIF ! End of multi-node conditioning IF statement ENDDO ! End of overall multi-node test loop C C2------process each well in the well list. m = 0 DO WHILE ( m.LT.NWELL2 ) m = m + 1 n = IFRL(WELL2(1, m)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = MOD((n-1),NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j are switched i = MOD((n-1),NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style qdes = WELL2(2, m) c-----if the cell is inactive then bypass processing. IF ( IBOUND(i,j,k).GT.0 ) THEN qact = WELL2(3, m) cond = WELL2(11, m) c hlim = WELL2(7, m) href = WELL2(8, m) IF ( WELL2(10, m).GT.BIG .AND. cond.GT.ZERO20 ) THEN dhc2w = qact/cond c Process single-node wells c Test DD constraints, Hlim is assumed to be a Max/Min for Injection/Production wells ipole = 0.0D0 IF ( ABS(qdes).GT.ZERO20 ) ipole = qdes/ABS(qdes) hwell = HNEW(i,j,k) + dhc2w WELL2(10, m) = hwell ddsim = ipole*(hwell-href) ddmax = ipole*(hlim-href) - SMALL ratio = 1.00D0 IF ( ABS(qdes).GT.ZERO20 ) ratio = qact/qdes IF ( ABS(ratio).GT.1.00 ) qact = qdes IF ( ratio.LT.ZERO20 ) qact = 0.0D0 c Well will be simulated as a specified rate or GHB iqslv = 0 IF ( ddsim.GT.ddmax .AND. ddmax.GT.ZERO20 ) iqslv = 1 IF ( (qdes-qact)**2.GT.SMALL ) iqslv = 1 IF ( ABS(qact).LT.ZERO20 .AND. ddsim.GT.ddmax ) iqslv = 0 IF ( ABS(qact).LT.ZERO20 .AND. ddsim.LT.ddmax ) iqslv = 1 IF ( ABS(qdes).LT.ZERO20 .OR. ratio.GT.1.0D0-ZERO20 ) + iqslv = 0 c ELSE IF ( cond.LT.ZERO20 ) THEN qact = 0.0D0 iqslv = 0 c Process multi-node wells, Constraints were already tested when allocating flow ELSE IF ( MOD(Kiter, 2).EQ.0 .AND. ABS(qact).GT.SMALL ) THEN hlim = WELL2(10, m) iqslv = 1 ELSE qact = WELL2(3, m) iqslv = 0 ENDIF c c Modify HCOF and RHS arrays IF ( iqslv.NE.0 .AND. Kiter.GT.1 .AND. Kiter.LT.NOMOITER )THEN qact = (hlim-HNEW(i,j,k))*cond HCOF(i,j,k) = HCOF(i,j,k) - cond RHS(i,j,k) = RHS(i,j,k) - cond*hlim ELSE c Specify Q and solve for head; add Q to RHS accumulator. RHS(i,j,k) = RHS(i,j,k) - qact ENDIF WELL2(3, m) = qact ENDIF ENDDO ! End of DO WHILE loop c END SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17FM c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17BD(Nstp, Kstp, Kper, Igrid) c VERSION 20030710 KJH c c----- MNW by K.J. Halford 1/31/98 c ****************************************************************** c calculate volumetric budget for wells c ****************************************************************** c c specifications: c ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:NCOL,NROW,NLAY,IBOUND,BUFF,HNEW,IOUT USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY:DELT,PERTIM,TOTIM,ICBCFL,VBVL,VBNM,MSUM,HDRY USE GWFMNW1MODULE,ONLY:NWELL2,PLOSS,MNWSITE,IWL2CB,IOWELL2, 1 WELL2,ZERO25,BIG IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC ABS, MOD INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: IFRL EXTERNAL UBDSV4, UBDSVB, UBUDSV c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Nstp, Kstp, Kper, Igrid c Local Variables DOUBLE PRECISION :: ratin, ratout, qwsum, qsum, qwbar, drytest DOUBLE PRECISION :: qd, hlim, href, hwell, dd, s, ipole, sNL, sL DOUBLE PRECISION :: qin, qout, qwfsum, q REAL :: dummy(5), qsing INTEGER :: ibd, igrp1, igrp2, iin, imult, iobynd, ioc INTEGER :: ioch, ioqsum, m, m2, n, naux, ne, nwelvl, k, i, j CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: text, auxtxt(20) c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c-----SET POINTERS FOR THE CURRENT GRID. CALL SGWF2MNW1PNT(Igrid) c c ----+----1----+- text = ' MNW' c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c clear ratin and ratout accumulators. ratin = 0.0D0 !swm: why not initialized DP ratout = 0.0D0 !swm: why not initialized DP ibd = 0 IF ( IWL2CB.GT.0 ) ibd = ICBCFL C C2-----IF CELL-BY-CELL FLOWS WILL BE SAVED AS A LIST, WRITE HEADER. IF ( ibd.EQ.2 ) THEN auxtxt = ' ' !rsr set auxtxt to blank strings naux = 0 !! Set to zero -- Change order to dump c IF ( IAUXSV.EQ.0 ) NAUX=0 CALL UBDSV4(Kstp, Kper, text, naux, auxtxt, IWL2CB, NCOL, NROW, + NLAY, NWELL2, IOUT, DELT, PERTIM, TOTIM, IBOUND) ENDIF c clear the buffer. DO k = 1, NLAY DO i = 1, NROW DO j = 1, NCOL Buff(j,i,k) = 0.0 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO c -----print the header for individual rates if requested(IWL2CB<0). IF ( IWL2CB.LT.0 .AND. ICBCFL.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE (IOUT, '(/,1x,a16," PERIOD =",i5,8h STEP =,i5)') text, + Kper, Kstp WRITE (IOUT, 9001) ENDIF 9001 FORMAT (' Entry LAY ROW COL', 9x, 'Q', 6x, 'H-Well', 7x, + 'H-Cell', 7x, 'DD ', 7x, 'QW-Avg', 6x, 's-LINEAR', 3x, + 's-NonLINEAR') c c Create WEL1 file if iowell2(1) > 0 IF ( IOWELL2(1).GT.0 .AND. Nstp.EQ.Kstp ) + WRITE (IOWELL2(1), '(1i10)') NWELL2 c c2------if there are no wells do not accumulate flow IF ( NWELL2.GT.0 ) THEN c c Compute flow weighted QW values and store in well2(11,m) c DO m = 1, NWELL2 WELL2(11, m) = WELL2(3, m)*WELL2(4, m) WELL2(12, m) = 0.0D0 !swm: why not initialized DP IF ( WELL2(4, m).LT.0.00 .OR. WELL2(3, m).GT.0.00 ) THEN WELL2(11, m) = -1 WELL2(12, m) = 1 ENDIF ENDDO c DO m = 1, NWELL2 igrp1 = IFRL(WELL2(9, m)) IF ( WELL2(12, m).LT.0.5 ) THEN qwsum = 0.0D0 qsum = 0.0D0 DO m2 = m, NWELL2 igrp2 = IFRL(WELL2(9, m2)) IF ( igrp1.EQ.igrp2 .AND. WELL2(12, m2).LT.0.5 ) THEN qwsum = qwsum + WELL2(11, m2) qsum = qsum + WELL2(3, m2) WELL2(12, m2) = 1 ENDIF ENDDO c qwbar = qwsum IF ( qsum**2.GT.ZERO25 ) qwbar = qwsum/qsum DO m2 = m, NWELL2 igrp2 = IFRL(WELL2(9, m2)) IF ( igrp1.EQ.igrp2 .AND. WELL2(4, m2).GE.0.0 ) + WELL2(11, m2) = qwbar ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO c imult = 0 Crsr added next line to be sure ioch has a value ioch = 0 DO m = 1, NWELL2 n = IFRL(WELL2(1, m)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = MOD((n-1),NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j are switched i = MOD((n-1),NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style drytest = HNEW(i,j,k) - HDRY IF ( ABS(drytest).LT.ZERO25 ) WELL2(3, m) = 0.0D0 !swm: why not initialized DP q = WELL2(3, m) WELL2(17, m) = q !!7/13/2003 - CZ: preserve q c c Report all wells with production less than the desired rate...... IF ( IBOUND(i,j,k).NE.0 .OR. ABS(drytest).LT.ZERO25 ) THEN qd = WELL2(2, m) hlim = WELL2(7, m) c -----Modified OUTPUT to hide internal pointers that "Look Funny" in DD column--KJH-- July 10, 2003 IF ( WELL2(8, m).GT.BIG ) THEN imult = 1 IF ( hlim.LT.BIG ) THEN ne = IFRL(hlim) href = WELL2(8, ne) c ELSE ENDIF ELSE href = WELL2(8, m) ENDIF hwell = WELL2(10, m) qwbar = WELL2(11, m) dd = hwell - href c ioch = 0 IF ( IWL2CB.LT.0 .AND. ICBCFL.NE.0 ) ioch = 1 c -----print the individual rates if requested(IWL2CB<0). IF ( ioch.EQ.1 ) THEN s = HNEW(i,j,k) - hwell ipole = 0.0D0 IF ( ABS(s).GT.ZERO25 ) ipole = s/ABS(s) sNL = ipole*WELL2(16, m)*ABS(q)**PLOSS sL = s - sNL WRITE (IOUT, '(i7,3i4,9g13.6)') m, k, j, i, q, hwell, + HNEW(i,j,k), dd, qwbar, sL, sNL ENDIF c c -----print the individual rates to auxillary file if requested(IWL2CB<0). iobynd = ABS(IOWELL2(2)) IF ( iobynd.GT.0 ) THEN IF ( ioch.EQ.1 .OR. IOWELL2(2).LT.0 ) + WRITE (iobynd, '(a32,1x,2i8,6g15.8)') + MNWSITE(m), m, n, TOTIM, q, hwell, HNEW(i,j,k), qwbar ENDIF c Create WEL1 file if iowell2(1) > 0 IF ( IOWELL2(1).GT.0 .AND. Nstp.EQ.Kstp ) + WRITE(IOWELL2(1),'(i9,2i10,1X,g11.4,1X,i10,2x,6g11.4)') + k, j, i, q, 0, qd, hwell, HNEW(i,j,k), dd, href, qwbar c Buff(i,j,k) = Buff(i,j,k) + q IF ( q.GE.0.0 ) THEN c -----pumping rate is positive(recharge). add it to ratin. ratin = ratin + q ELSE c -----pumping rate is negative(discharge). add it to ratout. ratout = ratout - q ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO c c Sum components of multi-node wells c c -----print the header for multi-node rates if requested(IWL2CB<0). IF ( ioch.EQ.1 .AND. imult.EQ.1 ) THEN WRITE (IOUT, '(/,5x," Multi-Node Rates & Average QW")') WRITE (IOUT, 9002) 9002 FORMAT (' Site Identifier ', 5x, 'ENTRY: Begin - End', 2x, + 'Q-Total', 7x, 'H-Well', 7x, 'DD ', 7x, 'QW-Avg') ENDIF c m = 0 DO WHILE ( m.LT.NWELL2 ) m = m + 1 IF ( WELL2(8, m).GT.BIG ) THEN ne = IFRL(WELL2(7, m)) qwsum = 0.0D0 qwfsum = 0.0D0 qsum = 0.0D0 qin = 0.0D0 qout = 0.0D0 DO iin = m, ne n = IFRL(WELL2(1, iin)) k = (n-1)/(NCOL*NROW) + 1 j = mod((n-1),NCOL*NROW)/NCOL + 1 !swm: note i,j are switched i = mod((n-1),NCOL) + 1 !swm: from usual MF2K style IF ( IBOUND(i,j,k).EQ.0 ) WELL2(3, iin) = 0.0D0 IF ( WELL2(4, iin).GE.0.0 .AND. WELL2(3, iin).LE.0.0 )THEN qwfsum = qwfsum + WELL2(3, iin) qwsum = qwsum + WELL2(3, iin)*WELL2(4, iin) ENDIF IF ( WELL2(3, iin).LE.0.0D0 ) THEN qin = qin + WELL2(3, iin) ELSE qout = qout + WELL2(3, iin) ENDIF qsum = qsum + WELL2(3, iin) WELL2(3, iin) = 0.0D0 ENDDO WELL2(3, ne) = qsum c -----print the summed rates if requested(IWL2CB<0). qwbar = WELL2(4, ne) IF ( qwfsum**2.GT.ZERO25 ) qwbar = qwsum/qwfsum href = WELL2(8, ne) hwell = WELL2(10, ne) dd = hwell - href IF ( ioch.EQ.1 ) WRITE (IOUT, '(A26,1x,2i6,6g13.6)') + MNWSITE(m), m, ne, qsum, hwell, dd, + qwbar c -----print the summed rates to auxillary file if requested . ioqsum = ABS(IOWELL2(3)) IF ( ioqsum.GT.0 ) THEN IF ( ioch.EQ.1 .OR. IOWELL2(3).LT.0 ) THEN WRITE (ioqsum, 9003) MNWSITE(m), m, ne, TOTIM, qin, + qout, qsum, hwell, qwbar 9003 FORMAT (A32, i6.5, '-', i5.5, 12g15.8) ENDIF ENDIF m = ne ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ioch.EQ.1 .AND. imult.EQ.1 ) WRITE (IOUT, *) c c ----- END MULTI-NODE reporting section ------------- c c6------if cell-by-cell flows will be saved call ubudsv to record them IF ( ABS(IWL2CB).GT.0 .AND. ICBCFL.NE.0 ) THEN !! BooBoo Fix--July 10,2003 KJH ioc = ABS(IWL2CB) IF ( ibd.EQ.2 ) THEN !! Write COMPACT budget nwelvl = 1 !! Dummy value DO m = 1, NWELL2 n = IFRL(WELL2(1, m)) qsing = WELL2(17, m) CALL UBDSVB(ioc, NCOL, NROW, n, 1, 1, qsing, dummy, + nwelvl, naux, 5, IBOUND, NLAY) ENDDO ELSE !! Write full 3D array CALL UBUDSV(Kstp, Kper, text, ioc, Buff, NCOL, NROW, NLAY, + IOUT) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF c c7------move rates into vbvl for printing by module bas1ot. VBVL(3, MSUM) = ratin VBVL(4, MSUM) = ratout c c8------move rates times time step length into vbvl accumulators. VBVL(1, MSUM) = VBVL(1, MSUM) + ratin*DELT VBVL(2, MSUM) = VBVL(2, MSUM) + ratout*DELT c c9------move budget term labels into vbnm for printing. VBNM(MSUM) = text c c10-----increment budget term counter(msum). MSUM = MSUM + 1 c c11-----return END SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17BD c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17OT(Igrid) C VERSION 20020819 KJH c c ****************************************************************** c Sort well output into useful tables c ****************************************************************** c c specifications: c ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GWFMNW1MODULE,ONLY:NWELL2,MXWEL2,IOWELL2,WELL2 IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC CHAR, ABS INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: IFRL EXTERNAL IOWELLOUT c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Igrid c Local Variables DOUBLE PRECISION :: hwell, conc, qt, qin, qout, q, timein, hcell DOUBLE PRECISION :: qsum, qwbar, timmult INTEGER :: i, icnt, io, iobynd, iopt, ioqsum, iostart, iot, istop INTEGER :: me, nb, ne, node CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: tab CHARACTER(LEN=32) :: temptag, tt, lasttag, eoftag c ------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL SGWF2MNW1PNT(IGRID) c tab = CHAR(9) iostart = 1000 eoftag = 'EndOfFile__EndOfFile__EndOfFile_' c Set Flag for printing header info once DO i = 1, MXWEL2 WELL2(16, i) = 0 !! 16 = Header Flag ENDDO c c Site file names are constructed to be OUTname_MNWSITE.txt c All info for a well are dumped as tab delimited output c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c The 16 rows of the well array store: c Row # = Description c------------------------------------------------------------------ c 1 = Well node locator c 2 = Net Discharge c 3 = Water level in wellbore c 4 = Water Quality c 5 = Qin ---------------MNW ONLY-------- c 6 = Qout c 7 = Q-node / Net Discharge c 8 = MN-Flag --- Number of nodes / well c 9 = I/O unit for well output c 16 = Header Flag Print= 0 / NoPrint = 1 c------------------------------------------------------------------ c c Test auxillary output files for cleaning data sets iobynd = ABS(IOWELL2(2)) IF ( iobynd.GT.0 ) THEN WRITE (iobynd, '(a32)') eoftag REWIND (iobynd) READ (iobynd, '(a)') ELSE RETURN ENDIF c ioqsum = ABS(IOWELL2(3)) IF ( ioqsum.GT.0 ) THEN WRITE (ioqsum, '(a32)') eoftag REWIND (ioqsum) READ (ioqsum, '(a)') ELSE RETURN ENDIF c NWELL2 = 0 icnt = 0 istop = 0 lasttag = 'NO-PRINT' c DO WHILE ( istop.EQ.0 ) READ (iobynd, '(a32,1x,2i8,6g15.8)') temptag, me, node, timein, + q, hwell, hcell, conc c c Test for output before accumulating INFO IF ( lasttag(1:8).NE.'NO-PRINT' .AND. temptag.NE.lasttag ) THEN !! Output iot = IFRL(WELL2(9, 1)) c Write a Header ????? iopt = iot - iostart IF ( IFRL(WELL2(16,iopt)).EQ.0 ) THEN WELL2(16, iopt) = 1 IF ( icnt.GT.1 ) THEN WRITE (iot, + '(a4,a1,a9,a1,a6,a1,a13,a1,a10,a1,a11,99(a1,a4,i7.7))' + ) 'TIME', tab, 'Discharge', tab, 'H-Well', tab, + 'Concentration', tab, 'Net-Inflow', tab, + 'Net-Outflow', + (tab, 'Node', IFRL(WELL2(1,i)), i=1, icnt) ELSE WRITE (iot, '(a4,a1,a9,a1,a6,a1,a13)') 'TIME', tab, + 'Discharge', tab, 'H-Well', tab, 'Concentration' ENDIF ENDIF c END of "Write a Header" Section hwell = WELL2(3, icnt) conc = WELL2(4, icnt) IF ( icnt.GT.1 ) THEN qt = WELL2(7, 1) qin = WELL2(5, 1) qout = WELL2(6, 1) WRITE (iot, '(99(g15.8,a1))') WELL2(10, 1), tab, qt, tab, + hwell, tab, conc, tab, qin, tab, qout, + (tab, WELL2(2, i), i=1, icnt) ELSE qt = WELL2(2, 1) WRITE (iot, '(99(g15.8,a1))') WELL2(10, 1), tab, qt, tab, + hwell, tab, conc c ENDIF icnt = 0 !! RESET node counter ENDIF c Is this the EOF? IF ( temptag.EQ.eoftag ) istop = 1 c c Skip if this is a NO-PRINT node IF ( temptag(1:8).EQ.'NO-PRINT' .OR. temptag.EQ.eoftag ) THEN icnt = 0 ELSE icnt = icnt + 1 c Identify pointer CALL IOWELLOUT(temptag, iostart, io) WELL2(1, icnt) = node !! 1 = Well node locator WELL2(2, icnt) = q !! 2 = Net Discharge WELL2(3, icnt) = hwell !! 3 = Water level in wellbore WELL2(4, icnt) = conc !! 4 = Water Quality WELL2(8, 1) = icnt !! 8 = MN-Flag --- Number of nodes / well WELL2(9, 1) = io + iostart !! 9 = IO output WELL2(10, 1) = timein !! 10 = Time c c Read MN well output if available IF ( temptag.EQ.lasttag ) THEN !! MN well IF ( icnt.EQ.2 .AND. ioqsum.GT.0 ) THEN READ (ioqsum, 9001) tt, nb, ne, timmult, qin, qout, qsum, + hwell, qwbar 9001 FORMAT (A32, i6.5, i6.5, 12g15.8) WELL2(4, 1) = qwbar !! 4 = Water Quality WELL2(5, 1) = qin !! 5 = Qin ---------------MNW ONLY-------- WELL2(6, 1) = qout !! 6 = Qout WELL2(7, 1) = qsum !! 7 = Qnet ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF c c Save Value of TEMPTAG for comparison lasttag = temptag ENDDO c c Add IO close routine here if needed c END SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17OT c c ****************************************************************** c ****************************************************************** SUBROUTINE IOWELLOUT(Temptag, Iostart, Io) USE GWFMNW1MODULE, ONLY : NWELL2,MNWSITE,MNWNAME IMPLICIT NONE c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Iostart INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: Io CHARACTER(LEN=32), INTENT(IN) :: Temptag c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Local Variables INTEGER :: i, k1, k2 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: txt c ------------------------------------------------------------------ i = 0 Io = 0 DO WHILE ( i.LT.NWELL2 ) i = i + 1 IF ( MNWSITE(i).EQ.Temptag ) THEN Io = i i = NWELL2 ENDIF ENDDO c IF ( Io.EQ.0 ) THEN NWELL2 = NWELL2 + 1 MNWSITE(NWELL2) = Temptag Io = NWELL2 c Build output file name and Open file k1 = INDEX(MNWNAME, ' ') - 1 k2 = INDEX(Temptag, ' ') - 1 IF ( k2.EQ.0 .AND. Temptag(32:32).NE.' ' ) k2 = 32 txt = MNWNAME(1:k1)//'.'//Temptag(1:k2)//'.txt' OPEN (Io+Iostart, FILE=txt) ENDIF c END SUBROUTINE IOWELLOUT c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION CEL2WELBCF(Ix, Iy, Iz, Rw, Skin, Q, Cf) C VERSION 20030327 KJH -- Patched Hyd.K term in LPF solution c c----- MNW by K.J. Halford c c ****************************************************************** c Compute conductance term to define head loss from cell to wellbore c Methodology is described in full by Peaceman (1983) cswm: NOTE: MODIFIED FOR USE WITH THE BCF PACKAGE c ****************************************************************** C Note: BCF, when LAYCON=0 or 2, does not save cell-by-cell C Transmissivity (T) values. Instead, it converts the cell-by-cell C T values to branch conductances CR and CC, using harmonic C averaging. When BCF is used, the method used in this routine to C generate cell-specific values of tx and ty is an approximation C based on CR and CC. When LPF or HUF is used, cell-by-cell C hydraulic-conductivity values are stored, this approximation is C not needed, and the values generated for tx and ty are exact -- C ERB 1/29/01. C C SPECIFICATIONS:: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:NCOL,NROW,LAYHDT,DELR,DELC,BOTM,LBOTM,CR,CC, 1 HNEW USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY:HDRY USE GWFBCFMODULE,ONLY:HY,TRPY,LAYCON USE GWFMNW1MODULE,ONLY:PLOSS,SMALL,TWOPI,ZERO25 c IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC LOG, ABS, SQRT c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Ix, Iy, Iz DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: Rw, Skin, Q, Cf c Local Variables DOUBLE PRECISION :: ro, ah, tempKX, dx, dy, top, bot, dxp, dxm DOUBLE PRECISION :: txm, txp, dyp, dym, typ, tym, div, txx, tyy DOUBLE PRECISION :: thick, upper, yx4, xy4, tpi2, a, b, c, cel2wel C ------------------------------------------------------------------ !1000 FORMAT(/1X, ! &'***ERROR: MNW PACKAGE DOES NOT SUPPORT HEAD-DEPENDENT',/, ! &' THICKNESS OPTION OF SELECTED FLOW PACKAGE',/, ! &' (MNW DOES FULLY SUPPORT BCF, LPF, AND HUF PACKAGES)',/, ! &' -- STOP EXECUTION (CEL2WEL)') C dx = DELR(Ix) dy = DELC(Iy) top = BOTM(Ix, Iy, LBOTM(Iz)-1) bot = BOTM(Ix, Iy, LBOTM(Iz)) C C FIND HORIZONTAL ANISOTROPY, THE RATIO Ky/Kx ah = TRPY(Iz) C IF ( LAYHDT(Iz).EQ.0 ) THEN C THICKNESS IS NOT HEAD-DEPENDENT dxp = dx txp = 0.0D0 IF ( Ix.LT.NCOL ) THEN dxp = DELR(Ix+1) txp = CR(Ix, Iy, Iz)*(dx+dxp) / 2.0D0 ENDIF dxm = dx txm = txp IF ( Ix.GT.1 ) THEN dxm = DELR(Ix-1) txm = CR(Ix-1, Iy, Iz)*(dx+dxm) / 2.0D0 ENDIF IF ( txp.LT.SMALL ) txp = txm IF ( txm.LT.SMALL ) txm = txp c dyp = dy typ = 0.0D0 IF ( Iy.LT.NROW ) THEN dyp = DELC(Iy+1) typ = CC(Ix, Iy, Iz)*(dy+dyp) / 2.0D0 ENDIF dym = dy tym = typ IF ( Iy.GT.1 ) THEN dym = DELC(Iy-1) tym = CC(Ix, Iy-1, Iz)*(dy+dym) / 2.0D0 ENDIF IF ( typ.LT.SMALL ) typ = tym IF ( tym.LT.SMALL ) tym = typ txp = txp / dy txm = txm / dy typ = typ / dx tym = tym / dx c c Eliminate zero values ..... c IF ( typ.LT.SMALL .OR. NROW.LT.2 ) THEN typ = txp tym = txm ENDIF c IF ( txp.LT.SMALL .OR. NCOL.LT.2 ) THEN txp = typ txm = tym ENDIF c c Assuming expansion of grid is slight, if present, & that txx and tyy of the adjacent c cells are about the same value. txx = 0.0D0 div = txp + txm IF ( div.GT.SMALL ) txx = 2.0D0*txp*txm / div tyy = 0.0D0 div = typ + tym IF ( div.GT.SMALL ) tyy = 2.0D0*typ*tym / div IF ( txx.GT.SMALL .AND. tyy.LT.SMALL ) tyy = txx IF ( tyy.GT.SMALL .AND. txx.LT.SMALL ) txx = tyy ELSE C THICKNESS IS HEAD-DEPENDENT c Estimate T to well in an unconfined system c upper = HNEW(Ix, Iy, Iz) tempKX = HY(Ix, Iy, Iz) !! BCF Hydraulic Conductivity array IF ( LAYCON(Iz).EQ.3 ) THEN IF ( upper.GT.top ) upper = top ENDIF thick = upper - bot c set thickness / conductance to 0 if cell is dry IF ( (HNEW(Ix,Iy,Iz)-HDRY)**2.0D0.LT.ZERO25 ) thick = 0.0D0 txx = tempKX*thick IF ( txx.LT.ZERO25 ) txx = 0.0D0 tyy = txx*ah ENDIF c IF ( Rw.LT.ZERO25 .OR. txx.LT.ZERO25 .OR. tyy.LT.ZERO25 ) THEN cel2wel = SQRT( txx*tyy ) ELSE yx4 = SQRT(SQRT(tyy/txx)) xy4 = SQRT(SQRT(txx/tyy)) ro = 0.28D0*SQRT((yx4*dx)**2.0D0 + (xy4*dy)**2.0D0) / (yx4+xy4) c tpi2 = TWOPI*SQRT(txx*tyy) a = LOG(ro/Rw) / tpi2 IF ( PLOSS.GT.0.99D0 ) THEN b = Skin c = Cf*ABS(Q)**(PLOSS-1.0D0) ELSE b = Skin / tpi2 c = 0.0D0 ENDIF cel2wel = 1.0D0 / (a + b + c) ENDIF c CEL2WELBCF = cel2wel END FUNCTION CEL2WELBCF c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION CEL2WELLPF(Ix, Iy, Iz, Rw, Skin, Q, Cf) C VERSION 20030327 KJH -- Patched Hyd.K term in LPF solution c c----- MNW by K.J. Halford c c ****************************************************************** c Compute conductance term to define head loss from cell to wellbore c Methodology is described in full by Peaceman (1983) cswm: NOTE: MODIFIED FOR USE WITH THE LPF PACKAGE c ****************************************************************** C Note: BCF, when LAYCON=0 or 2, does not save cell-by-cell C Transmissivity (T) values. Instead, it converts the cell-by-cell C T values to branch conductances CR and CC, using harmonic C averaging. When BCF is used, the method used in this routine to C generate cell-specific values of tx and ty is an approximation C based on CR and CC. When LPF or HUF is used, cell-by-cell C hydraulic-conductivity values are stored, this approximation is C not needed, and the values generated for tx and ty are exact -- C ERB 1/29/01. C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:LAYHDT,DELR,DELC,BOTM,LBOTM,HNEW USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY:HDRY USE GWFLPFMODULE,ONLY:HK,CHANI,HANI USE GWFMNW1MODULE,ONLY:PLOSS,TWOPI,ZERO25 IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC LOG, ABS, SQRT c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Ix, Iy, Iz DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: Rw, Skin, Q, Cf c Local Variables DOUBLE PRECISION :: ro, ah, tempKX, dx, dy, top, bot, txx, tyy DOUBLE PRECISION :: thick, upper, yx4, xy4, tpi2, a, b, c, cel2wel C ------------------------------------------------------------------ !1000 FORMAT(/1X, ! &'***ERROR: MNW PACKAGE DOES NOT SUPPORT HEAD-DEPENDENT',/, ! &' THICKNESS OPTION OF SELECTED FLOW PACKAGE',/, ! &' (MNW DOES FULLY SUPPORT BCF, LPF, AND HUF PACKAGES)',/, ! &' -- STOP EXECUTION (CEL2WEL)') C dx = DELR(Ix) dy = DELC(Iy) top = BOTM(Ix, Iy, LBOTM(Iz)-1) bot = BOTM(Ix, Iy, LBOTM(Iz)) C C FIND HORIZONTAL ANISOTROPY, THE RATIO Ky/Kx IF ( CHANI(Iz).GT.0.0 ) THEN ah = CHANI(Iz) ELSE ah = HANI(Ix, Iy, Iz) ENDIF C IF ( LAYHDT(Iz).EQ.0 ) THEN C THICKNESS IS NOT HEAD-DEPENDENT thick = top - bot txx = HK(Ix, Iy, Iz)*thick tyy = txx*ah ELSE C THICKNESS IS HEAD-DEPENDENT c Estimate T to well in an unconfined system c upper = HNEW(Ix, Iy, Iz) IF ( upper.GT.top ) upper = top tempKX = HK(Ix, Iy, Iz) !! LPF Hydraulic Conductivity array thick = upper - bot c set thickness / conductance to 0 if cell is dry IF ( (HNEW(Ix,Iy,Iz)-HDRY)**2.0D0.LT.ZERO25 ) thick = 0.0D0 txx = tempKX*thick IF ( txx.LT.ZERO25 ) txx = 0.0D0 tyy = txx*ah ENDIF c IF ( rw.LT.ZERO25 .OR. txx.LT.ZERO25 .OR. tyy.LT.ZERO25 ) THEN cel2wel = SQRT(txx*tyy) ELSE yx4 = SQRT(SQRT(tyy/txx)) xy4 = SQRT(SQRT(txx/tyy)) ro = 0.28D0*SQRT((yx4*dx)**2.0D0 +(xy4*dy)**2.0D0) / (yx4+xy4) c tpi2 = TWOPI*SQRT(txx*tyy) a = LOG(ro/rw) / tpi2 IF ( PLOSS.GT.0.99D0 ) THEN b = Skin c = Cf*ABS(Q)**(PLOSS-1.0D0) ELSE b = Skin / tpi2 c = 0.0D0 ENDIF cel2wel = 1.0D0 / (a + b + c) ENDIF c CEL2WELLPF = cel2wel END FUNCTION CEL2WELLPF c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION CEL2WELHUF(Ix, Iy, Iz, Rw, Skin, Q, Cf) C VERSION 20030327 KJH -- Patched Hyd.K term in LPF solution c c----- MNW by K.J. Halford c c ****************************************************************** c Compute conductance term to define head loss from cell to wellbore c Methodology is described in full by Peaceman (1983) cswm: NOTE: MODIFIED FOR USE WITH THE HUF PACKAGE c ****************************************************************** C Note: BCF, when LAYCON=0 or 2, does not save cell-by-cell C Transmissivity (T) values. Instead, it converts the cell-by-cell C T values to branch conductances CR and CC, using harmonic C averaging. When BCF is used, the method used in this routine to C generate cell-specific values of tx and ty is an approximation C based on CR and CC. When LPF or HUF is used, cell-by-cell C hydraulic-conductivity values are stored, this approximation is C not needed, and the values generated for tx and ty are exact -- C ERB 1/29/01. C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:LAYHDT,DELR,DELC,BOTM,LBOTM,HNEW USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY:HDRY USE GWFHUFMODULE,ONLY:HK,HKCC USE GWFMNW1MODULE,ONLY:PLOSS,TWOPI,ZERO25 IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC LOG, ABS, SQRT c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Ix, Iy, Iz DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: Rw, Skin, Q, Cf c Local Variables DOUBLE PRECISION :: ro, ah, tempKX, dx, dy, top, bot, txx, tyy, ky DOUBLE PRECISION :: thick, upper, yx4, xy4, tpi2, a, b, c, cel2wel C ------------------------------------------------------------------ !1000 FORMAT(/1X, ! &'***ERROR: MNW PACKAGE DOES NOT SUPPORT HEAD-DEPENDENT',/, ! &' THICKNESS OPTION OF SELECTED FLOW PACKAGE',/, ! &' (MNW DOES FULLY SUPPORT BCF, LPF, AND HUF PACKAGES)',/, ! &' -- STOP EXECUTION (CEL2WEL)') C dx = DELR(Ix) dy = DELC(Iy) top = BOTM(Ix, Iy, LBOTM(Iz)-1) bot = BOTM(Ix, Iy, LBOTM(Iz)) C C FIND HORIZONTAL ANISOTROPY, THE RATIO Ky/Kx tempKX = HK(Ix, Iy, Iz) ky = HKCC(Ix, Iy, Iz) ah = ky/tempKX C IF ( LAYHDT(Iz).EQ.0 ) THEN C THICKNESS IS NOT HEAD-DEPENDENT thick = top - bot txx = HK(Ix, Iy, Iz)*thick tyy = txx*ah ELSE C THICKNESS IS HEAD-DEPENDENT c Estimate T to well in an unconfined system c upper = hnew(Ix, Iy, Iz) IF ( upper.GT.top ) upper = top tempKX = hk(Ix, Iy, Iz) !! HUF Hydraulic Conductivity array thick = upper - bot c set thickness / conductance to 0 if cell is dry IF ( (hnew(Ix, Iy, Iz)-HDRY )**2.0D0.LT.ZERO25 ) thick = 0.0D0 txx = tempKX*thick IF ( txx.LT.ZERO25 ) txx = 0.0D0 tyy = txx*ah ENDIF c IF ( rw.LT.ZERO25 .OR. txx.LT.ZERO25 .OR. tyy.LT.ZERO25 ) THEN cel2wel = SQRT( txx*tyy ) ELSE yx4 = SQRT(SQRT(tyy/txx)) xy4 = SQRT(SQRT(txx/tyy)) ro = 0.28D0*SQRT((yx4*dx)**2.0D0 + (xy4*dy)**2.0D0) / (yx4+xy4) c tpi2 = TWOPI*SQRT(txx*tyy) a = LOG(ro/rw) / tpi2 IF ( PLOSS.GT.0.99D0 ) THEN b = Skin c = Cf*ABS(Q)**(PLOSS-1.0D0) ELSE b = Skin / tpi2 c = 0.0D0 ENDIF cel2wel = 1.0D0 / (a + b + c) ENDIF c CEL2WELHUF = cel2wel END FUNCTION CEL2WELHUF c c ****************************************************************** c Define direction of pointer along a row, column, or layer c ****************************************************************** INTEGER FUNCTION IDIRECT(N1, N2, Ncol, Nrow) IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC ABS c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: N1, N2, Ncol, Nrow c ------------------------------------------------------------------ IDIRECT = Ncol IF ( ABS(N2-N1).GT.Ncol*Nrow ) IDIRECT = Ncol*Nrow IF ( ABS(N2-N1).LT.Ncol ) IDIRECT = 1 IF ( N2.LT.N1 ) IDIRECT = -IDIRECT c END FUNCTION IDIRECT c c ****************************************************************** c ****************************************************************** ! INTEGER FUNCTION ITXEND(Txt) ! IMPLICIT NONE c Arguments ! CHARACTER(LEN=256), INTENT(IN) :: Txt c Local Variables ! INTEGER :: k c ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! k = 256 ! DO WHILE ( Txt(k:k).EQ.' ' .AND. k.GT.1 ) ! k = k - 1 ! ENDDO ! ITXEND = k c ! END FUNCTION ITXEND c c ****************************************************************** c ****************************************************************** INTEGER FUNCTION IFRL(R) IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC ABS c Arguments DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: R c Local Variables INTEGER :: ip c ------------------------------------------------------------------ ip = ABS(R) + 0.5D0 IF ( R.LT.0.0D0 ) ip = -ip IFRL = ip END FUNCTION IFRL c c ****************************************************************** c NCREAD: reads lines of input and ignores lines that begin with a "#" sign. c All information after a ! is wiped from the input card. c ****************************************************************** SUBROUTINE NCREAD(Io, Txt, Ierr) IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL UPCASE, USTOP c Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: Io INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: Ierr CHARACTER(LEN=256), INTENT(OUT) :: Txt c Local Variables INTEGER :: ioalt, ioflip, iohold, ki CHARACTER(LEN=128) :: afile CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: tx2 DATA ioflip, ioalt/69, 69/ c ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ierr = 0 5 READ (Io, '(a)', END=10) Txt IF ( Txt(1:1).EQ.'#' ) GOTO 5 c ki = INDEX(Txt, '!') IF ( ki.GT.0 ) + Txt(ki:256) = ' ' c tx2 = Txt CALL UPCASE(tx2) c c Test for switching control to an auxillary input file c ki = INDEX(Txt, ':') IF ( INDEX(tx2, 'REDIRECT').GT.0 .AND. ki.GT.0 ) THEN afile = Txt(ki+1:256) ki = INDEX(afile, ' ') - 1 iohold = Io Io = ioflip ioflip = iohold OPEN (Io, FILE=afile(1:ki), STATUS='OLD', ERR=20) GOTO 5 ENDIF c c Test for returning io control from auxillary input to master input file c IF ( INDEX(tx2, 'RETURN').GT.0 .AND. + INDEX(tx2, 'CONTROL').GT.0 ) GOTO 10 c ki = INDEX(tx2, '') IF ( ki.GT.0 ) THEN Ierr = 1 Txt(ki+5:256) = ' ' ENDIF c IF ( INDEX(tx2, '').GT.0 ) Ierr = 2 RETURN c c Report error in opening auxillary input file and stop c 20 WRITE (*, 25) afile 25 FORMAT (/, ' ERROR opening auxillary input file', //, + ' The file: ', a40, ' does not exist', /) c c When compiling MNW with Modflow-96, comment out the call to c USTOP and uncomment the STOP statement CALL USTOP(' ') c STOP c 10 Txt(1:3) = 'EOF' IF ( Io.EQ.ioalt ) THEN CLOSE (Io) iohold = Io Io = ioflip ioflip = iohold GOTO 5 ELSE Ierr = -1 ENDIF c END SUBROUTINE NCREAD c c ****************************************************************** c ****************************************************************** SUBROUTINE QREAD(R, Ni, Ain, Ierr) IMPLICIT NONE INTRINSIC CHAR, INDEX INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MRNV=25 c Arguments DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(MRNV) :: R INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Ni INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: Ierr CHARACTER(LEN=256), INTENT(IN) :: Ain c Local Variables INTEGER :: i, istat, ki, n, nd CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: tab CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: rdfmt CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: a256 c ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ierr = 0 tab = CHAR(9) ! sets tab delimiter c c r(ni+1) records the number of non-numeric entries that were attempted to be read as a number c r(ni+2) records the last column that was read from the card c R(Ni+1) = -1.0D0 a256 = Ain DO i = 1, 256 IF ( a256(i:i).EQ.tab ) a256(i:i) = ' ' IF ( a256(i:i).EQ.',' ) a256(i:i) = ' ' IF ( a256(i:i).EQ.':' ) a256(i:i) = ' ' IF ( a256(i:i).EQ.'=' ) a256(i:i) = ' ' ENDDO n = 1 i = 0 11 R(Ni+1) = R(Ni+1) + 1.0D0 10 i = i + 1 IF ( i.GE.256 ) GOTO 15 IF ( a256(i:i).EQ.' ' ) THEN a256(i:i) = '?' GOTO 10 ENDIF c ki = INDEX(a256, ' ') - 1 nd = ki - i + 1 rdfmt = '(F??.0) ' WRITE (rdfmt(3:4), '(i2.2)') nd CERB Fix for bug that caused i to be incremented by only 1 position CERB each time the read statement returns an error. This bug also CERB incremented r(ni+1) unnecessarily. With Lahey-compiled code, the CERB buggy version would read a final E in a word (without returning an CERB error) as a zero. CERB read (a256(i:ki),rdfmt,err=11,end=10) r(n) READ (a256(i:ki), rdfmt, ERR=13, IOSTAT=istat) R(n) 13 CONTINUE i = ki IF ( istat.GT.0 ) GOTO 11 ! PART OF BUG FIX -- ERB n = n + 1 IF ( n.LE.Ni .AND. i.LT.256 ) GOTO 10 c 15 n = n - 1 Ierr = Ni - n R(Ni+2) = i c END SUBROUTINE QREAD C*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17DA(Igrid) C ****************************************************************** C DEALLOCATE MNW DATA C ****************************************************************** C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GWFMNW1MODULE C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C Arguments INTEGER :: Igrid, IDUM C ------------------------------------------------------------------ IDUM=IGRID DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%NWELL2) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%MXWEL2) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%IWL2CB) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%NOMOITER) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%KSPREF) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%IWELPT) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%PLOSS) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%SMALL) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%HMAX) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%MNWNAME) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%IOWELL2) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%HREF) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%WELL2) DEALLOCATE (GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%MNWSITE) if (associated(gwfmnwdat(igrid)%demandbuff)) 1 deallocate (gwfmnwdat(igrid)%demandbuff) C END SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW17DA C*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE SGWF2MNW1PNT(Igrid) C ****************************************************************** C SET MNW POINTER DATA TO CURRENT GRID C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GWFMNW1MODULE C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C Arguments INTEGER :: Igrid C ------------------------------------------------------------------ NWELL2=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%NWELL2 MXWEL2=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%MXWEL2 IWL2CB=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%IWL2CB NOMOITER=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%NOMOITER KSPREF=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%KSPREF IWELPT=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%IWELPT PLOSS=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%PLOSS SMALL=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%SMALL HMAX=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%HMAX MNWNAME=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%MNWNAME IOWELL2=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%IOWELL2 HREF=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%HREF WELL2=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%WELL2 MNWSITE=>GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%MNWSITE demandbuff=>gwfmnwdat(igrid)%demandbuff ! DLT C END SUBROUTINE SGWF2MNW1PNT C*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE SGWF2MNW1PSV(Igrid) C ****************************************************************** C SAVE MNW POINTER DATA C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GWFMNW1MODULE C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C Arguments INTEGER :: Igrid C ------------------------------------------------------------------ GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%NWELL2=>NWELL2 GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%MXWEL2=>MXWEL2 GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%IWL2CB=>IWL2CB GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%NOMOITER=>NOMOITER GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%KSPREF=>KSPREF GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%IWELPT=>IWELPT GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%PLOSS=>PLOSS GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%SMALL=>SMALL GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%HMAX=>HMAX GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%MNWNAME=>MNWNAME GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%IOWELL2=>IOWELL2 GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%HREF=>HREF GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%WELL2=>WELL2 GWFMNWDAT(Igrid)%MNWSITE=>MNWSITE gwfmnwdat(igrid)%demandbuff=>demandbuff ! dlt C END SUBROUTINE SGWF2MNW1PSV