!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2017. !! !! This file is part of iMOD. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by !! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or !! (at your option) any later version. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. !> description !! allocate arrays and read data subroutine gwf2dxc1ar(in,igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW use gwfdxcmodule use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_rel_to_abs, imod_utl_qksort3 use pks_iarmwp, only: liarmwp, nrxp, xp implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: in !> unit number of input file integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! local variables integer :: i,n,ilay,irow,icol,id real :: usf logical :: used character (len=256) :: line real :: r integer :: lloc,istart,istop character(len=256) :: fname, label logical :: mozartcoupling integer :: lun, cfn_getlun, ios, lswid, pvid real :: owc logical :: lused, lfirst double precision :: mask ! PKS integer :: ixp, ok1, ok2, j, nn, nid, ndum, iact ! PKS integer :: cfn_unique_i, cfn_idx_get_i ! PKS integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iwrk1, iwrk2, iwrk3, iwrk4 ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! set pointer call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) ! package id write(iout,'(/,9x,a,i4)') ' DXC -- Data eXChange PACKAGE, VERSION 1'// & ', 29 june 2011 INPUT READ FROM UNIT',in ! allocate scalars allocate(mxdxc,ndxc,minid,maxid,idxccb) ! read maximum number of data exchange elements and the Schematisation ID read(in,'(a)') line lloc=1 ! get maximum number of data exchange elements call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,mxdxc,r,iout,in) ! get schematisation id call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,idxccb,r,iout,in) ! allocate arrays ! Add dummy ID's for iarmwp = 1: count if (liarmwp) then ! PKS ndum = 0 ! PKS do ixp = 1, nrxp ! PKS ndum = ndum + xp(ixp)%nid ! PKS end do ! PKS mxdxc = mxdxc + ndum ! PKS end if ! PKS allocate(dxcid(mxdxc),dxcic(mxdxc),dxcir(mxdxc),dxcil(mxdxc)) ! read data read(in,*) ndxc n=0 lfirst = .true. do i=1,ndxc ! read one line and convert indices to local grid when necessary read(in,*) ilay,irow,icol,id if (lfirst) then minid = id maxid = id lfirst = .false. end if minid = min(minid,id) maxid = max(maxid,id) call pks7mpitrn(icol,irow,ilay,lused) ! PKS if(.not.lused) cycle ! PKS call pks7mpimask( mask, icol, irow, ilay ) ! PKS if (mask.lt.0.5d0) id = -id ! PKS if (n.lt.mxdxc) then n=n+1 dxcic(n)=icol dxcir(n)=irow dxcil(n)=ilay dxcid(n)=id else write(iout,'(a)') ' ERROR, Not enough elements allocated for DXC package.' call exit(11) endif enddo ! store number of read elements ndxc=n ! PKS: Add dummy ID's for iarmwp = 1: add if (liarmwp) then ! PKS allocate(iwrk1(max(1,ndxc)),iwrk2(max(1,ndxc))) do i = 1, ndxc iwrk1(i) = abs(dxcid(i)) iwrk2(i) = i end do call imod_utl_qksort3(iwrk1,iwrk2) ! count interface nodes nn = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp nn = nn + xp(ixp)%nid end do allocate(iwrk3(max(1,nn)),iwrk4(max(1,nn))) ! fill with interface nodes nn = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp do i = 1, xp(ixp)%nid id = xp(ixp)%id(i) nn = nn + 1 iwrk3(nn) = id iwrk4(nn) = nn end do end do ! get unique interface nodes if (nn.gt.0) then call imod_utl_qksort3(iwrk3,iwrk4) nid = cfn_unique_i(iwrk3,nn) end if iwrk4 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp do i = 1, xp(ixp)%nid id = xp(ixp)%id(i) ok1 = cfn_idx_get_i(id,iwrk1,ndxc,j) if(ok1.ne.0) then ! index found -- do nothing xp(ixp)%idx(i) = -iwrk2(j) else ok2 = cfn_idx_get_i(id,iwrk3,nid,j) if (iwrk4(j).eq.0) then ! first unique index, so add n = n + 1 dxcic(n)=0 dxcir(n)=0 dxcil(n)=0 dxcid(n)=id end if iwrk4(j) = 1 xp(ixp)%idx(i) = n end if end do end do ndxc=n deallocate(iwrk1,iwrk2,iwrk3,iwrk4) end if !PKS ! allocate arrays for parameter values ! at least 1 element n=max(ndxc,1) allocate(dxchead(n),dxcuzflux(n),dxcsf(n)) ! read mozart coupling table allocate(maxlsw,ndxclsw,ndxcpv) maxlsw = 1 ndxclsw = 0 ndxcpv = 0 mozartcoupling = .false. read(unit=in,fmt='(a)',iostat=ios) line if (ios.eq.0) then call cfn_token(line ,'tcu') if (index(line,'MOZART').gt.0) then mozartcoupling = .true. read(in,*) maxlsw else maxlsw = 1 end if end if allocate(dxciclsw(maxlsw), dxcirlsw(maxlsw), dxcidlsw(maxlsw), dxcowclsw(maxlsw)) allocate(dxcicpv(maxlsw), dxcirpv(maxlsw), dxcidpv(maxlsw)) allocate(dxclevlsw(maxlsw), dxclevpv(maxlsw)) allocate(nhrivsys, hrivsys(maxnhrivsys)) allocate(seepageconc(ncol,nrow)) nhrivsys = 0 dxclevlsw = dxcmv dxclevpv = dxcmv if (mozartcoupling) then read(in,'(a)') fname call imod_utl_rel_to_abs(dxcroot,fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=fname) read(lun,'(a)') line do while(.true.) read(unit=lun,fmt=*,iostat=ios) icol, irow, lswid, pvid, owc if (ios.ne.0) exit call pks7mpitrn(icol,irow,1,lused) ! PKS if(.not.lused) cycle ! PKS ndxclsw = ndxclsw + 1 dxciclsw(ndxclsw) = icol dxcirlsw(ndxclsw) = irow dxcidlsw(ndxclsw) = lswid dxcowclsw(ndxclsw) = owc if (pvid.gt.0) then ndxcpv = ndxcpv + 1 dxcicpv(ndxcpv) = icol dxcirpv(ndxcpv) = irow dxcidpv(ndxcpv) = pvid end if end do close(lun) allocate(levels(ncol,nrow)) end if !7------SAVE POINTERS TO DATA AND RETURN. CALL SGWF2dxc1PSV(IGRID) read(unit=in,fmt='(a)',iostat=ios) line if (ios.eq.0) then call cfn_token(line ,'tcu') if (index(line,'NOTRANSOL').gt.0) then notransol = .true. label = 'concentration' call u2drel(seepageconc,label,nrow,ncol,1,in,iout) call sgwf2bcf7psv(igrid) end if end if ! end of program return end subroutine gwf2dxc1rp(igrid) ! modules use gwfdxcmodule use gwfrivmodule, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl, irivsubsys use gwfdrnmodule, only: drai, ndrain, ndrnvl, idrnsubsys, drnlev implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid ! locals logical :: lskip integer :: i, j, icol, irow, n real :: lev, rbot, elev ! set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2drn7pnt(igrid) if (ndxclsw.eq.0 .and. ndxcpv.eq.0) return if (nhrivsys.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Warning, no rivers defined to skip.' end if ! fill levels levels = dxcmv ! LSW do i = 1, ndxclsw icol = dxciclsw(i) irow = dxcirlsw(i) lev = dxclevlsw(i) levels(icol,irow) = lev end do ! PV do i = 1, ndxcpv icol = dxcicpv(i) irow = dxcirpv(i) lev = dxclevpv(i) levels(icol,irow) = lev end do ! OWC do i = 1, ndxclsw icol = dxciclsw(i) irow = dxcirlsw(i) lev = levels(icol,irow) if (lev.ne.dxcmv) then levels(icol,irow) = lev + dxcowclsw(i) end if end do ! correct rivers if (associated(nriver)) then if (irivsubsys.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Error: no river subsystems found.' call ustop(' ') end if do i = 1, nriver lskip = .false. do j = 1, nhrivsys if (int(rivr(irivsubsys,i)).eq.hrivsys(j)) lskip = .true. end do if (.not.lskip) then irow = rivr(2,i) icol = rivr(3,i) rbot = rivr(6,i) lev = levels(icol,irow) if (lev.ne.dxcmv) then rivr(4,i) = max(lev, rbot) end if end if end do call sgwf2riv7psv(igrid) else write(*,*) 'Error: no rivers set.' call ustop(' ') end if ! correct drains if (associated(ndrain)) then do i = 1, ndrain irow = drai(2,i) icol = drai(3,i) elev = drnlev(i) ! get original drain levels lev = levels(icol,irow) if (lev.ne.dxcmv) then drai(4,i) = max(lev, elev) end if end do call sgwf2drn7psv(igrid) else write(*,*) 'Error: no drains set.' call ustop(' ') end if end subroutine !> description !! perform formulate for DXC Flux subroutine gwf2dxc1fm(igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use global, only:ibound,rhs use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! local variables integer i,icol,irow,ilay real q ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! set pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) ! perform formulate do i=1,ndxc icol=dxcic(i) irow=dxcir(i) ilay=dxcil(i) if(ilay.eq.0) cycle ! PKS q =dxcuzflux(i) if (q.ne.dxcmv) then ! not a missing value if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then ! Active Cell ! add flux to the RHS rhs(icol,irow,ilay)=rhs(icol,irow,ilay)-q endif endif enddo ! save pointers call sgwf2bas7psv(igrid) ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! calculate budget terms for DXC fluxes subroutine gwf2dxc1bd(KSTP,KPER,igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,IBOUND,BUFF USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY:MSUM,ICBCFL,IAUXSV,DELT,PERTIM,TOTIM,VBVL,VBNM use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: kstp !> time step number integer , intent(in) :: kper !> stress period number integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! local variables integer i,icol,irow,ilay real rin,rout,q,zero integer ibd,ibdlbl CHARACTER (len=16) :: TEXT DOUBLE PRECISION :: RATIN,RATOUT DATA TEXT /' DXC FLUXES'/ ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !C1------CLEAR RATIN AND RATOUT ACCUMULATORS, AND SET CELL-BY-CELL !C1------BUDGET FLAG. ZERO=0. RATIN=ZERO RATOUT=ZERO IBD=0 IF(IdxcCB.LT.0 .AND. ICBCFL.NE.0) IBD=-1 IF(IdxcCB.GT.0) IBD=ICBCFL IBDLBL=0 !C3------CLEAR THE BUFFER. DO ilay=1,NLAY DO irow=1,NROW DO icol=1,NCOL BUFF(ICol,IRow,ILay)=ZERO enddo enddo enddo do i=1,ndxc icol=dxcic(i) irow=dxcir(i) ilay=dxcil(i) if (ilay.eq.0) cycle ! PKS q =dxcuzflux(i) if (q.ne.dxcmv) then ! not a missing value if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then ! Active Cell ! add flux to the RHS buff(icol,irow,ilay)=buff(icol,irow,ilay)+q if (q.ge.zero) then ratin =ratin + q else ratout=ratout - q endif endif endif enddo !C6------IF CELL-BY-CELL FLOWS WILL BE SAVED AS A 3-D ARRAY, !C6------CALL UBUDSV TO SAVE THEM. IF (IBD.EQ.1) CALL UBUDSV(KSTP,KPER,TEXT,IdxcCB,BUFF,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,IOUT) !C7------MOVE RATES, VOLUMES & LABELS INTO ARRAYS FOR PRINTING. RIN=RATIN ROUT=RATOUT VBVL(3,MSUM)=RIN VBVL(4,MSUM)=ROUT VBVL(1,MSUM)=VBVL(1,MSUM)+RIN*DELT VBVL(2,MSUM)=VBVL(2,MSUM)+ROUT*DELT VBNM(MSUM)=TEXT !C8------INCREMENT BUDGET TERM COUNTER(MSUM). MSUM=MSUM+1 ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! save pointers subroutine sgwf2dxc1psv(igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gwfdxcdat(igrid)%mxdxc => mxdxc gwfdxcdat(igrid)%idxccb => idxccb gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxc => ndxc gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcid => dxcid gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcic => dxcic gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcir => dxcir gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcil => dxcil gwfdxcdat(igrid)%minid => minid gwfdxcdat(igrid)%maxid => maxid gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxchead => dxchead gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcuzflux => dxcuzflux gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcsf => dxcsf gwfdxcdat(igrid)%maxlsw => maxlsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxclsw => ndxclsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxcpv => ndxcpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxciclsw => dxciclsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcirlsw => dxcirlsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcidlsw => dxcidlsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcowclsw => dxcowclsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcicpv => dxcicpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcirpv => dxcirpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcidpv => dxcidpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevlsw => dxclevlsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevpv => dxclevpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%nhrivsys => nhrivsys gwfdxcdat(igrid)%hrivsys => hrivsys gwfdxcdat(igrid)%seepageconc => seepageconc ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! restore pointers subroutine sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mxdxc => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%mxdxc idxccb => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%idxccb ndxc => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxc dxcid => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcid dxcic => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcic dxcir => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcir dxcil => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcil minid => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%minid maxid => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%maxid dxchead => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxchead dxcuzflux => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcuzflux dxcsf => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcsf maxlsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%maxlsw ndxclsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxclsw ndxcpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxcpv dxciclsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxciclsw dxcirlsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcirlsw dxcidlsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcidlsw dxcowclsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcowclsw dxcicpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcicpv dxcirpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcirpv dxcidpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcidpv dxclevlsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevlsw dxclevpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevpv nhrivsys => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%nhrivsys hrivsys => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%hrivsys seepageconc => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%seepageconc ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! deallocate pointers subroutine sgwf2dxc1da(igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) deallocate(mxdxc) deallocate(idxccb) deallocate(ndxc) deallocate(dxcid) deallocate(dxcic) deallocate(dxcir) deallocate(dxcil) deallocate(minid) deallocate(maxid) deallocate(dxchead) deallocate(dxcuzflux) deallocate(dxcsf) deallocate(maxlsw) deallocate(ndxclsw) deallocate(ndxcpv) deallocate(dxciclsw) deallocate(dxcirlsw) deallocate(dxcidlsw) deallocate(dxcowclsw) deallocate(dxcicpv) deallocate(dxcirpv) deallocate(dxcidpv) deallocate(dxclevlsw) deallocate(dxclevpv) deallocate(nhrivsys) deallocate(hrivsys) deallocate(seepageconc) ! end of program return end