!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2014. !! !! This file is part of iMOD. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by !! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or !! (at your option) any later version. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. !> Module for the coupling MODFLOW-MetaSWAP with MOZART. module mozartmod implicit none logical, save :: first = .true. character(len=100), save :: mzsignal !< MOZART signal file character(len=100), save :: mfmssignal !< MODFLOW-MetaSWAP signal file character(len=100), save :: mzexitsignal !< MOZART signal file indicating MOZART has finished character(len=100), save :: lsw_file !< File with LSW IDs character(len=100), save :: pv_file !< File with PV IDs character(len=100), save :: mzlevels_file !< MOZART levels file (in) character(len=100), save :: mzfractions_file !< MOZART fractions file (in) character(len=100), save :: mzsalt_file !< MOZART salt file (in) character(len=100), save :: mms_dmnds_file !< MOZART demand file (out) character(len=100), save :: mms_alloc_file !< MOZART allocation file (out) !... Parameters integer, parameter :: tsleep = 1 !< time in seconds to check coupling signal file integer, parameter :: ntry = 10 double precision :: beginOfCurrentTimeStep, endOfCurrentTimeStep real, parameter :: mv = -1234.0 !< general missing value integer, parameter :: maxlswid = 1000000 !< maximum ID of the LSWs integer, save :: nlsw !< number of LSWs type tLSW integer :: lswid real :: lev real :: frc real :: salt real :: cuflroff real :: cuflron real :: cufldr real :: cufldrwells real :: cuflif real :: cuflifwells real :: cuflsp real :: cusalt real :: cusaltwells real :: cuseep real :: cuunszflux end type tLSW type (tLSW), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: lswdat !< Local Surface Water array integer, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: lsw integer, parameter :: maxpvid = 1000000 !< maximum ID of the LSWs integer, save :: npv !< number of LSWs type tPV integer :: pvid real :: lev end type tPV type (tPV), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: pvdat !< Local Surface Water array integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pv real, parameter :: concrch = 20. real, dimension(:), allocatable :: lswsbuf, lswrbuf integer, parameter :: minlun = 10 integer, parameter :: maxlun = 9999 end module ! ============================================================================= !> Initialize MOZART: read command line subroutine mozart_initComponent(cla_mozart) ! ============================================================================= !... modules use mozartmod implicit none !... arguments character (len=*), intent(in) :: cla_mozart !< command line for MOZART !... functions integer :: cfn_n_elem !... local variables character(len=50), dimension(:), allocatable :: str integer :: iarg, nargs !....................................................................... write(*,*) 'mz: *** initialization ***' write(*,*) 'mz: reading command line arguments' nargs = cfn_n_elem(' ',1,cla_mozart) if (nargs.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'mz: error, mozart commandline arguments not found!' call exit(1) end if allocate(str(nargs)) read(cla_mozart,*)(str(iarg),iarg=1,nargs) read(str(1),*) mzsignal ! read MOZART signal file name read(str(2),*) mfmssignal ! read MODFLOW-MetaSWAP signal file name read(str(3),*) mzexitsignal ! read MOZART signal file if finished read(str(4),*) lsw_file read(str(5),*) pv_file read(str(6),*) mzlevels_file ! read MOZART levels file name read(str(7),*) mzfractions_file ! read MOZART fractions file name read(str(8),*) mzsalt_file ! read MOZART salt file name read(str(9),*) mms_dmnds_file ! read MOZART output demand file read(str(10),*) mms_alloc_file ! read MOZART output alloc file deallocate(str) end subroutine ! ============================================================================= !> Initialize MOZART: allocate arrays subroutine mozart_initSimulation() ! ============================================================================= !... modules use mozartmod implicit none !....................................................................... call timing_tic('MOZART','initSimulation') !... read file with LSW's call read_lsw() !... read file with PV call read_pv() call timing_toc('MOZART','initSimulation') end subroutine !> This subroutine reads the LSW's subroutine read_lsw() use mozartmod implicit none !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... local variables character(len=100) :: str logical :: lex integer :: lun, ios, i, n,lswid !....................................................................... write(*,*) 'mz: reading LSW file (',trim(lsw_file),')' !... Open mftolsw.csv lun = cfn_getlun(minlun,maxlun) inquire(file=lsw_file,exist=lex) if (lex) then open(unit=lun,file=lsw_file,status='old',form='formatted',share='denynone') else write(*,*) 'mz: error, file ',trim(lsw_file),' does not exist' call exit(1) end if !.... determine number of records (ncell) nlsw = 0 do while (.true.) read(unit=lun,fmt=*,iostat=ios) lswid if (ios.ne.0) exit nlsw = nlsw + 1 end do rewind(lun) !... allocate the lsw structure if (nlsw.gt.0) then allocate(lsw(nlsw),lswdat(maxlswid)) else write(*,*) 'Error reading lsw.csv'; stop 1 end if lswdat(:)%lswid = 0 nlsw = 0 do while (.true.) read(unit=lun,fmt=*,iostat=ios) lswid if (ios.ne.0) exit nlsw = nlsw + 1 lsw(nlsw) = lswid lswdat(lswid)%lswid = lswid end do close(lun) end subroutine !> This subroutine reads the PV's subroutine read_pv() use mozartmod implicit none !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... local variables character(len=100) :: str logical :: lex integer :: lun, ios, i, n, pvid !....................................................................... write(*,*) 'mz: reading PV file (',trim(pv_file),')' !... Open mftolsw.csv lun = cfn_getlun(minlun,maxlun) inquire(file=pv_file,exist=lex) if (lex) then open(unit=lun,file=pv_file,status='old',form='formatted',share='denynone') else write(*,*) 'mz: error, file ',trim(pv_file),' does not exist' call exit(1) end if !.... determine number of records (ncell) npv = 0 do while (.true.) read(unit=lun,fmt=*,iostat=ios) pvid if (ios.ne.0) exit npv = npv + 1 end do rewind(lun) !... allocate the lsw structure if (npv.gt.0) then allocate(pv(npv), pvdat(maxpvid)) else write(*,*) 'Error reading pv.csv'; stop 1 end if pvdat(:)%pvid = 0 npv = 0 do while (.true.) read(unit=lun,fmt=*,iostat=ios) pvid if (ios.ne.0) exit npv = npv + 1 pv(npv) = pvid pvdat(pvid)%pvid = pvid end do close(lun) end subroutine ! ============================================================================= subroutine mozart_prepareTimeStep(endOfSimulation,convergedMozart,currentTime) ! ============================================================================= !... modules use mozartmod use pksmpi_mod, only: myrank implicit none !... arguments logical, intent(inout) :: endOfSimulation logical, intent(out) :: convergedMozart double precision, intent(inout) :: currentTime !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... locals logical :: lcont, lexit character(len=1) :: dora character(len=15) :: time integer :: lun, ios, date, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, itry double precision :: dt !....................................................................... call timing_tic('MOZART','prepareTimeStep') !... wait until the MOZART signal file is found write(*,*) 'mz: waiting for signal from mozart ',mzsignal(1:len_trim(mzsignal)), ' or ',& mzexitsignal(1:len_trim(mzexitsignal)),' to be found ...' do while(.true.) inquire(file=mzsignal,exist=lcont) inquire(file=mzexitsignal,exist=lexit) if (lcont.or.lexit) exit call sleep(tsleep) end do endOfSimulation = .false. if (lexit) then write(*,*) 'mz: found ',mzexitsignal(1:len_trim(mzexitsignal)) write(*,*) 'mz: mozart finished simulation' endOfSimulation = .true. call timing_toc('MOZART','prepareTimeStep') return end if !... open the MOZART signal file, read, and delete file write(*,*) 'mz: found ',mzsignal(1:len_trim(mzsignal)),' and reading' lun = cfn_getlun(minlun,maxlun) open(unit=lun,file=mzsignal,status='old',form='formatted',iostat=ios,share='denynone') if (ios.ne.0) then itry = 0 do while(itry.le.ntry) write(*,*) 'Error opening file, retrying...' call sleep(tsleep) open(unit=lun,file=mzsignal,status='old',form='formatted',iostat=ios,share='denynone') if (ios.eq.0) then exit else itry = itry + 1 end if end do end if if (ios.ne.0) then write(*,*) 'Error opening file'; stop 1 end if !... read MOZART signal file read(lun,*) dora, time, dt write(*,*) 'mz: read from signal file: ', dora, time, dt !... delete signal file if (myrank.ne.0) then ! PKS close(lun) end if ! PKS call pks7mpibarrier() ! PKS if (myrank.eq.0) then ! PKS close(lun,status='delete') end if ! PKS !... read time information read(time,'(i4,2i2)') year, month, day date = year*10000 + month*100 + day hour = 0 minute = 0 second = 0 call cfn_datehms2mjd(date,hour,minute,second,beginOfCurrentTimeStep) endOfCurrentTimeStep = beginOfCurrentTimeStep + dt if (dora.eq.'d' .or. dora.eq.'D') then convergedMozart = .true. else convergedMozart = .false. end if if (first) then convergedMozart = .false. first = .false. end if call timing_toc('MOZART','prepareTimeStep') end subroutine ! ============================================================================= subroutine mozart_initTimeStep(iter) ! ============================================================================= use mozartmod, only: lswdat implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iter !....................................................................... call timing_tic('MOZART','initTimeStep') !... initalize the arrays call mozart_init_lsw() !... read MOZART levels call mozart_read_levels() !... read MOZART fractions if (iter.eq.2) then call mozart_read_fractions() else lswdat(:)%frc = -9999.0 end if !... read MOZART salt file call mozart_read_salt() call timing_toc('MOZART','initTimeStep') end subroutine !> Read MOZART levels. subroutine mozart_read_levels() use mozartmod, only: mzlevels_file, lswdat, pvdat, maxlswid, maxpvid, mv, minlun, maxlun implicit none !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... local variables integer :: lun, lswid, pvid real :: lev !....................................................................... write(*,*) 'mz: reading mozart levels (',trim(mzlevels_file),')' lun = cfn_getlun(minlun,maxlun) open(unit=lun,file=mzlevels_file,status='old',form='formatted',share='denynone') lswdat(:)%lev = mv pvdat(:)%lev = mv read(lun,*) do while (.not. eof(lun)) read(lun,*) lswid, pvid, lev if (lswid.le.0 .or. lswid.gt.maxlswid) then write(*,*) lswid, maxlswid write(*,*) 'Error reading mzlevels.mms' stop 1 end if if (pvid.gt.maxpvid) then write(*,*) pvid, maxpvid write(*,*) 'Error reading mzlevels.mms' stop 1 end if if (pvid.eq.0) then if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.gt.0) lswdat(lswid)%lev = lev else if (pvdat(pvid)%pvid.gt.0) pvdat(pvid)%lev = lev end if end do close(lun) end subroutine !> Read MOZART fractions. subroutine mozart_read_fractions() use mozartmod, only: mzfractions_file, lswdat, maxlswid, mv, minlun, maxlun implicit none !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... local variables integer :: lun, lswid real :: frc !....................................................................... write(*,*) 'mz: reading mozart levels (',trim(mzfractions_file),')' lun = cfn_getlun(minlun,maxlun) open(unit=lun,file=mzfractions_file,status='old',form='formatted',share='denynone') ! read fractions lswdat(:)%frc = mv read(lun,*) do while (.not. eof(lun)) read(lun,*) lswid, frc if (lswid.le.0 .or. lswid.gt.maxlswid) then write(*,*) 'Error reading mzfractions.mms' stop 1 end if if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.gt.0) lswdat(lswid)%frc = frc end do close(lun) end subroutine !> Read Salt. subroutine mozart_read_salt() use mozartmod, only: mzsalt_file, lswdat, maxlswid, mv, minlun, maxlun implicit none !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... local variables integer :: lun, lswid real :: salt !....................................................................... write(*,*) 'mz: reading mozart salt (',trim(mzsalt_file),')' lun = cfn_getlun(minlun,maxlun) open(unit=lun,file=mzsalt_file,status='old',form='formatted',share='denynone') ! read fractions lswdat(:)%salt = mv read(lun,*) do while (.not. eof(lun)) read(lun,*) lswid, salt if (lswid.le.0 .or. lswid.gt.maxlswid) then write(*,*) 'Error reading mzsalt.mms' stop 1 end if if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.gt.0) lswdat(lswid)%salt = salt end do close(lun) end subroutine !> Initialize lsw data. subroutine mozart_init_lsw() !... modules use mozartmod, only: lswdat, mv !....................................................................... lswdat(:)%lev = mv lswdat(:)%frc = mv lswdat(:)%salt = mv lswdat(:)%cuflroff = mv lswdat(:)%cuflron = mv lswdat(:)%cufldr = mv lswdat(:)%cufldrwells = mv lswdat(:)%cuflif = mv lswdat(:)%cuflifwells = mv lswdat(:)%cuflsp = mv lswdat(:)%cusalt = mv lswdat(:)%cusaltwells = mv lswdat(:)%cuseep = mv lswdat(:)%cuunszflux = mv end subroutine ! ============================================================================= subroutine mozart_finishTimeStep(iter,dt,usetransol) ! ============================================================================= !... modules use pksmpi_mod, only: myrank implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iter double precision, intent(in) :: dt logical, intent(in) :: usetransol !....................................................................... call timing_tic('MOZART','finishTimeStep') call mozart_reduce_lsw() if (myrank.eq.0) then if (iter.eq.1) then ! demand phase call mozart_write_mms(dt,'d',usetransol) else if (iter.eq.2) then ! allocation phase call mozart_write_mms(dt,'a',usetransol) else write(*,*) 'Error mozart_finishTimeStep' call exit(1) end if ! write the signal file call mozart_write_sig() end if call pks7mpibarrier() ! PKS call timing_toc('MOZART','finishTimeStep') end subroutine !> Write MOZART signal file. subroutine mozart_write_sig() use mozartmod implicit none !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... local variables integer :: lun, ios character(len=100) :: tmpfile !....................................................................... !... write (empty) MODFLOW-MetaSWAP file write(*,*) 'mz: writing signal file for mozart (',trim(mfmssignal),')' lun = cfn_getlun(minlun,maxlun) write(tmpfile,'(2a)') mfmssignal(1:len_trim(mfmssignal)), 'tmp' open(unit=lun,file=tmpfile,status='new',form='formatted',share='denyrd') close(lun) call osd_rename(tmpfile,mfmssignal,ios) ! rename file if (ios.ne.0) write(*,*) 'Error renaming file...' end subroutine !> Write MOZART file the demand phase. subroutine mozart_write_mms(dt,phase,usetransol) use mozartmod, only: mms_dmnds_file, mms_alloc_file, nlsw, lsw, lswdat, mv, concrch, minlun, maxlun implicit none !... arguments double precision, intent(in) :: dt character(len=1), intent(in) :: phase logical, intent(in) :: usetransol !... functions integer :: cfn_getlun !... local variables character(len=1) :: dora character(len=100) :: outfile integer :: lun, i, lswid real :: sc, cufldr, cuflif, cuflroff, cuflron, cuflsp, cusalt real :: cufldrwells, cuflifwells, cusaltwells, cuseep, cuunszflux real :: conc !....................................................................... dora = phase call cfn_token(dora ,'u') if (dora.eq.'D') then outfile = mms_dmnds_file else if (dora.eq.'A') then outfile = mms_alloc_file else write(*,*) 'Error, mozart_write_mms' call exit(1) end if write(*,*) 'mz: phase ',dora write(*,*) 'mz: writing mozart file (',trim(outfile),')' lun = cfn_getlun(minlun,maxlun) open(unit=lun,file=outfile,status='unknown',form='formatted') !... write header if (dora.eq.'D') then write(lun,*) 'ixLSW,cufldr,cuflif,cufldr2,cuflif2,cuflroff,cuflron,cuflsp,cuNaCl,cuNaCl2' else write(lun,*) 'ixLSW,cufldr,cuflif,cufldr2,cuflif2,cuflroff,cuflron,cuNaCl,cuNaCl2' end if !... write LSW's sc = real(dt)*86400. ! days --> seconds do i = 1, nlsw lswid = lsw(i) if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.le.0) cycle cufldr = lswdat(lswid)%cufldr cufldrwells = lswdat(lswid)%cufldrwells cuflif = lswdat(lswid)%cuflif cuflifwells = lswdat(lswid)%cuflifwells cuflroff = lswdat(lswid)%cuflroff cuflron = 0.0 cuflsp = lswdat(lswid)%cuflsp cusalt = lswdat(lswid)%cusalt ! = seepage salt if no transol cusaltwells = lswdat(lswid)%cusaltwells cuseep = lswdat(lswid)%cuseep cuunszflux = lswdat(lswid)%cuunszflux ! temporary for wells/salt if (cufldrwells.eq.mv) cufldrwells = 0.0 if (cuflifwells.eq.mv) cuflifwells = 0.0 if (cusaltwells.eq.mv) cusaltwells = 0.0 if (.not.usetransol) then if (cuseep.eq.mv .and. cuunszflux.eq.mv) then cusalt = 0. else if (cusalt.eq.mv) cusalt = 0. if (cuseep.eq.mv) cuseep = 0. if (cuunszflux.eq.mv) cuunszflux = 0. cuseep = -cuseep conc = (cusalt + concrch* cuunszflux)/(cuseep + cuunszflux) ! ([g] + [g]/[m3] * [m3])/([m3] + [m3]) = [g]/[m3] if (cufldr.ne.mv) cusalt = -cufldr*conc end if end if ! check for missing value if (cufldr.eq.mv .or. cuflif.eq.mv .or. cuflroff.eq.mv .or. cusalt.eq.mv) then !write(*,*) 'Warning: skipping LSW number ',lswid cycle end if if (dora.eq.'D') then if (cuflsp.eq.mv) then write(*,*) 'Error, writing MOZART demand file.' call exit(1) end if write(lun,'(i10,9('','',e12.5))') lswid, -cufldr/sc, -cuflif/sc,& -cufldrwells/sc, -cuflifwells/sc,& -cuflroff/sc, -cuflron/sc, -cuflsp/sc,& cusalt, -cusaltwells else write(lun,'(i10,8('','',e12.5))') lswid, -cufldr/sc, -cuflif/sc,& -cufldrwells/sc, -cuflifwells/sc,& -cuflroff/sc, -cuflron/sc,& cusalt, -cusaltwells end if enddo close(lun) return end subroutine !> Put the number of LSW IDs logical function mozart_PutModMozNumberOfIDs(nid) !... modules use mozartmod, only: nlsw implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(out) :: nid !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... ok = .true. nid = nlsw mozart_PutModMozNumberOfIDs = ok end function !> Put the number of PV IDs logical function mozart_PutModMozPVNumberOfIDs(nid) !... modules use mozartmod, only: npv implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(out) :: nid !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... ok = .true. nid = npv mozart_PutModMozPVNumberOfIDs = ok end function !> Put LSW IDs logical function mozart_PutModMozIDs(ids,nid) !... modules use mozartmod, only: lsw implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid integer, dimension(nid), intent(out) :: ids !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... ok = .true. ids = lsw mozart_PutModMozIDs = ok end function !> Put PV IDs logical function mozart_PutModMozPVIDs(ids,nid) !... modules use mozartmod, only: pv implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid integer, dimension(nid), intent(out) :: ids !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... ok = .true. ids = pv mozart_PutModMozPVIDs = ok end function !> Put MOZART levels for LSWs logical function mozart_PutLSWLevels(levels,mvin) use mozartmod, only: lsw, lswdat, nlsw, mv implicit none !... arguments real, dimension(*), intent(out) :: levels real, intent(in) :: mvin !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, lswid real :: lev !...................................................................... do i = 1, nlsw lswid = lsw(i) lev = mvin if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.gt.0) then if (lswdat(lswid)%lev.ne.mv) then lev = lswdat(lswid)%lev end if end if levels(i) = lev end do ok = .true. mozart_PutLSWLevels = ok end function !> Put MOZART levels for LSWs logical function mozart_PutPVLevels(levels,mvin) use mozartmod, only: pv, pvdat, npv, mv implicit none !... arguments real, dimension(*), intent(out) :: levels real, intent(in) :: mvin !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, pvid real :: lev !...................................................................... do i = 1, npv pvid = pv(i) lev = mvin if (pvdat(pvid)%pvid.gt.0) then if (pvdat(pvid)%lev.ne.mv) then lev = pvdat(pvid)%lev end if end if levels(i) = lev end do ok = .true. mozart_PutPVLevels = ok end function !> Put MOZART fractions for LSWs logical function mozart_PutLSWFractions(fractions,mvin) use mozartmod, only: lsw, lswdat, nlsw, mv implicit none !... arguments real, dimension(*), intent(out) :: fractions real, intent(in) :: mvin !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, lswid real :: frc !...................................................................... do i = 1, nlsw lswid = lsw(i) frc = mvin if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.gt.0) then if (lswdat(lswid)%frc.ne.mv) then frc = lswdat(lswid)%frc end if end if fractions(i) = frc end do ok = .true. mozart_PutLSWFractions = ok end function !> Put MOZART salt concentrations for LSWs logical function mozart_PutLSWSalt(salt,mvin) use mozartmod, only: lsw, lswdat, nlsw, mv implicit none !... arguments real, dimension(*), intent(out) :: salt real, intent(in) :: mvin !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, lswid real :: cnc !...................................................................... do i = 1, nlsw lswid = lsw(i) cnc = mvin if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.gt.0) then if (lswdat(lswid)%salt.ne.mv) then cnc = lswdat(lswid)%salt/1000. ! g/m3 --> kg/m3 end if end if salt(i) = cnc end do ok = .true. mozart_PutLSWSalt = ok end function logical function MOZART_GetSalt(salt,nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mvin,iact) !... modules use mozartmod, only: mv, lsw, lswdat implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(in) :: salt integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(nid), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mvin integer, intent(in) :: iact !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, j, js, je, k, lswid real :: sval !....................................................................... ok = .true. if (iact.ne.1 .and. iact.ne.2 .and. iact.ne.3) then ok = .false. MOZART_GetSalt = ok return end if if (iact.eq.1) lswdat(:)%cusalt = mv js = 1 do i = 1, nid lswid = lsw(i) je = xchOff(i) do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) sval = salt(k) if (sval.ne.mvin) then if (iact.eq.1) then if (lswdat(lswid)%cusalt.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cusalt = 0.0 lswdat(lswid)%cusalt = lswdat(lswid)%cusalt + sval*1000. ! [g] else if (iact.eq.2) then if (lswdat(lswid)%cusaltwells.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cusaltwells = 0.0 lswdat(lswid)%cusaltwells = lswdat(lswid)%cusaltwells + sval ! [g] else if (iact.eq.3) then if (lswdat(lswid)%cusalt.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cusalt = 0.0 lswdat(lswid)%cusalt = lswdat(lswid)%cusalt + sval ! [g] end if end if end do js = je + 1 end do MOZART_GetSalt = ok end function logical function mozart_GetSeepageFlux(flux,nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mvin) !... modules use mozartmod, only: mv, lsw, lswdat implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(in) :: flux integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(nid), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mvin !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, j, js, je, k, lswid real :: fluxval !....................................................................... ok = .true. js = 1 do i = 1, nid lswid = lsw(i) je = xchOff(i) do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) fluxval = flux(k) if (fluxval.ne.mvin) then if (fluxval.lt.0.) then if (lswdat(lswid)%cuseep.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cuseep = 0.0 lswdat(lswid)%cuseep = lswdat(lswid)%cuseep + fluxval end if end if end do js = je + 1 end do mozart_GetSeepageFlux = ok end function logical function MOZART_GetUnsaturatedZoneFlux(flux,nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mvin) !... modules use mozartmod, only: mv, lsw, lswdat implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(in) :: flux integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(nid), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mvin !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, j, js, je, k, lswid real :: fluxval !....................................................................... ok = .true. js = 1 do i = 1, nid lswid = lsw(i) je = xchOff(i) do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) fluxval = flux(k) if (fluxval.ne.mvin) then if (fluxval.gt.0.) then if (lswdat(lswid)%cuunszflux.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cuunszflux = 0.0 lswdat(lswid)%cuunszflux = lswdat(lswid)%cuunszflux + fluxval end if end if end do js = je + 1 end do MOZART_GetUnsaturatedZoneFlux = ok end function logical function mozart_GetRiverDrainFlux(flux,nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mvin,iact) !... modules use mozartmod, only: mv, lsw, lswdat implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(in) :: flux integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(nid), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mvin integer, intent(in) :: iact !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, j, js, je, k, lswid real :: fluxval !....................................................................... ok = .true. js = 1 do i = 1, nid lswid = lsw(i) je = xchOff(i) do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) fluxval = flux(k) if (fluxval.ne.mvin) then if (iact.eq.1) then if (lswdat(lswid)%cufldr.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cufldr = 0.0 if (lswdat(lswid)%cuflif.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cuflif = 0.0 if (fluxval.lt.0.) then lswdat(lswid)%cufldr = lswdat(lswid)%cufldr + fluxval else lswdat(lswid)%cuflif = lswdat(lswid)%cuflif + fluxval end if else if (lswdat(lswid)%cufldrwells.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cufldrwells = 0.0 if (lswdat(lswid)%cuflifwells.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cuflifwells = 0.0 if (fluxval.lt.0.) then lswdat(lswid)%cufldrwells = lswdat(lswid)%cufldrwells + fluxval else lswdat(lswid)%cuflifwells = lswdat(lswid)%cuflifwells + fluxval end if end if end if end do js = je + 1 end do mozart_GetRiverDrainFlux = ok end function logical function MOZART_GetCumSWSprinklingDemandFluxes(sprflux,nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mvin) !... modules use mozartmod, only: mv, lsw, lswdat implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(in) :: sprflux integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(nid), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mvin !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, j, js, je, k, lswid real :: flux !....................................................................... ok = .true. lswdat(:)%cuflsp = mv js = 1 do i = 1, nid lswid = lsw(i) je = xchOff(i) do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) flux = sprflux(k) if (flux.ne.mvin) then if (lswdat(lswid)%cuflsp.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cuflsp = 0.0 lswdat(lswid)%cuflsp = lswdat(lswid)%cuflsp + flux end if end do js = je + 1 end do MOZART_GetCumSWSprinklingDemandFluxes = ok end function logical function MOZART_GetCumRunonFluxes(runonflux,nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mvin) !... modules use mozartmod, only: mv, lsw, lswdat implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(in) :: runonflux integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(nid), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mvin !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, j, js, je, k, lswid real :: flux, fluxron, fluxroff !....................................................................... ok = .true. lswdat(:)%cuflroff = mv lswdat(:)%cuflron = mv js = 1 do i = 1, nid lswid = lsw(i) je = xchOff(i) do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) flux = runonflux(k) if (flux.ne.mvin) then fluxron = 0.0 fluxroff = 0.0 if (flux.lt.0.0) fluxroff = flux if (flux.gt.0.0) fluxron = flux if (lswdat(lswid)%cuflroff.eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cuflroff = 0.0 if (lswdat(lswid)%cuflron .eq.mv) lswdat(lswid)%cuflron = 0.0 lswdat(lswid)%cuflroff = lswdat(lswid)%cuflroff + fluxroff lswdat(lswid)%cuflron = lswdat(lswid)%cuflron + fluxron end if end do js = je + 1 end do MOZART_GetCumRunonFluxes = ok end function subroutine MOZART_GetCurrentTime(t) !... modules use mozartmod, only: beginOfCurrentTimeStep implicit none !... arguments double precision, intent(out) :: t !....................................................................... t = beginOfCurrentTimeStep end subroutine subroutine MOZART_GetEndOfCurrentTimeStep(t) !... modules use mozartmod, only: endOfCurrentTimeStep implicit none !... arguments double precision, intent(out) :: t !....................................................................... t = endOfCurrentTimeStep end subroutine ! ============================================================================= subroutine mozart_reduce_lsw() ! ============================================================================= use mozartmod, only: nlsw, lsw, lswdat, mv, lswsbuf, lswrbuf use pksmpi_mod, only: myrank, mpptyp, mppser, mppini1 implicit none !... locals integer, parameter :: nlswitem = 10 integer :: n, i, j, jj, k, lswid !....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return n = 2*nlsw*nlswitem if (.not.allocated(lswsbuf)) then allocate(lswsbuf(n)) end if if (.not.allocated(lswrbuf)) then allocate(lswrbuf(n)) end if lswsbuf = 0. lswrbuf = 0. ! pack phase 1: label missing value j = 0 do i = 1, nlsw lswid = lsw(i) if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.le.0) cycle call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cufldr) !01 call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cufldrwells) !02 call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuflif) !03 call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuflifwells) !04 call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuflroff) !05 call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuflsp) !06 call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cusalt) !07 call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cusaltwells) !08 call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuseep) !09 call mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(lswsbuf,j,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuunszflux) !10 end do jj = j ! pack phase 2: data do i = 1, nlsw lswid = lsw(i) if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.le.0) cycle j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cufldr !01 j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cufldrwells !02 j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cuflif !03 j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cuflifwells !04 j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cuflroff !05 j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cuflsp !06 j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cusalt !07 j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cusaltwells !08 j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cuseep !09 j = j + 1; lswsbuf(j) = lswdat(lswid)%cuunszflux !10 end do n = j ! mv --> 0 do j = jj + 1, n if (lswsbuf(j).eq.mv) lswsbuf(j) = 0. end do ! Master process collects call pks7mpiwrpreducersum( lswsbuf, lswrbuf, n, 0) ! Master process unpacks if (myrank.eq.0) then j = 0 do i = 1, nlsw lswid = lsw(i) if (lswdat(lswid)%lswid.le.0) cycle call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cufldr ) !01 call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cufldrwells) !02 call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuflif ) !03 call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuflifwells) !04 call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuflroff ) !05 call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuflsp ) !06 call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cusalt ) !07 call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cusaltwells) !08 call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuseep ) !09 call mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(lswrbuf,j,jj,mv,lswdat(lswid)%cuunszflux ) !10 end do end if end subroutine ! ============================================================================= subroutine mozart_reduce_lsw_pck_mv(buf,j,mv,rval) ! ============================================================================= implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(inout) :: j real, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: buf real, intent(in) :: mv real, intent(in) :: rval !....................................................................... j = j + 1 if(rval.eq.mv)then buf(j) = 0. else buf(j) = 1. end if end subroutine ! ============================================================================= subroutine mozart_reduce_lsw_upck(buf,j,jj,mv,rval) ! ============================================================================= implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(inout) :: j, jj real, dimension(*), intent(in) :: buf real, intent(in) :: mv real, intent(out) :: rval !....................................................................... j = j + 1 jj = jj + 1 if (buf(j).gt.0) then rval = buf(jj) else rval = mv end if end subroutine