module vtuMod implicit none ! parameters integer, parameter :: mxlen = 1024 logical :: lfirst = .true. real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ggxnod integer :: ngeom integer, parameter :: iprconn = 0 integer, parameter :: iout = 0 integer :: nodes, neqs, nja integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ia, ja integer, parameter :: maxnpvd = 100 integer :: npvd = 0 integer, dimension(maxnpvd) :: pvdun integer :: vtknlay = 0 save end module subroutine met1ulasavvtk(text,buff,ncol,nrow,ilay,isplit,totim) use imod_utl, only:imod_utl_createdir use vtuMod, only: lfirst, ggxnod, mxlen, ia, ja, ngeom, npvd, pvdun, vtknlay implicit none ! arguments character(len=16), intent(in) :: text integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nrow real, dimension(ncol,nrow), intent(in) :: buff integer, intent(in) :: ilay integer, intent(in) :: isplit real, intent(in) :: totim ! functions character(len=1024) :: met1fnamevtk, met1fnamepvd integer :: cfn_getlun ! locals character(len=mxlen) :: vtufile, pvdfile, s1, s2 integer :: irow, icol, n, nrc, iu, ios, i logical :: lex ! body if (lfirst) then call vtkinit() lfirst = .false. end if if (ilay.eq.1) then ! reset ggxnod(11,:) = 0. end if nrc = ncol*nrow do irow = 1, nrow do icol = 1, ncol n = icol+(irow-1)*ncol+(ilay-1)*nrc ggxnod(11,n) = buff(icol,irow) end do end do if (ilay.eq.vtknlay) then vtufile = met1fnamevtk(isplit,text) call writevtu(text,vtufile,ngeom,ia,ja,ggxnod) pvdfile = met1fnamepvd(isplit,text) inquire(file=pvdfile,exist=lex,iostat=ios) if ( write(*,*) 'Error, inquiring pvd file' call ustop(' ') end if if(.not.lex)then i = index(pvdfile,char(47),.true.) if(i.le.0) i = index(pvdfile,char(92),.true.) if( call imod_utl_createdir(pvdfile(:i)) iu = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(file=pvdfile,unit=iu) npvd = npvd + 1 pvdun(npvd) = iu write(iu,'(a)') '' write(iu,'(a)') '' write(iu,'(a)') '' else inquire(file=pvdfile,number=iu,iostat=ios) if ( write(*,*) 'Error, inquiring pvd file' call ustop(' ') end if if (iu.le.0)then ! file exists, but is not opened iu = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(file=pvdfile,unit=iu) npvd = npvd + 1 pvdun(npvd) = iu write(iu,'(a)') '' write(iu,'(a)') '' write(iu,'(a)') '' end if end if write(s1,*) totim write(s2,'(5a)') '' write(iu,'(a)') trim(s2) else return end if end subroutine subroutine vtkinit() ! modules use vtuMod use global, only: nrow, ncol, delr, delc, ibound, botm, lbotm use gwfmetmodule, only: coord_xll, coord_yll implicit none ! locals integer :: il,ir, ic, nrc, m, nlay real :: dx, dy, dz, xm, ym, zm, t, b ! body nlay = vtknlay allocate(ggxnod(11,ncol*nrow*nlay+1)) ggxnod = 0. dx = delr(1); dy = delc(1) ! UNIFORM ONLY nrc = nrow*ncol do il = 1, nlay do ir = 1, nrow do ic = 1, ncol m = ic+(ir-1)*ncol+(il-1)*nrc xm = ic*dx-dx/2; ym = (nrow-ir)*dy+dy/2 t = botm(ic,ir,lbotm(il)-1) b = botm(ic,ir,lbotm(il)) zm = (t+b)/2 dz = t - b ! nod dum xm ym dz dx dy dz ggxnod(1,m) = real(m) ggxnod(5,m) = xm+coord_xll ggxnod(6,m) = ym+coord_yll ggxnod(7,m) = zm ggxnod(8,m) = dx ggxnod(9,m) = dy ggxnod(10,m) = dz end do end do end do ! unstructured grid data nodes = nlay*nrow*ncol neqs = nodes ngeom = nodes allocate(ia(neqs+1)) ia = 0 call fillia allocate(ja(nja)) call fillja end subroutine subroutine writevtu(text,fname,ngeom,ia,ja,ggxnod) ! modules USE IR_Precision USE Lib_VTK_IO use vtuMod, only: mxlen implicit none ! arguments character(len=16), intent(in) :: text character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname integer, intent(in) :: ngeom integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: ia, ja real, dimension(11,ngeom), intent(in) :: ggxnod ! functions integer :: getlun ! locals logical :: lmatch integer, parameter :: i0=1, i1=2, i2=3, i3=4, i4=5, i5=6, i6=7, i7=8 !character(len=mxlen) :: fname integer :: lun, n, i, j, k, ii, jj, kk, kkk, ic0, ic1, mxnbr, np double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: xyzl double precision :: xm, ym, zm, dx, dy, dz character(len=100), dimension(10) :: sarr ! variables for lib_vtk_io integer(I4P) :: Nn ! number of points integer(I4P) :: Ne ! number of cells integer(I4P), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: connect integer(I4P), dimension(:), allocatable :: offset integer(I1P), dimension(:), allocatable :: cell_type integer(I4P):: E_IO real(R4P), dimension(:), allocatable :: x, y, z ! debug character(len=mxlen) :: f character(len=256) :: s double precision :: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax integer :: m, nlast logical :: lskip double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dwrk ! body ! write the if (.false.) then allocate(dwrk(6,ngeom)) do n = 1, ngeom xm = dble(ggxnod(5,n)) ym = dble(ggxnod(6,n)) zm = dble(ggxnod(7,n)) dx = dble(ggxnod(8,n)) dy = dble(ggxnod(9,n)) dz = dble(ggxnod(10,n)) dwrk(1,n) = xm-dx/2. dwrk(2,n) = xm+dx/2. dwrk(3,n) = ym-dy/2. dwrk(4,n) = ym+dy/2. dwrk(5,n) = zm-dz/2. dwrk(6,n) = zm+dz/2. end do ! determine bounding box xmin = dble(minval(dwrk(1,:))) xmax = dble(maxval(dwrk(2,:))) ymin = dble(minval(dwrk(3,:))) ymax = dble(maxval(dwrk(4,:))) zmin = dble(minval(dwrk(5,:))) zmax = dble(maxval(dwrk(6,:))) write(*,*) xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax write(f,'(2a)') trim(fname), '.txt' open(unit=99,file=f) write(99,'(a)') '[' nlast = 0 do n = 1, ngeom lskip = .true. if (dwrk(1,n).eq.xmin .or. dwrk(2,n).eq.xmax) lskip = .false. if (dwrk(3,n).eq.ymin .or. dwrk(4,n).eq.ymax) lskip = .false. if (dwrk(5,n).le.zmin+2.0 .or. dwrk(6,n).ge.zmax-5.0) lskip = .false. if (lskip) cycle nlast = n end do m = 0 do n = 1, ngeom lskip = .true. if (dwrk(1,n).eq.xmin .or. dwrk(2,n).eq.xmax) lskip = .false. if (dwrk(3,n).eq.ymin .or. dwrk(4,n).eq.ymax) lskip = .false. if (dwrk(5,n).le.zmin+2.0 .or. dwrk(6,n).ge.zmax-5.0) lskip = .false. if (lskip) cycle m = m + 1 xm = dble(ggxnod(5,n)) ym = dble(ggxnod(6,n)) zm = dble(ggxnod(7,n)) dx = dble(ggxnod(8,n)) dy = dble(ggxnod(9,n)) dz = dble(ggxnod(10,n)) write(sarr(1),*) (xm-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) write(sarr(3),*) (ym-ymin)/(ymax-ymin) write(sarr(2),*) (zm-zmin)/(zmax-zmin) write(sarr(4),*) dx/(xmax-xmin) write(sarr(6),*) dy/(ymax-ymin) write(sarr(5),*) dz/(zmax-zmin) write(sarr(7),*) m write(sarr(8),*) ggxnod(11,n) do i = 1, 8 sarr(i) = adjustl(sarr(i)) end do write(s,'(17a)') '{"xc": [',trim(sarr(1)),',',trim(sarr(2)),',',trim(sarr(3)),'], "dx": [',trim(sarr(4)),',',trim(sarr(5)),',',trim(sarr(6)),'], "nod":',trim(sarr(7)),', "val":',trim(sarr(8)),'}' if( s = trim(s)//',' write(99,'(a)') trim(s) end do write(99,'(a)') ']' close(99) deallocate(dwrk) end if ! count maximum number of neigbors mxnbr = 0 do n = 1, ngeom ic0 = ia(n); ic1 = ia(n+1)-1 mxnbr = max(mxnbr,ic1-ic0) end do allocate(xyzl(3,8,mxnbr+1)) allocate(cell_type(ngeom),offset(ngeom),connect(8,ngeom)); connect = 0 allocate(x(8*ngeom),y(8*ngeom),z(8*ngeom)) np = 0 do n = 1, ngeom ic0 = ia(n); ic1 = ia(n+1)-1 jj = 0 do ii=ic0,ic1 ! loop over parent and neighbors jj = jj + 1 j = ja(ii) ! determine corner nodes xm = dble(ggxnod(5,j)) ym = dble(ggxnod(6,j)) zm = dble(ggxnod(7,j)) dx = dble(ggxnod(8,j)) dy = dble(ggxnod(9,j)) dz = dble(ggxnod(10,j)) ! determine corner points ! x y z xyzl(1,i0,jj) = xm - dx/2; xyzl(2,i0,jj) = ym - dy/2; xyzl(3,i0,jj) = zm - dz/2 xyzl(1,i1,jj) = xm + dx/2; xyzl(2,i1,jj) = ym - dy/2; xyzl(3,i1,jj) = zm - dz/2 xyzl(1,i2,jj) = xm - dx/2; xyzl(2,i2,jj) = ym + dy/2; xyzl(3,i2,jj) = zm - dz/2 xyzl(1,i3,jj) = xm + dx/2; xyzl(2,i3,jj) = ym + dy/2; xyzl(3,i3,jj) = zm - dz/2 xyzl(1,i4,jj) = xm - dx/2; xyzl(2,i4,jj) = ym - dy/2; xyzl(3,i4,jj) = zm + dz/2 xyzl(1,i5,jj) = xm + dx/2; xyzl(2,i5,jj) = ym - dy/2; xyzl(3,i5,jj) = zm + dz/2 xyzl(1,i6,jj) = xm - dx/2; xyzl(2,i6,jj) = ym + dy/2; xyzl(3,i6,jj) = zm + dz/2 xyzl(1,i7,jj) = xm + dx/2; xyzl(2,i7,jj) = ym + dy/2; xyzl(3,i7,jj) = zm + dz/2 end do ! add node numbers j = ja(ic0) ! parent node do kk=i0,i7 ! coordinates of parent node if (connect(kk,j) == 0) then np = np + 1 ! number of points connect(kk,j) = np x(np) = xyzl(1,kk,1) y(np) = xyzl(2,kk,1) z(np) = xyzl(3,kk,1) end if end do ! check for double nodes do kk = i0,i7 ! loop over parent nodes jj = 1 do ii = ic0+1,ic1 ! loop over neighbor nodes jj = jj + 1 j = ja(ii) do kkk = i0,i7 if (xyzl(1,kkk,jj)==xyzl(1,kk,1).and.& xyzl(2,kkk,jj)==xyzl(2,kk,1).and.& xyzl(3,kkk,jj)==xyzl(3,kk,1)) then connect(kkk,j) = connect(kk,ja(ic0)) end if end do end do end do end do ! write the vtu-file cell_type = 11; Nn = np; Ne = ngeom offset(1) = 8 do i = 2, Ne offset(i) = offset(i-1)+8 end do do i = 1, Ne do kk = i0,i7 connect(kk,i) = connect(kk,i)-1 end do end do !write(fname,'(2a)') trim(vtkPref), '.vtu' !E_IO = VTK_INI_XML(output_format = 'ascii', filename = fname, mesh_topology = 'UnstructuredGrid') E_IO = VTK_INI_XML(output_format = 'binary', filename = fname, mesh_topology = 'UnstructuredGrid') E_IO = VTK_GEO_XML(NN = Nn, NC = Ne, X = x, Y = y, Z = z) E_IO = VTK_CON_XML(NC = Ne, connect = reshape(connect,(/8*Ne/)), offset = offset, cell_type = cell_type ) E_IO = VTK_DAT_XML(var_location = 'cell', var_block_action = 'opeN') E_IO = VTK_VAR_XML(NC_NN = Ne, varname = trim(adjustl(text)), var = ggxnod(11,:)) E_IO = VTK_DAT_XML(var_location = 'cell', var_block_action = 'CLOSE') E_IO = VTK_GEO_XML() E_IO = VTK_END_XML() ! clean up deallocate(xyzl,cell_type,offset,connect,x,y,z) end subroutine writevtu