c Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2017. c c This file is part of iMOD. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. !> MPP initialization phase 1. !! Set mpptyp flag and initialize array to store unit numbers. subroutine pks7mpiini1( writesto ) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpiactive, nrproc, myrank, mpptyp, mppser, & mppini2, data_nfile, myproc use pksmpiwrp_mod, only: pks7mpiwrpnrproc, pks7mpiwrpmyrank implicit none c... arguments logical, intent(out) :: writesto !< (O) logical indicating that this process should write to std output c....................................................................... c c... initalize MPI mpiactive = .true. call pks7mpiwrpinit() nrproc = pks7mpiwrpnrproc myrank = pks7mpiwrpmyrank myproc = myrank + 1 C################ TEMP c nrproc = 2 c... set mpptyp flag and specify write to standard output if (nrproc.le.1) then ! serial case, no MPP mpptyp = mppser writesto = .true. else ! parallel case, MPP !mpptyp = mppini1 mpptyp = mppini2 data_nfile = 0 writesto = .false. end if return end subroutine pks7mpiini1 !> MPP initialization phase 2. !! This subroutine reads data from files needed for MPP. subroutine pks7mpiini2( in, iout ) c use xymod use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: in !< (I) lun MPP package file integer, intent(in) :: iout c... local variables integer :: iproc, i, idum, n character(len=200) :: line, key, keyval integer :: lloc, istart, istop, ios real :: r logical :: lok c....................................................................... ! defaults partopt = 0 novlapimpsol = 1 stenimpsol = 2 verbose = 0 skipmetis = 0 readpartmetis = 0 nrprocmetis = 0 writegnodes = 0 mpiloosely = 0 metismethod = 0 gncol = 0 gnrow = 0 #ifdef PKSUNS call pks7mpitmetisoptinit() ! JV #endif lok = .true. pksopt1: do lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,1,i,r,iout,in) select case (line(istart:istop)) case ('PARTOPT') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,partopt,r,iout,in) case ('NOVLAPIMPSOL') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,novlapimpsol,r, & iout,in) case ('STENIMPSOL') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,stenimpsol,r, & iout,in) case ('VERBOSE') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,verbose,r, & iout,in) case ('GNCOL') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,gncol,r, & iout,in) case ('GNROW') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,gnrow,r, & iout,in) case ('PRESSAKEY') if (myrank.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Press a key...' pause end if call pks7mpibarrier() #ifdef PKSUNS case ('NRPROCMETIS') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,nrprocmetis,r, & iout,in) case ('SKIPMETIS') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,skipmetis,r, & iout,in) case ('READPARTMETIS') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,0,i,r,iout,in) partmetisfile = line(istart:istop) readpartmetis = 1 case ('WRITEGNODES') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,writegnodes,r, & iout,in) case ('MPILOOSELY') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,mpiloosely,r, & iout,in) case ('METISMETHOD') call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,metismethod,r, & iout,in) #endif case('END') rewind(in) exit case default #ifdef PKSUNS ! check for metis option for unstructured key = line(istart:istop) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,1,partopt,r,iout,in) call pks7mpitmetisoptadd(trim(key),line(istart:istop), & lok) #endif end select end do pksopt1 C if (partopt.ne.0 .and. & abs(partopt).ne.1 .and. abs(partopt).ne.2 & .and. abs(partopt).ne.3 .and. abs(partopt).ne.4 .and. & abs(partopt).ne.5) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. wrong partopt.' lok = .false. end if if(.not.lok) then call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if novlapmax = novlapimpsol c checks if (verbose.ne.0 .and. verbose.ne.1) then if (myrank.eq.0) & write(*,*) 'STOP. wrong verbose option (0/1).' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if if (nrprocmetis.lt.0) then n = nargs() if (n.eq.3) then call getarg(2,line) read(line,*) nrprocmetis else nrprocmetis = 0 end if end if if (nrprocmetis.gt.0) then if (verbose.ne.1) then nrprocmetis = 0 end if end if pksopt2: do lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,1,i,r,iout,in) select case (line(istart:istop)) case ('PARTDATA') lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) if (abs(partopt).eq.1 .or. abs(partopt).eq.2 ) then call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,nrproc_ncol,r, & iout,in) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,nrproc_nrow,r, & iout,in) allocate( nrproc_col(nrproc_ncol+1), & nrproc_row(nrproc_nrow+1) ) nrproc_col = 0 nrproc_row = 0 if (nrproc_ncol*nrproc_nrow.ne.nrproc) then write(*,*) 'STOP. wrong nrproc_ncol and/or nrproc_nrow.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if end if if (abs(partopt).eq.1) then lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) do i = 1, nrproc_ncol call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,nrproc_col(i),r, & iout,in) end do lloc = 1 call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) do i = 1, nrproc_nrow call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,nrproc_row(i),r, & iout,in) end do if (myrank.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'partop = 1:' write(*,*) 'nrproc_col:',(nrproc_col(i), i = 1, & nrproc_ncol) write(*,*) 'nrproc_row:',(nrproc_row(i), i = 1, & nrproc_nrow) end if end if if (abs(partopt).eq.3) then allocate(partitionsminmax(nrproc,4)) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,idum,r, & iout,in) if (idum.ne.nrproc) then write(*,*) 'STOP. nrproc does not match for paropt 3.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if do iproc = 1, nrproc lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) do i = 1, 4 call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2, & partitionsminmax(iproc,i),r,iout,in) end do end do end if case('END') rewind(in) exit end select end do pksopt2 #ifndef PKSUNS if (gnrow.gt.0 .and. gncol.gt.0) then pksopt3: do lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,1,i,r,iout,in) select case (line(istart:istop)) case ('GDELR') allocate(gdelr(gncol)) call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) read(line,*,iostat=ios)(gdelr(i),i=1,gncol) if (ios.ne.0) then deallocate(gdelr) allocate(gdelr(1)) lloc=1 call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,3,i,r,iout,in) gdelr(1) = r end if case ('GDELC') allocate(gdelc(gnrow)) call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) read(line,*,iostat=ios)(gdelc(i),i=1,gnrow) if (ios.ne.0) then deallocate(gdelc) allocate(gdelc(1)) lloc=1 call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,3,i,r,iout,in) gdelc(1) = r end if case('END') rewind(in) exit end select end do pksopt3 end if #endif return end subroutine pks7mpiini2 !> Set delr/delc in combination with the MET-package subroutine pks7mpisetdelrdelc(delr,delc,ncol,nrow,in) use pksmpi_mod, only: myproc, mpptyp, mppser, mppini1, 1 iovl, inovl, gdelr, gdelc, gncol, gnrow, 3 proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, 4 proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: ncol integer, intent(in) :: nrow real(kind=8), dimension(ncol), intent(out) :: delr real(kind=8), dimension(nrow), intent(out) :: delc integer, intent(in) :: in c... locals integer :: j, i, i1, i2 c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return ! delr if (minval(gdelr).eq.maxval(gdelr))then delr = gdelr(1) else i1 = proc_icolmin(myproc,iovl) i2 = proc_icolmax(myproc,iovl) j = 0 do i = i1, i2 j = j + 1 delr(j) = gdelr(i) end do end if ! delc if (minval(gdelc).eq.maxval(gdelc))then delc = gdelc(1) else i1 = proc_irowmin(myproc,iovl) i2 = proc_irowmax(myproc,iovl) j = 0 do i = i1, i2 j = j + 1 delc(j) = gdelc(i) end do end if ! read dummy values call u1dreldum(in,gncol) ! delr call u1dreldum(in,gnrow) ! delc end subroutine pks7mpisetdelrdelc !> Store unit numbers that are to be closed or rewinded later !! in case of MPP. subroutine pks7mpistorelun( iu,iflen,fname,fmtarg,accarg, & filstat,filact,filtyp) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c c... arguments integer , intent(in) :: iu integer , intent(inout) :: iflen character(len=300), intent(inout) :: fname character(len=20) , intent(in) :: fmtarg character(len=20) , intent(in) :: accarg character(len=7) , intent(in) :: filstat character(len=20) , intent(in) :: filact character(len=20) , intent(inout) :: filtyp c... locals character(len=300) :: fnamep logical :: lex integer :: i c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.ne.mppini2) return if (index(filtyp,'MPPLOC').gt.0) then fnamep=fname(1:iflen) call pks7mpifname(fnamep,iflen) inquire(file=fnamep,exist=lex) if (.not.lex) then write(*,'(a,1x,a)') 'Warning, ignoring MPPLOC for ', 1 trim(fname) i = index(filtyp,'(') if (i.gt.0) filtyp(i:) = '' else fname = fnamep end if end if data_nfile = data_nfile + 1 data_iu(data_nfile) = iu data_iflen(data_nfile) = iflen data_fname(data_nfile) = fname data_fmtarg(data_nfile) = fmtarg data_accarg(data_nfile) = accarg data_filstat(data_nfile) = filstat data_filact(data_nfile) = filact data_filtyp(data_nfile) = filtyp call upcase(data_accarg(data_nfile)) return end subroutine pks7mpistorelun subroutine pks7mpichkread( iu, ft, flg ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iu character(len=*), intent(in) :: ft logical, intent(out) :: flg c... locals integer :: i c....................................................................... flg = .false. if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) then return end if do i = 1, data_nfile if ((data_iu(i).eq.iu).and. 1 (index(data_filtyp(i),trim(ft)).gt.0)) then flg = .true. exit end if end do end subroutine pks7mpichkread subroutine pks7mpiappenddata(iuin,iout) ! use gwfbasmodule, only: ihedfm,iddnfm,ihedun,iddnun use pksmpi_mod implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: iuin integer, intent(in) :: iout ! locals character(len=300):: fname character(len=20) :: fmtarg character(len=20) :: accarg character(len=7) :: filstat character(len=20) :: filact integer :: i, j, iu, iflen c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.ne.mppini2) return do i = 1, data_nfile fname = data_fname(i) iflen = data_iflen(i) iu = data_iu(i) fmtarg = data_fmtarg(i) accarg = data_accarg(i) filstat = data_filstat(i) filact = data_filact(i) ! append file name if (iu.eq.iuin) then if (myrank.gt.0) close(unit=iu) call pks7mpibarrier() if (myrank.eq.0) close(unit=iu,status='delete') call pks7mpifname(fname,iflen) ! open file open(unit=iu, & file=fname(1:iflen), & form=fmtarg, & access=accarg, & status=filstat, & action=filact,err=2000) end if end do return 2000 CONTINUE WRITE(*,2010)FNAME(1:IFLEN),IU,FILSTAT,FMTARG,ACCARG,FILACT WRITE(IOUT,2010)FNAME(1:IFLEN),IU,FILSTAT,FMTARG,ACCARG,FILACT 2010 FORMAT(/,1X,'*** ERROR OPENING FILE "',A,'" ON UNIT ',I5,/, &7X,'SPECIFIED FILE STATUS: ',A,/ &7X,'SPECIFIED FILE FORMAT: ',A,/ &7X,'SPECIFIED FILE ACCESS: ',A,/ &7X,'SPECIFIED FILE ACTION: ',A,/ &2X,'-- STOP EXECUTION (pks7mpiappenddata)') CALL pksstop(' ') return end subroutine pks7mpiappenddata !> subroutine to write debug d.p. array subroutine pks7mpiwritedbg(x,n) use pksmpi_mod, only: myrank, l2gnod integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, dimension(n), intent(in) :: x character(len=100) :: fname integer, parameter :: lun = 99 integer :: iflen, i fname = 'dval'; iflen = 4 call pks7mpifname(fname,iflen) write(*,'(a,i3.3,1x,a,1x,a)') 'p',myrank,': writing', 1 trim(fname),'...' open(unit=lun,file=fname,form='formatted', 1 access='sequential',status='unknown',action='write') write(lun,*) n do i = 1, n write(lun,*) l2gnod(i), x(i) end do close(lun) end subroutine pks7mpiwritedbg !> set geometry for the structured case subroutine pks7mpisetgnodes( ncol, nrow, nlay) c... modules use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, mppini1, 1 gncol, gnrow, gnlay, gnodes implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: ncol !< (I) number of global columns integer, intent(in) :: nrow !< (I) number of global rows integer, intent(in) :: nlay !< (I) number of global lays c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case or for MPP initialisation phase 1 if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return c... store global ncol, nrow, nlay and nodes gncol = ncol gnrow = nrow gnlay = nlay gnodes = ncol*nrow*nlay end subroutine pks7mpisetgnodes !> MPP partitioning in row and column direction. subroutine pks7mpipart( ncol, nrow, nlay, insms, iout ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: ncol !< (I) number of global columns integer, intent(in) :: nrow !< (I) number of global rows integer, intent(in) :: nlay !< (I) number of (global) lays integer, intent(in) :: insms integer, intent(in) :: iout c... local variables logical :: lin integer :: i, j, k, nodes, nrc, nr, nc, iproc, jproc, nmax, n, m, 1 girow, gicol, ilay integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: wrk integer, dimension(8) :: comm double precision :: mask c... RCB real :: nodata real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: loadptr character(len=24) :: aname logical :: lfound character(len=200) :: line integer :: lloc, istart, istop real :: r c... functions integer :: pks7mpig2lnode, pks7mpil2gnode logical :: pks7mpignodeinpart c....................................................................... c... set global geometry call pks7mpisetgnodes( ncol, nrow, nlay) c... return in the serial case or for MPP initialisation phase 1 if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return c... allocate for all processes. c Dim 1 = overlap, dim 2 = no overlap allocate( proc_ncol(nrproc,2) ) ! number of columns allocate( proc_nrow(nrproc,2) ) ! number of rows allocate( proc_nodes(nrproc,2) ) ! number of nodes allocate( proc_icolmin(nrproc,2) ) ! column start index allocate( proc_icolmax(nrproc,2) ) ! column end index allocate( proc_irowmin(nrproc,2) ) ! row start index allocate( proc_irowmax(nrproc,2) ) ! row end index c... determine number of processes in column/row direction c (nrproc_ncol, nrproc_nrow) and number of column/rows per process c (proc_ncol, proc_nrow) if (partopt.eq.0) ! default partitioning & call pks7mpipartdef( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax ) if (abs(partopt).eq.1) ! user specifies partition & call pks7mpipartuser( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax ) if (abs(partopt).eq.2) ! load balancing & call pks7mpipartbal( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, insms, iout ) if (abs(partopt).eq.3) ! irregular & call pks7mpipartuser2( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax) if (abs(partopt).eq.4) ! load balancing & call pks7mpipartuser3( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, insms, iout ) #ifndef PKSMPINORCB if (abs(partopt).eq.5) then ! recursive coordinate bisection c... read the load pointer allocate( loadptr(gncol,gnrow) ) lfound = .false. pksopt: do lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(insms) call urdcom(insms,iout,line) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,1,i,r,iout,insms) select case (line(istart:istop)) case ('PARTDATA') lfound = .true. lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(insms) call urdcom(insms,iout,line) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,3,i,nodata,iout, & insms) aname = 'mpp load pointer ' call u2drel(loadptr(1,1),aname,gnrow,gncol,0,insms, & iout) case('END') rewind(insms) exit case default write (iout,*) 'unrecognized PKS option: ', & line(istart:istop) end select end do pksopt if (.not.lfound) then write(*,*) 'Could not find PARTLOAD' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if call pks7mpipartrcb( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, & ncol, nrow, loadptr, 0.) deallocate(loadptr) end if #endif c... determine number of nodes per process proc_nodes = 0 do iproc = 1, nrproc proc_nodes(iproc,inovl) = gnlay* 1 (proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl)-proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl)+1)* 1 (proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl)-proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl)+1) proc_ncol(iproc,inovl) = proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl)- & proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl)+1 proc_nrow(iproc,inovl) = proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl)- & proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl)+1 end do c... correct for partition overlap do iproc = 1, nrproc proc_icolmin(iproc,iovl) = & max(proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl)-novlapmax, 1) proc_icolmax(iproc,iovl) = & min(proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl)+novlapmax, gncol) proc_irowmin(iproc,iovl) = & max(proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl)-novlapmax, 1) proc_irowmax(iproc,iovl) = & min(proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl)+novlapmax, gnrow) proc_ncol(iproc,iovl) = proc_icolmax(iproc,iovl)- & proc_icolmin(iproc,iovl)+1 proc_nrow(iproc,iovl) = proc_irowmax(iproc,iovl)- & proc_irowmin(iproc,iovl)+1 proc_nodes(iproc,iovl) = & proc_ncol(iproc,iovl)*proc_nrow(iproc,iovl)*gnlay end do c write partition data c... master process write partition information to out file if (myrank.eq.0) then write(iout,10) nrproc 10 format(1x,'Number of MPI processes:',1x,i3) write(iout,15) 'implicit solver',novlapimpsol 15 format(1x,a,':',1x,'overlap of',1x,i2,1x,'cells') do iproc = 1, nrproc write(iout,30) iproc-1, & proc_ncol(iproc,inovl), & proc_nrow(iproc,inovl), & proc_nodes(iproc,inovl), & proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl), & proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl), & proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl), & proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl), & proc_ncol(iproc,iovl), & proc_nrow(iproc,iovl), & proc_nodes(iproc,iovl), & proc_icolmin(iproc,iovl), & proc_icolmax(iproc,iovl), & proc_irowmin(iproc,iovl), & proc_irowmax(iproc,iovl) end do 30 format(1x,'p',i3.3,1x,':', & 1x,2(i4,1x),i7,4(1x,i4),1x,'|', & 1x,2(i4,1x),i7,4(1x,i4),1x) end if if (verbose.eq.1) then !call timing_write() call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if c allocate wrk nmax = 2*gncol + 2*gnrow allocate(wrk(nmax,2), topol(nrproc,nrproc)) topol = 0 c determine the topology do iproc = 1, nrproc do jproc = 1, nrproc c get cells in band call pks7mpigetoverlap(proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl), & proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl), & proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl), & proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl), & stenimpsol, 1, wrk, nmax, n, & comm) c loop over cells do i = 1, n c if (myrank.eq.0) c & write(*,*) 'iproc, wrk:',iproc,wrk(i,1), wrk(i,2) lin = pks7mpignodeinpart(wrk(i,1), wrk(i,2), & proc_icolmin(jproc,inovl), & proc_icolmax(jproc,inovl), & proc_irowmin(jproc,inovl), & proc_irowmax(jproc,inovl)) c label if (lin) topol(iproc,jproc) = 1 end do end do end do c band nodes call pks7mpigetoverlap(proc_icolmin(myproc,inovl), & proc_icolmax(myproc,inovl), & proc_irowmin(myproc,inovl), & proc_irowmax(myproc,inovl), & -stenimpsol, novlapmax, wrk, nmax, n, & comm) nbandnodes = gnlay*n allocate(bandnodes(nbandnodes)) m = 0 do ilay = 1, gnlay do i = 1, n m = m + 1 if (wrk(i,1).lt.0 .and. wrk(i,2).lt.0) then bandnodes(m) = -pks7mpig2lnode(abs(wrk(i,1)), & abs(wrk(i,2)),ilay) else bandnodes(m) = pks7mpig2lnode(wrk(i,1),wrk(i,2),ilay) end if end do end do c... dealocate deallocate(wrk) c... create local-to-global mask allocate(l2gnod(proc_nodes(myproc,iovl))) do n = 1, proc_nodes(myproc,iovl) m = pks7mpil2gnode( n, myrank ) call pks7mpimaskn( mask, n, 1 proc_ncol(myproc,iovl), proc_nrow(myproc,iovl), nlay ) if(mask.lt.1.d0) m = -m l2gnod(n) = m end do c... close the MPP package input file c close(in) return end subroutine pks7mpipart subroutine pks7mpisetmask(mask,nodes) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nodes !< (I) number of node double precision, intent(out) :: mask(nodes) !< (I) mask array c... local variables integer :: i, j, n, nrc, girow, gicol c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case or for MPP initialisation phase 1 if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) then mask = 1d0 return end if c... mask mask = 1.0d0 do i = 1, proc_nrow(myproc,iovl) do j = 1, proc_ncol(myproc,iovl) n = j + (i-1)*proc_ncol(myproc,iovl) gicol = proc_icolmin(myproc,iovl)+j-1 girow = proc_irowmin(myproc,iovl)+i-1 if (gicol.lt.proc_icolmin(myproc,inovl) .or. & gicol.gt.proc_icolmax(myproc,inovl) .or. & girow.lt.proc_irowmin(myproc,inovl) .or. & girow.gt.proc_irowmax(myproc,inovl) ) then mask(n) = 0.0d0 end if end do end do return end subroutine pks7mpisetmask subroutine pks7mpigetoverlap(ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2, stencil, ovl, 1 colrow, nmax, n, comm) use pksmpi_mod, only: gncol, gnrow, myrank implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ic1 integer, intent(in) :: ic2 integer, intent(in) :: ir1 integer, intent(in) :: ir2 integer, intent(in) :: stencil integer, intent(in) :: ovl integer, intent(in) :: nmax integer, dimension(nmax,2), intent(out) :: colrow integer, intent(out) :: n integer, dimension(8), intent(out) :: comm c locals logical :: ln, ls, le, lw integer :: icol, irow n = 0 ln = .false. ls = .false. le = .false. lw = .false. comm = 0 c north irow = ir1-ovl if (irow.ge.1) then ln = .true. comm(1) = 1 do icol = ic1, ic2 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, n.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow end do end if c south irow = ir2+ovl if (irow.le.gnrow) then ls = .true. comm(2) = 1 do icol = ic1, ic2 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, s.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow end do end if c west icol = ic1-ovl if (icol.ge.1) then lw = .true. comm(3) = 1 do irow = ir1, ir2 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, w.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow end do end if c east icol = ic2+ovl if (icol.le.gncol) then le = .true. comm(4) = 1 do irow = ir1, ir2 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, e.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow end do end if c if (abs(stencil).eq.2 .or. stencil.lt.0) then c north-west if (ln.and.lw) then comm(5) = 1 irow = ir1-ovl do icol = ic1-ovl, ic1-1 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, nw 1.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow if (abs(stencil).eq.1) then colrow(n,1) = -colrow(n,1) colrow(n,2) = -colrow(n,2) end if end do icol = ic1-ovl do irow = ir1-ovl+1, ir1-1 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, nw 2.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow if (abs(stencil).eq.1) then colrow(n,1) = -colrow(n,1) colrow(n,2) = -colrow(n,2) end if end do end if c north-east if (ln.and.le) then comm(6) = 1 irow = ir1-ovl do icol = ic2+1, ic2+ovl n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, ne 1.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow if (abs(stencil).eq.1) then colrow(n,1) = -colrow(n,1) colrow(n,2) = -colrow(n,2) end if end do icol = ic2+ovl do irow = ir1-ovl+1, ir1-1 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, ne 2.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow if (abs(stencil).eq.1) then colrow(n,1) = -colrow(n,1) colrow(n,2) = -colrow(n,2) end if end do end if c south-west if (ls.and.lw) then comm(7) = 1 irow = ir2+ovl do icol = ic1-ovl, ic1-1 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, sw 1.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow if (abs(stencil).eq.1) then colrow(n,1) = -colrow(n,1) colrow(n,2) = -colrow(n,2) end if end do icol = ic1-ovl do irow = ir2+1, ir2+ovl-1 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, sw 2.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow if (abs(stencil).eq.1) then colrow(n,1) = -colrow(n,1) colrow(n,2) = -colrow(n,2) end if end do end if c south-east if (ls.and.le) then comm(8) = 1 irow = ir2+ovl do icol = ic2+1, ic2+ovl n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, se 1.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow if (abs(stencil).eq.1) then colrow(n,1) = -colrow(n,1) colrow(n,2) = -colrow(n,2) end if end do icol = ic2+ovl do irow = ir2+1, ir2+ovl-1 n = n + 1 if (n.gt.nmax) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. n > nmax, se 2.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if colrow(n,1) = icol colrow(n,2) = irow if (abs(stencil).eq.1) then colrow(n,1) = -colrow(n,1) colrow(n,2) = -colrow(n,2) end if end do end if elseif (stencil.eq.1) then ! do nothing else if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. invalid stencil:',stencil call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if end subroutine logical function pks7mpignodeinpart(ic, ir, ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2) use pksmpi_mod, only: myrank implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ic integer, intent(in) :: ir integer, intent(in) :: ic1 integer, intent(in) :: ic2 integer, intent(in) :: ir1 integer, intent(in) :: ir2 pks7mpignodeinpart = .false. if (ic1.le.ic .and. ic.le.ic2 .and. ir.le.ir2 .and. ir.ge.ir1) 1 pks7mpignodeinpart = .true. end function subroutine pks7mpiminmax(nrproc_nrow, nrproc_ncol, 1 proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, 1 proc_ncol, proc_nrow ) use pksmpi_mod, only: nrproc, inovl implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nrproc_nrow integer, intent(in) :: nrproc_ncol integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmax integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmax integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(in) :: proc_ncol integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(in) :: proc_nrow integer :: i, j, nc, nr, iproc c... determine start column/row indices do i = 1, nrproc_nrow nc = 0 do j = 1, nrproc_ncol iproc = j + (i-1)*nrproc_ncol proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl) = nc + 1 nc = nc + proc_ncol(iproc,inovl) proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl) = nc end do end do do j = 1, nrproc_ncol nr = 0 do i = 1, nrproc_nrow iproc = j + (i-1)*nrproc_ncol proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl) = nr + 1 nr = nr + proc_nrow(iproc,inovl) proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl) = nr end do end do end subroutine !> MPP partitioning: default subroutine pks7mpipartdef( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax ) use pksmpi_mod, only: nrproc, gncol, gnrow, inovl, novlapmax use pksmpi_mod, only: myrank implicit none c... arguments integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmax integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmax c... local variables logical, parameter :: debug = .false. integer :: iproc, i, j, n, nc, nrc, nrr, blksize, nproc integer :: wncol, wnrow integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: divide integer :: nrproc_ncol !< number of column processes integer :: nrproc_nrow !< number of row processes integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: proc_ncol !< number of columns for each process integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: proc_nrow !< number of rows for each process character(len=100) :: fname integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: proc_jcolmin integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: proc_jcolmax integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: proc_jrowmin integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: proc_jrowmax c....................................................................... if (debug) then nproc = 128 allocate(proc_jcolmin(nproc,2), & proc_jcolmax(nproc,2), & proc_jrowmin(nproc,2), & proc_jrowmax(nproc,2)) else nproc = nrproc end if allocate(proc_ncol(nproc,2),proc_nrow(nproc,2)) c... allocate work array allocate( divide(nproc) ) do i = 1, nproc j = nproc/i if (i*j.eq.nproc) then divide(i) = 1 else divide(i) = 0 end if end do wncol = max(gncol-2*novlapmax,1) wnrow = max(gnrow-2*novlapmax,1) blksize = sqrt(real(wncol*wnrow/nproc)) n = min( wncol, wnrow ) nc = max( 1, int(n/blksize) ) j = 1 do while (divide(nc).eq.0) if(divide(nc+j).eq.0) then if (divide(nc-j).eq.0) then j=j-1 else nc=nc+j endif else nc=nc+j endif enddo if (wncol.lt.wnrow) then nrproc_ncol = nc nrproc_nrow = nproc/nc else nrproc_ncol = nproc/nc nrproc_nrow = nc end if iproc = 0 nrr = wnrow do i = nrproc_nrow, 1, -1 nrc = wncol do j = nrproc_ncol, 1, -1 iproc = iproc + 1 proc_ncol(iproc,inovl) = int(nrc/j) proc_nrow(iproc,inovl) = int(nrr/i) nrc = nrc - proc_ncol(iproc,inovl) end do nrr = nrr - proc_nrow(iproc,inovl) end do deallocate( divide ) c fill partitions if (debug) then call pks7mpiminmax(nrproc_nrow, nrproc_ncol, 1 proc_jcolmin, proc_jcolmax, proc_jrowmin, proc_jrowmax, 1 proc_ncol, proc_nrow ) c write(fname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'partitions_np',nproc,'.gen' c call writepartgen(fname, nproc, gnrow, c & proc_jcolmin, proc_jcolmax, proc_jrowmin, proc_jrowmax) call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') else call pks7mpiminmax(nrproc_nrow, nrproc_ncol, 1 proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, 1 proc_ncol, proc_nrow ) end if c... correct for partition overlap do iproc = 1, nrproc proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl) = proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl)+novlapmax proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl) = proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl)+novlapmax proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl) = proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl)+novlapmax proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl) = proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl)+novlapmax if (proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl).eq.novlapmax+1) 1 proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl) = 1 if (proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl).eq.novlapmax+wncol) 1 proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl) = gncol if (proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl).eq.novlapmax+1) 1 proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl) = 1 if (proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl).eq.novlapmax+wnrow) 1 proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl) = gnrow end do deallocate(proc_ncol,proc_nrow) return end subroutine pks7mpipartdef !> MPP partitioning: load balance subroutine pks7mpipartbal( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, in, iout ) use pksmpi_mod, only: nrproc, gncol, gnrow, nrproc_ncol, & nrproc_nrow, inovl implicit none c... arguments integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmax integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmax integer , intent(in) :: in !< unit number MPP input file integer , intent(in) :: iout c... local variables integer, dimension(nrproc,2) :: proc_ncol !< number of column processes integer, dimension(nrproc,2) :: proc_nrow !< number of row processes integer, dimension(nrproc_ncol+1) :: nrproc_col !< number of columns for each process integer, dimension(nrproc_nrow+1) :: nrproc_row !< number of rows for each process character(len=24) :: aname integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: colsum, rowsum real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: loadptr integer :: i, j, l, ltot, irow, icol, n, iproc real :: dl, nodata logical :: lfound character(len=200) :: line integer :: lloc, istart, istop real :: r c....................................................................... allocate( loadptr(gncol,gnrow) ) allocate( rowsum(gncol), colsum(gnrow) ) do irow = 1, gnrow n = 0 do icol = 1, gncol if (loadptr(icol,irow).gt.0.) n = n + 1 end do if (irow.eq.1) then colsum(irow) = n else colsum(irow) = colsum(irow-1) + n end if end do do icol = 1, gncol n = 0 do irow = 1, gnrow if (loadptr(icol,irow).gt.0.) n = n + 1 end do if (icol.eq.1) then rowsum(icol) = n else rowsum(icol) = rowsum(icol-1) + n end if end do if (colsum(gnrow).ne.rowsum(gncol)) then write(*,*) 'Program error partopt 2' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if ltot = colsum(gnrow) nrproc_col(1) = 1 do i = 1, nrproc_ncol-1 l = int(i*ltot/nrproc_ncol) icol = 0 dl = 1e10 do j = 1, gncol if (abs(l-rowsum(j)).lt.dl) then icol = j dl = abs(l-rowsum(j)) end if end do if (icol.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error partopt 2' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') else nrproc_col(i+1) = min(icol+1,gncol) end if end do nrproc_row(1) = 1 do i = 1, nrproc_nrow-1 l = int(i*ltot/nrproc_nrow) irow = 0 dl = 1e10 do j = 1, gnrow if (abs(l-colsum(j)).lt.dl) then irow = j dl = abs(l-colsum(j)) end if end do if (irow.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error partopt 2' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') else nrproc_row(i+1) = min(irow+1,gnrow) end if end do deallocate( loadptr, colsum, rowsum ) nrproc_col(nrproc_ncol+1) = gncol + 1 nrproc_row(nrproc_nrow+1) = gnrow + 1 do i = 1, nrproc_nrow do j = 1, nrproc_ncol iproc = j + (i-1)*nrproc_ncol proc_ncol(iproc,inovl) = nrproc_col(j+1)- & nrproc_col(j) proc_nrow(iproc,inovl) = nrproc_row(i+1)- & nrproc_row(i) end do end do c fill partitions call pks7mpiminmax(nrproc_nrow, nrproc_ncol, 1 proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, 1 proc_ncol, proc_nrow ) return end subroutine pks7mpipartbal !> MPP partitioning: load balance subroutine pks7mpipartuser3( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, in, iout ) use pksmpi_mod, only: nrproc, inovl, myrank, gncol, gnrow implicit none c... arguments integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmax integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmax integer , intent(in) :: in !< unit number MPP input file integer , intent(in) :: iout c... local variables character(len=24) :: aname real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: partitions integer :: icol, irow, iproc real :: nodata logical :: lfound character(len=200) :: line integer :: i, lloc, istart, istop real :: r c....................................................................... #ifndef PKSMPINORCB allocate( partitions(gncol,gnrow) ) lfound = .false. pksopt: do lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,1,i,r,iout,in) select case (line(istart:istop)) case ('PARTDATA') lfound = .true. lloc=1 call sswr_rd_comm(in) call urdcom(in,iout,line) call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,3,i,nodata,iout,in) aname = 'mpp load pointer ' call u2drel(partitions,aname,gnrow,gncol,0,in,iout) case('END') rewind(in) exit case default write (iout,*) 'unrecognized PKS option: ', & line(istart:istop) end select end do pksopt proc_icolmin = gncol + 1 proc_icolmax = 0 proc_irowmin = gnrow + 1 proc_irowmax = 0 do irow = 1, gnrow do icol = 1, gncol iproc = int(partitions(icol,irow)) if (iproc.gt.nrproc) then if (myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) 'STOP. iproc > nrproc.',iproc call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if if (iproc.gt.0) then proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl) = & min(icol,proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl)) proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl) = & max(icol,proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl)) proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl) = & min(irow,proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl)) proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl) = & max(irow,proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl)) end if end do end do deallocate( partitions ) #else proc_icolmin = 0 proc_icolmax = 0 proc_irowmin = 0 proc_irowmax = 0 #endif return end subroutine pks7mpipartuser3 !> MPP partitioning: load balance subroutine pks7mpipartrcb( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, & ncol, nrow, loadptr, nodata ) use pksmpi_mod, only: nrproc, inovl, myrank implicit none c... arguments integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmax integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmax integer, intent(in) :: ncol integer, intent(in) :: nrow real, dimension(ncol,nrow), intent(in) :: loadptr real, intent(in) :: nodata c... local variables integer :: icol, irow, iproc, maxlev, ilev character(len=100) :: fname integer, parameter :: maxproc = 256 integer, dimension(maxproc,2) :: proc_jcolmin integer, dimension(maxproc,2) :: proc_jcolmax integer, dimension(maxproc,2) :: proc_jrowmin integer, dimension(maxproc,2) :: proc_jrowmax integer :: nproc logical :: ok real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: partitions integer :: ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2, load integer :: i, f integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ncut c....................................................................... c do nproc = 1, 128 ! debug nproc = nrproc c nproc = 144 ! debug allocate(ncut(nproc/2)) call pks7mpiprimefactors(nproc,ncut,maxlev) if (.true.) then ilev = 0 iproc = 0 call pks7mpircb(loadptr,nodata,ncol,nrow,1,ncol,1,nrow, & ilev,maxlev,iproc,nproc, & proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, & ncut) end if if (.false. .and. myrank.eq.0) then ! debug proc_jcolmin = 0 proc_jcolmax = 0 proc_jrowmin = 0 proc_jrowmax = 0 ilev = 0 iproc = 0 call pks7mpircb(loadptr,nodata,ncol,nrow,1,ncol,1,nrow, & ilev,maxlev,iproc, nproc, & proc_jcolmin, proc_jcolmax, proc_jrowmin, proc_jrowmax, & ncut) allocate(partitions(ncol,nrow)) partitions = -9999. ok = .true. do iproc = 1, nproc ic1 = proc_jcolmin(iproc,inovl) ic2 = proc_jcolmax(iproc,inovl) ir1 = proc_jrowmin(iproc,inovl) ir2 = proc_jrowmax(iproc,inovl) load = 0 do irow = ir1, ir2 do icol = ic1, ic2 if (partitions(icol,irow).gt.-9999.) then write(*,*) 'ERROR, non overlap detected.' write(*,*) 'partition overwritten', & partitions(icol,irow) ok = .false. else partitions(icol,irow) = iproc if (loadptr(icol,irow).gt.0.) load = load + 1 end if end do end do write(*,*) 'load iproc:',iproc,load end do write(fname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'partitions_np',nproc,'.asc' !call rwriteasc2d(partitions,gncol,gnrow, ! 1 fname,-9999.) c write(fname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'partitions_np',nproc,'.gen' c call writepartgen(fname, nproc, gnrow, c & proc_jcolmin, proc_jcolmax, proc_jrowmin, proc_jrowmax) if (.not.ok) then call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if deallocate(partitions) end if ! debug deallocate(ncut) c end do ! debug c if (myrank.eq.0 .and. .false.) then c write(fname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'partitions_np',nproc,'.gen' c call writepartgen(fname, nproc, gnrow, c & proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax) c end if c call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() c call pksstop(' ') return end subroutine pks7mpipartrcb recursive subroutine pks7mpircb(a,nodata,ncol,nrow, & ic1,ic2,ir1,ir2,ilev,maxlev,iproc, & nrproc,proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, & ncut) use pksmpi_mod, only: inovl implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(inout) :: ilev integer, intent(in) :: maxlev integer, intent(inout) :: iproc integer, intent(in) :: nrproc integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nrow real, intent(in) :: nodata integer, intent(in) :: ic1,ic2,ir1,ir2 real, dimension(ncol,nrow), intent(in) :: a integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(inout) :: proc_icolmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(inout) :: proc_icolmax integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(inout) :: proc_irowmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(inout) :: proc_irowmax integer, dimension(maxlev), intent(in) :: ncut c... parameters integer, dimension(nrproc) :: cutidx c... local variables integer :: ic1b, ic2b, ir1b, ir2b, ncolb, nrowb, icut, & ic1c, ic2c, ir1c, ir2c, ncolc, nrowc, jlev real, dimension(ncol) :: rowsum real, dimension(nrow) :: colsum c....................................................................... ilev = ilev + 1 if (ilev <= maxlev) then ! determine bounding box call pks7mpibbox(a,ncol,nrow, & ic1,ic2,ir1,ir2, & ic1b,ic2b,ir1b,ir2b,ncolb,nrowb,nodata) if (nrowb.gt.ncolb) then ! horizontal cut(s) call pks7mpicolsum(a,ncol,nrow, & ic1b,ic2b,ir1b,ir2b,nrowb,colsum,nodata) call pks7mpisplit(colsum,nrowb,cutidx,ncut(ilev)) ir1c = ir1b do icut = 1, ncut(ilev) ir2c = ir1b + cutidx(icut) - 1 nrowc = ir2c - ir1c + 1 jlev = ilev call pks7mpircb(a,nodata,ncol,nrow, & ic1b,ic2b,ir1c,ir2c, & jlev,maxlev,iproc,nrproc, & proc_icolmin,proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin,proc_irowmax,ncut) ir1c = ir2c + 1 end do else ! vertical cut(s) call pks7mpirowsum(a,ncol,nrow, & ic1b,ic2b,ir1b,ir2b,ncolb,rowsum,nodata) call pks7mpisplit(rowsum, ncolb, cutidx, ncut(ilev)) ic1c = ic1b do icut = 1, ncut(ilev) ic2c = ic1b + cutidx(icut) - 1 ncolc = ic2c - ic1c + 1 jlev = ilev call pks7mpircb(a,nodata,ncol,nrow, & ic1c,ic2c,ir1b,ir2b, & jlev,maxlev,iproc,nrproc, & proc_icolmin,proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin,proc_irowmax,ncut) ic1c = ic2c + 1 end do end if else iproc = iproc + 1 proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl) = ic1 proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl) = ic2 proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl) = ir1 proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl) = ir2 end if end subroutine subroutine pks7mpiprimefactors(num, factors, f) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: num integer,intent(out), dimension((num/2))::factors integer, intent(inout) :: f integer :: i, n i = 2 f = 1 n = num do if (mod(n,i) == 0) then factors(f) = i f = f+1 n = n/i else i = i+1 end if if (n == 1) then f = f-1 exit end if end do end subroutine subroutine pks7mpibbox(a,ncol,nrow,ic1i,ic2i,ir1i,ir2i, & ic1b,ic2b,ir1b,ir2b,ncolo,nrowo,nodata) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nrow real, dimension(ncol,nrow), intent(in) :: a real, intent(in) :: nodata integer, intent(in) :: ic1i, ic2i, ir1i, ir2i integer, intent(out) :: ic1b, ic2b, ir1b, ir2b integer, intent(out) :: ncolo, nrowo real, parameter :: tiny = 1.0e-20 integer :: irow, icol ic1b = ncol + 1 ic2b = 0 ir1b = nrow + 1 ir2b = 0 do irow = ir1i, ir2i do icol = ic1i, ic2i if (abs(a(icol,irow)-nodata).gt.tiny) then ic1b = min(ic1b,icol) ic2b = max(ic2b,icol) ir1b = min(ir1b,irow) ir2b = max(ir2b,irow) end if end do end do ncolo = ic2b-ic1b+1 nrowo = ir2b-ir1b+1 end subroutine subroutine pks7mpirowsum(a,ncol,nrow,ic1,ic2,ir1,ir2, & ncol2,rowsum,nodata) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nrow, ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2, ncol2 real, dimension(ncol,nrow) :: a real, dimension(ncol2) :: rowsum real, intent(in) :: nodata real, parameter :: tiny = 1.0e-20 integer :: icol, irow real :: val rowsum = 0 do irow = ir1, ir2 do icol = ic1, ic2 val = a(icol,irow) if (abs(val-nodata).gt.tiny) & rowsum(icol-ic1+1) = rowsum(icol-ic1+1) + abs(val) end do end do end subroutine subroutine pks7mpicolsum(a,ncol,nrow, ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2, & nrow2,colsum,nodata) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nrow, ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2, nrow2 real, dimension(ncol,nrow) :: a real, dimension(nrow2) :: colsum real, intent(in) :: nodata real, parameter :: tiny = 1.0e-20 integer :: icol, irow real :: val colsum = 0 do irow = ir1, ir2 do icol = ic1, ic2 val = a(icol,irow) if (abs(val-nodata).gt.tiny) & colsum(irow-ir1+1) = colsum(irow-ir1+1) + abs(val) end do end do end subroutine subroutine pks7mpisplit(x, xn, y, yn) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: xn real, dimension(xn), intent(in) :: x integer, intent(in) :: yn integer, dimension(yn), intent(out) :: y integer :: ix, iy real :: sum, tot tot = 0 do ix = 1, xn tot = tot + x(ix) end do tot = tot/yn y = xn do iy = 1, yn-1 sum = 0. do ix = 1, xn-1 if ((sum + x(ix+1)) > tot*iy) then y(iy) = ix; exit else sum = sum + x(ix) end if end do end do end subroutine !> MPP partitioning: load balance subroutine pks7mpipartuser( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax ) use pksmpi_mod, only: nrproc, gncol, gnrow, & nrproc_ncol, nrproc_nrow, & nrproc_col, nrproc_row, inovl, myrank implicit none c... arguments integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmax integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmax c... local variables integer, dimension(nrproc,2) :: proc_ncol !< number of columns for each process integer, dimension(nrproc,2) :: proc_nrow !< number of rows for each process integer :: i, j, iproc c....................................................................... nrproc_col(nrproc_ncol+1) = gncol + 1 nrproc_row(nrproc_nrow+1) = gnrow + 1 do i = 1, nrproc_nrow do j = 1, nrproc_ncol iproc = j + (i-1)*nrproc_ncol proc_ncol(iproc,inovl) = nrproc_col(j+1)- & nrproc_col(j) proc_nrow(iproc,inovl) = nrproc_row(i+1)- & nrproc_row(i) end do end do c fill partitions if (myrank.eq.0) then write(*,*) '--->',nrproc_nrow, nrproc_ncol do iproc = 1, nrproc_ncol+1 write(*,*) '==',nrproc_col(iproc) end do do iproc = 1, nrproc_nrow+1 write(*,*) '==',nrproc_row(iproc) end do do iproc = 1, nrproc write(*,*) proc_ncol(iproc,inovl),proc_nrow(iproc,inovl) end do end if call pks7mpiminmax(nrproc_nrow, nrproc_ncol, 1 proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax, 1 proc_ncol, proc_nrow ) return end subroutine pks7mpipartuser !> MPP partitioning: user specifies partition subroutine pks7mpipartuser2( proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, & proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax ) use pksmpi_mod, only: inovl, nrproc, partitionsminmax implicit none c... arguments integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_icolmax integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmin integer, dimension(nrproc,2), intent(out) :: proc_irowmax c... local variables integer :: iproc c....................................................................... do iproc = 1, nrproc proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl) = partitionsminmax(iproc,1) proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl) = partitionsminmax(iproc,2) proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl) = partitionsminmax(iproc,3) proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl) = partitionsminmax(iproc,4) end do return end subroutine pks7mpipartuser2 subroutine pks7mpilxchini() use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod, only: sbufi, rbufi, sbufr, rbufr, sbufd, rbufd use pksmpiwrp_mod, only: lenbuf implicit none c functions logical :: pks7mpignodeinpart integer :: pks7mpig2lnode c locals logical :: lin integer :: ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2, ilay, irow, icol, iovlap, i, 1 xpproc, iproc, ixp, nmax, n, m, ma, ncolp, nrowp integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: wrk integer, dimension(8) :: comm c debug double precision :: mask real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: tmp, tmp2 character(len=200) :: fname, fmt integer :: jproc double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ddum c... return in the serial case or for MPP initialisation phase 1 if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return c determine number of exchange partners nrxp = 0 allocate(xp(nrproc-1)) do iproc = 1, nrproc if (topol(myproc,iproc).gt.0) then nrxp = nrxp + 1 xp(nrxp)%xprnk = iproc - 1 end if end do nmax = 2*gncol + 2*gnrow allocate(wrk(nmax,2)) c... determine indices for send/receive do ixp = 1, nrxp xpproc = xp(ixp)%xprnk + 1 allocate( xp(ixp)%pckidx(novlapmax), & xp(ixp)%upkidx(novlapmax) ) do iovlap = 1, novlapmax c--------receive cells c get cells in band call pks7mpigetoverlap(proc_icolmin(myproc,inovl), & proc_icolmax(myproc,inovl), & proc_irowmin(myproc,inovl), & proc_irowmax(myproc,inovl), & stenimpsol, iovlap, wrk, nmax, n, & comm) c loop over cells m = 0 do i = 1, n lin = pks7mpignodeinpart(wrk(i,1), wrk(i,2), & proc_icolmin(xpproc,inovl), & proc_icolmax(xpproc,inovl), & proc_irowmin(xpproc,inovl), & proc_irowmax(xpproc,inovl)) c label if (.not.lin) then wrk(i,1) = -wrk(i,1) else m = m + 1 end if end do c allocate if (m.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'WARNING: no communication', & myrank,'<--',xp(ixp)%xprnk end if ma = m*gnlay if (ma.gt.0) allocate( xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%idx(ma) ) xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx = ma m = 0 do ilay = 1, gnlay do i = 1, n if (wrk(i,1).gt.0) then m = m + 1 if (m.gt.ma) then write(*,*) 'Error: memory corrupted!' end if xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%idx(m) = 1 pks7mpig2lnode(wrk(i,1),wrk(i,2),ilay) end if end do end do c--------send cells c get cells in band call pks7mpigetoverlap(proc_icolmin(xpproc,inovl), & proc_icolmax(xpproc,inovl), & proc_irowmin(xpproc,inovl), & proc_irowmax(xpproc,inovl), & stenimpsol, iovlap, wrk, nmax, n, & comm) c loop over cells m = 0 do i = 1, n lin = pks7mpignodeinpart(wrk(i,1), wrk(i,2), & proc_icolmin(myproc,inovl), & proc_icolmax(myproc,inovl), & proc_irowmin(myproc,inovl), & proc_irowmax(myproc,inovl)) c label if (.not.lin) then wrk(i,1) = -wrk(i,1) else m = m + 1 end if end do c allocate if (m.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'WARNING: no communication', & myrank,'-->',xp(ixp)%xprnk end if ma = m*gnlay if (ma.gt.0) allocate( xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%idx(ma) ) xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx = ma c write(*,*) 'myrank: setting pck nidx', c & xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx m = 0 do ilay = 1, gnlay do i = 1, n if (wrk(i,1).gt.0) then m = m + 1 if (m.gt.ma) then write(*,*) 'Error: memory corrupted!' end if xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%idx(m) = 1 pks7mpig2lnode(wrk(i,1),wrk(i,2),ilay) end if end do end do end do end do c... check for local indices iovlap = 1 do ixp = 1, nrxp do i = 1, xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx n = xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (n.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Error, n < 0 for myank',myrank end if end do do i = 1, xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx n = xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (n.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Error, n < 0 for myank',myrank end if end do end do c... allocate send and receive buffers ncolp = proc_ncol(myrank+1,inovl) nrowp = proc_nrow(myrank+1,inovl) lenbuf = gnlay*(2*nrowp*novlapmax + & 2*ncolp*novlapmax + 4*novlapmax*novlapmax) lenbuf = lenbuf*(maxlcx+maxlcix) lenbuf = max(lenbuf,6*nrproc) ! pks7mpigxchcnvg !n = 10*n !write(*,*) 'Allocating sbuf and rbuf with length',n allocate( sbufi(lenbuf), rbufi(lenbuf), & sbufr(lenbuf), rbufr(lenbuf), & sbufd(lenbuf), rbufd(lenbuf) ) c deallocate deallocate(wrk) if (.false.) then if (myrank.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'topol:' write(fmt,'(a,i1,a)') '(',nrproc,'i2)' do iproc = 1, nrproc write(*,fmt)(topol(iproc,jproc),jproc=1,nrproc) end do end if ncolp = proc_ncol(myrank+1,iovl) nrowp = proc_nrow(myrank+1,iovl) c write(*,*) 'myrank',myrank,'ncolp',ncolp,'nrowp',nrowp allocate(tmp(ncolp,nrowp,gnlay)) allocate(tmp2(ncolp,nrowp,gnlay)) do iovlap = 1, novlapmax tmp = -9999. tmp2 = 0. do ilay = 1, gnlay do irow = 1, nrowp do icol = 1, ncolp call pks7mpimask( mask, icol, irow, ilay ) if (mask.gt.0D0) 1 tmp(icol,irow,ilay) = real(myrank+1) end do end do end do do ixp = 1, nrxp xpproc = xp(ixp)%xprnk + 1 write(*,*) myrank,'<---',xp(ixp)%xprnk,': ', & xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx do i = 1, xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx n = xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%idx(i) call getircl( n,icol,irow,ilay,ncolp,nrowp,gnlay ) tmp(icol,irow,ilay) = real(xpproc) tmp2(icol,irow,ilay) = real(i) end do write(*,*) myrank,'--->',xp(ixp)%xprnk,': ', & xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx do i = 1, xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx n = xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%idx(i) call getircl( n,icol,irow,ilay,ncolp,nrowp,gnlay ) tmp(icol,irow,ilay) = -real(xpproc) tmp2(icol,irow,ilay) = -real(i) end do end do do ilay = 1, gnlay write(fname,'(a,i2.2)') 'lxp_b',iovlap c call rwriteasc(tmp,ilay,ncolp,nrowp,gnlay, c 1 fname,-9999.) write(fname,'(a,i2.2)') 'lxi_b',iovlap c call rwriteasc(tmp2,ilay,ncolp,nrowp,gnlay, c 1 fname,-9999.) end do deallocate(tmp,tmp2) end do end if end subroutine !> Set local nrow, ncol, nlay and clipping parameters. subroutine pks7mpisetrcl( nlay, nrow, ncol ) use pksmpi_mod #ifdef CLIP use clipmodule #endif implicit none c c... Arguments integer, intent(out) :: nlay, !< number of local layers & ncol, !< number of local columns & nrow !< number of local rows c c Local variables integer :: i c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return c... set geometry nlay = gnlay nrow = proc_nrow(myproc,iovl) ncol = proc_ncol(myproc,iovl) #ifdef CLIP c... switch on clipping read useclip = .true. c... clipping parameters columns srscol(1) = proc_icolmin(myproc,iovl) - 1 srscol(2) = proc_icolmax(myproc,iovl) - & proc_icolmin(myproc,iovl) + 1 srscol(3) = gncol - proc_icolmax(myproc,iovl) c... clipping parameters rows srsrow(1) = proc_irowmin(myproc,iovl) - 1 srsrow(2) = proc_irowmax(myproc,iovl) - & proc_irowmin(myproc,iovl) + 1 srsrow(3) = gnrow - proc_irowmax(myproc,iovl) c... clipping parameters layers srslay(1) = 0 srslay(2) = nlay srslay(3) = 0 #endif return end subroutine pks7mpisetrcl !> Append output file name with rank ID for MPP. subroutine pks7mpifname( fname, len) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c c... Arguments character(len=*), intent(inout) :: fname !< (I) file name integer, intent(inout) :: len !< (I/O) length of file name c c... Local variables c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return c... add rank ID to file name write(fname,'(2a,i3.3)') fname(1:len), '.p', myrank len = len + 5 c c... normal return return end subroutine pks7mpifname !> Create partition string subroutine pks7mpipartstr( s ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c c... Arguments character(len=*), intent(inout) :: s !< (I) file name c c... Local variables c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) then s = '' return end if c... add rank ID to file name write(s,'(a,i3.3)') '_p', myrank c c... normal return return end subroutine pks7mpipartstr !> Read input for MPP package. subroutine pks7mpiar( iout, icbund, nodes ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: iout, !< lun list file & nodes !< number of nodes integer, dimension(nodes), intent(in) :: icbund !< boundary array c... Local variables character(len=1) :: ch integer :: iproc real :: loadopt, loadinbal c....................................................................... c if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return c... print data values just read write(iout,100) 100 format(///47x,'solution by massive parallel processing', & ' method'/47x,53('-')) c c... MPP load estimation call pks7mpiloadest(icbund, nodes) c... master process write partition information to out file if (myrank.eq.0) then c write(*,10) nrproc write(iout,10) nrproc 10 format(1x,'Number of MPI processes:',1x,i3) c if (stenadv.eq.1) then c write(ch,'(a)') '5' c else c write(ch,'(a)') '9' c end if c write(iout,15) 'advection',novlapadv,ch if (stenimpsol.eq.1) then write(ch,'(a)') '5' else write(ch,'(a)') '9' end if write(iout,15) 'implicit solver',novlapimpsol, ch 15 format(1x,a,':',1x,'overlap of',1x,i2,1x, & 'cells using a ',1x,a,'-point communication stencil') write(iout,20) 20 format(83x,'load',2x,'load opt') loadopt = 100./nrproc loadinbal = 0. do iproc = 1, nrproc write(iout,30) iproc-1, & proc_ncol(iproc,inovl), & proc_nrow(iproc,inovl), & proc_nodes(iproc,inovl), & proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl), & proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl), & proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl), & proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl), & proc_ncol(iproc,iovl), & proc_nrow(iproc,iovl), & proc_nodes(iproc,iovl), & proc_icolmin(iproc,iovl), & proc_icolmax(iproc,iovl), & proc_irowmin(iproc,iovl), & proc_irowmax(iproc,iovl), & proc_load(iproc), loadopt loadinbal = loadinbal + abs(proc_load(iproc)-loadopt) 30 format(1x,'p',i3.3,1x,':', & 1x,2(i3,1x),i7,4(1x,i4),1x,'|', & 1x,2(i3,1x),i7,4(1x,i4),1x, & 2f7.2) end do end if if (myrank.eq.0) then write(iout,'(1x,a,1x,f7.2,1x,a)') 'Load inbalance:',loadinbal,'%' end if if (partopt.lt.0) then if (myrank.eq.0) then write(*,40) write(iout,40) end if 40 format(1x,'STOP. partopt < 0, running in load-balancing mode') call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop('') end if if (verbose.eq.1) then call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if return end subroutine pks7mpiar !> Get process rank ID for global (MT3DMS) node number. integer function pks7mpignode2rank( n ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: n !< (I) global (MT3DMS) node number c c... Local variables integer :: icol, irow, ilay, rank, iproc c....................................................................... c c... get column, row, lay call getircl( n, icol, irow, ilay, gncol, gnrow, gnlay ) rank = -1 do iproc = 1, nrproc if ( icol.ge.proc_icolmin(iproc,inovl) .and. & icol.le.proc_icolmax(iproc,inovl) .and. & irow.ge.proc_irowmin(iproc,inovl) .and. & irow.le.proc_irowmax(iproc,inovl) ) rank = iproc - 1 end do if (rank.eq.-1) then write(*,*) 'Error pks7mpignode2rank: rank not found!' write(*,*) 'n icol irow ilay gncol, gnrow, gnlay ', & n,icol,irow,ilay,gncol, gnrow, gnlay call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if pks7mpignode2rank = rank return end function pks7mpignode2rank !> Local communication using non-blocking send and non-blocking receive (reals). subroutine pks7mpilxchi( x, lcx, nrlcx, commopt ) use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments integer, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: x !< (I/O) array integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: lcx !< (I) array with pointers (indices) to array integer , intent(in) :: nrlcx !< (I) number of integer arrays to communicate integer , intent(in) :: commopt !< (I) option for overlap and stencil (1: advection; 2: implicit solver) c c... Local variables logical :: commall integer :: ixp, iovlap, ilc, bufptr, buflen, & nrlc, i, j, icol, irow, ilay, novlap, nrxp2, & iovlapmin c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case or for MPP initialisation phase 1 if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call timing_tic('MPI','LOCAL-pks7mpilxchi') !JV c... set overlap and stencil if (commopt.eq.1) then novlap = novlapadv commall = commallovladv else novlap = novlapimpsol commall = commallovlimp end if if (commall) then iovlapmin = 1 else iovlapmin = novlap end if bufptr = 1 nrlc = nrlcx nrxp2 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp ! loop over exchange partners nrxp2 = nrxp2 + 1 xp(ixp)%xpbuf = bufptr buflen = 0 do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap ! loop over overlap do ilc = 1, nrlc buflen = buflen + xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx end do end do ! iovlap call pks7mpiwrpirecvi( rbufi(bufptr), & buflen, & xp(ixp)%xprnk, & 0, & pks7mpiwrpcomm_world, & rreq(nrxp2) ) bufptr = bufptr + buflen end do ! ixp bufptr = 1 c... pack do ixp = 1, nrxp do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap ! loop over overlap do ilc = 1, nrlcx do i = 1, xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx j = xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (j.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchr: pckidx!' write(*,*) 'index ',j call pksstop(' ') end if sbufi(bufptr) = x( lcx(ilc)+j-1 ) bufptr = bufptr + 1 end do end do end do ! iovlap end do ! ixp bufptr = 1 nrxp2 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp nrxp2 = nrxp2 + 1 buflen = 0 do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap do ilc = 1, nrlc buflen = buflen + xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx end do end do ! iovlap call pks7mpiwrpisendi( sbufi(bufptr), & buflen, & xp(ixp)%xprnk, & 0, & pks7mpiwrpcomm_world, & sreq(nrxp2) ) bufptr = bufptr + buflen end do ! ixp call pks7mpiwrpwaitall( nrxp2, rreq ) c... unpacking do ixp = 1, nrxp bufptr = xp(ixp)%xpbuf do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap do ilc = 1, nrlcx do i = 1, xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx j = xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (j.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchr: upkidx!' call pksstop(' ') end if x( lcx(ilc)+j-1 ) = rbufi(bufptr) bufptr = bufptr + 1 end do end do end do ! iovlap end do ! ixp call pks7mpiwrpwaitall( nrxp2, sreq ) call timing_toc('MPI','LOCAL-pks7mpilxchi') !JV return end subroutine pks7mpilxchi !> Local communication using non-blocking send and non-blocking receive (reals). subroutine pks7mpilxchr( x, lcx, nrlcx, commopt ) use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments real , dimension(*), intent(inout) :: x !< (I/O) array integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: lcx !< (I) array with pointers (indices) to array integer , intent(in) :: nrlcx !< (I) number of integer arrays to communicate integer , intent(in) :: commopt !< (I) option for overlap and stencil (1: advection; 2: implicit solver) c c... Local variables logical :: commall integer :: ixp, iovlap, ilc, bufptr, buflen, & nrlc, i, j, icol, irow, ilay, novlap, nrxp2, & iovlapmin c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case or for MPP initialisation phase 1 if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return nlxchloosely = nlxchloosely + 1 if (nlxchloosely.gt.1.and.mpiloosely.eq.1) return call timing_tic('MPI','LOCAL-pks7mpilxchr') !JV c... set overlap and stencil if (commopt.eq.1) then novlap = novlapadv commall = commallovladv else novlap = novlapimpsol commall = commallovlimp end if if (commall) then iovlapmin = 1 else iovlapmin = novlap end if bufptr = 1 nrlc = nrlcx nrxp2 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp ! loop over exchange partners nrxp2 = nrxp2 + 1 xp(ixp)%xpbuf = bufptr buflen = 0 do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap ! loop over overlap do ilc = 1, nrlc buflen = buflen + xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx end do end do ! iovlap call pks7mpiwrpirecvr( rbufr(bufptr), & buflen, & xp(ixp)%xprnk, & 0, & pks7mpiwrpcomm_world, & rreq(nrxp2) ) bufptr = bufptr + buflen end do ! ixp bufptr = 1 c... pack do ixp = 1, nrxp do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap ! loop over overlap do ilc = 1, nrlcx do i = 1, xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx j = xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (j.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchr: pckidx!' write(*,*) 'index ',j call pksstop(' ') end if sbufr(bufptr) = x( lcx(ilc)+j-1 ) bufptr = bufptr + 1 end do end do end do ! iovlap end do ! ixp bufptr = 1 nrxp2 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp nrxp2 = nrxp2 + 1 buflen = 0 do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap do ilc = 1, nrlc buflen = buflen + xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx end do end do ! iovlap call pks7mpiwrpisendr( sbufr(bufptr), & buflen, & xp(ixp)%xprnk, & 0, & pks7mpiwrpcomm_world, & sreq(nrxp2) ) bufptr = bufptr + buflen end do ! ixp call pks7mpiwrpwaitall( nrxp2, rreq ) c... unpacking do ixp = 1, nrxp bufptr = xp(ixp)%xpbuf do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap do ilc = 1, nrlcx do i = 1, xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx j = xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (j.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchr: upkidx!' call pksstop(' ') end if x( lcx(ilc)+j-1 ) = rbufr(bufptr) bufptr = bufptr + 1 end do end do end do ! iovlap end do ! ixp call pks7mpiwrpwaitall( nrxp2, sreq ) call timing_toc('MPI','LOCAL-pks7mpilxchr') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpilxchr !> Local communication using non-blocking send and non-blocking receive (doubles). subroutine pks7mpilxchd( x, lcx, nrlcx, commopt ) use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments double precision, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: x !< (I/O) array integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: lcx !< (I) array with pointers (indices) to array integer , intent(in) :: nrlcx !< (I) number of integer arrays to communicate integer , intent(in) :: commopt !< (I) option for overlap and stencil (1: advection; 2: implicit solver) c c... Local variables logical :: commall integer :: ixp, iovlap, ilc, bufptr, buflen, & nrlc, i, j, icol, irow, ilay, novlap, nrxp2, & iovlapmin c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case or for MPP initialisation phase 1 if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return nlxchloosely = nlxchloosely + 1 if (nlxchloosely.gt.1.and.mpiloosely.eq.1) return call timing_tic('MPI','LOCAL-pks7mpilxchd') ! PKS c... set overlap and stencil if (commopt.eq.1) then !novlap = novlapadv !commall = commallovladv novlap = novlapimpsol commall = .false. else novlap = novlapimpsol commall = commallovlimp end if if (commall) then iovlapmin = 1 else iovlapmin = novlap end if bufptr = 1 nrlc = nrlcx nrxp2 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp ! loop over exchange partners nrxp2 = nrxp2 + 1 xp(ixp)%xpbuf = bufptr buflen = 0 do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap ! loop over overlap do ilc = 1, nrlc buflen = buflen + xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx end do end do ! iovlap call pks7mpiwrpirecvd( rbufd(bufptr), & buflen, & xp(ixp)%xprnk, & 0, & pks7mpiwrpcomm_world, & rreq(nrxp2) ) bufptr = bufptr + buflen end do ! ixp c... check bufptr = bufptr - 1 if (bufptr.gt.lenbuf) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchd: lenbuf!' call pksstop(' ') end if bufptr = 1 c... pack do ixp = 1, nrxp do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap ! loop over overlap do ilc = 1, nrlc do i = 1, xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx j = xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (j.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchd: pckidx!', & myrank, ixp, nrxp, j write(*,*) 'index ',j call pksstop(' ') end if sbufd(bufptr) = x( lcx(ilc)+j-1 ) bufptr = bufptr + 1 end do end do end do ! iovlap end do ! ixp c... check bufptr = bufptr - 1 if (bufptr.gt.lenbuf) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchd: lenbuf!' call pksstop(' ') end if bufptr = 1 nrxp2 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp nrxp2 = nrxp2 + 1 buflen = 0 do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap do ilc = 1, nrlc buflen = buflen + xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx end do end do ! iovlap call pks7mpiwrpisendd( sbufd(bufptr), & buflen, & xp(ixp)%xprnk, & 0, & pks7mpiwrpcomm_world, & sreq(nrxp2) ) bufptr = bufptr + buflen end do ! ixp c... check bufptr = bufptr - 1 if (bufptr.gt.lenbuf) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchd: lenbuf!' call pksstop(' ') end if call pks7mpiwrpwaitall( nrxp2, rreq ) c... unpacking do ixp = 1, nrxp bufptr = xp(ixp)%xpbuf do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap do ilc = 1, nrlc do i = 1, xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx j = xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (j.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchd: upkidx!', & myrank, ixp, nrxp, j call pksstop(' ') end if x( lcx(ilc)+j-1 ) = rbufd(bufptr) bufptr = bufptr + 1 end do end do end do ! iovlap end do ! ixp c... check bufptr = bufptr - 1 if (bufptr.gt.lenbuf) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchd: lenbuf!' call pksstop(' ') end if call pks7mpiwrpwaitall( nrxp2, sreq ) call timing_toc('MPI','LOCAL-pks7mpilxchd') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpilxchd !> Local communication using non-blocking send and non-blocking receive (doubles). subroutine pks7mpilxchduns( x, nodec ) use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments double precision, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: x !< (I/O) array integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: nodec c c... Local variables logical :: commall integer :: ixp, iovlap, bufptr, buflen, & i, j, icol, irow, ilay, novlap, nrxp2, & iovlapmin integer :: ieq c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case or for MPP initialisation phase 1 if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return #ifdef PKSUNS call pks7mpilxchd(x, (/1/), 1, 2) return #endif nlxchloosely = nlxchloosely + 1 if (nlxchloosely.gt.1 .and. mpiloosely.eq.1) return call timing_tic('MPI','LOCAL-pks7mpilxchduns') ! PKS novlap = novlapimpsol commall = commallovlimp if (commall) then iovlapmin = 1 else iovlapmin = novlap end if bufptr = 1 nrxp2 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp ! loop over exchange partners nrxp2 = nrxp2 + 1 xp(ixp)%xpbuf = bufptr buflen = 0 do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap ! loop over overlap buflen = buflen + xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx end do ! iovlap call pks7mpiwrpirecvd( rbufd(bufptr), & buflen, & xp(ixp)%xprnk, & 0, & pks7mpiwrpcomm_world, & rreq(nrxp2) ) bufptr = bufptr + buflen end do ! ixp bufptr = 1 c... pack do ixp = 1, nrxp do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap ! loop over overlap do i = 1, xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx j = xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (j.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchd: pckidx!', & myrank, ixp, nrxp, j write(*,*) 'index ',j call pksstop(' ') end if ieq = nodec(j) !write(*,*) 'ieq=',ieq if (ieq.gt.0) then sbufd(bufptr) = x( ieq ) !write(*,*) 'before',x(ieq) else sbufd(bufptr) = -12345D0 end if bufptr = bufptr + 1 end do end do ! iovlap end do ! ixp bufptr = 1 nrxp2 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp nrxp2 = nrxp2 + 1 buflen = 0 do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap buflen = buflen + xp(ixp)%pckidx(iovlap)%nidx end do ! iovlap call pks7mpiwrpisendd( sbufd(bufptr), & buflen, & xp(ixp)%xprnk, & 0, & pks7mpiwrpcomm_world, & sreq(nrxp2) ) bufptr = bufptr + buflen end do ! ixp call pks7mpiwrpwaitall( nrxp2, rreq ) c... unpacking do ixp = 1, nrxp bufptr = xp(ixp)%xpbuf do iovlap = iovlapmin, novlap do i = 1, xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%nidx j = xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovlap)%idx(i) if (j.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Program error pks7mpilxchd: upkidx!', & myrank, ixp, nrxp, j call pksstop(' ') end if ieq = nodec(j) if (ieq.gt.0) then !write(*,*) 'after', rbufd(bufptr) x( ieq ) = rbufd(bufptr) end if bufptr = bufptr + 1 end do end do ! iovlap end do ! ixp call pks7mpiwrpwaitall( nrxp2, sreq ) call timing_toc('MPI','LOCAL-pks7mpilxchduns') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpilxchduns !> Global exchange of mass part 1. subroutine pks7mpilgxchmass1( temp ) use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments real, intent(inout), dimension(4) :: temp !< mass to add c c... Local variables integer :: i real, dimension(4) :: grbuf c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call timing_tic('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpilgxchmass1') ! PKS call pks7mpiwrpallsumr( temp, grbuf, 4 ) do i = 1, 4 temp(i) = grbuf(i) end do call timing_toc('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpilgxchmass1') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpilgxchmass1 !> Global exchange of mass part 2. subroutine pks7mpilgxchmass2( tmass, rmasio, ncomp ) use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: ncomp !< (I) number of components real, dimension(4,3,ncomp), intent(inout) :: tmass !< (I) mass to add real, dimension(122,2,ncomp), intent(inout) :: rmasio !< (I) mass to add c c... Local variables integer :: iq, icomp, i, bufptr, buflen c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call timing_tic('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpilgxchmass2') ! PKS c... Pack bufptr = 1 c... tmass do iq = 1, 4 i = 2 do icomp = 1, ncomp bufptr = bufptr + 1 sbufr(bufptr) = tmass(iq,i,icomp) end do end do c... rmasio do iq = 1, 122 do i = 1, 2 do icomp = 1, ncomp bufptr = bufptr + 1 sbufr(bufptr) = rmasio(iq,i,icomp) end do end do end do buflen = bufptr c... all sum global reduce call pks7mpiwrpallsumr( sbufr, rbufr, buflen ) c... Unpack bufptr = 1 c... tmass do iq = 1, 4 i = 2 do icomp = 1, ncomp bufptr = bufptr + 1 tmass(iq,i,icomp) = rbufr(bufptr) end do end do c... rmasio do iq = 1, 122 do i = 1, 2 do icomp = 1, ncomp bufptr = bufptr + 1 rmasio(iq,i,icomp) = rbufr(bufptr) end do end do end do call timing_toc('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpilgxchmass2') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpilgxchmass2 !> Return mask (real) in case this process is responsible for this !! node. subroutine pks7mpimask( maskval, icol, irow, ilay ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: icol, !< (I) column index & irow, !< (I) row index & ilay !< (I) layer index double precision, intent(inout) :: maskval !< (O) mask (1 or 0) c... Local variables integer :: gicol, girow c....................................................................... maskval = 1. if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return gicol = proc_icolmin(myrank+1,iovl)+icol-1 girow = proc_irowmin(myrank+1,iovl)+irow-1 if (gicol.lt.proc_icolmin(myrank+1,inovl) .or. & gicol.gt.proc_icolmax(myrank+1,inovl) .or. & girow.lt.proc_irowmin(myrank+1,inovl) .or. & girow.gt.proc_irowmax(myrank+1,inovl) ) maskval = 0. return end subroutine pks7mpimask !> Return mask (real) in case this process is responsible for this !! node. subroutine pks7mpimaskbound( maskval, icol, irow, ilay, & ncol, nrow, nlay ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: icol, !< (I) column index & irow, !< (I) row index & ilay, !< (I) layer index & ncol, & nrow, & nlay double precision, intent(inout) :: maskval !< (O) mask (1 or 0) c... Local variables integer :: gicol, girow, n, i c....................................................................... maskval = 1. if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return gicol = proc_icolmin(myrank+1,iovl)+icol-1 girow = proc_irowmin(myrank+1,iovl)+irow-1 if (gicol.lt.proc_icolmin(myrank+1,inovl) .or. & gicol.gt.proc_icolmax(myrank+1,inovl) .or. & girow.lt.proc_irowmin(myrank+1,inovl) .or. & girow.gt.proc_irowmax(myrank+1,inovl) ) maskval = 0. n = icol + (irow-1)*ncol + (ilay-1)*nrow*ncol do i = 1, nbandnodes if (abs(bandnodes(i)).eq.n) maskval = -1. end do return end subroutine pks7mpimaskbound !> Return mask (real) in case this process is responsible for this !! node. Global node number version. subroutine pks7mpimaskn( maskval, n, ncol, nrow, nlay ) use pksmpi_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: n, !< (I) node number & ncol, !< (I) number of columns & nrow, !< (I) number of rows & nlay !< (I) number of layers double precision, intent(inout) :: maskval !< (O) mask (1 or 0) c... Local variables integer :: gicol, girow, icol, irow, ilay c....................................................................... maskval = 1. if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call getircl( n, icol, irow, ilay, & ncol, nrow, nlay ) gicol = proc_icolmin(myproc,iovl)+icol-1 girow = proc_irowmin(myproc,iovl)+irow-1 if (gicol.lt.proc_icolmin(myproc,inovl) .or. & gicol.gt.proc_icolmax(myproc,inovl) .or. & girow.lt.proc_irowmin(myproc,inovl) .or. & girow.gt.proc_irowmax(myproc,inovl) ) maskval = 0. return end subroutine pks7mpimaskn !> Restriction of the residual, required for Ristricted Additive Schwarz preconditioning. subroutine pks7mpisetresidual( res, ixmap, niac ) use pksmpi_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments double precision, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: res integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: ixmap integer, intent(in) :: niac c... Local variables doubleprecision, parameter :: dzero = 0.0d0 integer :: i c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return do i = 1, niac if (ixmap(i).lt.0) res(i) = dzero end do return end subroutine pks7mpisetresidual !> Check supported MPP feature. subroutine pks7mpicheck( name, optflag ) c use pksmpi_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments character(len=3), intent(in) :: name !< Package name integer , intent(in), optional :: optflag !< Optional flag c... Locals logical :: supported c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return supported = .false. call cfn_s_upcase(name) select case (name) case ('ADV') if (optflag.ge.1) then ! mixelm supported = .false. if (myrank.eq.0) & write(*,1000) name, '(MOC advection)' else supported = .true. end if case ('HSS') supported = .false. if (myrank.eq.0) & write(*,1000) name, ' ' case ('TOB') supported = .false. if (myrank.eq.0) & write(*,1000) name, ' ' case ('SIP') supported = .false. if (myrank.eq.0) & write(*,1000) name, ' ' case default supported = .true. end select 1000 format(1x,'Unsupported MPP feature:',1x,a,1x,'package',1x,a) if (.not.supported) then call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if return end subroutine pks7mpicheck !> Check supported MPP feature. subroutine pks7mpicheckani() use pksmpi_mod c implicit none c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return if (stenimpsol.ne.2) then write(*,*) 'Error, 9-point stencil required for ANI.' call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end if end subroutine pks7mpicheckani !> Finish for unsupported PKS feature. subroutine pks7mpinotsupported(name) use pksmpi_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments character(len=*) :: name c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return if (myrank.eq.0)write(*,*) 'Unsupported PKS feature : ',trim(name) call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() call pksstop(' ') end subroutine !> Global exchange (minimum) of transport time step. subroutine pks7mpigxchtime( dtrans ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... Arguments real, dimension(1), intent(inout) :: dtrans !< (I/O) transport time step c... Locals double precision, dimension(1) :: dval c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call timing_tic('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchtime') ! PKS dval(1) = dble(dtrans(1)) call pks7mpiwrpallmind( dval, 1 ) dtrans(1) = real(dval(1)) call timing_toc('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchtime') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpigxchtime !> Global exchange (maximum) of transport time step. subroutine pks7mpigxchmax( x, n ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: n real, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: x c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call timing_tic('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchmax') ! PKS call pks7mpiwrpallmaxr( x, n ) call timing_toc('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchmax') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpigxchmax !> Global exchange (maximum) of one double precision. subroutine pks7mpigxchmaxd1( x ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... Arguments double precision, intent(inout) :: x c... Local variables double precision, dimension(1) :: dbuf c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return if (mpiloosely.eq.1) return call timing_tic('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchmaxd1') ! PKS dbuf(1) = x call pks7mpiwrpallmaxd( dbuf, 1 ) x = dbuf(1) call timing_toc('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchmaxd1') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpigxchmaxd1 !> Global exchange (maximum) of two double precisions. subroutine pks7mpigxchmaxd2( x1, x2 ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... Arguments double precision, intent(inout) :: x1 double precision, intent(inout) :: x2 c... Local variables double precision, dimension(2) :: dbuf c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call timing_tic('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchmaxd2') ! PKS dbuf(1) = x1 dbuf(2) = x2 call pks7mpiwrpallmaxd( dbuf, 2 ) x1 = dbuf(1) x2 = dbuf(2) call timing_toc('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchmaxd2') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpigxchmaxd2 !> Global exchange of internal product. subroutine pks7mpigxchip( ip1, ip2, n ) use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod implicit none c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: n !< (I) number of items double precision, intent(inout) :: ip1, !< (I/O) interior product & ip2 !< (I/O) interior product c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return if (mpiloosely.eq.1) return call timing_tic('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchip') ! PKS if (n.eq.0) return if (n.eq.1) sbufd(1) = ip1 if (n.eq.2) then sbufd(1) = ip1 sbufd(2) = ip2 end if call pks7mpiwrpallsumd( sbufd, rbufd, n ) if (n.eq.0) return if (n.eq.1) ip1 = rbufd(1) if (n.eq.2) then ip1 = rbufd(1) ip2 = rbufd(2) end if call timing_toc('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchip') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpigxchip !> Load estimation based on icbund. subroutine pks7mpiloadest( icbund, nodes) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: nodes !< (I) number of nodes integer, dimension(nodes), intent(in) :: icbund !< (I) boundary array c... Local variables integer :: iproc, gsbuf, grcnt(nrproc), offsets(nrproc), & grbuf(nrproc), n, nact, nacttot real :: load c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call timing_tic('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpiloadest') ! PKS allocate(proc_load(nrproc) ) nact = 0 do n = 1, nodes if (icbund(n).ne.0) nact = nact + 1 end do gsbuf = nact do iproc = 1, nrproc grcnt(iproc) = 1 offsets(iproc) = iproc-1 end do call pks7mpiwrpgathervi( (/gsbuf/), 1, grbuf, grcnt, offsets, 0 ) if (myrank.eq.0) then nacttot = 0 do iproc = 1, nrproc nacttot = nacttot + grbuf(iproc) end do if (nacttot.ne.0) then do iproc = 1, nrproc proc_load(iproc) = 100*real(grbuf(iproc))/nacttot end do end if end if call timing_toc('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpiloadest') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpiloadest !> Master process reads observation nodes. subroutine pks7mpireadobs(locobs, mxobs, n, tn, nobs) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: mxobs, !< (I) first dimension locobs array & n, !< (I) counter & tn, !< (I) counter & nobs !< (I) number of observation points integer, dimension(3,mxobs), intent(in) :: locobs !< (I) observation points c... Functions integer :: pks7mpignode2rank c... Local variables integer :: ilay, irow, icol, nrc, gn, rank c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1 .or. & mergeobs.eq.0) then return end if if (nobs.eq.0) return if (tn.eq.1) then gnobs = nobs allocate( glocobs(4,mxobs) ) if (myrank.eq.0) allocate( obscnew(gnobs) ) end if ilay = locobs(1,n) irow = locobs(2,n) icol = locobs(3,n) c... copy global node numbers glocobs(1,tn) = ilay glocobs(2,tn) = irow glocobs(3,tn) = icol nrc = gnrow*gncol gn = icol+(irow-1)*gncol+(ilay-1)*nrc rank = pks7mpignode2rank( gn ) glocobs(4,tn) = rank return end subroutine pks7mpireadobs !> Master process write header of observation file. subroutine pks7mpiwrtobshdr(iobs, writeobs) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iobs !< (I) logical unit of observation output file logical, intent(out) :: writeobs !< (O) logical indicating that other processes may write obs file c... local variables integer :: i, n c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1 .or. & mergeobs.eq.0) then writeobs = .true. return end if write(iobs,1063) ((glocobs(i,n),i=1,3),n=1,gnobs) 1063 FORMAT(1X,' STEP TOTAL TIME', & ' LOCATION OF OBSERVATION POINTS (K,I,J)' & /1X,17X,16(1X,3I4,1X)/(1X,17X,16(1X,3I4,1X))) writeobs = .false. return end subroutine !> Master process gather observation concentrations from !! slave processes. subroutine pks7mpigxchobs(locobs, mxobs, nobs, cnew, ncol, & nrow, nlay, ncomp, icomp, ntrans, & nprobs, prtout, time2, iobs, writeobs) use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod, only: sbufr, rbufr implicit none c... arguments integer , intent(in) :: mxobs !< (I) second array dimension integer , intent(in) :: nobs !< (I) number of observation points integer , intent(in) :: ncol !< (I) number of columns integer , intent(in) :: nrow !< (I) number of rows integer , intent(in) :: nlay !< (I) number of layers integer , intent(in) :: ncomp !< (I) number of components integer , intent(in) :: icomp !< (I) current component integer , intent(in) :: ntrans !< (I) transport time step integer , intent(in) :: nprobs !< (I) interval to write observation data integer , intent(in) :: iobs !< (I) logical unit of observation output file logical , intent(in) :: prtout !< (I) flag indicating output should be printed real , intent(in) :: time2 !< (I) current time integer, dimension(3,mxobs) , intent(in) :: locobs !< (I) observation point locations real , dimension(ncol,nrow,nlay,ncomp), intent(in) :: cnew !< (I) concentrations logical , intent(out) :: writeobs !< (O) flag indicating if obs should be written c... local variables integer :: iproc, gscnt, grcnt(nrproc), offsets(nrproc), & ilay, irow, icol, i, n c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1 .or. & mergeobs.eq.0) then writeobs = .true. return end if call timing_tic('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchobs') ! PKS grcnt(1:nrproc) = 0 gscnt = 0 do i = 1, gnobs iproc = glocobs(4,i) + 1 grcnt(iproc) = grcnt(iproc) + 1 if (iproc.eq.myrank+1) then gscnt = gscnt + 1 ilay = locobs(1,gscnt) irow = locobs(2,gscnt) icol = locobs(3,gscnt) sbufr(gscnt) = cnew(icol,irow,ilay,icomp) end if end do c... offsets offsets(1) = 0 do iproc = 1, nrproc-1 offsets(iproc+1) = offsets(iproc) + grcnt(iproc) end do call pks7mpiwrpgathervr( sbufr, gscnt, rbufr, grcnt, offsets, 0 ) if (myrank.eq.0) then do i = 1, gnobs obscnew(i) = rbufr(i) end do c... master process writes observation data if(gnobs.gt.0.and. & (mod(ntrans-1,nprobs).eq.0.or.prtout)) then if(gnobs.le.16) then write(iobs+icomp,1000) ntrans,time2, & (obscnew(n),n=1,gnobs) else write(iobs+icomp,1010) ntrans,time2, & (obscnew(n),n=1,gnobs) endif endif 1000 format(1x,i5,1x,1pg13.5,1x,16(g13.5,1x)) 1010 format(1x,i5,1x,1pg13.5,1x,16(g13.5,1x)/(1x,20x,16(g13.5,1x))) C end if writeobs = .false. call timing_toc('MPI','GLOBAL-pks7mpigxchobs') ! PKS return end subroutine pks7mpigxchobs !> subroutine pks7mpigxchdiag( diagmat ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... arguments logical, intent(inout) :: diagmat !< (I/O) flag indicating that the matrix is diagonal c... locals integer :: idiag real, dimension(1) :: sflg, rflg c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) return if (diagmat) then sflg(1) = 1. else sflg(1) = 0. end if call pks7mpiwrpallsumr( sflg, rflg, 1 ) if (int(rflg(1)).eq.nrproc) then diagmat = .true. else diagmat = .false. end if return end subroutine pks7mpigxchdiag subroutine pks7mpibounds( icol, irow, ncol, nrow, 1 lnorth, lsouth, least, lwest ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: icol, !< (I) column index & irow, !< (I) row index & ncol, & nrow logical, intent(out) :: lnorth, lsouth, least, lwest c... Local variables integer :: gicol, girow c....................................................................... lnorth = .false. lsouth = .false. least = .false. lwest = .false. if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) then if (icol.eq.1) lwest = .true. if (icol.eq.ncol) least = .true. if (irow.eq.1) lnorth = .true. if (irow.eq.nrow) lsouth = .true. return end if gicol = proc_icolmin(myrank+1,iovl)+icol-1 girow = proc_irowmin(myrank+1,iovl)+irow-1 if (gicol.eq.proc_icolmin(myrank+1,inovl)) lwest = .true. if (gicol.eq.proc_icolmax(myrank+1,inovl)) least = .true. if (girow.eq.proc_irowmin(myrank+1,inovl)) lnorth = .true. if (girow.eq.proc_irowmax(myrank+1,inovl)) lsouth = .true. return end subroutine pks7mpibounds !> Convert global node number to local node number integer function pks7mpig2lnode( gicol, girow, gilay ) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: gicol, girow, gilay c c Functions integer :: pks7mpignode2rank c... Local variables integer :: m, licol, lirow, lilay, & lncol, lnrow, lnlay, nrc c....................................................................... c... get local ncol, nrow, nlay lncol = proc_ncol(myproc,iovl) lnrow = proc_nrow(myproc,iovl) lnlay = gnlay nrc = lncol*lnrow c... determine local node number for the corresponding partition licol = (gicol-proc_icolmin(myproc,iovl)) + 1 lirow = (girow-proc_irowmin(myproc,iovl)) + 1 lilay = gilay m = licol + (lirow-1)*lncol + (lilay-1)*nrc pks7mpig2lnode = m return end function pks7mpig2lnode !> Convert local node number to global node number. integer function pks7mpil2gnode( n, rank ) use pksmpi_mod c implicit none c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: n, !< (I) local node number & rank !< (I) rank ID c c... Local variables integer :: m, ncol, nrow, nlay, & gicol, girow, gilay, & icol, irow, ilay, nrc c....................................................................... nrc = gnrow*gncol ncol = proc_ncol(rank+1,iovl) nrow = proc_nrow(rank+1,iovl) nlay = gnlay call getircl( n, icol, irow, ilay, ncol, nrow, nlay ) gicol = proc_icolmin(myrank+1,iovl)+icol-1 girow = proc_irowmin(myrank+1,iovl)+irow-1 gilay = ilay m = gicol + (girow-1)*gncol + (ilay-1)*nrc pks7mpil2gnode = m return end function pks7mpil2gnode !> Get indices for global node number. subroutine pks7mpigetgircl( n, icol, irow, ilay ) use pksmpi_mod c implicit none c... Arguments integer, intent(in) :: n integer, intent(out) :: icol integer, intent(out) :: irow integer, intent(out) :: ilay c c... Local variables c....................................................................... call getircl( n, icol, irow, ilay, gncol, gnrow, gnlay ) return end subroutine pks7mpigetgircl !> Get flag for writing mass output. logical function pks7mpimasterwrite() use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, myrank, mpiloosely implicit none c... locals logical :: writeflg c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser.or.mpiloosely.eq.1) then writeflg = .true. else if (myrank.eq.0) then writeflg = .true. else writeflg = .false. end if end if pks7mpimasterwrite = writeflg return end function pks7mpimasterwrite !> Get flag for master processt. logical function pks7mpimaster() use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, myrank, mpiloosely implicit none c... locals logical :: flg c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser.or.mpiloosely.eq.1) then flg = .true. else if (myrank.eq.0) then flg = .true. else flg = .false. end if end if pks7mpimaster = flg return end function pks7mpimaster !> Get flag for writing observation output. logical function pks7mpimasterwriteobs() use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, myrank, mergeobs implicit none c... locals logical :: writeflg c....................................................................... writeflg = .true. if (mpptyp.ne.mppser .and. mergeobs.eq.1) then if (myrank.gt.0) writeflg = .false. end if pks7mpimasterwriteobs = writeflg return end function pks7mpimasterwriteobs !> Get number of processes. subroutine pks7mpigetnrproc(np) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, nrproc, serreadglob implicit none integer, intent(out) :: np c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser.or.serreadglob) then np = 1 else np = nrproc end if return end subroutine pks7mpigetnrproc !> Get myrank subroutine pks7mpigetmyrank(rnk) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, myrank, serreadglob implicit none integer, intent(out) :: rnk c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser.or.serreadglob) then rnk = 0 else rnk = myrank end if return end subroutine pks7mpigetmyrank !> Finialize MPI. subroutine pks7mpifinalize() use pksmpi_mod, only: mpiactive, myrank implicit none c....................................................................... if (mpiactive) then call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() end if return end subroutine pks7mpifinalize subroutine pks7mpigxchcnvg(dxmax,lxmax,pxmax,rmax,lrmax,prmax, 1 l2norm0,l2norm,niac,ixmap,nodes,lfirst) c use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, nrproc, myrank, l2gnod, 1 mpiloosely, timsec, itbeg, itend, itimmpig use pksmpiwrp_mod, only: sbufd, rbufd c implicit none c c... Arguments double precision, intent(inout) :: dxmax integer, intent(inout) :: lxmax integer, intent(out) :: pxmax double precision, intent(inout) :: rmax integer, intent(inout) :: lrmax integer, intent(out) :: prmax double precision, intent(inout) :: l2norm0 double precision, intent(inout) :: l2norm logical, intent(inout) :: lfirst c integer, intent(in) :: niac integer, dimension(niac), intent(in) :: ixmap integer, intent(in) :: nodes c c... Functions integer :: pks7mpil2gnode c c... Local variables integer :: iproc, gscnt, grcnt(nrproc), offsets(nrproc) integer :: glxmax, glrmax, n, l1, l2, i double precision :: d1, d2, d3, d4 c c... Parameters double precision, parameter :: dzero = 0.0d0 c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) return if (mpiloosely.eq.1) return !call timing_date_and_time(itbeg) !JV c... determine global nodes for maximum n = ixmap(lxmax) if (n.lt.-nodes) n = n + nodes #ifdef PKSUNS glxmax = l2gnod(abs(n)) #else glxmax = pks7mpil2gnode( abs(n), myrank) #endif c n = ixmap(lrmax) if (n.lt.-nodes) n = n + nodes #ifdef PKSUNS glrmax = l2gnod(abs(n)) #else glrmax = pks7mpil2gnode( abs(n), myrank) #endif c c... pack gscnt = 6 sbufd(1) = dxmax sbufd(2) = dble(glxmax) sbufd(3) = rmax sbufd(4) = dble(glrmax) sbufd(5) = l2norm0 sbufd(6) = l2norm c grcnt(1:nrproc) = gscnt c c... offsets offsets(1) = 0 do iproc = 1, nrproc-1 offsets(iproc+1) = offsets(iproc) + grcnt(iproc) end do c call pks7mpiwrpallgathervd( sbufd, gscnt, rbufd, grcnt, offsets) c c... unpack d1 = dzero d2 = dzero d3 = dzero d4 = dzero l1 = 0 l2 = 0 pxmax = -1 prmax = -1 do iproc = 1, nrproc i = offsets(iproc) if ( rbufd(i+1).gt.d1 ) then d1 = rbufd(i+1) l1 = int(rbufd(i+2)) pxmax = iproc end if if ( rbufd(i+3).gt.d2 ) then d2 = rbufd(i+3) l2 = int(rbufd(i+4)) prmax = iproc end if d3 = d3 + rbufd(i+5) d4 = d4 + rbufd(i+6) end do c c... assign dxmax = d1 lxmax = l1 rmax = d2 lrmax = l2 if (lfirst) l2norm0 = sqrt(d3) l2norm = sqrt(d4) c lfirst = .false. c !call timing_date_and_time(itend) !JV !call timing_add_sec(itbeg,itend,timsec(itimmpig)) !JV return end subroutine pks7mpigxchcnvg !> Check if MPI is active. subroutine pks7mpiactive(active) use pksmpi_mod implicit none c arguments logical, intent(out) :: active c....................................................................... active = .false. if (mpptyp.ne.mppser) active = .true. return end subroutine pks7mpiactive subroutine pks7mpisetserflg(flg) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, serreadglob implicit none c... arguments logical, intent(in) :: flg c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) then return end if serreadglob = flg end subroutine pks7mpisetserflg subroutine pks7mpiallociwrk(n) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, iwrk implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: n c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) then return end if if (.not.allocated(iwrk)) then allocate(iwrk(n)) else if (size(iwrk) < n) then deallocate(iwrk) allocate(iwrk(n)) end if end if end subroutine pks7mpiallociwrk subroutine pks7mpiallocrwrk(n) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, rwrk implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: n c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) then return end if if (.not.allocated(rwrk)) then allocate(rwrk(n)) else if (size(rwrk) < n) then deallocate(rwrk) allocate(rwrk(n)) end if end if end subroutine pks7mpiallocrwrk subroutine pks7mpiallocdwrk(n) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, dwrk implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: n c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) then return end if if (.not.allocated(dwrk)) then allocate(dwrk(n)) else if (size(dwrk) < n) then deallocate(dwrk) allocate(dwrk(n)) end if end if end subroutine pks7mpiallocdwrk subroutine pks7mpisetixmap(ixmap,niac) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, xp, nrxp, novlapimpsol, 1 myrank implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: niac integer, dimension(niac), intent(out) :: ixmap c... locals integer :: i, n, ixp, iovl c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) then do n = 1, niac ixmap(n) = n end do return end if do n = 1, niac ixmap(n) = n end do do ixp = 1, nrxp do iovl = 1, novlapimpsol do i = 1, xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovl)%nidx n = xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovl)%idx(i) if (iovl == novlapimpsol) then ixmap(n) = -niac-ixmap(n) else ixmap(n) = -ixmap(n) end if end do end do end do end subroutine pks7mpisetixmap subroutine pks7mpiskiplnod(n,lskip) c use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, l2gnod implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: n !< (I) local node logical, intent(out):: lskip c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case lskip = .false. if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) then return end if if (l2gnod(n).le.0) then lskip = .true. end if return end subroutine pks7mpiskiplnod subroutine pks7mpiskipgnod(n,lskip) c use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, g2lnod implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(inout) :: n !< (I/O) global node logical, intent(out) :: lskip c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case lskip = .false. if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) then return end if if (g2lnod(n).eq.0) then lskip = .true. return end if n = abs(g2lnod(n)) return end subroutine pks7mpiskipgnod subroutine pks7mpigetgnodes(n) c use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, gnodes implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(inout) :: n !< (I/O) global node c....................................................................... c... return in the serial case if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) then return end if n = gnodes return end subroutine pks7mpigetgnodes !> Global exchange timing results subroutine pks7mpilgxchtiming( temp, n ) use pksmpi_mod use pksmpiwrp_mod c implicit none c c... Arguments real, intent(inout), dimension(n) :: temp !< array with timings integer, intent(in) :: n c c... Local variables integer :: i c real, dimension(n) :: grbuf c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call pks7mpiwrpallmaxr( temp, n ) !call timing_date_and_time(itend) return end subroutine pks7mpilgxchtiming subroutine pks7mpisetibound(ibound,niac) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, xp, nrxp, novlapimpsol, 1 myrank, mpiloosely implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: niac integer, dimension(niac), intent(inout) :: ibound c... locals integer :: i, n, ixp, iovl c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser) return if (mpiloosely.eq.0) return do ixp = 1, nrxp do iovl = 1, novlapimpsol do i = 1, xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovl)%nidx n = xp(ixp)%upkidx(iovl)%idx(i) if (iovl == novlapimpsol) then ibound(n) = -1 else ! do nothing end if end do end do end do end subroutine pks7mpisetibound !> Transform MODFLOW indices to local indices. subroutine pks7mpitrn(icol,irow,ilay,lused) use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, mppini1, 1 gncol, gnrow, myproc, iovl, 2 proc_icolmin, proc_icolmax, 3 proc_irowmin, proc_irowmax implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(inout) :: icol ! (I): global column; (O): local column integer, intent(inout) :: irow ! (I): global row; (O): local row integer, intent(inout) :: ilay logical, intent(out) :: lused c... locals integer :: ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2 c....................................................................... lused = .true. if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return ic1 = proc_icolmin(myproc,iovl) ic2 = proc_icolmax(myproc,iovl) ir1 = proc_irowmin(myproc,iovl) ir2 = proc_irowmax(myproc,iovl) if (icol.lt.ic1.or.icol.gt.ic2) lused = .false. if (irow.lt.ir1.or.irow.gt.ir2) lused = .false. if (.not.lused) then ! return is the node is not used icol = 0 irow = 0 return end if ! transform global --> local indices (ilay remains the same) icol = icol-proc_icolmin(myproc,iovl)+1 irow = irow-proc_irowmin(myproc,iovl)+1 end subroutine pks7mpitrn !> MPI barrier. subroutine pks7mpibarrier() use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, mppini1 implicit none c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return call pks7mpiwrpbarrier() end subroutine pks7mpibarrier