!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2014. !! !! This file is part of iMOD. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by !! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or !! (at your option) any later version. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. subroutine pest1log() ! modules use global, only: lipest #ifdef IPEST use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_printtext,imod_utl_itos use pestvar, only: pest_iter,lgrad,llnsrch,pest_igrad,iupestout #endif implicit none ! locals character(len=256) :: line !###====================================================================== #ifndef IPEST lipest = .false.; return #endif if (.not.lipest) return #ifdef IPEST call imod_utl_printtext('',-1,iupestout) if(lgrad)then if(pest_iter.eq.0)then call imod_utl_printtext('Initial simulation',-1,iupestout) else line='Cycle '//TRIM(imod_utl_itos(pest_igrad))//': Derivatives by Forward Finite-Difference' call imod_utl_printtext(trim(line),-1,iupestout) ENDIF ENDIF if(llnsrch)then call imod_utl_printtext('Line Search',-1,iupestout) endif #endif end subroutine pest1log !###==================================================================== subroutine pest1alpha_grid(ptype,a,nrow,ncol,nlay,a2) !###==================================================================== ! modules use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_printtext,imod_utl_itos,imod_utl_rtos use global, only: lipest #ifdef IPEST use pestvar, only: param, pest_iter,lgrad,llnsrch,pest_igrad,iupestout #endif implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: nrow, ncol, nlay real, dimension(ncol,nrow,nlay), intent(inout) :: a real, dimension(ncol,nrow,nlay), intent(in), optional :: a2 character(len=2), intent(in) :: ptype ! parameters real, parameter :: tiny=1.0e-20 ! locals character(len=256) :: line integer :: i, j, k, ils, irow, icol real :: c, fct, ppart CHARACTER(LEN=2),DIMENSION(6) :: PPPARAM DATA PPPARAM/'KD','KH','KV','VC','SC','VA'/ !## variable for pilotpoints !###====================================================================== #ifndef IPEST lipest = .false.; return #endif if (.not.lipest) return #ifdef IPEST !## initialize parameters if(pest_iter.eq.0)then do i=1,size(param) if (trim(param(i)%ptype).ne.trim(ptype)) cycle ils=param(i)%ils ! layer IF(PARAM(I)%ZTYPE.EQ.0)THEN if(.not.associated(param(i)%x))allocate(param(i)%x(param(i)%nodes)) select case (trim(ptype)) case('KD','KH','KV','VA','SC','AF') do j=1,param(i)%nodes irow=param(i)%irow(j); icol=param(i)%icol(j) param(i)%x(j)=a(icol,irow,ils)*param(i)%f(j) enddo case('VC') !## vertical c values do j=1,param(i)%nodes irow=param(i)%irow(j); icol=param(i)%icol(j) c = 1/(a(icol,irow,ils)+tiny) param(i)%x(j)=c*param(i)%f(j) enddo case('AA') !## anisotropy angle if (.not.present(a2)) then call imod_utl_printtext('Cannot apply PEST scaling factor for anisotrophy angle',2) end if do j=1,param(i)%nodes irow=param(i)%irow(j); icol=param(i)%icol(j) if (a2(icol,irow,ils).lt.1.0) then param(i)%x(j)=a(icol,irow,ils)*param(i)%f(j) endif enddo case default call imod_utl_printtext('Something went wrong for PEST, missing parameter '//trim(ptype),2) end select !## pilot points, save initial values for f -- hoeft toch niet??? ELSEIF(PARAM(I)%ZTYPE.EQ.1)THEN end if end do end if do i=1,size(param) if (trim(param(i)%ptype).ne.trim(ptype)) cycle !## skip pilot-points IF(PARAM(I)%ZTYPE.EQ.1)CYCLE fct=param(i)%alpha(1); ils=param(i)%ils ! layer ! fct=exp(fct) ! scaling IF(PARAM(I)%LOG)FCT=EXP(FCT) select case (trim(ptype)) case('KD','KH','KV','VA','SC','AF') do j=1,param(i)%nodes irow=param(i)%irow(j); icol=param(i)%icol(j) ppart =a(icol,irow,ils)-param(i)%x(j) a(icol,irow,ils)=ppart+param(i)%x(j)*fct enddo case('VC') !## vertical c values do j=1,param(i)%nodes irow=param(i)%irow(j); icol=param(i)%icol(j) c = 1/(a(icol,irow,ils)+tiny) ppart = c-param(i)%x(j) c = ppart + param(i)%x(j)*fct a(icol,irow,ils)=1/(c+tiny) enddo case('AA') !## anisotropy angle if (.not.present(a2)) then call imod_utl_printtext('Cannot apply PEST scaling factor for anisotrophy angle',2) end if do j=1,param(i)%nodes irow=param(i)%irow(j); icol=param(i)%icol(j) if (a2(icol,irow,ils).lt.1.0) then ppart =a(icol,irow,ils)-param(i)%x(j) a(icol,irow,ils)=ppart+param(i)%x(j)*fct endif enddo case default call imod_utl_printtext('Something went wrong for PEST, missing parameter '//trim(ptype),2) end select line=' * '//param(i)%ptype//' adjusted ('//trim(imod_utl_itos(param(i)%nodes))//')with alpha='//trim(imod_utl_rtos(fct,'f',7)) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(line),-1,iupestout) end do #endif #ifdef IPEST_PILOTPOINTS !## process any pilotpoints per modellayer/ adjustable parameter DO IPP=1,SIZE(PPPARAM); DO ILS=1,NLAY DO K=1,2 NXYZ=0 DO I=1,SIZE(PARAM) if (trim(param(i)%ptype).ne.trim(ptype)) cycle !## skip NONE pilot-points IF(PARAM(I)%ZTYPE.NE.1)CYCLE !## not similar parameter IF(PARAM(I)%PTYPE.NE.PPPARAM(IPP))CYCLE !## not correct modellayer IF(PARAM(I)%ILS.NE.ILS)CYCLE FCT=PARAM(I)%ALPHA(1) IF(K.EQ.2)THEN LINE=' * Module '//PARAM(I)%PTYPE//' adjusted ('//TRIM(ITOS(SIZE(PARAM(I)%XY,1)))//') location(s) as PILOTPOINT with alpha='//TRIM(RTOS(EXP(FCT),'F',7)) CALL imod_utl_printtext(TRIM(LINE),1) ENDIF DO J=1,SIZE(PARAM(I)%XY,1) NXYZ=NXYZ+1 IF(K.EQ.2)THEN XYZ(NXYZ,1)=PARAM(I)%XY(J,1); XYZ(NXYZ,2)=PARAM(I)%XY(J,2); XYZ(NXYZ,3)=FCT ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF(NXYZ.EQ.0)EXIT IF(K.EQ.1)ALLOCATE(XYZ(NXYZ,3)) ENDDO !# next parameter, this one is not used IF(NXYZ.EQ.0)CYCLE NODATA=-999.99; ALLOCATE(XPP(NCOL,NROW)); XPP=NODATA RANGE=PEST_GETRANGE() CALL imod_utl_printtext('Kriging applied Range:'//TRIM(RTOS(RANGE,'F',2))//' meter',1) !## apply kriging interpolation CALL KRIGING_MAIN(NXYZ,XYZ(:,1),XYZ(:,2),XYZ(:,3),DELR,DELC,NROW,NCOL,XPP,NODATA,RANGE,PEST_KTYPE) DO IROW=1,NROW; DO ICOL=1,NCOL IF(IBOUND(ICOL,IROW,ILAY).EQ.0)THEN XPP(ICOL,IROW)=NODATA ELSE XPP(ICOL,IROW)=EXP(XPP(ICOL,IROW)) !## areas outside range do get a value of 0.0, convert to 1.0 IF(XPP(ICOL,IROW).EQ.0.0)XPP(ICOL,IROW)=1.0 ENDIF ENDDO; ENDDO WRITE(FNAME,'(A,I5.5,A)') TRIM(DIR)//CHAR(92)//PPPARAM(IPP),ILAY,'.IDF' CALL WRITEIDF(XPP,1,NCOL,1,NROW,1,NROW,NCOL,1,DELR(0),DELC(NROW),SIMCSIZE,NODATA,FNAME) SELECT CASE (PPPARAM(IPP)) CASE ('KD','KH','VC','KV','SC','VA') !## transmissivities A(:,:,ILS)=A(:,:,ILS)*XPP END SELECT DEALLOCATE(XYZ,XPP) ENDDO; ENDDO #endif end subroutine #ifdef IPEST_PILOTPOINTS !###==================================================================== REAL FUNCTION PEST_GETRANGE() !###==================================================================== IMPLICIT NONE PEST_GETRANGE=0.9*SQRT((DELR(NCOL)-DELR(0))**2.0+(DELC(0)-DELC(NROW))**2.0) END FUNCTION PEST_GETRANGE #endif !###==================================================================== subroutine pest1alpha_list(ptype,nlist,rlist,ldim,mxlist,iopt1,iopt2) !###==================================================================== ! modules use global, only: lipest #ifdef IPEST use global, only: buff use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_printtext, imod_utl_itos, imod_utl_rtos use m_mf2005_main, only: kper use pestvar, only: param, pest_iter, iupestout #endif implicit none ! arguments character(len=2), intent(in) :: ptype integer, intent(in) :: nlist, ldim, mxlist real, dimension(ldim,mxlist), intent(inout) :: rlist integer, intent(in), optional :: iopt1, iopt2 ! locals character(len=256) :: line character(len=1024) :: errmsg integer :: i, j, k, ils, irow, icol, idat, irivsubsys, irivrfact,& idrnsubsys, ihfbfact, nadj real :: ppart, fct !###====================================================================== #ifndef IPEST lipest = .false.; return #endif if (.not.lipest) return #ifdef IPEST ! first, mark the cells buff = 0. do i=1,size(param) if (trim(param(i)%ptype).ne.trim(ptype)) cycle ils=param(i)%ils ! system/layer select case (trim(ptype)) case('RC','IC') ! river/isg conductances errmsg = 'Cannot apply PEST scaling factor for river/isg conductance' if (.not.present(iopt1)) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(errmsg),2) irivsubsys = iopt1 if (irivsubsys.eq.0) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(errmsg),2) if (trim(ptype).eq.'IC') ils=-ils do j = 1, nlist ! match sybsystem number irow=rlist(1,j); icol=rlist(2,j) if (int(ils).eq.int(rlist(irivsubsys,j))) buff(icol,irow,1) = real(j) end do idat = 4 case('RI','II') ! river/isg infiltration factors errmsg = 'Cannot apply PEST scaling factor for river/isg infiltration factor' if (.not.present(iopt1)) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(errmsg),2) if (.not.present(iopt2)) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(errmsg),2) irivsubsys = iopt1; irivrfact = iopt2 if (irivrfact.eq.0.or.irivsubsys.eq.0) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(errmsg),2) if (trim(ptype).eq.'II') ils=-ils do j = 1, nlist ! match sybsystem number irow=rlist(1,j); icol=rlist(2,j) if (int(ils).eq.int(rlist(irivsubsys,j))) buff(icol,irow,1) = real(j) end do idat = irivrfact case('DC') ! drain conductances errmsg = 'Cannot apply PEST scaling factor for drain conductance' if (.not.present(iopt1)) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(errmsg),2) idrnsubsys = iopt1 if (idrnsubsys.eq.0) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(errmsg),2) do j = 1, nlist ! match sybsystem number irow=rlist(1,j); icol=rlist(2,j) if (int(ils).eq.int(rlist(idrnsubsys,j))) buff(icol,irow,1) = real(j) end do idat = 4 end select end do ! allocate if (pest_iter.eq.0) then do i=1,size(param) if (trim(param(i)%ptype).ne.trim(ptype)) cycle ils=param(i)%ils ! system if(.not.associated(param(i)%x))allocate(param(i)%x(param(i)%nodes)) select case (trim(ptype)) case('RC','RI','IC','II','DC') do j=1,param(i)%nodes irow=param(i)%irow(j); icol=param(i)%icol(j) k = int(buff(icol,irow,1)) if (k.gt.0) then param(i)%x(j)=rlist(idat,k)*param(i)%f(j) end if end do end select end do end if ! adjust do i=1,size(param) nadj = 0 if (trim(param(i)%ptype).ne.trim(ptype)) cycle fct=param(i)%alpha(1); ils=param(i)%ils ! system IF(PARAM(I)%LOG)FCT=EXP(FCT); select case (trim(ptype)) case('RC','RI','IC','II','DC') do j=1,param(i)%nodes irow=param(i)%irow(j); icol=param(i)%icol(j) k = int(buff(icol,irow,1)) if (k.gt.0) then nadj = nadj + 1 ppart =rlist(idat,k)-param(i)%x(j) rlist(idat,k)=ppart+param(i)%x(j)*fct end if end do case('HF') errmsg = 'Cannot apply PEST scaling factor for horizontal flow barrier' if (.not.present(iopt1)) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(errmsg),2) ihfbfact = iopt1 if (idrnsubsys.ne.1) call imod_utl_printtext(trim(errmsg),2) fct = param(i)%alpha(1); fct = exp(fct) do j = 1, nlist if (int(rlist(1,j)).eq.ils) then nadj = nadj + 1 rlist(6,j) = rlist(6,j)*fct end if end do end select line=' * '//param(i)%ptype//' adjusted ('//trim(imod_utl_itos(nadj))//') with alpha='//trim(imod_utl_rtos(fct,'f',7)) if(kper.eq.1)then call imod_utl_printtext(trim(line),-1,iupestout) else call imod_utl_printtext(trim(line),1) endif end do #endif end subroutine