# Copy this file and the Delft-FEWS_x64.exe to your region home # when the bin, jre and your region home are all sub directories of the same directory no adjustments are needed # use Delft-FEWSc_x64.exe and Delft-FEWSc_x64.ini to start with a console window to show error information on start-up # If all fails verify whether your java jre version is 64 bits, ..\jre\bin\java -version should contain the text "64-Bit" # Exe can be renamed. This is convenient when having multiple FEWS system so you see the difference in the Windows Task Manager # Ini file should always have same name as the exe # see https://publicwiki.deltares.nl/display/FEWSDOC/02+Launching+FEWS main.class=nl.wldelft.fews.gui.explorer.Application classpath.1=../bin/*.jar vm.location=../jre/bin/server/jvm.dll #start up heap memory size vmarg.1=-Xms512m #max heap memory size, limited to 1024m for windows 32 bits vmarg.2=-Xmx1024m splash.image=fews-splash.jpg