!----- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, see . ! ! contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ program test15 INTEGER ntimes, mmax, nmax, kmax, nsrc parameter (ntimes = 3, * mmax = 9, * nmax = 7, * kmax = 5, * nsrc = 6 *) INTEGER*4 fds INTEGER * Clsnef, * Credat, * Defcel, * Defelm, * Defgrp, * getnfv, * Crenef, * Putelt, * Neferr INTEGER Getelt INTEGER error, * idum, * i, m, n, k, nt, * UINDEX(3,1), * usrord(5) real rbuff3(mmax, nmax, kmax) real rbuff2(mmax, nmax) real rbuff1(mmax) integer ibuff2(7, nsrc) integer ibuff1(nsrc) character*8 elmtps(8) character*16 elmnms(8), elmunt(8), elmqty(8) integer elmsiz(8), elmndm(8), elmdms(3,8) character*64 elmdes(8) integer grpdms(5), grpord(5) CHARACTER*1024 errstr CHARACTER*255 version error = getnfv(version) write(*,*) write(*,*) trim(version(5:)) write(*,*) c c Test to check cells with different element types c (cell according dwqtim on comm. file) c c c Define element names c elmnms(1) = 'TIMCUR' elmnms(2) = 'RSAL' elmnms(3) = 'RTEM' elmnms(4) = 'DICUV' elmnms(5) = 'DICWW' elmnms(6) = 'DISCUM' elmnms(7) = 'MNKSRC' elmnms(8) = 'TAUMAX' c c Define element qty c elmqty(1) = '1' elmqty(2) = '2' elmqty(3) = '3' elmqty(4) = '4' elmqty(5) = '5' elmqty(6) = '6' elmqty(7) = '7' elmqty(8) = '8' c c Define element type c elmtps(1) = 'INTEGER' elmtps(2) = 'REAL' elmtps(3) = 'REAL' elmtps(4) = 'REAL' elmtps(5) = 'REAL' elmtps(6) = 'REAL' elmtps(7) = 'INTEGER' elmtps(8) = 'REAL' c c Define size of element one item c elmsiz(1) = 4 elmsiz(2) = 4 elmsiz(3) = 4 elmsiz(4) = 4 elmsiz(5) = 4 elmsiz(6) = 4 elmsiz(7) = 4 elmsiz(8) = 4 c c Define element description c elmdes(1) = 'Time' elmdes(2) = 'Salinity' elmdes(3) = 'Temperature' elmdes(4) = 'Eddy viscosity, horizontal' elmdes(5) = 'Eddy diffusivity, horizontal' elmdes(6) = 'Cumm disachrge' elmdes(7) = 'Discharge location' elmdes(8) = 'Schuifspanning (maximale)' c c Define element unity c elmunt(1) = '[tscale]' elmunt(2) = '[ppt]' elmunt(3) = '[Degree]' elmunt(4) = '[m2/s]' elmunt(5) = '[m2/s]' elmunt(6) = '[m3]' elmunt(7) = '[-]' elmunt(8) = '[-]' c c fill dimension of element c elmndm(1) = 1 elmdms(1,1) = 1 elmndm(2) = 3 elmdms(1,2) = mmax elmdms(2,2) = nmax elmdms(3,2) = kmax elmndm(3) = 3 elmdms(1,3) = mmax elmdms(2,3) = nmax elmdms(3,3) = kmax elmndm(4) = 3 elmdms(1,4) = mmax elmdms(2,4) = nmax elmdms(3,4) = kmax elmndm(5) = 3 elmdms(1,5) = mmax elmdms(2,5) = nmax elmdms(3,5) = kmax elmndm(6) = 1 elmdms(1,6) = nsrc elmndm(7) = 2 elmdms(1,7) = 7 elmdms(2,7) = nsrc elmndm(8)= 2 elmdms(1,8) = mmax elmdms(2,8) = nmax c c group dimensions c grpdms(1) = ntimes grpdms(1) = 0 grpdms(2) = 1 grpdms(3) = 1 grpdms(4) = 1 grpdms(5) = 1 c c group order c grpord(1) = 1 grpord(2) = 2 grpord(3) = 3 grpord(4) = 4 grpord(5) = 5 c c user order c usrord(1) = 1 usrord(2) = 2 usrord(3) = 3 usrord(4) = 4 usrord(5) = 5 c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c openen nefis files c error = crenef( fds, 'data_c15.dat', 'data_c15.def', 'B', 'C' ) c c define elements on definition file c do i=1,8 error= Defelm( fds, elmnms(i), elmtps(i), elmsiz(i), & elmqty(i), elmunt(i), elmdes(i), & elmndm(i), elmdms(1,i)) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 enddo c error= Defcel( fds, 'cel_1', 7, elmnms(1)) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Defcel( fds, 'cel_2', 1, elmnms(8)) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Defgrp( fds, 'grp_1', 'cel_1', 1, grpdms, grpord) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Defgrp( fds, 'grp_2', 'cel_2', 1, grpdms, grpord) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Credat( fds, 'dat_grp_1', 'grp_1') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Credat( fds, 'dat_grp_2', 'grp_2') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 error = Clsnef( fds ) c------------------------------------------------------------------ c write data c UINDEX (3,1) = 1 DO nt= 1, ntimes UINDEX (1,1) = nt UINDEX (2,1) = nt c error = crenef( fds, 'data_c15.dat', 'data_c15.def', ' ', 'u') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) elmnms(1) c 'TIMCUR' ibuff1(1) = 10*nt+1. error= Putelt( fds, 'dat_grp_1', elmnms(1), * UINDEX, usrord, ibuff1) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) elmnms(1) c 'TIMCUR' ibuff1(1) = 10*nt+2. error= Putelt( fds, 'dat_grp_1', elmnms(1), * UINDEX, usrord, ibuff1) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) elmnms(2) c 'RSAL' do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax do k = 1, kmax rbuff3(m,n,k) = * 1000.*real(m)+ 100.*real(n)+10.*real(k)+real(nt) enddo enddo enddo error= Putelt( fds, 'dat_grp_1', elmnms(2), * UINDEX, usrord, rbuff3) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) elmnms(3) c elmnms(3) = do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax do k = 1, kmax rbuff3(m,n,k) = * 1000.*real(m)+ 100.*real(n)+10.*real(k)+real(nt) enddo enddo enddo error= Putelt( fds, 'dat_grp_1', elmnms(3), * UINDEX, usrord, rbuff3) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) elmnms(4) c 'DICUV' do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax do k = 1, kmax rbuff3(m,n,k) = * 1000.*real(m)+ 100.*real(n)+10.*real(k)+real(nt) enddo enddo enddo error= Putelt( fds, 'dat_grp_1', elmnms(4), * UINDEX, usrord, rbuff3) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) elmnms(5) c 'DICWW' do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax do k = 1, kmax rbuff3(m,n,k) = * 1000.*real(m)+ 100.*real(n)+10.*real(k)+real(nt) enddo enddo enddo error= Putelt( fds, 'dat_grp_1', elmnms(5), * UINDEX, usrord, rbuff3) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) elmnms(6) do m = 1, nsrc rbuff1(m) = 10.*real(m)+real(nt) enddo c 'DISCUM' error= Putelt( fds, 'dat_grp_1', elmnms(6), * UINDEX, usrord, rbuff1) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) elmnms(7) c 'MNKSRC' do m = 1, 7 do n = 1, nsrc ibuff2(m,n) = 100*m+10*n+nt enddo enddo error= Putelt( fds, 'dat_grp_1', elmnms(7), * UINDEX, usrord, ibuff2) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) elmnms(8) c 'TAUMAX' do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax rbuff2(m,n) = 0.0 rbuff2(m,n) = * 1000.*real(m)+ 100.*real(n)+real(nt) enddo enddo error= Putelt( fds, 'dat_grp_2', elmnms(8), * UINDEX, usrord, rbuff2) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c------------------------------------------------------------------ error = Clsnef( fds ) enddo c==================================================================== 9999 continue c error = Neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) error = Clsnef( fds ) c END c==================================================================== c Convert clock time to seconds c subroutine clock( cpu ) integer ihr, imin, isec, i100th real cpu ihr = 0 imin = 0 isec = 0 i100th = 0 cpu = 0. ! CALL Gettim(ihr, imin, isec, i100th) ! cpu = ihr*3600.0 + imin*60.0 + isec + i100th/100.0 ! call system_clock(ihr,imin) ! cpu = ihr/real(imin) end