!----- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, see . ! ! contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ PROGRAM TEST8 INTEGER START, STOP, INCR CHARACTER CODING*1, ELMTYP*16, ELMQTY*16, ELMUNT*16, * ELMDES*64, ELMNMS(5)*16, CELNAM*16, * GRPNAM*16, GRPDEF*16 INTEGER NBYTSG, I, NELEMS, J, K INTEGER ERROR, ELMNDM, ELMDMS(5), GRPNDM, UINDEX(3,1), * GRPDMS(142), GRPORD(5), IARRIN(142), IARROU(142) REAL ARRAY(142,65), ARROUT(142,65) CHARACTER ERRSTR*1024 INTEGER FDS INTEGER OPNDAT, OPNDEF, DEFELM, CLSDEF, CLSDAT, DEFCEL, * DEFGRP, INQELM, INQCEL, INQGRP, FLSDAT, FLSDEF, * CREDAT, PUTIAT, PUTSAT, PUTELT, GETELT, PUTRAT, * INQFST, INQNXT, NEFERR, GETNFV CHARACTER*255 version error = getnfv(version) write(*,*) write(*,*) trim(version(5:)) write(*,*) start = 1 stop = 2 incr = 3 CODING = 'N' ELMNDM = 5 NELEMS = 5 GRPNDM = 5 NBYTSG = 0 errstr = ' ' write(*,'(''TEST8: Open files'')') ERROR = OPNDAT (FDS, 'data_c08.dat', CODING) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' OPNDAT:', error if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = OPNDEF (FDS, 'data_c08.def', CODING) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' OPNDEF:', error if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ELMDMS(1) = 142 ELMDMS(2) = 65 write(*,'(''TEST8: Define elements'')') ERROR = DEFELM (FDS, 'Elmnam', 'ReaL', 4, 'Elmqty', * 'Elmunt', 'Elmdes', 2, ELMDMS) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' DEFELM: Elmnam' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = DEFELM (FDS, 'ElmInt', 'IntEgeR', 4, 'Elmqty', * 'Elmunt', 'Elmdes', 1, 142) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' DEFELM: ElmInt' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 write(*,'(''TEST8: Define cells'')') ELMNMS(1) = 'Elmnam' ELMNMS(2) = 'ElmInt' ERROR = DEFCEL (FDS, 'Celnam', 2, ELMNMS) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' DEFCEL: Celnam' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 write(*,'(''TEST8: Define groups'')') C ** Variable dimensie ** ERROR = DEFGRP (FDS, 'Grpdef', 'Celnam', 1, 0, 1) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' DEFGRP: Grpdef' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = FLSDEF (FDS) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' FLSDEF' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 write(*,'(''TEST8: Inquire element'')') ERROR = INQELM (FDS, 'Elmnam', ELMTYP, NBYTSG, ELMQTY, * ELMUNT, ELMDES, ELMNDM, ELMDMS) if (error .ne. 0) * write (*,*) ' INQELM:', error, elmtyp, nbytsg, elmqty, elmunt * , elmdes, elmndm, (elmdms(i),i=1,elmndm) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 write(*,'(''TEST8: Inquire cell'')') NELEMS = 2 ERROR = INQCEL (FDS, 'Celnam', NELEMS, ELMNMS) if (error .ne. 0) * write (*,*) ' INQCEL:', error, nelems, (elmnms(i),i=1,nelems) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 write(*,'(''TEST8: Inquire group'')') ERROR = INQGRP (FDS, 'Grpdef', CELNAM, GRPNDM, GRPDMS, GRPORD) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' INQGRP:', error, celnam, grpndm, * (grpdms(i),i=1,grpndm), (grpord(i),i=1,grpndm) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 write(*,'(''TEST8: Create group on data file'')') ERROR = CREDAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'Grpdef') if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' Credat: Grpnam' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = CREDAT (FDS, 'aaaabbbb', 'Grpdef') if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' Credat: aaaabbbb' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = CREDAT (FDS, 'bbbbaaaa', 'Grpdef') if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' Credat: bbbbaaaa' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = CREDAT (FDS, 'babaabab', 'Grpdef') if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' Credat: babaabab' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = CREDAT (FDS, 'Grpnam Grpnam', 'Grpdef') if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' Credat: Grpnam Grpnam' if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'IAttrib_1', -5432) c ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'IAttrib_2', 12345) c ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'IAttrib_3', 3) c ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'IAttrib_4', -4) c ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'IAttrib_5', 5) c ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'IAttrib_1', 1) c c length attribute name equal to 19, first 16 are equal c so all attributes are the same and the value will be c overwritten c write(*,'(''TEST8: Put attributes'')') ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'INTEGER ATTRIBUUT 1', 1) if (error .ne. 0) then error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) endif ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'INTEGER ATTRIBUUT 2', 2) if (error .ne. 0) then error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) endif ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'INTEGER ATTRIBUUT 3', 3) if (error .ne. 0) then error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) endif ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'INTEGER ATTRIBUUT 4', 4) if (error .ne. 0) then error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) endif ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'INTEGER ATTRIBUUT 5', 5) if (error .ne. 0) then error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) endif ERROR = PUTIAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'INTEGER ATTRIBUU', 5) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' PUTIAT 5:', error if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTRAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'RAttrib_1', 12.345) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTRAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'RAttrib_2', -2.2) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTRAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'RAttrib_3', 3.3) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTRAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'RAttrib_4', -4.4) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTRAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'RAttrib_5', 5.5) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTSAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'SAttrib_1', 'String 1') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTSAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'SAttrib_2', 'String 2') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTSAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'SAttrib_3', 'String 3') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTSAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'SAttrib_4', 'String 4') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTSAT (FDS, 'Grpnam', 'SAttrib_5', 'String 5') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTRAT(FDS, 'bbbbaaaa', 'RAttrib_1', 12.347) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTRAT(FDS, 'aaaabbbb', 'RAttrib_1', 12.346) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTRAT(FDS, 'babaabab', 'RAttrib_1', 12.348) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTRAT(FDS, 'Grpnam Grpnam', 'RAttrib_1', 12.349) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTSAT(FDS, 'aaaabbbb', 'SAttrib_1', 'String 6') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTSAT(FDS, 'bbbbaaaa', 'SAttrib_1', 'String 11') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTSAT(FDS, 'babaabab', 'SAttrib_1', 'String 16') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTSAT(FDS, 'Grpnam Grpnam', 'SAttrib_1', 'String 21') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTIAT(FDS, 'aaaabbbb', 'IAttrib_1', -6) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTIAT(FDS, 'bbbbaaaa', 'IAttrib_1', -11) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTIAT(FDS, 'babaabab', 'IAttrib_1', -16) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTIAT(FDS, 'Grpnam Grpnam', 'IAttrib_1', -21) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 C *** GeT All Attributes of all Groups of the Datafile write(*,'(''TEST8: Get attributes'')') CALL GTALAT (FDS) error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) write(*,'(''TEST8: Put real and integer array'')') UINDEX(INCR,1) = 1 DO 20 J = 1,10 UINDEX(START,1) = J UINDEX(STOP ,1) = J DO 10 I = 1,142 DO 5 K = 1,65 ARRAY(I,K) = J*1000.+I+K/1000. 5 CONTINUE IARRIN(I) = J*1000+I 10 CONTINUE ERROR = PUTELT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'Elmnam', UINDEX, 1, ARRAY) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' PUTELT:', error if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = PUTELT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'ElmInt', UINDEX, 1, IARRIN) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' PUTELT:', error if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = FLSDAT (FDS) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' FLSDAT:', error if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 20 CONTINUE write(*,'(''TEST8: Get real and integer array'')') DO 30 J = 1,10 UINDEX(START,1) = J UINDEX(STOP ,1) = J ERROR = GETELT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'Elmnam', UINDEX, 1, 142*65*4, ARROUT) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,'('' GETELT:'',i4,1x,3(1pe14.6,1x))') + error , arrout(142,65),arrout(142,64),arrout(141,65) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = GETELT (FDS, 'Grpnam', + 'ElmInt', UINDEX, 1, 142*4, IARROU) if (error .ne. 0) * write (*,*) ' GETELT:', error, iarrou(1), iarrou(142) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 30 CONTINUE write(*,'(''TEST8: Flush memory to files'')') ERROR = FLSDAT (FDS) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' FLSDAT:', error if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 ERROR = FLSDEF (FDS) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' FLSDEF:', error if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 write(*,'(''TEST8: Loop all groups'')') ERROR = INQFST (FDS, GRPNAM, GRPDEF) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' INQFST:', error, grpnam, grpdef ERROR = INQNXT (FDS, GRPNAM, GRPDEF) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' INQNXT:', error, grpnam, grpdef ERROR = INQNXT (FDS, GRPNAM, GRPDEF) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' INQNXT:', error, grpnam, grpdef ERROR = INQNXT (FDS, GRPNAM, GRPDEF) if (error .ne. 0) then error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) endif ERROR = INQNXT (FDS, GRPNAM, GRPDEF) if (error .ne. 0) then error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) endif ERROR = INQNXT (FDS, GRPNAM, GRPDEF) if (error .ne. 0) then error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) endif c write(*,'('' SO FAR SO GOOD' goto 8888 9999 continue error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) write(*,'('' NOT SO GOOD'')') 8888 continue ERROR = CLSDAT (FDS) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' CLSDAT:', error ERROR = CLSDEF (FDS) if (error .ne. 0) write (*,*) ' CLSDEF:', error error = neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) end c====================================================================== SUBROUTINE GTALAT (FDS) INTEGER FDS CHARACTER ATTNAM*16 + ,GRPNAM*16 + ,GRPDEF*16 + ,SATVAL*16 INTEGER IATVAL LOGICAL GRLOOP + ,ALOOP REAL RATVAL INTEGER INQFIA + ,INQFRA + ,INQFSA + ,INQFST + ,INQNIA + ,INQNRA + ,INQNSA + ,INQNXT GRLOOP = INQFST (FDS, GRPNAM, GRPDEF) .EQ. 0 10 IF (GRLOOP) THEN WRITE (*,'(2x,''Group Name:'',a16)') GRPNAM ALOOP = INQFIA (FDS, GRPNAM, ATTNAM, IATVAL) .EQ. 0 20 IF (ALOOP) THEN WRITE (*,'(4x,''Integer Attr.:'',a16,'' --> '',i8)') * ATTNAM, IATVAL ALOOP = INQNIA (FDS, GRPNAM, ATTNAM, IATVAL) .EQ. 0 GOTO 20 ENDIF ALOOP = INQFRA (FDS, GRPNAM, ATTNAM, RATVAL) .EQ. 0 30 IF (ALOOP) THEN WRITE (*,'(4x,'' Real Attr.:'',a16,'' --> '',1PE13.5)') * ATTNAM, RATVAL ALOOP = INQNRA (FDS, GRPNAM, ATTNAM, RATVAL) .EQ. 0 GOTO 30 ENDIF ALOOP = INQFSA (FDS, GRPNAM, ATTNAM, SATVAL) .EQ. 0 40 IF (ALOOP) THEN WRITE (*,'(4x,'' String Attr.:'',a16,'' --> '',a)') * ATTNAM, SATVAL ALOOP = INQNSA (FDS, GRPNAM, ATTNAM, SATVAL) .EQ. 0 GOTO 40 ENDIF GRLOOP = INQNXT (FDS, GRPNAM, GRPDEF) .EQ. 0 GOTO 10 ENDIF END