!----- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023. ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, see . ! ! contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ program test4 INTEGER*4 fds INTEGER :: * Clsdat, * Clsdef, * Credat, * Defcel, * Defelm, * Defgrp, * Getnfv, * Opndat, * Opndef, * Putelt, * Neferr INTEGER Getelt INTEGER error, * idum, * i, * imax, * start, * UINDEX(3,1) REAL buffer, * cpu1, * cpu2 CHARACTER coding*1 CHARACTER*1024 errstr CHARACTER*255 version c cpu1 = 0.0 cpu2 = 0.0 idum = 0 coding = 'N' imax = 1000 start = 1 c call clock(cpu1) error = getnfv(version) write(*,*) write(*,*) trim(version(5:)) write(*,*) error= Opndef( fds, 'nefis_ex.def', coding) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Defelm( fds, 'ELEM_R_4', 'REAL', 4, & 'GROOTHEID 1', 'eenheid 1','Beschrijving 1', & 0, idum) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 error= Defelm( fds, 'ELEM_STR', 'CHARACTE', 20, & 'GROOTHEID 2', 'eenheid 2','Beschrijving 2', & 0, idum) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Defcel( fds, 'CEL_TEST_1', 1, 'ELEM_R_4') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 error= Defcel( fds, 'CEL_TEST_2', 1, 'ELEM_STR') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Defgrp( fds, 'GRP_TEST_1', 'CEL_TEST_1', 1, imax, 1) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Defgrp( fds, 'GRP_TEST_2', 'CEL_TEST_2', 1, imax, 1) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 C========================================================== error= Defgrp( fds, 'GRP_TEMP', 'CEL_TEST_1', 1, 1, 1) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 C========================================================== c error= Opndat( fds, 'nefis_ex.dat', coding) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Credat( fds, 'DATAGRP_TEST_1A', 'GRP_TEST_1') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 c error= Credat( fds, 'DATAGRP_TEST_1B', 'GRP_TEST_1') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 call clock(cpu2) WRITE(*,'(''Initialisation NEFIS files [sec]'',1PE13.5)') * cpu2-cpu1 c write(*,*) write(*,'(''Schrijf elementen'')') write(*,*) c call clock(cpu1) UINDEX (3,1) = 1 DO 10 i= 1, imax UINDEX (1,1) = i UINDEX (2,1) = i error= Putelt( fds, 'DATAGRP_TEST_1A', '*', + UINDEX, 1, real(i)) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 10 CONTINUE call clock(cpu2) WRITE(*,'(''DATAGRP_TEST_1A written in [sec]'',1PE13.5)') * cpu2-cpu1 call clock(cpu1) DO 20 i= imax, 1, -1 UINDEX (1,1) = i UINDEX (2,1) = i error= Putelt( fds, 'DATAGRP_TEST_1B', '*', + UINDEX, 1,-1.*real(i)) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 20 CONTINUE call clock(cpu2) WRITE(*,'(''DATAGRP_TEST_1B written in [sec]'',1PE13.5)') * cpu2-cpu1 call clock(cpu1) DO 21 i= imax, 1, -1 UINDEX (1,1) = i UINDEX (2,1) = i error= Putelt( fds, 'DATAGRP_TEST_1C', '*', + UINDEX, 1, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST') if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 21 CONTINUE call clock(cpu2) WRITE(*,'(''DATAGRP_TEST_1C written in [sec]'',1PE13.5)') * cpu2-cpu1 c c===================================================================== write(*,*) write(*,'(''Lees elementen'')') write(*,*) c call clock(cpu1) DO 30 i= imax, 1, -1 UINDEX (1,1) = i UINDEX (2,1) = i error= Getelt( fds, 'DATAGRP_TEST_1A', '*' , + UINDEX, 1, 4, buffer) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 IF (NINT(buffer).NE. i) PRINT *,'error, i= ', i, buffer + ,NINT(buffer) 30 CONTINUE call clock(cpu2) WRITE(*,'(''DATAGRP_TEST_1A read in [sec]'',1PE13.5)') * cpu2-cpu1 c call clock(cpu1) DO 40 i= 1, imax UINDEX (1,1) = i UINDEX (2,1) = i error= Getelt( fds, 'DATAGRP_TEST_1B', '*' , + UINDEX, 1, 4, buffer) if (error .ne. 0) goto 9999 IF (NINT(buffer).NE. -1*i) PRINT *,'error, i= ', i, buffer + ,NINT(buffer) 40 CONTINUE call clock(cpu2) WRITE(*,'(''DATAGRP_TEST_1B read in [sec]'',1PE13.5)') * cpu2-cpu1 write(*,*) c error= Clsdat( fds) error= Clsdef( fds) c 9999 continue c error = Neferr( 0, errstr) write(*,'(a)') trim(errstr) c END c==================================================================== c Convert clock time to seconds c subroutine clock( cpu ) integer ihr, imin, isec, i100th real cpu ihr = 0 imin = 0 isec = 0 i100th = 0 cpu = 0. ! CALL Gettim(ihr, imin, isec, i100th) ! cpu = ihr*3600.0 + imin*60.0 + isec + i100th/100.0 ! call system_clock(ihr,imin) ! cpu = ihr/real(imin) end