module m_1d_structures !----- AGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2017-2023. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use MessageHandling use m_GlobalParameters use m_alloc use m_branch use m_tables use m_CrossSections use m_Culvert use m_pump use m_General_Structure use m_Universal_Weir use m_Bridge use m_hash_search use m_Dambreak use iso_c_utils implicit none private public realloc public dealloc public addStructure public getStructureCount public reIndexCrossSections public getStrucType_from_string public getTableValue public getCrossSection public GetStrucType_from_int public get_crest_level public get_crest_level_c_loc public get_gate_lower_edge_level_c_loc public get_valve_opening_height_c_loc public get_gate_opening_width_c_loc public get_gate_door_height_c_loc public get_width public get_gle public get_opening_height public get_valve_opening public get_culvert_state public fill_hashtable public incStructureCount public GetPumpCapacity public get_pump_capacity_c_loc public GetPumpStage public GetPumpReductionFactor public initialize_structure_links public set_fu_ru_structure public check_for_changes_on_structures public initialize_structures_actual_params public get_discharge_under_compound_struc public set_u0isu1_structures public set_u1q1_structure interface fill_hashtable module procedure fill_hashtable_sts end interface interface AddStructure module procedure AddStructure_short module procedure AddStructureByCalcPoints end interface interface getTableValue module procedure getTableValueStruc end interface interface realloc module procedure reallocstructure end interface interface dealloc module procedure deallocstructure end interface dealloc ! TODO: the next declarations are duplicates of OMI_CF_DATA. integer, public, parameter :: CFiCrestLevel = 18 integer, public, parameter :: CFiCrestWidth = 19 integer, public, parameter :: CFiGateLowerEdgeLevel = 20 integer, public, parameter :: CFiGateOpeningHeight = 21 integer, public, parameter :: CFiValveOpening = 22 integer, public, parameter :: CFiSetpoint = 29 integer, public, parameter :: CFiHighestParameter = 31 integer, parameter :: MaxWarnings = 50 integer :: numberOfWarnings = 0 !--------------------------------------------------------- type, public :: t_structure character(IdLen) :: id !< Id of the structure character(IdLen) :: name !< (long) name of the structure integer :: type !< integer structure type integer :: ibran !< branch index double precision :: chainage !< Chainage integer :: numCoordinates !< number of coordinates in the location polygon double precision, pointer, dimension(:) :: xCoordinates => null() !< x-coordinates of the location polygon double precision, pointer, dimension(:) :: yCoordinates => null() !< y-coordinates of the location polygon integer :: numlinks !< number of links in structure integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: linknumbers => null() !< link numbers of structure (length = numlinks) double precision, pointer, dimension(:) :: fu => null() !< fu coefficient for momentum equation double precision, pointer, dimension(:) :: ru => null() !< ru coefficient for momentum equation double precision, pointer, dimension(:) :: au => null() !< flow area double precision, pointer, dimension(:) :: u0 => null() !< flow velocity at previous time step double precision, pointer, dimension(:) :: u1 => null() !< flow velocity at current time step integer :: compound type(t_pump), pointer :: pump => null() type(t_culvert),pointer :: culvert => null() type(t_uni_weir),pointer :: uniweir => null() type(t_bridge),pointer :: bridge => null() type(t_GeneralStructure),pointer :: generalst => null() type(t_dambreak),pointer :: dambreak => null() end type type, public :: t_structureSet integer :: Size = 0 integer :: growsBy = 2000 integer :: Count = 0 !< Current number of structures in this set. integer, dimension(ST_MAX_TYPE) :: countByType = 0 integer :: compoundCount = 0 logical :: hasExtraResistance = .false. type(t_structure), pointer, dimension(:) :: struct => null() !> Contains information on real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: restartData type(t_hashlist) :: hashlist_weir type(t_hashlist) :: hashlist_culvert type(t_hashlist) :: hashlist_bridge type(t_hashlist) :: hashlist_pump type(t_hashlist) :: hashlist_structure integer :: currentFileVersion !< Lowest file version used in the input integer :: numWeirs !< Total number of weirs in this structure set. See indices array below. integer :: numCulverts !< Total number of culverts in this structure set. See indices array below. integer :: numPumps !< Total number of pumps in this structure set. See indices array below. integer :: numBridges !< Total number of bridges in this structure set. See indices array below. integer :: numOrifices !< Total number of orifices in this structure set. See indices array below. integer :: numGates !< Total number of gates in this structure set. See indices array below. integer :: numGeneralStructures !< Total number of general structures in this structure set. See indices array below. integer :: numUniWeirs !< Total number of universal weirs in this structure set. See indices array below. integer :: numDambreaks !< Total number of dambreaks in this structure set. See indices array below. integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: weirIndices => null() !< (numWeirs) indices of the weirs in the overall struct(:) array. Note: some may actually be of type ST_GENERAL_ST. integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: culvertIndices => null() !< (numCulverts) indices of the culverts in the overall struct(:) array. integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: pumpIndices => null() !< (numPumps) indices of the pumps in the overall struct(:) array. integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: bridgeIndices => null() !< (numBridges) indices of the bridges in the overall struct(:) array. integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: orificeIndices => null() !< (numOrifices) indices of the orifices in the overall struct(:) array. Note: some may actually be of type ST_GENERAL_ST. integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: gateIndices => null() !< (numGates) indices of the gates in the overall struct(:) array. Note: some may actually be of type ST_GENERAL_ST. integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: generalStructureIndices => null() !< (numGeneralStructures) indices of the general structures in the overall struct(:) array. integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: uniWeirIndices => null() !< (numUniWeirs) indices of the universal weirs in the overall struct(:) array. integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: dambreakIndices => null() !< (numDambreaks) indices of the dambreaks in the overall struct(:) array. end type t_structureSet contains integer function AddStructure_short(sts, leftcalc, rightcalc, linknumber, icompound, compoundName, id, structureType) ! Modules implicit none ! Input/output parameters type(t_StructureSet) :: sts integer :: leftcalc integer :: rightcalc integer :: linknumber integer :: icompound character(*) :: compoundName character(*) :: id ! In 3Di branches have both xy and branchid, chainage integer :: structureType ! Local variables integer :: ibranch double precision :: x double precision :: y double precision :: chainage ! Program code chainage = 0d0 x = 0d0 y = 0d0 ibranch = 0 AddStructure_short = AddStructureByCalcPoints(sts, linknumber, chainage, icompound, compoundName, id, structureType, x, y, ibranch) end function AddStructure_short integer function AddStructureByCalcPoints(sts, linknumber, chainage, icompound, compoundName, id, structureType, x, y, ibranch) ! Modules implicit none ! Input/output parameters type(t_StructureSet) :: sts integer :: linknumber double precision :: chainage integer :: icompound character(*) :: compoundName character(*) :: id double precision, optional :: x double precision, optional :: y integer, optional :: ibranch ! In 3Di branches have both xy and branchid, chainage integer :: structureType ! Local variables integer :: i type(t_structure), pointer :: pstru ! Program code sts%Count = sts%Count+1 i = sts%Count if (sts%Count > sts%Size) then call realloc(sts) endif call incStructureCount(sts, structureType) allocate(sts%struct(i)%linknumbers(1), sts%struct(i)%xCoordinates(1), sts%struct(i)%yCoordinates(1)) sts%struct(i)%id = id sts%struct(i)%linknumbers(1) = linknumber sts%struct(i)%chainage = chainage sts%struct(i)%compound = icompound sts%struct(i)%type = structureType if (present(x) .and. present(y)) then sts%struct(i)%xCoordinates(1) = x sts%struct(i)%yCoordinates(1) = y else sts%struct(i)%xCoordinates(1) = 0d0 sts%struct(i)%yCoordinates(1) = 0d0 endif if (present(ibranch)) then sts%struct(i)%ibran = ibranch else sts%struct(i)%ibran = 0 end if AddStructureByCalcPoints = sts%count end function AddStructureByCalcPoints !> Increments the counter for a specific type in the overall structure set. subroutine incStructureCount(sts, type) implicit none type(t_StructureSet), intent(inout) :: sts integer, intent(in) :: type !< Type id of the new structure. if (type > ST_MAX_TYPE) then call mess(LEVEL_ERROR, 'incStructureCount: invalid structure type: ', type) return end if sts%countByType(type) = sts%countByType(type) + 1 end subroutine incStructureCount !> Gets the number of structures of a specific type. integer function getStructureCount(sts, type) implicit none type(t_StructureSet), intent(in) :: sts integer, intent(in) :: type getStructureCount = 0 if (type > ST_MAX_TYPE) then call mess(LEVEL_ERROR, 'incStructureCount: invalid structure type: ', type) return end if getStructureCount = sts%countByType(type) end function getStructureCount subroutine deallocstructure(sts) ! Modules implicit none ! Input/output parameters type(t_structureSet), intent(inout) :: sts ! Local variables integer :: i integer :: length ! Program code if (associated(sts%struct)) then length = sts%size do i = 1, length if (associated(sts%struct(i)%pump)) call dealloc(sts%struct(i)%pump) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%culvert)) call dealloc(sts%struct(i)%culvert) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%uniweir)) call dealloc(sts%struct(i)%uniweir) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%bridge)) deallocate(sts%struct(i)%bridge) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%generalst)) call dealloc(sts%struct(i)%generalst) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%xCoordinates)) deallocate(sts%struct(i)%xCoordinates) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%yCoordinates)) deallocate(sts%struct(i)%yCoordinates) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%linknumbers)) deallocate(sts%struct(i)%linknumbers) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%fu)) deallocate(sts%struct(i)%fu) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%ru)) deallocate(sts%struct(i)%ru) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%au)) deallocate(sts%struct(i)%au) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%u0)) deallocate(sts%struct(i)%u0) if (associated(sts%struct(i)%u1)) deallocate(sts%struct(i)%u1) sts%struct(i)%pump => null() sts%struct(i)%culvert => null() sts%struct(i)%uniweir => null() sts%struct(i)%bridge => null() sts%struct(i)%generalst => null() sts%struct(i)%xCoordinates => null() sts%struct(i)%yCoordinates => null() sts%struct(i)%linknumbers => null() sts%struct(i)%fu => null() sts%struct(i)%ru => null() sts%struct(i)%au => null() sts%struct(i)%u0 => null() sts%struct(i)%u1 => null() enddo deallocate(sts%struct) endif if (allocated(sts%restartData)) then deallocate(sts%restartData) endif call dealloc(sts%hashlist_weir) call dealloc(sts%hashlist_pump) call dealloc(sts%hashlist_bridge) call dealloc(sts%hashlist_culvert) call dealloc(sts%hashlist_structure) sts%struct => null() sts%count = 0 sts%size = 0 sts%countByType = 0 sts%compoundcount = 0 sts%hasExtraResistance = .false. numberOfWarnings = 0 end subroutine deallocstructure ! subroutine reallocstructure(sts) ! Modules implicit none ! Input/output parameters type(t_structureSet), intent(inout) :: sts ! Local variables type(t_structure), pointer, dimension(:) :: oldsts ! Program code if (sts%Size > 0) then oldsts=>sts%struct endif if (sts%growsBy <=0) then sts%growsBy = 200 endif allocate(sts%struct(sts%Size+sts%growsBy)) if (sts%Size > 0) then sts%struct(1:sts%Size) = oldsts(1:sts%Size) deallocate(oldsts) endif sts%Size = sts%Size+sts%growsBy end subroutine double precision function getTableValueStruc(pstru, x) result (res) double precision :: x type(t_structure) :: pstru select case (pstru%type) case (ST_CULVERT) res = interpolate(pstru%culvert%lossCoeff, x) case default res = 0.0d0 end select end function subroutine getCrossSection(sts, crs, istru, pcross) type(t_StructureSet) :: sts type(t_CrossSectionSet) :: crs integer :: istru type(t_crossSection), pointer :: pcross integer :: icross select case(sts%struct(istru)%type) case (ST_CULVERT) icross = sts%struct(istru)%culvert%crosssectionnr case (ST_BRIDGE) icross = sts%struct(istru)%bridge%crosssectionnr case default icross = 0 end select if (icross==0) then pcross => null() else pcross => crs%cross(icross) endif end subroutine getCrossSection subroutine reIndexCrossSections(sts, crs) ! modules implicit none ! variables type(t_structureSet) :: sts !< Current structure set type(t_CrossSectionSet) :: crs !< Current cross-section set ! local variables integer i !program code ! Check for structures with cross sections. ! since the cross section list is now sorted the locations are changed do i = 1, sts%count select case(sts%struct(i)%type) case(ST_CULVERT) if (sts%struct(i)%culvert%crosssectionnr > 0) then sts%struct(i)%culvert%crosssectionnr = crs%crossSectionIndex(sts%struct(i)%culvert%crosssectionnr) sts%struct(i)%culvert%pcross => crs%cross(sts%struct(i)%culvert%crosssectionnr) endif case(ST_BRIDGE) if (sts%struct(i)%bridge%crosssectionnr > 0) then sts%struct(i)%bridge%crosssectionnr = crs%crossSectionIndex(sts%struct(i)%bridge%crosssectionnr) sts%struct(i)%bridge%pcross => crs%cross(sts%struct(i)%bridge%crosssectionnr) endif end select enddo end subroutine reIndexCrossSections integer function GetStrucType_from_string(string) use string_module character(len=*) :: string call str_lower(string, 999) select case(trim(string)) case ('pump') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_PUMP case ('generalstructure') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_GENERAL_ST case ('weir') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_WEIR case ('orifice') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_ORIFICE case ('gate') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_GATE case ('culvert') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_CULVERT case ('universalweir') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_UNI_WEIR case ('dambreak') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_DAMBREAK case ('bridge') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_BRIDGE case ('compound') GetStrucType_from_string = ST_COMPOUND case default GetStrucType_from_string = -1 end select end function GetStrucType_from_string subroutine GetStrucType_from_int(istrtype, strng) integer, intent(in) :: istrtype character (len=*), intent(out) :: strng select case(istrtype) case (ST_PUMP) strng = 'pump' case (ST_GENERAL_ST) strng = 'general_structure' case (ST_WEIR) strng = 'weir' case (ST_ORIFICE) strng = 'orifice' case (ST_GATE) strng = 'gate' case (ST_CULVERT) strng = 'culvert' case (ST_UNI_WEIR) strng = 'universalweir' case (ST_DAMBREAK) strng = 'dambreak' case (ST_BRIDGE) strng = 'bridge' case (ST_LONGCULVERT) strng = 'longCulvert' case default strng = 'unknown' end select end subroutine GetStrucType_from_int !> Gets the current value of the crest level for a given structure. !! If the type of the given structure does not have a crest, then it gets a dummy high value 1d10. !! The value is the actual value, e.g., %zs_actual, so it may differ from %zs !! if sanity checks have been applied (see also: check_for_changes_on_structure()). double precision function get_crest_level(struc) type(t_structure), intent(in) :: struc select case (struc%type) case (ST_UNI_WEIR) get_crest_level = struc%uniweir%crestlevel_actual case (ST_CULVERT) get_crest_level = max(struc%culvert%leftlevel, struc%culvert%rightlevel) case (ST_PUMP) get_crest_level = huge(1d0) case (ST_GENERAL_ST, ST_WEIR, ST_ORIFICE) get_crest_level = struc%generalst%zs_actual case (ST_BRIDGE) get_crest_level = struc%bridge%bedLevel case default get_crest_level = huge(1d0) end select end function get_crest_level !> Gets the pointer of the crest level for a given structure. !! If the type of the given structure does not have a crest, then it gets a null pointer !! This pointer points directly to, e.g., the %zs (i.e., *not* to %zs_actual), !! so it is suitable for adjusting the %zs. type(c_ptr) function get_crest_level_c_loc(struc) type(t_structure), intent(in) :: struc select case (struc%type) case (ST_UNI_WEIR) get_crest_level_c_loc = c_loc(struc%uniweir%crestlevel) case (ST_GENERAL_ST, ST_WEIR, ST_ORIFICE) get_crest_level_c_loc = c_loc(struc%generalst%zs) case default get_crest_level_c_loc = C_NULL_PTR end select end function get_crest_level_c_loc !> Gets the pointer of the gate lower edge level for a given structure. !! If the type of the given structure is not general structure, then it gets a null pointer !! This pointer points directly to the %gateLowerEdgeLevel (i.e., *not* to %gateLowerEdgeLevel_actual), !! so it is suitable for adjusting the %gateLowerEdgeLevel. type(c_ptr) function get_gate_lower_edge_level_c_loc(struc) type(t_structure), intent(in) :: struc select case (struc%type) case (ST_GENERAL_ST, ST_ORIFICE) get_gate_lower_edge_level_c_loc = c_loc(struc%generalst%gateLowerEdgeLevel) case default get_gate_lower_edge_level_c_loc = C_NULL_PTR end select end function get_gate_lower_edge_level_c_loc !> Gets the pointer of the valve opening height for a given culvert structure. !! If the type of the given structure is not culvert, then it gets a null pointer !! This pointer points directly to the %culvert%valveOpening. type(c_ptr) function get_valve_opening_height_c_loc(struc) type(t_structure), intent(in) :: struc select case (struc%type) case (ST_CULVERT) get_valve_opening_height_c_loc = c_loc(struc%culvert%valveOpening) case default get_valve_opening_height_c_loc = C_NULL_PTR end select end function get_valve_opening_height_c_loc !> Gets the pointer of the gate opening width for a given structure. !! If the type of the given structure is not general structure, then it gets a null pointer !! This pointer points directly to the %gateopeningwidth (i.e., *not* to %gateopeningwidth_actual), !! so it is suitable for adjusting the %gateopeningwidth. type(c_ptr) function get_gate_opening_width_c_loc(struc) type(t_structure), intent(in) :: struc select case (struc%type) case (ST_GENERAL_ST) get_gate_opening_width_c_loc = c_loc(struc%generalst%gateopeningwidth) case default get_gate_opening_width_c_loc = C_NULL_PTR end select end function get_gate_opening_width_c_loc !> Gets the pointer of the gate door height for a given structure. !! If the type of the given structure is not general structure, then it gets a null pointer !! This pointer points directly to the %gatedoorheight. type(c_ptr) function get_gate_door_height_c_loc(struc) type(t_structure), intent(in) :: struc select case (struc%type) case (ST_GENERAL_ST) get_gate_door_height_c_loc = c_loc(struc%generalst%gatedoorheight) case default get_gate_door_height_c_loc = C_NULL_PTR end select end function get_gate_door_height_c_loc double precision function get_width(struc) type(t_structure), intent(in) :: struc select case (struc%type) case (ST_GENERAL_ST, ST_ORIFICE, ST_WEIR) get_width = struc%generalst%ws_actual case default get_width = huge(1d0) end select end function get_width double precision function get_gle(struc) type (t_structure), intent(inout) :: struc select case(struc%type) case (ST_GENERAL_ST, ST_ORIFICE) get_gle = struc%generalst%gateLowerEdgeLevel_actual case (ST_CULVERT) get_gle = max(struc%culvert%leftlevel, struc%culvert%rightlevel) + struc%culvert%valveOpening case default get_gle = huge(1d0) end select end function get_gle double precision function get_opening_height(struc) type (t_structure), intent(inout) :: struc select case(struc%type) case (ST_GENERAL_ST, ST_ORIFICE) get_opening_height = struc%generalst%gateLowerEdgeLevel_actual - struc%generalst%zs_actual case (ST_CULVERT) get_opening_height = struc%culvert%valveOpening end select end function get_opening_height double precision function get_valve_opening(struc) type (t_structure), intent(inout) :: struc select case(struc%type) case (ST_CULVERT) get_valve_opening = struc%culvert%valveOpening end select end function get_valve_opening !> Gets culvert state for a given structure integer function get_culvert_state(struc) type (t_structure), intent(inout) :: struc select case(struc%type) case (ST_CULVERT) get_culvert_state = struc%culvert%state case default get_culvert_state = -999 ! unknown end select end function get_culvert_state subroutine fill_hashtable_sts(sts) type (t_structureSet), intent(inout), target :: sts integer :: ist character(len=idlen), dimension(:), pointer :: ids_weir character(len=idlen), dimension(:), pointer :: ids_culvert character(len=idlen), dimension(:), pointer :: ids_bridge character(len=idlen), dimension(:), pointer :: ids_pump character(len=idlen), dimension(:), pointer :: ids_structure if (sts%Count <= 0) return ! Nothing to hash allocate(sts%hashlist_weir%id_list(sts%Count)) allocate(sts%hashlist_culvert%id_list(sts%Count)) allocate(sts%hashlist_bridge%id_list(sts%Count)) allocate(sts%hashlist_pump%id_list(sts%Count)) allocate(sts%hashlist_structure%id_list(sts%Count)) ! TODO: needs if(allocated's) sts%hashlist_weir%id_count = sts%Count sts%hashlist_culvert%id_count = sts%Count sts%hashlist_bridge%id_count = sts%Count sts%hashlist_pump%id_count = sts%Count sts%hashlist_structure%id_count = sts%Count ids_weir => sts%hashlist_weir%id_list ids_culvert => sts%hashlist_culvert%id_list ids_bridge => sts%hashlist_bridge%id_list ids_pump => sts%hashlist_pump%id_list ids_structure => sts%hashlist_structure%id_list ids_weir = ' ' ids_culvert = ' ' ids_bridge = ' ' ids_pump = ' ' ids_structure = ' ' do ist = 1, sts%count ids_structure(ist) = sts%struct(ist)%id ! ! NOTE: UNST-2576: the mapping below are still old and aimed at SOBEK3. ! Under D-Flow FM/RHU, we'll consider separate hashlists for each type, not alltogether as weir. ! select case(sts%struct(ist)%type) case (ST_WEIR, ST_ORIFICE,ST_GENERAL_ST, ST_UNI_WEIR) ids_weir(ist) = sts%struct(ist)%id case (ST_CULVERT) ids_culvert(ist) = sts%struct(ist)%id case (ST_BRIDGE) ids_bridge(ist) = sts%struct(ist)%id case (ST_PUMP) ids_pump(ist) = sts%struct(ist)%id end select enddo call hashfill(sts%hashlist_weir ) call hashfill(sts%hashlist_culvert) call hashfill(sts%hashlist_bridge ) call hashfill(sts%hashlist_pump ) call hashfill(sts%hashlist_structure ) end subroutine fill_hashtable_sts !> Gets pump capacity, in the direction of the pump's orientation. !! (So possibly negative, when direction < 0.) double precision function GetPumpCapacity(stru) implicit none type(t_structure), intent(in) :: stru !< Structure if (stru%type /= ST_PUMP) then return end if if (stru%pump%is_active) then GetPumpCapacity = stru%pump%current_capacity else GetPumpCapacity = 0d0 end if end function GetPumpCapacity !> Gets a c_ptr to the pump capacity field. !! Use this function when it is needed to later adjust the pump capacity via the c_ptr. !! When read-only getting is sufficient, use getPumpCapacity instead. type(c_ptr) function get_pump_capacity_c_loc(struc) type(t_structure), intent(in) :: struc !< The structure object containing the pump. select case (struc%type) case (ST_PUMP) get_pump_capacity_c_loc = c_loc(struc%pump%capacity(1)) case default get_pump_capacity_c_loc = C_NULL_PTR end select end function get_pump_capacity_c_loc !> Gets pump actual stage. double precision function GetPumpStage(stru) implicit none type(t_structure), intent(in) :: stru !< Structure if (stru%type /= ST_PUMP) then return end if if (stru%pump%nrstages > 0) then GetPumpStage = dble(stru%pump%actual_stage) else GetPumpStage = -1 end if end function GetPumpStage !> Gets pump reduction factor. double precision function GetPumpReductionFactor(stru) implicit none type(t_structure), intent(in) :: stru !< Structure if (stru%type /= ST_PUMP) then return end if GetPumpReductionFactor = stru%pump%reduction_factor end function GetPumpReductionFactor !> Initializes the flow link administration for a single structure. function initialize_structure_links(struct, numlinks, links, wu) result(istat) type(t_structure), intent(inout) :: struct !< The structure object to be initialized. integer, intent(in ) :: numlinks !< The number of flow links affected by this structure. integer, dimension(:), intent(in ) :: links !< (numlinks) The flow link numbers affected by this structure. double precision, dimension(:), intent(in ) :: wu !< (numlinks) The width of the flow links affected by this structure. integer :: istat !< Result status (0 if successful). istat = 0 allocate(struct%linknumbers(numlinks), struct%fu(numlinks), struct%ru(numlinks), struct%au(numlinks), struct%u0(numlinks), struct%u1(numlinks)) struct%numlinks = numlinks struct%linknumbers = links(1:numlinks) struct%fu = 0d0 struct%ru = 0d0 struct%au = 0d0 struct%u0 = 0d0 struct%u1 = 0d0 select case(struct%type) case (ST_GENERAL_ST) ! REMARK: for version 2 files weirs, orifices and gates are implemented as general structures allocate(struct%generalst%widthcenteronlink(numlinks), struct%generalst%gateclosedfractiononlink(numlinks), struct%generalst%sOnCrest(numlinks), struct%generalst%state(3,numlinks)) struct%generalst%sOnCrest(1:numlinks) = 0d0 struct%generalst%state = 0 allocate(struct%generalst%fu(3,numlinks), struct%generalst%ru(3,numlinks), struct%generalst%au(3,numlinks)) struct%generalst%fu = 0d0 struct%generalst%ru = 0d0 struct%generalst%au = 0d0 allocate(struct%generalst%gateclosedfractiononlink(numlinks)) struct%generalst%gateclosedfractiononlink = 0d0 case (ST_CULVERT, ST_UNI_WEIR, ST_ORIFICE, ST_GATE, ST_WEIR, ST_PUMP, ST_BRIDGE) if (numlinks > 1) then istat = 1 call setmessage(LEVEL_ERROR, 'Multiple links for culvert structures is not supported, check structure'//trim(struct%id)) endif case (ST_DAMBREAK) ! NOTE: flow1d currently does not contain any special computations for dambreak on multiple flow links (2D grid). ! But: allow this anyway, because flow1d only stores the dambreak input. Computation is done in kernel (e.g., dflowfm). continue case default ! A reminder not to forget other structures that are added: istat = 1 call setMessage(LEVEL_ERROR, 'Internal error, this structure type is not (yet) implemented in initialize_structure') end select end function initialize_structure_links !> Set fu, ru and au in a structure. This subroutine is essential for compound !! structures. Since the compound structure relies on the fact that FU, RU and !! AU are set for all of its underlying structures. subroutine set_fu_ru_structure(struct, L0, fu, ru, au) type (t_structure) , intent(inout) :: struct !< Structure object. integer, intent(in ) :: L0 !< Internal link index. double precision, intent(in ) :: fu !< FU coefficient. double precision, intent(in ) :: ru !< RU coefficient. double precision, intent(in ) :: au !< Flow area. struct%fu(L0) = fu struct%ru(L0) = ru struct%au(L0) = au end subroutine set_fu_ru_structure !> Initialize the %*_actual parameters for all network structure to the !! currently set direct parameters (e.g., %zs_actual = %zs). !! This routine is intended to maintain up-to-date actual parameter values !! for output purposes, even when the structure was dry (then the sanity !! checks were not applied). subroutine initialize_structures_actual_params(sts) use messagehandling use precision_basics type(t_StructureSet), intent(in) :: sts !< Structure set that must be initialized. type (t_structure), pointer :: pstru integer :: istru do istru=1,sts%Count pstru => sts%struct(istru) select case(pstru%type) case (ST_GENERAL_ST) pstru%generalst%zs_actual = pstru%generalst%zs pstru%generalst%ws_actual = pstru%generalst%ws pstru%generalst%gateLowerEdgeLevel_actual = pstru%generalst%gateLowerEdgeLevel pstru%generalst%gateopeningwidth_actual = pstru%generalst%gateopeningwidth case(ST_BRIDGE) pstru%bridge%bedLevel_actual = pstru%bridge%bedLevel case(ST_UNI_WEIR) pstru%uniweir%crestlevel_actual = pstru%uniweir%crestlevel end select end do end subroutine initialize_structures_actual_params !> check for differences between input parameters and actual parameters subroutine check_for_changes_on_structures(level, pstru, bob0) use messagehandling use precision_basics type (t_structure), pointer, intent(in) :: pstru integer, intent(in) :: level double precision, intent(in) :: bob0(2) select case(pstru%type) case (ST_GENERAL_ST) call compare_and_warn(level, pstru%generalst%zs, pstru%generalst%zs_actual, 'crest level', pstru%id) call compare_and_warn(level, pstru%generalst%ws, pstru%generalst%ws_actual, 'crest width', pstru%id) call compare_and_warn(level, pstru%generalst%gateLowerEdgeLevel, pstru%generalst%gateLowerEdgeLevel_actual, 'gate lower edge level', pstru%id) call compare_and_warn(level, pstru%generalst%gateopeningwidth, pstru%generalst%gateopeningwidth_actual, 'gate opening width', pstru%id) case(ST_BRIDGE) call compare_and_warn(level, pstru%bridge%bedLevel, pstru%bridge%bedLevel_actual, 'bed level', pstru%id) call compare_and_warn(level, pstru%bridge%flowArea, pstru%bridge%flowArea_actual, 'flow area', pstru%id) case(ST_UNI_WEIR) call compare_and_warn(level, pstru%uniweir%crestlevel, pstru%uniweir%crestlevel_actual, 'crest level', pstru%id) end select end subroutine check_for_changes_on_structures !> Check for changes in "actual" parameters and produce a message. !! The number of messsages is limited to MAXWARNINGS subroutine compare_and_warn(level, val_org, val_new, par, id) use precision integer , intent(in) :: level !< Message level double precision, intent(in) :: val_org !< Original value double precision, intent(in) :: val_new !< Adjusted value (_actual) character (len=*), intent(in) :: par !< Name of the parameter character (len=*), intent(in) :: id !< Id of the sturcture if (numberOfWarnings == Maxwarnings+1) then numberOfWarnings = numberOfWarnings+1 write (msgbuf, '(a,i0,a)') 'The number of warnings for changed structure parameters exceeds ', & Maxwarnings, ', subsequent warnings are suppressed' call setmessage(LEVEL_INFO,msgbuf) else if (numberOfWarnings <= Maxwarnings) then if (comparereal(val_org, val_new) /= 0) then numberOfWarnings = numberOfWarnings+1 write(msgbuf,'(a,f8.2,a,f8.2,a)') 'The '// trim(par)//' for '''//trim(id)//''' is changed from ', val_org, ' into ', val_new, '.' call SetMessage(level, msgbuf) endif endif end subroutine compare_and_warn !> Gets discharge of a structure that belongs to a compound structure. double precision function get_discharge_under_compound_struc(pstru, L0, s1k1, s1k2, teta) type (t_structure), intent(inout) :: pstru !< structure integer, intent(in) :: L0 !< local link index double precision, intent(in) :: s1k1, s1k2 !< water level on nodes k1 and k2 double precision, intent(in) :: teta !< Theta-value of theta-time-integration for this flow link. ! NOTE: pstru%u1 must have been calculated before in set_u1q1_structure() get_discharge_under_compound_struc = pstru%au(L0)* (teta * pstru%u1(L0) + (1d0-teta) * pstru%u0(L0)) end function get_discharge_under_compound_struc !> Sets u0 (flow velocity at previous timestep) to u1 for a structure's flow links. !! These are the structure's own velocities, not the flow link's velocities, !! this is relevant under compound structures. !! This routine typically should be called once (at the start of) every timestep. subroutine set_u0isu1_structures(sts) type(t_structureset), intent(inout) :: sts !< Dataset containing structure information. integer :: istru, count type(t_structure), pointer :: pstru count = sts%Count do istru = 1, count pstru => sts%struct(istru) if (pstru%numlinks > 0 ) then pstru%u0(:) = pstru%u1(:) endif enddo end subroutine set_u0isu1_structures !> Sets u1 for each structure's flow links. !! These are the structure's own velocities, not the flow link's velocities, !! this is relevant under compound structures. !! This routine typically should be called once (at the end of) every timestep. subroutine set_u1q1_structure(pstru, L0, s1k1, s1k2, teta) type (t_structure), intent(inout) :: pstru !< structure integer, intent(in) :: L0 !< local link index double precision, intent(in) :: s1k1, s1k2 !< water level on nodes k1 and k2 double precision, intent(in) :: teta !< Theta-value of theta-time-integration for this flow link. (not used yet) pstru%u1(L0) = pstru%ru(L0) - pstru%fu(L0)*( s1k2 - s1k1 ) ! NOTE: No q1 part here, since pstru%q1 does not exist. end subroutine set_u1q1_structure end module m_1d_structures