-1:69:-1:-1 2:sslp:Smoothed MSLP 2:slp:MSLP 7:ght:Geopotential height 11:tmk:Temperature [K] 11:tgk:Ground temperature [K] 11:T2:N2-metre temperature 17:td2mk:N2-metre dew point temperature [K] 17:td2mc:N2-metre dew point temperature 20:visr:converted to m 31:wd10:N10m AGL 31:wdr:Wind Direction 32:ws10:N10m AGL 32:wspk:Knots converted to [m/s] 33:vvv:Wind in v-direction 33:V10:N10-metre V Component 34:U10:N10-metre U Component 34:uuu:Wind in u-direction 40:www:Vertical wind component [m/s] 52:RH10:Relative Humidity at 10m AGL 53:Q2:N2-metre mixing ratio 53:qvp:Water vapor mixing ratio [g/kg] 61:xrrb:Total precipitation 61:rtb:Total precipitation 61:rrb:Total precipitation 62:rte:Accumulated non-Convective Precipition [mm] 62:rre:Non-Convective Precipition [mm] 63:rtc:Accumulated Convective Precipition [mm] 63:rrc:Convective Precipition [mm] 67:pblh:PBL height [m] 72:pccld1:percentage 73:plcld:percentage 74:pmcld:percentage 75:phcld:percentage 128:qcw:Cloud mixing ratio [g/kg] 129:qra:Rain water mixing ratio [g/Kg] 130:radtnd:Atmospheric radiative tendency [K/day] 131:prs:Pressure perturbation [Pa] 132:pstx:SURFACE PRESSURE MINUS PTOP 133:pstd:SURFACE PRESSURE MINUS PTOP 135:ter:Terrain Elevation [m] 136:xmap:MAP SCALE FACTOR [] 137:dmap:MAP SCALE FACTOR [] 138:cor:CORIOLIS PARAMETER [1/s] 139:RES_TEMP:INFINITE RESERVOIR SLAB TEMPERATURE [K] 142:xlus:LANDUSE CATEGORY 143:rdr:Dynamic Rainfall [mm/s] 143:xrdr:Dynamic Rainfall [mm/s] 144:rcr:Convective Rainfall [mm/s] 144:xrcr:Convective Rainfall [mm/s] 145:swdown:SURFACE DOWNWARD SHORTWAVE RADIATION [W/m^2] 146:xrds:Dynamic Snow [mm/s] 146:rds:Dynamic Snow [mm/s] 147:rcs:Convective Snow [mm/s] 147:xrcs:Convective Snow [mm/s] 148:LWOUT:TOP OUTGOING LONGWAVE RADIATION [W/m^2] 149:soil1:SOIL TEMPERATURE IN LAYER N 149:soil2:SOIL TEMPERATURE IN LAYER N 149:soil3:SOIL TEMPERATURE IN LAYER N 149:soil5:SOIL TEMPERATURE IN LAYER N 149:soil6:SOIL TEMPERATURE IN LAYER N 149:soil4:SOIL TEMPERATURE IN LAYER N 150:rtotsh0:Acc Total Precipition since hour 0 [mm] 157:sst:Sea surface temperature [K] 160:qci:Cloud ice mixing ratio [g/kg] 161:qsn:Snow mixing ratio [g/kg] 162:regime:PBL REGIME 163:ust:FRICTIONAL VELOCITY [m/s] 164:lwdown:SURFACE DOWNWARD LONGWAVE RADIATION [W/m^2] 165:SWOUT:TOP OUTGOING SHORTWAVE RADIATION [W/m^2] 191:itt:Total Totals Index