-1:99:0:1 0:VAR0:undefined 1:P:Pressure [Pa] 6:Z:Geopotential [m2 s-2] 7:GH:Geopotential height [gpm] 11:T:Temperature [K] 17:VAR17:Dewpoint temperature [K] 18:DD:Dewpoint depression [K] 32:WSP:Wind speed [m s-1] 33:U:U component of wind [m s-1] 34:V:V component of wind [m s-1] 39:W:Vertical velocity [Pa s-1] 41:AVRT:Absolute vorticity [s-1] 42:ADIV:Absolute divergence [s-1] 43:RVRT:Relative vorticity [s-1] 44:RDIV:Relative divergence [s-1] 51:Q:Specific humidity [kg kg-1] 52:R:Relative humidity [%] 54:VAR54:Precipitable water content [kg m-2] 61:TP:Total precipitation [kg m-2] 62:LSP:Large-scale precipitation [kg m-2] 63:CP:Convective precipitation [kg m-2] 65:SF:Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth [kg m-2] 66:SD:Snow depth [m of water equivalent] 67:VAR67:Mixed layer depth [m] 71:TCC:Total cloud cover [%] 73:LCC:Low cloud cover [%] 74:MCC:Medium cloud cover [%] 75:HCC:High cloud cover [%] 76:CLWC:Cloud liquid water content [kg kg-1] 78:CSF:Convective snowfall [kg m-2] 79:LSF:Large-scale snowfall [kg m-2] 81:LSM:Land cover 1=land 0=sea [] 83:SR:Surface roughness [m] 84:AL:Albedo [] 86:SSW:Soil moisture content [kg m-2] 91:VAR91:Ice cover 1=land 0=sea [] 111:VAR111:Net short-wave radiation flux surface [W m-2] 112:VAR112:Net long-wave radiation flux surface [W m-2] 115:VAR115:Long-wave radiation flux [W m-2] 117:VAR117:Global radiation flux [W m-2] 121:SLHF:Surface latent heat flux [W m-2] 122:SSHF:Surface sensible heat flux [W m-2] 124:VAR124:Momentum flux U component [N m-2] 125:VAR125:Momentum flux V component [N m-2] 131:IR:Infrared satellite image pixel [K] 132:WV:Water vapour satellite image pixel [K] 133:WVC:Water vapour + clouds satellite image pixel [K] 134:VIS:Visible satellite image pixel [K] 140:VAR140:Temperature land fraction average [] 164:VAR164:Unknown [] 168:VAR168:Vegetation roughness from model [] 169:VAR169:Real albedo from model [] 190:VAR190:Snow albedo [] 191:VAR191:Snow density [] 192:VAR192:On canopy layer water [] 193:VAR193:Soil ice content [] 195:VAR195:Soil type [] 199:VAR199:Vegetation type [] 200:TKE:Turbulent kinetic energy [] 255:VAR255:undefined