-1:46:-1:128 1:PRES:Pressure [Pa] 2:PMSL:Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa] 3:PTND:Pressure tendency [Pa s-1] 4:PVOR:Potential vorticity [km2 kg-1 s-1] 5:ICAHT:ICAO Std Atmosphere Ref Height [m] 6:GP:Geopotential [m2 s-2] 7:HGHT:Geopotential height [gpm] 8:DIST:Geometrical height [m] 9:HGHTSD:Standard deviation of height [m] 10:TOZO:Total ozone [Dobson] 11:TMPK:Temperature [K] 12:TVRK:Virtual temperature [K] 13:THTA:Potential temperature [K] 14:THTE:Equivalent potential temp [K] 15:TMXK:Maximum temperature [K] 16:TMNK:Minimum temperature [K] 17:DWPK:Dew-point temperature [K] 18:DPDK:Dew-point depression or deficit [K] 19:LAPS:Lapse rate [K m-1] 20:VSBY:Visibility [m] 21:RDSP1:Radar spectra 1 [] 22:RDSP2:Radar spectra 2 [] 23:RDSP3:Radar spectra 3 [] 24:LIFT:Parcel Lifted Index to 500hPa [K] 25:TMPKA:Temperature anomaly [K] 26:PRESA:Pressure anomaly [Pa] 27:HGHTA:Geopotential height anomal [gpm] 28:WVSP1:Wave spectra 1 [] 29:WVSP2:Wave spectra 2 [] 30:WVSP3:Wave spectra 3 [] 31:DRCT:Wind direction [Degree true] 32:SPED:Wind speed [m s-1] 33:UREL:u-component of wind [m s-1] 34:VREL:v-component of wind [m s-1] 35:STRM:Stream function [m2 s-1] 36:VPOT:Velocity potential [m2 s-1] 37:PSYM:Montgomery streamfunction [m2 s-2] 38:SGCVV:Sigma co-ordinate vert vel [s-1] 39:OMEG:Pressure vertical velocity [Pa s-1] 40:VVEL:Geometric vertical velocity [m s-1] 41:AVOR:Absolute vorticity [s-1] 42:DIV:Absolute divergence [s-1] 43:VOR:Relative vorticity [s-1] 44:RDIV:Relative divergence [s-1] 45:USHR:Vertical u-component shear [s-1] 46:VSHR:Vertical v-component shear [s-1] 47:DRCTC:Direction of current [Degree true] 48:SPEDC:Speed of current [m s-1] 49:URELC:u-component of current [m s-1] 50:VRELC:v-component of current [m s-1] 51:SPFH:Specific humidity [kg kg-1] 52:RELH:Relative humidity [%] 53:MIXR:Humidity mixing ratio [kg kg-1] 54:PWTR:Precipitable water [kg m-2] 55:VAPR:Vapour pressure [Pa] 56:SATD:Saturation deficit [Pa] 57:EVAP:Evaporation [kg m-2] 58:CICE:Cloud ice [kg m-2] 59:PR--:Precipitation rate [kg m-2 s-1] 60:TSTM:Thunderstorm probability [%] 61:PREC:Total precipitation [kg m-2] 62:S--M:Large scale precipitation [kg m-2] 63:C--M:Convective precipitation [kg m-2] 64:SR--:Snowfall rate water equivalent [kg m-2 s-1] 65:SWEM:Water equiv of accum snow depth [kg m-2] 66:SNDM:Snow depth [m] 67:MIXL:Mixed layer depth [m] 68:TTHDP:Transient thermocline depth [m] 69:MTHDP:Main thermocline depth [m] 70:MTHAN:Main thermocline anomaly [m] 71:CLD:Total cloud cover [%] 72:CCLD:Convective cloud cover [%] 73:CLDL:Low cloud cover [%] 74:CLDM:Medium cloud cover [%] 75:CLDH:High cloud cover [%] 76:CWTR:Cloud water [kg m-2] 77:LFT4:Best Lifted Index to 500hPa [K] 78:CSNO:Convective snow [kg m-2] 79:LSNO:Large scale snow [kg m-2] 80:WTMPK:Water temperature [K] 81:LAND:Land-sea mask 1=land,0=sea [1,0] 82:CLVLD:Deviation of sea-level from mean [m] 83:SRLM:Surface roughness [m] 84:ALBD:Albedo [%] 85:SLTK:Soil temperature [K] 86:SLMM:Soil moisture content [kg m-2] 87:VEG:Vegetation [%] 88:SLTY:Salinity [kg kg-1] 89:DNTY:Density [kg m-3] 90:RNOF:Water runoff [kg m-2] 91:ICE:Ice concent 1=ice,0=no ice [1,0] 92:ICET:Ice thickness [m] 93:DRCTI:Direction of ice drift [Degree true] 94:SPEDI:Speed of ice drift [m s-1] 95:URELI:u-component of ice drift [m s-1] 96:VRELI:v-component of ice drift [m s-1] 97:IGRO:Ice growth [m] 98:IDIV:Ice divergence [s-1] 99:N--M:Snow melt [kg m-2] 100:HTSGW:Sig hght of comb wind waves/swell [m] 101:DRCTWW:Direction of wind waves [Degree true] 102:HGHTWW:Significant hght of wind waves [m] 103:PERDWW:Mean period of wind waves [s] 104:DRCTSW:Direction of swell waves [Degree true] 105:HGHTSW:Significant hght of swell waves [m] 106:PERDSW:Mean period of swell waves [s] 107:DRCTPW:Primary wave direction [Degree true] 108:PERDPW:Primary wave mean period [s] 109:DRCTSW:Secondary wave direction [Degree true] 110:PERDSW:Secondary wave mean period [s] 111:SNIR:Net short-wave radiation sfc [W m-2] 112:SNOR:Net long-wave radiation sfc [W m-2] 113:SWRT:Net short-wave rad top of atm [W m-2] 114:LWRT:Net long-wave rad top of atm [W m-2] 115:LWRAD:Long-wave radiation [W m-2] 116:SWRAD:Short-wave radiation [W m-2] 117:GLRAD:Global radiation [W m-2] 118:BRTMP:Brightness temperature [K] 119:RADWN:Radiance wrt wave number [W m-1/sr] 120:RADWL:Radiance wrt wave length [W m-3/sr] 121:FXLH:Latent heat flux [W m-2] 122:FXSH:Sensible heat flux [W m-2] 123:BLDIS:Boundary layer dissipation [W m-2] 124:URELFX:u-component of momentum flux [N m-2] 125:VRELFX:v-component of momentum flux [N m-2] 126:ENRG:Wind mixing energy [J] 127:IMAG:Image data [] 128:TP2M:Two metre temperature [K] 129:DP2M:Two metre dewpoint temperature [K] 130:U10M:Ten metre u-wind component [m s-1] 131:V10M:Ten metre v-wind component [m s-1] 132:TOPO:Topography [m] 133:GSFP:Geometric mean surface pressure [hPa] 134:LNSP:Ln surface pressure [hPa] 135:PSLC:Surface pressure [hPa] 136:PMSL:P M S L pressure mesinger method [hPa] 137:MASK:Mask [] 138:MXWU:Maximum u-wind [m s-1] 139:MXWV:Maximum v-wind [m s-1] 140:CAPE:Convective avail. Pot.energy [m2 s-2] 141:CINE:Convective inhib. Energy [m2 s-2] 142:LHCV:Convective latent heating [K s] 143:MSCV:Convective moisture source [1 s] 144:SCVM:Shallow conv. Moisture source [1 s] 145:SCVH:Shallow convective heating [K s] 146:MXWP:Maximum wind press. Lvl [hPa] 147:USTR:Storm motion u-component [m s-1] 148:VSTR:Storm motion v-component [m s-1] 149:CBNT:Mean cloud cover [] 150:PCBS:Pressure at cloud base [hPa] 151:PCTP:Pressure at cloud top [hPa] 152:FZHT:Freezing level height [m] 153:FZRH:Freezing level relative humidity [%] 154:FDLT:Flight levels temperature [K] 155:FDLU:Flight levels u-wind [m s-1] 156:FDLV:Flight levels v-wind [m s-1] 157:TPPP:Tropopause pressure [hPa] 158:TPPT:Tropopause temperature [K] 159:TPPU:Tropopause u-wind component [m s-1] 160:TPPV:Tropopause v-wind component [m s-1] 161:var161:var161 [] 162:GVDU:Gravity wave drag du/dt [m s-2] 163:GVDV:Gravity wave drag dv/dt [m s-2] 164:GVUS:Grav wave drag sfc zonal stress [Pa] 165:GVVS:Grav wave drag sfc merid stress [Pa] 166:var166:var166 [] 167:DVSH:Divergence of specific humidity [1 s] 168:HMFC:Horiz. Moisture flux conv. [1 s] 169:VMFL:Vert. Integ moisture flux conv. [kg m-2 s-1 ] 170:VADV:Vertical moisture advection [kg kg-1 s-1] 171:NHCM:Neg. Hum. Corr. Moisture source [kg kg-1 s-1] 172:LGLH:Large scale latent heating [K s] 173:LGMS:Large scale moisture source [1 s] 174:SMAV:Soil moisture availability [] 175:TGRZ:Soil temperature of root zone [K] 176:BSLH:Bare soil latent heat [Ws m-2] 177:EVPP:Potential sfc evaporation [m] 178:RNOF:Runoff [kg m-2 s-1 ] 179:PITP:Interception loss [W m-2] 180:VPCA:Vapor press of canopy air space [mb] 181:QSFC:Surface spec humidity [kg kg-1] 182:USSL:Soil wetness of surface [] 183:UZRS:Soil wetness of root zone [] 184:UZDS:Soil wetness of drainage zone [] 185:AMDL:Storage on canopy [m] 186:AMSL:Storage on ground [m] 187:TSFC:Surface temperature [K] 188:TEMS:Surface absolute temperature [K] 189:TCAS:Temperature of canopy air space [K] 190:CTMP:Temperature at canopy [K] 191:TGSC:Ground/surface cover temperature [K] 192:UVES:Surface zonal wind u [m s-1] 193:USST:Surface zonal wind stress [Pa] 194:VVES:Surface meridional wind v [m s-1] 195:VSST:Surface meridional wind stress [Pa] 196:SUVF:Surface momentum flux [W m-2] 197:ISWF:Incident short wave flux [W m-2] 198:GHFL:Time ave ground ht flx [W m-2] 199:var199:var199 [] 200:LWBC:Net long wave at bottom clear [W m-2] 201:LWTC:Outgoing long wave at top clear [W m-2] 202:SWEC:Short wv absrbd by earth/atm cl [W m-2] 203:OCAC:Short wave absrbd at ground clr [W m-2] 205:LWRH:Long wave radiative heating [K s] 206:SWRH:Short wave radiative heating [K s] 207:OLIS:Downward long wave at bottom [W m-2] 208:OLIC:Downward long wave at bottom cl [W m-2] 209:OCIS:Downward short wave at ground [W m-2] 210:OCIC:Downward short wave at grd cl [W m-2] 211:OLES:Upward long wave at bottom [W m-2] 212:OCES:Upward short wave at ground [W m-2] 213:SWGC:Upward short wave at ground cl [W m-2] 214:ROCE:Upward short wave at top [W m-2] 215:SWTC:Upward short wave at top clear [W m-2] 216:var216:var216 [] 217:var217:var217 [] 218:HHDF:Horizontal heating diffusion [K s] 219:HMDF:Horizontal moisture diffusion [1 s] 220:HDDF:Horizontal divergence diffusion [1 s-2] 221:HVDF:Horizontal vorticity diffusion [1 s-2] 222:VDMS:Vertical diff. Moisture source [1 s] 223:VDFU:Vertical diffusion du/dt [m s-2] 224:VDFV:Vertical diffusion dv/dt [m s-2] 225:VDFH:Vertical diffusion heating [K s] 226:UMRS:Surface relative humidity [] 227:VDCC:Vertical dist total cloud cover [] 228:var228:var228 [] 229:var229:var229 [] 230:USMT:Time mean surface zonal wind u [m s-1] 231:VSMT:Time mean surface merid wind v [m s-1] 232:TSMT:Time mean surface absolute temp [K] 233:RSMT:Time mean sfc relative humidity [] 234:ATMT:Time mean absolute temperature [K] 235:STMT:Time mean deep soil temperature [K] 236:OMMT:Time mean derived omega [Pa s-1] 237:DVMT:Time mean divergence [1 s] 238:ZHMT:Time mean geopotential height [m] 239:LNMT:Time mean log surface pressure [ln(cbar)] 240:MKMT:Time mean mask [] 241:VVMT:Time mean meridional wind v [m s-1] 242:OMTM:Time mean omega [cbar s-1] 243:PTMT:Time mean potential temperature [K] 244:PCMT:Time mean precip. Water [kg m-2] 245:RHMT:Time mean relative humidity [%] 246:MPMT:Time mean sea level pressure [hPa] 247:SIMT:Time mean sigmadot [1 s] 248:UEMT:Time mean specific humidity [kg kg-1] 249:FCMT:Time mean stream function [m2 s-1] 250:PSMT:Time mean surface pressure [hPa] 251:TMMT:Time mean surface temperature [K] 252:PVMT:Time mean velocity potential [m2 s-1] 253:TVMT:Time mean virtual temperature [K] 254:VTMT:Time mean vorticity [1 s] 255:UVMT:Time mean zonal wind u [m s-1]