## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in lib_LTLIBRARIES = libsigwatch.la libsigwatch_la_SOURCES = sigwatch.c ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS=-I m4 dist_man3_MANS = sigwatch.3 EXTRA_DIST = sigwatch.html style.css sigwatch.3.txt MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = sigwatch.html # Get a local copy of the CSS style sheet # (snarf this from my web pages, for the mo) style.css: rm -f style.css curl http://nxg.me.uk/style/base.css >style.css sigwatch.3.txt: sigwatch.3 rm -f sigwatch.3.txt nroff -man sigwatch.3 >sigwatch.3.txt # Tarball for unpacking in the webpage distribution directory (maintainer only) # (I think this is redundant, now that the distribution is happening from Bitbucket) webpage-tarball.tar: $(distdir).tar.gz $(dist_man3_MANS) sigwatch.html rm -Rf webpage-tarball; mkdir webpage-tarball cp $(distdir).tar.gz webpage-tarball sed '1,10s,style.css,http://nxg.me.uk/style/base.css,' sigwatch.html >webpage-tarball/index.html cd webpage-tarball; tar cf ../$@ * rm -Rf webpage-tarball