# Generated on 09:46:08, 18-04-2012 # Deltares, D-Flow FM Version, Apr 17 2012, 14:48:57 [model] Program = D-Flow FM Version = AutoStart = 0 # Autostart simulation after loading MDU or not (0=no, 1=autostart, 2=autostartstop). [geometry] NetFile = hex7_net.nc # *_net.nc BathymetryFile = # *.xyb WaterLevIniFile = # Initial water levels sample file *.xyz LandBoundaryFile = # Only for plotting ThinDamFile = # *_thd.pli, Polyline(s) for tracing thin dams. ThindykeFile = # *._tdk.pli, Polyline(s) x,y,z, z = thin dyke top levels ProflocFile = # *_proflocation.xyz) x,y,z, z = profile refnumber ProfdefFile = # *_profdefinition.def) definition for all profile nrs ManholeFile = # *... WaterLevIni = 0. # Initial water level BotLevUni = -5. # Uniform bottom level, (only if Botlevtype>=3, used at missing z values in netfile BotLevType = 3 # 1 : Bottom levels at waterlevel cells (=flow nodes), like tiles xz, yz, bl , bob = max(bl left, bl right) # 2 : Bottom levels at velocity points (=flow links), xu, yu, blu, bob = blu, bl = lowest connected link # 3 : Bottom levels at velocity points (=flow links), using mean network levels xk, yk, zk bl = lowest connected link # 4 : Bottom levels at velocity points (=flow links), using min network levels xk, yk, zk bl = lowest connected link # 5 : Bottom levels at velocity points (=flow links), using max network levels xk, yk, zk bl = lowest connected link AngLat = 0. # Angle of latitude (deg), 0=no Coriolis Conveyance2D = 3 # -1:R=HU,0:R=H, 1:R=A/P, 2:K=analytic-1D conv, 3:K=analytic-2D conv Kmx = 10 # Max nr of vertical layers Layertype = 1 # 1= all sigma, 2 = all z, 3 = left sigma, 4 = left z [numerics] CFLMax = 0.7 # Max. Courant nr. CFLWaveFrac = 0. # Wave velocity fraction, total courant vel = u + cflw*wavevelocity AdvecType = 1 # Adv type, 0=no, 1= Wenneker, qu-udzt, 2=1, q(uio-u), 3=Perot q(uio-u), 4=Perot q(ui-u), 5=Perot q(ui-u) without itself Limtypsa = 0 # Limiter type for salinity transport, 0=no, 1=minmod,2=vanLeer,3=Kooren,4=Monotone Central Izbndpos = 1 # Position of z boundary, 0=D3Dflow, 1=on net boundary, 2 = on specifiend polyline Hdam = 0. # Threshold for minimum bottomlevel step at which to apply energy conservation factor i.c. flow contraction [physics] UnifFrictCoef = 2.8d-2 # Uniform friction coefficient, 0=no friction UnifFrictType = 1 # 0=Chezy, 1=Manning, 2=White Colebrook, 3=z0 etc Vicouv = 0. # Uniform horizontal eddy viscosity Smagorinsky = 0. # Add Smagorinsky horizontal turbulence : vicu = vicu + ( (Smagorinsky*dx)**2)*S, e.g. 0.1 Elder = 0. # Add Elder contribution : vicu = vicu + Elder*kappa*ustar*H/6), e.g. 1.0 irov = 0 # 0=free slip, 1 = partial slip using wall_ks wall_ks = 0. # Nikuradse roughness for side walls, wall_z0=wall_ks/30 Vicoww = 0. # Uniform vertical eddy viscosity TidalForcing = 1 # Tidal forcing (0=no, 1=yes) (only for jsferic == 1) Salinity = 0 # Include salinity, (0=no, 1=yes) [time] RefDate = 19920831 # Reference date (yyyymmdd) Tunit = H # Time units in MDU (H, M or S) DtUser = 30. # User timestep in seconds (interval for external forcing update) DtMax = 30. # Max timestep in seconds DtInit = 1. # Initial timestep in seconds AutoTimestep = 1 # Use CFL timestep limit or not (1/0) TStart = 0. # Start time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) TStop = 10. # Stop time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) [external forcing] ExtForceFile = # *.ext ExtForceFileNew = tang_new.ext # *.extew style [output] ObsFile = # *.xyn Coords+name of observation stations. CrsFile = # *_crs.pli Polyline(s) definining cross section(s). HisFile = # *_his.nc History file in NetCDF format. HisInterval = 30. # Interval (s) between history outputs XLSInterval = 0. # Interval (s) between XLS history FlowGeomFile = # *_flowgeom.nc Flow geometry file in NetCDF format. MapFile = # *_map.nc Map file in NetCDF format. MapInterval = 300. # Interval (s) between map file outputs RstInterval = 86400. # Interval (s) between map file outputs WaqFileBase = tang # Basename (without extension) for all Delwaq files to be written. WaqInterval = 0. # Interval (in s) between Delwaq file outputs StatsInterval = 0. # Interval (in s) between simulation statistics output. SnapshotDir = # Directory where snapshots/screendumps are saved.