Module netcdf_fortv2_c_interfaces ! Fortran 20003 interfaces to C routines in fort_v2compat.c called by ! the V2 Fortran interfaces. Interface routine names are the same ! as the C routine names. ! Written by : Richard Weed, Ph.D. ! Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems ! Mississipi State University ! ! License (and other Lawyer Language) ! This software is released under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License. The ! full text of the License can be viewed at : ! ! ! ! The author grants to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ! (UCAR), Boulder, CO, USA the right to revise and extend the software ! without restriction. However, the author retains all copyrights and ! intellectual property rights explicitly stated in or implied by the ! Apache license ! Version 1.: May, 2006 - Initial version 2 interfaces ! Version 2.; April, 2009 - Redone to reflect passing void data types ! in C with C_PTR and C_CHAR strings and ! NetCDF 4.0.1 ! Version 3.; April, 2010 - Updated to NetCDF 4.1.1 ! Version 4.: Jan. 2016 - General code cleanup. Changed cmap argument ! in convert_v2_imap routine to assumed shape USE NETCDF_NC_INTERFACES Implicit NONE ! The following interfaces are for the netCDF V2 functions. Note that ! the actual C routines return a void pointer for arrays etc. This ! forced me to adopt a commonly used kludge for interfacing old Fortran ! 77 with C, namely, passing the void pointer to an array of C_CHARs. ! Also note that each interface has an explicit USE ISO_C_BINDING. A better ! solution is to use the F2003 IMPORT statement (I originally had it this way) ! However its best to leave the interfaces as is for now because there might ! be a few compilers out there that support most of the C-interop facility but ! for some reason haven't implemented IMPORT yet. ! Begin fortv2 C interface definitions !-------------------------------- c_ncpopt ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncpopt(val) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: val End Subroutine c_ncpopt End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncgopt ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncgopt(val) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: val End Subroutine c_ncgopt End Interface !-------------------------------- c_nccre ------------------------------------- Interface Function c_nccre(pathname, clobmode, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: pathname(*) Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: clobmode Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode Integer(C_INT) :: c_nccre End Function c_nccre End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncopn ------------------------------------- Interface Function c_ncopn(pathname, rwmode, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: pathname(*) Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: rwmode Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode Integer(C_INT) :: c_ncopn End Function c_ncopn End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncddef ------------------------------------ Interface Function c_ncddef(ncid, dimname, dimlen, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid, dimlen Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: dimname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode Integer(C_INT) :: c_ncddef End Function c_ncddef End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncdid ------------------------------------- Interface Function c_ncdid(ncid, dimname, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: dimname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode Integer(C_INT) :: c_ncdid End Function c_ncdid End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvdef ------------------------------------ Interface Function c_ncvdef(ncid, varname, datatype, ndims, dimidp, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR, C_PTR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: varname(*) Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: datatype ! nc_type variable in C Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ndims Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: dimidp Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode Integer(C_INT) :: c_ncvdef End Function c_ncvdef End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvid ------------------------------------- Interface Function c_ncvid(ncid, varname, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: varname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode Integer(C_INT) :: c_ncvid End Function c_ncvid End Interface !-------------------------------- c_nctlen ------------------------------------ Interface Function c_nctlen(datatype, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: datatype ! nc_type var in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode Integer(C_INT) :: c_nctlen End Function c_nctlen End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncclos ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncclos(ncid, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncclos End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncredf ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncredf(ncid, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncredf End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncendf ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncendf(ncid, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncendf End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncinq ------------------------------------- Interface Subroutine c_ncinq(ncid, indims, invars, inatts, irecdim, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: indims, invars, inatts, irecdim, rcode End Subroutine c_ncinq End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncsnc ------------------------------------- Interface Subroutine c_ncsnc(ncid, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncsnc End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncabor ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncabor(ncid, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncabor End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncdinq ----------------------------------- Interface Subroutine c_ncdinq(ncid, dimid, dimname, size, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , dimid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(OUT) :: dimname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: size, rcode End Subroutine c_ncdinq End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncdren ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncdren(ncid, dimid, dimname, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , dimid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: dimname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncdren End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncviq ------------------------------------- Interface Subroutine c_ncvinq(ncid, varid, varname, datatype, indims, dimarray, & inatts, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(INOUT) :: varname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: datatype ! nc_type var in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: dimarray(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: indims, inatts, rcode End Subroutine c_ncvinq End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvpt1 ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvpt1(ncid, varid, indices, value, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid TYPE(C_PTR), VALUE :: indices Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: value Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvpt1 End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvp1c ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvp1c(ncid, varid, indices, value, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid TYPE(C_PTR), VALUE :: indices Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: value(*) ! void in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvp1c End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvpt ------------------------------------- Interface Subroutine c_ncvpt(ncid, varid, start, count, value, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: start, count Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: value Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvpt End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvptc ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvptc(ncid, varid, start, count, value, lenstr, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid, lenstr Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: start, count Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: value(*) ! char in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvptc End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvptg ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvptg(ncid, varid, start, count, strides, imap, value, & rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: start, count, strides, imap Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: value Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvptg End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvpgc ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvpgc(ncid, varid, start, count, strides, imap, value, & rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: start, count, strides, imap Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: value(*) ! char in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvpgc End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvgt1 ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvgt1(ncid, varid, indices, value, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: indices Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(OUT) :: value(*) ! void in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvgt1 End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvg1c ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvg1c(ncid, varid, indices, value, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: indices Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(INOUT) :: value(*) ! char in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvg1c End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvgt ------------------------------------- Interface Subroutine c_ncvgt(ncid, varid, start, count, value, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: start, count Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(OUT) :: value(*) ! void in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvgt End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvgtc ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvgtc(ncid, varid, start, count, value, lenstr, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid, lenstr Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: start, count Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(INOUT) :: value(*) ! char in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvgtc End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvgtg ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvgtg(ncid, varid, start, count, strides, imap, value, & rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: start, count, strides, imap Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(OUT) :: value(*) ! void in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvgtg End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvggc ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvggc(ncid, varid, start, count, strides, imap, value, & rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_PTR, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: start, count, strides, imap Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(OUT) :: value(*) ! char in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvggc End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncvren ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncvren(ncid, varid, varname, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: varname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncvren End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncapt ------------------------------------- Interface Subroutine c_ncapt(ncid, varid, attname, datatype, attlen, value, & rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_SIZE_T, C_CHAR, C_PTR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: attname(*) Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: datatype ! nc_type var in C Integer(C_SIZE_T), VALUE :: attlen Type(C_PTR), VALUE :: value ! void in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncapt End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncaptc ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncaptc(ncid, varid, attname, datatype, attlen, string, & rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_SIZE_T, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: attname(*) Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: datatype ! nc_type var in C Integer(C_SIZE_T), VALUE :: attlen Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: string(*) ! char in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncaptc End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncainq ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncainq(ncid, varid, attname, datatype, attlen, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: attname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: datatype ! nc_type var in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: attlen Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncainq End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncagt ------------------------------------- Interface Subroutine c_ncagt(ncid, varid, attname, value, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: attname(*) Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(OUT) :: value(*) ! void in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncagt End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncagtc ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncagtc(ncid, varid, attname, value, attlen, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid, attlen Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: attname(*) Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(OUT) :: value(*) ! char in C Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncagtc End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncacpy ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncacpy(inncid, invarid, attname, outncid, outvarid, & rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: inncid , invarid, outncid, outvarid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: attname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncacpy End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncanam ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncanam(ncid, varid, attnum, newname, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid, attnum Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(INOUT) :: newname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncanam End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncaren ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncaren(ncid, varid, attnam, newname, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: attnam(*), newname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncaren End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncadel ------------------------------------ Interface Subroutine c_ncadel(ncid, varid, attname, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_CHAR Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , varid Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN) :: attname(*) Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode End Subroutine c_ncadel End Interface !-------------------------------- c_ncsfil ------------------------------------ Interface Function c_ncsfil(ncid, fillmode, rcode) BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: ncid , fillmode Integer(C_INT), Intent(OUT) :: rcode Integer(C_INT) :: c_ncsfil End Function c_ncsfil End Interface !---------------------------------v2data_size --------------------------------- Interface Function v2data_size(datatype) BIND(C) ! ! New function added to fort-v2compat.c ! USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: C_INT, C_SIZE_T Integer(C_INT), VALUE :: datatype Integer(C_SIZE_T) :: v2data_size End Function v2data_size End Interface CONTAINS Subroutine convert_v2_imap(cncid, cvarid, fmap, cmap, inullp) ! Replacement for f2c_v2imap C function. Uses v2data_size to return ! data size defined for C code. A futher test will be made using ! C interop values for FORTRAN side. Made cmap a assumed shape arry ! for Jan. 2016 update to use allocatable arrays ! Implicit NONE Integer(C_INT), Intent(IN) :: cncid, cvarid Integer(C_INT), Intent(IN) :: fmap(*) Integer(C_PTRDIFF_T), Intent(INOUT) :: cmap(:) Integer, Intent(OUT) :: inullp Integer(C_INT) :: rank, datatype, cstat1, cstat2, cstat3, cstat4 Integer(C_SIZE_T) :: total, length, csize Integer :: ii, idim Integer(C_INT), ALLOCATABLE :: dimids(:) ! inullp=0 cstat1 = nc_inq_vartype(cncid, cvarid, datatype) cstat2 = nc_inq_varndims(cncid, cvarid, rank) ! Return if nc_inq_vartype or nc_inq_varndims returns an error ! code. Set inullp to trigger use of NULL pointer in calling ! routine If (cstat1/=NC_NOERR) Then inullp=1 Return EndIf If (cstat2/=NC_NOERR) Then inullp=1 Return EndIf If (rank <= 0) Then inullp=1 Return EndIf If (rank > 0) Then ALLOCATE(dimids(rank)) EndIf If (fmap(1)==0) Then ! Special Fortran version 2 sematics cstat3 = nc_inq_vardimid(cncid, cvarid, dimids) If (cstat3 /= NC_NOERR) Then inullp=1 Return EndIf ! total = 1 Loop1: Do ii=1, rank idim = rank-ii+1 cmap(idim) = total cstat4 = nc_inq_dimlen(cncid, dimids(idim), length) If (cstat4 /= NC_NOERR) Then inullp=1 Exit Loop1 EndIf total = total*length EndDo Loop1 If (inullp==1) Return Else ! Standard version 2 format - Use KIND parameters to set size ! Get C data type size using v2data_size. Unfortunately, the F03 ! standard didn't specify a C_SIZEOF function. This will be ! remedied in the next upgrade to FORTRAN (2008) but for now ! we will rely on a C function to provide the value csize = v2data_size(datatype) If (csize <= 0) Then inullp=1 Return EndIf cmap(1:rank) = fmap(rank:1:-1) / csize EndIf End Subroutine convert_v2_imap !-------------------- End module_netcdf_fortv2_c_interfaces ------------------- End Module netcdf_fortv2_c_interfaces