======================================================================== Fortran Console Application : "ec_module_test" Project Overview ======================================================================== This is a temporary stand-alone executable that can be used to test EC-module (calling static library) in the same fashion as the computational core. Initially intended to debug while making EC-module modifications, it is modified to be used from Teamcity directly. ec_module_test.vfproj Main application, stand-alone console. Arguments: -v, --verbose : verbose (optional) -c : name of the test configuration file (MDU-style) --no-compare : skip comparison with a reference, just produce output (optional) -r : specify reference file explicitly (optional) -l : specify a file with a list of tests to be run -t : specify a single test to be run if neither -t nor -l: run all tests in the config file ec_module_test.f90 Program main cmdlargs.f90 Simple routines handling arguments from the command line ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////