# create_library # Creates a library of a certain module with the assumption that all the Fortran source files are located within /src. # # Argument # library_name : The name of the library to create. # source_group_name : The name of the root folder to group the source files in. function(create_library library_name source_group_name) file(GLOB source src/*.f90 src/*.f src/*.F90) add_library(${library_name} ${source}) # Create the folder structure in vfproj source_group(${source_group_name} FILES ${source}) endfunction() # generate_version_files # Generates files that are related to the version numbering as a preconfiguration process of cmake. # # Argument # svn_version_path : Path to check for the svn version. # fortran_version_file : The name of the Fortran version file it needs to generate. # version_file : The .ini file which contains the version information format. # --onlyifmissing : Optional boolean flag to determine if the version file should be generated. (default: OFF) function(generate_version_files fortran_version_file svn_version_path version_file) IF(NOT DEFINED update_version_script_path) message(FATAL_ERROR "Variable 'update_version_script_path' is undefined.") ENDIF() if (UNIX) message(STATUS "generate_version_files IN UNIX ${update_version_script_path} ${fortran_version_file} ${svn_version_path} ${version_file} ${checkout_src_root}") execute_process(COMMAND /bin/bash ${update_version_script_path} ${fortran_version_file} ${svn_version_path} ${version_file} ${svn_version_path}) endif(UNIX) if (WIN32) message(STATUS "generate_version_files IN WINDOWS") IF(DEFINED ARGV3 AND ARGV3) execute_process(COMMAND ${update_version_script_path} ${fortran_version_file} ${svn_version_path} ${version_file} --onlyifmissing) ELSE() execute_process(COMMAND ${update_version_script_path} ${fortran_version_file} ${svn_version_path} ${version_file}) ENDIF() endif(WIN32) endfunction() # prebuild_version_number # Adds a version number as part of a prebuild event to the target library # # Argument # library_name : The name of the library to add this prebuild event to. # svn_version_path : Path to check for the svn version. # fortran_version_file : The name of the Fortran version file it needs to generate. # version_file : The .ini file which contains the version information format. # --onlyifmissing : Optional boolean flag to determine if the version file should be generated. (default: OFF) function(prebuild_version_number library_name fortran_version_file svn_version_path version_file) IF(NOT DEFINED update_version_script_path) message(FATAL_ERROR "Variable 'update_version_script_path' is undefined.") ENDIF() message(STATUS "Adding prebuild event step for ${library_name}") if (UNIX) # if(EXISTS ${fortran_version_file}) # file(READ ${fortran_version_file} version_file_content) # file(READ ${version_file} version_content) # string(FIND "${version_file_content}" "${version_content}" versions_found) # # message(STATUS ${versions_found}) # # if(${versions_found} GREATER_EQUAL 0) # message(STATUS "file and version match found, returning because no update is needed") # return() # endif () # endif() execute_process(COMMAND /bin/bash ${update_version_script_path} ${fortran_version_file} ${svn_version_path} ${version_file} ${checkout_src_root}) endif(UNIX) if (WIN32) IF(DEFINED ARGV4 AND ARGV4) add_custom_command( TARGET ${library_name} PRE_BUILD COMMAND call ${update_version_script_path} ${fortran_version_file} ${svn_version_path} ${version_file} --onlyifmissing) ELSE() add_custom_command( TARGET ${library_name} PRE_BUILD COMMAND call ${update_version_script_path} ${fortran_version_file} ${svn_version_path} ${version_file}) ENDIF() endif(WIN32) endfunction() # oss_include_libraries # Adds oss dependencies to the specified library. # # Note that it is assumed that the dependency is located in the PROJECT_BINARY_DIR in a subdirectory with the same dependency name. # # Argument # library_name : The name of the library where dependencies should be added. # dependencies : A list of dependencies to set for the library_name. function(oss_include_libraries library_name dependencies) foreach(dependency IN LISTS ${dependencies}) add_dependencies(${library_name} ${dependency}) if (UNIX) include_directories( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${dependency} ) endif() endforeach() endfunction() # get_fortran_source_files # Gathers Fortran *.f or *.f90 files from a given directory. # # Argument # source_directory : The directory to gather the source files from. # # Return # source_files : The source files that were gathered. function(get_fortran_source_files source_directory source_files) file(GLOB source ${source_directory}/*.f90 ${source_directory}/*.F90 ${source_directory}/*.f ${source_directory}/*.F) set(${source_files} ${source} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # add_postbuild_event # Adds a postbuild event to the target. # # Argument # target_name : The name of the target to add this postbuild event to. function(add_postbuild_event target_name) # Perform a precheck to determine if the post build event script is defined. IF(NOT DEFINED postbuild_event_path) message(FATAL_ERROR "Variable 'postbuild_event_path' is undefined.") ENDIF() message(STATUS "Adding postbuild event step for ${target_name}") if (UNIX) execute_process(COMMAND /bin/bash ${postbuild_event_path}) endif(UNIX) if (WIN32) IF(DEFINED ARGV5 AND ARGV5) add_custom_command( TARGET ${target_name} POST_BUILD COMMAND call ${postbuild_event_path}) ELSE() add_custom_command( TARGET ${target_name} POST_BUILD COMMAND call ${postbuild_event_path}) ENDIF() endif() endfunction() # Executes the post_build steps for a given target # # Arguments # target_name : The name of the target # install_dir : The directory where to copy the binaries # build_dir : The directory where to copy the binaries # checkout_src_root : The checkout directory # build_project : The name of the project function(post_build_target target_name install_dir build_dir checkout_src_root build_project) if (WIN32) # compiler_redist_dir : Compiler dlls (Windows only) # mkl_redist_dir : mkl dlls (Windows only) if (DEFINED ENV{ONEAPI_ROOT}) set(oneapi_root $ENV{ONEAPI_ROOT}) set(compiler_redist_dir "${oneapi_root}/compiler/latest/windows/redist/intel64_win/compiler/") set(mkl_redist_dir "${oneapi_root}/mkl/latest/redist/intel64/") set(mpi_redist_dir "${oneapi_root}/mpi/latest/") else() set(compiler_redist_dir "C:/Program Files (x86)/IntelSWTools/compilers_and_libraries/windows/redist/intel64_win/compiler/") set(mkl_redist_dir "C:/Program Files (x86)/IntelSWTools/compilers_and_libraries/windows/redist/intel64_win/mkl/") endif() set(build_config $) add_custom_command(TARGET ${target_name} POST_BUILD COMMAND call "${checkout_src_root}/scripts_lgpl/win64/oss-post_build.cmd" ${install_dir} ${build_dir} ${checkout_src_root} ${build_config} ${build_project} ${compiler_redist_dir} ${mkl_redist_dir} ${mpi_redist_dir}) endif(WIN32) if(UNIX) set(build_config ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) add_custom_command(TARGET ${target_name} POST_BUILD COMMAND /bin/bash "${checkout_src_root}/scripts_lgpl/linux/oss-post_build.sh" ${install_dir} ${build_dir} ${checkout_src_root} ${build_config} ${build_project} ) endif(UNIX) endfunction() # get_module_include_path # Gets the include directory of a module. Will throw an exception if there is no value for the property public_include_path. # # Argument # module_path : The path of the module to retrieve the public_include_path property for. # library_name : The name of the library to retrieve the include directory of a module for. # # Return # return_include_path : The value of the include_path property for the module_path. function(get_module_include_path module_path library_name return_include_path) get_directory_property(public_include_path DIRECTORY ${module_path} DEFINITION public_include_path) if(NOT public_include_path) message(FATAL_ERROR "Parameter 'public_include_path' not defined for the module in ${module_path}: Path should define a value for property 'public_include_path'.") endif() set(${return_include_path} ${public_include_path} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # configure_package_installer # Configures a package for installing. # # Argument # name : The name of the package. # description_file : The file containing the description of the package. # mayor : The mayor version nr. # minor : The minor version nr. # build : The build version nr. # generator : The generators to be used to build the package, seperated by ';'. function(configure_package_installer name description_file mayor minor build generator) set(CPACK_VERBATIM_VARIABLES YES) set(CPACK_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY OFF) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "${name}") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Deltares 2020") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE "${description_file}") set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${checkout_src_root}/Copyright.txt") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR "${mayor}") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR "${minor}") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH "${build}") set(CPACK_GENERATOR "${generator}") include(CPack) endfunction(configure_package_installer)