module waqsim_module !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2021. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use string_module, only: str_token use system_utils, only: split_filename, cat_filename implicit none integer, parameter :: wqprec=sp ! WAQ precision integer, parameter :: WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_CURVGRID = 1 integer, parameter :: WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_TELEMAC = 2 integer, parameter :: WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_UNSTRUCT = 3 integer, parameter :: WAQSIM_VERTDIFF_CALC = 1 ! type hydtype ! ! pointers/allocatables ! real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: hydrodynamic_layers real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: water_quality_layers ! ! reals ! real(wqprec), dimension(3) :: minimum_vert_diffusion real(wqprec), dimension(3) :: constant_dispersion ! ! integers ! integer :: geometry = -999 integer :: vertical_diffusion = -999 integer, dimension(6) :: reference_time = -999 integer, dimension(6) :: hydrodynamic_start_time = -999 integer, dimension(6) :: hydrodynamic_stop_time = -999 integer, dimension(6) :: hydrodynamic_timestep = -999 integer, dimension(6) :: conversion_ref_time = -999 integer, dimension(6) :: conversion_start_time = -999 integer, dimension(6) :: conversion_stop_time = -999 integer, dimension(6) :: conversion_timestep = -999 integer :: grid_cells_first_direction = -999 integer :: grid_cells_second_direction = -999 integer :: number_horizontal_exchanges = -999 integer :: number_hydrodynamic_layers = -999 integer :: number_water_quality_layers = -999 ! ! logicals ! logical :: horizontal_aggregation = .false. logical :: minimum_vert_diffusion_used = .false. logical :: discharges = .false. ! ! characters ! character(len=40) , dimension(3) :: description = ' ' character(len=256) :: task = ' ' character(len=256) :: hydrodynamic_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: aggregation_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: grid_indices_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: grid_coordinates_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: volumes_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: areas_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: flows_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: pointers_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: lengths_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: salinity_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: temperature_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: vert_diffusion_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: surfaces_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: total_grid_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: discharges_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: chezy_coefficients_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: shear_stresses_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: walking_discharges_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: attributes_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: depths_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: x_velocities_file = ' ' character(len=256) :: y_velocities_file = ' ' end type hydtype ! type waqsimtype ! ! reals ! real(wqprec), dimension(3) :: disp ! array for uniform dispersion coefficients ! ! integers ! integer :: int_method =0 ! integration option integer :: nbnd =0 ! number of boundaries integer :: nprocess =0 ! number of processes integer :: npar =0 ! number of constant process parameters integer :: nfldex =0 ! number of spatially varying process parameters at exchanges integer :: nfld =0 ! number of spatially varying process parameters (at segments) integer :: nsubs =0 ! total number of substances integer :: nsubs_transp =0 ! number of substances to be transported integer :: nsegatr =0 ! number of segment attributes integer :: start_time =0 ! simulation start time integer :: stop_time =0 ! simulation stop time integer :: time_step =0 ! simulation time step integer :: start_mon =0 ! monitoring output start time integer :: stop_mon =0 ! monitoring output stop time integer :: step_mon =0 ! monitoring output time step integer :: start_his =0 ! history output start time integer :: stop_his =0 ! history output stop time integer :: step_his =0 ! history output time step integer :: start_map =0 ! map output start time integer :: stop_map =0 ! map output stop time integer :: step_map =0 ! map output time step integer :: nsegments =0 ! number of segments integer :: noutput =0 ! number of output quantities integer, dimension(4) :: nexchange =0 ! number of exchanges integer, dimension(6) :: refdate =0 ! year, month, day, hour, minute, second of reference date ! ! pointers/allocatables ! integer , dimension(:) , allocatable :: segatrnr ! segment attribute number integer , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: segatr ! segment attributes real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: subsval ! substance initial scalar conditions in delwaq precision real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: vol ! volumes in delwaq precision real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: area ! areas in delwaq precision real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: qag ! flows in delwaq precision real(wqprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: lng ! length/distance array real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: tmpval ! temporary array for sending data to and retrieving data from delwaq ! integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: poi ! from/to-pointer array ! character(len=20), dimension(:), allocatable :: output ! output parameter names character(len=20), dimension(:), allocatable :: process ! process names character(len=20), dimension(:), allocatable :: procpar ! process parameter names character(len=20), dimension(:), allocatable :: subsname ! substance names logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: substran ! substance transportable flags integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: subsmult ! substance number of fractions character(len=20), dimension(:), allocatable :: parname real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: parval character(len=20), dimension(:), allocatable :: fldexname real(wqprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: fldexval character(len=20), dimension(:), allocatable :: fldname real(wqprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: fldval ! ! logicals ! logical :: disp_flow_zero ! dispersion active when flow is zero logical :: disp_bound ! dispersion active at open boundaries logical :: first_order ! lower order scheme at open boundaries logical :: forester ! forester filter active logical :: anticreep ! anti-creep active logical :: initialized = .false. ! ! characters ! character(len=40) , dimension(3) :: description = ' ' end type waqsimtype !interface waqsim_set ! module procedure waqsim_setconst ! module procedure waqsim_setfld !end interface waqsim_set interface dealloc module procedure dealloc_waqsim end interface dealloc contains function poi_read(waqsim, filename) result (success) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! XXXX ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type (waqsimtype) :: waqsim character(*) :: filename logical :: success ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: istat integer :: lun ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! success = .false. #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lun , file=filename , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lun , file=filename , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif read(lun) waqsim%poi close(lun) success = .true. end function poi_read function hyd_read(hyd_file, hyd) result (success) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! XXXX ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type (hydtype) :: hyd character(*) :: hyd_file logical :: success ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: istat integer :: lun character(1024) :: line character(256) :: path character(256) :: file character(128) :: token ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! success = .false. call split_filename(hyd_file,path,file) open(newunit=lun, file = hyd_file) istat = 0 ! do while (.true.) read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line, token) select case (token) case ('task') call str_token(line,hyd%task) case ('geometry') call str_token(line,token) select case (token) case ('curvilinear-grid') hyd%geometry = WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_CURVGRID case ('finite-elements') hyd%geometry = WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_TELEMAC case ('unstructured') hyd%geometry = WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_UNSTRUCT end select case ('horizontal-aggregation') call str_token(line,token) hyd%horizontal_aggregation = token == 'yes' case ('minimum-vert-diffusion-used') call str_token(line,token) hyd%minimum_vert_diffusion_used = token == 'yes' case ('vertical-diffusion') call str_token(line,token) select case (token) case ('calculated') hyd%vertical_diffusion = WAQSIM_VERTDIFF_CALC end select case ('description') read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line,hyd%description(1),'''') read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line,hyd%description(2),'''') read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line,hyd%description(3),'''') read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line ! end-description case ('reference-time') call str_token(line,token,'''') call token2time(token,hyd%reference_time) case ('hydrodynamic-start-time') call str_token(line,token,'''') call token2time(token,hyd%hydrodynamic_start_time) case ('hydrodynamic-stop-time') call str_token(line,token,'''') call token2time(token,hyd%hydrodynamic_stop_time) case ('hydrodynamic-timestep') call str_token(line,token,'''') call token2time(token,hyd%hydrodynamic_timestep) case ('conversion-ref-time') call str_token(line,token,'''') call token2time(token,hyd%conversion_ref_time) case ('conversion-start-time') call str_token(line,token,'''') call token2time(token,hyd%conversion_start_time) case ('conversion-stop-time') call str_token(line,token,'''') call token2time(token,hyd%conversion_stop_time) case ('conversion-timestep') call str_token(line,token,'''') call token2time(token,hyd%conversion_timestep) case ('grid-cells-first-direction') read(line,'(I100)') hyd%grid_cells_first_direction case ('grid-cells-second-direction') read(line,'(I100)') hyd%grid_cells_second_direction case ('number-horizontal-exchanges') read(line,'(I100)') hyd%number_horizontal_exchanges case ('number-hydrodynamic-layers') read(line,'(I100)') hyd%number_hydrodynamic_layers case ('number-water-quality-layers') read(line,'(I100)') hyd%number_water_quality_layers case ('hydrodynamic-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%hydrodynamic_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('aggregation-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%aggregation_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('grid-indices-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%grid_indices_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('grid-coordinates-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%grid_coordinates_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('volumes-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%volumes_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('areas-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%areas_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('flows-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%flows_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('pointers-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%pointers_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('lengths-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%lengths_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('salinity-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%salinity_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('temperature-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%temperature_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('vert-diffusion-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%vert_diffusion_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('surfaces-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%surfaces_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('total-grid-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%total_grid_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('discharges-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%discharges_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('chezy-coefficients-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%chezy_coefficients_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('shear-stresses-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%shear_stresses_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('walking-discharges-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%walking_discharges_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('attributes-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%attributes_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('depths-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%depths_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('x-velocities-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%x_velocities_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('y-velocities-file') call str_token(line,file,'''') if (file == 'none') file = ' ' hyd%y_velocities_file = cat_filename(path,file) case ('minimum-vert-diffusion') read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line,token) i = 1 do while (token /= 'end-minimum-vert-diffusion') read(line,*) hyd%minimum_vert_diffusion(i) i = i+1 read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line,token) end do case ('constant-dispersion') read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line,token) i = 1 do while (token /= 'end-constant-dispersion') read(line,*) hyd%constant_dispersion(i) i = i+1 read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line,token) end do case ('hydrodynamic-layers') allocate(hyd%hydrodynamic_layers(hyd%number_hydrodynamic_layers)) do i = 1,hyd%number_hydrodynamic_layers read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line read(line,*) hyd%hydrodynamic_layers(i) enddo read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line ! end-hydrodynamic-layers case ('water-quality-layers') allocate(hyd%water_quality_layers(hyd%number_water_quality_layers)) do i = 1,hyd%number_water_quality_layers read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line read(line,*) hyd%water_quality_layers(i) enddo read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line ! end-water-quality-layers case ('discharges') read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line,token) do while (token /= 'end-discharges') read(lun,'(A)', end=10) line call str_token(line,token) end do case default write(*,'(2A)') 'Skipping unknown token: ',trim(token) end select end do 10 continue ! close(lun) success = .true. end function hyd_read subroutine token2time(token,time) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! XXXX ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Call variables ! character(*) :: token integer, dimension(6) :: time ! ! Local variables ! ! NONE ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! read(token,'(I4,I2,I2,I2,I2,I2)') time(1:6) end subroutine token2time !function waqsim_initialize(waqsim, procdef_file, sfrac_file, runid) result (success) !!!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! XXXX !! !!!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- !! NONE !!!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none !! !! Call variables !! ! type (waqsimtype) , target :: waqsim ! character(*) :: procdef_file ! character(*) :: sfrac_file ! logical :: success ! character(*) , optional :: runid !! !! Local variables !! ! logical, external :: SetModel_Id ! logical, external :: SetProcessDefinitionX ! logical, external :: DefineWQSchematisation ! logical, external :: DefineWQDispersion ! logical, external :: SetInitialVolume ! logical, external :: SetIntegrationOptions ! logical, external :: SetReferenceDate ! logical, external :: SetSimulationTimes ! logical, external :: SetOutputTimers ! logical, external :: DefineWQExtraOutputParameters ! logical, external :: DefineWQProcessesX ! logical, external :: SetAttributeInit ! logical, external :: SetCurrentValueScalarInit ! integer, external :: ModelInitialize !! ! integer :: i ! integer :: j ! integer :: istat ! character(len=20) :: name ! character(len=4) :: mode ! character(3) :: num ! number string for fraction ! !! !!! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- !! ! mode = '-waq' ! if (present(runid)) then ! success = SetModel_Id(runid) ! endif ! success = SetProcessDefinitionX(mode, procdef_file, sfrac_file) ! success = DefineWQSchematisation(waqsim%nsegments, waqsim%poi, waqsim%nexchange) ! success = DefineWQDispersion(waqsim%disp,waqsim%lng) ! success = SetInitialVolume(waqsim%vol) ! success = SetIntegrationOptions(waqsim%int_method, waqsim%disp_flow_zero, waqsim%disp_bound, & ! & waqsim%first_order, waqsim%forester, waqsim%anticreep) ! success = SetReferenceDate(waqsim%refdate(1), waqsim%refdate(2), waqsim%refdate(3), & ! & waqsim%refdate(4), waqsim%refdate(5), waqsim%refdate(6)) ! success = SetSimulationTimes(waqsim%start_time, waqsim%stop_time, waqsim%time_step) ! !success = SetOutputTimers(1,start_time,stop_time,time_step) ! Mon ! success = SetOutputTimers(2,waqsim%start_his,waqsim%stop_his,waqsim%step_his) ! His ! success = SetOutputTimers(3,waqsim%start_map,waqsim%stop_map,waqsim%step_map) ! Map ! if (waqsim%noutput>0) then ! success = DefineWQExtraOutputParameters(waqsim%output, waqsim%noutput) ! endif ! success = DefineWQProcessesX(waqsim%subsname, waqsim%subsmult, waqsim%nsubs, & ! & waqsim%nsubs_transp, waqsim%parname, waqsim%npar, & ! & waqsim%fldname, waqsim%nfld, waqsim%process, waqsim%nprocess) ! do i = 1, waqsim%nsegatr ! success = SetAttributeInit(i,waqsim%segatr(1,i)) ! enddo ! do i = 1,waqsim%nsubs ! if (waqsim%subsmult(i)==1) then ! name = waqsim%subsname(i); ! success = SetCurrentValueScalarInit(waqsim%subsname(i),waqsim%subsval(i)) ! else ! do j = 1,waqsim%subsmult(i) ! if (j<100) then ! write(num(1:2),'(I2.2)') j ! else ! write(num(1:3),'(I3.3)') j ! endif ! name = trim(waqsim%subsname(i))//num ! success = SetCurrentValueScalarInit(name,waqsim%subsval(i)) ! enddo ! endif ! enddo ! do i = 1,waqsim%npar ! success = SetCurrentValueScalarInit(waqsim%parname(i),waqsim%parval(i)) ! enddo ! success = SetCurrentValueScalarInit('ZB',0.0_wqprec) ! success = ModelInitialize()==0 ! waqsim%initialized = .true. !end function waqsim_initialize ! ! !function waqsim_step(waqsim) result (success) !!!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! XXXX !! !!!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- !! NONE !!!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none !! !! Call variables !! ! type (waqsimtype) , target :: waqsim ! logical :: success !! !! Local variables !! ! logical, external :: SetFlowData ! integer, external :: ModelPerformTimeStep !! !!! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- !! ! ! send new volumes, fluxes and areas ! success = SetFlowData(waqsim%vol,waqsim%area,waqsim%qag) ! ! perform waq step ! success = ModelPerformTimeStep()==0 ! !call GetCurrentTime(x) !end function waqsim_step ! ! !function waqsim_setconst(waqsim, quant, val) result (success) !!!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! XXXX !! !!!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- !! NONE !!!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none !! !! Call variables !! ! type (waqsimtype) :: waqsim ! character(*) , intent(in) :: quant ! real(wqprec) , intent(in) :: val ! logical :: success !! !! Local variables !! ! logical, external :: SetCurrentValueScalarRun !! !!! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- !! ! if (.not.waqsim%initialized) then ! success = .false. ! else ! success = SetCurrentValueScalarRun(quant,val) ! endif !end function waqsim_setconst ! ! !function waqsim_setfld(waqsim, quant, val) result (success) !!!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! XXXX !! !!!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- !! NONE !!!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none !! !! Call variables !! ! type (waqsimtype) :: waqsim ! character(*) , intent(in) :: quant ! real(wqprec), dimension(:) , intent(in) :: val ! logical :: success !! !! Local variables !! ! logical, external :: SetCurrentValueFieldRun ! integer :: len ! integer :: i !! !!! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- !! ! len = size(val,1) ! if (.not.waqsim%initialized .or. len/=waqsim%nsegments) then ! success = .false. ! else ! success = SetCurrentValueFieldRun(quant,val) ! endif !end function waqsim_setfld ! ! !function waqsim_get(waqsim, quant, val) result (success) !!!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! XXXX !! !!!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- !! NONE !!!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none !! !! Call variables !! ! type (waqsimtype) :: waqsim ! character(*) , intent(in) :: quant ! real(wqprec), dimension(:) , intent(in) :: val ! logical :: success !! !! Local variables !! ! logical, external :: GetCurrentValue ! integer :: len ! integer :: i !! !!! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- !! ! len = size(val,1) ! if (.not.waqsim%initialized .or. len/=waqsim%nsegments) then ! success = .false. ! else ! success = GetCurrentValue(quant,val) ! endif !end function waqsim_get ! !function waqsim_finalize(waqsim) result (success) !!!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! XXXX !! !!!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- !! NONE !!!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none !! !! Call variables !! ! type (waqsimtype) , target :: waqsim ! logical :: success !! !! Local variables !! ! integer, external :: ModelFinalize !! !!! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- !! ! ! perform waq finalize ! success = ModelFinalize()==0 !end function waqsim_finalize subroutine waqsim_writeinp(waqsim, filename, hyd) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Convert morphology ini properties to waq process definition ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use time_module, only: sec2ddhhmmss implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type (waqsimtype) , target :: waqsim type (hydtype) , target :: hyd character(*) :: filename ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: iattr integer :: j integer :: nseg2D integer :: lun integer :: lunatr character(256) :: filestr character(1024) :: line ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! open(newunit=lun, file = trim(filename)//'.inp') ! write(lun,'(A)') '1000 132 '';''' write(lun,'(A)') ';DELWAQ_VERSION_4.91 ; Use "new" file format' write(lun,'(A)') ';PRINT_OUTPUT_OPTION_4 ; Diagnostic output level 4' write(lun,'(A)') '; First input block: characteristics, substance list' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',waqsim%description(1),'''' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',waqsim%description(2),'''' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',waqsim%description(3),'''' write(lun,'(A,I4,A,I2.2,A,I2.2,A,I2.2,A,I2.2,A,I2.2,A)') '''T0: ', & & waqsim%refdate(1),'.',waqsim%refdate(2),'.',waqsim%refdate(3),' ', & & waqsim%refdate(4),':',waqsim%refdate(5),':',waqsim%refdate(6),' (scu= 1s)''' write(lun,'(A)') '; substance list' write(lun,'(A)') ';' write(lun,'(2I3,A)') waqsim%nsubs_transp, waqsim%nsubs-waqsim%nsubs_transp, '; number of active and inactive substances' write(lun,'(A)') '; Index Name' do i = 1,waqsim%nsubs if (waqsim%subsmult(i)>1) then if (waqsim%subsmult(i)>10) then write(lun,'(I7,3A,I2)') i,' ''',trim(waqsim%subsname(i)),'''*',waqsim%subsmult(i) else write(lun,'(I7,3A,I1)') i,' ''',trim(waqsim%subsname(i)),'''*',waqsim%subsmult(i) endif else write(lun,'(I7,3A)') i,' ''',trim(waqsim%subsname(i)),'''' endif enddo ! write(lun,'(A)') '#1;' write(lun,'(A)') ';###############################################################################' write(lun,'(A)') '; Second input block: timers, numerical settings, etc.' write(lun,'(I7,A)') 86400,' ''DDHHMMSS'' ''DDHHMMSS'' ; system clock' write(lun,'(I7,A)') waqsim%int_method,' ; integration option' if (waqsim%disp_flow_zero) then write(lun,'(A)') 'NODISP-AT-NOFLOW ; dispersion active when flow is zero' endif if (waqsim%disp_bound) then write(lun,'(A)') 'NODISP-AT-BOUND ; dispersion active at open boundaries' endif if (waqsim%first_order) then write(lun,'(A)') 'LOWER-ORDER-AT-BOUND ; lower order scheme at open boundaries' endif if (waqsim%forester) then write(lun,'(A)') 'FORESTER ; forester filter active' endif if (waqsim%anticreep) then write(lun,'(A)') 'ANTICREEP ; anti-creep active' endif write(lun,'(I20.8,A)') sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%start_time), ' ; simulation start time' write(lun,'(I20.8,A)') sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%stop_time) , ' ; simulation stop time' write(lun,'(A)') ' 0 ; timestep constant' write(lun,'(I20.8,A)') sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%time_step) , ' ; simulation timestep' write(lun,'(A)') ' 1 ; monitoring areas in this file' write(lun,'(A)') ' 0 ; nr of monitoring points' write(lun,'(A)') ' 1 ; transects in this file' write(lun,'(A)') ' 0 ; nr of transects' write(lun,'(A)') '; start stop step' write(lun,'(A)') '; ddhhmmss ddhhmmss ddhhmmss' write(lun,'(I11.8,A,I11.8,A,I11.8,A)') sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%start_mon),' ',sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%stop_mon),' ',sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%step_mon),' ; of monitoring' write(lun,'(I11.8,A,I11.8,A,I11.8,A)') sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%start_map),' ',sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%stop_map),' ',sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%step_map),' ; of map, dump' write(lun,'(I11.8,A,I11.8,A,I11.8,A)') sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%start_his),' ',sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%stop_his),' ',sec2ddhhmmss(waqsim%step_his),' ; of history' write(lun,'(A)') '#2;' write(lun,'(A)') ';###############################################################################' write(lun,'(A)') '; Third input block: segments, volumes' write(lun,'(I0,A)') waqsim%nsegments, ' ; Number of segments' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 2, ' ; Option ''grid layout not used''' if (hyd%attributes_file == ' ') then write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, ' ; One time-independent contribution' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, ' ; Number of items' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 2, ' ; Only feature 2 is specified' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, ' ; Input on this file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, ' ; Input option without default' if (hyd%number_water_quality_layers == 1) then write(lun,'(I0,A)') waqsim%nsegments, '*0 ; Segments extend from surface to bed' else nseg2D = waqsim%nsegments - waqsim%nexchange(3) write(lun,'(I0,A)') nseg2D, '*1 ; Surface segments' write(lun,'(I0,A)') nseg2D*(hyd%number_water_quality_layers-2), '*2 ; Mid column segments' write(lun,'(I0,A)') nseg2D, '*3 ; Bottom segments' endif write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, ' ; no time-dependent contributions' else open(newunit=lunatr, file=hyd%attributes_file, action='read', status='old') read(lunatr,'(A)') line close(lunatr) #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lunatr , file=hyd%attributes_file , action='read', status='old' , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lunatr , file=hyd%attributes_file , action='read', status='old' , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif read(lunatr) iattr close(lunatr) if (index(line,'DELWAQ_COMPLETE_ATTRIBUTES')>0) then write(lun,'(3A)') 'INCLUDE ''',trim(hyd%attributes_file),''' ; attributes specified in separate file' elseif (iattr==0 .or. iattr==1 .or. iattr==11) then ! 21 or 31 shouldn't be on top since delwaq counts segments from top to bottom write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, ' ; One time-independent contribution' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 2, ' ; Number of items' write(lun,'(I0,A,I0,A)') 1,' ',2, ' ; Features 1 and 2 specified' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, ' ; From binary file' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',trim(hyd%attributes_file),''' ; name of attribute file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, ' ; no time-dependent contributions' else write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, ' ; One time-independent contribution' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, ' ; Number of items' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 2, ' ; Only feature 2 is specified' write(lun,'(I0,A)') -1, ' ; From ASCII file' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',trim(hyd%attributes_file),''' ; name of attribute file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, ' ; no time-dependent contributions' endif endif write(lun,'(I0,A)') -2, ' ; volumes from unformatted intermediate file' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',trim(hyd%volumes_file),''' ; name of volumes file' write(lun,'(A)') '#3;' write(lun,'(A)') ';###############################################################################' write(lun,'(A)') '; Fourth input block: exchanges, pointer table, flows, lengths' write(lun,'(I0,A,I0,A,I0,A)') waqsim%nexchange(1), ' ', waqsim%nexchange(2), ' ', waqsim%nexchange(3), ' ; Number of exchanges' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0,' ; number of additional dispersions' write(lun,'(I0,A)') waqsim%nfldex,' ; number of additional velocities' if (waqsim%nfldex>0) then do i = 1, waqsim%nfldex write(lun,'(3A)') ' ''',trim(waqsim%fldexname(i)),'''' enddo filestr = ''; do i = 1, waqsim%nsubs do j = 1, waqsim%subsmult(i) if (waqsim%substran(i)) filestr = '0 '//filestr enddo enddo write(lun,'(2A)') trim(filestr),' ; the additional velocities are not actually used as velocities' endif write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1,' ; input format 1' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0,' ; exchange pointers in unformatted file' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',trim(hyd%pointers_file),''' ; name of exchange pointer file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1,' ; dispersions in this file' write(lun,'(A)') '1.0 1.0 1.0 ; scale factors in three directions' write(lun,'(A)') '0.0 0.0 0.0 ; values in m2/s in three directions' write(lun,'(I0,A)') -2,' ; exchange surfaces in unformatted file' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',trim(hyd%areas_file),''' ; name of areas file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') -2,' ; flows in unformatted file' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',trim(hyd%flows_file),''' ; name of flows file' if (waqsim%nfldex>0) then write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0,' ; additional velocities in unformatted file' filestr = trim(filename)//'-additional.vel' call writeveloc(filestr, waqsim%fldexval) write(lun,'(3A)') '''',trim(filestr),'''' endif write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1,' ; lengths vary over the area' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0,' ; in unformatted file' write(lun,'(3A)') '''',trim(hyd%lengths_file),''' ; name of length file' write(lun,'(A)') '#4;' write(lun,'(A)') ';###############################################################################' write(lun,'(A)') '; Fifth input block: boundary conditions' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 3*waqsim%nbnd,'*'' ''' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1,'; time lags at the boundaries' write(lun,'(A)') '; nr. ddhhmmss' write(lun,'(I0,A)') waqsim%nbnd,'*00010000 ; nr of boundaries times 1 hour' write(lun,'(A)') 'ITEM ''Boundary type 1''' do i = 1,waqsim%nsubs if (waqsim%subsname(i) == 'ISS') then if (waqsim%subsmult(i)>1) then do j = 1,waqsim%subsmult(i) if (j>=100) then write(lun,'(2A,I3.3,A)') 'CONCENTRATION ',trim(waqsim%subsname(i)),j,' DATA 0.0' else write(lun,'(2A,I2.2,A)') 'CONCENTRATION ',trim(waqsim%subsname(i)),j,' DATA 0.0' endif enddo else write(lun,'(3A)') 'CONCENTRATION ',trim(waqsim%subsname(i)),' DATA 0.0' endif endif enddo write(lun,'(A)') '#5;' write(lun,'(A)') ';###############################################################################' write(lun,'(A)') '; Sixth input block: dry waste loads block' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, ' ; No dry waste loads' write(lun,'(A)') '#6;' write(lun,'(A)') ';###############################################################################' write(lun,'(A)') '; Seventh input block: constants, processes, segment function, etc' write(lun,'(A)') ';' do i = 1, waqsim%npar write(lun,'(3A,G13.6)') 'CONSTANTS ''',trim(waqsim%parname(i)),''' DATA ',waqsim%parval(i) enddo write(lun,'(A)') 'CONSTANTS ''ONLY_ACTIVE'' DATA 1.0' do i = 1, waqsim%nprocess write(lun,'(3A)') 'CONSTANTS ''ACTIVE_',trim(waqsim%process(i)),''' DATA 1.0' enddo write(lun,'(A)') ';' do i = 1, waqsim%nfld select case (waqsim%fldname(i)) case ('Surf') filestr = trim(filename)//'-surf.par' call srf2par(hyd%surfaces_file, filestr, waqsim%nsegments, waqsim%nexchange(3), hyd%geometry) case ('CHEZY') filestr = trim(filename)//'-chezy.par' call chz2par(hyd%chezy_coefficients_file, filestr, waqsim%nsegments, waqsim%nexchange(3)) case ('Veloc1') filestr = hyd%x_velocities_file case ('Veloc2') filestr = hyd%y_velocities_file case default filestr = trim(waqsim%fldname(i))//'.par' j = index(filestr,'*') do while (j>0) filestr(j:j) = '.' j = index(filestr,'*') enddo call write2par(filestr, waqsim%fldval(i,:)) end select write(lun,'(5A)') 'PARAMETERS ''',trim(waqsim%fldname(i)),''' ALL BINARY_FILE ''',trim(filestr),'''' enddo write(lun,'(A)') '#7;' write(lun,'(A)') ';###############################################################################' write(lun,'(A)') '; Eighth input block: initial conditions' do i = 1,waqsim%nsubs if (waqsim%subsmult(i)>1) then do j = 1,waqsim%subsmult(i) write(lun,'(A)') 'INITIALS' if (j>=100) then write(lun,'(2A,I3.3)') ' ',trim(waqsim%subsname(i)),j else write(lun,'(2A,I2.2)') ' ',trim(waqsim%subsname(i)),j endif write(lun,'(A)') 'INPUTGRID ''Base grid''' write(lun,'(A)') 'DATA' write(lun,'(I0,A)') waqsim%nsegments,'*0.0' enddo else write(lun,'(A)') 'INITIALS' write(lun,'(2A)') ' ',trim(waqsim%subsname(i)) write(lun,'(A)') 'INPUTGRID ''Base grid''' write(lun,'(A)') 'DATA' write(lun,'(I0,A)') waqsim%nsegments,'*0.0' endif enddo write(lun,'(A)') '#8;' write(lun,'(A)') ';###############################################################################' write(lun,'(A)') '; Ninth input block: model output' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, '; output information in this file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, '; no output for monitoring file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, '; no output for dump file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, '; no output for history file' !write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, '; default simulated quantities on map file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 2, '; default simulated quantities plus following quantities on map file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') waqsim%noutput, '; number of additional quantities' do i = 1,waqsim%noutput write(lun,'(3A)') ' ''',trim(waqsim%output(i)),'''' enddo write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, '; binary history file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 1, '; binary map file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, '; nefis history file' write(lun,'(I0,A)') 0, '; nefis map file' write(lun,'(A)') '#9;' close(lun) end subroutine waqsim_writeinp subroutine waqsim_allocate(waqsim) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Convert morphology ini properties to waq process definition ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type (waqsimtype) :: waqsim ! ! Local variables ! integer :: istat integer :: nex ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! nex = sum(waqsim%nexchange) allocate(waqsim%poi(4,nex) , stat = istat) allocate(waqsim%lng(2,nex) , stat = istat) allocate(waqsim%vol(waqsim%nsegments) , stat = istat) allocate(waqsim%qag(nex) , stat = istat) allocate(waqsim%area(nex) , stat = istat) allocate(waqsim%segatrnr(waqsim%nsegatr) , stat = istat) allocate(waqsim%segatr(waqsim%nsegments, waqsim%nsegatr), stat = istat) allocate(waqsim%tmpval(waqsim%nsegments) , stat = istat) end subroutine waqsim_allocate subroutine dealloc_waqsim(waqsim) ! modules implicit none ! variables type (waqsimtype) :: waqsim ! local variables ! program code if (allocated(waqsim%poi)) deallocate(waqsim%poi) if (allocated(waqsim%lng)) deallocate(waqsim%lng) if (allocated(waqsim%vol)) deallocate(waqsim%vol) if (allocated(waqsim%qag)) deallocate(waqsim%qag) if (allocated(waqsim%area)) deallocate(waqsim%area) if (allocated(waqsim%segatrnr)) deallocate(waqsim%segatrnr) if (allocated(waqsim%segatr)) deallocate(waqsim%segatr) if (allocated(waqsim%tmpval)) deallocate(waqsim%tmpval) end subroutine dealloc_waqsim subroutine srf2par(srffile, parfile, nsegments, nvertexchanges, geometry) character(*), intent(in) :: srffile character(*), intent(in) :: parfile integer, intent(in) :: nsegments integer, intent(in) :: nvertexchanges integer, intent(in) :: geometry ! integer :: lun integer :: nsegments2D integer :: nlayers integer :: k integer :: itime integer, dimension(6) :: idummy real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: srf ! nsegments2D = nsegments - nvertexchanges nlayers = nsegments / nsegments2D allocate(srf(nsegments2D)) ! if (geometry == WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_TELEMAC) then open(newunit=lun, file = srffile, form = 'unformatted', convert='big_endian', status = 'old') else #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lun , file = srffile , status='old' , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lun , file = srffile , status='old' , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif endif read(lun) idummy read(lun) srf close(lun) ! itime = 0 #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lun , file = parfile , status='replace' , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lun , file = parfile , status='replace' , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif write(lun) itime do k = 1, nlayers write(lun) srf enddo close(lun) ! deallocate(srf) end subroutine srf2par subroutine chz2par(chzfile, parfile, nsegments, nvertexchanges) character(*), intent(in) :: chzfile character(*), intent(in) :: parfile integer, intent(in) :: nsegments integer, intent(in) :: nvertexchanges ! integer :: lun integer :: nsegments2D integer :: nlayers integer :: k integer :: itime integer, dimension(7) :: idummy real(wqprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: chz ! nsegments2D = nsegments - nvertexchanges nlayers = nsegments / nsegments2D allocate(chz(nsegments2D)) ! #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lun , file = chzfile , status='old' , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lun , file = chzfile , status='old' , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif read(lun) idummy read(lun) chz close(lun) ! itime = 0 #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lun , file = parfile , status='replace' , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lun , file = parfile , status='replace' , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif write(lun) itime do k = 1, nlayers write(lun) chz enddo close(lun) ! deallocate(chz) end subroutine chz2par subroutine write2par(parfile, par) character(*), intent(in) :: parfile real(wqprec), dimension(:), intent(in) :: par ! integer :: lun integer :: itime ! itime = 0 #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lun , file = parfile , status='replace' , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lun , file = parfile , status='replace' , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif write(lun) itime write(lun) par close(lun) end subroutine write2par subroutine writeveloc(velfile, addvel) character(*), intent(in) :: velfile real(wqprec), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: addvel ! integer :: lun integer :: itime ! itime = 0 #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lun , file = velfile , status='replace' , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lun , file = velfile , status='replace' , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif write(lun) itime write(lun) addvel close(lun) end subroutine writeveloc subroutine computegridprop(hyd, poi, array) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! XXXX ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type (hydtype) , intent(in) :: hyd integer, dimension(:,:) , intent(in) :: poi real(wqprec), dimension(:,:) , intent(out) :: array ! ! Local variables ! ! NONE ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! select case (hyd%geometry) case (WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_CURVGRID) call gridpropcurv(hyd, poi, array) case (WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_TELEMAC) call gridproptelm(hyd, poi, array) case (WAQSIM_GEOMETRY_UNSTRUCT) write(*,*) 'computegridprop for Unstruct not yet implemented' end select end subroutine computegridprop subroutine gridpropcurv(hyd, poi, array) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! XXXX ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type (hydtype) , intent(in) :: hyd integer, dimension(:,:) , intent(in) :: poi real(wqprec), dimension(:,:) , intent(out) :: array ! ! Local variables ! integer :: lun integer :: mmax integer :: m integer :: nmax integer :: n integer :: kmax integer :: noseg2D integer :: noq2D integer :: noq1 integer :: noq2 integer :: noq3 integer :: i integer :: iq integer :: ifrom integer :: ito integer :: j integer :: dum1 integer :: dum2 integer :: iqstart integer :: iqend real(wqprec) :: dx real(wqprec) :: dy real(wqprec) :: w real(4) :: x0 real(4) :: y0 integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: aggrtable real(4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x real(4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: y ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lun , file=hyd%grid_indices_file , action='read', status='old' , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lun , file=hyd%grid_indices_file , action='read', status='old' , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif read(lun) mmax, nmax, noseg2D, kmax, noq1, noq2, noq3 allocate(aggrtable(mmax, nmax)) read(lun) aggrtable close(lun) ! #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( newunit=lun , file=hyd%grid_coordinates_file , action='read', status='old' , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( newunit=lun , file=hyd%grid_coordinates_file , action='read', status='old' , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif read(lun) nmax, mmax, x0, y0, dum1, dum2, kmax do i = 1, 9 read(lun) dum1 enddo allocate(x(mmax, nmax), y(mmax, nmax)) read(lun) x, y close(lun) ! do j = 1, 2 if (j==1) then iqstart = 1 iqend = noq1/kmax else iqstart = noq1+1 iqend = noq1+noq2/kmax endif do n = 1, nmax do m = 1, mmax if (n==1 .or. n==nmax .or. m==1 .or. m==mmax) then cycle endif ! if (j==1) then dx = x(m,n)-x(m,n-1) dy = y(m,n)-y(m,n-1) ifrom = aggrtable(m,n) ito = aggrtable(m+1,n) else dx = x(m-1,n)-x(m,n) dy = y(m-1,n)-y(m,n) ifrom = aggrtable(m,n) ito = aggrtable(m,n+1) endif if (ifrom<=0 .and. ito<=0) then cycle elseif (ifrom==0 .or. ito==0) then cycle endif do iq = iqstart, iqend if (poi(1,iq)==ifrom .and. poi(2,iq)==ito) exit enddo ! w = sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 ) array(5,iq) = array(5,iq) + w array(1,iq) = array(1,iq) + dy ! w*(dy/w) - weighted averaging of normalized normal array(2,iq) = array(2,iq) - dx ! w*(dx/w) enddo enddo enddo ! noq2D = noq1/kmax do iq = 1, noq2D if (array(5,iq)>0.0) then array(1,iq) = array(1,iq)/array(5,iq) array(2,iq) = array(2,iq)/array(5,iq) array(3,iq) = array(1,iq) array(4,iq) = array(2,iq) endif enddo do j = 1, kmax-1 do iq = 1, noq2D array(:,iq+noq2D*j) = array(:,iq) enddo enddo ! noq2D = noq2/kmax do iq = noq1+1, noq1+noq2D if (array(5,iq)>0.0) then array(1,iq) = array(1,iq)/array(5,iq) array(2,iq) = array(2,iq)/array(5,iq) array(3,iq) = array(1,iq) array(4,iq) = array(2,iq) endif enddo do j = 1, kmax-1 do iq = 1, noq2D array(:,noq1+iq+noq2D*j) = array(:,noq1+iq) enddo enddo ! deallocate(aggrtable, x, y) end subroutine gridpropcurv subroutine gridproptelm(hyd, poi, array) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! XXXX ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Call variables ! type (hydtype) , intent(in) :: hyd integer, dimension(:,:) , intent(in) :: poi real(wqprec), dimension(:,:) , intent(out) :: array ! ! Local variables ! integer :: lun character(80) :: header integer :: nvar1 integer :: nvar2 integer :: i integer :: ifrom integer :: ito integer :: j integer :: j2 integer :: iq integer :: noq2D character(32) :: varchar integer, dimension(10) :: ipar integer, dimension(6) :: time integer :: nelm integer :: nelm2 integer :: npnt integer :: npnt2 integer :: npntelm integer :: npntelm2 integer :: eltyp integer :: eltyp2 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: edgecnt integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: edge integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: elm integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: elm2 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: bound integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: bound2 integer :: found integer :: iq0 real(4) :: xc real(4) :: yc real(4) :: xe real(4) :: ye real(4) :: dx real(4) :: dy real(4) :: w real(4), dimension(:), allocatable :: x real(4), dimension(:), allocatable :: x2 real(4), dimension(:), allocatable :: y real(4), dimension(:), allocatable :: y2 ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! open(newunit=lun, file = hyd%grid_indices_file, form = 'unformatted', convert='big_endian', status = 'old') read(lun) header read(lun) nvar1, nvar2 do i = 1, nvar1+nvar2 read(lun) varchar enddo read(lun) ipar if (ipar(10) /= 0) then read(lun) time endif read(lun) nelm, npnt, npntelm, eltyp if (nvar2 > 0) then read(lun) nelm2, npnt2, npntelm2, eltyp2 else nelm2 = 0 npnt2 = 0 npntelm2 = 0 eltyp2 = 0 endif ! allocate( elm(npntelm, nelm), elm2(npntelm2, nelm2), bound(npnt), bound2(npnt2), x(npnt), x2(npnt2), y(npnt), y2(npnt2) ) ! read(lun) elm if (nvar2 > 0) then read(lun) elm2 endif ! read(lun) bound if (nvar2 > 0) then read(lun) bound2 endif ! read(lun) x if (nvar2 > 0) then read(lun) x2 endif ! read(lun) y if (nvar2 > 0) then read(lun) y2 endif ! close(lun) ! ! don't rely on the bound array obtained from the Selafin file. Use the ! negative segment numbers in the poi array since we need to be consistent ! with that delwaq data set anyway. ! bound = 0 noq2D = size(poi,2) do iq = 1,noq2D if ( poi(1,iq)>npnt .or. poi(2,iq)>npnt ) then noq2D = iq-1 exit endif if ( poi(1,iq)<0 ) bound(poi(2,iq)) = iq if ( poi(2,iq)<0 ) bound(poi(1,iq)) = iq enddo ! ! allocate memory to check identify edges associated with elements, and ! check which edges are located on the boundary ! allocate( edge(npntelm, nelm), edgecnt(noq2D) ) edgecnt = 0 edge = 0 ! iq0 = 1 do i = 1,nelm do j = 1, 3 ifrom = elm(j,i) j2 = mod(j,3)+1 ito = elm(j2,i) ! found = 0 do iq = iq0, noq2D if ( poi(1,iq)==ifrom .and. poi(2,iq)==ito ) then found = 1 iq0 = iq exit elseif ( poi(1,iq)==ito .and. poi(2,iq)==ifrom ) then found = -1 iq0 = iq exit endif enddo if (found==0) then do iq = iq0-1, 1, -1 if ( poi(1,iq)==ifrom .and. poi(2,iq)==ito ) then found = 1 iq0 = iq exit elseif ( poi(1,iq)==ito .and. poi(2,iq)==ifrom ) then found = -1 iq0 = iq exit endif enddo endif ! edge(j,i) = iq*found edgecnt(iq) = edgecnt(iq)+1 enddo enddo ! ! compute distances ! do i = 1,nelm xc = ( x(elm(1,i)) + x(elm(2,i)) + x(elm(3,i)) )/3.0 yc = ( y(elm(1,i)) + y(elm(2,i)) + y(elm(3,i)) )/3.0 do j = 1, 3 ifrom = elm(j,i) j2 = mod(j,3)+1 ito = elm(j2,i) iq = edge(j,i) ! xe = ( x(ifrom) + x(ito) )/2.0 ye = ( y(ifrom) + y(ito) )/2.0 dx = xc - xe dy = yc - ye w = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) ! ! assume element nodes are specified counter clockwise ! if ( iq>0 ) then array(1,iq) = array(1,iq) + dy array(2,iq) = array(2,iq) - dx array(5,iq) = array(5,iq) + w elseif ( iq<0 ) then iq = -iq array(1,iq) = array(1,iq) - dy array(2,iq) = array(2,iq) + dx array(5,iq) = array(5,iq) + w endif ! if (bound(ifrom)/=0 .and. bound(ito)/=0 .and. edgecnt(iq)==1) then dx = xe - x(ifrom) dy = ye - y(ifrom) w = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) iq = bound(ifrom) if ( poi(1,iq)==ifrom ) then array(1,iq) = array(1,iq) + dy array(2,iq) = array(2,iq) - dx array(5,iq) = array(5,iq) + w else array(1,iq) = array(1,iq) - dy array(2,iq) = array(2,iq) + dx array(5,iq) = array(5,iq) + w endif ! dx = x(ito) - xe dy = y(ito) - ye w = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) iq = bound(ito) if ( poi(1,iq)==ito ) then array(1,iq) = array(1,iq) + dy array(2,iq) = array(2,iq) - dx array(5,iq) = array(5,iq) + w else array(1,iq) = array(1,iq) - dy array(2,iq) = array(2,iq) + dx array(5,iq) = array(5,iq) + w endif endif enddo enddo ! do iq = 1, noq2D if (array(5,iq)>0.0) then array(1,iq) = array(1,iq)/array(5,iq) array(2,iq) = array(2,iq)/array(5,iq) array(3,iq) = array(1,iq) array(4,iq) = array(2,iq) endif enddo do j = 1, size(poi,2)/noq2D-1 do i = 1, noq2D array(:,i+noq2D*j) = array(:,i) enddo enddo ! deallocate(elm, elm2, bound, bound2, edge, edgecnt) end subroutine gridproptelm end module waqsim_module