subroutine trab20(u ,v ,hrms ,rlabda ,teta ,h ,tp , & & d50 ,d15 ,d90 ,par ,dzbdt ,vicmol ,poros , & & chezy ,dzdx ,dzdy ,sbotx ,sboty ,ssusx ,ssusy , & & ua ,va ,ubot ,kwtur ,vonkar ,ubot_from_com ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2020. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! computes sediment transport according to ! the transport formula of Soulsby / Van Rijn, XBeach flavour ! - !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use mathconsts ! implicit none ! ! Call variables ! real(fp) , intent(in) :: d15 real(fp) , intent(in) :: d50 real(fp) , intent(in) :: d90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: poros real(fp) , intent(in) :: chezy real(fp) :: h real(fp) :: hrms real(fp) :: tp real(fp) , intent(in) :: rlabda real(fp) , intent(in) :: teta real(fp) , intent(in) :: kwtur ! Breaker induced turbulence real(fp) , intent(in) :: dzbdt ! Erosion/sedimentation velocity real(fp) , intent(in) :: vicmol real(fp) , intent(in) :: ubot real(fp) , intent(in) :: dzdy real(fp) , intent(in) :: dzdx real(fp) , intent(in) :: u real(fp) , intent(in) :: v real(fp), dimension(30), intent(in) :: par real(fp) , intent(in) :: vonkar logical , intent(in) :: ubot_from_com real(fp) , intent(out) :: sbotx real(fp) , intent(out) :: sboty real(fp) , intent(out) :: ssusx real(fp) , intent(out) :: ssusy real(fp) , intent(out) :: ua real(fp) , intent(out) :: va ! ! Local variables ! integer :: waveform integer :: dilatancy integer :: sws integer :: lws integer :: bedslpeffini real(fp) :: ag real(fp) :: delta real(fp) :: rnu real(fp) :: facua real(fp) :: facas real(fp) :: facsk real(fp) :: smax real(fp) :: pormax real(fp) :: cmax real(fp) :: reposeangle real(fp) :: rheea real(fp) :: cf real(fp) :: dtol real(fp) :: onethird real(fp) :: twothird real(fp) :: utot real(fp) :: uamag real(fp) :: phi real(fp) :: uorb real(fp) :: b2 real(fp) :: ucrw real(fp) :: ucrc real(fp) :: dster real(fp) :: vero real(fp) :: srftotal real(fp) :: srfrhee real(fp) :: ucr real(fp) :: k, kl real(fp) :: urms, urms2 real(fp) :: alpha1, alpha2 real(fp) :: psi, beta real(fp) :: ucrb, ucrs, asb, ass, term1, ceqb, ceqs real(fp) :: z0 real(fp) :: cd ! ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Initiliaze Transports to zero ! sbotx = 0.0_fp sboty = 0.0_fp ssusx = 0.0_fp ssusy = 0.0_fp ua = 0.0_fp va = 0.0_fp ! ! Initialisations ! dtol = 1e-6_fp onethird=1.0_fp/3.0_fp twothird=2.0_fp/3.0_fp ! ag = par(1) delta = par(4) facua = par(11) facas = par(12) facsk = par(13) waveform = int(par(14)) sws = int(par(15)) lws = int(par(16)) dilatancy = int(par(17)) rheea = par(18) pormax = par(19) bedslpeffini = int(par(20)) smax = par(21) reposeangle = par(22) cmax = par(23) z0 = par(24) ! ! limit input parameters to sensible values ! facua = max(min(facua,1.0_fp),0.0_fp) facas = max(min(facas,1.0_fp),0.0_fp) facsk = max(min(facsk,1.0_fp),0.0_fp) if (.not. (waveform==1 .or. waveform==2)) waveform=2 ! van Thiel default if (.not. (lws==1)) lws = 1 ! default always on, not used now (don't have relaxation parameters) if (.not. (sws==1 .or. sws==0)) sws = 1 ! default on if (.not. (dilatancy==1 .or. dilatancy==0)) dilatancy = 0 ! default off rheea = max(min(rheea,2.0_fp),0.75_fp) pormax = max(min(pormax,0.6_fp),poros) if (.not. (bedslpeffini==0 .or. bedslpeffini==1 .or. bedslpeffini==2)) bedslpeffini=0 smax = max(min(smax,3.0_fp),-1.0_fp) if (smax<0.0_fp) smax=huge(0.0_fp)*1.0e-20_fp reposeangle = max(min(reposeangle,45.0_fp),30.0_fp) cmax = max(min(cmax,1.0_fp),0.0_fp) z0 = max(min(z0,0.05_fp),0.0001_fp) ! cf = ag / chezy / chezy ! ! velocity asymmetry ! if (waveform==1) then call ua_rvr(facas ,facsk ,sws ,h ,hrms , & & rlabda ,ubot ,uamag ) else if (waveform==2) then call ua_vt(facas ,facsk ,sws ,h , & & hrms ,tp ,ag ,ubot , & & uamag ) end if ! ! Velocity magnitude ! phi = reposeangle*degrad ! Angle of internal friction utot = u**2 + v**2 if (utot>0.0_fp) utot = sqrt(utot) if (utot200.0_fp .or. h<0.01_fp) goto 999 ! ! Wave number k, urms orbital velocity ! if (tp>1.e-6_fp) then ! ! Prevent small tp ! tp = max(tp,1.0_fp) ! call wavenr(h ,tp ,k ,ag ) if (ubot_from_com) then uorb = ubot else uorb = pi*hrms/tp/sinh(k*h) endif urms = uorb*0.7071_fp urms2 = urms**2 + 1.45_fp*kwtur else urms2 = 0.0_fp endif ! dster=(delta*ag/1e-12_fp)**onethird*d50 ! 1e-12 = nu**2 ! if(d50<=0.0005_fp) then Ucr=0.19_fp*d50**0.1_fp*log10(4.0_fp*h/d90) else Ucr=8.5_fp*d50**0.6_fp*log10(4.0_fp*h/d90) end if ! srfRhee = 0.0_fp srfTotal = 1.0_fp if (dilatancy == 1) then vero = max(0.0_fp,-dzbdt) ! Erosion velocity kl = ag/(160.0_fp*vicmol)*(d15**2)*((poros**3)/(1.0_fp-poros)**2) ! Permeability, Adel 1987 ! Reduction factor on the critical Shields parameter by dilatancy (Van Rhee, 2010) srfRhee = vero/kl*(pormax-poros)/(1.0_fp-poros)*rheea/delta endif ! if (bedslpeffini == 0) then srfTotal = 1.0_fp + srfRhee elseif (bedslpeffini == 1 .or. bedslpeffini == 2) then if ((abs(u)>dtol .or. abs(v)>dtol) .and. (abs(dzdx)>dtol .or. abs(dzdy)>dtol)) then ! alpha1 = atan2(v,u) ! Angle between the x-axis and the bed slope vector directed in down-slope direction alpha2 = mod(atan2(-dzdy,-dzdx),2.0_fp*pi) psi = alpha1-(alpha2-pi) if (abs(dzdx)Ucrb .and. h>dtol) then ceqb=Asb*(term1-Ucrb)**2.4_fp end if if(term1>Ucrs .and. h>dtol) then ceqs=Ass*(term1-Ucrs)**2.4_fp end if ! ceqb = min(ceqb/h, cmax/2.0_fp)*h ! maximum equilibrium bed concentration ceqs = min(ceqs/h, cmax/2.0_fp)*h ! maximum equilibrium suspended concentration ua = uamag*cos(teta*degrad) va = uamag*sin(teta*degrad) sbotx = (u+ua)*ceqb sboty = (v+va)*ceqb ssusx = (u+ua)*ceqs ! this is now eulerian, correct? ssusy = (v+va)*ceqs ! 999 continue end subroutine trab20