Debugging a coupled D-Flow FM - D-Waves computation in Visual Studio ==================================================================== Below: replace "" by the location of the source code on your machine, e.g. "c:\checkouts\oss" 0. Run 1. Compile Release version of D-Waves This ensures that SWAN and ESMF_regridder are in the correct location: \src\bin\x64 2. Compile Debug version DIMR, D-Flow FM and D-Waves 3. DIMR is the StartUp Project, in properties->Debugging: a. Set workdir b. Set input file (dimr_config.xml) c. Environment: Add all relevant paths to environment parameter PATH. Syntax/example: PATH=\src\engines_gpl\dimr\bin\x64\Debug;\src\bin\x64\Debug\dflowfm\bin;\src\engines_gpl\wave\bin\x64\Debug;\src\bin\x64\swan\scripts;\src\bin\x64\swan\bin;\src\bin\x64\esmf\scripts;\src\bin\x64\esmf\bin;%PATH%;\src\bin\x64\share\bin Ending with "%PATH%;sharedir" gives the highest chance on success. 4. Start debugging Use "F11" to jump from DIMR to D-Flow FM/D-Waves. Put breakpoints at the (three) lines with "->dllinitialize" in "dimr_lib->src->dimr.cpp". After jumping into D-Flow FM/D-Waves with "F11", you can add more breakpoints. Debugging a coupled Delft3D4 - D-Waves computation in Visual Studio ================================================================== 0. Run 1. Compile a Release version of d_hydro, flow2d3d and D-Waves 2. Compile a Debug version of d_hydro, flow2d3d and D-Waves d_hydro is the StartUp Project, in properties->Debugging: a. Set modeldir as workdir b. Set input file (config_d_hydro.xml) 3. Add a statement to your model's config_d_hydro xml file 4. Adapt the runscript run_dflow2d3d_dwaves.bat, so that the paths refer to the debug versions of your flow and wave libraries 5. Run the runscript; in VS, attach the Debug solution to the d_hydro process; 6. Set your breakpoints 7. Add the waitfile to the modeldirectory 8. Start debugging using F5, F10, F11 to jump around in the code.