c------- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Stichting Deltares. c c This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or c modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public c License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. c c This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU c Lesser General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public c License along with this library; if not, see . c c contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands c c All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" c are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of c Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. c c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c http://www.deltaressystems.com c $HeadURL$ c $Id$ c******************************************************************** c* Check and get string c********************************************************************/ subroutine chkGetString(prhs, name, result) c c---- Global variables c integer prhs character*(*) name, result c c---- Local variables c integer ndims, strlen integer dimarray(2) character*128 message c c---- Executable statements c ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs) strlen = -1 if (mxIsChar(prhs) .and. (ndims == 2)) then call mxCopyPtrToInteger4(mxGetDimensions(prhs), dimarray, 2) if (dimarray(1)==1) strlen = dimarray(2) endif if (strlen < 0) call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid '//name//'.') if (strlen > len(result)) call mexErrMsgTxt(name//' too long.') status = mxGetString(prhs, result, len(result)) if (status /= 0) + call mexErrMsgTxt('mxGetString error for '//name//'.') end subroutine chkGetString c******************************************************************** c* Check and get positive integer c********************************************************************/ subroutine chkGetPosInt(prhs,Value) c c---- Global variables c integer prhs integer Value c c---- Local variables c integer ndims, strlen integer rValue_pr integer dimarray(2) real*8 rValue c c---- Executable statements c Value = -1 ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs) if (mxIsDouble(prhs) .and. .not.mxIsComplex(prhs) + .and. (ndims == 2)) then call mxCopyPtrToInteger4(mxGetDimensions(prhs), dimarray, 2) if ((dimarray(1)==1) .and. dimarray(2)==1) then strlen = dimarray(2) rValue_pr = mxGetPr(prhs) call mxCopyPtrToReal8(rValue_pr, rValue, 1) Value = int(rValue) endif endif end subroutine chkGetPosInt c******************************************************************** c* Check and get DioShmPart c********************************************************************/ subroutine GetDioPart(prhs, diopart) use dio_shm c c---- Global variables c integer prhs integer diopart c c---- Local variables c character*10 diopartstr c c---- Executable statements c call chkGetString(prhs, 'DelftIO Shared Memory Part Identifier', + diopartstr) if (diopartstr == 'header') then diopart = DioShmHeaderPart elseif (diopartstr == 'data') then diopart = DioShmDataPart else call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid DelftIO Shared Memory Part '// + 'Indentification String') endif end subroutine GetDioPart c******************************************************************** c* Get data share pointer c********************************************************************/ subroutine GetDs(prhs,ds) use dio_shm c c---- Global variables c integer prhs type(DsShmHandle) :: ds c c---- Local variables c integer prhs_r c c---- Executable statements c prhs_r = mxGetPr(prhs) call mxCopyPtrToInteger4(prhs_r, ds%cppPntr, 1) end subroutine GetDs c******************************************************************** c* Put data share pointer c********************************************************************/ subroutine PutDs(ds,plhs) use dio_shm c c---- Global variables c type(DsShmHandle) :: ds integer plhs c c---- Local variables c integer plhs_r c c---- Executable statements c plhs = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, 1, + mxClassIDFromClassName('int32'), 0) plhs_r = mxGetPr(plhs) call mxCopyInteger4ToPtr(ds%cppPntr, plhs_r, 1) end subroutine PutDs c******************************************************************** c* Display input c********************************************************************/ subroutine DisplayInput(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) c c---- Global variables c integer plhs(*), prhs(*) integer nlhs, nrhs c c---- Local variables c integer i, d integer dimarray(100), ndims character*128 message c c---- Functions c external mxGetNumberOfDimensions integer mxGetNumberOfDimensions external mxGetDimensions integer mxGetDimensions external mxGetClassName character*128 mxGetClassName c c---- Executable statements c write(message,'(I0)') nrhs call mexPrintf(trim(message)) call mexPrintf(' input argument(s) and ') write(message,'(I0)') nlhs call mexPrintf(trim(message)) call mexPrintf(' output argument(s).') call mexPrintf(achar(10)) do i=1,nrhs call mexPrintf('arg') write(message,'(I2.2)') i call mexPrintf(trim(message)) call mexPrintf(': ') ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs(i)); call mxCopyPtrToInteger4(mxGetDimensions(prhs(i)), dimarray, + ndims) write(message,'(I0)') dimarray(1) call mexPrintf(trim(message)) do d=2,ndims call mexPrintf('x') write(message,'(I0)') dimarray(d) call mexPrintf(trim(message)) end do call mexPrintf(' : ') message = mxGetClassName(prhs(i)) call mexPrintf(message) call mexPrintf(achar(10)) end do end subroutine DisplayInput c******************************************************************** c* Main Program c********************************************************************/ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) use dio_shm c c---- Global variables c integer plhs(*), prhs(*) integer nlhs, nrhs c c---- Local variables c character*10 cmdstr,dFormat character*100 DioName integer diopart, mxA_r integer nBytesHdr, nBytesData character*128 message type(DsShmHandle), pointer :: ds logical logok integer intok real*8 rintok integer dimarray(100), ndims character*1, allocatable :: Strings(:) integer*1, allocatable :: bData(:) integer, allocatable :: iData(:) real*4, allocatable :: rData(:) c c---- Executable statements c c call DisplayInput(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) diopart = DioShmDataPart if (nrhs<1) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Missing DelftIO command.') elseif ( mxIsChar(prhs(1)) /= 1) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Missing DelftIO command.') endif call chkGetString(prhs(1), 'DelftIO command', cmdstr) call mexPrintf('DelftIO command: '//cmdstr//achar(10)) if (cmdstr=='newput') then c /***************************************************************** c * NEWPUT c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 1) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif ((nrhs /= 3) .and. (nrhs /= 4)) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else nnBytesHdr = 0 nBytesData = 0 idx = 1 if (nrhs == 3) then c /* c * Header size = 0 c * Data size = user specified c */ call chkGetPosInt(prhs(2),nBytesData) if (nBytesData < 0) + call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid data size.') idx = 2 else c /* c * Header size = user specified c * Data size = user specified c */ call chkGetPosInt(prhs(2),nBytesHdr) if (nBytesHdr < 0) + call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid header size.') call chkGetPosInt(prhs(3),nBytesData) if (nBytesData < 0) + call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid data size.') idx = 3 endif call chkGetString(prhs(idx+1),'DelftIO share name',DioName) intok = DioShmDsCreateWithSize(ds,nBytesHdr,nBytesData, + DioShmSharedMem,DioName) call PutDs(ds,plhs(1)) endif elseif (cmdstr=='newget') then c /***************************************************************** c * NEWGET c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 1) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif (nrhs /= 2) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else call chkGetString(prhs(2),'DelftIO share name',DioName) intok = DioShmDsCreateNoSize(ds,DioShmSharedMem,DioName) call PutDs(ds,plhs(1)) endif elseif (cmdstr=='getname') then c /***************************************************************** c * GETNAME c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 1) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif (nrhs /= 2) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else call mexErrMsgTxt('GETNAME command not available.') endif elseif (cmdstr=='startwrite') then c /***************************************************************** c * STARTWRITE c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 1) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif ((nrhs /= 2) .and. (nrhs /= 3)) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else allocate(ds) call GetDs(prhs(2),ds) if (nrhs == 3) call GetDioPart(prhs(3),diopart) if (diopart==DioShmHeaderPart) then logok = DioShmDsStartWriteHdr(ds) else logok = DioShmDsStartWrite(ds) endif plhs(1) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, 0) mxA_r = mxGetPr(plhs(1)) rintok = logok call mxCopyReal8ToPtr(rintok, mxA_r, 1) deallocate(ds) endif elseif (cmdstr=='startread') then c /***************************************************************** c * STARTREAD c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 1) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif ((nrhs /= 2) .and. (nrhs /= 3)) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else allocate(ds) call GetDs(prhs(2),ds) if (nrhs == 3) call GetDioPart(prhs(3),diopart) if (diopart==DioShmHeaderPart) then logok = DioShmDsStartReadHdr(ds) else logok = DioShmDsStartRead(ds) endif plhs(1) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, 0) mxA_r = mxGetPr(plhs(1)) rintok = logok call mxCopyReal8ToPtr(rintok, mxA_r, 1) deallocate(ds) endif elseif (cmdstr=='write') then c /***************************************************************** c * WRITE c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 0) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif (nrhs /= 3) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else allocate(ds) call GetDs(prhs(2),ds) ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs(3)) call mxCopyPtrToInteger4(mxGetDimensions(prhs(3)), dimarray, + ndims) numItems = 1 do i=1,ndims numItems = numItems * dimarray(i) enddo c /* c * Write Data c */ if (mxIsUint8(prhs(3))) then mxA_r = mxGetPr(prhs(3)) allocate(bData(numItems)) allocate(Strings(numItems)) call mxCopyPtrToInteger1(mxA_r, bData, numItems) do i=1,numItems Strings(i)(1:1) = achar(bData(i)) enddo call DioShmDsWriteStrings(ds,numItems,1,Strings) deallocate(bData) deallocate(Strings) elseif (mxIsInt32(prhs(3))) then mxA_r = mxGetPr(prhs(3)) allocate(iData(numItems)) call mxCopyPtrToInteger4(mxA_r, iData, numItems) call DioShmDsWriteInts(ds,numItems,iData) deallocate(iData) elseif (mxIsSingle(prhs(3))) then mxA_r = mxGetPr(prhs(3)) allocate(rData(numItems)) call mxCopyPtrToReal4(mxA_r, rData, numItems) call DioShmDsWriteReals(ds,numItems,rData) deallocate(rData) else call mexErrMsgTxt('Transfer of data other than uint8'// + ',int32,single not yet implemented.') endif endif elseif (cmdstr=='read') then c /***************************************************************** c * READ c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 2) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif (nrhs /= 4) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else allocate(ds) call GetDs(prhs(2),ds) call chkGetPosInt(prhs(3),numItems) if (numItems < 0) + call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of items.') call chkGetString(prhs(4),'data format argument',dFormat) c /* c * Read and Return Data c */ intok = 0 if (dFormat=='uint8') then allocate(bData(numItems)) allocate(Strings(numItems)) call DioShmDsReadStrings(ds,numItems,1,Strings) plhs(1) = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, numItems, + mxClassIDFromClassName('int8'), 0) mxA_r = mxGetPr(plhs(1)) do i=1,numItems bData(i) = iachar(Strings(i)(1:1)) enddo call mxCopyInteger1ToPtr(bData, mxA_r, numItems) deallocate(bData) deallocate(Strings) elseif ((dFormat=='int') .or. (dFormat=='int32')) then allocate(iData(numItems)) call DioShmDsReadInts(ds,numItems,iData) plhs(1) = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, numItems, + mxClassIDFromClassName('int32'), 0) mxA_r = mxGetPr(plhs(1)) call mxCopyInteger4ToPtr(iData, mxA_r, numItems) deallocate(iData) elseif ((dFormat=='single') .or. (dFormat=='float32')) then allocate(rData(numItems)) call DioShmDsReadReals(ds,numItems,rData) plhs(1) = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, numItems, + mxClassIDFromClassName('single'), 0) mxA_r = mxGetPr(plhs(1)) call mxCopyReal4ToPtr(rData, mxA_r, numItems) deallocate(rData) else call mexErrMsgTxt('Transfer of data other than uint8'// + ',int32,single not yet implemented.') endif c /* c * Return flag of correct reading c */ plhs(2) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, 0) mxA_r = mxGetPr(plhs(2)) rintok = intok call mxCopyReal8ToPtr(rintok, mxA_r, 1) deallocate(ds) endif elseif (cmdstr=='endwrite') then c /***************************************************************** c * ENDWRITE c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 0) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif ((nrhs /= 2) .and. (nrhs /= 3)) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else allocate(ds) call GetDs(prhs(2),ds) if (nrhs == 3) call GetDioPart(prhs(3),diopart) if (diopart==DioShmHeaderPart) then call DioShmDsEndWriteHdr(ds) else call DioShmDsEndWrite(ds) endif deallocate(ds) endif elseif (cmdstr=='endread') then c /***************************************************************** c * ENDREAD c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 0) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif ((nrhs /= 2) .and. (nrhs /= 3)) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else allocate(ds) call GetDs(prhs(2),ds) if (nrhs == 3) call GetDioPart(prhs(3),diopart) if (diopart==DioShmHeaderPart) then call DioShmDsEndReadHdr(ds) else call DioShmDsEndRead(ds) endif deallocate(ds) endif elseif (cmdstr=='delete') then c /***************************************************************** c * DELETE c *****************************************************************/ if (nlhs /= 0) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of output arguments.') elseif (nrhs /= 2) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Invalid number of input arguments.') else endif else c /***************************************************************** c * Unrecognized command. c *****************************************************************/ call mexErrMsgTxt('Unrecognized DelftIO command: '//cmdstr) endif end subroutine mexFunction