!----- AGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2017-2020. ! ! This file is part of Delft3D (D-Flow Flexible Mesh component). ! ! Delft3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! Delft3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License ! along with Delft3D. If not, see . ! ! contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D", ! "D-Flow Flexible Mesh" and "Deltares" are registered trademarks of Stichting ! Deltares, and remain the property of Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef USE_DEPRECATED_PETSC34 ! for backwards compatibility with PETSc 3.4 (UNST-573) #include "solve_petsc_v34.F90" #else module m_petsc #include use petsc PetscInt :: numrows ! number of rows in this domain integer :: numallrows ! number of rows of whole system integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: rowtoelem ! local row to local element list, dim(numrows) ! CRS matrices for PETSc/MatCreateMPIAIJWithSplitArrays PetscInt :: numdia ! number of non-zero entries in diagonal block double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: adia ! non-zero matrix entries, diagonal block PetscInt, dimension(:), allocatable :: idia, jdia ! column indices and row pointers of off-diagonal block integer :: numoff ! number of non-zero entries in off-diagonal block PetscScalar , dimension(:), allocatable :: aoff ! non-zero matrix entries, diagonal block PetscInt, dimension(:), allocatable :: ioff, joff ! column indices and row pointers of off-diagonal block PetscInt, dimension(:), allocatable :: joffsav ! store of joff integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: guusidxdia ! index in ccr or bbr array, >0: ccr, <0: bbr, diagonal block, dim(numdia) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: guusidxoff ! index in ccr or bbr array, >0: ccr, <0: bbr, off-diagonal block, dim(numoff) integer :: numzerorows ! number of zero rows integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: izerorow ! zero-rows in matrix (kfs=0) double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: rhs_val ! values in vector rhs double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: sol_val ! values in vector sol double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: res_val ! values in vector res Vec :: res ! residual vector Vec :: rhs ! right-hand side vector Vec :: sol ! solution vector Mat :: Amat ! PETSc-type matrix (will include dry nodes, set to zero) KSP :: Solver ! Solver for the equation Amat * sol = rhs ! preconditioner PC :: Preconditioner KSP :: SubSolver PC :: SubPrec PCType :: PreconditioningType PetscErrorCode, parameter :: PETSC_OK = 0 end module m_petsc !> initialze PETSc subroutine startpetsc() #ifdef HAVE_PETSC use m_petsc use m_flowparameters, only: Icgsolver implicit none PetscErrorCode :: ierr = PETSC_OK if ( icgsolver.eq.6 ) then call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,ierr) call PetscPopSignalHandler(ierr) ! Switch off signal catching in PETSC. call PetscLogDefaultBegin(ierr) end if #endif return end subroutine startpetsc !> initialze PETSc subroutine stoppetsc() #ifdef HAVE_PETSC use m_petsc use m_flowparameters, only: Icgsolver implicit none PetscErrorCode :: ierr = PETSC_OK if (Icgsolver.eq.6) then call killSolverPETSC() call PetscFinalize(ierr) end if #endif return end subroutine stoppetsc !> allocate arrays for petsc matrix construction, !> and get sparsity pattern in RCS format subroutine ini_petsc(Ndx,Ndxi,ierror) use m_reduce use m_partitioninfo use petsc use m_petsc use MessageHandling use m_flowgeom, only: xz, yz, wu, nd use sorting_algorithms, only: indexxi implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Ndx !< number of cells integer, intent(in) :: Ndxi !< number of non-boundary cells integer, intent(out) :: ierror !< error (1) or not (0) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: inonzerodia, inonzerooff ! number of nonzeros in diagonal and off-diagonal block, respectively integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: idx, idum ! for sorting integer :: istart, iend, num integer :: i, irow, j, n integer :: ndn_glob ! global cell number integer :: ndn_glob_first ! global cell number of first active cell integer :: L logical :: Lactive PetscInt, parameter :: singletonBlocks = 1 PetscErrorCode :: ierr = PETSC_OK ierror = 1 ! make global numbering call get_global_numbers(nocg,noel(nogauss+1:nogauss+nocg), iglobal, numcells, 0) if ( jampi.eq.1 ) then ! the number of cells in this domain numrows = numcells(my_rank) ! the total number of rows numallrows = sum(numcells(0:ndomains-1)) else numrows = nocg numallrows = nocg end if ! allocate local variables allocate(mask(Ndx)) allocate(inonzerodia(numrows)) allocate(inonzerooff(numrows)) ! mark active cells mask = 0 do n=nogauss+1,nogauss+nocg mask(noel(n)) = 1 end do ! unmark all ghost cells do i=1,numghost_sall mask(ighostlist_sall(i)) = 0 end do ! unmark deactivated ghost cells ! open(6666,file='tmp'//sdmn//'.xyz') ! do n=nogauss+1,nogauss+nocg ! ndn = noel(n) ! if ( mask(ndn).eq.1 ) then !! unmask cell if it is a deactivated ghost cell ! if ( idomain(ndn).ne.my_rank ) then ! Lactive = .false. ! do i=1,nd(ndn)%lnx ! L = iabs(nd(ndn)%ln(i)) ! if ( wu(L).ne.0d0 ) then ! Lactive = .true. ! end if ! end do ! if ( .not.Lactive ) then ! mask(ndn) = 0 ! write(6,"('disabled ghost cell, my_rank=', I3, ', ndn=', I5)") my_rank, ndn ! write(6666,"(3E17.5)") xz(ndn), yz(ndn), dble(my_rank) ! end if ! end if ! end if ! !! if ( mask(ndn).eq.1 ) then !! do i=1,row(ndn)%l !! j=row(ndn)%j(i) !! !! if ( iglobal(j).eq.0 ) then !! write(6,"('zero global cell number, my_rank=', I3, ', j=', I5)") my_rank, ndn !! write(6666,"(3E17.5)") xz(j), yz(j), dble(my_rank) !! end if !! end do !! end if ! end do ! close(6666) ! count nonzero elements irow = 0 ndn_glob_first = 0 numdia = 0 numoff = 0 do n=nogauss+1,nogauss+nocg ndn = noel(n) ! cell number if ( mask(ndn).eq.1 ) then ! active cells only irow = irow+1 ndn_glob = iglobal(ndn) ! global cell number ! check global cell numbering (safety) if ( ndn_glob_first.eq.0 ) then ndn_glob_first = ndn_glob else if ( ndn_glob.ne.ndn_glob_first+irow-1 ) then call mess(LEVEL_ERROR, 'ini_petsc: global cell numbering error') goto 1234 end if end if ! diagonal element numdia = numdia+1 ! count non-zero row entries for this row do i=1,row(ndn)%l j=row(ndn)%j(i) if ( iglobal(j).eq.0 ) cycle if ( mask(j).eq.1 ) then ! in diagonal block numdia = numdia+1 else ! in off-diagonal block numoff = numoff+1 end if end do end if end do ! allocate module variables if ( allocated(rowtoelem) ) deallocate(rowtoelem) if ( allocated(jdia) ) deallocate(jdia) if ( allocated(idia) ) deallocate(idia) if ( allocated(adia) ) deallocate(adia) if ( allocated(joff) ) deallocate(joff) if ( allocated(ioff) ) deallocate(ioff) if ( allocated(aoff) ) deallocate(aoff) if ( allocated(joffsav) ) deallocate(joffsav) if ( allocated(guusidxdia) ) deallocate(guusidxdia) if ( allocated(guusidxoff) ) deallocate(guusidxoff) if ( allocated(izerorow) ) deallocate(izerorow) if ( allocated(rhs_val) ) deallocate(rhs_val) if ( allocated(sol_val) ) deallocate(sol_val) if ( allocated(res_val) ) deallocate(res_val) allocate(rowtoelem(numrows)) allocate(jdia(numdia)) allocate(idia(numrows+1)) allocate(adia(numdia)) allocate(joff(max(numoff,1))) allocate(ioff(numrows+1)) allocate(aoff(max(numoff,1))) allocate(joffsav(max(numoff,1))) allocate(guusidxdia(numdia)) allocate(guusidxoff(numoff)) allocate(izerorow(numrows)) allocate(rhs_val(1:numrows)) allocate(sol_val(1:numrows)) allocate(res_val(1:numrows)) ! make the RCS index arrays irow = 0 numdia = 0 numoff = 0 idia = 0 ioff = 0 idia(1) = 1 ioff(1) = 1 guusidxdia = 0 guusidxoff = 0 do n=nogauss+1,nogauss+nocg ndn=noel(n) if ( mask(ndn).eq.1 ) then irow = irow+1 ! global cell number rowtoelem(irow) = ndn ! diagonal element numdia = numdia+1 jdia(numdia) = iglobal(ndn) guusidxdia(numdia) = -ndn if ( iglobal(ndn).eq.0 ) then write(6,*), '--> iglobal=0', my_rank, ndn end if ! count non-zero row entries for this row do i=1,row(ndn)%l j=row(ndn)%j(i) if ( iglobal(j).eq.0 ) cycle if ( mask(j).eq.1 ) then ! in diagonal block numdia = numdia+1 jdia(numdia) = iglobal(j) guusidxdia(numdia) = row(ndn)%a(i) else ! ghost cell: in off-diagonal block numoff = numoff+1 joff(numoff) = iglobal(j) guusidxoff(numoff) = row(ndn)%a(i) end if end do ! end if idia(irow+1) = numdia+1 ioff(irow+1) = numoff+1 end if end do inonzerodia = idia(2:numrows+1)-idia(1:numrows) if ( numoff.gt.0 ) then inonzerooff = ioff(2:numrows+1)-ioff(1:numrows) else inonzerooff = 0 end if ! sort the row indices num = max(maxval(inonzerodia),maxval(inonzerooff)) allocate(idx(num)) allocate(idum(num)) do n=1,numrows istart = idia(n) iend = idia(n+1)-1 num = iend-istart+1 if ( num.gt.0 ) then idum(1:num) = jdia(istart:iend) call indexxi(num,idum,idx) jdia(istart:iend) = idum(idx(1:num)) idum(1:num) = guusidxdia(istart:iend) guusidxdia(istart:iend) = idum(idx(1:num)) end if end do do n=1,numrows istart = ioff(n) iend = ioff(n+1)-1 num = iend-istart+1 if ( num.gt.0 ) then idum(1:num) = joff(istart:iend) call indexxi(num,idum,idx) joff(istart:iend) = idum(idx(1:num)) idum(1:num) = guusidxoff(istart:iend) guusidxoff(istart:iend) = idum(idx(1:num)) end if end do ! make indices zero-based idia = idia-1 jdia = jdia-1 ioff = ioff-1 joff = joff-1 ! diagonal row-indices need to be local if ( jampi.eq.1 ) then jdia = jdia - iglobal(rowtoelem(1))+1 end if ! store joffsav = joff ! create vectors rhs_val = 0d0 sol_val = 0d0 res_val = 0d0 if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecCreateMPIWithArray( DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD, singletonBlocks, & numrows, PETSC_DECIDE, rhs_val, rhs, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecCreateMPIWithArray( DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD, singletonBlocks, & numrows, PETSC_DECIDE, sol_val, sol, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecCreateMPIWithArray( DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD, singletonBlocks, & numrows, PETSC_DECIDE, res_val, res, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecAssemblyBegin(rhs,ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecAssemblyBegin(sol,ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecAssemblyBegin(res,ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecAssemblyEnd(rhs,ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecAssemblyEnd(sol,ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecAssemblyEnd(res,ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) ierror = 0 1234 continue ! deallocate local variables if ( allocated(mask) ) deallocate(mask) if ( allocated(inonzerodia) ) deallocate(inonzerodia) if ( allocated(inonzerooff) ) deallocate(inonzerooff) if ( allocated(idx) ) deallocate(idx) if ( allocated(idum) ) deallocate(idum) return end subroutine ini_petsc !> compose the global matrix and solver for PETSc !> it is assumed that the global cell numbers iglobal, dim(Ndx) are available !> NO GLOBAL RENUMBERING, so the matrix may contain zero rows subroutine setPETSCmatrixEntries() use m_reduce use m_partitioninfo use m_petsc use MessageHandling use m_flowgeom, only: kfs, Ndx implicit none integer :: i, n integer :: ierr integer :: irow, istart, iend, k, kk logical :: Lstop integer :: mout ! count zero rows numzerorows = 0 izerorow = 0 adia = 0d0 aoff = 0d0 Lstop = .false. ! fill matrix entries do n=1,numdia i = guusidxdia(n) if ( i.lt.0 ) then ! diagonal entry in diagonal block if ( kfs(-i).ne.0 ) then ! nonzero row adia(n) = bbr(-i) else ! zero row numzerorows = numzerorows+1 izerorow(numzerorows) = iglobal(-i)-1 ! global row number, zero based ! adia(n) = 1d0 adia(n) = bbr(-i) end if ! if ( kfs(-i).ne.0 ) else ! off-diagonal entry in diagonal block adia(n) = ccr(i) end if end do ! BEGIN DEBUG ! ! call MPI_barrier(DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD,ierr) ! ! if ( my_rank.eq.1 ) then ! do i=1,numghost_sall ! ndn = ighostlist_sall(i) ! if ( kfs(ndn).ne.0 ) write(6,*) ndn, 'kfs=', kfs(ndn) ! end do ! do i=1,numoff ! if ( joff(i).ne.joffsav(i) ) then ! write(6,*) 'unequal:', i, joff(i), joffsav(i) ! end if ! end do ! end if ! ! call MPI_barrier(DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD,ierr) ! END DEBUG do irow=1,numrows istart = ioff(irow)+1 ! ioff is zeros-based iend = ioff(irow+1) do n=istart,iend i = guusidxoff(n) if ( i.le.0 ) then ! should not happen write(6,*) 'irow=', irow, 'istart=', istart, 'iend=', iend, 'numrows=', numrows, 'n=', n, 'i=', i call mess(LEVEL_ERROR, 'conjugategradientPETSC: numbering error') else aoff(n) = ccr(i) end if end do end do ! BEGIN DEBUG ! call newfil(mout, 'matrix_' // sdmn // '.m') ! write(mout, "('numrows=', I, ';')") numrows ! write(mout, "('numdia=', I, ';')") numdia ! write(mout, "('numoff=', I, ';')") numoff ! ! write(mout, "('idia= [', $)") ! do i=1,numrows+1 ! write(mout, "(I10)") idia(i) ! end do ! write(mout, "('];')") ! ! ! write(mout, "('jdia= [', $)") ! do i=1,numdia ! write(mout, "(I10)") jdia(i) + iglobal(rowtoelem(1)) - 1 ! end do ! write(mout, "('];')") ! ! write(mout, "('adia= [', $)") ! do i=1,numdia ! write(mout, "(E15.5)") adia(i) ! end do ! write(mout, "('];')") ! ! write(mout, "('ioff= [', $)") ! do i=1,numrows+1 ! write(mout, "(I10)") ioff(i) ! end do ! write(mout, "('];')") ! ! ! write(mout, "('joff= [', $)") ! do i=1,numoff ! write(mout, "(I10)") joffsav(i) ! end do ! write(mout, "('];')") ! ! write(mout, "('aoff= [', $)") ! do i=1,numoff ! write(mout, "(E15.5)") aoff(i) ! end do ! write(mout, "('];')") ! END DEBUG ! if ( numzerorows.gt.0 ) then ! call mess(LEVEL_ERROR, 'setPETSCmatrixEntries: zero rows not supported yet') ! call mess(LEVEL_INFO, 'number of nonzero rows:', numrows-numzerorows) ! call mess(LEVEL_INFO, 'number of zero rows:', numzerorows) ! call matZeroRowsColumns(Amat, numzerorows, izerorow, 0d0, ierr) ! end if end subroutine setPETSCmatrixEntries !> compose the global matrix and solver for PETSc !> it is assumed that the global cell numbers iglobal, dim(Ndx) are available !> NO GLOBAL RENUMBERING, so the matrix may contain zero rows subroutine createPETSCPreconditioner(iprecnd) use petsc use m_reduce ! use unstruc_messages use m_partitioninfo use m_petsc ! use petscksp; use petscdm use MessageHandling implicit none integer, intent(in) :: iprecnd !< preconditioner type, 0:default, 1: none, 2:incomplete Cholesky, 3:Cholesky, 4:GAMG (doesn't work) integer :: i, n, jasucces integer, save :: jafirst = 1 PetscErrorCode :: ierr = PETSC_OK jasucces = 0 if ( iprecnd.eq.0 ) then ! call mess(LEVEL_INFO, 'default preconditioner') else if ( iprecnd.eq.1 ) then ! call mess(LEVEL_INFO, 'no preconditioner') PreconditioningType = PCNONE else if ( iprecnd.eq.2 ) then PreconditioningType = PCICC else if ( iprecnd.eq.3 ) then PreconditioningType = PCCHOLESKY else if ( iprecnd.eq.4 ) then ! not supported PreconditioningType = PCGAMG else call mess(LEVEL_ERROR,'conjugategradientPETSC: unsupported preconditioner') goto 1234 end if ! Destroy the preconditioner and then create a new one if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPGetPC(Solver, Preconditioner, ierr) if ( jafirst.eq.1 ) then ! do not destroy the preconditioner jafirst = 0 else if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call PCDestroy(Preconditioner, ierr) end if if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call PCCreate(DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD,Preconditioner, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call PCSetOperators(Preconditioner, Amat, Amat, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPSetPC(Solver, Preconditioner, ierr) ! Configure the preconditioner if ( iprecnd.ne.0 ) then if (PreconditioningType == PCCHOLESKY .or. PreconditioningType == PCICC) then if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call PCSetType(Preconditioner, PCASM, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call PCASMSetOverlap( Preconditioner, 2, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPSetUp(Solver, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call PCASMGetSubKSP(Preconditioner, PETSC_NULL_INTEGER, PETSC_NULL_INTEGER, SubSolver, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPGetPC(SubSolver, SubPrec, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call PCSetType(SubPrec, PreconditioningType, ierr) else if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call PCSetType(Preconditioner, PreconditioningType, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPSetUp(Solver, ierr) end if end if if ( ierr .ne. PETSC_OK ) then call mess(LEVEL_ERROR, 'createPETSCPreconditioner: error') end if 1234 continue return end subroutine createPETSCPreconditioner !> compose the global matrix and solver for PETSc !> it is assumed that the global cell numbers iglobal, dim(Ndx) are available !> NO GLOBAL RENUMBERING, so the matrix may contain zero rows subroutine preparePETSCsolver(japipe) ! fix for missing definition of KSPPIPECG in finclude/petscdef.h: #define KSPPIPECG 'pipecg' use petsc use m_reduce ! use unstruc_messages use m_partitioninfo use m_petsc ! use petscksp; use petscdm implicit none integer, intent(in) :: japipe !< use pipelined CG (1) or not (0) integer :: i, n, jasucces PetscErrorCode :: ierr = PETSC_OK PetscInt, parameter :: maxits = 4000 double precision, parameter :: RelTol = 1d-14 double precision, parameter :: AbsTol = 1d-14 double precision, parameter :: dTol = PETSC_DEFAULT_REAL jasucces = 0 ! Restore joff with stored values joff = joffsav ! Set ridiculous values so that it will be detected if the correct values are not ! filled in before use adia = 123.4 aoff = 432.1 ! the following will destroy joff if (ndomains == 1) then if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call MatCreateSeqAIJWithArrays(DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD, numrows, numrows, & idia, jdia, adia, Amat, ierr) else ! do i=0,ndomains-1 ! if ( my_rank.eq.i ) then ! write(6,"('my_rank:', i5, ', numrows:', I5, ', numdia:', I5)") my_rank, numrows, numdia ! write(6,"('idia: ', 100000i5)") idia(1:numrows) ! write(6,"('jdia: ', 100000i5)") jdia(1:numrows) ! end if ! call flush(6) ! ! CALL MPI_BARRIER(DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD, I) ! end do ! stop if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call MatCreateMPIAIJWithSplitArrays(DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD, numrows, numrows, & PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, idia, jdia, adia, ioff, joff, aoff, Amat, ierr) end if if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call MatAssemblyBegin(Amat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call MatAssemblyEnd(Amat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,ierr) if (ierr /= PETSC_OK) print *,'conjugategradientPETSC: PETSC_ERROR (1)' if (ierr /= PETSC_OK) go to 1234 ! call writemesg('RHS and SOL vector are filled') if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPCreate(DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD, Solver, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPSetOperators(Solver, Amat, Amat, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) then if ( japipe.ne.1 ) then call KSPSetType(Solver, KSPCG, ierr) else call KSPSetType(Solver, KSPPIPECG, ierr) end if end if ! if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPSetType(Solver, KSPGMRES, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(Solver, PETSC_TRUE, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPSetTolerances(Solver, RelTol, AbsTol, dTol, maxits, ierr) ! Soheil: for imaginairy matrix entries use KSPCGSetType(Solver, ... ) 1234 continue end subroutine preparePETSCsolver !> compose the global matrix and solve with PETSc !> it is assumed that the global cell numbers iglobal, dim(Ndx) are available !> NO GLOBAL RENUMBERING, so the matrix may contain zero rows subroutine conjugategradientPETSC(s1,ndx,its,jacompprecond,iprecond) use petsc use m_reduce use m_partitioninfo use m_petsc use m_flowgeom, only: kfs use m_flowtimes, only: dts ! for logging use MessageHandling implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ndx double precision, dimension(Ndx), intent(inout) :: s1 integer, intent(out) :: its integer, intent(in) :: jacompprecond !< compute preconditioner (1) or not (0) integer, intent(in) :: iprecond !< preconditioner type double precision :: rnorm ! residual norm integer :: i, n, irank, jasucces PetscScalar, dimension(1) :: dum PetscOffset :: idum integer :: merr PetscErrorCode :: ierr = PETSC_OK KSPConvergedReason :: Reason character(len=100) :: message jasucces = 0 its = 0 ! fill matrix call setPETSCmatrixEntries() if ( jacompprecond == 1 ) then ! compute preconditioner call createPETSCPreconditioner(iprecond) end if ! fill vector rhs if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecGetArray(rhs,dum,idum,ierr) i = 0 rhs_val = 0d0 do n=nogauss+1,nogauss+nocg ndn = noel(n) if ( iglobal(ndn) > 0 ) then i = iglobal(ndn)-iglobal(rowtoelem(1))+1 rhs_val(i) = ddr(ndn) end if end do if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecRestoreArray(rhs,dum,idum,ierr) ! fill vector sol if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call VecGetArray(sol,dum,idum,ierr) sol_val = 0d0 do n=nogauss+1,nogauss+nocg ndn = noel(n) if ( iglobal(ndn) > 0 ) then i = iglobal(ndn)-iglobal(rowtoelem(1))+1 sol_val(i) = s1(ndn) end if end do if ( ierr == PETSC_OK ) call VecRestoreArray(sol, dum, idum, ierr) if ( ierr /= PETSC_OK ) call mess(LEVEL_INFO, 'conjugategradientPETSC: PETSC_ERROR (3)') if ( ierr /= PETSC_OK ) go to 1234 ! solve system if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPSolve(Solver, rhs, sol, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK) call KSPGetConvergedReason(Solver, Reason, ierr) ! check for convergence if (ierr == PETSC_OK) then if (reason == KSP_DIVERGED_INDEFINITE_PC) then if (my_rank == 0) call mess(LEVEL_WARN, 'Divergence because of indefinite preconditioner') else if (Reason < 0) then call mess(LEVEL_WARN, 'Other kind of divergence: this should not happen, reason = ', Reason) ! see http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-current/docs/manualpages/KSP/KSPConvergedReason.html for reason else call KSPGetIterationNumber(Solver, its, ierr) ! compute residual call KSPGetResidualNorm(Solver, rnorm, ierr) if (ierr == PETSC_OK .and. my_rank == 0) then write(message,'(a,i0,a,g11.4,a,f8.4)') 'Solver converged in ', its,' iterations, res=', rnorm, ' dt = ', dts call mess(LEVEL_INFO, message) end if jasucces = 1 end if end if if (ierr /= PETSC_OK) call mess(LEVEL_ERROR, 'conjugategradientPETSC: PETSC_ERROR (after solve)') if (ierr /= PETSC_OK) go to 1234 ! fill vector sol do n=nogauss+1,nogauss+nocg ndn = noel(n) if ( iglobal(ndn) > 0 .and. kfs(ndn) > 0 ) then i = iglobal(ndn)-iglobal(rowtoelem(1))+1 s1(ndn) = sol_val(i) end if end do 1234 continue ! mark fail by setting number of iterations to -999 if ( jasucces /= 1 ) then its = -999 call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, 'conjugategradientPETSC: error') end if end subroutine conjugategradientPETSC subroutine killSolverPETSC() !#include use petsc use m_petsc implicit none PetscErrorCode :: ierr = PETSC_OK call KSPDestroy(Solver, ierr) end subroutine killSolverPETSC !> write system to Matlab script subroutine writesystem() use m_partitioninfo use m_flowgeom, only: kfs use m_petsc implicit none integer :: i, j, irow, jcol, ifirstrow, n integer :: iter, ierr do iter=1,6 ! first matrix, then rhs, then rowtoelem, then iglobal (for row elements), then kfs, then construct matrix do n=0,ndomains-1 if ( my_rank.eq.n ) then ! open file if ( my_rank.eq.0 .and. iter.eq.1 ) then open(1234,file='matrix.m') else open(1234,file='matrix.m',access='append') end if ! write header if ( my_rank.eq.0 ) then if ( iter.eq.1 ) then write(1234,"('dum = [')") else if ( iter.eq.2 ) then write(1234,"('rhs = [')") else if ( iter.eq.3 ) then write(1234,"('rowtoelem = [')") else if ( iter.eq.4 ) then write(1234,"('iglobal = [')") else if ( iter.eq.5 ) then write(1234,"('kfs = [')") else if ( iter.eq.6 ) then write(1234,"('N = max(dum(:,1));')") write(1234,"('A = sparse(dum(:,1), dum(:,2), dum(:,3), N, N);')") end if end if ifirstrow = iglobal(rowtoelem(1)) if ( iter.eq.1 ) then ! matrix ! write this part of the matrix to file do i=1,numrows irow = i+ifirstrow-1 do j=idia(i)+1,idia(i+1) jcol = jdia(j) + ifirstrow write(1234, "(2I7,E15.5)") irow, jcol, adia(j) end do do j=ioff(i)+1,ioff(i+1) jcol = joffsav(j) + 1 write(1234, "(2I7,E15.5)") irow, jcol, aoff(j) end do end do else if ( iter.eq.2 ) then ! rhs ! write this part of rhs to file do i=1,numrows write(1234, "(E15.5)") rhs_val(i) end do else if ( iter.eq.3 ) then ! rowtoelem ! write this part of rhs to file do i=1,numrows write(1234, "(I7)") rowtoelem(i) end do else if ( iter.eq.4 ) then ! iglobal ! write this part of rhs to file do i=1,numrows write(1234, "(I7)") iglobal(rowtoelem(i)) end do else if ( iter.eq.5 ) then ! kfs ! write this part of rhs to file do i=1,numrows write(1234, "(I7)") kfs(rowtoelem(i)) end do end if if ( my_rank.eq.ndomains-1 ) then ! write footer if ( iter.ne.6 ) then write(1234,"('];')") end if end if ! close file call flush(1234) close(1234) end if call MPI_barrier(DFM_COMM_DFMWORLD, ierr) end do end do return end subroutine #endif ! matches #ifdef for compatibility with older petsc version (3.4)