! This file was taken from SPARSKIT VERSION 2. See the original license ! text below for more information. ! ! Welcome to SPARSKIT VERSION 2. SPARSKIT is a package of FORTRAN ! subroutines for working with sparse matrices. It includes general ! sparse matrix manipulation routines as well as a few iterative ! solvers, see detailed description of contents below. ! ! Copyright (C) 2005, the Regents of the University of Minnesota ! ! SPARSKIT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ! under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published ! by the Free Software Foundation [version 2.1 of the License, or any ! later version.] ! ! ! A copy of the licencing agreement is attached in the file LGPL. For ! additional information contact the Free Software Foundation Inc., 59 ! Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA or visit the web-site ! ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html ! ! ! DISCLAIMER ! ---------- ! ! SPARSKIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! For more information contact saad@cs.umn.edu ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ #include "blasfm.h" MODULE GAMMAS double precision :: gammax,gammay,alpha END MODULE GAMMAS module m_saad USE GAMMAS integer , allocatable :: & iao(:), jao(:), & ! original matrix in CSR format (iao - row_ptr, jao - col_ind) ia(:), ja(:), & ! permuted matrix in CSR format perm(:), perminv(:), & ! permutation matrix, its reverse kolrs(:), & ! color number per node jlu(:), ju(:), & ! ILU preconditioner in MSR format iw(:), ngs(:) integer :: ipar(16),nx,ny,nz,i,lfil,nrow,ierr, il(11), nn, mm, NWK integer :: permselect ! permutation method selector integer :: JAPERM ! PERM ARRAY INITIALISED YES NO integer :: nax ! initial max nrow dim logical, parameter :: sym = .TRUE.! indicates that matrix is symmetric double precision, allocatable :: & ao(:), & ! original matrix in CSR format a(:), & ! permuted matrix in CSR format solo(:), rhso(:), & ! original solution and right-hand side sol(:), sol0(:), rhs(:),& ! permuted solution and right-hand side alu(:), & ! ILU preconditioner in MSR format wk(:) ! work array double precision :: al(6), epssaad character :: qbc*3 double precision :: tol, fpar(16), cp0, cp1, cfl external gen57pt,cg,bcg,dbcg,bcgstab,tfqmr,gmres,fgmres,dqgmres external cgnr, fom, runrc, ilut integer :: jasafe=0 ! thread-safe (1) or not (0) ! end module m_saad subroutine inisaad(epscg_loc,maxmatvecs_loc,alpha_loc) use m_reduce use m_saad use m_flowparameters, only: jajipjan implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: epscg_loc !< threshold in termination criterium integer, intent(in) :: maxmatvecs_loc !< maximum number of matrix-vector multiplications double precision, intent(in) :: alpha_loc !< ILU (0.0) to MILU (1.0) preconditioning integer :: na, n, ntot, j if (allocated (ngs) ) deallocate(ngs) ! Guus to Saad ! allocate(ngs(nogauss0+nocg0) ) allocate(ngs(nodtot) ); ngs = 0 na = 0 ! matrix counter if (jajipjan < 5) then do n=nogauss0+1,nogauss0+nocg0 na = na + 1 ndn = noel(n) ! guus index ntot = row(ndn)%l do j=1,ntot ! init at maxdim na = na + 1 enddo enddo else do n=nogauss0+1,nogauss0+nocg0 na = na + 1 ndn = noel(n) ! guus index ntot = L2row(ndn) - L1row(ndn) + 1 do j=1,ntot ! init at maxdim na = na + 1 enddo enddo endif call initsaad(nocg0,na,epscg_loc,maxmatvecs_loc,alpha_loc) end subroutine inisaad subroutine initsaad(NOCG0,NA,epscg,maxmatvecs,alpha_loc) USE M_SAAD use m_alloc implicit none INTEGER :: NOCG0, NA double precision :: epscg integer :: maxmatvecs, n30 double precision, intent(in) :: alpha_loc !< ILU (0.0) to MILU (1.0) preconditioning NROW = NOCG0 ; nax = na ! n30 = 30 n30 = 30 NN = NROW ; mm = n30*nn ; nwk = 2*mm IF (ALLOCATED(IA) ) THEN deallocate ( iao, jao, ia , ja, perm, kolrs, jlu, ju, iw ) deallocate ( ao, a, solo, rhso, sol, sol0, rhs, alu, wk ) ENDIF allocate ( iao(nn+1), jao(na), & ia (nn+1), ja(na), & perm(nn) , kolrs(nn), & jlu(mm), ju(nn), iw(nn*3), stat = ierr ) call aerr('iao(nn+1)',IERR, mm+7*nn+2*na) iao = 0 ; jao = 0 ; ia = 0; ja = 0 jlu = 0 ; ju = 0 ; iw = 0; perm = 0 allocate ( ao(na), a(na), solo(nn), rhso(nn), sol(nn), & sol0(nn), rhs(nn), alu(mm), stat = ierr ) call aerr('ao(na)',IERR, 2*na+5*nn) ierr = -1 do while (ierr .ne. 0) allocate ( wk(nwk) , stat = ierr ) if (ierr .ne. 0) then nwk = 0.7*nwk endif enddo call aerr ('wk(nwk)', IERR, nwk) ao = 0.D0 ; a = 0.D0 solo = 0.D0 ; rhs = 0.D0 ; alu = 0.D0 ; wk = 0.D0 sol = 0d0 !! ipar(1) = 0 ! initialized in "itaux" ipar(2) = 1 ! no (0), left (1), right (2), both (3) precond ipar(3) = 1 ! stopping criteria ipar(4) = nwk ! number of elems in array 'wk' ipar(5) = 10 ! size of Krylov subspace in GMRES and variants ipar(6) = maxmatvecs ! max number of mat-vec multiplies !---MB: old setting ! fpar(1) = 1.0D-16 ! relative tolerance ('exact' solve, except ! fpar(2) = 0.0D-16 ! absolute tolerance for round-off errors) ! fpar(1) = 1.0D-14 ! relative tolerance (faster convergence, and ! fpar(2) = 0.0D-14 ! absolute tolerance only twice larger errors) !---MB20110330: convergence tolerance in agreement with openmp/method GS not ! possible because method GS considers MAX(ABS(residualvector)) while in ! SPARSKIT SQRT(DDOT(residualvector,residualvector)) is considered, which is ! weighing of residualvector in L2 norm *times* the number of unknowns per ! direction fpar(1) = 0.0D-16 ! relative tolerance ('exact' solve, except ! fpar(2) = 1.0D-14 * 1.0D2 ! absolute tolerance for round-off errors) ! = 1.0D-14 as in method GS * underestimation of number of unknowns ! fpar(2) = 1.0D-8 * 1.0D0 ! MB: set lower tolerance fpar(2) = epscg ! WRITE(*,*) 'REL, ABS ' ! READ(*,*) FPAR(1), FPAR(2) lfil = 3 ! alpha = 1.00000D0 ! alpha = 0.00000D0 ! SPvdP: set it to 0 for ILU preconditioning alpha = alpha_loc tol = 0.50D-2 ! ***** PERMUTATIONS ***** ! permselect = 1 ! MB: no permutation ! permselect = 2 ! MB: zig-zag permutation (does nothing, it seems) ! permselect = 3 ! MB: multicolor ordering (works rather well) ! permselect = 4 ! MB: local min ordering ! comparison with Mart: ! permselect = 3 ! Check if 3 still possible permselect = 1 ! Check if 3 still possible JAPERM = 0 end subroutine initsaad subroutine cgsaad(its,na,nocg,jaini, jabcgstab, ierror, res) use m_saad integer :: its,na,nocg integer, intent(in) :: jaini !< compute preconditioner and permutation (1) or not (0), or initialization only (-1), or ILU solve only (2) integer, intent(in) :: jabcgstab !< use bcgstab (1) or cg (other) integer, intent(out) :: ierror !< error (1) or not (0) double precision, intent(out) :: res !< || residual || ierror = 0 nrow = nocg if ( jaini.eq.-1 .or. jaini.eq.1 ) then IF (JAPERM == 0) THEN SELECT CASE( permselect ) CASE( 1 ) ! NO DO n = 1, nrow perm(n) = n ENDDO CASE( 2 ) ! *** zig-zag permutation print *, ' ' print *, ' *** ZIG-ZAG reordering ***' DO n = 1, nrow m = MOD( n-1, 2*(nx-2) ) + 1 IF( m .LE. nx-2 ) THEN perm(n) = n ! forward sweep of hor grid line ELSE perm(n) = n+1 + 3*(nx-2) - 2*m ! backward sweep of hor grid line ENDIF ENDDO case(3) ! *** multicoloring ordering maxcol = 4 ! maximum number of colors DO n = 1, nrow perm(n) = n ! initialize permutation array ENDDO ! print *, ' ' ! print *, ' *** MULTICOLOR reordering ***' CALL multic (nrow,jao,iao,ncol,kolrs,il,perm,maxcol,ierr) ! WRITE( *, '(A,I3)' ) ' MULTICOLOR, ierr =', ierr ! WRITE( *, '(A,I4)' ) ' Number of colors found:', ncol CASE( 4 ) ! *** independent set ordering with local minimization ! print *, ' ' ! print *, ' *** LOCAL MIN reordering ***' CALL indset2 (nrow,jao,iao,nset,perm,perminv,kolrs,sym,1) ! WRITE( *, '(A,I8)' ) ' Number of unknowns in indep.set:', nset END SELECT ! JAPERM = 1 ! no switch off for now ENDIF ! permutation of matrix job = 1 if (permselect > 1) then CALL dperm( nrow, ao, jao, iao, a, ja, ia, perm, perm, job ) else a = ao ja = jao ia = iao endif ! *** preconditioner call ilud (nrow,a,ja,ia,alpha,tol,alu,jlu,ju,mm,wk,iw,ierr,na) ! write(6,*) 'elements in ILU, check, rel.mem.use:', & ! ju(nrow), ierr, real(ju(nrow)/real(nrow)) end if if ( jaini.ne.-1 ) then ! permutation of rhs CALL permsimple( nrow, rhs, wk, perm, permselect ) ! permutation of sol CALL permsimple( nrow, sol, wk, perm, permselect ) if ( jaini.eq.2 ) then ! ILU solve only call lusol(nrow,rhs,sol,alu,jlu,ju,30*nrow) its = 0 else call runrc2(nrow,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,wk,a,ja,ia,alu,jlu,ju,its,epssaad,jabcgstab,ierror,30*nrow) res = fpar(5) end if call permsimpleINVERSE (nrow, sol, wk, perm, permselect) end if end subroutine cgsaad !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! S P A R S K I T c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! ITERATIVE SOLVERS MODULE c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! This Version Dated: August 13, 1996. Warning: meaning of some c ! ============ arguments have changed w.r.t. earlier versions. Some c ! Calling sequences may also have changed c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! Contents: c !-------------------------preconditioners------------------------------c ! c ! ILUT : Incomplete LU factorization with dual truncation strategy c ! ILUTP : ILUT with column pivoting c ! ILUD : ILU with single dropping + diagonal compensation (~MILUT) c ! ILUDP : ILUD with column pivoting c ! ILUK : level-k ILU c ! ILU0 : simple ILU(0) preconditioning c ! MILU0 : MILU(0) preconditioning c ! c !----------sample-accelerator-and-LU-solvers---------------------------c ! c ! PGMRES : preconditioned GMRES solver c ! LUSOL : forward followed by backward triangular solve (Precond.) c ! LUTSOL : solving v = (LU)^{-T} u (used for preconditioning) c ! c !-------------------------utility-routine------------------------------c ! c ! QSPLIT : quick split routine used by ilut to sort out the k largest c ! elements in absolute value c ! c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! c ! Note: all preconditioners are preprocessors to pgmres. c ! usage: call preconditioner then call pgmres c ! c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c subroutine ilut(n,a,ja,ia,lfil,droptol,alu,jlu,ju,iwk,w,jw,ierr) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer n double precision :: a(*),alu(*),w(n+1),droptol integer ja(*),ia(n+1),jlu(*),ju(n),jw(2*n),lfil,iwk,ierr !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! *** ILUT preconditioner *** * ! incomplete LU factorization with dual truncation mechanism * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Author: Yousef Saad *May, 5, 1990, Latest revision, August 1996 * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! PARAMETERS !----------- ! ! on entry: !========== ! n = integer. The row dimension of the matrix A. The matrix ! ! a,ja,ia = matrix stored in Compressed Sparse Row format. ! ! lfil = integer. The fill-in parameter. Each row of L and each row ! of U will have a maximum of lfil elements (excluding the ! diagonal element). lfil must be .ge. 0. ! ** WARNING: THE MEANING OF LFIL HAS CHANGED WITH RESPECT TO ! EARLIER VERSIONS. ! ! droptol = double precision :: . Sets the threshold for dropping small terms in the ! factorization. See below for details on dropping strategy. ! ! ! iwk = integer. The lengths of arrays alu and jlu. If the arrays ! are not big enough to store the ILU factorizations, ilut ! will stop with an error message. ! ! On return: !========== ! ! alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing ! the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in ! alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix ! contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) ! followed by the i-th row of U. ! ! ju = integer array of length n containing the pointers to ! the beginning of each row of U in the matrix alu,jlu. ! ! ierr = integer. Error message with the following meaning. ! ierr = 0 --> successful return. ! ierr .gt. 0 --> zero pivot encountered at step number ierr. ! ierr = -1 --> Error. input matrix may be wrong. ! (The elimination process has generated a ! row in L or U whose length is .gt. n.) ! ierr = -2 --> The matrix L overflows the array al. ! ierr = -3 --> The matrix U overflows the array alu. ! ierr = -4 --> Illegal value for lfil. ! ierr = -5 --> zero row encountered. ! ! work arrays: !============= ! jw = integer work array of length 2*n. ! w = real work array of length n+1. ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! w, ju (1:n) store the working array [1:ii-1 = L-part, ii:n = u] ! jw(n+1:2n) stores nonzero indicators ! ! Notes: ! ------ ! The diagonal elements of the input matrix must be nonzero (at least ! 'structurally'). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------* !---- Dual drop strategy works as follows. * ! * ! 1) Theresholding in L and U as set by droptol. Any element whose * ! magnitude is less than some tolerance (relative to the abs * ! value of diagonal element in u) is dropped. * ! * ! 2) Keeping only the largest lfil elements in the i-th row of L * ! and the largest lfil elements in the i-th row of U (excluding * ! diagonal elements). * ! * ! Flexibility: one can use droptol=0 to get a strategy based on * ! keeping the largest elements in each row of L and U. Taking * ! droptol .ne. 0 but lfil=n will give the usual threshold strategy * ! (however, fill-in is then mpredictible). * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! locals integer ju0,k,j1,j2,j,ii,i,lenl,lenu,jj,jrow,jpos,len double precision :: tnorm, t, abs, s, fact if (lfil .lt. 0) goto 998 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize ju0 (points to next element to be added to alu,jlu) ! and pointer array. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 ! ! initialize nonzero indicator array. ! do 1 j=1,n jw(n+j) = 0 1 continue !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! beginning of main loop. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 500 ii = 1, n j1 = ia(ii) j2 = ia(ii+1) - 1 tnorm = 0.0d0 do 501 k=j1,j2 tnorm = tnorm+abs(a(k)) 501 continue if (tnorm .eq. 0.0) goto 999 tnorm = tnorm/real(j2-j1+1) ! ! unpack L-part and U-part of row of A in arrays w ! lenu = 1 lenl = 0 jw(ii) = ii w(ii) = 0.0 jw(n+ii) = ii ! do 170 j = j1, j2 k = ja(j) t = a(j) if (k .lt. ii) then lenl = lenl+1 jw(lenl) = k w(lenl) = t jw(n+k) = lenl else if (k .eq. ii) then w(ii) = t else lenu = lenu+1 jpos = ii+lenu-1 jw(jpos) = k w(jpos) = t jw(n+k) = jpos endif 170 continue jj = 0 len = 0 ! ! eliminate previous rows ! 150 jj = jj+1 if (jj .gt. lenl) goto 160 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! in order to do the elimination in the correct order we must select ! the smallest column index among jw(k), k=jj+1, ..., lenl. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- jrow = jw(jj) k = jj ! ! determine smallest column index ! do 151 j=jj+1,lenl if (jw(j) .lt. jrow) then jrow = jw(j) k = j endif 151 continue ! if (k .ne. jj) then ! exchange in jw j = jw(jj) jw(jj) = jw(k) jw(k) = j ! exchange in jr jw(n+jrow) = jj jw(n+j) = k ! exchange in w s = w(jj) w(jj) = w(k) w(k) = s endif ! ! zero out element in row by setting jw(n+jrow) to zero. ! jw(n+jrow) = 0 ! ! get the multiplier for row to be eliminated (jrow). ! fact = w(jj)*alu(jrow) if (abs(fact) .le. droptol) goto 150 ! ! combine current row and row jrow ! do 203 k = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 s = fact*alu(k) j = jlu(k) jpos = jw(n+j) if (j .ge. ii) then ! ! dealing with upper part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! ! this is a fill-in element ! lenu = lenu+1 if (lenu .gt. n) goto 995 i = ii+lenu-1 jw(i) = j jw(n+j) = i w(i) = - s else ! ! this is not a fill-in element ! w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s endif else ! ! dealing with lower part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! ! this is a fill-in element ! lenl = lenl+1 if (lenl .gt. n) goto 995 jw(lenl) = j jw(n+j) = lenl w(lenl) = - s else ! ! this is not a fill-in element ! w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s endif endif 203 continue ! ! store this pivot element -- (from left to right -- no danger of ! overlap with the working elements in L (pivots). ! len = len+1 w(len) = fact jw(len) = jrow goto 150 160 continue ! ! reset double-pointer to zero (U-part) ! do 308 k=1, lenu jw(n+jw(ii+k-1)) = 0 308 continue ! ! update L-matrix ! lenl = len len = min0(lenl,lfil) ! ! sort by quick-split ! call qsplit (w,jw,lenl,len) ! ! store L-part ! do 204 k=1, len if (ju0 .gt. iwk) goto 996 alu(ju0) = w(k) jlu(ju0) = jw(k) ju0 = ju0+1 204 continue ! ! save pointer to beginning of row ii of U ! ju(ii) = ju0 ! ! update U-matrix -- first apply dropping strategy ! len = 0 do k=1, lenu-1 if (abs(w(ii+k)) .gt. droptol*tnorm) then len = len+1 w(ii+len) = w(ii+k) jw(ii+len) = jw(ii+k) endif enddo lenu = len+1 len = min0(lenu,lfil) ! call qsplit (w(ii+1), jw(ii+1), lenu-1,len) ! ! copy ! t = abs(w(ii)) if (len + ju0 .gt. iwk) goto 997 do 302 k=ii+1,ii+len-1 jlu(ju0) = jw(k) alu(ju0) = w(k) t = t + abs(w(k) ) ju0 = ju0+1 302 continue ! ! store inverse of diagonal element of u ! if (w(ii) .eq. 0.0) w(ii) = (0.0001 + droptol)*tnorm ! alu(ii) = 1.0d0/ w(ii) ! ! update pointer to beginning of next row of U. ! jlu(ii+1) = ju0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end main loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 continue ierr = 0 return ! ! incomprehensible error. Matrix must be wrong. ! 995 ierr = -1 return ! ! insufficient storage in L. ! 996 ierr = -2 return ! ! insufficient storage in U. ! 997 ierr = -3 return ! ! illegal lfil entered. ! 998 ierr = -4 return ! ! zero row encountered ! 999 ierr = -5 return !----------------end-of-ilut-------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ilutp(n,a,ja,ia,lfil,droptol,permtol,mbloc,alu,jlu,ju,iwk,w,jw,iperm,ierr) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none integer n,ja(*),ia(n+1),lfil,jlu(*),ju(n),jw(2*n),iwk,iperm(2*n),ierr double precision :: a(*), alu(*), w(n+1), droptol !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! *** ILUTP preconditioner -- ILUT with pivoting *** * ! incomplete LU factorization with dual truncation mechanism * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! author Yousef Saad *Sep 8, 1993 -- Latest revision, August 1996. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! on entry: !========== ! n = integer. The dimension of the matrix A. ! ! a,ja,ia = matrix stored in Compressed Sparse Row format. ! ON RETURN THE COLUMNS OF A ARE PERMUTED. SEE BELOW FOR ! DETAILS. ! ! lfil = integer. The fill-in parameter. Each row of L and each row ! of U will have a maximum of lfil elements (excluding the ! diagonal element). lfil must be .ge. 0. ! ** WARNING: THE MEANING OF LFIL HAS CHANGED WITH RESPECT TO ! EARLIER VERSIONS. ! ! droptol = double precision :: . Sets the threshold for dropping small terms in the ! factorization. See below for details on dropping strategy. ! ! lfil = integer. The fill-in parameter. Each row of L and ! each row of U will have a maximum of lfil elements. ! WARNING: THE MEANING OF LFIL HAS CHANGED WITH RESPECT TO ! EARLIER VERSIONS. ! lfil must be .ge. 0. ! ! permtol = tolerance ratio used to determne whether or not to permute ! two columns. At step i columns i and j are permuted when ! ! abs(a(i,j))*permtol .gt. abs(a(i,i)) ! ! [0 --> never permute; good values 0.1 to 0.01] ! ! mbloc = if desired, permuting can be done only within the diagonal ! blocks of size mbloc. Useful for PDE problems with several ! degrees of freedom.. If feature not wanted take mbloc=n. ! ! ! iwk = integer. The lengths of arrays alu and jlu. If the arrays ! are not big enough to store the ILU factorizations, ilut ! will stop with an error message. ! ! On return: !=========== ! ! alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing ! the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in ! alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix ! contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) ! followed by the i-th row of U. ! ! ju = integer array of length n containing the pointers to ! the beginning of each row of U in the matrix alu,jlu. ! ! iperm = contains the permutation arrays. ! iperm(1:n) = old numbers of unknowns ! iperm(n+1:2*n) = reverse permutation = new unknowns. ! ! ierr = integer. Error message with the following meaning. ! ierr = 0 --> successful return. ! ierr .gt. 0 --> zero pivot encountered at step number ierr. ! ierr = -1 --> Error. input matrix may be wrong. ! (The elimination process has generated a ! row in L or U whose length is .gt. n.) ! ierr = -2 --> The matrix L overflows the array al. ! ierr = -3 --> The matrix U overflows the array alu. ! ierr = -4 --> Illegal value for lfil. ! ierr = -5 --> zero row encountered. ! ! work arrays: !============= ! jw = integer work array of length 2*n. ! w = real work array of length n ! ! IMPORTANR NOTE: ! -------------- ! TO AVOID PERMUTING THE SOLUTION VECTORS ARRAYS FOR EACH LU-SOLVE, ! THE MATRIX A IS PERMUTED ON RETURN. [all column indices are ! changed]. SIMILARLY FOR THE U MATRIX. ! To permute the matrix back to its original state use the loop: ! ! do k=ia(1), ia(n+1)-1 ! ja(k) = iperm(ja(k)) ! enddo ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! integer k,i,j,jrow,ju0,ii,j1,j2,jpos,len,imax,lenu,lenl,jj,mbloc,icut double precision :: s, tmp, tnorm,xmax,xmax0, fact, abs, t, permtol ! if (lfil .lt. 0) goto 998 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize ju0 (points to next element to be added to alu,jlu) ! and pointer array. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 ! ! integer double pointer array. ! do 1 j=1, n jw(n+j) = 0 iperm(j) = j iperm(n+j) = j 1 continue !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! beginning of main loop. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 500 ii = 1, n j1 = ia(ii) j2 = ia(ii+1) - 1 tnorm = 0.0d0 do 501 k=j1,j2 tnorm = tnorm+abs(a(k)) 501 continue if (tnorm .eq. 0.0) goto 999 tnorm = tnorm/(j2-j1+1) ! ! unpack L-part and U-part of row of A in arrays w -- ! lenu = 1 lenl = 0 jw(ii) = ii w(ii) = 0.0 jw(n+ii) = ii ! do 170 j = j1, j2 k = iperm(n+ja(j)) t = a(j) if (k .lt. ii) then lenl = lenl+1 jw(lenl) = k w(lenl) = t jw(n+k) = lenl else if (k .eq. ii) then w(ii) = t else lenu = lenu+1 jpos = ii+lenu-1 jw(jpos) = k w(jpos) = t jw(n+k) = jpos endif 170 continue jj = 0 len = 0 ! ! eliminate previous rows ! 150 jj = jj+1 if (jj .gt. lenl) goto 160 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! in order to do the elimination in the correct order we must select ! the smallest column index among jw(k), k=jj+1, ..., lenl. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- jrow = jw(jj) k = jj ! ! determine smallest column index ! do 151 j=jj+1,lenl if (jw(j) .lt. jrow) then jrow = jw(j) k = j endif 151 continue ! if (k .ne. jj) then ! exchange in jw j = jw(jj) jw(jj) = jw(k) jw(k) = j ! exchange in jr jw(n+jrow) = jj jw(n+j) = k ! exchange in w s = w(jj) w(jj) = w(k) w(k) = s endif ! ! zero out element in row by resetting jw(n+jrow) to zero. ! jw(n+jrow) = 0 ! ! get the multiplier for row to be eliminated: jrow ! fact = w(jj)*alu(jrow) ! ! drop term if small ! if (abs(fact) .le. droptol) goto 150 ! ! combine current row and row jrow ! do 203 k = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 s = fact*alu(k) ! new column number j = iperm(n+jlu(k)) jpos = jw(n+j) if (j .ge. ii) then ! ! dealing with upper part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! ! this is a fill-in element ! lenu = lenu+1 i = ii+lenu-1 if (lenu .gt. n) goto 995 jw(i) = j jw(n+j) = i w(i) = - s else ! no fill-in element -- w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s endif else ! ! dealing with lower part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! ! this is a fill-in element ! lenl = lenl+1 if (lenl .gt. n) goto 995 jw(lenl) = j jw(n+j) = lenl w(lenl) = - s else ! ! this is not a fill-in element ! w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s endif endif 203 continue ! ! store this pivot element -- (from left to right -- no danger of ! overlap with the working elements in L (pivots). ! len = len+1 w(len) = fact jw(len) = jrow goto 150 160 continue ! ! reset double-pointer to zero (U-part) ! do 308 k=1, lenu jw(n+jw(ii+k-1)) = 0 308 continue ! ! update L-matrix ! lenl = len len = min0(lenl,lfil) ! ! sort by quick-split ! call qsplit (w,jw,lenl,len) ! ! store L-part -- in original coordinates .. ! do 204 k=1, len if (ju0 .gt. iwk) THEN goto 996 ENDIF alu(ju0) = w(k) jlu(ju0) = iperm(jw(k)) ju0 = ju0+1 204 continue ! ! save pointer to beginning of row ii of U ! ju(ii) = ju0 ! ! update U-matrix -- first apply dropping strategy ! len = 0 do k=1, lenu-1 if (abs(w(ii+k)) .gt. droptol*tnorm) then len = len+1 w(ii+len) = w(ii+k) jw(ii+len) = jw(ii+k) endif enddo lenu = len+1 len = min0(lenu,lfil) call qsplit (w(ii+1), jw(ii+1), lenu-1,len) ! ! determine next pivot -- ! imax = ii xmax = abs(w(imax)) xmax0 = xmax ! icut = ii - 1 + mbloc - mod(ii-1,mbloc) do k=ii+1,ii+len-1 t = abs(w(k)) if (t .gt. xmax .and. t*permtol .gt. xmax0 .and. jw(k) .le. icut) then imax = k xmax = t endif enddo ! ! exchange w's ! tmp = w(ii) w(ii) = w(imax) w(imax) = tmp ! ! update iperm and reverse iperm ! j = jw(imax) i = iperm(ii) iperm(ii) = iperm(j) iperm(j) = i ! ! reverse iperm ! iperm(n+iperm(ii)) = ii iperm(n+iperm(j)) = j !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if (len + ju0 .gt. iwk) goto 997 ! ! copy U-part in original coordinates ! do 302 k=ii+1,ii+len-1 jlu(ju0) = iperm(jw(k)) alu(ju0) = w(k) ju0 = ju0+1 302 continue ! ! store inverse of diagonal element of u ! if (w(ii) .eq. 0.0) w(ii) = (1.0D-4 + droptol)*tnorm alu(ii) = 1.0d0/ w(ii) ! ! update pointer to beginning of next row of U. ! jlu(ii+1) = ju0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end main loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 continue ! ! permute all column indices of LU ... ! do k = jlu(1),jlu(n+1)-1 jlu(k) = iperm(n+jlu(k)) enddo ! ! ...and of A ! do k=ia(1), ia(n+1)-1 ja(k) = iperm(n+ja(k)) enddo ! ierr = 0 return ! ! incomprehensible error. Matrix must be wrong. ! 995 ierr = -1 return ! ! insufficient storage in L. ! 996 ierr = -2 return ! ! insufficient storage in U. ! 997 ierr = -3 return ! ! illegal lfil entered. ! 998 ierr = -4 return ! ! zero row encountered ! 999 ierr = -5 return !----------------end-of-ilutp------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ilud(n,a,ja,ia,alph,tol,alu,jlu,ju,iwk,w,jw,ierr,na) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer n, na double precision :: a(na),alu(*),w(2*n),tol, alph integer ja(na),ia(n+1),jlu(*),ju(n),jw(2*n),iwk,ierr !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! *** ILUD preconditioner *** * ! incomplete LU factorization with standard droppoing strategy * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Author: Yousef Saad * Aug. 1995 -- * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! This routine computes the ILU factorization with standard threshold * ! dropping: at i-th step of elimination, an element a(i,j) in row i is * ! dropped if it satisfies the criterion: * ! * ! abs(a(i,j)) < tol * [average magnitude of elements in row i of A] * ! * ! There is no control on memory size required for the factors as is * ! done in ILUT. This routines computes also various diagonal compensa- * ! tion ILU's such MILU. These are defined through the parameter alph * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! on entry: !========== ! n = integer. The row dimension of the matrix A. The matrix ! ! a,ja,ia = matrix stored in Compressed Sparse Row format ! ! alph = diagonal compensation parameter -- the term: ! ! alph*(sum of all dropped out elements in a given row) ! ! is added to the diagonal element of U of the factorization ! Thus: alph = 0 ---> ~ ILU with threshold, ! alph = 1 ---> ~ MILU with threshold. ! ! tol = Threshold parameter for dropping small terms in the ! factorization. During the elimination, a term a(i,j) is ! dropped whenever abs(a(i,j)) .lt. tol * [weighted norm of ! row i]. Here weighted norm = 1-norm / number of nnz ! elements in the row. ! ! iwk = The length of arrays alu and jlu -- this routine will stop ! if storage for the factors L and U is not sufficient ! ! On return: !=========== ! ! alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing ! the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in ! alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix ! contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) ! followed by the i-th row of U. ! ! ju = integer array of length n containing the pointers to ! the beginning of each row of U in the matrix alu,jlu. ! ! ierr = integer. Error message with the following meaning. ! ierr = 0 --> successful return. ! ierr .gt. 0 --> zero pivot encountered at step number ierr. ! ierr = -1 --> Error. input matrix may be wrong. ! (The elimination process has generated a ! row in L or U whose length is .gt. n.) ! ierr = -2 --> Insufficient storage for the LU factors -- ! arrays alu/ jalu are overflowed. ! ierr = -3 --> Zero row encountered. ! ! Work Arrays: !============= ! jw = integer work array of length 2*n. ! w = real work array of length n ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! w, ju (1:n) store the working array [1:ii-1 = L-part, ii:n = u] ! jw(n+1:2n) stores the nonzero indicator. ! ! Notes: ! ------ ! All diagonal elements of the input matrix must be nonzero. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! locals integer ju0,k,j1,j2,j,ii,i,lenl,lenu,jj,jrow,jpos,len double precision :: tnorm, t, abs, s, fact, dropsum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize ju0 (points to next element to be added to alu,jlu) ! and pointer array. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 ! ! initialize nonzero indicator array. ! do 1 j=1,n jw(n+j) = 0 1 continue !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! beginning of main loop. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 500 ii = 1, n j1 = ia(ii) j2 = ia(ii+1) - 1 dropsum = 0.0d0 tnorm = 0.0d0 do 501 k=j1,j2 tnorm = tnorm + abs(a(k)) 501 continue if (tnorm .eq. 0.0) goto 997 tnorm = tnorm / real(j2-j1+1) ! ! unpack L-part and U-part of row of A in arrays w ! lenu = 1 lenl = 0 jw(ii) = ii w(ii) = 0.0 jw(n+ii) = ii ! do 170 j = j1, j2 k = ja(j) t = a(j) if (k .lt. ii) then lenl = lenl+1 jw(lenl) = k w(lenl) = t jw(n+k) = lenl else if (k .eq. ii) then w(ii) = t else lenu = lenu+1 jpos = ii+lenu-1 jw(jpos) = k w(jpos) = t jw(n+k) = jpos endif 170 continue jj = 0 len = 0 ! ! eliminate previous rows ! 150 jj = jj+1 if (jj .gt. lenl) goto 160 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! in order to do the elimination in the correct order we must select ! the smallest column index among jw(k), k=jj+1, ..., lenl. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- jrow = jw(jj) k = jj ! ! determine smallest column index ! do 151 j=jj+1,lenl if (jw(j) .lt. jrow) then jrow = jw(j) k = j endif 151 continue ! if (k .ne. jj) then ! exchange in jw j = jw(jj) jw(jj) = jw(k) jw(k) = j ! exchange in jr jw(n+jrow) = jj jw(n+j) = k ! exchange in w s = w(jj) w(jj) = w(k) w(k) = s endif ! ! zero out element in row by setting resetting jw(n+jrow) to zero. ! jw(n+jrow) = 0 ! ! drop term if small ! ! if (abs(w(jj)) .le. tol*tnorm) then ! dropsum = dropsum + w(jj) ! goto 150 ! endif ! ! get the multiplier for row to be eliminated (jrow). ! fact = w(jj)*alu(jrow) ! ! drop term if small ! if (abs(fact) .le. tol) then dropsum = dropsum + w(jj) goto 150 endif ! ! combine current row and row jrow ! do 203 k = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 s = fact*alu(k) j = jlu(k) jpos = jw(n+j) if (j .ge. ii) then ! ! dealing with upper part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! ! this is a fill-in element ! lenu = lenu+1 if (lenu .gt. n) goto 995 i = ii+lenu-1 jw(i) = j jw(n+j) = i w(i) = - s else ! ! this is not a fill-in element ! w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s endif else ! ! dealing with lower part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! ! this is a fill-in element ! lenl = lenl+1 if (lenl .gt. n) goto 995 jw(lenl) = j jw(n+j) = lenl w(lenl) = - s else ! ! this is not a fill-in element ! w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s endif endif 203 continue len = len+1 w(len) = fact jw(len) = jrow goto 150 160 continue ! ! reset double-pointer to zero (For U-part only) ! do 308 k=1, lenu jw(n+jw(ii+k-1)) = 0 308 continue ! ! update l-matrix ! do 204 k=1, len if (ju0 .gt. iwk) THEN goto 996 ENDIF alu(ju0) = w(k) jlu(ju0) = jw(k) ju0 = ju0+1 204 continue ! ! save pointer to beginning of row ii of U ! ju(ii) = ju0 ! ! go through elements in U-part of w to determine elements to keep ! len = 0 do k=1, lenu-1 ! if (abs(w(ii+k)) .gt. tnorm*tol) then if (abs(w(ii+k)) .gt. abs(w(ii))*tol) then len = len+1 w(ii+len) = w(ii+k) jw(ii+len) = jw(ii+k) else dropsum = dropsum + w(ii+k) endif enddo ! ! now update u-matrix ! if (ju0 + len-1 .gt. iwk) THEN goto 996 ENDIF do 302 k=ii+1,ii+len jlu(ju0) = jw(k) alu(ju0) = w(k) ju0 = ju0+1 302 continue ! ! define diagonal element ! w(ii) = w(ii) + alph*dropsum ! ! store inverse of diagonal element of u ! if (w(ii) .eq. 0.0) w(ii) = (0.0001 + tol)*tnorm ! alu(ii) = 1.0d0/ w(ii) ! ! update pointer to beginning of next row of U. ! jlu(ii+1) = ju0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end main loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 continue ierr = 0 return ! ! incomprehensible error. Matrix must be wrong. ! 995 ierr = -1 return ! ! insufficient storage in alu/ jlu arrays for L / U factors ! 996 ierr = -2 return ! ! zero row encountered ! 997 ierr = -3 return !----------------end-of-ilud ------------------------------------------ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine iludp(n,a,ja,ia,alph,droptol,permtol,mbloc,alu,jlu,ju,iwk,w,jw,iperm,ierr) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer n,ja(*),ia(n+1),mbloc,jlu(*),ju(n),jw(2*n),iwk,iperm(2*n),ierr double precision :: a(*), alu(*), w(2*n), alph, droptol, permtol !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! *** ILUDP preconditioner *** * ! incomplete LU factorization with standard droppoing strategy * ! and column pivoting * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! author Yousef Saad -- Aug 1995. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! on entry: !========== ! n = integer. The dimension of the matrix A. ! ! a,ja,ia = matrix stored in Compressed Sparse Row format. ! ON RETURN THE COLUMNS OF A ARE PERMUTED. ! ! alph = diagonal compensation parameter -- the term: ! ! alph*(sum of all dropped out elements in a given row) ! ! is added to the diagonal element of U of the factorization ! Thus: alph = 0 ---> ~ ILU with threshold, ! alph = 1 ---> ~ MILU with threshold. ! ! droptol = tolerance used for dropping elements in L and U. ! elements are dropped if they are .lt. norm(row) x droptol ! row = row being eliminated ! ! permtol = tolerance ratio used for determning whether to permute ! two columns. Two columns are permuted only when ! abs(a(i,j))*permtol .gt. abs(a(i,i)) ! [0 --> never permute; good values 0.1 to 0.01] ! ! mbloc = if desired, permuting can be done only within the diagonal ! blocks of size mbloc. Useful for PDE problems with several ! degrees of freedom.. If feature not wanted take mbloc=n. ! ! iwk = integer. The declared lengths of arrays alu and jlu ! if iwk is not large enough the code will stop prematurely ! with ierr = -2 or ierr = -3 (see below). ! ! On return: !=========== ! ! alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing ! the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in ! alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix ! contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) ! followed by the i-th row of U. ! ! ju = integer array of length n containing the pointers to ! the beginning of each row of U in the matrix alu,jlu. ! iperm = contains the permutation arrays .. ! iperm(1:n) = old numbers of unknowns ! iperm(n+1:2*n) = reverse permutation = new unknowns. ! ! ierr = integer. Error message with the following meaning. ! ierr = 0 --> successful return. ! ierr .gt. 0 --> zero pivot encountered at step number ierr. ! ierr = -1 --> Error. input matrix may be wrong. ! (The elimination process has generated a ! row in L or U whose length is .gt. n.) ! ierr = -2 --> The L/U matrix overflows the arrays alu,jlu ! ierr = -3 --> zero row encountered. ! ! work arrays: !============= ! jw = integer work array of length 2*n. ! w = real work array of length 2*n ! ! Notes: ! ------ ! IMPORTANT: TO AVOID PERMUTING THE SOLUTION VECTORS ARRAYS FOR EACH ! LU-SOLVE, THE MATRIX A IS PERMUTED ON RETURN. [all column indices are ! changed]. SIMILARLY FOR THE U MATRIX. ! To permute the matrix back to its original state use the loop: ! ! do k=ia(1), ia(n+1)-1 ! ja(k) = perm(ja(k)) ! enddo ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! integer k,i,j,jrow,ju0,ii,j1,j2,jpos,len,imax,lenu,lenl,jj,icut double precision :: s,tmp,tnorm,xmax,xmax0,fact,abs,t,dropsum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize ju0 (points to next element to be added to alu,jlu) ! and pointer array. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 ! ! integer double pointer array. ! do 1 j=1,n jw(n+j) = 0 iperm(j) = j iperm(n+j) = j 1 continue !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! beginning of main loop. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 500 ii = 1, n j1 = ia(ii) j2 = ia(ii+1) - 1 dropsum = 0.0d0 tnorm = 0.0d0 do 501 k=j1,j2 tnorm = tnorm+abs(a(k)) 501 continue if (tnorm .eq. 0.0) goto 997 tnorm = tnorm/(j2-j1+1) ! ! unpack L-part and U-part of row of A in arrays w -- ! lenu = 1 lenl = 0 jw(ii) = ii w(ii) = 0.0 jw(n+ii) = ii ! do 170 j = j1, j2 k = iperm(n+ja(j)) t = a(j) if (k .lt. ii) then lenl = lenl+1 jw(lenl) = k w(lenl) = t jw(n+k) = lenl else if (k .eq. ii) then w(ii) = t else lenu = lenu+1 jpos = ii+lenu-1 jw(jpos) = k w(jpos) = t jw(n+k) = jpos endif 170 continue jj = 0 len = 0 ! ! eliminate previous rows ! 150 jj = jj+1 if (jj .gt. lenl) goto 160 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! in order to do the elimination in the correct order we must select ! the smallest column index among jw(k), k=jj+1, ..., lenl. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- jrow = jw(jj) k = jj ! ! determine smallest column index ! do 151 j=jj+1,lenl if (jw(j) .lt. jrow) then jrow = jw(j) k = j endif 151 continue ! if (k .ne. jj) then ! exchange in jw j = jw(jj) jw(jj) = jw(k) jw(k) = j ! exchange in jr jw(n+jrow) = jj jw(n+j) = k ! exchange in w s = w(jj) w(jj) = w(k) w(k) = s endif ! ! zero out element in row by resetting jw(n+jrow) to zero. ! jw(n+jrow) = 0 ! ! drop term if small ! if (abs(w(jj)) .le. droptol*tnorm) then dropsum = dropsum + w(jj) goto 150 endif ! ! get the multiplier for row to be eliminated: jrow ! fact = w(jj)*alu(jrow) ! ! combine current row and row jrow ! do 203 k = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 s = fact*alu(k) ! new column number j = iperm(n+jlu(k)) jpos = jw(n+j) ! ! if fill-in element is small then disregard: ! if (j .ge. ii) then ! ! dealing with upper part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! this is a fill-in element lenu = lenu+1 i = ii+lenu-1 if (lenu .gt. n) goto 995 jw(i) = j jw(n+j) = i w(i) = - s else ! no fill-in element -- w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s endif else ! ! dealing with lower part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! this is a fill-in element lenl = lenl+1 if (lenl .gt. n) goto 995 jw(lenl) = j jw(n+j) = lenl w(lenl) = - s else ! no fill-in element -- w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s endif endif 203 continue len = len+1 w(len) = fact jw(len) = jrow goto 150 160 continue ! ! reset double-pointer to zero (U-part) ! do 308 k=1, lenu jw(n+jw(ii+k-1)) = 0 308 continue ! ! update L-matrix ! do 204 k=1, len if (ju0 .gt. iwk) goto 996 alu(ju0) = w(k) jlu(ju0) = iperm(jw(k)) ju0 = ju0+1 204 continue ! ! save pointer to beginning of row ii of U ! ju(ii) = ju0 ! ! update u-matrix -- first apply dropping strategy ! len = 0 do k=1, lenu-1 if (abs(w(ii+k)) .gt. tnorm*droptol) then len = len+1 w(ii+len) = w(ii+k) jw(ii+len) = jw(ii+k) else dropsum = dropsum + w(ii+k) endif enddo ! imax = ii xmax = abs(w(imax)) xmax0 = xmax ! icut = ii - 1 + mbloc - mod(ii-1,mbloc) ! ! determine next pivot -- ! do k=ii+1,ii+len t = abs(w(k)) if (t .gt. xmax .and. t*permtol .gt. xmax0 .and. jw(k) .le. icut) then imax = k xmax = t endif enddo ! ! exchange w's ! tmp = w(ii) w(ii) = w(imax) w(imax) = tmp ! ! update iperm and reverse iperm ! j = jw(imax) i = iperm(ii) iperm(ii) = iperm(j) iperm(j) = i ! reverse iperm iperm(n+iperm(ii)) = ii iperm(n+iperm(j)) = j !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (len + ju0-1 .gt. iwk) THEN goto 996 ENDIF ! ! copy U-part in original coordinates ! do 302 k=ii+1,ii+len jlu(ju0) = iperm(jw(k)) alu(ju0) = w(k) ju0 = ju0+1 302 continue ! ! define diagonal element ! w(ii) = w(ii) + alph*dropsum ! ! store inverse of diagonal element of u ! if (w(ii) .eq. 0.0) w(ii) = (1.0D-4 + droptol)*tnorm ! alu(ii) = 1.0d0/ w(ii) ! ! update pointer to beginning of next row of U. ! jlu(ii+1) = ju0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end main loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 continue ! ! permute all column indices of LU ... ! do k = jlu(1),jlu(n+1)-1 jlu(k) = iperm(n+jlu(k)) enddo ! ! ...and of A ! do k=ia(1), ia(n+1)-1 ja(k) = iperm(n+ja(k)) enddo ! ierr = 0 return ! ! incomprehensible error. Matrix must be wrong. ! 995 ierr = -1 return ! ! insufficient storage in arrays alu, jlu to store factors ! 996 ierr = -2 return ! ! zero row encountered ! 997 ierr = -3 return !----------------end-of-iludp---------------------------!---------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine iluk(n,a,ja,ia,lfil,alu,jlu,ju,levs,iwk,w,jw,ierr) implicit none integer n double precision :: a(*),alu(*),w(n) integer ja(*),ia(n+1),jlu(*),ju(n),levs(*),jw(3*n),lfil,iwk,ierr !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! SPARSKIT ROUTINE ILUK -- ILU WITH LEVEL OF FILL-IN OF K (ILU(k)) * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! ! on entry: !========== ! n = integer. The row dimension of the matrix A. The matrix ! ! a,ja,ia = matrix stored in Compressed Sparse Row format. ! ! lfil = integer. The fill-in parameter. Each element whose ! leve-of-fill exceeds lfil during the ILU process is dropped. ! lfil must be .ge. 0 ! ! tol = double precision :: . Sets the threshold for dropping small terms in the ! factorization. See below for details on dropping strategy. ! ! iwk = integer. The minimum length of arrays alu, jlu, and levs. ! ! On return: !=========== ! ! alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing ! the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in ! alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix ! contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) ! followed by the i-th row of U. ! ! ju = integer array of length n containing the pointers to ! the beginning of each row of U in the matrix alu,jlu. ! ! levs = integer (work) array of size iwk -- which contains the ! levels of each element in alu, jlu. ! ! ierr = integer. Error message with the following meaning. ! ierr = 0 --> successful return. ! ierr .gt. 0 --> zero pivot encountered at step number ierr. ! ierr = -1 --> Error. input matrix may be wrong. ! (The elimination process has generated a ! row in L or U whose length is .gt. n.) ! ierr = -2 --> The matrix L overflows the array al. ! ierr = -3 --> The matrix U overflows the array alu. ! ierr = -4 --> Illegal value for lfil. ! ierr = -5 --> zero row encountered in A or U. ! ! work arrays: !============= ! jw = integer work array of length 3*n. ! w = real work array of length n ! ! Notes/known bugs: This is not implemented efficiently storage-wise. ! For example: Only the part of the array levs(*) associated with ! the U-matrix is needed in the routine.. So some storage can ! be saved if needed. The levels of fills in the LU matrix are ! output for information only -- they are not needed by LU-solve. ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! w, ju (1:n) store the working array [1:ii-1 = L-part, ii:n = u] ! jw(n+1:2n) stores the nonzero indicator. ! ! Notes: ! ------ ! All the diagonal elements of the input matrix must be nonzero. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! locals integer ju0,k,j1,j2,j,ii,i,lenl,lenu,jj,jrow,jpos,n2, jlev, min double precision :: t, s, fact if (lfil .lt. 0) goto 998 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize ju0 (points to next element to be added to alu,jlu) ! and pointer array. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- n2 = n+n ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 ! ! initialize nonzero indicator array + levs array -- ! do 1 j=1,2*n jw(j) = 0 1 continue !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! beginning of main loop. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 500 ii = 1, n j1 = ia(ii) j2 = ia(ii+1) - 1 ! ! unpack L-part and U-part of row of A in arrays w ! lenu = 1 lenl = 0 jw(ii) = ii w(ii) = 0.0 jw(n+ii) = ii ! do 170 j = j1, j2 k = ja(j) t = a(j) if (t .eq. 0.0) goto 170 if (k .lt. ii) then lenl = lenl+1 jw(lenl) = k w(lenl) = t jw(n2+lenl) = 0 jw(n+k) = lenl else if (k .eq. ii) then w(ii) = t jw(n2+ii) = 0 else lenu = lenu+1 jpos = ii+lenu-1 jw(jpos) = k w(jpos) = t jw(n2+jpos) = 0 jw(n+k) = jpos endif 170 continue ! jj = 0 ! ! eliminate previous rows ! 150 jj = jj+1 if (jj .gt. lenl) goto 160 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! in order to do the elimination in the correct order we must select ! the smallest column index among jw(k), k=jj+1, ..., lenl. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- jrow = jw(jj) k = jj ! ! determine smallest column index ! do 151 j=jj+1,lenl if (jw(j) .lt. jrow) then jrow = jw(j) k = j endif 151 continue ! if (k .ne. jj) then ! exchange in jw j = jw(jj) jw(jj) = jw(k) jw(k) = j ! exchange in jw(n+ (pointers/ nonzero indicator). jw(n+jrow) = jj jw(n+j) = k ! exchange in jw(n2+ (levels) j = jw(n2+jj) jw(n2+jj) = jw(n2+k) jw(n2+k) = j ! exchange in w s = w(jj) w(jj) = w(k) w(k) = s endif ! ! zero out element in row by resetting jw(n+jrow) to zero. ! jw(n+jrow) = 0 ! ! get the multiplier for row to be eliminated (jrow) + its level ! fact = w(jj)*alu(jrow) jlev = jw(n2+jj) if (jlev .gt. lfil) goto 150 ! ! combine current row and row jrow ! do 203 k = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 s = fact*alu(k) j = jlu(k) jpos = jw(n+j) if (j .ge. ii) then ! ! dealing with upper part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! ! this is a fill-in element ! lenu = lenu+1 if (lenu .gt. n) goto 995 i = ii+lenu-1 jw(i) = j jw(n+j) = i w(i) = - s jw(n2+i) = jlev+levs(k)+1 else ! ! this is not a fill-in element ! w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s jw(n2+jpos) = min(jw(n2+jpos),jlev+levs(k)+1) endif else ! ! dealing with lower part. ! if (jpos .eq. 0) then ! ! this is a fill-in element ! lenl = lenl+1 if (lenl .gt. n) goto 995 jw(lenl) = j jw(n+j) = lenl w(lenl) = - s jw(n2+lenl) = jlev+levs(k)+1 else ! ! this is not a fill-in element ! w(jpos) = w(jpos) - s jw(n2+jpos) = min(jw(n2+jpos),jlev+levs(k)+1) endif endif 203 continue w(jj) = fact jw(jj) = jrow goto 150 160 continue ! ! reset double-pointer to zero (U-part) ! do 308 k=1, lenu jw(n+jw(ii+k-1)) = 0 308 continue ! ! update l-matrix ! do 204 k=1, lenl if (ju0 .gt. iwk) goto 996 if (jw(n2+k) .le. lfil) then alu(ju0) = w(k) jlu(ju0) = jw(k) ju0 = ju0+1 endif 204 continue ! ! save pointer to beginning of row ii of U ! ju(ii) = ju0 ! ! update u-matrix ! do 302 k=ii+1,ii+lenu-1 if (jw(n2+k) .le. lfil) then jlu(ju0) = jw(k) alu(ju0) = w(k) levs(ju0) = jw(n2+k) ju0 = ju0+1 endif 302 continue if (w(ii) .eq. 0.0) goto 999 ! alu(ii) = 1.0d0/ w(ii) ! ! update pointer to beginning of next row of U. ! jlu(ii+1) = ju0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end main loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 continue ierr = 0 return ! ! incomprehensible error. Matrix must be wrong. ! 995 ierr = -1 return ! ! insufficient storage in L. ! 996 ierr = -2 return ! ! insufficient storage in U. ! 997 ierr = -3 return ! ! illegal lfil entered. ! 998 ierr = -4 return ! ! zero row encountered in A or U. ! 999 ierr = -5 return !----------------end-of-iluk-------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ilu0(n, a, ja, ia, alu, jlu, ju, iw, ierr) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision :: a(*), alu(*) integer ja(*), ia(*), ju(*), jlu(*), iw(*) !------------------ right preconditioner ------------------------------* ! *** ilu(0) preconditioner. *** * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Note that this has been coded in such a way that it can be used ! with pgmres. Normally, since the data structure of the L+U matrix is ! the same as that the A matrix, savings can be made. In fact with ! some definitions (not correct for general sparse matrices) all we ! need in addition to a, ja, ia is an additional diagonal. ! ILU0 is not recommended for serious problems. It is only provided ! here for comparison purposes. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! on entry: !--------- ! n = dimension of matrix ! a, ja, ! ia = original matrix in compressed sparse row storage. ! ! on return: !----------- ! alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing ! the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in ! alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix ! contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) ! followed by the i-th row of U. ! ! ju = pointer to the diagonal elements in alu, jlu. ! ! ierr = integer indicating error code on return ! ierr = 0 --> normal return ! ierr = k --> code encountered a zero pivot at step k. ! work arrays: !------------- ! iw = integer work array of length n. !------------ ! IMPORTANT !----------- ! it is assumed that the the elements in the input matrix are stored ! in such a way that in each row the lower part comes first and ! then the upper part. To get the correct ILU factorization, it is ! also necessary to have the elements of L sorted by increasing ! column number. It may therefore be necessary to sort the ! elements of a, ja, ia prior to calling ilu0. This can be ! achieved by transposing the matrix twice using csrcsc. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 ! ! initialize work vector to zero's ! do 31 i=1, n iw(i) = 0 31 continue ! ! main loop ! do 500 ii = 1, n js = ju0 ! ! generating row number ii of L and U. ! do 100 j=ia(ii),ia(ii+1)-1 ! ! copy row ii of a, ja, ia into row ii of alu, jlu (L/U) matrix. ! jcol = ja(j) if (jcol .eq. ii) then alu(ii) = a(j) iw(jcol) = ii ju(ii) = ju0 else alu(ju0) = a(j) jlu(ju0) = ja(j) iw(jcol) = ju0 ju0 = ju0+1 endif 100 continue jlu(ii+1) = ju0 jf = ju0-1 jm = ju(ii)-1 ! ! exit if diagonal element is reached. ! do 150 j=js, jm jrow = jlu(j) tl = alu(j)*alu(jrow) alu(j) = tl ! ! perform linear combination ! do 140 jj = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 jw = iw(jlu(jj)) if (jw .ne. 0) alu(jw) = alu(jw) - tl*alu(jj) 140 continue 150 continue ! ! invert and store diagonal element. ! if (alu(ii) .eq. 0.0d0) goto 600 alu(ii) = 1.0d0/alu(ii) ! ! reset pointer iw to zero ! iw(ii) = 0 do 201 i = js, jf 201 iw(jlu(i)) = 0 500 continue ierr = 0 return ! ! zero pivot : ! 600 ierr = ii ! return !------- end-of-ilu0 --------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine milu0(n, a, ja, ia, alu, jlu, ju, iw, ierr) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision :: a(*), alu(*) integer ja(*), ia(*), ju(*), jlu(*), iw(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! *** simple milu(0) preconditioner. *** * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Note that this has been coded in such a way that it can be used ! with pgmres. Normally, since the data structure of a, ja, ia is ! the same as that of a, ja, ia, savings can be made. In fact with ! some definitions (not correct for general sparse matrices) all we ! need in addition to a, ja, ia is an additional diagonal. ! Ilu0 is not recommended for serious problems. It is only provided ! here for comparison purposes. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! on entry: !---------- ! n = dimension of matrix ! a, ja, ! ia = original matrix in compressed sparse row storage. ! ! on return: !---------- ! alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing ! the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in ! alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix ! contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) ! followed by the i-th row of U. ! ! ju = pointer to the diagonal elements in alu, jlu. ! ! ierr = integer indicating error code on return !c ierr = 0 --> normal return !c ierr = k --> code encountered a zero pivot at step k. ! work arrays: !------------- ! iw = integer work array of length n. !------------ ! Note (IMPORTANT): !----------- ! it is assumed that the the elements in the input matrix are ordered ! in such a way that in each row the lower part comes first and ! then the upper part. To get the correct ILU factorization, it is ! also necessary to have the elements of L ordered by increasing ! column number. It may therefore be necessary to sort the ! elements of a, ja, ia prior to calling milu0. This can be ! achieved by transposing the matrix twice using csrcsc. !----------------------------------------------------------- ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 ! initialize work vector to zero's do 31 i=1, n 31 iw(i) = 0 ! !-------------- MAIN LOOP ---------------------------------- ! do 500 ii = 1, n js = ju0 ! ! generating row number ii or L and U. ! do 100 j=ia(ii),ia(ii+1)-1 ! ! copy row ii of a, ja, ia into row ii of alu, jlu (L/U) matrix. ! jcol = ja(j) if (jcol .eq. ii) then alu(ii) = a(j) iw(jcol) = ii ju(ii) = ju0 else alu(ju0) = a(j) jlu(ju0) = ja(j) iw(jcol) = ju0 ju0 = ju0+1 endif 100 continue jlu(ii+1) = ju0 jf = ju0-1 jm = ju(ii)-1 ! s accumulates fill-in values s = 0.0d0 do 150 j=js, jm jrow = jlu(j) tl = alu(j)*alu(jrow) alu(j) = tl !-----------------------perform linear combination -------- do 140 jj = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 jw = iw(jlu(jj)) if (jw .ne. 0) then alu(jw) = alu(jw) - tl*alu(jj) else s = s + tl*alu(jj) endif 140 continue 150 continue !----------------------- invert and store diagonal element. alu(ii) = alu(ii)-s if (alu(ii) .eq. 0.0d0) goto 600 alu(ii) = 1.0d0/alu(ii) !----------------------- reset pointer iw to zero iw(ii) = 0 do 201 i = js, jf 201 iw(jlu(i)) = 0 500 continue ierr = 0 return ! zero pivot : 600 ierr = ii return !------- end-of-milu0 -------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pgmres(n, im, rhs, sol, vv, eps, maxits, iout, aa, ja, ia, alu, jlu, ju, ierr) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer n, im, maxits, iout, ierr, ja(*), ia(n+1), jlu(*), ju(n) double precision :: vv(n,*), rhs(n), sol(n), aa(*), alu(*), eps !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! * ! *** ILUT - Preconditioned GMRES *** * ! * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! This is a simple version of the ILUT preconditioned GMRES algorithm. * ! The ILUT preconditioner uses a dual strategy for dropping elements * ! instead of the usual level of-fill-in approach. See details in ILUT * ! subroutine documentation. PGMRES uses the L and U matrices generated * ! from the subroutine ILUT to precondition the GMRES algorithm. * ! The preconditioning is applied to the right. The stopping criterion * ! utilized is based simply on reducing the residual norm by epsilon. * ! This preconditioning is more reliable than ilu0 but requires more * ! storage. It seems to be much less prone to difficulties related to * ! strong nonsymmetries in the matrix. We recommend using a nonzero tol * ! (tol=.005 or .001 usually give good results) in ILUT. Use a large * ! lfil whenever possible (e.g. lfil = 5 to 10). The higher lfil the * ! more reliable the code is. Efficiency may also be much improved. * ! Note that lfil=n and tol=0.0 in ILUT will yield the same factors as * ! Gaussian elimination without pivoting. * ! * ! ILU(0) and MILU(0) are also provided for comparison purposes * ! USAGE: first call ILUT or ILU0 or MILU0 to set up preconditioner and * ! then call pgmres. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Coded by Y. Saad - This version dated May, 7, 1990. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! parameters * !----------- * ! on entry: * !========== * ! * ! n == integer. The dimension of the matrix. * ! im == size of krylov subspace: should not exceed 50 in this * ! version (can be reset by changing parameter command for * ! kmax below) * ! rhs == real vector of length n containing the right hand side. * ! Destroyed on return. * ! sol == real vector of length n containing an initial guess to the * ! solution on input. approximate solution on output * ! eps == tolerance for stopping criterion. process is stopped * ! as soon as ( ||.|| is the euclidean norm): * ! || current residual||/||initial residual|| <= eps * ! maxits== maximum number of iterations allowed * ! iout == output unit number number for printing intermediate results * ! if (iout .le. 0) nothing is printed out. * ! * ! aa, ja, * ! ia == the input matrix in compressed sparse row format: * ! aa(1:nnz) = nonzero elements of A stored row-wise in order * ! ja(1:nnz) = corresponding column indices. * ! ia(1:n+1) = pointer to beginning of each row in aa and ja. * ! here nnz = number of nonzero elements in A = ia(n+1)-ia(1) * ! * ! alu,jlu== A matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row format containing * ! the L and U factors, as computed by subroutine ilut. * ! * ! ju == integer array of length n containing the pointers to * ! the beginning of each row of U in alu, jlu as computed * ! by subroutine ILUT. * ! * ! on return: * !========== * ! sol == contains an approximate solution (upon successful return). * ! ierr == integer. Error message with the following meaning. * ! ierr = 0 --> successful return. * ! ierr = 1 --> convergence not achieved in itmax iterations. * ! ierr =-1 --> the initial guess seems to be the exact * ! solution (initial residual computed was zero) * ! * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! * ! work arrays: * !============= * ! vv == work array of length n x (im+1) (used to store the Arnoli * ! basis) * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! subroutines called : * ! amux : SPARSKIT routine to do the matrix by vector multiplication * ! delivers y=Ax, given x -- see SPARSKIT/BLASSM/amux * ! lusol : combined forward and backward solves (Preconditioning ope.) * ! BLAS1 routines. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* parameter (kmax=50) double precision :: hh(kmax+1,kmax), c(kmax), s(kmax), rs(kmax+1),t !------------------------------------------------------------- ! arnoldi size should not exceed kmax=50 in this version.. ! to reset modify paramter kmax accordingly. !------------------------------------------------------------- data epsmac/1.d-16/ n1 = n + 1 its = 0 !------------------------------------------------------------- ! outer loop starts here.. !-------------- compute initial residual vector -------------- call amux (n, sol, vv, aa, ja, ia) do 21 j=1,n vv(j,1) = rhs(j) - vv(j,1) 21 continue !------------------------------------------------------------- 20 ro = dnrm2(n, vv, 1) if (iout .gt. 0 .and. its .eq. 0) write(iout, 199) its, ro if (ro .eq. 0.0d0) goto 999 t = 1.0d0/ ro do 210 j=1, n vv(j,1) = vv(j,1)*t 210 continue if (its .eq. 0) eps1=eps*ro ! ** initialize 1-st term of rhs of hessenberg system.. rs(1) = ro i = 0 4 i=i+1 its = its + 1 i1 = i + 1 call lusol (n, vv(1,i), rhs, alu, jlu, ju, 30*n) call amux (n, rhs, vv(1,i1), aa, ja, ia) !----------------------------------------- ! modified gram - schmidt... !----------------------------------------- do 55 j=1, i t = ddot(n, vv(1,j),1,vv(1,i1),1) hh(j,i) = t call daxpy(n, -t, vv(1,j), 1, vv(1,i1), 1) 55 continue t = dnrm2(n, vv(1,i1), 1) hh(i1,i) = t if ( t .eq. 0.0d0) goto 58 t = 1.0d0/t do 57 k=1,n vv(k,i1) = vv(k,i1)*t 57 continue ! ! done with modified gram schimd and arnoldi step.. ! now update factorization of hh ! 58 if (i .eq. 1) goto 121 !--------perfrom previous transformations on i-th column of h do 66 k=2,i k1 = k-1 t = hh(k1,i) hh(k1,i) = c(k1)*t + s(k1)*hh(k,i) hh(k,i) = -s(k1)*t + c(k1)*hh(k,i) 66 continue 121 gam = sqrt(hh(i,i)**2 + hh(i1,i)**2) ! ! if gamma is zero then any small value will do... ! will affect only residual estimate ! ! if (gam .eq. 0.0d0) gam = epsmac ! ! get next plane rotation ! c(i) = hh(i,i)/gam s(i) = hh(i1,i)/gam rs(i1) = -s(i)*rs(i) rs(i) = c(i)*rs(i) ! ! detrermine residual norm and test for convergence- ! hh(i,i) = c(i)*hh(i,i) + s(i)*hh(i1,i) ro = abs(rs(i1)) 131 format(1h ,2e14.4) if (iout .gt. 0) write(iout, 199) its, ro if (i .lt. im .and. (ro .gt. eps1)) goto 4 ! ! now compute solution. first solve upper triangular system. ! rs(i) = rs(i)/hh(i,i) do 30 ii=2,i k=i-ii+1 k1 = k+1 t=rs(k) do 40 j=k1,i t = t-hh(k,j)*rs(j) 40 continue rs(k) = t/hh(k,k) 30 continue ! ! form linear combination of v(*,i)'s to get solution ! t = rs(1) do 15 k=1, n rhs(k) = vv(k,1)*t 15 continue do 16 j=2, i t = rs(j) do 161 k=1, n rhs(k) = rhs(k)+t*vv(k,j) 161 continue 16 continue ! ! call preconditioner. ! call lusol (n, rhs, rhs, alu, jlu, ju, 30*n) do 17 k=1, n sol(k) = sol(k) + rhs(k) 17 continue ! ! restart outer loop when necessary ! if (ro .le. eps1) goto 990 if (its .ge. maxits) goto 991 ! ! else compute residual vector and continue.. ! do 24 j=1,i jj = i1-j+1 rs(jj-1) = -s(jj-1)*rs(jj) rs(jj) = c(jj-1)*rs(jj) 24 continue do 25 j=1,i1 t = rs(j) if (j .eq. 1) t = t-1.0d0 call daxpy (n, t, vv(1,j), 1, vv, 1) 25 continue 199 format(' its =', i4, ' res. norm =', d20.6) ! restart outer loop. goto 20 990 ierr = 0 return 991 ierr = 1 return 999 continue ierr = -1 return !-----------------end of pgmres --------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine qsplit(a,ind,n,ncut) double precision :: a(n) integer ind(n), n, ncut !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! does a quick-sort split of a real array. ! on input a(1:n). is a real array ! on output a(1:n) is permuted such that its elements satisfy: ! ! abs(a(i)) .ge. abs(a(ncut)) for i .lt. ncut and ! abs(a(i)) .le. abs(a(ncut)) for i .gt. ncut ! ! ind(1:n) is an integer array which permuted in the same way as a(*). !----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision :: tmp, abskey integer itmp, first, last !----- first = 1 last = n if (ncut .lt. first .or. ncut .gt. last) return ! ! outer loop -- while mid .ne. ncut do ! 1 mid = first abskey = abs(a(mid)) do 2 j=first+1, last if (abs(a(j)) .gt. abskey) then mid = mid+1 ! interchange tmp = a(mid) itmp = ind(mid) a(mid) = a(j) ind(mid) = ind(j) a(j) = tmp ind(j) = itmp endif 2 continue ! ! interchange ! tmp = a(mid) a(mid) = a(first) a(first) = tmp ! itmp = ind(mid) ind(mid) = ind(first) ind(first) = itmp ! ! test for while loop ! if (mid .eq. ncut) return if (mid .gt. ncut) then last = mid-1 else first = mid+1 endif goto 1 !----------------end-of-qsplit------------------------------------------ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine runrc2(n,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,wk,a,ja,ia,au, jau,ju,its,eps,jabcgstab,ierror,nau) implicit none integer n,ipar(16),ia(n+1),ja(5*n),ju(n),jau(nau),jabcgstab, nau double precision :: fpar(16),rhs(n),sol(n),wk(2*nau),a(5*n),au(nau), eps integer :: ierror !< error (1) or not (0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! the actual tester. It starts the iterative linear system solvers ! with a initial guess suppied by the user. ! ! The structure {au, jau, ju} is assumed to have the output from ! the ILU* routines in ilut.f. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! integer i, iou, its double precision :: res ! real dtime, dt(2), time ! external dtime EXTERNAL_DNRM2 save res ! ! ipar(2) can be 0, 1, 2, please don't use 3 ! if (ipar(2).gt.2) then print *, 'I can not do both left and right preconditioning.' return endif ! ! normal execution ! its = 0 res = 0.0D0 ! ! do i = 1, n ! sol(i) = guess(i) ! enddo ! iou = 6 ipar(1) = 0 ! time = dtime(dt) ! call klok(cp0) 10 if ( jabcgstab.eq.1 ) then call BCGSTAB(n,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,wk) else call CG(n,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,wk) end if ! ! output the residuals ! if (ipar(7).ne.its) then ! write (iou, *) its, real(res) its = ipar(7) endif res = fpar(5) ! if (ipar(1).eq.1) then call amux(n, wk(ipar(8)), wk(ipar(9)), a, ja, ia) goto 10 else if (ipar(1).eq.2) then call atmux(n, wk(ipar(8)), wk(ipar(9)), a, ja, ia) goto 10 else if (ipar(1).eq.3 .or. ipar(1).eq.5) then call lusol(n,wk(ipar(8)),wk(ipar(9)),au,jau,ju,nau) goto 10 else if (ipar(1).eq.4 .or. ipar(1).eq.6) then call lutsol(n,wk(ipar(8)),wk(ipar(9)),au,jau,ju) goto 10 else if (ipar(1).le.0) then if (ipar(1).eq.0) then ! print *, 'Iterative sovler has satisfied convergence test.' else if (ipar(1).eq.-1) then print *, 'Iterative solver has iterated too many times.' else if (ipar(1).eq.-2) then print *, 'Iterative solver was not given enough work space.' print *, 'The work space should at least have ', ipar(4), ' elements.' else if (ipar(1).eq.-3) then print *, 'Iterative sovler is facing a break-down. a' else print *, 'Iterative solver terminated. code =', ipar(1) endif endif ! time = dtime(dt) ! write (iou, *) ipar(7), real(fpar(6)) if (ipar(1) .ne. 0) then ! write (iou, *) '# return code =', ipar(1), ' convergence rate =', fpar(7) ierror = 1 else ierror = 0 endif ! write (iou, *) '# total execution time (sec)', time ! check the error ! call amux(n,sol,wk,a,ja,ia) ! eps = 0d0 ! do i = 1, n ! wk(n+i) = sol(i) -1.0D0 ! wk(i) = wk(i) - rhs(i) ! eps = max(eps, abs(wk(i)) ) ! enddo ! write (iou, *) '# the actual residual norm is', dnrm2(n,wk,1) ! write (iou, *) '# the error norm is', dnrm2(n,wk(1+n),1) ! WRITE (*,'(A,I4)') 'nbr of iterations =', its if (iou.ne.6) close(iou) return end SUBROUTINE RUNRC2 !-----end-of-runrc !(nrow,rhs,sol,sol0,ipar,fpar,wk,xran,a,ja,ia, alu,jlu,ju,bcg) subroutine runrc(n,rhs,sol,sol0,ipar,fpar,wk,guess,a,ja,ia,au, jau,ju,solver) implicit none integer n,ipar(16),ia(n+1),ja(5*n),ju(n),jau(30*n) double precision :: fpar(16),rhs(n),sol(n),sol0(n),guess(n),wk(2*30*n),a(5*n),au(30*n), cp0, cp1 external solver !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! the actual tester. It starts the iterative linear system solvers ! with a initial guess suppied by the user. ! ! The structure {au, jau, ju} is assumed to have the output from ! the ILU* routines in ilut.f. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! integer i, iou, its double precision :: res ! real dtime, dt(2), time ! external dtime EXTERNAL_DNRM2 save its,res ! ! ipar(2) can be 0, 1, 2, please don't use 3 ! if (ipar(2).gt.2) then print *, 'I can not do both left and right preconditioning.' return endif ! ! normal execution ! its = 0 res = 0.0D0 ! do i = 1, n sol(i) = guess(i) enddo SOL = 0 ! iou = 6 ipar(1) = 0 ! time = dtime(dt) call klok(cp0) 10 call solver(n,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,wk) ! ! output the residuals ! if (ipar(7).ne.its) then ! write (iou, *) its, real(res) its = ipar(7) endif res = fpar(5) ! if (ipar(1).eq.1) then call amux(n, wk(ipar(8)), wk(ipar(9)), a, ja, ia) goto 10 else if (ipar(1).eq.2) then call atmux(n, wk(ipar(8)), wk(ipar(9)), a, ja, ia) goto 10 else if (ipar(1).eq.3 .or. ipar(1).eq.5) then call lusol(n,wk(ipar(8)),wk(ipar(9)),au,jau,ju,30*n) goto 10 else if (ipar(1).eq.4 .or. ipar(1).eq.6) then call lutsol(n,wk(ipar(8)),wk(ipar(9)),au,jau,ju) goto 10 else if (ipar(1).le.0) then if (ipar(1).eq.0) then ! print *, 'Iterative sovler has satisfied convergence test.' else if (ipar(1).eq.-1) then print *, 'Iterative solver has iterated too many times.' else if (ipar(1).eq.-2) then print *, 'Iterative solver was not given enough work space.' print *, 'The work space should at least have ', ipar(4), ' elements.' else if (ipar(1).eq.-3) then print *, 'Iterative sovler is facing a break-down. b' else print *, 'Iterative solver terminated. code =', ipar(1) endif endif ! time = dtime(dt) ! write (iou, *) ipar(7), real(fpar(6)) if (ipar(1) .ne. 0) then write (iou, *) '# retrun code =', ipar(1), ' convergence rate =', fpar(7) endif ! write (iou, *) '# total execution time (sec)', time ! ! check the error ! call amux(n,sol,wk,a,ja,ia) do i = 1, n wk(n+i) = sol(i) -1.0D0 wk(i) = wk(i) - rhs(i) enddo ! write (iou, *) '# the actual residual norm is', dnrm2(n,wk,1) ! write (iou, *) '# the error norm is', dnrm2(n,wk(1+n),1) ! CALL KLOK(CP1) WRITE (*,'(A,F8.4,A,I4)') ' CPU time =', cp1 - cp0, & ' nbr of iterations =', its call watisdefout(n,sol,sol0) if (iou.ne.6) close(iou) return end !-----end-of-runrc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine watisdefout(n,sol,sol0) double precision :: sol(n), sol0(n) double precision :: errmx , errav errmx = maxval(abs (sol-sol0) ) errav = sum (abs(sol-sol0) ) errav = errav/n write (*,*) 'ermx, errav ', errmx, errav end subroutine watisdefout function distdot(n,x,ix,y,iy) integer n, ix, iy double precision :: distdot, x(*), y(*) EXTERNAL_DDOT distdot = ddot(n,x,ix,y,iy) return end !-----end-of-distdot !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! function afun (x,y,z) double precision :: afun, x,y, z afun = -1.0D0 return end function bfun (x,y,z) double precision :: bfun, x,y, z bfun = -1.0D0 return end function cfun (x,y,z) double precision :: cfun, x,y, z cfun = -1.0D0 return end function dfun (x,y,z) USE GAMMAS double precision :: dfun, x,y, z dfun = gammax*exp(x*y) return end function efun (x,y,z) USE GAMMAS double precision :: efun, x,y, z efun = gammay*exp(-x*y) return end function ffun (x,y,z) double precision :: ffun, x,y, z ffun = 0.0D0 return end function gfun (x,y,z) USE GAMMAS double precision :: gfun, x,y, z gfun = alpha return end function hfun (x,y,z) USE GAMMAS double precision :: hfun, x,y, z hfun = alpha * sin(gammax*x+gammay*y-z) return end function betfun(side, x, y, z) double precision :: betfun, x, y, z character*2 side betfun = 1.0 return end function gamfun(side, x, y, z) double precision :: gamfun, x, y, z character*2 side if (side.eq.'x2') then gamfun = 5.0 else if (side.eq.'y1') then gamfun = 2.0 else if (side.eq.'y2') then gamfun = 7.0 else gamfun = 0.0 endif return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! S P A R S K I T c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! Basic Iterative Solvers with Reverse Communication c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! This file currently has several basic iterative linear system c ! solvers. They are: c ! CG -- Conjugate Gradient Method c ! CGNR -- Conjugate Gradient Method (Normal Residual equation) c ! BCG -- Bi-Conjugate Gradient Method c ! DBCG -- BCG with partial pivoting c ! BCGSTAB -- BCG stabilized c ! TFQMR -- Transpose-Free Quasi-Minimum Residual method c ! FOM -- Full Orthogonalization Method c ! GMRES -- Generalized Minimum RESidual method c ! FGMRES -- Flexible version of Generalized Minimum c ! RESidual method c ! DQGMRES -- Direct versions of Quasi Generalize Minimum c ! Residual method c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! They all have the following calling sequence: ! subroutine solver(n, rhs, sol, ipar, fpar, w) ! integer n, ipar(16) ! double precision :: rhs(n), sol(n), fpar(16), w(*) ! Where ! (1) 'n' is the size of the linear system, ! (2) 'rhs' is the right-hand side of the linear system, ! (3) 'sol' is the solution to the linear system, ! (4) 'ipar' is an integer parameter array for the reverse ! communication protocol, ! (5) 'fpar' is an floating-point parameter array storing ! information to and from the iterative solvers. ! (6) 'w' is the work space (size is specified in ipar) ! ! They are preconditioned iterative solvers with reverse ! communication. The preconditioners can be applied from either ! from left or right or both (specified by ipar(2), see below). ! ! Author: Kesheng John Wu (kewu@mail.cs.umn.edu) 1993 ! ! NOTES: ! ! (1) Work space required by each of the iterative solver ! routines is as follows: ! CG == 5 * n ! CGNR == 5 * n ! BCG == 7 * n ! DBCG == 11 * n ! BCGSTAB == 8 * n ! TFQMR == 11 * n ! FOM == (n+3)*(m+2) + (m+1)*m/2 (m = ipar(5), default m=15) ! GMRES == (n+3)*(m+2) + (m+1)*m/2 (m = ipar(5), default m=15) ! FGMRES == 2*n*(m+1) + (m+1)*m/2 + 3*m + 2 (m = ipar(5), ! default m=15) ! DQGMRES == n + lb * (2*n+4) (lb=ipar(5)+1, default lb = 16) ! ! (2) ALL iterative solvers require a user-supplied DOT-product ! routine named DISTDOT. The prototype of DISTDOT is ! ! double precision :: function distdot(n,x,ix,y,iy) ! integer n, ix, iy ! double precision :: x(1+(n-1)*ix), y(1+(n-1)*iy) ! ! This interface of DISTDOT is exactly the same as that of ! DDOT (or SDOT if real == double precision :: ) from BLAS-1. It should have ! same functionality as DDOT on a single processor machine. On a ! parallel/distributed environment, each processor can perform ! DDOT on the data it has, then perform a summation on all the ! partial results. ! ! (3) To use this set of routines under SPMD/MIMD program paradigm, ! several things are to be noted: (a) 'n' should be the number of ! vector elements of 'rhs' that is present on the local processor. ! (b) if RHS(i) is on processor j, it is expected that SOL(i) ! will be on the same processor, i.e. the vectors are distributed ! to each processor in the same way. (c) the preconditioning and ! stopping criteria specifications have to be the same on all ! processor involved, ipar and fpar have to be the same on each ! processor. (d) DISTDOT should be replaced by a distributed ! dot-product function. ! ! .................................................................. ! Reverse Communication Protocols ! ! When a reverse-communication routine returns, it could be either ! that the routine has terminated or it simply requires the caller ! to perform one matrix-vector multiplication. The possible matrices ! that involve in the matrix-vector multiplications are: ! A (the matrix of the linear system), ! A^T (A transposed), ! Ml^{-1} (inverse of the left preconditioner), ! Ml^{-T} (inverse of the left preconditioner transposed), ! Mr^{-1} (inverse of the right preconditioner), ! Mr^{-T} (inverse of the right preconditioner transposed). ! For all the matrix vector multiplication, v = A u. The input and ! output vectors are supposed to be part of the work space 'w', and ! the starting positions of them are stored in ipar(8:9), see below. ! ! The array 'ipar' is used to store the information about the solver. ! Here is the list of what each element represents: ! ! ipar(1) -- status of the call/return. ! A call to the solver with ipar(1) == 0 will initialize the ! iterative solver. On return from the iterative solver, ipar(1) ! carries the status flag which indicates the condition of the ! return. The status information is divided into two categories, ! (1) a positive value indicates the solver requires a matrix-vector ! multiplication, ! (2) a non-positive value indicates termination of the solver. ! Here is the current definition: ! 1 == request a matvec with A, ! 2 == request a matvec with A^T, ! 3 == request a left preconditioner solve (Ml^{-1}), ! 4 == request a left preconditioner transposed solve (Ml^{-T}), ! 5 == request a right preconditioner solve (Mr^{-1}), ! 6 == request a right preconditioner transposed solve (Mr^{-T}), ! 10 == request the caller to perform stopping test, ! 0 == normal termination of the solver, satisfied the stopping ! criteria, ! -1 == termination because iteration number is greater than the ! preset limit, ! -2 == return due to insufficient work space, ! -3 == return due to anticipated break-down / divide by zero, ! in the case where Arnoldi procedure is used, additional ! error code can be found in ipar(12), where ipar(12) is ! the error code of orthogonalization procedure MGSRO: ! -1: zero input vector ! -2: input vector contains abnormal numbers ! -3: input vector is a linear combination of others ! -4: trianguler system in GMRES/FOM/etc. has nul rank ! -4 == the values of fpar(1) and fpar(2) are both <= 0, the valid ! ranges are 0 <= fpar(1) < 1, 0 <= fpar(2), and they can ! not be zero at the same time ! -9 == while trying to detect a break-down, an abnormal number is ! detected. ! -10 == return due to some non-numerical reasons, e.g. invalid ! floating-point numbers etc. ! ! ipar(2) -- status of the preconditioning: ! 0 == no preconditioning ! 1 == left preconditioning only ! 2 == right preconditioning only ! 3 == both left and right preconditioning ! ! ipar(3) -- stopping criteria (details of this will be ! discussed later). ! ! ipar(4) -- number of elements in the array 'w'. if this is less ! than the desired size, it will be over-written with the minimum ! requirement. In which case the status flag ipar(1) = -2. ! ! ipar(5) -- size of the Krylov subspace (used by GMRES and its ! variants), e.g. GMRES(ipar(5)), FGMRES(ipar(5)), ! DQGMRES(ipar(5)). ! ! ipar(6) -- maximum number of matrix-vector multiplies, if not a ! positive number the iterative solver will run till convergence ! test is satisfied. ! ! ipar(7) -- current number of matrix-vector multiplies. It is ! incremented after each matrix-vector multiplication. If there ! is preconditioning, the counter is incremented after the ! preconditioning associated with each matrix-vector multiplication. ! ! ipar(8) -- pointer to the input vector to the requested matrix- ! vector multiplication. ! ! ipar(9) -- pointer to the output vector of the requested matrix- ! vector multiplication. ! ! To perform v = A * u, it is assumed that u is w(ipar(8):ipar(8)+n-1) ! and v is stored as w(ipar(9):ipar(9)+n-1). ! ! ipar(10) -- the return address (used to determine where to go to ! inside the iterative solvers after the caller has performed the ! requested services). ! ! ipar(11) -- the result of the external convergence test ! On final return from the iterative solvers, this value ! will be reflected by ipar(1) = 0 (details discussed later) ! ! ipar(12) -- error code of MGSRO, it is ! 1 if the input vector to MGSRO is linear combination ! of others, ! 0 if MGSRO was successful, ! -1 if the input vector to MGSRO is zero, ! -2 if the input vector contains invalid number. ! ! ipar(13) -- number of initializations. During each initilization ! residual norm is computed directly from M_l(b - A x). ! ! ipar(14) to ipar(16) are NOT defined, they are NOT USED by ! any iterative solver at this time. ! ! Information about the error and tolerance are stored in the array ! FPAR. So are some internal variables that need to be saved from ! one iteration to the next one. Since the internal variables are ! not the same for each routine, we only define the common ones. ! ! The first two are input parameters: ! fpar(1) -- the relative tolerance, ! fpar(2) -- the absolute tolerance (details discussed later), ! ! When the iterative solver terminates, ! fpar(3) -- initial residual/error norm, ! fpar(4) -- target residual/error norm, ! fpar(5) -- current residual norm (if available), ! fpar(6) -- current residual/error norm, ! fpar(7) -- convergence rate, ! ! fpar(8:10) are used by some of the iterative solvers to save some ! internal information. ! ! fpar(11) -- number of floating-point operations. The iterative ! solvers will add the number of FLOPS they used to this variable, ! but they do NOT initialize it, nor add the number of FLOPS due to ! matrix-vector multiplications (since matvec is outside of the ! iterative solvers). To insure the correct FLOPS count, the ! caller should set fpar(11) = 0 before invoking the iterative ! solvers and account for the number of FLOPS from matrix-vector ! multiplications and preconditioners. ! ! fpar(12:16) are not used in current implementation. ! ! Whether the content of fpar(3), fpar(4) and fpar(6) are residual ! norms or error norms depends on ipar(3). If the requested ! convergence test is based on the residual norm, they will be ! residual norms. If the caller want to test convergence based the ! error norms (estimated by the norm of the modifications applied ! to the approximate solution), they will be error norms. ! Convergence rate is defined by (Fortran 77 statement) ! fpar(7) = log10(fpar(3) / fpar(6)) / (ipar(7)-ipar(13)) ! If fpar(7) = 0.5, it means that approximately every 2 (= 1/0.5) ! steps the residual/error norm decrease by a factor of 10. ! ! .................................................................. ! Stopping criteria, ! ! An iterative solver may be terminated due to (1) satisfying ! convergence test; (2) exceeding iteration limit; (3) insufficient ! work space; (4) break-down. Checking of the work space is ! only done in the initialization stage, i.e. when it is called with ! ipar(1) == 0. A complete convergence test is done after each ! update of the solutions. Other conditions are monitored ! continuously. ! ! With regard to the number of iteration, when ipar(6) is positive, ! the current iteration number will be checked against it. If ! current iteration number is greater the ipar(6) than the solver ! will return with status -1. If ipar(6) is not positive, the ! iteration will continue until convergence test is satisfied. ! ! Two things may be used in the convergence tests, one is the ! residual 2-norm, the other one is 2-norm of the change in the ! approximate solution. The residual and the change in approximate ! solution are from the preconditioned system (if preconditioning ! is applied). The DQGMRES and TFQMR use two estimates for the ! residual norms. The estimates are not accurate, but they are ! acceptable in most of the cases. Generally speaking, the error ! of the TFQMR's estimate is less accurate. ! ! The convergence test type is indicated by ipar(3). There are four ! type convergence tests: (1) tests based on the residual norm; ! (2) tests based on change in approximate solution; (3) caller ! does not care, the solver choose one from above two on its own; ! (4) caller will perform the test, the solver should simply continue. ! Here is the complete definition: ! -2 == || dx(i) || <= rtol * || rhs || + atol ! -1 == || dx(i) || <= rtol * || dx(1) || + atol ! 0 == solver will choose test 1 (next) ! 1 == || residual || <= rtol * || initial residual || + atol ! 2 == || residual || <= rtol * || rhs || + atol ! 999 == caller will perform the test ! where dx(i) denote the change in the solution at the ith update. ! ||.|| denotes 2-norm. rtol = fpar(1) and atol = fpar(2). ! ! If the caller is to perform the convergence test, the outcome ! should be stored in ipar(11). ! ipar(11) = 0 -- failed the convergence test, iterative solver ! should continue ! ipar(11) = 1 -- satisfied convergence test, iterative solver ! should perform the clean up job and stop. ! ! Upon return with ipar(1) = 10, ! ipar(8) points to the starting position of the change in ! solution Sx, where the actual solution of the step is ! x_j = x_0 + M_r^{-1} Sx. ! Exception: ipar(8) < 0, Sx = 0. It is mostly used by ! GMRES and variants to indicate (1) Sx was not necessary, ! (2) intermediate result of Sx is not computed. ! ipar(9) points to the starting position of a work vector that ! can be used by the caller. ! ! NOTE: the caller should allow the iterative solver to perform ! clean up job after the external convergence test is satisfied, ! since some of the iterative solvers do not directly ! update the 'sol' array. A typical clean-up stage includes ! performing the final update of the approximate solution and ! computing the convergence information (e.g. values of fpar(3:7)). ! ! NOTE: fpar(4) and fpar(6) are not set by the accelerators (the ! routines implemented here) if ipar(3) = 999. ! ! .................................................................. ! Usage: ! ! To start solving a linear system, the user needs to specify ! first 6 elements of the ipar, and first 2 elements of fpar. ! The user may optionally set fpar(11) = 0 if one wants to count ! the number of floating-point operations. (Note: the iterative ! solvers will only add the floating-point operations inside ! themselves, the caller will have to add the FLOPS from the ! matrix-vector multiplication routines and the preconditioning ! routines in order to account for all the arithmetic operations.) ! ! Here is an example: ! ipar(1) = 0 ! always 0 to start an iterative solver ! ipar(2) = 2 ! right preconditioning ! ipar(3) = 1 ! use convergence test scheme 1 ! ipar(4) = 10000 ! the 'w' has 10,000 elements ! ipar(5) = 10 ! use *GMRES(10) (e.g. FGMRES(10)) ! ipar(6) = 100 ! use at most 100 matvec's ! fpar(1) = 1.0E-6 ! relative tolerance 1.0E-6 ! fpar(2) = 1.0E-10 ! absolute tolerance 1.0E-10 ! fpar(11) = 0.0 ! clearing the FLOPS counter ! ! After the above specifications, one can start to call an iterative ! solver, say BCG. Here is a piece of pseudo-code showing how it can ! be done, ! ! 10 call bcg(n,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,w) ! if (ipar(1).eq.1) then ! call amux(n,w(ipar(8)),w(ipar(9)),a,ja,ia) ! goto 10 ! else if (ipar(1).eq.2) then ! call atmux(n,w(ipar(8)),w(ipar(9)),a,ja,ia) ! goto 10 ! else if (ipar(1).eq.3) then ! left preconditioner solver ! goto 10 ! else if (ipar(1).eq.4) then ! left preconditioner transposed solve ! goto 10 ! else if (ipar(1).eq.5) then ! right preconditioner solve ! goto 10 ! else if (ipar(1).eq.6) then ! right preconditioner transposed solve ! goto 10 ! else if (ipar(1).eq.10) then ! call my own stopping test routine ! goto 10 ! else if (ipar(1).gt.0) then ! ipar(1) is an unspecified code ! else ! the iterative solver terminated with code = ipar(1) ! endif ! ! This segment of pseudo-code assumes the matrix is in CSR format, ! AMUX and ATMUX are two routines from the SPARSKIT MATVEC module. ! They perform matrix-vector multiplications for CSR matrices, ! where w(ipar(8)) is the first element of the input vectors to the ! two routines, and w(ipar(9)) is the first element of the output ! vectors from them. For simplicity, we did not show the name of ! the routine that performs the preconditioning operations or the ! convergence tests. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cg(n, rhs, sol, ipar, fpar, w) implicit none integer n, ipar(16) double precision :: rhs(n), sol(n), fpar(16), w(n,*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a implementation of the Conjugate Gradient (CG) method ! for solving linear system. ! ! NOTE: This is not the PCG algorithm. It is a regular CG algorithm. ! To be consistent with the other solvers, the preconditioners are ! applied by performing Ml^{-1} A Mr^{-1} P in place of A P in the ! CG algorithm. PCG uses the preconditioner differently. ! ! fpar(7) is used here internally to store . ! w(:,1) -- residual vector ! w(:,2) -- P, the conjugate direction ! w(:,3) -- A P, matrix multiply the conjugate direction ! w(:,4) -- temporary storage for results of preconditioning ! w(:,5) -- change in the solution (sol) is stored here until ! termination of this solver !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! external functions used ! logical stopbis, brkdn external stopbis, brkdn, bisinit EXTERNAL_DDOT ! ! local variables ! integer i double precision :: alpha logical lp,rp save ! ! check the status of the call ! if (ipar(1).le.0) ipar(10) = 0 goto (10, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80), ipar(10) ! ! initialization ! call bisinit(ipar,fpar,5*n,1,lp,rp,w) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return ! ! request for matrix vector multiplication A*x in the initialization ! ipar(1) = 1 ipar(8) = n+1 ipar(9) = ipar(8) + n ipar(10) = 1 do i = 1, n w(i,2) = sol(i) enddo return 10 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = 1 do i = 1, n w(i,2) = rhs(i) - w(i,3) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! ! if left preconditioned ! if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(9) = 1 ipar(10) = 2 return endif ! 20 if (lp) then do i = 1, n w(i,2) = w(i,1) enddo else do i = 1, n w(i,1) = w(i,2) enddo endif ! fpar(7) = ddot(n,w,1,w,1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n fpar(3) = sqrt(fpar(7)) fpar(5) = fpar(3) if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n else if (ipar(3).ne.999) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * fpar(3) + fpar(2) endif ! ! before iteration can continue, we need to compute A * p, which ! includes the preconditioning operations ! 30 if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = n + 1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = ipar(8) + n else ipar(9) = 3*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 3 return endif ! 40 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = n + 1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = 3*n+1 else ipar(9) = n+n+1 endif ipar(10) = 4 return ! 50 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = n+n+1 ipar(10) = 5 return endif ! ! continuing with the iterations ! 60 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 alpha = ddot(n,w(1,2),1,w(1,3),1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n if (brkdn(alpha,ipar)) goto 900 alpha = fpar(7) / alpha do i = 1, n w(i,5) = w(i,5) + alpha * w(i,2) w(i,1) = w(i,1) - alpha * w(i,3) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 4*n ! ! are we ready to terminate ? ! if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = 4*n + 1 ipar(9) = 3*n + 1 ipar(10) = 6 return endif 70 if (ipar(3).eq.999) then if (ipar(11).eq.1) goto 900 else if (stopbis(n,ipar,1,fpar,w,w(1,2),alpha)) then goto 900 endif ! ! continue the iterations ! alpha = fpar(5)*fpar(5) / fpar(7) fpar(7) = fpar(5)*fpar(5) do i = 1, n w(i,2) = w(i,1) + alpha * w(i,2) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n goto 30 ! ! clean up -- necessary to accommodate the right-preconditioning ! 900 if (rp) then if (ipar(1).lt.0) ipar(12) = ipar(1) ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 4*n + 1 ipar(9) = ipar(8) - n ipar(10) = 7 return endif 80 if (rp) then call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,4)) else call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,5)) endif ! return end !-----end-of-cg !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cgnr(n,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,wk) implicit none integer n, ipar(16) double precision :: rhs(n),sol(n),fpar(16),wk(n,*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CGNR -- Using CG algorithm solving A x = b by solving ! Normal Residual equation: A^T A x = A^T b ! As long as the matrix is not singular, A^T A is symmetric ! positive definite, therefore CG (CGNR) will converge. ! ! Usage of the work space: ! wk(:,1) == residual vector R ! wk(:,2) == the conjugate direction vector P ! wk(:,3) == a scratch vector holds A P, or A^T R ! wk(:,4) == a scratch vector holds intermediate results of the ! preconditioning ! wk(:,5) == a place to hold the modification to SOL ! ! size of the work space WK is required = 5*n !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! external functions used ! logical stopbis, brkdn external stopbis, brkdn, bisinit EXTERNAL_DDOT ! ! local variables ! integer i double precision :: alpha, zz, zzm1 logical lp, rp save ! ! check the status of the call ! if (ipar(1).le.0) ipar(10) = 0 goto (10, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110), ipar(10) ! ! initialization ! call bisinit(ipar,fpar,5*n,1,lp,rp,wk) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return ! ! request for matrix vector multiplication A*x in the initialization ! ipar(1) = 1 ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = 1 + n ipar(10) = 1 do i = 1, n wk(i,1) = sol(i) enddo return 10 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = ipar(13) + 1 do i = 1, n wk(i,1) = rhs(i) - wk(i,2) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! ! if left preconditioned, precondition the initial residual ! if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(10) = 2 return endif ! 20 if (lp) then do i = 1, n wk(i,1) = wk(i,2) enddo endif ! zz = ddot(n,wk,1,wk,1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n fpar(3) = sqrt(zz) fpar(5) = fpar(3) if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n else if (ipar(3).ne.999) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * fpar(3) + fpar(2) endif ! ! normal iteration begins here, first half of the iteration ! computes the conjugate direction ! 30 continue ! ! request the caller to perform a A^T r --> wk(:,3) ! if (lp) then ipar(1) = 4 ipar(8) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(9) = n + n + 1 else ipar(9) = 3*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 3 return endif ! 40 ipar(1) = 2 if (lp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = 1 endif if (rp) then ipar(9) = 3*n + 1 else ipar(9) = n + n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 4 return ! 50 if (rp) then ipar(1) = 6 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = n + n + 1 ipar(10) = 5 return endif ! 60 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 zzm1 = zz zz = ddot(n,wk(1,3),1,wk(1,3),1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n if (brkdn(zz,ipar)) goto 900 if (ipar(7).gt.3) then alpha = zz / zzm1 do i = 1, n wk(i,2) = wk(i,3) + alpha * wk(i,2) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n else do i = 1, n wk(i,2) = wk(i,3) enddo endif ! ! before iteration can continue, we need to compute A * p ! if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = n + 1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = ipar(8) + n else ipar(9) = 3*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 6 return endif ! 70 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = n + 1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = 3*n+1 else ipar(9) = n+n+1 endif ipar(10) = 7 return ! 80 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = n+n+1 ipar(10) = 8 return endif ! ! update the solution -- accumulate the changes in w(:,5) ! 90 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 alpha = ddot(n,wk(1,3),1,wk(1,3),1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n if (brkdn(alpha,ipar)) goto 900 alpha = zz / alpha do i = 1, n wk(i,5) = wk(i,5) + alpha * wk(i,2) wk(i,1) = wk(i,1) - alpha * wk(i,3) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 4 * n ! ! are we ready to terminate ? ! if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = 4*n + 1 ipar(9) = 3*n + 1 ipar(10) = 9 return endif 100 if (ipar(3).eq.999) then if (ipar(11).eq.1) goto 900 else if (stopbis(n,ipar,1,fpar,wk,wk(1,2),alpha)) then goto 900 endif ! ! continue the iterations ! goto 30 ! ! clean up -- necessary to accommodate the right-preconditioning ! 900 if (rp) then if (ipar(1).lt.0) ipar(12) = ipar(1) ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 4*n + 1 ipar(9) = ipar(8) - n ipar(10) = 10 return endif 110 if (rp) then call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,wk(1,4)) else call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,wk(1,5)) endif return end !-----end-of-cgnr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine bcg(n,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,w) implicit none integer n, ipar(16) double precision :: fpar(16), rhs(n), sol(n), w(n,*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! BCG: Bi Conjugate Gradient method. Programmed with reverse ! communication, see the header for detailed specifications ! of the protocol. ! ! in this routine, before successful return, the fpar's are ! fpar(3) == initial residual norm ! fpar(4) == target residual norm ! fpar(5) == current residual norm ! fpar(7) == current rho (rhok = ) ! fpar(8) == previous rho (rhokm1) ! ! w(:,1) -- r, the residual ! w(:,2) -- s, the dual of the 'r' ! w(:,3) -- p, the projection direction ! w(:,4) -- q, the dual of the 'p' ! w(:,5) -- v, a scratch vector to store A*p, or A*q. ! w(:,6) -- a scratch vector to store intermediate results ! w(:,7) -- changes in the solution !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! external routines used ! logical stopbis,brkdn external stopbis, brkdn EXTERNAL_DDOT ! double precision :: one parameter(one=1.0D0) ! ! local variables ! integer i double precision :: alpha logical rp, lp save ! ! status of the program ! if (ipar(1).le.0) ipar(10) = 0 goto (10, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110), ipar(10) ! ! initialization, initial residual ! call bisinit(ipar,fpar,7*n,1,lp,rp,w) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return ! ! compute initial residual, request a matvecc ! ipar(1) = 1 ipar(8) = 3*n+1 ipar(9) = ipar(8) + n do i = 1, n w(i,4) = sol(i) enddo ipar(10) = 1 return 10 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = ipar(13) + 1 do i = 1, n w(i,1) = rhs(i) - w(i,5) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = n+1 ipar(10) = 2 return endif ! 20 if (lp) then do i = 1, n w(i,1) = w(i,2) w(i,3) = w(i,2) w(i,4) = w(i,2) enddo else do i = 1, n w(i,2) = w(i,1) w(i,3) = w(i,1) w(i,4) = w(i,1) enddo endif ! fpar(7) = ddot(n,w,1,w,1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n fpar(3) = sqrt(fpar(7)) fpar(5) = fpar(3) fpar(8) = one if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n else if (ipar(3).ne.999) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * fpar(3) + fpar(2) endif if (ipar(3).ge.0.and.fpar(5).le.fpar(4)) then fpar(6) = fpar(5) goto 900 endif ! ! end of initialization, begin iteration, v = A p ! 30 if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = n + n + 1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = 4*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 5*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 3 return endif ! 40 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = n + n + 1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = 5*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 4*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 4 return ! 50 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = 4*n + 1 ipar(10) = 5 return endif ! 60 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 alpha = ddot(n,w(1,4),1,w(1,5),1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n if (brkdn(alpha,ipar)) goto 900 alpha = fpar(7) / alpha do i = 1, n w(i,7) = w(i,7) + alpha * w(i,3) w(i,1) = w(i,1) - alpha * w(i,5) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 4 * n if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = 6*n + 1 ipar(9) = 5*n + 1 ipar(10) = 6 return endif 70 if (ipar(3).eq.999) then if (ipar(11).eq.1) goto 900 else if (stopbis(n,ipar,1,fpar,w,w(1,3),alpha)) then goto 900 endif ! ! A^t * x ! if (lp) then ipar(1) = 4 ipar(8) = 3*n + 1 if (rp) then ipar(9) = 4*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 5*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 7 return endif ! 80 ipar(1) = 2 if (lp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = 3*n + 1 endif if (rp) then ipar(9) = 5*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 4*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 8 return ! 90 if (rp) then ipar(1) = 6 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = 4*n + 1 ipar(10) = 9 return endif ! 100 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 do i = 1, n w(i,2) = w(i,2) - alpha * w(i,5) enddo fpar(8) = fpar(7) fpar(7) = ddot(n,w,1,w(1,2),1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 4 * n if (brkdn(fpar(7), ipar)) return alpha = fpar(7) / fpar(8) do i = 1, n w(i,3) = w(i,1) + alpha * w(i,3) w(i,4) = w(i,2) + alpha * w(i,4) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 4 * n ! ! end of the iterations ! goto 30 ! ! some clean up job to do ! 900 if (rp) then if (ipar(1).lt.0) ipar(12) = ipar(1) ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 6*n + 1 ipar(9) = ipar(8) - n ipar(10) = 10 return endif 110 if (rp) then call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,6)) else call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,7)) endif return !-----end-of-bcg end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine bcgstab(n, rhs, sol, ipar, fpar, w) implicit none integer n, ipar(16) double precision :: rhs(n), sol(n), fpar(16), w(n,8) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! BCGSTAB --- Bi Conjugate Gradient stabilized (BCGSTAB) ! This is an improved BCG routine. (1) no matrix transpose is ! involved. (2) the convergence is smoother. ! ! ! Algorithm: ! Initialization - r = b - A x, r0 = r, p = r, rho = (r0, r), ! Iterate - ! (1) v = A p ! (2) alpha = rho / (r0, v) ! (3) s = r - alpha v ! (4) t = A s ! (5) omega = (t, s) / (t, t) ! (6) x = x + alpha * p + omega * s ! (7) r = s - omega * t ! convergence test goes here ! (8) beta = rho, rho = (r0, r), beta = rho * alpha / (beta * omega) ! p = r + beta * (p - omega * v) ! ! in this routine, before successful return, the fpar's are ! fpar(3) == initial (preconditionied-)residual norm ! fpar(4) == target (preconditionied-)residual norm ! fpar(5) == current (preconditionied-)residual norm ! fpar(6) == current residual norm or error ! fpar(7) == current rho (rhok = ) ! fpar(8) == alpha ! fpar(9) == omega ! ! Usage of the work space W ! w(:, 1) = r0, the initial residual vector ! w(:, 2) = r, current residual vector ! w(:, 3) = s ! w(:, 4) = t ! w(:, 5) = v ! w(:, 6) = p ! w(:, 7) = tmp, used in preconditioning, etc. ! w(:, 8) = delta x, the correction to the answer is accumulated ! here, so that the right-preconditioning may be applied ! at the end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! external routines used ! logical stopbis, brkdn external stopbis, brkdn EXTERNAL_DDOT ! double precision :: one parameter(one=1.0D0) ! ! local variables ! integer i double precision :: alpha,beta,rho,omega logical lp, rp save lp, rp ! ! where to go ! if (ipar(1).gt.0) then goto (10, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110) ipar(10) else if (ipar(1).lt.0) then goto 900 endif ! ! call the initialization routine ! call bisinit(ipar,fpar,8*n,1,lp,rp,w) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return ! ! perform a matvec to compute the initial residual ! ipar(1) = 1 ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = 1 + n !do i = 1, n ! w(i,1) = sol(i) !enddo W(1:N,1) = SOL(1:N) ipar(10) = 1 return 10 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = ipar(13) + 1 !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) do i = 1, n w(i,1) = rhs(i) - w(i,2) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ! W(1:N,1) = RHS(1:N) - W(1:N,2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(10) = 2 return endif ! 20 if (lp) then do i = 1, n w(i,1) = w(i,2) w(i,6) = w(i,2) enddo else do i = 1, n w(i,2) = w(i,1) w(i,6) = w(i,1) enddo endif ! fpar(7) = ddot(n,w,1,w,1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n fpar(5) = sqrt(fpar(7)) fpar(3) = fpar(5) if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n else if (ipar(3).ne.999) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * fpar(3) + fpar(2) endif if (ipar(3).ge.0) fpar(6) = fpar(5) if (ipar(3).ge.0 .and. fpar(5).le.fpar(4) .and. ipar(3).ne.999) then goto 900 endif ! ! beginning of the iterations ! ! Step (1), v = A p 30 if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 5*n+1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = 4*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 6*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 3 return endif ! 40 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = 5*n+1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = 6*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 4*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 4 return 50 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = 4*n + 1 ipar(10) = 5 return endif ! 60 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ! ! step (2) alpha = ddot(n,w(1,1),1,w(1,5),1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n if (brkdn(alpha, ipar)) goto 900 alpha = fpar(7) / alpha fpar(8) = alpha ! ! step (3) !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) do i = 1, n w(i,3) = w(i,2) - alpha * w(i,5) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ! w(1:N,3) = w(1:N,2) - alpha * w(1:N,5) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n ! ! Step (4): the second matvec -- t = A s ! if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = n+n+1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = ipar(8)+n else ipar(9) = 6*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 6 return endif ! 70 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = n+n+1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = 6*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 3*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 7 return 80 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = 3*n + 1 ipar(10) = 8 return endif 90 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ! ! step (5) omega = ddot(n,w(1,4),1,w(1,4),1) if (omega .ne. 0d0) then fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n if (brkdn(omega,ipar)) goto 900 omega = ddot(n,w(1,4),1,w(1,3),1) / omega fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n if (brkdn(omega,ipar)) goto 900 endif fpar(9) = omega alpha = fpar(8) ! ! step (6) and (7) ! do i = 1, n ! w(i,7) = alpha * w(i,6) + omega * w(i,3) ! w(i,8) = w(i,8) + w(i,7) ! w(i,2) = w(i,3) - omega * w(i,4) ! enddo !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) do i = 1, n w(i,7) = alpha * w(i,6) + omega * w(i,3) w(i,8) = w(i,8) + w(i,7) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) do i = 1, n w(i,2) = w(i,3) - omega * w(i,4) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 6 * n + 1 ! ! convergence test if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = 7*n + 1 ipar(9) = 6*n + 1 ipar(10) = 9 return endif if (stopbis(n,ipar,2,fpar,w(1,2),w(1,7),one)) goto 900 100 if (ipar(3).eq.999.and.ipar(11).eq.1) goto 900 ! ! step (8): computing new p and rho rho = fpar(7) fpar(7) = ddot(n,w(1,2),1,w(1,1),1) omega = fpar(9) beta = fpar(7) * fpar(8) / (fpar(9) * rho) !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) do i = 1, n w(i,6) = w(i,2) + beta * (w(i,6) - omega * w(i,5)) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ! w(1:N,6) = w(1:N,2) + beta * (w(1:N,6) - omega * w(1:N,5)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 6 * n + 3 if (brkdn(fpar(7),ipar)) goto 900 ! ! end of an iteration ! goto 30 ! ! some clean up job to do ! 900 if (rp) then if (ipar(1).lt.0) ipar(12) = ipar(1) ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 7*n + 1 ipar(9) = ipar(8) - n ipar(10) = 10 return endif 110 if (rp) then call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,7)) else call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,8)) endif ! return !-----end-of-bcgstab end ! NOT THREAD-SAFE double precision function ddotXXX(n,dx,incx,dy,incy) use m_saad, only: jasafe implicit none INTEGER :: N, INCX, INCY DOUBLE PRECISION :: dx(N), dy(N) DOUBLE PRECISION :: dots INTEGER :: i DOUBLE PRECISION, EXTERNAL :: DDOTORG ! DDOT = ddotORG(n,dx,incx,dy,incy) ! return IF (INCX == 1 .AND. INCY == 1) THEN !DDOT = SUM( DX(1:N)*DY(1:N) ) !return DOTs = 0d0 if ( jasafe.ne.1 ) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) & !$OMP REDUCTION(+:DOTs) DO I = 1,N DOTs = DOTs + DX(I)*DY(I) ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ddotXXX = dots else DO I = 1,N DOTs = DOTs + DX(I)*DY(I) ENDDO ddotXXX = dots end if ELSE DDOTXXX = ddotORG(n,dx,incx,dy,incy) ENDIF END !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine tfqmr(n, rhs, sol, ipar, fpar, w) implicit none integer n, ipar(16) double precision :: rhs(n), sol(n), fpar(16), w(n,*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TFQMR --- transpose-free Quasi-Minimum Residual method ! This is developed from BCG based on the principle of Quasi-Minimum ! Residual, and it is transpose-free. ! ! It uses approximate residual norm. ! ! Internally, the fpar's are used as following: ! fpar(3) --- initial residual norm squared ! fpar(4) --- target residual norm squared ! fpar(5) --- current residual norm squared ! ! w(:,1) -- R, residual ! w(:,2) -- R0, the initial residual ! w(:,3) -- W ! w(:,4) -- Y ! w(:,5) -- Z ! w(:,6) -- A * Y ! w(:,7) -- A * Z ! w(:,8) -- V ! w(:,9) -- D ! w(:,10) -- intermediate results of preconditioning ! w(:,11) -- changes in the solution !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! external functions ! logical brkdn external brkdn EXTERNAL_DDOT ! double precision :: one,zero parameter(one=1.0D0,zero=0.0D0) ! ! local variables ! integer i logical lp, rp double precision :: eta,sigma,theta,te,alpha,rho,tao save ! ! status of the call (where to go) ! if (ipar(1).le.0) ipar(10) = 0 goto (10,20,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110), ipar(10) ! ! initializations ! call bisinit(ipar,fpar,11*n,2,lp,rp,w) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return ipar(1) = 1 ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = 1 + 6*n do i = 1, n w(i,1) = sol(i) enddo ipar(10) = 1 return 10 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = ipar(13) + 1 do i = 1, n w(i,1) = rhs(i) - w(i,7) w(i,9) = zero enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(9) = n+1 ipar(10) = 2 return endif 20 continue if (lp) then do i = 1, n w(i,1) = w(i,2) w(i,3) = w(i,2) enddo else do i = 1, n w(i,2) = w(i,1) w(i,3) = w(i,1) enddo endif ! fpar(5) = sqrt(ddot(n,w,1,w,1)) fpar(3) = fpar(5) tao = fpar(5) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n else if (ipar(3).ne.999) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * tao + fpar(2) endif te = zero rho = zero ! ! begin iteration ! 30 sigma = rho rho = ddot(n,w(1,2),1,w(1,3),1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n if (brkdn(rho,ipar)) goto 900 if (ipar(7).eq.1) then alpha = zero else alpha = rho / sigma endif do i = 1, n w(i,4) = w(i,3) + alpha * w(i,5) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n ! ! A * x -- with preconditioning ! if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 3*n + 1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = 5*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 9*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 3 return endif ! 40 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = 3*n + 1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = 9*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 5*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 4 return ! 50 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = 5*n + 1 ipar(10) = 5 return endif 60 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 do i = 1, n w(i,8) = w(i,6) + alpha * (w(i,7) + alpha * w(i,8)) enddo sigma = ddot(n,w(1,2),1,w(1,8),1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 6 * n if (brkdn(sigma,ipar)) goto 900 alpha = rho / sigma do i = 1, n w(i,5) = w(i,4) - alpha * w(i,8) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n ! ! the second A * x ! if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 4*n + 1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = 6*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 9*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 6 return endif ! 70 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = 4*n + 1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = 9*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 6*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 7 return ! 80 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = 6*n + 1 ipar(10) = 8 return endif 90 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 do i = 1, n w(i,3) = w(i,3) - alpha * w(i,6) enddo ! ! update I ! theta = ddot(n,w(1,3),1,w(1,3),1) / (tao*tao) sigma = one / (one + theta) tao = tao * sqrt(sigma * theta) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 4*n + 6 if (brkdn(tao,ipar)) goto 900 eta = sigma * alpha sigma = te / alpha te = theta * eta do i = 1, n w(i,9) = w(i,4) + sigma * w(i,9) w(i,11) = w(i,11) + eta * w(i,9) w(i,3) = w(i,3) - alpha * w(i,7) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 6 * n + 6 if (ipar(7).eq.1) then if (ipar(3).eq.-1) then fpar(3) = eta * sqrt(ddot(n,w(1,9),1,w(1,9),1)) fpar(4) = fpar(1)*fpar(3) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n + 4 endif endif ! ! update II ! theta = ddot(n,w(1,3),1,w(1,3),1) / (tao*tao) sigma = one / (one + theta) tao = tao * sqrt(sigma * theta) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 8 + 2*n if (brkdn(tao,ipar)) goto 900 eta = sigma * alpha sigma = te / alpha te = theta * eta do i = 1, n w(i,9) = w(i,5) + sigma * w(i,9) w(i,11) = w(i,11) + eta * w(i,9) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 4*n + 3 ! ! this is the correct over-estimate ! fpar(5) = sqrt(real(ipar(7)+1)) * tao ! this is an approximation fpar(5) = tao if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = 10*n + 1 ipar(9) = 9*n + 1 ipar(10) = 9 return else if (ipar(3).lt.0) then fpar(6) = eta * sqrt(ddot(n,w(1,9),1,w(1,9),1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n + 2 else fpar(6) = fpar(5) endif if (fpar(6).gt.fpar(4) .and. (ipar(7).lt.ipar(6) .or. ipar(6).le.0)) goto 30 100 if (ipar(3).eq.999.and.ipar(11).eq.0) goto 30 ! ! clean up ! 900 if (rp) then if (ipar(1).lt.0) ipar(12) = ipar(1) ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 10*n + 1 ipar(9) = ipar(8) - n ipar(10) = 10 return endif 110 if (rp) then call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,10)) else call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,11)) endif ! return end !-----end-of-tfqmr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine fom(n, rhs, sol, ipar, fpar, w) implicit none integer n, ipar(16) double precision :: rhs(n), sol(n), fpar(16), w(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This a version of The Full Orthogonalization Method (FOM) ! implemented with reverse communication. It is a simple restart ! version of the FOM algorithm and is implemented with plane ! rotations similarly to GMRES. ! ! parameters: ! ----------- ! ipar(5) == the dimension of the Krylov subspace ! after every ipar(5) iterations, the FOM will restart with ! the updated solution and recomputed residual vector. ! ! the work space in `w' is used as follows: ! (1) the basis for the Krylov subspace, size n*(m+1); ! (2) the Hessenberg matrix, only the upper triangular ! portion of the matrix is stored, size (m+1)*m/2 + 1 ! (3) three vectors, all are of size m, they are ! the cosine and sine of the Givens rotations, the third one holds ! the residuals, it is of size m+1. ! ! TOTAL SIZE REQUIRED == (n+3)*(m+2) + (m+1)*m/2 ! Note: m == ipar(5). The default value for this is 15 if ! ipar(5) <= 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! external functions used ! EXTERNAL_DDOT ! double precision :: one, zero parameter(one=1.0D0, zero=0.0D0) ! ! local variables, ptr and p2 are temporary pointers, ! hes points to the Hessenberg matrix, ! vc, vs point to the cosines and sines of the Givens rotations ! vrn points to the vectors of residual norms, more precisely ! the right hand side of the least square problem solved. ! integer i,ii,idx,k,m,ptr,p2,prs,hes,vc,vs,vrn double precision :: alpha, c, s logical lp, rp save ! ! check the status of the call ! if (ipar(1).le.0) ipar(10) = 0 goto (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70) ipar(10) ! ! initialization ! if (ipar(5).le.1) then m = 15 else m = ipar(5) endif idx = n * (m+1) hes = idx + n ! vc = hes + (m+1) * m / 2 + 1 ! vs = vc + m vrn = vs + m i = vrn + m + 1 call bisinit(ipar,fpar,i,1,lp,rp,w) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return ! ! request for matrix vector multiplication A*x in the initialization ! 100 ipar(1) = 1 ipar(8) = n+1 ipar(9) = 1 ipar(10) = 1 k = 0 do i = 1, n w(n+i) = sol(i) enddo return 10 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = ipar(13) + 1 if (lp) then do i = 1, n w(n+i) = rhs(i) - w(i) enddo ipar(1) = 3 ipar(10) = 2 return else do i = 1, n w(i) = rhs(i) - w(i) enddo endif fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! 20 alpha = sqrt(ddot(n,w,1,w,1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n + 1 if (ipar(7).eq.1 .and. ipar(3).ne.999) then if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n else fpar(4) = fpar(1) * alpha + fpar(2) endif fpar(3) = alpha endif fpar(5) = alpha w(vrn+1) = alpha if (alpha.le.fpar(4) .and. ipar(3).ge.0 .and. ipar(3).ne.999) then ipar(1) = 0 fpar(6) = alpha goto 300 endif alpha = one / alpha do ii = 1, n w(ii) = alpha * w(ii) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! ! request for (1) right preconditioning ! (2) matrix vector multiplication ! (3) left preconditioning ! 110 k = k + 1 if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = k*n - n + 1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = k*n + 1 else ipar(9) = idx + 1 endif ipar(10) = 3 return endif ! 30 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = (k-1)*n + 1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = idx + 1 else ipar(9) = 1 + k*n endif ipar(10) = 4 return ! 40 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = k*n + 1 ipar(10) = 5 return endif ! ! Modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure ! temporary pointer 'ptr' is pointing to the current column of the ! Hessenberg matrix. 'p2' points to the new basis vector ! 50 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ptr = k * (k - 1) / 2 + hes p2 = ipar(9) call mgsro(.false.,n,n,k+1,k+1,fpar(11),w,w(ptr+1), ipar(12)) if (ipar(12).lt.0) goto 200 ! ! apply previous Givens rotations to column. ! p2 = ptr + 1 do i = 1, k-1 ptr = p2 p2 = p2 + 1 alpha = w(ptr) ! c = w(vc+i) s = w(vs+i) ! w(ptr) = c * alpha + s * w(p2) ! w(p2) = c * w(p2) - s * alpha enddo ! ! end of one Arnoldi iteration, alpha will store the estimated ! residual norm at current stage ! fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 6*k prs = vrn+k alpha = fpar(5) if (w(p2) .ne. zero) alpha = abs(w(p2+1)*w(prs)/w(p2)) fpar(5) = alpha ! if (k.ge.m .or. (ipar(3).ge.0 .and. alpha.le.fpar(4)) .or. (ipar(6).gt.0 .and. ipar(7).ge.ipar(6))) goto 200 ! call givens(w(p2), w(p2+1), c, s) ! w(vc+k) = c w(vs+k) = s alpha = - s * w(prs) ! w(prs) = c * w(prs) w(prs+1) = alpha ! if (w(p2).ne.zero) goto 110 ! ! update the approximate solution, first solve the upper triangular ! system, temporary pointer ptr points to the Hessenberg matrix, ! prs points to the right-hand-side (also the solution) of the system. ! 200 ptr = hes + k * (k + 1) / 2 prs = vrn + k if (w(ptr).eq.zero) then ! ! if the diagonal elements of the last column is zero, reduce k by 1 ! so that a smaller trianguler system is solved ! k = k - 1 if (k.gt.0) then goto 200 else ipar(1) = -3 ipar(12) = -4 goto 300 endif endif w(prs) = w(prs) / w(ptr) do i = k-1, 1, -1 ptr = ptr - i - 1 do ii = 1, i w(vrn+ii) = w(vrn+ii) - w(prs) * w(ptr+ii) enddo prs = prs - 1 w(prs) = w(prs) / w(ptr) enddo ! do ii = 1, n w(ii) = w(ii) * w(prs) enddo do i = 1, k-1 prs = prs + 1 ptr = i*n do ii = 1, n w(ii) = w(ii) + w(prs) * w(ptr+ii) enddo enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*(k-1)*n + n + k*(k+1) ! if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = idx + 1 ipar(10) = 6 return endif ! 60 if (rp) then do i = 1, n sol(i) = sol(i) + w(idx+i) enddo else do i = 1, n sol(i) = sol(i) + w(i) enddo endif fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! ! process the complete stopping criteria ! if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = -1 ipar(9) = idx + 1 ipar(10) = 7 return else if (ipar(3).lt.0) then if (ipar(7).le.m+1) then fpar(3) = abs(w(vrn+1)) if (ipar(3).eq.-1) fpar(4) = fpar(1)*fpar(3)+fpar(2) endif alpha = abs(w(vrn+k)) endif fpar(6) = alpha ! ! do we need to restart ? ! 70 if (ipar(12).ne.0) then ipar(1) = -3 goto 300 endif if (ipar(7).lt.ipar(6) .or. ipar(6).le.0) then if (ipar(3).ne.999) then if (fpar(6).gt.fpar(4)) goto 100 else if (ipar(11).eq.0) goto 100 endif endif ! ! termination, set error code, compute convergence rate ! if (ipar(1).gt.0) then if (ipar(3).eq.999 .and. ipar(11).eq.1) then ipar(1) = 0 else if (ipar(3).ne.999 .and. fpar(6).le.fpar(4)) then ipar(1) = 0 else if (ipar(7).ge.ipar(6) .and. ipar(6).gt.0) then ipar(1) = -1 else ipar(1) = -10 endif endif 300 if (fpar(3).ne.zero .and. fpar(6).ne.zero .and. ipar(7).gt.ipar(13)) then fpar(7) = log10(fpar(3) / fpar(6)) / dble(ipar(7)-ipar(13)) else fpar(7) = zero endif return end !-----end-of-fom-------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine gmres(n, rhs, sol, ipar, fpar, w) implicit none integer n, ipar(16) double precision :: rhs(n), sol(n), fpar(16), w(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This a version of GMRES implemented with reverse communication. ! It is a simple restart version of the GMRES algorithm. ! ! ipar(5) == the dimension of the Krylov subspace ! after every ipar(5) iterations, the GMRES will restart with ! the updated solution and recomputed residual vector. ! ! the space of the `w' is used as follows: ! (1) the basis for the Krylov subspace, size n*(m+1); ! (2) the Hessenberg matrix, only the upper triangular ! portion of the matrix is stored, size (m+1)*m/2 + 1 ! (3) three vectors, all are of size m, they are ! the cosine and sine of the Givens rotations, the third one holds ! the residuals, it is of size m+1. ! ! TOTAL SIZE REQUIRED == (n+3)*(m+2) + (m+1)*m/2 ! Note: m == ipar(5). The default value for this is 15 if ! ipar(5) <= 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! external functions used ! EXTERNAL_DDOT ! double precision :: one, zero parameter(one=1.0D0, zero=0.0D0) ! ! local variables, ptr and p2 are temporary pointers, ! hess points to the Hessenberg matrix, ! vc, vs point to the cosines and sines of the Givens rotations ! vrn points to the vectors of residual norms, more precisely ! the right hand side of the least square problem solved. ! integer i,ii,idx,k,m,ptr,p2,hess,vc,vs,vrn double precision :: alpha, c, s logical lp, rp save ! ! check the status of the call ! if (ipar(1).le.0) ipar(10) = 0 goto (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70) ipar(10) ! ! initialization ! if (ipar(5).le.1) then m = 15 else m = ipar(5) endif idx = n * (m+1) hess = idx + n ! vc = hess + (m+1) * m / 2 + 1 ! vs = vc + m vrn = vs + m i = vrn + m + 1 call bisinit(ipar,fpar,i,1,lp,rp,w) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return ! ! request for matrix vector multiplication A*x in the initialization ! 100 ipar(1) = 1 ipar(8) = n+1 ipar(9) = 1 ipar(10) = 1 k = 0 do i = 1, n w(n+i) = sol(i) enddo return 10 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = ipar(13) + 1 if (lp) then do i = 1, n w(n+i) = rhs(i) - w(i) enddo ipar(1) = 3 ipar(10) = 2 return else do i = 1, n w(i) = rhs(i) - w(i) enddo endif fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! 20 alpha = sqrt(ddot(n,w,1,w,1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n if (ipar(7).eq.1 .and. ipar(3).ne.999) then if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n else fpar(4) = fpar(1) * alpha + fpar(2) endif fpar(3) = alpha endif fpar(5) = alpha w(vrn+1) = alpha if (alpha.le.fpar(4) .and. ipar(3).ge.0 .and. ipar(3).ne.999) then ipar(1) = 0 fpar(6) = alpha goto 300 endif alpha = one / alpha do ii = 1, n w(ii) = alpha * w(ii) enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! ! request for (1) right preconditioning ! (2) matrix vector multiplication ! (3) left preconditioning ! 110 k = k + 1 if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = k*n - n + 1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = k*n + 1 else ipar(9) = idx + 1 endif ipar(10) = 3 return endif ! 30 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = (k-1)*n + 1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = idx + 1 else ipar(9) = 1 + k*n endif ipar(10) = 4 return ! 40 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = k*n + 1 ipar(10) = 5 return endif ! ! Modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure ! temporary pointer 'ptr' is pointing to the current column of the ! Hessenberg matrix. 'p2' points to the new basis vector ! 50 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ptr = k * (k - 1) / 2 + hess p2 = ipar(9) call mgsro(.false.,n,n,k+1,k+1,fpar(11),w,w(ptr+1), ipar(12)) if (ipar(12).lt.0) goto 200 ! ! apply previous Givens rotations and generate a new one to eliminate ! the subdiagonal element. ! p2 = ptr + 1 do i = 1, k-1 ptr = p2 p2 = p2 + 1 alpha = w(ptr) ! c = w(vc+i) s = w(vs+i) ! w(ptr) = c * alpha + s * w(p2) ! w(p2) = c * w(p2) - s * alpha enddo call givens(w(p2), w(p2+1), c, s) ! w(vc+k) = c w(vs+k) = s p2 = vrn + k alpha = - s * w(p2) ! w(p2) = c * w(p2) w(p2+1) = alpha ! ! end of one Arnoldi iteration, alpha will store the estimated ! residual norm at current stage ! fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 6*k + 2 alpha = abs(alpha) fpar(5) = alpha if (k.lt.m .and. .not.(ipar(3).ge.0 .and. alpha.le.fpar(4)) .and. (ipar(6).le.0 .or. ipar(7).lt.ipar(6))) goto 110 ! ! update the approximate solution, first solve the upper triangular ! system, temporary pointer ptr points to the Hessenberg matrix, ! p2 points to the right-hand-side (also the solution) of the system. ! 200 ptr = hess + k * (k + 1) / 2 p2 = vrn + k if (w(ptr).eq.zero) then ! ! if the diagonal elements of the last column is zero, reduce k by 1 ! so that a smaller trianguler system is solved [It should only ! happen when the matrix is singular, and at most once!] ! k = k - 1 if (k.gt.0) then goto 200 else ipar(1) = -3 ipar(12) = -4 goto 300 endif endif w(p2) = w(p2) / w(ptr) do i = k-1, 1, -1 ptr = ptr - i - 1 do ii = 1, i w(vrn+ii) = w(vrn+ii) - w(p2) * w(ptr+ii) enddo p2 = p2 - 1 w(p2) = w(p2) / w(ptr) enddo ! do ii = 1, n w(ii) = w(ii) * w(p2) enddo do i = 1, k-1 ptr = i*n p2 = p2 + 1 do ii = 1, n w(ii) = w(ii) + w(p2) * w(ptr+ii) enddo enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*k*n - n + k*(k+1) ! if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = idx + 1 ipar(10) = 6 return endif ! 60 if (rp) then do i = 1, n sol(i) = sol(i) + w(idx+i) enddo else do i = 1, n sol(i) = sol(i) + w(i) enddo endif fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! ! process the complete stopping criteria ! if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = -1 ipar(9) = idx + 1 ipar(10) = 7 return else if (ipar(3).lt.0) then if (ipar(7).le.m+1) then fpar(3) = abs(w(vrn+1)) if (ipar(3).eq.-1) fpar(4) = fpar(1)*fpar(3)+fpar(2) endif fpar(6) = abs(w(vrn+k)) else fpar(6) = fpar(5) endif ! ! do we need to restart ? ! 70 if (ipar(12).ne.0) then ipar(1) = -3 goto 300 endif if ((ipar(7).lt.ipar(6) .or. ipar(6).le.0) .and. ((ipar(3).eq.999.and.ipar(11).eq.0) .or. (ipar(3).ne.999.and.fpar(6).gt.fpar(4)))) goto 100 ! ! termination, set error code, compute convergence rate ! if (ipar(1).gt.0) then if (ipar(3).eq.999 .and. ipar(11).eq.1) then ipar(1) = 0 else if (ipar(3).ne.999 .and. fpar(6).le.fpar(4)) then ipar(1) = 0 else if (ipar(7).ge.ipar(6) .and. ipar(6).gt.0) then ipar(1) = -1 else ipar(1) = -10 endif endif 300 if (fpar(3).ne.zero .and. fpar(6).ne.zero .and. ipar(7).gt.ipar(13)) then fpar(7) = log10(fpar(3) / fpar(6)) / dble(ipar(7)-ipar(13)) else fpar(7) = zero endif return end !-----end-of-gmres !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine dqgmres(n, rhs, sol, ipar, fpar, w) implicit none integer n, ipar(16) double precision :: rhs(n), sol(n), fpar(16), w(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DQGMRES -- Flexible Direct version of Quasi-General Minimum ! Residual method. The right preconditioning can be varied from ! step to step. ! ! Work space used = n + lb * (2*n+4) ! where lb = ipar(5) + 1 (default 16 if ipar(5) <= 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! double precision :: one,zero,deps parameter(one=1.0D0,zero=0.0D0) parameter(deps=1.0D-33) ! integer i,ii,j,jp1,j0,k,ptrw,ptrv,iv,iw,ic,is,ihm,ihd,lb,ptr double precision :: alpha,beta,psi,c,s logical lp,rp,full external bisinit EXTERNAL_DDOT save ! ! where to go ! if (ipar(1).le.0) ipar(10) = 0 goto (10, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70) ipar(10) ! ! locations of the work arrays. The arrangement is as follows: ! w(1:n) -- temporary storage for the results of the preconditioning ! w(iv+1:iw) -- the V's ! w(iw+1:ic) -- the W's ! w(ic+1:is) -- the COSINEs of the Givens rotations ! w(is+1:ihm) -- the SINEs of the Givens rotations ! w(ihm+1:ihd) -- the last column of the Hessenberg matrix ! w(ihd+1:i) -- the inverse of the diagonals of the Hessenberg matrix ! if (ipar(5).le.1) then lb = 16 else lb = ipar(5) + 1 endif iv = n iw = iv + lb * n ! ic = iw + lb * n ! is = ic + lb ihm = is + lb ihd = ihm + lb i = ihd + lb ! ! parameter check, initializations ! full = .false. call bisinit(ipar,fpar,i,1,lp,rp,w) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return ipar(1) = 1 if (lp) then do ii = 1, n w(iv+ii) = sol(ii) enddo ipar(8) = iv+1 ipar(9) = 1 else do ii = 1, n w(ii) = sol(ii) enddo ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = iv+1 endif ipar(10) = 1 return ! 10 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = ipar(13) + 1 if (lp) then do i = 1, n w(i) = rhs(i) - w(i) enddo ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = iv+1 ipar(10) = 2 return else do i = 1, n w(iv+i) = rhs(i) - w(iv+i) enddo endif fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! 20 alpha = sqrt(ddot(n, w(iv+1), 1, w(iv+1), 1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + (n + n) if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n else if (ipar(3).ne.999) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * alpha + fpar(2) endif fpar(3) = alpha fpar(5) = alpha psi = alpha if (alpha.le.fpar(4)) then ipar(1) = 0 fpar(6) = alpha goto 80 endif alpha = one / alpha do i = 1, n w(iv+i) = w(iv+i) * alpha enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n j = 0 ! ! iterations start here ! 30 j = j + 1 if (j.gt.lb) j = j - lb jp1 = j + 1 if (jp1.gt.lb) jp1 = jp1 - lb ptrv = iv + (j-1)*n + 1 ptrw = iv + (jp1-1)*n + 1 if (.not.full) then if (j.gt.jp1) full = .true. endif if (full) then j0 = jp1+1 if (j0.gt.lb) j0 = j0 - lb else j0 = 1 endif ! ! request the caller to perform matrix-vector multiplication and ! preconditioning ! if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = ptrv ipar(9) = ptrv + iw - iv ipar(10) = 3 return else do i = 0, n-1 w(ptrv+iw-iv+i) = w(ptrv+i) enddo endif ! 40 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = ptrv endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = 1 else ipar(9) = ptrw endif ipar(10) = 4 return ! 50 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = ptrw ipar(10) = 5 return endif ! ! compute the last column of the Hessenberg matrix ! modified Gram-schmidt procedure, orthogonalize against (lb-1) ! previous vectors ! 60 continue call mgsro(full,n,n,lb,jp1,fpar(11),w(iv+1),w(ihm+1), ipar(12)) if (ipar(12).lt.0) then ipar(1) = -3 goto 80 endif beta = w(ihm+jp1) ! ! incomplete factorization (QR factorization through Givens rotations) ! (1) apply previous rotations [(lb-1) of them] ! (2) generate a new rotation ! if (full) then w(ihm+jp1) = w(ihm+j0) * w(is+jp1) w(ihm+j0) = w(ihm+j0) * w(ic+jp1) endif i = j0 do while (i.ne.j) k = i+1 if (k.gt.lb) k = k - lb ! c = w(ic+i) s = w(is+i) alpha = w(ihm+i) ! w(ihm+i) = c * alpha + s * w(ihm+k) ! w(ihm+k) = c * w(ihm+k) - s * alpha i = k enddo call givens(w(ihm+j), beta, c, s) if (full) then fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 6 * lb else fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 6 * j endif ! ! detect whether diagonal element of this column is zero ! if (abs(w(ihm+j)).lt.deps) then ipar(1) = -3 goto 80 endif w(ihd+j) = one / w(ihm+j) ! w(ic+j) = c w(is+j) = s ! ! update the W's (the conjugate directions) -- essentially this is one ! step of triangular solve. ! ptrw = iw+(j-1)*n + 1 if (full) then do i = j+1, lb alpha = -w(ihm+i)*w(ihd+i) ptr = iw+(i-1)*n+1 do ii = 0, n-1 w(ptrw+ii) = w(ptrw+ii) + alpha * w(ptr+ii) enddo enddo endif do i = 1, j-1 alpha = -w(ihm+i)*w(ihd+i) ptr = iw+(i-1)*n+1 do ii = 0, n-1 w(ptrw+ii) = w(ptrw+ii) + alpha * w(ptr+ii) enddo enddo ! ! update the solution to the linear system ! ! alpha = psi * c * w(ihd+j) psi = - s * psi do i = 1, n sol(i) = sol(i) + alpha * w(ptrw-1+i) enddo if (full) then fpar(11) = fpar(11) + lb * (n+n) else fpar(11) = fpar(11) + j * (n+n) endif ! ! determine whether to continue, ! compute the desired error/residual norm ! ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 fpar(5) = abs(psi) if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = -1 ipar(9) = 1 ipar(10) = 6 return endif if (ipar(3).lt.0) then alpha = abs(alpha) if (ipar(7).eq.2 .and. ipar(3).eq.-1) then fpar(3) = alpha*sqrt(ddot(n, w(ptrw), 1, w(ptrw), 1)) fpar(4) = fpar(1) * fpar(3) + fpar(2) fpar(6) = fpar(3) else fpar(6) = alpha*sqrt(ddot(n, w(ptrw), 1, w(ptrw), 1)) endif fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n else fpar(6) = fpar(5) endif if (ipar(1).ge.0 .and. fpar(6).gt.fpar(4) .and. (ipar(6).le.0 .or. ipar(7).lt.ipar(6))) goto 30 70 if (ipar(3).eq.999 .and. ipar(11).eq.0) goto 30 ! ! clean up the iterative solver ! 80 fpar(7) = zero if (fpar(3).ne.zero .and. fpar(6).ne.zero .and. ipar(7).gt.ipar(13)) fpar(7) = log10(fpar(3) / fpar(6)) / dble(ipar(7)-ipar(13)) if (ipar(1).gt.0) then if (ipar(3).eq.999 .and. ipar(11).ne.0) then ipar(1) = 0 else if (fpar(6).le.fpar(4)) then ipar(1) = 0 else if (ipar(6).gt.0 .and. ipar(7).ge.ipar(6)) then ipar(1) = -1 else ipar(1) = -10 endif endif return end !-----end-of-dqgmres !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine fgmres(n, rhs, sol, ipar, fpar, w) implicit none integer n, ipar(16) double precision :: rhs(n), sol(n), fpar(16), w(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This a version of FGMRES implemented with reverse communication. ! ! ipar(5) == the dimension of the Krylov subspace ! ! the space of the `w' is used as follows: ! >> V: the bases for the Krylov subspace, size n*(m+1); ! >> W: the above bases after (left-)multiplying with the ! right-preconditioner inverse, size m*n; ! >> a temporary vector of size n; ! >> the Hessenberg matrix, only the upper triangular portion ! of the matrix is stored, size (m+1)*m/2 + 1 ! >> three vectors, first two are of size m, they are the cosine ! and sine of the Givens rotations, the third one holds the ! residuals, it is of size m+1. ! ! TOTAL SIZE REQUIRED == n*(2m+1) + (m+1)*m/2 + 3*m + 2 ! Note: m == ipar(5). The default value for this is 15 if ! ipar(5) <= 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! external functions used ! EXTERNAL_DDOT ! double precision :: one, zero parameter(one=1.0D0, zero=0.0D0) ! ! local variables, ptr and p2 are temporary pointers, ! hess points to the Hessenberg matrix, ! vc, vs point to the cosines and sines of the Givens rotations ! vrn points to the vectors of residual norms, more precisely ! the right hand side of the least square problem solved. ! integer i,ii,idx,iz,k,m,ptr,p2,hess,vc,vs,vrn double precision :: alpha, c, s logical lp, rp save ! ! check the status of the call ! if (ipar(1).le.0) ipar(10) = 0 goto (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) ipar(10) ! ! initialization ! if (ipar(5).le.1) then m = 15 else m = ipar(5) endif idx = n * (m+1) iz = idx + n hess = iz + n*m ! vc = hess + (m+1) * m / 2 + 1 ! vs = vc + m vrn = vs + m i = vrn + m + 1 call bisinit(ipar,fpar,i,1,lp,rp,w) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return ! ! request for matrix vector multiplication A*x in the initialization ! 100 ipar(1) = 1 ipar(8) = n+1 ipar(9) = 1 ipar(10) = 1 k = 0 do ii = 1, n w(ii+n) = sol(ii) enddo return 10 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = ipar(13) + 1 fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n if (lp) then do i = 1, n w(n+i) = rhs(i) - w(i) enddo ipar(1) = 3 ipar(10) = 2 return else do i = 1, n w(i) = rhs(i) - w(i) enddo endif ! 20 alpha = sqrt(ddot(n,w,1,w,1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n if (ipar(7).eq.1 .and. ipar(3).ne.999) then if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n else fpar(4) = fpar(1) * alpha + fpar(2) endif fpar(3) = alpha endif fpar(5) = alpha w(vrn+1) = alpha if (alpha.le.fpar(4) .and. ipar(3).ge.0 .and. ipar(3).ne.999) then ipar(1) = 0 fpar(6) = alpha goto 300 endif alpha = one / alpha do ii = 1, n w(ii) = w(ii) * alpha enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! ! request for (1) right preconditioning ! (2) matrix vector multiplication ! (3) left preconditioning ! 110 k = k + 1 if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = k*n - n + 1 ipar(9) = iz + ipar(8) ipar(10) = 3 return else do ii = 0, n-1 w(iz+k*n-ii) = w(k*n-ii) enddo endif ! 30 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = (k-1)*n + 1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = idx + 1 else ipar(9) = 1 + k*n endif ipar(10) = 4 return ! 40 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = k*n + 1 ipar(10) = 5 return endif ! ! Modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure ! temporary pointer 'ptr' is pointing to the current column of the ! Hessenberg matrix. 'p2' points to the new basis vector ! 50 ptr = k * (k - 1) / 2 + hess p2 = ipar(9) ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 call mgsro(.false.,n,n,k+1,k+1,fpar(11),w,w(ptr+1), ipar(12)) if (ipar(12).lt.0) goto 200 ! ! apply previous Givens rotations and generate a new one to eliminate ! the subdiagonal element. ! p2 = ptr + 1 do i = 1, k-1 ptr = p2 p2 = p2 + 1 alpha = w(ptr) ! c = w(vc+i) s = w(vs+i) ! w(ptr) = c * alpha + s * w(p2) ! w(p2) = c * w(p2) - s * alpha enddo call givens(w(p2), w(p2+1), c, s) ! w(vc+k) = c w(vs+k) = s p2 = vrn + k alpha = - s * w(p2) ! w(p2) = c * w(p2) w(p2+1) = alpha fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 6 * k ! ! end of one Arnoldi iteration, alpha will store the estimated ! residual norm at current stage ! alpha = abs(alpha) fpar(5) = alpha if (k.lt.m .and. .not.(ipar(3).ge.0 .and. alpha.le.fpar(4)) & .and. (ipar(6).le.0 .or. ipar(7).lt.ipar(6))) goto 110 ! ! update the approximate solution, first solve the upper triangular ! system, temporary pointer ptr points to the Hessenberg matrix, ! p2 points to the right-hand-side (also the solution) of the system. ! 200 ptr = hess + k * (k + 1 ) / 2 p2 = vrn + k if (w(ptr).eq.zero) then ! ! if the diagonal elements of the last column is zero, reduce k by 1 ! so that a smaller trianguler system is solved [It should only ! happen when the matrix is singular!] ! k = k - 1 if (k.gt.0) then goto 200 else ipar(1) = -3 ipar(12) = -4 goto 300 endif endif w(p2) = w(p2) / w(ptr) do i = k-1, 1, -1 ptr = ptr - i - 1 do ii = 1, i w(vrn+ii) = w(vrn+ii) - w(p2) * w(ptr+ii) enddo p2 = p2 - 1 w(p2) = w(p2) / w(ptr) enddo ! do i = 0, k-1 ptr = iz+i*n do ii = 1, n sol(ii) = sol(ii) + w(p2)*w(ptr+ii) enddo p2 = p2 + 1 enddo fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*k*n + k*(k+1) ! ! process the complete stopping criteria ! if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = -1 ipar(9) = idx + 1 ipar(10) = 6 return else if (ipar(3).lt.0) then if (ipar(7).le.m+1) then fpar(3) = abs(w(vrn+1)) if (ipar(3).eq.-1) fpar(4) = fpar(1)*fpar(3)+fpar(2) endif fpar(6) = abs(w(vrn+k)) else if (ipar(3).ne.999) then fpar(6) = fpar(5) endif ! ! do we need to restart ? ! 60 if (ipar(12).ne.0) then ipar(1) = -3 goto 300 endif if ((ipar(7).lt.ipar(6) .or. ipar(6).le.0).and. & ((ipar(3).eq.999.and.ipar(11).eq.0) .or. & (ipar(3).ne.999.and.fpar(6).gt.fpar(4)))) goto 100 ! ! termination, set error code, compute convergence rate ! if (ipar(1).gt.0) then if (ipar(3).eq.999 .and. ipar(11).eq.1) then ipar(1) = 0 else if (ipar(3).ne.999 .and. fpar(6).le.fpar(4)) then ipar(1) = 0 else if (ipar(7).ge.ipar(6) .and. ipar(6).gt.0) then ipar(1) = -1 else ipar(1) = -10 endif endif 300 if (fpar(3).ne.zero .and. fpar(6).ne.zero .and. & ipar(7).gt.ipar(13)) then fpar(7) = log10(fpar(3) / fpar(6)) / dble(ipar(7)-ipar(13)) else fpar(7) = zero endif return end !-----end-of-fgmres !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine dbcg (n,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,w) implicit none integer n,ipar(16) double precision :: rhs(n), sol(n), fpar(16), w(n,*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Quasi GMRES method for solving a linear ! system of equations a * sol = y. double precision version. ! this version is without restarting and without preconditioning. ! parameters : ! ----------- ! n = dimension of the problem ! ! y = w(:,1) a temporary storage used for various operations ! z = w(:,2) a work vector of length n. ! v = w(:,3:4) size n x 2 ! w = w(:,5:6) size n x 2 ! p = w(:,7:9) work array of dimension n x 3 ! del x = w(:,10) accumulation of the changes in solution ! tmp = w(:,11) a temporary vector used to hold intermediate result of ! preconditioning, etc. ! ! sol = the solution of the problem . at input sol must contain an ! initial guess to the solution. ! *** note: y is destroyed on return. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutines and functions called: ! 1) matrix vector multiplication and preconditioning through reverse ! communication ! ! 2) implu, uppdir (blas) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! aug. 1983 version. author youcef saad. yale university computer ! science dept. some changes made july 3, 1986. ! references: siam j. sci. stat. comp., vol. 5, pp. 203-228 (1984) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! double precision :: one,zero parameter(one=1.0D0,zero=0.0D0) ! double precision :: t,sqrt,ss,res,beta,ss1,delta,x,zeta,umm integer k,j,i,i2,ip2,ju,lb,lbm1,np,indp logical lp,rp,full, perm(3) double precision :: ypiv(3),u(3),usav(3) external tidycg EXTERNAL_DDOT save ! ! where to go ! if (ipar(1).le.0) ipar(10) = 0 goto (110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200) ipar(10) ! ! initialization, parameter checking, clear the work arrays ! call bisinit(ipar,fpar,11*n,1,lp,rp,w) if (ipar(1).lt.0) return perm(1) = .false. perm(2) = .false. perm(3) = .false. usav(1) = zero usav(2) = zero usav(3) = zero ypiv(1) = zero ypiv(2) = zero ypiv(3) = zero !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize constants for outer loop : !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lb = 3 lbm1 = 2 ! ! get initial residual vector and norm ! ipar(1) = 1 ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = 1 + n do i = 1, n w(i,1) = sol(i) enddo ipar(10) = 1 return 110 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 ipar(13) = ipar(13) + 1 if (lp) then do i = 1, n w(i,1) = rhs(i) - w(i,2) enddo ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = 1 ipar(9) = n+n+1 ipar(10) = 2 return else do i = 1, n w(i,3) = rhs(i) - w(i,2) enddo endif fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! 120 fpar(3) = sqrt(ddot(n,w(1,3),1,w(1,3),1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n + n fpar(5) = fpar(3) fpar(7) = fpar(3) zeta = fpar(3) if (abs(ipar(3)).eq.2) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(ddot(n,rhs,1,rhs,1)) + fpar(2) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n else if (ipar(3).ne.999) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * zeta + fpar(2) endif if (ipar(3).ge.0.and.fpar(5).le.fpar(4)) then fpar(6) = fpar(5) goto 900 endif ! ! normalize first arnoldi vector ! t = one/zeta do 22 k=1,n w(k,3) = w(k,3)*t w(k,5) = w(k,3) 22 continue fpar(11) = fpar(11) + n ! ! initialize constants for main loop ! beta = zero delta = zero i2 = 1 indp = 0 i = 0 ! ! main loop: i = index of the loop. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 i = i + 1 ! if (rp) then ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = (1+i2)*n+1 if (lp) then ipar(9) = 1 else ipar(9) = 10*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 3 return endif ! 130 ipar(1) = 1 if (rp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = (1+i2)*n + 1 endif if (lp) then ipar(9) = 10*n + 1 else ipar(9) = 1 endif ipar(10) = 4 return ! 140 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 3 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = 1 ipar(10) = 5 return endif ! ! A^t * x ! 150 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 if (lp) then ipar(1) = 4 ipar(8) = (3+i2)*n + 1 if (rp) then ipar(9) = n + 1 else ipar(9) = 10*n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 6 return endif ! 160 ipar(1) = 2 if (lp) then ipar(8) = ipar(9) else ipar(8) = (3+i2)*n + 1 endif if (rp) then ipar(9) = 10*n + 1 else ipar(9) = n + 1 endif ipar(10) = 7 return ! 170 if (rp) then ipar(1) = 6 ipar(8) = ipar(9) ipar(9) = n + 1 ipar(10) = 8 return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! orthogonalize current v against previous v's and ! determine relevant part of i-th column of u(.,.) the ! upper triangular matrix -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 180 ipar(7) = ipar(7) + 1 u(1) = zero ju = 1 k = i2 if (i .le. lbm1) ju = 0 if (i .lt. lb) k = 0 31 if (k .eq. lbm1) k=0 k=k+1 ! if (k .ne. i2) then ss = delta ss1 = beta ju = ju + 1 u(ju) = ss else ss = ddot(n,w(1,1),1,w(1,4+k),1) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2*n ss1= ss ju = ju + 1 u(ju) = ss endif ! do 32 j=1,n w(j,1) = w(j,1) - ss*w(j,k+2) w(j,2) = w(j,2) - ss1*w(j,k+4) 32 continue fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 4*n ! if (k .ne. i2) goto 31 ! ! end of Mod. Gram. Schmidt loop ! t = ddot(n,w(1,2),1,w(1,1),1) ! beta = sqrt(abs(t)) delta = t/beta ! ss = one/beta ss1 = one/ delta ! ! normalize and insert new vectors ! ip2 = i2 if (i2 .eq. lbm1) i2=0 i2=i2+1 ! do 315 j=1,n w(j,i2+2)=w(j,1)*ss w(j,i2+4)=w(j,2)*ss1 315 continue fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 4*n !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end of orthogonalization. ! now compute the coefficients u(k) of the last ! column of the l . u factorization of h . !----------------------------------------------------------------------- np = min0(i,lb) full = (i .ge. lb) call implu(np, umm, beta, ypiv, u, perm, full) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update conjugate directions and solution !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 33 k=1,n w(k,1) = w(k,ip2+2) 33 continue call uppdir(n, w(1,7), np, lb, indp, w, u, usav, fpar(11)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (i .eq. 1) goto 34 j = np - 1 if (full) j = j-1 if (.not.perm(j)) zeta = -zeta*ypiv(j) 34 x = zeta/u(np) if (perm(np))goto 36 do 35 k=1,n w(k,10) = w(k,10) + x*w(k,1) 35 continue fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 if (ipar(3).eq.999) then ipar(1) = 10 ipar(8) = 9*n + 1 ipar(9) = 10*n + 1 ipar(10) = 9 return endif res = abs(beta*zeta/umm) fpar(5) = res * sqrt(ddot(n, w(1,i2+2), 1, w(1,i2+2), 1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n if (ipar(3).lt.0) then fpar(6) = x * sqrt(ddot(n,w,1,w,1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n if (ipar(7).le.3) then fpar(3) = fpar(6) if (ipar(3).eq.-1) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * sqrt(fpar(3)) + fpar(2) endif endif else fpar(6) = fpar(5) endif !---- convergence test ----------------------------------------------- 190 if (ipar(3).eq.999.and.ipar(11).eq.0) then goto 30 else if (fpar(6).gt.fpar(4) .and. (ipar(6).gt.ipar(7) .or.& ipar(6).le.0)) then goto 30 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! here the fact that the last step is different is accounted for. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. perm(np)) goto 900 x = zeta/umm do 40 k = 1,n w(k,10) = w(k,10) + x*w(k,1) 40 continue fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n ! ! right preconditioning and clean-up jobs ! 900 if (rp) then if (ipar(1).lt.0) ipar(12) = ipar(1) ipar(1) = 5 ipar(8) = 9*n + 1 ipar(9) = ipar(8) + n ipar(10) = 10 return endif 200 if (rp) then call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,11)) else call tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,w(1,10)) endif return end !-----end-of-dbcg------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine implu(np,umm,beta,ypiv,u,permut,full) double precision :: umm,beta,ypiv(*),u(*),x, xpiv logical full, perm, permut(*) integer np,k,npm1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! performs implicitly one step of the lu factorization of a ! banded hessenberg matrix. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (np .le. 1) goto 12 npm1 = np - 1 ! ! -- perform previous step of the factorization- ! do 6 k=1,npm1 if (.not. permut(k)) goto 5 x=u(k) u(k) = u(k+1) u(k+1) = x 5 u(k+1) = u(k+1) - ypiv(k)*u(k) 6 continue !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! now determine pivotal information to be used in the next call !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 umm = u(np) perm = (beta .gt. abs(umm)) if (.not. perm) goto 4 xpiv = umm / beta u(np) = beta goto 8 4 xpiv = beta/umm 8 permut(np) = perm ypiv(np) = xpiv if (.not. full) return ! shift everything up if full... do 7 k=1,npm1 ypiv(k) = ypiv(k+1) permut(k) = permut(k+1) 7 continue return !-----end-of-implu end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine uppdir(n,p,np,lbp,indp,y,u,usav,flops) double precision :: p(n,lbp), y(*), u(*), usav(*), x, flops integer k,np,n,npm1,j,ju,indp,lbp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! updates the conjugate directions p given the upper part of the ! banded upper triangular matrix u. u contains the non zero ! elements of the column of the triangular matrix.. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision :: zero parameter(zero=0.0D0) ! npm1=np-1 if (np .le. 1) goto 12 j=indp ju = npm1 10 if (j .le. 0) j=lbp x = u(ju) /usav(j) if (x .eq. zero) goto 115 do 11 k=1,n y(k) = y(k) - x*p(k,j) 11 continue flops = flops + 2*n 115 j = j-1 ju = ju -1 if (ju .ge. 1) goto 10 12 indp = indp + 1 if (indp .gt. lbp) indp = 1 usav(indp) = u(np) do 13 k=1,n p(k,indp) = y(k) 13 continue 208 return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------end-of-uppdir--------------------------------------------------- end subroutine givens(x,y,c,s) double precision :: x,y,c,s !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Given x and y, this subroutine generates a Givens' rotation c, s. ! And apply the rotation on (x,y) ==> (sqrt(x**2 + y**2), 0). ! (See P 202 of "matrix computation" by Golub and van Loan.) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision :: t,one,zero parameter (zero=0.0D0,one=1.0D0) ! if (x.eq.zero .and. y.eq.zero) then ! c = one s = zero else if (abs(y).gt.abs(x)) then t = x / y x = sqrt(one+t*t) s = sign(one / x, y) ! c = t*s else if (abs(y).le.abs(x)) then t = y / x y = sqrt(one+t*t) ! c = sign(one / y, x) ! s = t*c else ! ! X or Y must be an invalid floating-point number, set both to zero ! x = zero y = zero ! c = one s = zero endif x = abs(x*y) ! ! end of givens ! return end !-----end-of-givens !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function stopbis(n,ipar,mvpi,fpar,r,delx,sx) implicit none integer n,mvpi,ipar(16) double precision :: fpar(16), r(n), delx(n), sx EXTERNAL_DDOT !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! function for determining the stopping criteria. return value of ! true if the stopbis criteria is satisfied. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ipar(11) .eq. 1) then stopbis = .true. else stopbis = .false. endif if (ipar(6).gt.0 .and. ipar(7).ge.ipar(6)) then ipar(1) = -1 stopbis = .true. endif if (stopbis) return ! ! computes errors ! fpar(5) = sqrt(ddot(n,r,1,r,1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n if (ipar(3).lt.0) then ! ! compute the change in the solution vector ! fpar(6) = sx * sqrt(ddot(n,delx,1,delx,1)) fpar(11) = fpar(11) + 2 * n if (ipar(7).lt.mvpi+mvpi+1) then ! ! if this is the end of the first iteration, set fpar(3:4) ! fpar(3) = fpar(6) if (ipar(3).eq.-1) then fpar(4) = fpar(1) * fpar(3) + fpar(2) endif endif else fpar(6) = fpar(5) endif ! ! .. the test is struct this way so that when the value in fpar(6) ! is not a valid number, STOPBIS is set to .true. ! if (fpar(6).gt.fpar(4)) then stopbis = .false. ipar(11) = 0 else stopbis = .true. ipar(11) = 1 endif ! return end !-----end-of-stopbis !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine tidycg(n,ipar,fpar,sol,delx) implicit none integer i,n,ipar(16) double precision :: fpar(16),sol(n),delx(n) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Some common operations required before terminating the CG routines !----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision :: zero parameter(zero=0.0D0) ! if (ipar(12).ne.0) then ipar(1) = ipar(12) else if (ipar(1).gt.0) then if ((ipar(3).eq.999 .and. ipar(11).eq.1) .or. & fpar(6).le.fpar(4)) then ipar(1) = 0 else if (ipar(7).ge.ipar(6) .and. ipar(6).gt.0) then ipar(1) = -1 else ipar(1) = -10 endif endif if (fpar(3).gt.zero .and. fpar(6).gt.zero .and. ipar(7).gt.ipar(13)) then fpar(7) = log10(fpar(3) / fpar(6)) / dble(ipar(7)-ipar(13)) else fpar(7) = zero endif ! do i = 1, n ! sol(i) = sol(i) + delx(i) ! enddo SOL = SOL + DELX return end !-----end-of-tidycg !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function brkdn(alpha, ipar) implicit none integer ipar(16) double precision :: alpha, beta, zero, one parameter (zero=0.0D0, one=1.0D0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! test whether alpha is zero or an abnormal number, if yes, ! this routine will return .true. ! ! If alpha == 0, ipar(1) = -3, ! if alpha is an abnormal number, ipar(1) = -9. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- brkdn = .false. if (alpha.gt.zero) then beta = one / alpha if (.not. beta.gt.zero) then brkdn = .true. ipar(1) = -9 endif else if (alpha.lt.zero) then beta = one / alpha if (.not. beta.lt.zero) then brkdn = .true. ipar(1) = -9 endif else if (alpha.eq.zero) then brkdn = .true. ipar(1) = -3 else brkdn = .true. ipar(1) = -9 endif return end !-----end-of-brkdn !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine bisinit(ipar,fpar,wksize,dsc,lp,rp,wk) implicit none integer i,ipar(16),wksize,dsc logical lp,rp double precision :: fpar(16),wk(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! some common initializations for the iterative solvers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision :: zero, one parameter(zero=0.0D0, one=1.0D0) ! ! ipar(1) = -2 inidcate that there are not enough space in the work ! array ! if (ipar(4).lt.wksize) then ipar(1) = -2 ipar(4) = wksize return endif ! if (ipar(2).gt.2) then lp = .true. rp = .true. else if (ipar(2).eq.2) then lp = .false. rp = .true. else if (ipar(2).eq.1) then lp = .true. rp = .false. else lp = .false. rp = .false. endif ! if (ipar(3).eq.0) ipar(3) = dsc ! .. clear the ipar elements used ipar(7) = 0 ipar(8) = 0 ipar(9) = 0 ipar(10) = 0 ipar(11) = 0 ipar(12) = 0 ipar(13) = 0 ! ! fpar(1) must be between (0, 1), fpar(2) must be positive, ! fpar(1) and fpar(2) can NOT both be zero ! Normally return ipar(1) = -4 to indicate any of above error ! if (fpar(1).lt.zero .or. fpar(1).ge.one .or. fpar(2).lt.zero .or. (fpar(1).eq.zero .and. fpar(2).eq.zero)) then if (ipar(1).eq.0) then ipar(1) = -4 return else fpar(1) = 1.0D-6 fpar(2) = 1.0D-16 endif endif ! .. clear the fpar elements do i = 3, 10 fpar(i) = zero enddo if (fpar(11).lt.zero) fpar(11) = zero ! .. clear the used portion of the work array to zero ! do i = 1, wksize ! wk(i) = zero ! enddo ! WK(1:WKSIZE) = ZERO return !-----end-of-bisinit end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine mgsro(full,lda,n,m,ind,ops,vec,hh,ierr) implicit none logical full integer lda,m,n,ind,ierr double precision :: ops,hh(m),vec(lda,m) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! MGSRO -- Modified Gram-Schmidt procedure with Selective Re- ! Orthogonalization ! The ind'th vector of VEC is orthogonalized against the rest of ! the vectors. ! ! The test for performing re-orthogonalization is performed for ! each indivadual vectors. If the cosine between the two vectors ! is greater than 0.99 (REORTH = 0.99**2), re-orthogonalization is ! performed. The norm of the 'new' vector is kept in variable NRM0, ! and updated after operating with each vector. ! ! full -- .ture. if it is necessary to orthogonalize the ind'th ! against all the vectors vec(:,1:ind-1), vec(:,ind+2:m) ! .false. only orthogonalize againt vec(:,1:ind-1) ! lda -- the leading dimension of VEC ! n -- length of the vector in VEC ! m -- number of vectors can be stored in VEC ! ind -- index to the vector to be changed ! ops -- operation counts ! vec -- vector of LDA X M storing the vectors ! hh -- coefficient of the orthogonalization ! ierr -- error code ! 0 : successful return ! -1: zero input vector ! -2: input vector contains abnormal numbers ! -3: input vector is a linear combination of others ! ! External routines used: double precision :: ddot !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer i,k double precision :: nrm0, nrm1, fct, thr, zero, one, reorth parameter (zero=0.0D0, one=1.0D0, reorth=0.98D0) EXTERNAL_DDOT ! ! compute the norm of the input vector ! nrm0 = ddot(n,vec(1,ind),1,vec(1,ind),1) ops = ops + n + n thr = nrm0 * reorth if (nrm0.le.zero) then ierr = - 1 return else if (nrm0.gt.zero .and. one/nrm0.gt.zero) then ierr = 0 else ierr = -2 return endif ! ! Modified Gram-Schmidt loop ! if (full) then do 40 i = ind+1, m fct = ddot(n,vec(1,ind),1,vec(1,i),1) hh(i) = fct do 20 k = 1, n vec(k,ind) = vec(k,ind) - fct * vec(k,i) 20 continue ops = ops + 4 * n + 2 if (fct*fct.gt.thr) then fct = ddot(n,vec(1,ind),1,vec(1,i),1) hh(i) = hh(i) + fct do 30 k = 1, n vec(k,ind) = vec(k,ind) - fct * vec(k,i) 30 continue ops = ops + 4*n + 1 endif nrm0 = nrm0 - hh(i) * hh(i) if (nrm0.lt.zero) nrm0 = zero thr = nrm0 * reorth 40 continue endif ! do 70 i = 1, ind-1 fct = ddot(n,vec(1,ind),1,vec(1,i),1) hh(i) = fct do 50 k = 1, n vec(k,ind) = vec(k,ind) - fct * vec(k,i) 50 continue ops = ops + 4 * n + 2 if (fct*fct.gt.thr) then fct = ddot(n,vec(1,ind),1,vec(1,i),1) hh(i) = hh(i) + fct do 60 k = 1, n vec(k,ind) = vec(k,ind) - fct * vec(k,i) 60 continue ops = ops + 4*n + 1 endif nrm0 = nrm0 - hh(i) * hh(i) if (nrm0.lt.zero) nrm0 = zero thr = nrm0 * reorth 70 continue ! ! test the resulting vector ! nrm1 = sqrt(ddot(n,vec(1,ind),1,vec(1,ind),1)) ops = ops + n + n 75 hh(ind) = nrm1 if (nrm1.le.zero) then ierr = -3 return endif ! ! scale the resulting vector ! fct = one / nrm1 do 80 k = 1, n vec(k,ind) = vec(k,ind) * fct 80 continue ops = ops + n + 1 ! ! normal return ! ierr = 0 return ! end surbotine mgsro end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine entline(outf,mat,its,kk) implicit none integer outf, kk,its(kk),k character mat*70 ! double precision :: err(kk), res(kk) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(outf,100) mat(19:29),(its(k),k=1,8) 100 format (a,' & ', 8(i4,' & '),'\\\\ \\hline') return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine stb_test(n,sol,alu,jlu,ju,tmax) implicit none integer n, jlu(*),ju(*) double precision :: sol(n),alu(*),tmax !----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision :: max, t, abs integer j ! call lusol(n,sol,sol,alu,jlu,ju,30*n) ! tmax = 0.0 do j=1, n t = abs(sol(j)) tmax = max(t,tmax) enddo return end subroutine xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension xyke(2,2), x(*), y(*), ijk(node,*) ! ! this is the identity matrix. ! xyke(1,1) = 1.0d0 xyke(2,2) = 1.0d0 xyke(1,2) = 0.0d0 xyke(2,1) = 0.0d0 return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! S P A R S K I T c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! MATRIX GENERATION ROUTINES -- FINITE DIFFERENCE MATRICES c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c ! contents: c !---------- c ! gen57pt : generates 5-point and 7-point matrices. c ! gen57bl : generates block 5-point and 7-point matrices. c ! c ! supporting routines: c !--------- c ! gensten : generate the stencil (point version) c ! bsten : generate the stencil (block version) c ! fdaddbc : finite difference add boundary conditions c ! fdreduce : reduce the system to eliminate node with known values c ! clrow : clear a row of a CSR matrix c ! lctcsr : locate the position of A(i,j) in CSR format c !----------------------------------------------------------------------c subroutine gen57pt(nx,ny,nz,al,mode,n,a,ja,ia,iau,rhs) integer ja(*),ia(*),iau(*), nx, ny, nz, mode, n double precision :: a(*), rhs(*), al(6) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! On entry: ! ! nx = number of grid points in x direction ! ny = number of grid points in y direction ! nz = number of grid points in z direction ! al = array of size 6, carries the coefficient alpha of the ! boundary conditions ! mode = what to generate: ! < 0 : generate the graph only, ! = 0 : generate the matrix, ! > 0 : generate the matrix and the right-hand side. ! ! On exit: ! ! n = number of nodes with unknown values, ie number of rows ! in the matrix ! ! a,ja,ia = resulting matrix in row-sparse format ! ! iau = integer*n, containing the poisition of the diagonal element ! in the a, ja, ia structure ! ! rhs = the right-hand side ! ! External functions needed (must be supplied by caller) ! afun, bfun, cfun, dfun, efun, ffun, gfun, hfun ! betfun, gamfun ! They have the following prototype: ! double precision :: function xfun(x, y, z) ! double precision :: x, y, z !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine computes the sparse matrix in compressed sparse row ! format for the elliptic equation: ! d du d du d du du du du ! L u = --(A --) + --(B --) + --(C --) + D -- + E -- + F -- + G u = H u ! dx dx dy dy dz dz dx dy dz ! ! with general Mixed Boundary conditions, on a rectangular 1-D, ! 2-D or 3-D grid using 2nd order centered difference schemes. ! ! The functions a, b, ..., g, h are known through the ! as afun, bfun, ..., gfun, hfun in this subroutine. ! NOTE: To obtain the correct matrix, any function that is not ! needed should be set to zero. For example for two-dimensional ! problems, nz should be set to 1 and the functions cfun and ffun ! should be zero functions. ! ! The Boundary condition is specified in the following form: ! du ! alpha -- + beta u = gamma ! dn ! Where alpha is constant at each side of the boundary surfaces. Alpha ! is represented by parameter al. It is expected to an array that ! contains enough elements to specify the boundaries for the problem, ! 1-D case needs two elements, 2-D needs 4 and 3-D needs 6. The order ! of the boundaries in the array is left(west), right(east), ! bottom(south), top(north), front, rear. Beta and gamma are functions ! of type real with three arguments x, y, z. These two functions are ! known subroutine 'addbc' as betfun and gamfun. They should following ! the same notion as afun ... hfun. For more restriction on afun ... ! hfun, please read the documentation follows the subroutine 'getsten', ! and, for more on betfun and gamfun, please refer to the documentation ! under subroutine 'fdaddbc'. ! ! The nodes are ordered using natural ordering, first x direction, then ! y, then z. The mesh size h is uniform and determined by grid points ! in the x-direction. ! ! The domain specified for the problem is [0 .ge. x .ge. 1], ! [0 .ge. y .ge. (ny-1)*h] and [0 .ge. z .ge. (nz-1)*h], where h is ! 1 / (nx-1). Thus if non-Dirichlet boundary condition is specified, ! the mesh will have nx points along the x direction, ny along y and ! nz along z. For 1-D case, both y and z value are assumed to zero ! when calling relavent functions that have three parameters. ! Similarly, for 2-D case, z is assumed to be zero. ! ! About the expectation of nx, ny and nz: ! nx is required to be .gt. 1 always; ! if the second dimension is present in the problem, then ny should be ! .gt. 1, else 1; ! if the third dimension is present in the problem, nz .gt. 1, else 1. ! when ny is 1, nz must be 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! stencil [1:7] has the following meaning: ! ! center point = stencil(1) ! west point = stencil(2) ! east point = stencil(3) ! south point = stencil(4) ! north point = stencil(5) ! front point = stencil(6) ! back point = stencil(7) ! ! al[1:6] carry the coefficient alpha in the similar order ! ! west side = al(1) ! east side = al(2) ! south side = al(3) ! north side = al(4) ! front side = al(5) ! back side = al(6) ! ! al(4) ! st(5) ! | ! | ! | al(6) ! | .st(7) ! | . ! al(1) | . al(2) ! st(2) ----------- st(1) ---------- st(3) ! . | ! . | ! . | ! st(6) | ! al(5) | ! | ! st(4) ! al(3) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! some constants ! double precision :: one parameter (one=1.0D0) ! ! local variables ! integer ix, iy, iz, kx, ky, kz, node, iedge double precision :: r, h, stencil(7) logical value, genrhs ! ! nx has to be larger than 1 ! if (nx.le.1) return h = one / dble(nx-1) ! ! the mode ! value = (mode.ge.0) genrhs = (mode.gt.0) ! ! first generate the whole matrix as if the boundary condition does ! not exist ! kx = 1 ky = nx kz = nx*ny iedge = 1 node = 1 do 100 iz = 1,nz do 90 iy = 1,ny do 80 ix = 1,nx ia(node) = iedge ! ! compute the stencil at the current node ! if (value) call getsten(nx,ny,nz,mode,ix-1,iy-1,iz-1,stencil,h,r) ! west if (ix.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-kx if (value) a(iedge) = stencil(2) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! south if (iy.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-ky if (value) a(iedge) = stencil(4) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! front plane if (iz.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-kz if (value) a(iedge) = stencil(6) iedge=iedge + 1 endif ! center node ja(iedge) = node iau(node) = iedge if (value) a(iedge) = stencil(1) iedge = iedge + 1 ! east if (ix.lt.nx) then ja(iedge)=node+kx if (value) a(iedge) = stencil(3) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! north if (iy.lt.ny) then ja(iedge)=node+ky if (value) a(iedge) = stencil(5) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! back plane if (iz.lt.nz) then ja(iedge)=node+kz if (value) a(iedge) = stencil(7) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! the right-hand side if (genrhs) rhs(node) = r node=node+1 80 continue 90 continue 100 continue ia(node)=iedge ! ! Add in the boundary conditions ! call fdaddbc(nx,ny,nz,a,ja,ia,iau,rhs,al,h) ! ! eliminate the boudary nodes from the matrix ! call fdreduce(nx,ny,nz,al,n,a,ja,ia,iau,rhs,stencil) ! ! done ! return !-----end-of-gen57pt---------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine getsten (nx,ny,nz,mode,kx,ky,kz,stencil,h,rhs) integer nx,ny,nz,mode,kx,ky,kz double precision :: stencil(*),h,rhs,afun,bfun,cfun,dfun,efun,ffun,gfun,hfun external afun,bfun,cfun,dfun,efun,ffun,gfun,hfun !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine calculates the correct stencil values for ! centered difference discretization of the elliptic operator ! and the right-hand side ! ! L u = delx( A delx u ) + dely ( B dely u) + delz ( C delz u ) + ! delx ( D u ) + dely (E u) + delz( F u ) + G u = H ! ! For 2-D problems the discretization formula that is used is: ! ! h**2 * Lu == A(i+1/2,j)*{u(i+1,j) - u(i,j)} + ! A(i-1/2,j)*{u(i-1,j) - u(i,j)} + ! B(i,j+1/2)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j)} + ! B(i,j-1/2)*{u(i,j-1) - u(i,j)} + ! (h/2)*D(i,j)*{u(i+1,j) - u(i-1,j)} + ! (h/2)*E(i,j)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1)} + ! (h/2)*E(i,j)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1)} + ! (h**2)*G(i,j)*u(i,j) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! some constants ! double precision :: zero, half parameter (zero=0.0D0,half=0.5D0) ! ! local variables ! integer k double precision :: hhalf,cntr, x, y, z, coeff ! ! if mode < 0, we shouldn't have come here ! if (mode .lt. 0) return ! do 200 k=1,7 stencil(k) = zero 200 continue ! hhalf = h*half x = h*dble(kx) y = h*dble(ky) z = h*dble(kz) cntr = zero ! differentiation wrt x: coeff = afun(x+hhalf,y,z) stencil(3) = stencil(3) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff ! coeff = afun(x-hhalf,y,z) stencil(2) = stencil(2) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff ! coeff = dfun(x,y,z)*hhalf stencil(3) = stencil(3) + coeff stencil(2) = stencil(2) - coeff if (ny .le. 1) goto 99 ! ! differentiation wrt y: ! coeff = bfun(x,y+hhalf,z) stencil(5) = stencil(5) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff ! coeff = bfun(x,y-hhalf,z) stencil(4) = stencil(4) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff ! coeff = efun(x,y,z)*hhalf stencil(5) = stencil(5) + coeff stencil(4) = stencil(4) - coeff if (nz .le. 1) goto 99 ! ! differentiation wrt z: ! coeff = cfun(x,y,z+hhalf) stencil(7) = stencil(7) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff ! coeff = cfun(x,y,z-hhalf) stencil(6) = stencil(6) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff ! coeff = ffun(x,y,z)*hhalf stencil(7) = stencil(7) + coeff stencil(6) = stencil(6) - coeff ! ! contribution from function G: ! 99 coeff = gfun(x,y,z) stencil(1) = h*h*coeff - cntr ! ! the right-hand side ! if (mode .gt. 0) rhs = h*h*hfun(x,y,z) ! return !------end-of-getsten--------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine gen57bl (nx,ny,nz,nfree,na,n,a,ja,ia,iau,stencil) ! implicit double precision :: (a-h,o-z) integer ja(*),ia(*),iau(*),nx,ny,nz,nfree,na,n double precision :: a(na,1), stencil(7,1) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine computes the sparse matrix in compressed ! format for the elliptic operator ! ! L u = delx( a . delx u ) + dely ( b . dely u) + delz ( c . delz u ) + !c delx ( d . u ) + dely (e . u) + delz( f . u ) + g . u ! ! Here u is a vector of nfree componebts and each of the functions ! a, b, c, d, e, f, g is an (nfree x nfree) matrix depending of ! the coordinate (x,y,z). ! with Dirichlet Boundary conditions, on a rectangular 1-D, ! 2-D or 3-D grid using centered difference schemes. ! ! The functions a, b, ..., g are known through the ! subroutines afunbl, bfunbl, ..., gfunbl. (user supplied) . ! ! uses natural ordering, first x direction, then y, then z ! mesh size h is uniform and determined by grid points ! in the x-direction. ! ! The output matrix is in Block -- Sparse Row format. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! parameters: !------------- ! Input: ! ------ ! nx = number of points in x direction ! ny = number of points in y direction ! nz = number of points in z direction ! nfree = number of degrees of freedom per point ! na = first dimension of array a as declared in calling ! program. Must be .ge. nfree**2 ! ! Output: ! ------ ! n = dimension of matrix (output) ! ! a, ja, ia = resulting matrix in Block Sparse Row format ! a(1:nfree**2, j ) contains a nonzero block and ja(j) ! contains the (block) column number of this block. ! the block dimension of the matrix is n (output) and ! therefore the total number of (scalar) rows is n x nfree. ! ! iau = integer*n containing the position of the diagonal element ! in the a, ja, ia structure ! ! Work space: !------------ ! stencil = work array of size (7,nfree**2) [stores local stencils] ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! stencil (1:7,*) has the following meaning: ! ! center point = stencil(1) ! west point = stencil(2) ! east point = stencil(3) ! south point = stencil(4) ! north point = stencil(5) ! front point = stencil(6) ! back point = stencil(7) ! ! ! st(5) ! | ! | ! | ! | .st(7) ! | . ! | . ! st(2) ----------- st(1) ---------- st(3) ! . | ! . | ! . | ! st(6) | ! | ! | ! st(4) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! some constants ! double precision :: one parameter (one=1.0D0) ! ! local variables ! integer iedge,ix,iy,iz,k,kx,ky,kz,nfree2,node double precision :: h ! h = one/dble(nx+1) kx = 1 ky = nx kz = nx*ny nfree2 = nfree*nfree iedge = 1 node = 1 do 100 iz = 1,nz do 90 iy = 1,ny do 80 ix = 1,nx ia(node) = iedge call bsten(nx,ny,nz,ix,iy,iz,nfree,stencil,h) ! west if (ix.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-kx do 4 k=1,nfree2 a(k,iedge) = stencil(2,k) 4 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! south if (iy.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-ky do 5 k=1,nfree2 a(k,iedge) = stencil(4,k) 5 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! front plane if (iz.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-kz do 6 k=1,nfree2 a(k,iedge) = stencil(6,k) 6 continue iedge=iedge + 1 endif ! center node ja(iedge) = node iau(node) = iedge do 7 k=1,nfree2 a(k,iedge) = stencil(1,k) 7 continue iedge = iedge + 1 ! -- upper part ! east if (ix.lt.nx) then ja(iedge)=node+kx do 8 k=1,nfree2 a(k,iedge) = stencil(3,k) 8 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! north if (iy.lt.ny) then ja(iedge)=node+ky do 9 k=1,nfree2 a(k,iedge) = stencil(5,k) 9 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! back plane if (iz.lt.nz) then ja(iedge)=node+kz do 10 k=1,nfree2 a(k,iedge) = stencil(7,k) 10 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if !------next node ------------------------- node=node+1 80 continue 90 continue 100 continue ! ! -- new version of BSR -- renumbering removed. ! change numbering of nodes so that each ja(k) will contain the ! actual column number in the original matrix of entry (1,1) of each ! block (k). ! do 101 k=1,iedge-1 ! ja(k) = (ja(k)-1)*nfree+1 ! 101 continue ! ! n = (node-1)*nfree n = node-1 ia(node)=iedge return !--------------end-of-gen57bl------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine bsten (nx,ny,nz,kx,ky,kz,nfree,stencil,h) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine calcultes the correct block-stencil values for ! centered difference discretization of the elliptic operator ! (block version of stencil) ! ! L u = delx( a delx u ) + dely ( b dely u) + delz ( c delz u ) + ! d delx ( u ) + e dely (u) + f delz( u ) + g u ! ! For 2-D problems the discretization formula that is used is: ! ! h**2 * Lu == a(i+1/2,j)*{u(i+1,j) - u(i,j)} + !c a(i-1/2,j)*{u(i-1,j) - u(i,j)} + ! b(i,j+1/2)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j)} + ! b(i,j-1/2)*{u(i,j-1) - u(i,j)} + ! (h/2)*d(i,j)*{u(i+1,j) - u(i-1,j)} + ! (h/2)*e(i,j)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1)} + ! (h/2)*e(i,j)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1)} + ! (h**2)*g(i,j)*u(i,j) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! some constants ! double precision :: zero,half parameter(zero=0.0D0,half=0.5D0) ! ! local variables ! integer :: i,k,kx,ky,kz,nfree,nfree2,nx,ny,nz double precision :: stencil(7,*) double precision :: cntr(225), coeff(225),h,h2,hhalf,x,y,z, xh,yh,zh !------------ if (nfree .gt. 15) then print *, ' ERROR ** nfree too large ' stop endif ! nfree2 = nfree*nfree do 200 k=1, nfree2 cntr(k) = zero do 199 i=1,7 stencil(i,k) = zero 199 continue 200 continue !------------ hhalf = h*half h2 = h*h x = h*dble(kx) y = h*dble(ky) z = h*dble(kz) ! differentiation wrt x: xh = x+hhalf call afunbl(nfree,xh,y,z,coeff) do 1 k=1, nfree2 stencil(3,k) = stencil(3,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 1 continue ! xh = x-hhalf call afunbl(nfree,xh,y,z,coeff) do 2 k=1, nfree2 stencil(2,k) = stencil(2,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 2 continue ! call dfunbl(nfree,x,y,z,coeff) do 3 k=1, nfree2 stencil(3,k) = stencil(3,k) + coeff(k)*hhalf stencil(2,k) = stencil(2,k) - coeff(k)*hhalf 3 continue if (ny .le. 1) goto 99 ! ! differentiation wrt y: ! call bfunbl(nfree,x,y+hhalf,z,coeff) do 4 k=1,nfree2 stencil(5,k) = stencil(5,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 4 continue ! call bfunbl(nfree,x,y-hhalf,z,coeff) do 5 k=1, nfree2 stencil(4,k) = stencil(4,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 5 continue ! call efunbl(nfree,x,y,z,coeff) do 6 k=1, nfree2 stencil(5,k) = stencil(5,k) + coeff(k)*hhalf stencil(4,k) = stencil(4,k) - coeff(k)*hhalf 6 continue if (nz .le. 1) goto 99 ! ! differentiation wrt z: ! call cfunbl(nfree,x,y,z+hhalf,coeff) do 7 k=1, nfree2 stencil(7,k) = stencil(7,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 7 continue ! call cfunbl(nfree,x,y,z-hhalf,coeff) do 8 k=1, nfree2 stencil(6,k) = stencil(6,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 8 continue ! call ffunbl(nfree,x,y,z,coeff) do 9 k=1, nfree2 stencil(7,k) = stencil(7,k) + coeff(k)*hhalf stencil(6,k) = stencil(6,k) - coeff(k)*hhalf 9 continue ! ! discretization of product by g: ! 99 call gfunbl(nfree,x,y,z,coeff) do 10 k=1, nfree2 stencil(1,k) = h2*coeff(k) - cntr(k) 10 continue ! return !------------end of bsten----------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine fdreduce(nx,ny,nz,alpha,n,a,ja,ia,iau,rhs,stencil) implicit none integer nx,ny, nz, n, ia(*), ja(*), iau(*) double precision :: alpha(*), a(*), rhs(*), stencil(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine tries to reduce the size of the matrix by looking ! for Dirichlet boundary conditions at each surface and solve the boundary ! value and modify the right-hand side of related nodes, then clapse all ! the boundary nodes. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! parameters ! double precision :: zero parameter(zero=0.0D0) ! ! local variables ! integer i,j,k,kx,ky,kz,lx,ux,ly,uy,lz,uz,node,nbnode,lk,ld,iedge double precision :: val integer lctcsr external lctcsr ! ! The first half of this subroutine will try to change the right-hand ! side of all the nodes that has a neighbor with Dirichlet boundary ! condition, since in this case the value of the boundary point is ! known. ! Then in the second half, we will try to eliminate the boundary ! points with known values (with Dirichlet boundary condition). ! kx = 1 ky = nx kz = nx*ny lx = 1 ux = nx ly = 1 uy = ny lz = 1 uz = nz ! ! Here goes the first part. ---------------------------------------- ! ! the left (west) side ! if (alpha(1) .eq. zero) then lx = 2 do 10 k = 1, nz do 11 j = 1, ny node = (k-1)*kz + (j-1)*ky + 1 nbnode = node + kx lk = lctcsr(nbnode, node, ja, ia) ld = iau(node) val = rhs(node)/a(ld) ! modify the rhs rhs(nbnode) = rhs(nbnode) - a(lk)*val 11 continue 10 continue endif ! ! right (east) side ! if (alpha(2) .eq. zero) then ux = nx - 1 do 20 k = 1, nz do 21 j = 1, ny node = (k-1)*kz + (j-1)*ky + nx nbnode = node - kx lk = lctcsr(nbnode, node, ja, ia) ld = iau(node) val = rhs(node)/a(ld) ! modify the rhs rhs(nbnode) = rhs(nbnode) - a(lk)*val 21 continue 20 continue endif ! ! if it's only 1-D, skip the following part ! if (ny .le. 1) goto 100 ! ! the bottom (south) side ! if (alpha(3) .eq. zero) then ly = 2 do 30 k = 1, nz do 31 i = lx, ux node = (k-1)*kz + i nbnode = node + ky lk = lctcsr(nbnode, node, ja, ia) ld = iau(node) val = rhs(node)/a(ld) ! modify the rhs rhs(nbnode) = rhs(nbnode) - a(lk)*val 31 continue 30 continue endif ! ! top (north) side ! if (alpha(4) .eq. zero) then uy = ny - 1 do 40 k = 1, nz do 41 i = lx, ux node = (k-1)*kz + i + (ny-1)*ky nbnode = node - ky lk = lctcsr(nbnode, node, ja, ia) ld = iau(node) val = rhs(node)/a(ld) ! modify the rhs rhs(nbnode) = rhs(nbnode) - a(lk)*val 41 continue 40 continue endif ! ! if only 2-D skip the following section on z ! if (nz .le. 1) goto 100 ! ! the front surface ! if (alpha(5) .eq. zero) then lz = 2 do 50 j = ly, uy do 51 i = lx, ux node = (j-1)*ky + i nbnode = node + kz lk = lctcsr(nbnode, node, ja, ia) ld = iau(node) val = rhs(node)/a(ld) ! modify the rhs rhs(nbnode) = rhs(nbnode) - a(lk)*val 51 continue 50 continue endif ! ! rear surface ! if (alpha(6) .eq. zero) then uz = nz - 1 do 60 j = ly, uy do 61 i = lx, ux node = (nz-1)*kz + (j-1)*ky + i nbnode = node - kz lk = lctcsr(nbnode, node, ja, ia) ld = iau(node) val = rhs(node)/a(ld) ! modify the rhs rhs(nbnode) = rhs(nbnode) - a(lk)*val 61 continue 60 continue endif ! ! now the second part ---------------------------------------------- ! ! go through all the actual nodes with unknown values, collect all ! of them to form a new matrix in compressed sparse row format. ! 100 kx = 1 ky = ux - lx + 1 kz = (uy - ly + 1) * ky node = 1 iedge = 1 do 80 k = lz, uz do 81 j = ly, uy do 82 i = lx, ux ! ! the corresponding old node number nbnode = ((k-1)*ny + j-1)*nx + i ! ! copy the row into local stencil, copy is done is the exact ! same order as the stencil is written into array a lk = ia(nbnode) if (i.gt.1) then stencil(2) = a(lk) lk = lk + 1 end if if (j.gt.1) then stencil(4) = a(lk) lk = lk + 1 end if if (k.gt.1) then stencil(6) = a(lk) lk = lk + 1 end if stencil(1) = a(lk) lk = lk + 1 if (i.lt.nx) then stencil(3) = a(lk) lk = lk + 1 endif if (j.lt.ny) then stencil(5) = a(lk) lk = lk + 1 end if if (k.lt.nz) stencil(7) = a(lk) ! ! first the ia pointer -- points to the beginning of each row ia(node) = iedge ! ! move the values from the local stencil to the new matrix ! ! the neighbor on the left (west) if (i.gt.lx) then ja(iedge)=node-kx a(iedge) =stencil(2) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! the neighbor below (south) if (j.gt.ly) then ja(iedge)=node-ky a(iedge)=stencil(4) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! the neighbor in the front if (k.gt.lz) then ja(iedge)=node-kz a(iedge)=stencil(6) iedge=iedge + 1 endif ! center node (itself) ja(iedge) = node iau(node) = iedge a(iedge) = stencil(1) iedge = iedge + 1 ! the neighbor to the right (east) if (i.lt.ux) then ja(iedge)=node+kx a(iedge)=stencil(3) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! the neighbor above (north) if (j.lt.uy) then ja(iedge)=node+ky a(iedge)=stencil(5) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! the neighbor at the back if (k.lt.uz) then ja(iedge)=node+kz a(iedge)=stencil(7) iedge=iedge + 1 end if ! the right-hand side rhs(node) = rhs(nbnode) !------next node ------------------------- node=node+1 ! 82 continue 81 continue 80 continue ! ia(node) = iedge ! ! the number of nodes in the final matrix is stored in n ! n = node - 1 return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !-----end of fdreduce----------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine fdaddbc(nx,ny,nz,a,ja,ia,iau,rhs,al,h) integer nx, ny, nz, ia(nx*ny*nz), ja(7*nx*ny*nz), iau(nx*ny*nz) double precision :: h, al(6), a(7*nx*ny*nz), rhs(nx*ny*nz) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine will add the boundary condition to the linear system ! consutructed without considering the boundary conditions ! ! The Boundary condition is specified in the following form: ! du ! alpha -- + beta u = gamma ! dn ! Alpha is stored in array AL. The six side of the boundary appares ! in AL in the following order: left(west), right(east), bottom(south), ! top(north), front, back(rear). (see also the illustration in gen57pt) ! Beta and gamma appears as the functions, betfun and gamfun. ! They have the following prototype ! ! double precision :: function xxxfun(x, y, z) ! double precision :: x, y, z ! ! where x, y, z are vales in the range of [0, 1][0, (ny-1)*h] ! [0, (nz-1)*h] ! ! At the corners or boundary lines, the boundary conditions are applied ! in the follow order: ! 1) if one side is Dirichlet boundary condition, the Dirichlet boundary ! condition is used; ! 2) if more than one sides are Dirichlet, the Direichlet condition ! specified for X direction boundary will overwrite the one specified ! for Y direction boundary which in turn has priority over Z ! direction boundaries. ! 3) when all sides are non-Dirichlet, the average values are used. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! some constants ! double precision :: half,zero,one,two parameter(half=0.5D0,zero=0.0D0,one=1.0D0,two=2.0D0) ! ! local variables ! character*2 side integer i,j,k,kx,ky,kz,node,nbr,ly,uy,lx,ux double precision :: coeff, ctr, hhalf, x, y, z double precision :: afun, bfun, cfun, dfun, efun, ffun, gfun, hfun external afun, bfun, cfun, dfun, efun, ffun, gfun, hfun double precision :: betfun, gamfun integer lctcsr external lctcsr, betfun, gamfun ! hhalf = half * h kx = 1 ky = nx kz = nx*ny ! ! In 3-D case, we need to go through all 6 faces one by one. If ! the actual dimension is lower, test on ny is performed first. ! If ny is less or equals to 1, then the value of nz is not ! checked. !----- ! the surface on the left (west) side ! Concentrate on the contribution from the derivatives related to x, ! The terms with derivative of x was assumed to be: ! ! a(3/2,j,k)*[u(2,j,k)-u(1,j,k)] + a(1/2,j,k)*[u(0,j,k)-u(1,j,k)] + ! h*d(1,j,k)*[u(2,j,k)-u(0,j,k)]/2 ! ! But they actually are: ! ! 2*{a(3/2,j,k)*[u(2,j,k)-u(1,j,k)] - ! h*a(1,j,k)*[beta*u(1,j,k)-gamma]/alpha]} + ! h*h*d(1,j,k)*[beta*u(1,j,k)-gamma]/alpha ! ! Therefore, in terms of local stencil the right neighbor of a node ! should be changed to 2*a(3/2,j,k), ! The matrix never contains the left neighbor on this border, nothing ! needs to be done about it. ! The following terms should be added to the center stencil: ! -a(3/2,j,k) + a(1/2,j,k) + [h*d(1,j,k)-2*a(1,j,k)]*h*beta/alpha ! ! And these terms should be added to the corresponding right-hand side ! [h*d(1,j,k)-2*a(1,j,k)]*h*gamma/alpha ! ! Obviously, the formula do not apply for the Dirichlet Boundary ! Condition, where alpha will be zero. In that case, we simply set ! all the elements in the corresponding row to zero(0), then let ! the diagonal element be beta, and the right-hand side be gamma. ! Thus the value of u at that point will be set. Later on point ! like this will be removed from the matrix, since they are of ! know value before solving the system.(not done in this subroutine) ! x = zero side = 'x1' do 20 k = 1, nz z = (k-1)*h do 21 j = 1, ny y = (j-1)*h node = 1+(j-1)*ky+(k-1)*kz ! ! check to see if it's Dirichlet Boundary condition here ! if (al(1) .eq. zero) then call clrow(node, a, ja, ia) a(iau(node)) = betfun(side,x,y,z) rhs(node) = gamfun(side,x,y,z) else ! ! compute the terms formulated above to modify the matrix. ! ! the right neighbor is stroed in nbr'th posiiton in the a nbr = lctcsr(node, node+kx, ja, ia) ! coeff = two*afun(x,y,z) ctr = (h*dfun(x,y,z) - coeff)*h/al(1) rhs(node) = rhs(node) + ctr * gamfun(side,x,y,z) ctr = afun(x-hhalf,y,z) + ctr * betfun(side,x,y,z) coeff = afun(x+hhalf,y,z) a(iau(node)) = a(iau(node)) - coeff + ctr a(nbr) = two*coeff end if 21 continue 20 continue ! ! the right (east) side boudary, similarly, the contirbution from ! the terms containing the derivatives of x were assumed to be ! ! a(nx+1/2,j,k)*[u(nx+1,j,k)-u(nx,j,k)] + ! a(nx-1/2,j,k)*[u(nx-1,j,k)-u(nx,j,k)] + ! d(nx,j,k)*[u(nx+1,j,k)-u(nx-1,j,k)]*h/2 ! ! Actualy they are: ! ! 2*{h*a(nx,j,k)*[gamma-beta*u(nx,j,k)]/alpha + ! a(nx-1/2,j,k)*[u(nx-1,j,k)-u(nx,j,k)]} + ! h*h*d(nx,j,k)*[gamma-beta*u(nx,j,k)]/alpha ! ! The left stencil has to be set to 2*a(nx-1/2,j,k) ! ! The following terms have to be added to the center stencil: ! ! -a(nx-1/2,j,k)+a(nx+1/2,j,k)-[2*a(nx,j,k)+h*d(nx,j,k)]*beta/alpha ! ! The following terms have to be added to the right-hand side: ! ! -[2*a(nx,j,k)+h*d(nx,j,k)]*h*gamma/alpha ! x = one side = 'x2' do 22 k = 1, nz z = (k-1)*h do 23 j = 1, ny y = (j-1)*h node = (k-1)*kz + j*ky ! if (al(2) .eq. zero) then call clrow(node, a, ja, ia) a(iau(node)) = betfun(side,x,y,z) rhs(node) = gamfun(side,x,y,z) else nbr = lctcsr(node, node-kx, ja, ia) ! coeff = two*afun(x,y,z) ctr = (coeff + h*dfun(x,y,z))*h/al(2) rhs(node) = rhs(node) - ctr * gamfun(side,x,y,z) ctr = afun(x+hhalf,y,z) - ctr * betfun(side,x,y,z) coeff = afun(x-hhalf,y,z) a(iau(node)) = a(iau(node)) - coeff + ctr a(nbr) = two*coeff end if 23 continue 22 continue ! ! If only one dimension, return now ! if (ny .le. 1) return ! ! the bottom (south) side suface, This similar to the situation ! with the left side, except all the function and realted variation ! should be on the y. ! ! These two block if statment here is to resolve the possible conflict ! of assign the boundary value differently by different side of the ! Dirichlet Boundary Conditions. They ensure that the edges that have ! be assigned a specific value will not be reassigned. ! if (al(1) .eq. zero) then lx = 2 else lx = 1 end if if (al(2) .eq. zero) then ux = nx-1 else ux = nx end if y = zero side = 'y1' do 24 k = 1, nz z = (k-1)*h do 25 i = lx, ux x = (i-1)*h node = i + (k-1)*kz ! if (al(3) .eq. zero) then call clrow(node, a, ja, ia) a(iau(node)) = betfun(side,x,y,z) rhs(node) = gamfun(side,x,y,z) else nbr = lctcsr(node, node+ky, ja, ia) ! coeff = two*bfun(x,y,z) ctr = (h*efun(x,y,z) - coeff)*h/al(3) rhs(node) = rhs(node) + ctr * gamfun(side,x,y,z) ctr = bfun(x,y-hhalf,z) + ctr * betfun(side,x,y,z) coeff = bfun(x,y+hhalf,z) a(iau(node)) = a(iau(node)) - coeff + ctr a(nbr) = two*coeff end if 25 continue 24 continue ! ! The top (north) side, similar to the right side ! y = (ny-1) * h side = 'y2' do 26 k = 1, nz z = (k-1)*h do 27 i = lx, ux x = (i-1)*h node = (k-1)*kz+(ny-1)*ky + i ! if (al(4) .eq. zero) then call clrow(node, a, ja, ia) a(iau(node)) = betfun(side,x,y,z) rhs(node) = gamfun(side,x,y,z) else nbr = lctcsr(node, node-ky, ja, ia) ! coeff = two*bfun(x,y,z) ctr = (coeff + h*efun(x,y,z))*h/al(4) rhs(node) = rhs(node) - ctr * gamfun(side,x,y,z) ctr = bfun(x,y+hhalf,z) - ctr * betfun(side,x,y,z) coeff = bfun(x,y-hhalf,z) a(iau(node)) = a(iau(node)) - coeff + ctr a(nbr) = two*coeff end if 27 continue 26 continue ! ! If only has two dimesion to work on, return now ! if (nz .le. 1) return ! ! The front side boundary ! ! If the edges of the surface has been decided by Dirichlet Boundary ! Condition, then leave them alone. ! if (al(3) .eq. zero) then ly = 2 else ly = 1 end if if (al(4) .eq. zero) then uy = ny-1 else uy = ny end if ! z = zero side = 'z1' do 28 j = ly, uy y = (j-1)*h do 29 i = lx, ux x = (i-1)*h node = i + (j-1)*ky ! if (al(5) .eq. zero) then call clrow(node, a, ja, ia) a(iau(node)) = betfun(side,x,y,z) rhs(node) = gamfun(side,x,y,z) else nbr = lctcsr(node, node+kz, ja, ia) ! coeff = two*cfun(x,y,z) ctr = (h*ffun(x,y,z) - coeff)*h/al(5) rhs(node) = rhs(node) + ctr * gamfun(side,x,y,z) ctr = cfun(x,y,z-hhalf) + ctr * betfun(side,x,y,z) coeff = cfun(x,y,z+hhalf) a(iau(node)) = a(iau(node)) - coeff + ctr a(nbr) = two*coeff end if 29 continue 28 continue ! ! Similiarly for the top side of the boundary suface ! z = (nz - 1) * h side = 'z2' do 30 j = ly, uy y = (j-1)*h do 31 i = lx, ux x = (i-1)*h node = (nz-1)*kz + (j-1)*ky + i ! if (al(6) .eq. zero) then call clrow(node, a, ja, ia) a(iau(node)) = betfun(side,x,y,z) rhs(node) = gamfun(side,x,y,z) else nbr = lctcsr(node, node-kz, ja, ia) ! coeff = two*cfun(x,y,z) ctr = (coeff + h*ffun(x,y,z))*h/al(6) rhs(node) = rhs(node) - ctr * gamfun(side,x,y,z) ctr = cfun(x,y,z+hhalf) - ctr * betfun(side,x,y,z) coeff = cfun(x,y,z-hhalf) a(iau(node)) = a(iau(node)) - coeff + ctr a(nbr) = two*coeff end if 31 continue 30 continue ! ! all set ! return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !-----end of fdaddbc---------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine clrow(i, a, ja, ia) integer i, ja(*), ia(*), k real *8 a(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! clear the row i to all zero, but still keep the structure of the ! CSR matrix !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 10 k = ia(i), ia(i+1)-1 a(k) = 0.0D0 10 continue ! return !-----end of clrow------------------------------------------------------ end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- function lctcsr(i,j,ja,ia) integer lctcsr, i, j, ja(*), ia(*), k !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! locate the position of a matrix element in a CSR format ! returns -1 if the desired element is zero !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lctcsr = -1 k = ia(i) 10 if (k .lt. ia(i+1) .and. (lctcsr .eq. -1)) then if (ja(k) .eq. j) lctcsr = k k = k + 1 goto 10 end if ! return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !-----end of lctcsr----------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! functions for the block PDE's !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine afunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) integer :: nfree double precision :: x, y, z, coeff(225) do 2 j=1, nfree do 1 i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0d0 1 continue coeff((j-1)*nfree+j) = -1.0d0 2 continue return end subroutine bfunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) integer :: nfree double precision :: x, y, z, coeff(225) do 2 j=1, nfree do 1 i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0d0 1 continue coeff((j-1)*nfree+j) = -1.0d0 2 continue return end subroutine cfunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) integer :: nfree double precision :: x, y, z, coeff(225) do 2 j=1, nfree do 1 i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0d0 1 continue coeff((j-1)*nfree+j) = -1.0d0 2 continue return end subroutine dfunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) integer :: nfree double precision :: x, y, z, coeff(225) do 2 j=1, nfree do 1 i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0d0 1 continue 2 continue return end subroutine efunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) integer :: nfree double precision :: x, y, z, coeff(225) do 2 j=1, nfree do 1 i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0d0 1 continue 2 continue return end subroutine ffunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) integer :: nfree double precision :: x, y, z, coeff(225) do 2 j=1, nfree do 1 i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0d0 1 continue 2 continue return end subroutine gfunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) integer :: nfree double precision :: x, y, z, coeff(225) do 2 j=1, nfree do 1 i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0d0 1 continue 2 continue return end ! NOT THREAD-SAFE subroutine amuxXXX(n, x, y, a,ja,ia) use m_saad, only: jasafe implicit none real*8 x(n), y(n), a(*) integer n, ja(*), ia(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! A times a vector !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! multiplies a matrix by a vector using the dot product form ! Matrix A is stored in compressed sparse row storage. ! ! on entry: !---------- ! n = row dimension of A ! x = real array of length equal to the column dimension of ! the A matrix. ! a, ja, ! ia = input matrix in compressed sparse row format. ! ! on return: !----------- ! y = real array of length n, containing the product y=Ax ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! real*8 t integer i, k !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( jasafe.ne.1 ) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,k,t) do i = 1,n ! ! compute the inner product of row i with vector x ! t = 0.0d0 do k=ia(i), ia(i+1)-1 t = t + a(k)*x(ja(k)) enddo ! ! store result in y(i) ! y(i) = t enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else do i = 1,n t = 0.0d0 do k=ia(i), ia(i+1)-1 t = t + a(k)*x(ja(k)) enddo y(i) = t enddo end if ! return !---------end-of-amux--------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end ! NOT THREAD-SAFE subroutine atmux (n, x, y, a, ja, ia) use m_saad, only: jasafe implicit none real*8 x(*), y(*), a(*) integer n, ia(*), ja(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! transp( A ) times a vector !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! multiplies the transpose of a matrix by a vector when the original ! matrix is stored in compressed sparse row storage. Can also be ! viewed as the product of a matrix by a vector when the original ! matrix is stored in the compressed sparse column format. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! on entry: !---------- ! n = row dimension of A ! x = real array of length equal to the column dimension of ! the A matrix. ! a, ja, ! ia = input matrix in compressed sparse row format. ! ! on return: !----------- ! y = real array of length n, containing the product y=transp(A)*x ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! integer i, k !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! zero out output vector ! ! ! loop over the rows ! if ( jasafe.ne.1 ) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,k) do i = 1,n y(i) = 0.0 do k=ia(i), ia(i+1)-1 y(ja(k)) = y(ja(k)) + x(i)*a(k) enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else do i = 1,n y(i) = 0.0 do k=ia(i), ia(i+1)-1 y(ja(k)) = y(ja(k)) + x(i)*a(k) enddo enddo end if ! return !-------------end-of-atmux---------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine lusol(n, y, x, alu, jlu, ju, nau) double precision :: x(n), y(n), alu(nau) integer n, jlu(nau), ju(nau), nau !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine solves the system (LU) x = y, ! given an LU decomposition of a matrix stored in (alu, jlu, ju) ! modified sparse row format ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! on entry: ! n = dimension of system ! y = the right-hand-side vector ! alu, jlu, ju ! = the LU matrix as provided from the ILU routines. ! ! on return ! x = solution of LU x = y. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Note: routine is in place: call lusol (n, x, x, alu, jlu, ju) ! will solve the system with rhs x and overwrite the result on x . ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! integer i,k ! ! forward solve ! do i = 1, n x(i) = y(i) do k=jlu(i),ju(i)-1 x(i) = x(i) - alu(k)* x(jlu(k)) enddo enddo ! ! backward solve. ! do i = n, 1, -1 do k=ju(i),jlu(i+1)-1 x(i) = x(i) - alu(k)*x(jlu(k)) enddo x(i) = alu(i)*x(i) enddo ! return !----------------end of lusol ------------------------------------------ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lutsol(n, y, x, alu, jlu, ju) double precision :: x(n), y(n), alu(*) integer n, jlu(*), ju(*) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine solves the system Transp(LU) x = y, ! given an LU decomposition of a matrix stored in (alu, jlu, ju) ! modified sparse row format. Transp(M) is the transpose of M. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! on entry: ! n = dimension of system ! y = the right-hand-side vector ! alu, jlu, ju ! = the LU matrix as provided from the ILU routines. ! ! on return ! x = solution of transp(LU) x = y. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Note: routine is in place: call lutsol (n, x, x, alu, jlu, ju) ! will solve the system with rhs x and overwrite the result on x . ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables ! integer i,k ! ! forward solve (with U^T) ! do 20 i = 1, n x(i) = y(i) * alu(i) do 30 k=ju(i),jlu(i+1)-1 x(jlu(k)) = x(jlu(k)) - alu(k)* x(i) 30 continue 20 continue ! ! backward solve (with L^T) ! do 40 i = n, 1, -1 do 50 k=jlu(i),ju(i)-1 x(jlu(k)) = x(jlu(k)) - alu(k)*x(i) 50 continue 40 continue ! return !----------------end of lutsol ----------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !> (re)allocate solver !> it is assumed that number of rows, number of non-zero entries, number of non-zero entries in preconditioner and size of work array are set subroutine allocSolver(solver, ierror) use m_solver use unstruc_messages use m_alloc implicit none type(tsolver), intent(inout) :: solver !< solver integer, intent(inout) :: ierror !< error (1) or not (0) ierror = 1 ! check sizes if ( solver%numrows.le.0 .or. & solver%numnonzeros.le.0 .or. & solver%numnonzerosprecond.le.0 .or. & solver%nwork.le.0 ) then goto 1234 end if call realloc(solver%a, solver%numnonzeros, keepExisting=.false., fill=0d0) call realloc(solver%ia, solver%numrows+1, keepExisting=.false., fill=0) call realloc(solver%ja, solver%numnonzeros, keepExisting=.false., fill=0) call realloc(solver%rhs, solver%numrows, keepExisting=.false., fill=0d0) call realloc(solver%alu, solver%numnonzerosprecond, keepExisting=.false., fill=0d0) call realloc(solver%ju, solver%numrows, keepExisting=.false., fill=0) call realloc(solver%jlu, solver%numnonzerosprecond, keepExisting=.false., fill=0) call realloc(solver%work, solver%nwork, keepExisting=.false., fill=0d0) call realloc(solver%jw, solver%nwork, keepExisting=.false., fill=0) ierror = 0 1234 continue if ( ierror.ne.0 ) then call mess(LEVEL_ERROR, 'alloc_solver: error') call deallocSolver(solver) end if return end subroutine allocSolver !> deallocate solver subroutine deallocSolver(solver) use m_solver use m_alloc implicit none type(tsolver), intent(inout) :: solver !< solver if ( allocated(solver%a) ) deallocate(solver%a) if ( allocated(solver%ia) ) deallocate(solver%ia) if ( allocated(solver%ja) ) deallocate(solver%ja) if ( allocated(solver%rhs) ) deallocate(solver%rhs) if ( allocated(solver%alu) ) deallocate(solver%alu) if ( allocated(solver%ju) ) deallocate(solver%ju) if ( allocated(solver%jlu) ) deallocate(solver%jlu) if ( allocated(solver%work) ) deallocate(solver%work) if ( allocated(solver%jw) ) deallocate(solver%jw) solver%numrows = 0 solver%numnonzeros = 0 solver%numnonzerosprecond = 0 solver%nwork = 0 return end subroutine deallocSolver !> solve linear system subroutine solveSystem(solver,sol,japrecond,iters,ierror) use m_solver implicit none type(tsolver), intent(in) :: solver !< solver double precision, dimension(solver%numrows), intent(inout) :: sol !< solution vector integer, intent(in) :: japrecond !< compute preconditioner (1) or not (0) integer, intent(out) :: iters !< number of iterations integer, intent(inout) :: ierror !< error (1) or not (0) ! double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: w ! integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: jw integer :: N N=solver%numrows ! allocate(w(2*N)) ! allocate(jw(2*N)) ierror = 1 if ( japrecond.eq.1 ) then ! compute preconditioner call ilud(solver%numrows,solver%a,solver%ja,solver%ia,solver%alpha,solver%tol,solver%alu,solver%jlu,solver%ju,solver%numnonzerosprecond,solver%work,solver%jw,ierror,solver%numnonzeros) if ( ierror.ne.0 ) goto 1234 end if ! solve system call runrc2(solver%numrows,solver%rhs,sol,solver%ipar,solver%fpar,solver%work,solver%a,solver%ja,solver%ia,solver%alu,solver%jlu,solver%ju,iters,solver%eps,solver%jabcgstab,ierror,solver%numnonzerosprecond) if ( ierror.ne.0 ) goto 1234 ierror=0 1234 continue ! if ( allocated(w) ) deallocate(w) ! if ( allocated(jw) ) deallocate(jw) return end subroutine solveSystem