using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using Deltares.IONetCDF.Managed.Helpers; using Deltares.IONetCDF.Managed.Interop; using Deltares.IONetCDF.Managed.Tests.Utils; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using NUnit.Framework; using Assert = NUnit.Framework.Assert; namespace Deltares.IONetCDF.Managed.Tests { [TestFixture] public class WrapperTests { private const int MAXSTRLEN = 255; /// /// It's a partly copy of /// //dimension info private int nNodes = 4; private int nBranches = 3; private int nGeometry = 7; private int startIndex = 0; //read methods are 0 based!! //node info private double[] nodesX = { 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 8.0 }; private double[] nodesY = { 4.0, 4.0, 1.0, 4.0 }; private string[] nodesids = { "node1", "node2", "node3", "node4" }; private string[] nodeslongNames = { "nodelong1", "nodelong2", "nodelong3", "nodelong4" }; private int[] sourcenodeid = { 1, 3, 2 }; private int[] targetnodeid = { 2, 2, 4 }; private int[,] network_edges = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 2 }, { 2, 4 } }; private int n_network_edges = 3; //branches //branches info andgeometry info private double[] branchlengths = { 4.0, 3.0, 3.0 }; private double[] geopointsX = { 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, 5.0, 5.0 }; private double[] geopointsY = { 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0 }; private int[] nbranchgeometrypoints = { 2, 3, 2 }; private string[] branchids = { "branch1", "branch2", "branch3" }; private string[] branchlongNames = { "branchlong1", "branchlong2", "branchlong3" }; private int[] branch_order = { -1, -1, -1 }; //mesh dimension private int nmesh1dPoints = 10; private int nedges = 3; private string[] meshpointsids = { "meshpoint1", "meshpoint2", "meshpoint3", "meshpoint4", "meshpoint5", "meshpoint6", "meshpoint7", "meshpoint8", "meshpoint9", "meshpoint10" }; private string[] meshpointslongnames = { "meshpointlongname1", "meshpointlongname2", "meshpointlongname3", "meshpointlongname4", "meshpointlongname5", "meshpointlongname6", "meshpointlongname7", "meshpointlongname8", "meshpointlongname9", "meshpointlongname10" }; //mesh geometry private int[] branchidx = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 }; private double[] offset = { 0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 0.0, 1.5, 3.0 }; private double[] discretisationPointsX = { 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 51.5, 3.0, 0.0, 1.5, 3.0 }; private double[] discretisationPointsY = { 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 51.5, 3.0, 0.0, 1.5, 3.0 }; private int[] edgeBranchidx = { 0, 1, 2}; private double[] edgeOffset = { 0.0, 2.0, 3.0 }; private double[] edgePointsX = { 5.0, 15.0, 25.0}; private double[] edgePointsY = { 5.0, 15.0, 25.0}; private int[,] mesh_node_edges = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 2 }, { 2, 4 } }; //netcdf file specifications private int iconvtype = 2; private double convversion = 0.0; //mesh links private int nlinks = 3; private int linkmesh1 = 1; private int linkmesh2 = 2; private int locationType1 = 1; //node private int locationType2 = 4; //face private int[] mesh1indexes = { 0, 1, 2 }; private int[] mesh2indexes = { 0, 1, 1 }; private string[] linksids = { "link1", "link2", "link3" }; private int[] linktypes = { 3, 3, 3 }; private string[] linkslongnames = { "linklong1", "linklong2", "linklong3" }; // mesh2d private int numberOf2DNodes = 5; private int numberOfFaces = 2; private int numberOfMaxFaceNodes = 4; private double[] mesh2d_nodesX = { 0, 10, 15, 10, 5 }; private double[] mesh2d_nodesY = { 0, 0, 5, 10, 5 }; private double[,] mesh2d_face_nodes = { { 0, 1, 4, -999 }, { 1, 2, 3, 4 } }; //function to check mesh1d data private void check1dmesh(int ioncId, int networkId, ref Wrapper wrapper) { IntPtr c_nodesX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nNodes); IntPtr c_nodesY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nNodes); IntPtr c_sourcenodeid = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nBranches); IntPtr c_targetnodeid = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nBranches); IntPtr c_network_sourcetargetnodeids = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(2 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nNodes); IntPtr c_branchlengths = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nBranches); IntPtr c_nbranchgeometrypoints = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nBranches); IntPtr c_geopointsX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nGeometry); IntPtr c_geopointsY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nGeometry); IntPtr c_branchidx = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nmesh1dPoints); IntPtr c_offset = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nmesh1dPoints); IntPtr c_discretisationPointsX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nmesh1dPoints); IntPtr c_discretisationPointsY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nmesh1dPoints); try { //1. Get the node count int rnNodes = -1; int ierr = wrapper.Get1DNetworkNodesCount(ioncId, networkId, ref rnNodes); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(rnNodes, Is.EqualTo(nNodes)); //2. Get the number of branches int rnBranches = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get1DNetworkBranchesCount(ioncId, networkId, ref rnBranches); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(rnBranches, Is.EqualTo(nBranches)); //3. Get the number of geometry points int rnGeometry = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get1DNetworkBranchesGeometryCoordinateCount(ioncId, networkId, ref rnGeometry); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(rnGeometry, Is.EqualTo(nGeometry)); //4. Get nodes info and coordinates using (var register = new UnmanagedMemoryRegister()) { var idsBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(rnNodes, Wrapper.idssize); var longNamesBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(rnNodes, Wrapper.longnamessize); IntPtr idsPtr = register.AddString(ref idsBuffer); IntPtr longNamesPtr = register.AddString(ref longNamesBuffer); ierr = wrapper.Read1DNetworkNodes(ioncId, networkId, ref c_nodesX, ref c_nodesY, ref idsPtr, ref longNamesPtr, rnNodes); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); double[] rc_nodesX = new double[4]; double[] rc_nodesY = new double[4]; Marshal.Copy(c_nodesX, rc_nodesX, 0, 4); Marshal.Copy(c_nodesY, rc_nodesY, 0, 4); var nodeIds = StringBufferHandling.ParseString(idsPtr, rnNodes, Wrapper.idssize); var nodeLongNames = StringBufferHandling.ParseString(longNamesPtr, rnNodes, Wrapper.longnamessize); for (int i = 0; i < rnNodes; i++) { Assert.That(nodeIds[i].Trim(), Is.EqualTo(nodesids[i])); Assert.That(nodeLongNames[i].Trim(), Is.EqualTo(nodeslongNames[i])); Assert.That(rc_nodesX[i], Is.EqualTo(nodesX[i])); Assert.That(rc_nodesY[i], Is.EqualTo(nodesY[i])); } } //5. Get the branch info and coordinates using (var register = new UnmanagedMemoryRegister()) { var idsBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(rnBranches, Wrapper.idssize); var longNamesBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(rnBranches, Wrapper.longnamessize); IntPtr idsPtr = register.AddString(ref idsBuffer); IntPtr longNamesPtr = register.AddString(ref longNamesBuffer); ierr = wrapper.Read1DNetworkBranches(ioncId, networkId, ref c_sourcenodeid, ref c_targetnodeid, ref c_branchlengths, ref idsPtr, ref longNamesPtr, ref c_nbranchgeometrypoints, rnBranches); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); int[] rc_targetnodeid = new int[3]; int[] rc_sourcenodeid = new int[3]; double[] rc_branchlengths = new double[3]; int[] rc_nbranchgeometrypoints = new int[3]; Marshal.Copy(c_targetnodeid, rc_targetnodeid, 0, 3); Marshal.Copy(c_sourcenodeid, rc_sourcenodeid, 0, 3); Marshal.Copy(c_branchlengths, rc_branchlengths, 0, 3); Marshal.Copy(c_nbranchgeometrypoints, rc_nbranchgeometrypoints, 0, 3); var readBranchIds = StringBufferHandling.ParseString(idsPtr, rnBranches, Wrapper.idssize); var readBranchLongnames = StringBufferHandling.ParseString(longNamesPtr, rnBranches, Wrapper.longnamessize); for (int i = 0; i < rnBranches; i++) { Assert.That(readBranchIds[i].Trim(), Is.EqualTo(branchids[i])); Assert.That(readBranchLongnames[i].Trim(), Is.EqualTo(branchlongNames[i])); // TODO FIX DIT ! //Assert.That(rc_targetnodeid[i], Is.EqualTo(targetnodeid[i])); // TODO Test deltaShellClones2dMesh fails here. //Assert.That(rc_sourcenodeid[i], Is.EqualTo(sourcenodeid[i])); Assert.That(rc_branchlengths[i], Is.EqualTo(branchlengths[i])); Assert.That(rc_nbranchgeometrypoints[i], Is.EqualTo(nbranchgeometrypoints[i])); } } //6. Get the 1d branch geometry ierr = wrapper.Read1DNetworkBranchesGeometry(ioncId, networkId, ref c_geopointsX, ref c_geopointsY, rnGeometry); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); double[] rc_geopointsX = new double[rnGeometry]; double[] rc_geopointsY = new double[rnGeometry]; Marshal.Copy(c_geopointsX, rc_geopointsX, 0, rnGeometry); Marshal.Copy(c_geopointsY, rc_geopointsY, 0, rnGeometry); for (int i = 0; i < rnGeometry; i++) { Assert.That(rc_geopointsX[i], Is.EqualTo(geopointsX[i])); Assert.That(rc_geopointsY[i], Is.EqualTo(geopointsY[i])); } //7. Get the mesh name var rnetworkName = new StringBuilder(MAXSTRLEN); ierr = wrapper.GetMeshName(ioncId, networkId, rnetworkName); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(rnetworkName.ToString().Trim(), Is.EqualTo(IONetCDFConstants.DataSetNames.MESH_1D)); //8. Get the number of mesh points int rnmeshpoints = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get1DMeshDiscretisationPointsCount(ioncId, networkId, ref rnmeshpoints); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(rnmeshpoints, Is.EqualTo(nmesh1dPoints)); //9. Get the coordinates of the mesh points using (var register = new UnmanagedMemoryRegister()) { var idsBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(rnmeshpoints, Wrapper.idssize); var longNamesBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(rnmeshpoints, Wrapper.longnamessize); IntPtr idsPtr = register.AddString(ref idsBuffer); IntPtr longNamesPtr = register.AddString(ref longNamesBuffer); ierr = wrapper.Read1DMeshDiscretisationPoints(ioncId, networkId, ref c_branchidx, ref c_offset, ref c_discretisationPointsX, ref c_discretisationPointsY, ref idsPtr, ref longNamesPtr, rnmeshpoints, startIndex); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); int[] rc_branchidx = new int[rnmeshpoints]; double[] rc_offset = new double[rnmeshpoints]; Marshal.Copy(c_branchidx, rc_branchidx, 0, rnmeshpoints); Marshal.Copy(c_offset, rc_offset, 0, rnmeshpoints); for (int i = 0; i < rnmeshpoints; i++) { Assert.That(rc_branchidx[i], Is.EqualTo(branchidx[i])); Assert.That(rc_offset[i], Is.EqualTo(offset[i])); } } } finally { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_nodesX); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_nodesY); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_sourcenodeid); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_targetnodeid); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_branchlengths); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_nbranchgeometrypoints); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_geopointsX); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_geopointsY); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_branchidx); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_offset); } } private void check2dmesh(int ioncId, int mesh2DId, ref Wrapper wrapper) { IntPtr c_nodesX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numberOf2DNodes); IntPtr c_nodesY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numberOf2DNodes); IntPtr c_face_nodes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * numberOfFaces * numberOfMaxFaceNodes); try { int nnodes = -1; int ierr = wrapper.GetNodeCount(ioncId, mesh2DId, ref nnodes); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(nnodes, Is.EqualTo(5)); int nedge = -1; ierr = wrapper.GetEdgeCount(ioncId, mesh2DId, ref nedge); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(nedge, Is.EqualTo(6)); int nface = -1; ierr = wrapper.GetFaceCount(ioncId, mesh2DId, ref nface); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(nface, Is.EqualTo(numberOfFaces)); int maxfacenodes = -1; ierr = wrapper.GetMaxFaceNodes(ioncId, mesh2DId, ref maxfacenodes); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(maxfacenodes, Is.EqualTo(numberOfMaxFaceNodes)); //get all node coordinates ierr = wrapper.GetNodeCoordinates(ioncId, mesh2DId, ref c_nodesX, ref c_nodesY, nnodes); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); double[] rc_nodeX = new double[numberOf2DNodes]; double[] rc_nodeY = new double[numberOf2DNodes]; Marshal.Copy(c_nodesX, rc_nodeX, 0, nnodes); Marshal.Copy(c_nodesY, rc_nodeY, 0, nnodes); for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { Assert.That(rc_nodeX[i], Is.EqualTo(mesh2d_nodesX[i])); Assert.That(rc_nodeY[i], Is.EqualTo(mesh2d_nodesY[i])); } //Check face nodes int fillvalue = -999; ierr = wrapper.GetFaceNodes(ioncId, mesh2DId, ref c_face_nodes, nface, maxfacenodes, ref fillvalue); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); int[] rc_face_nodes = new int[nface * maxfacenodes]; Marshal.Copy(c_face_nodes, rc_face_nodes, 0, nface * maxfacenodes); int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nface; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < maxfacenodes; j++) { Assert.That(rc_face_nodes[ind], Is.EqualTo(mesh2d_face_nodes[i, j])); //missing values seems to be traited as values and changed by start index diff ind += 1; } } } finally { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_nodesX); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_nodesY); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_face_nodes); } } private void check1D2DLinks(int ioncId, int mesh1D2D, ref Wrapper wrapper) { IntPtr c_mesh1indexes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nlinks); IntPtr c_mesh2indexes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nlinks); IntPtr c_linktypes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nlinks); try { //1. Get the number of links. int r_nlinks = 3; int ierr = wrapper.GetNumberOf1D2DLinks(ref ioncId, ref mesh1D2D, ref r_nlinks); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(r_nlinks, Is.EqualTo(nlinks)); using (var register = new UnmanagedMemoryRegister()) { var idsBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(nlinks, Wrapper.idssize); var longNamesBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(nlinks, Wrapper.longnamessize); IntPtr idsPtr = register.AddString(ref idsBuffer); IntPtr longNamesPtr = register.AddString(ref longNamesBuffer); //2. Get the links values ierr = wrapper.Read1D2DLinks(ioncId, mesh1D2D, ref c_mesh1indexes, ref c_mesh2indexes, ref c_linktypes, ref idsPtr, ref longNamesPtr, ref nlinks); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); int[] rc_mesh1indexes = new int[nlinks]; int[] rc_mesh2indexes = new int[nlinks]; int[] rc_linktypes = new int[nlinks]; Marshal.Copy(c_mesh1indexes, rc_mesh1indexes, 0, nlinks); Marshal.Copy(c_mesh2indexes, rc_mesh2indexes, 0, nlinks); Marshal.Copy(c_linktypes, rc_linktypes, 0, nlinks); var readLnkIds = StringBufferHandling.ParseString(idsPtr, nlinks, Wrapper.idssize); var readLnkLongnames = StringBufferHandling.ParseString(longNamesPtr, nlinks, Wrapper.longnamessize); for (int i = 0; i < nlinks; i++) { Assert.That(readLnkIds[i].Trim(), Is.EqualTo(linksids[i])); Assert.That(readLnkLongnames[i].Trim(), Is.EqualTo(linkslongnames[i])); Assert.That(rc_mesh1indexes[i], Is.EqualTo(mesh1indexes[i])); Assert.That(rc_mesh2indexes[i], Is.EqualTo(mesh2indexes[i])); Assert.That(rc_linktypes[i], Is.EqualTo(linktypes[i])); } } } finally { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_mesh1indexes); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_mesh2indexes); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_linktypes); } } private void write1DNetworkAndMesh(int fileId, ref int networkId, ref int mesh1DId, ref Wrapper wrapper) { //Mesh variables IntPtr c_branchidx = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nmesh1dPoints); IntPtr c_offset = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nmesh1dPoints); IntPtr c_discretisationPointsX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nmesh1dPoints); IntPtr c_discretisationPointsY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nmesh1dPoints); IntPtr c_edgenodes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(2 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nedges); IntPtr c_source_edge_nodeid = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nedges); IntPtr c_target_edge_nodeid = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nedges); IntPtr c_network_sourcetargetnodeids = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nedges); IntPtr c_mesh1d_sourcetargetnodeids = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(2 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nedges); IntPtr c_edgeBranchidx = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nedges); IntPtr c_edgeOffset = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nedges); IntPtr c_edgePointsX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nedges); IntPtr c_edgePointsY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nedges); //IntPtr c_branchlength = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nBranches); //Network variables IntPtr c_branchId = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nBranches); IntPtr c_branchoffset = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nBranches); IntPtr c_nodesX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nNodes); IntPtr c_nodesY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nNodes); IntPtr c_branchlengths_from_gridgeom = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nBranches); IntPtr c_branchlengths = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nBranches); IntPtr c_nbranchgeometrypoints = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nBranches); IntPtr c_geopointsX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nGeometry); IntPtr c_geopointsY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * nGeometry); IntPtr c_branch_order = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nBranches); try { string tmpstring; #region Write1DMesh //1. Create: the assumption here is that nedgenodes is known (we could move this calculation inside ionc_create_1d_mesh) int ierr = wrapper.Create1DMesh(fileId, IONetCDFConstants.DataSetNames.NETWORK, ref mesh1DId, IONetCDFConstants.DataSetNames.MESH_1D, nmesh1dPoints, nedges); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //2a. Create the edges Marshal.Copy(edgeBranchidx, 0, c_edgeBranchidx, nedges); Marshal.Copy(edgeOffset, 0, c_edgeOffset, nedges); Marshal.Copy(edgePointsX, 0, c_edgePointsX, nedges); Marshal.Copy(edgePointsY, 0, c_edgePointsY, nedges); ierr = wrapper.Write1dMeshEdges(fileId, mesh1DId, ref c_edgeBranchidx, c_edgeOffset, nedges, startIndex, c_edgePointsX, c_edgePointsY ); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //2b. Create the edge nodes connections int nedgenodes = 2 * nedges; var marshal_network_sourcetargetnodesid = new int[2 * nedges]; Buffer.BlockCopy(mesh_node_edges, 0, marshal_network_sourcetargetnodesid, 0, nedgenodes); Marshal.Copy(marshal_network_sourcetargetnodesid, 0, c_network_sourcetargetnodeids, nedgenodes); ierr = wrapper.Write1dMeshEdgeNodes(fileId, mesh1DId, nedges, c_network_sourcetargetnodeids, startIndex); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //3. Create the node branchidx, offsets, meshnodeidsinfo Marshal.Copy(offset, 0, c_offset, nmesh1dPoints); Marshal.Copy(discretisationPointsX, 0, c_discretisationPointsX, nmesh1dPoints); Marshal.Copy(discretisationPointsY, 0, c_discretisationPointsY, nmesh1dPoints); using (var register = new UnmanagedMemoryRegister()) { var idsBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(ref meshpointsids, Wrapper.idssize); var longNamesBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(ref meshpointslongnames, Wrapper.longnamessize); IntPtr idsPtr = register.AddString(ref idsBuffer); IntPtr longNamesPtr = register.AddString(ref longNamesBuffer); //4. Write the discretization points ierr = wrapper.Write1DMeshDiscretisationPoints(fileId, mesh1DId, c_branchidx, c_offset, c_discretisationPointsX, c_discretisationPointsY, idsPtr, longNamesPtr, nmesh1dPoints, startIndex); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } #endregion #region Write1DNetwork ierr = -1; tmpstring = ""; //1. Write 1d network network nodes Marshal.Copy(nodesX, 0, c_nodesX, nNodes); Marshal.Copy(nodesY, 0, c_nodesY, nNodes); using (var register = new UnmanagedMemoryRegister()) { var idsBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(ref nodesids, Wrapper.idssize); var longNamesBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(ref nodeslongNames, Wrapper.longnamessize); IntPtr idsPtr = register.AddString(ref idsBuffer); IntPtr longNamesPtr = register.AddString(ref longNamesBuffer); ierr = wrapper.Write1DNetworkNodes(fileId, networkId, c_nodesX, c_nodesY, idsPtr, longNamesPtr, nNodes); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } //2. Write 1d network branches Marshal.Copy(sourcenodeid, 0, c_source_edge_nodeid, nBranches); Marshal.Copy(targetnodeid, 0, c_target_edge_nodeid, nBranches); Marshal.Copy(branchlengths, 0, c_branchlengths, nBranches); Marshal.Copy(nbranchgeometrypoints, 0, c_nbranchgeometrypoints, nBranches); using (var register = new UnmanagedMemoryRegister()) { var idsBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(ref branchids, Wrapper.idssize); var longNamesBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(ref branchlongNames, Wrapper.longnamessize); IntPtr idsPtr = register.AddString(ref idsBuffer); IntPtr longNamesPtr = register.AddString(ref longNamesBuffer); ierr = wrapper.Write1DNetworkBranches(fileId, networkId, c_source_edge_nodeid, c_target_edge_nodeid, idsPtr, longNamesPtr, c_branchlengths, c_nbranchgeometrypoints, nBranches, startIndex); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } //3. Write 1d network geometry Marshal.Copy(geopointsX, 0, c_geopointsX, nGeometry); Marshal.Copy(geopointsY, 0, c_geopointsY, nGeometry); ierr = wrapper.Write1DNetworkBranchesGeometry(fileId, networkId, c_geopointsX, c_geopointsY, nGeometry); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //4. Define the branch order Marshal.Copy(branch_order, 0, c_branch_order, nBranches); ierr = wrapper.Put1DNetworkBranchOrder(fileId, networkId, c_branch_order, nBranches); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); #endregion } finally { FreeMe(c_branchidx); FreeMe(c_offset); FreeMe(c_edgenodes); FreeMe(c_source_edge_nodeid); FreeMe(c_target_edge_nodeid); FreeMe(c_mesh1d_sourcetargetnodeids); FreeMe(c_branchoffset); FreeMe(c_discretisationPointsX); FreeMe(c_discretisationPointsY); FreeMe(c_nodesX); FreeMe(c_nodesY); //FreeMe(c_branchlengths_from_gridgeom); FreeMe(c_branchlengths); FreeMe(c_nbranchgeometrypoints); FreeMe(c_geopointsX); FreeMe(c_geopointsY); FreeMe(c_branch_order); } } private void FreeMe(IntPtr ptr) { try { if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(ptr); ptr = IntPtr.Zero; } catch { //SLURP } } private void write1D2DLinks(int fileId, int mesh1DId, int mesh2DId, ref int mesh1D2DId, ref Wrapper wrapper) { // Links variables IntPtr c_mesh1indexes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nlinks); IntPtr c_mesh2indexes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nlinks); IntPtr c_contacttype = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nlinks); string tmpstring; try { //1. define links var ierr = wrapper.Create1D2DLinks(fileId, ref mesh1D2DId, "1D2Dlinks", nlinks, mesh1DId, mesh2DId, locationType1, locationType2); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //2. write links Marshal.Copy(mesh1indexes, 0, c_mesh1indexes, nlinks); Marshal.Copy(mesh2indexes, 0, c_mesh2indexes, nlinks); Marshal.Copy(linktypes, 0, c_contacttype, nlinks); using (var register = new UnmanagedMemoryRegister()) { var idsBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(ref linksids, Wrapper.idssize); var longNamesBuffer = StringBufferHandling.MakeStringBuffer(ref linkslongnames, Wrapper.longnamessize); IntPtr idsPtr = register.AddString(ref idsBuffer); IntPtr longNamesPtr = register.AddString(ref longNamesBuffer); ierr = wrapper.Write1D2DLinks(fileId, mesh1D2DId, c_mesh1indexes, c_mesh2indexes, c_contacttype, idsPtr, longNamesPtr, nlinks); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } } finally { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_mesh1indexes); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_mesh2indexes); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_contacttype); } } private void addglobalattributes(int ioncId, ref Wrapper wrapper) { string tmpstring; Wrapper.interop_metadata metadata; tmpstring = "Deltares"; tmpstring = tmpstring.PadRight(Wrapper.metadatasize, ' '); metadata.institution = tmpstring.ToCharArray(); tmpstring = "Unknown"; tmpstring = tmpstring.PadRight(Wrapper.metadatasize, ' '); metadata.source = tmpstring.ToCharArray(); tmpstring = "Unknown"; tmpstring = tmpstring.PadRight(Wrapper.metadatasize, ' '); metadata.references = tmpstring.ToCharArray(); tmpstring = "Unknown"; tmpstring = tmpstring.PadRight(Wrapper.metadatasize, ' '); metadata.version = tmpstring.ToCharArray(); tmpstring = "Unknown"; tmpstring = tmpstring.PadRight(Wrapper.metadatasize, ' '); metadata.modelname = tmpstring.ToCharArray(); int ierr = wrapper.AddGlobalAttributes(ioncId, metadata); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } [SetUp] [TestInitialize] public void LoadLib() { IO_NetCDF_DLL.Instance.Load(); } [TearDown] [TestInitialize] public void UnloadLib() { IO_NetCDF_DLL.Instance.Unload(); } //////create the netcdf files [Test] public void Create1dUGRIDNetcdf() { //1. Create a netcdf file int ioncId = 0; //file variable int mode = 1; //create in write mode var ierr = -1; string c_path = TestHelper.GetTestFilePath(@"ugrid\"); c_path = TestHelper.CreateLocalCopy(c_path); FileUtils.DeleteIfExists(c_path); Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(c_path)); var wrapper = new Wrapper(); //2. Create the file, will not add any dataset ierr = wrapper.Create(c_path, mode, ref ioncId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(c_path)); //3. For reading the grid later on we need to add metadata to the netcdf file. // The function AddGlobalAttributes adds to the netCDF file the UGRID convention addglobalattributes(ioncId, ref wrapper); //4. Create a 1d network int networkId = -1; int mesh1D = -1; ierr = wrapper.Create1DNetwork(ioncId, ref networkId, IONetCDFConstants.DataSetNames.NETWORK, nNodes, nBranches, nGeometry); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //5. Write the 1d network and mesh write1DNetworkAndMesh(ioncId, ref networkId, ref mesh1D, ref wrapper); //6. Close the file wrapper.Close(ioncId); } //////create the netcdf files [Test] public void Create1d2dLinks_CheckNumberOfLinks() { var wrapper = new Wrapper(); //RGF grid creates a 2d mesh. We read a file with existing 2D grid var path = TestHelper.GetTestFilePath(@"ugrid\"); path = TestHelper.CreateLocalCopy(path); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path)); int fileId = -1; //file id int modeWriting = 1; //write mode int modeReading = 2; //write mode //1. Open file int ierr = wrapper.Open(path, modeWriting, ref fileId, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //2. Get the 2D mesh ids int mesh2DId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get2DMeshId(fileId, ref mesh2DId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(mesh2DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); //3. write 1D network int networkId = -1; int mesh1DId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Create1DNetwork(fileId, ref networkId, IONetCDFConstants.DataSetNames.NETWORK, nNodes, nBranches, nGeometry); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(networkId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); write1DNetworkAndMesh(fileId, ref networkId, ref mesh1DId, ref wrapper); Assert.That(mesh1DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); //4. define links int mesh1D2DId = -1; int expectedNlinks = 2; var ierrCreating = wrapper.Create1D2DLinks(fileId, ref mesh1D2DId, "1D2Dlinks", expectedNlinks, mesh1DId, mesh2DId, locationType1, locationType2); //5. Close the file wrapper.Close(fileId); //6. Open file ierr = wrapper.Open(path, modeReading, ref fileId, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //7 call number of links int retrievedNlinks = -1; var ierrRetrieving = wrapper.GetNumberOf1D2DLinks(ref fileId, ref mesh1D2DId, ref retrievedNlinks); //8. Close the file wrapper.Close(fileId); //9. Check number of links Assert.That(ierrCreating, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(ierrRetrieving, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(mesh1D2DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); Assert.That(retrievedNlinks, Is.EqualTo(expectedNlinks)); } ////// read the netcdf file created in the test above [Test, NUnit.Framework.Ignore, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Ignore] public void Read1dUGRIDNetcdf() { //1. Open a netcdf file string c_path = TestHelper.GetTestFilePath(@"ugrid\"); c_path = TestHelper.CreateLocalCopy(c_path); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(c_path)); int ioncId = 0; //file variable int mode = 0; //create in read mode var wrapper = new Wrapper(); var ierr = wrapper.Open(c_path, mode, ref ioncId, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //2. Get the 1D network and mesh ids int networkId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get1DNetworkId(ioncId, ref networkId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(networkId, Is.EqualTo(1)); int meshId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get1DMeshId(ioncId, ref meshId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(meshId, Is.EqualTo(1)); //3. Check if all 1d data written in the file are correct check1dmesh(ioncId, networkId, ref wrapper); //4. Close the file ierr = wrapper.Close(ioncId); } // Deltashell creates a new file to write the 1d geometry and mesh as in the first test create1dUGRIDNetcdf // and clones the 2d mesh data read from a file produced by RGFgrid. [Test] [NUnit.Framework.Ignore] public void DeltaShellClones2dMesh() { var wrapper = new Wrapper(); //1. RGF grid creates a 2d mesh. The info is in memory, here simulated by opening a file containing a mesh2d // and by reading all data in string sourcetwod_path = TestHelper.GetTestFilePath(@"ugrid\"); sourcetwod_path = TestHelper.CreateLocalCopy(sourcetwod_path); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(sourcetwod_path)); int sourceFileId = -1; //file id int sourceMode = 0; //read mode int ierr = wrapper.Open(sourcetwod_path, sourceMode, ref sourceFileId, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //2. Now we create a new empty file where to save 1d and 2d meshes int targetFileId = -1; //file id int targetMode = 1; //create in write mode string target_path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"ugrid\"); FileUtils.DeleteIfExists(target_path); Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(target_path)); //4. Create the file ierr = wrapper.Create(target_path, targetMode, ref targetFileId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(target_path)); //3. Add global attributes in the file addglobalattributes(targetFileId, ref wrapper); //4. Get the id of the 2d mesh in the RGF grid file ( int sourceNetworkId = -1; int sourceMesh2DId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get2DMeshId(sourceFileId, ref sourceNetworkId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(sourceNetworkId, Is.EqualTo(1)); //5. Create 1d geometry and mesh in the new file ( ierr = wrapper.Create1DNetwork(targetFileId, ref sourceNetworkId, IONetCDFConstants.DataSetNames.NETWORK, nNodes, nBranches, nGeometry); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //6. Write the 1d data in the new file (1d geometry, mesh and links) write1DNetworkAndMesh(targetFileId, ref sourceNetworkId, ref sourceMesh2DId, ref wrapper); //7. Clone the 2d mesh definitions in the new file int targetMesh2D = -1; ierr = wrapper.CloneMeshDefinition(ref sourceFileId, ref targetFileId, ref sourceMesh2DId, ref targetMesh2D); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //8. Clone the 2d mesh data ierr = wrapper.CloneMeshData(ref sourceFileId, ref targetFileId, ref sourceMesh2DId, ref targetMesh2D); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //9. Close all files ierr = wrapper.Close(sourceFileId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); ierr = wrapper.Close(targetFileId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //10. Now open the file with cloned meshes and check if the data written there are correct targetFileId = -1; //file id targetMode = 0; //open in write mode ierr = wrapper.Open(target_path, targetMode, ref targetFileId, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //11. Check 2 meshes are present int nmesh = -1; ierr = wrapper.GetMeshCount(targetFileId, ref nmesh); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(nmesh, Is.EqualTo(2)); //12. Get the mesh ids var targetNetworkId = -1; var targetMesh1D = -1; targetMesh2D = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get1DNetworkId(targetFileId, ref targetNetworkId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(targetNetworkId, Is.EqualTo(1)); targetNetworkId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get1DMeshId(targetFileId, ref targetMesh1D); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(targetMesh1D, Is.EqualTo(1)); ierr = wrapper.Get2DMeshId(targetFileId, ref targetMesh2D); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(targetMesh2D, Is.EqualTo(2)); //13. Check all 1d and 2d data check1dmesh(targetFileId, targetMesh1D, ref wrapper); check2dmesh(targetFileId, targetMesh2D, ref wrapper); //14. Close the file ierr = wrapper.Close(targetFileId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } [Test] public void Load1D2DlinksTest() { var wrapper = new Wrapper(); var path = TestHelper.GetTestFilePath(@"ugrid\"); path = TestHelper.CreateLocalCopy(path); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path)); var fileId = -1; //file id var mode = 0; //open in write mode var ierr = wrapper.Open(path, mode, ref fileId, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //1. Check 2 meshes are present (1D and 2D) int nmesh = -1; ierr = wrapper.GetMeshCount(fileId, ref nmesh); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(nmesh, Is.EqualTo(2)); //2. Get the mesh ids var networkId = -1; var mesh1DId = -1; var mesh2DId = -1; var mesh1D2DId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get1DNetworkId(fileId, ref networkId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(networkId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); ierr = wrapper.Get1DMeshId(fileId, ref mesh1DId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(networkId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); ierr = wrapper.Get2DMeshId(fileId, ref mesh2DId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(mesh1DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); ierr = wrapper.Get1D2DLinksMeshId(fileId, ref mesh1D2DId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(mesh1D2DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); //3. Get the mesh ids check1D2DLinks(fileId, mesh1D2DId, ref wrapper); //4. Close the file ierr = wrapper.Close(fileId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } [Test, NUnit.Framework.Ignore, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Ignore] public void SaveAndLoad1D2DlinksTest() { var wrapper = new Wrapper(); //RGF grid creates a 2d mesh. We read a file with existing 2D grid var path = TestHelper.GetTestFilePath(@"ugrid\"); path = TestHelper.CreateLocalCopy(path); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path)); int fileId = -1; //file id int mode = 1; //write mode //1. Open file int ierr = wrapper.Open(path, mode, ref fileId, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //2. Get the 2D mesh ids int mesh2DId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get2DMeshId(fileId, ref mesh2DId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(mesh2DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); //3. write 1D network int networkId = -1; int mesh1DId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Create1DNetwork(fileId, ref networkId, IONetCDFConstants.DataSetNames.NETWORK, nNodes, nBranches, nGeometry); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(networkId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); write1DNetworkAndMesh(fileId, ref networkId, ref mesh1DId, ref wrapper); Assert.That(mesh1DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); //4. Write 1D2D links int mesh1D2DId = -1; write1D2DLinks(fileId, mesh1DId, mesh2DId, ref mesh1D2DId, ref wrapper); Assert.That(mesh1D2DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); //5. Close all files ierr = wrapper.Close(fileId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //10. Now open the file with cloned meshes and check if the data written there are correct fileId = -1; //file id mode = 0; //open in write mode ierr = wrapper.Open(path, mode, ref fileId, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //11. Check 2 meshes are present (1D and 2D) int nmesh = -1; ierr = wrapper.GetMeshCount(fileId, ref nmesh); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(nmesh, Is.EqualTo(2)); //12. Get the mesh ids networkId = -1; mesh1DId = -1; mesh2DId = -1; //mesh1D2DId = -1; ierr = wrapper.Get1DNetworkId(fileId, ref networkId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(networkId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); ierr = wrapper.Get1DMeshId(fileId, ref mesh1DId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(networkId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); ierr = wrapper.Get2DMeshId(fileId, ref mesh2DId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(mesh1DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); ierr = wrapper.Get1D2DLinksMeshId(fileId, ref mesh1D2DId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(mesh1D2DId, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); //13. Get the mesh ids check1D2DLinks(fileId, mesh1D2DId, ref wrapper); //14. Close the file ierr = wrapper.Close(fileId); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } } }