C C $Id$ C C Copyright (C) 2000 C University Corporation for Atmospheric Research C All Rights Reserved C C This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify C it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published C by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or C (at your option) any later version. C C This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but C WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of C MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU C General Public License for more details. C C You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License C along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software C Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 C USA. C SUBROUTINE PPINPO (XCCP,YCCP,NCCP,XCSP,YCSP,NCSP, + RWRK,IWRK,NWRK,URPP,IERR) C DIMENSION XCCP(NCCP),YCCP(NCCP) DIMENSION XCSP(NCSP),YCSP(NCSP) DIMENSION RWRK(NWRK),IWRK(NWRK) C C The subroutine PPINPO, given X/Y coordinates defining the vertices C of a "clip polygon" in (XCCP(I),I=1,NCCP) and (YCCP(I),I=1,NCCP), C X/Y coordinates defining the vertices of a "subject polygon" in C (XCSP(I),I=1,NCSP) and (YCSP(I),I=1,NCSP), and the real and integer C workspaces RWRK and IWRK, each of which is of length NWRK, generates C the set of polygons representing pieces of the subject polygon lying C inside the clip polygon and delivers each of them to a user-defined C polygon-processing routine called URPP. Errors, in general, result C in an immediate RETURN with IERR non-zero; on a normal return, IERR C is zero. C C For most efficient use of memory, IWRK and RWRK should be EQUIVALENCEd C to each other. C C The algorithm used is that described by Bala R. Vatti in the article C "A Generic Solution to Polygon Clipping", which was published in the C July, 1992, issue of "Communications of the ACM" (Vol. 35, No. 7). C C The various linked lists used in Vatti's algorithm are implemented as C follows: C C LMT (Local Minimum Table). Formed initially at the lower end of the C workspace. Released 3-word nodes are put on a garbage list and may C be re-used as part of an output polygon. LMT nodes have the following C structure: C C 0: Y value of a local minimum on one of the two input polygons. C LMT nodes are sorted by increasing value of this element. C C 1: Index of local minimum (1 to LCCP for clip polygon, LCCP+1 to C LCCP+LCSP for subject polygon). C C 2: Index of the next node of the LMT. C C AET (Active Edge Table). Occupies space at the lower end of the C workspace. Released 10-word nodes are put on a garbage list and may C be re-used for new AET nodes. AET nodes have the following structure: C C 0: X coordinate at the current scanbeam position. AET nodes are C sorted by increasing value of this element. C C 1: X coordinate at the end of the edge segment. (I added this to C get around a problem which arose because Vatti's formulation did C not result in correct X coordinates at the end of a segment.) C C 2: Y coordinate at the end of the edge segment. C C 3: Change in X for a unit increase in Y. C C 4: Clip/subject edge flag (0 for clip, 1 for subject). C C 5: Left/right flag (0 for left, 1 for right). C C 6: Pointer to the next edge in the AET. C C 7: Pointer to the previous edge in the AET. C C 8: Pointer to the edge segment which succeeds this one. This value C is either positive or negative and has absolute value "n". If C the value is positive, it implies that the indices of the points C at the ends of the succeeding edge are "n" and "n+1"; if the C value is negative, the indices are "n" and "n-1". The indices C are into the arrays XCCP and YCCP, if element 4 is zero, or XCSP C and YCSP, if element 4 is non-zero. C C 9: Pointer to output polygon to which the edge is "contributing" C (0 if no such polygon). C C Output Polygon. Occupies space at the upper end of the workspace. C Released 3-word nodes are put on a garbage list from which they can C be re-used for other polygons. Output-polygon nodes have the C following structure: C C Principal Node: C C 0: Pointer to the left-end subsidiary node. C C 1: Pointer to the right-end subsidiary node. C C 2: Pointer to the principal node of the next polygon (0 if none). C C Subsidiary Node: C C 0: X coordinate of a point. C C 1: Y coordinate of a point. C C 2: Pointer to the next subsidiary node to the "right" along the C polygon. ("Left" and "right" are defined from the standpoint C of an observer standing on the edge of the polygon and facing C inwards.) C C SET (Sorted Edge Table). Occupies space at the lower end of the C workspace, following the AET. All space used is reclaimed. SET C nodes have the following structure: C C 0: X coordinate of edge's intersection with the top of the scanbeam. C SET nodes are sorted by decreasing value of this element. C C 1: Pointer to a node in the AET. Says which edge is represented by C the node. C C 2: Pointer to the next node in the SET. C C INT (INtersection Table). Occupies space at the lower end of the C workspace, following the AET. All space used is reclaimed. INT C nodes have the following structure: C C 0: X coordinate of point of intersection. C C 1: Y coordinate of point of intersection. INT nodes are sorted C by increasing value of this element. C C 2: Pointer to a node in the AET, identifying one of the two edges C that intersect. C C 3: Pointer to a later node in the AET, identifying the other edge. C C 4: Pointer to the next node in the INT. C C Define RBIG to be a large real number. C DATA RBIG / 1.E36 / C C Zero error flag. C IERR=0 C C Decide what the real lengths of the polygons are (depending on whether C the first point is repeated at the end or not). C LCCP=NCCP IF (XCCP(NCCP).EQ.XCCP(1).AND.YCCP(NCCP).EQ.YCCP(1)) LCCP=NCCP-1 C LCSP=NCSP IF (XCSP(NCSP).EQ.XCSP(1).AND.YCSP(NCSP).EQ.YCSP(1)) LCSP=NCSP-1 C C Do some simple checks for degenerate cases. C IF (.NOT.(LCCP.LT.3)) GO TO 10001 GO TO 10003 10001 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(LCSP.LT.3)) GO TO 10004 GO TO 10006 10004 CONTINUE C C Initialize the garbage lists, onto which released 3-word and 10-word C nodes are put for possible re-use. C IG03=0 IG10=0 C C Initialize pointers to the last-used elements at the beginning and C end of the available workspace. Initially, the whole thing is C available: C IPWL=0 IPWU=NWRK+1 C C Build the "LMT" ("Local Minimum Table"). Initially, it is empty: C ILMT=0 C C Search for local minima of the clip polygon. First, find a starting C place where the Y coordinate changes one way or the other. C INXT=0 C DO 10007 I=1,LCCP-1 IF (.NOT.(YCCP(I).NE.YCCP(I+1))) GO TO 10008 INXT=I YNXT=YCCP(INXT) GO TO 101 10008 CONTINUE 10007 CONTINUE C C If there is no such starting place, take an error exit. C GO TO 10003 C C Otherwise, go through the entire polygon from the starting position, C finding all those places where the Y value increases after having C decreased. Each such place constitutes one of the local minima in C the LMT. C 101 IDIR=0 C DO 10010 I=0,LCCP ILST=INXT YLST=YNXT INXT=INXT+1 IF (INXT.GT.LCCP) INXT=INXT-LCCP YNXT=YCCP(INXT) IF (.NOT.(YNXT.LT.YLST)) GO TO 10011 IDIR=-1 GO TO 10012 10011 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(YNXT.GT.YLST)) GO TO 10013 IF (.NOT.(IDIR.LT.0)) GO TO 10014 ILMN=IPWL+1 IPWL=IPWL+3 IF (.NOT.(IPWL.GE.IPWU)) GO TO 10015 GO TO 10017 10015 CONTINUE RWRK(ILMN)=YLST IWRK(ILMN+1)=ILST ITM1=0 ITM2=ILMT 10018 CONTINUE IF (ITM2.EQ.0) GO TO 10019 IF (RWRK(ILMN).LE.RWRK(ITM2)) GO TO 10019 ITM1=ITM2 ITM2=IWRK(ITM2+2) GO TO 10018 10019 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(ITM1.EQ.0)) GO TO 10020 ILMT=ILMN GO TO 10021 10020 CONTINUE IWRK(ITM1+2)=ILMN 10021 CONTINUE IWRK(ILMN+2)=ITM2 10014 CONTINUE IDIR=+1 10012 CONTINUE 10013 CONTINUE 10010 CONTINUE C C In the same way, search for local minima of the subject polygon. C INXT=0 C DO 10022 I=1,LCSP-1 IF (.NOT.(YCSP(I).NE.YCSP(I+1))) GO TO 10023 INXT=I YNXT=YCSP(INXT) GO TO 102 10023 CONTINUE 10022 CONTINUE C GO TO 10006 C 102 IDIR=0 C DO 10025 I=0,LCSP ILST=INXT YLST=YNXT INXT=INXT+1 IF (INXT.GT.LCSP) INXT=INXT-LCSP YNXT=YCSP(INXT) IF (.NOT.(YNXT.LT.YLST)) GO TO 10026 IDIR=-1 GO TO 10027 10026 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(YNXT.GT.YLST)) GO TO 10028 IF (.NOT.(IDIR.LT.0)) GO TO 10029 ILMN=IPWL+1 IPWL=IPWL+3 IF (.NOT.(IPWL.GE.IPWU)) GO TO 10030 GO TO 10017 10030 CONTINUE RWRK(ILMN)=YLST IWRK(ILMN+1)=LCCP+ILST ITM1=0 ITM2=ILMT 10032 CONTINUE IF (ITM2.EQ.0) GO TO 10033 IF (RWRK(ILMN).LE.RWRK(ITM2)) GO TO 10033 ITM1=ITM2 ITM2=IWRK(ITM2+2) GO TO 10032 10033 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(ITM1.EQ.0)) GO TO 10034 ILMT=ILMN GO TO 10035 10034 CONTINUE IWRK(ITM1+2)=ILMN 10035 CONTINUE IWRK(ILMN+2)=ITM2 10029 CONTINUE IDIR=+1 10027 CONTINUE 10028 CONTINUE 10025 CONTINUE C C Initialize the output polygon list pointer to indicate that no C polygons have been generated yet: C IPPL=0 C C Initialize the "AET" ("Active Edge Table") to be empty: C IAET=0 C C Initialize the variable that normally keeps track of the Y coordinate C at the top of the current "scanbeam"; the value will be used as the Y C coordinate at the bottom of the first one. C YTOS=RWRK(ILMT) C C Loop through the "scanbeams". C 10036 CONTINUE C C YBOS is the Y coordinate of the bottom of the new scanbeam. C YBOS=YTOS C C Loop through those local minima in the LMT having Y coordinate C YBOS; for each, add to the AET the pair of edges that start at C that local minimum. C 10037 CONTINUE C C Quit if the end of the LMT has been reached. C IF (ILMT.EQ.0) GO TO 10038 C C Quit if the Y coordinate of the next local minimum is too large. C IF (RWRK(ILMT).GT.YBOS) GO TO 10038 C C Retrieve in IMIN the index of the coordinates of the local minimum. C IMIN=IWRK(ILMT+1) C C Set ICOS to indicate whether the local minimum comes from the clip C polygon or the subject polygon. XMIN and YMIN are the X and Y C coordinates of the local minimum. ILST indexes the coordinates of C the last point along the polygon; the coordinates are XLST and YLST. C Similarly, INXT indexes the coordinates of the next point along C the polygon; the coordinates are XNXT and YNXT. C IF (.NOT.(IMIN.LE.LCCP)) GO TO 10039 ICOS=0 XMIN=XCCP(IMIN) YMIN=YCCP(IMIN) ILST=IMIN-1 IF (ILST.LT.1) ILST=ILST+LCCP XLST=XCCP(ILST) YLST=YCCP(ILST) INXT=IMIN+1 IF (INXT.GT.LCCP) INXT=INXT-LCCP XNXT=XCCP(INXT) YNXT=YCCP(INXT) GO TO 10040 10039 CONTINUE ICOS=1 IMIN=IMIN-LCCP XMIN=XCSP(IMIN) YMIN=YCSP(IMIN) ILST=IMIN-1 IF (ILST.LT.1) ILST=ILST+LCSP XLST=XCSP(ILST) YLST=YCSP(ILST) INXT=IMIN+1 IF (INXT.GT.LCSP) INXT=INXT-LCSP XNXT=XCSP(INXT) YNXT=YCSP(INXT) 10040 CONTINUE C C Now we must scan the AET to determine where to put the new edges. C After executing the loop below, ITM1 will point to the node after C which they will be inserted (zero if at beginning) and ITM2 will C point to the node before which they will be inserted (zero if at C end). The variable IOCP will be updated to indicate whether the C local minimum is inside (1) or outside (0) the clip polygon. C Similarly, IOSP will be updated to indicate whether the local C minimum is inside (1) or outside (0) the subject polygon. C ITM1=0 ITM2=IAET C IOCP=0 IOSP=0 C 10041 CONTINUE C C Exit if the end of the AET has been reached. C IF (ITM2.EQ.0) GO TO 10042 C C Exit if the new local minimum fits between elements ITM1 and ITM2 of C the AET. C IF (XMIN.LE.RWRK(ITM2)) GO TO 10042 C C Advance to the next position in the AET. C ITM1=ITM2 ITM2=IWRK(ITM2+6) C C Update the flags that say where we are relative to the clip and C subject polygons. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITM1+4).EQ.0)) GO TO 10043 IOCP=1-IOCP GO TO 10044 10043 CONTINUE IOSP=1-IOSP 10044 CONTINUE C C End of loop through the AET. C GO TO 10041 10042 CONTINUE C C Create two new nodes in the AET. Either re-use 10-word nodes from the C garbage list or create new ones. C IF (.NOT.(IG10.NE.0)) GO TO 10045 IPNL=IG10 IG10=IWRK(IG10) GO TO 10046 10045 CONTINUE IPNL=IPWL+1 IPWL=IPWL+10 IF (.NOT.(IPWL.GE.IPWU)) GO TO 10047 GO TO 10017 10047 CONTINUE 10046 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IG10.NE.0)) GO TO 10049 IPNN=IG10 IG10=IWRK(IG10) GO TO 10050 10049 CONTINUE IPNN=IPWL+1 IPWL=IPWL+10 IF (.NOT.(IPWL.GE.IPWU)) GO TO 10051 GO TO 10017 10051 CONTINUE 10050 CONTINUE C C Fill in the information about the two new edges: C RWRK(IPNL)=XMIN RWRK(IPNN)=XMIN C RWRK(IPNL+1)=XLST RWRK(IPNN+1)=XNXT C RWRK(IPNL+2)=YLST RWRK(IPNN+2)=YNXT C IF (.NOT.(YLST.NE.YMIN)) GO TO 10053 RWRK(IPNL+3)=(XLST-XMIN)/(YLST-YMIN) GO TO 10054 10053 CONTINUE RWRK(IPNL+3)=SIGN(RBIG,XLST-XMIN) 10054 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(YNXT.NE.YMIN)) GO TO 10055 RWRK(IPNN+3)=(XNXT-XMIN)/(YNXT-YMIN) GO TO 10056 10055 CONTINUE RWRK(IPNN+3)=SIGN(RBIG,XNXT-XMIN) 10056 CONTINUE C IWRK(IPNL+4)=ICOS IWRK(IPNN+4)=ICOS C IF (.NOT.(ICOS.EQ.0)) GO TO 10057 IOPO=IOCP GO TO 10058 10057 CONTINUE IOPO=IOSP 10058 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(RWRK(IPNL+3).LT.RWRK(IPNN+3))) GO TO 10059 C IPE1=IPNL IPE2=IPNN C GO TO 10060 10059 CONTINUE C IPE1=IPNN IPE2=IPNL C 10060 CONTINUE C IWRK(IPE1+5)=IOPO IWRK(IPE2+5)=1-IOPO C IF (.NOT.(ITM1.EQ.0)) GO TO 10061 IAET=IPE1 GO TO 10062 10061 CONTINUE IWRK(ITM1+6)=IPE1 10062 CONTINUE C IWRK(IPE1+6)=IPE2 IWRK(IPE2+6)=ITM2 IF (ITM2.NE.0) IWRK(ITM2+7)=IPE2 IWRK(IPE2+7)=IPE1 IWRK(IPE1+7)=ITM1 C IWRK(IPNL+8)=-ILST IWRK(IPNN+8)=+INXT C C If the edges are "contributing", create an output polygon for them C to "contribute" to and put the initial point in it; otherwise, zero C the output-polygon pointers. C IF (.NOT.((IOCP.NE.0.AND.IOSP.NE.0).OR.(IOCP.EQ.0.AND.IOSP.NE. +0.AND.ICOS.EQ.0).OR.(IOCP.NE.0.AND.IOSP.EQ.0.AND.ICOS.NE.0))) + GO TO 10063 C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10064 IPSN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10065 10064 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10066 GO TO 10017 10066 CONTINUE IPSN=IPWU 10065 CONTINUE C RWRK(IPSN )=XMIN RWRK(IPSN+1)=YMIN IWRK(IPSN+2)=0 C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10068 IPPN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10069 10068 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10070 GO TO 10017 10070 CONTINUE IPPN=IPWU 10069 CONTINUE C IWRK(IPPN )=IPSN IWRK(IPPN+1)=IPSN IWRK(IPPN+2)=IPPL C IPPL=IPPN IWRK(IPNL+9)=IPPN IWRK(IPNN+9)=IPPN C GO TO 10072 10063 CONTINUE C IWRK(IPNL+9)=0 IWRK(IPNN+9)=0 C 10072 CONTINUE C C Put the current LMT node on the appropriate garbage list for re-use. C IWRK(ILMT)=IG03 IG03=ILMT C C Advance to the next element of the LMT. C ILMT=IWRK(ILMT+2) C C End of the loop through the LMT. C GO TO 10037 10038 CONTINUE C C At this point, if the AET is empty, the scanbeam loop is exited. C 103 CONTINUE IF (IAET.EQ.0) GO TO 10073 C C Scan the AET to compute the value of the Y coordinate at the top of C the scanbeam (YTOS) and to look for horizontal edges in the list. C ITMP=IAET C YTOS=RWRK(ITMP+2) C IF (ILMT.NE.0) YTOS=MIN(YTOS,RWRK(ILMT)) C 10074 CONTINUE C C Check for a horizontal section. C IF (.NOT.(YTOS.EQ.YBOS)) GO TO 10075 C C Step through points in the user's arrays until the end of the C horizontal section is reached, updating the X coordinate and the C index of the successor edge as we go. C INNP=ABS(IWRK(ITMP+8)) C 10076 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+4).EQ.0)) GO TO 10077 IF (.NOT.(INNP.LT.1)) GO TO 10078 INNP=INNP+LCCP GO TO 10079 10078 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(INNP.GT.LCCP)) GO TO 10080 INNP=INNP-LCCP 10079 CONTINUE 10080 CONTINUE IF (YCCP(INNP).NE.YBOS) GO TO 10081 RWRK(ITMP)=XCCP(INNP) GO TO 10082 10077 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(INNP.LT.1)) GO TO 10083 INNP=INNP+LCSP GO TO 10084 10083 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(INNP.GT.LCSP)) GO TO 10085 INNP=INNP-LCSP 10084 CONTINUE 10085 CONTINUE IF (YCSP(INNP).NE.YBOS) GO TO 10081 RWRK(ITMP)=XCSP(INNP) 10082 CONTINUE C RWRK(ITMP+1)=RWRK(ITMP) C IWRK(ITMP+8)=SIGN(INNP,IWRK(ITMP+8)) INNP=INNP+SIGN(1,IWRK(ITMP+8)) C GO TO 10076 10081 CONTINUE C C Compute a quantity that will be used to recognize the successor of C the horizontal edge. C INNL=ABS(IWRK(ITMP+8))-SIGN(1,IWRK(ITMP+8)) IF (.NOT.(INNL.LE.0)) GO TO 10086 IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+4).EQ.0)) GO TO 10087 INNL=INNL+LCCP GO TO 10088 10087 CONTINUE INNL=INNL+LCSP 10088 CONTINUE 10086 CONTINUE INNL=-SIGN(INNL,IWRK(ITMP+8)) C C Zero the pointer to the list of intersection points. C IINT=0 C C Save the current value of the pointer to the last word currently used C in the lower end of the workspace, so that the space occupied by the C list of intersection points can easily be reclaimed. C ISWL=IPWL C C Initialize pointers used below. The horizontal edge is considered C to intersect edges that it actually passes over. If there are edges C in the AET with X coordinates equal to the X coordinate of the end of C the horizontal edge, it only intersects them if that is necessary in C order to make it and its successor be next to each other in the AET. C IINN=-1 IINQ=0 C C Generate the list of intersection points, either to the left ... C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+7).NE.0)) GO TO 10089 C IDUM=IWRK(ITMP+7) C 10090 CONTINUE C IF (RWRK(IDUM).LT.RWRK(ITMP)) GO TO 10091 C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IDUM+4).EQ.IWRK(ITMP+4).AND.IWRK(IDUM+8). +EQ.INNL)) GO TO 10092 IINQ=IINN GO TO 10091 10092 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IINT.EQ.0)) GO TO 10093 IINT=IPWL+1 GO TO 10094 10093 CONTINUE IWRK(IINN+4)=IPWL+1 10094 CONTINUE C IINN=IPWL+1 IPWL=IPWL+5 C IF (.NOT.(IPWL.GE.IPWU)) GO TO 10095 GO TO 10017 10095 CONTINUE C RWRK(IINN)=RWRK(IDUM) RWRK(IINN+1)=YBOS IWRK(IINN+2)=IDUM IWRK(IINN+3)=ITMP IWRK(IINN+4)=0 C IF (RWRK(IDUM).GT.RWRK(ITMP)) IINQ=IINN C IDUM=IWRK(IDUM+7) C IF (IDUM.EQ.0) GO TO 10091 C GO TO 10090 10091 CONTINUE C 10089 CONTINUE C C ... or to the right. C IF (.NOT.(IINQ.EQ.0)) GO TO 10097 C IINT=0 IPWL=ISWL IINN=-1 C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+6).NE.0)) GO TO 10098 C IDUM=IWRK(ITMP+6) C 10099 CONTINUE C IF (RWRK(IDUM).GT.RWRK(ITMP)) GO TO 10100 C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IDUM+4).EQ.IWRK(ITMP+4).AND.IWRK(IDUM+8 +).EQ.INNL)) GO TO 10101 IINQ=IINN GO TO 10100 10101 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IINT.EQ.0)) GO TO 10102 IINT=IPWL+1 GO TO 10103 10102 CONTINUE IWRK(IINN+4)=IPWL+1 10103 CONTINUE C IINN=IPWL+1 IPWL=IPWL+5 C IF (.NOT.(IPWL.GE.IPWU)) GO TO 10104 GO TO 10017 10104 CONTINUE C RWRK(IINN)=RWRK(IDUM) RWRK(IINN+1)=YBOS IWRK(IINN+2)=ITMP IWRK(IINN+3)=IDUM IWRK(IINN+4)=0 C IF (RWRK(IDUM).LT.RWRK(ITMP)) IINQ=IINN C IDUM=IWRK(IDUM+6) C IF (IDUM.EQ.0) GO TO 10100 C GO TO 10099 10100 CONTINUE C 10098 CONTINUE C 10097 CONTINUE C C Clear entries at the end of the intersection list that don't need to C be considered to be intersections. (This may clear the whole list.) C IF (.NOT.(IINQ.EQ.0)) GO TO 10106 IINT=0 IPWL=ISWL GO TO 10107 10106 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(IINQ.GT.0)) GO TO 10108 IWRK(IINQ+4)=0 10107 CONTINUE 10108 CONTINUE C C If any intersection points were found, process them and then reclaim C the space used for the list. C IF (.NOT.(IINT.NE.0)) GO TO 10109 L10111= 1 GO TO 10111 10110 CONTINUE IPWL=ISWL 10109 CONTINUE C C The horizontal edge is terminating at this point, so handle that. C L10113= 1 GO TO 10113 10112 CONTINUE C C Go back to see if the AET is empty now and, if not, to rescan it for C more horizontal segments. C GO TO 103 C 10075 CONTINUE C C Move to the next node in the AET. C ITMP=IWRK(ITMP+6) C C Quit if there are none. C IF (ITMP.EQ.0) GO TO 10114 C C Update the variable that says where the top of the scanbeam is. C YTOS=MIN(YTOS,RWRK(ITMP+2)) C GO TO 10074 10114 CONTINUE C C Create a table of all intersections of edges in the AET, sorted in C order of increasing Y coordinate. To do this, we also create a table C of the current edges in the AET, sorted in the opposite order in which C they intersect the top of the scanbeam. Initially, the intersection C table is empty: C IINT=0 C C The intersection table and the sorted edge table are formed in the C lower part of the workspace array. The value of the pointer to the C last word currently used in that part of the workspace is saved so C that, when we are done using the INT and the SET, the space used for C them can be reclaimed by just restoring the value of this pointer: C ISWL=IPWL C C Initialize the "Sorted Edge Table" to contain just the first edge C from the AET. C ISET=IPWL+1 C IPWL=IPWL+3 C IF (.NOT.(IPWL.GE.IPWU)) GO TO 10115 GO TO 10017 10115 CONTINUE C RWRK(ISET)=RWRK(IAET+1)+(YTOS-RWRK(IAET+2))*RWRK(IAET+3) IWRK(ISET+1)=IAET IWRK(ISET+2)=0 C C Examine each of the remaining edges in the AET, one at a time, C looking for intersections with edges that have already gone into C the SET; for each one found, generate an entry in the INT. Special C care is taken to ensure that edges which are each other's successors C end up adjacent to each other in the AET. C ITMP=IWRK(IAET+6) C 10117 CONTINUE C IF (ITMP.EQ.0) GO TO 10118 C XTMP=RWRK(ITMP+1)+(YTOS-RWRK(ITMP+2))*RWRK(ITMP+3) C IST1=0 IST2=ISET C 10119 CONTINUE C IF (IST2.EQ.0) GO TO 10120 IF (XTMP.GT.RWRK(IST2)) GO TO 10120 C IF (.NOT.(XTMP.EQ.RWRK(IST2))) GO TO 10121 C IST3=IWRK(IST2+2) IST4=0 C 10122 CONTINUE C IF (IST3.EQ.0) GO TO 10123 IF (XTMP.NE.RWRK(IST3)) GO TO 10123 C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IWRK(IST3+1)+4).EQ.IWRK(ITMP+4).AND.IWRK( +IWRK(IST3+1)+8).EQ.-IWRK(ITMP+8))) GO TO 10124 IST4=1 GO TO 10123 10124 CONTINUE C IST3=IWRK(IST3+2) C GO TO 10122 10123 CONTINUE C IF (IST4.EQ.0) GO TO 10120 C XINT=XTMP YINT=YTOS C GO TO 10125 10121 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(ABS(RWRK(ITMP+3)-RWRK(IWRK(IST2+1)+3)).GT.1.E-6) +) GO TO 10126 YINT=YBOS-(RWRK(ITMP )-RWRK(IWRK(IST2+1) ))/ + (RWRK(ITMP+3)-RWRK(IWRK(IST2+1)+3)) GO TO 10127 10126 CONTINUE YINT=.5*(YBOS+YTOS) 10127 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(ABS(RWRK(ITMP+3)).LT.ABS(RWRK(IWRK(IST2+1)+3)))) + GO TO 10128 XINT=RWRK(ITMP+1)+(YINT-RWRK(ITMP+2))*RWRK(ITMP+3) GO TO 10129 10128 CONTINUE XINT=RWRK(IWRK(IST2+1)+1)+(YINT-RWRK(IWRK(IST2+1)+2))* + RWRK(IWRK(IST2+1)+3) 10129 CONTINUE C 10125 CONTINUE C IINN=IPWL+1 IPWL=IPWL+5 C IF (.NOT.(IPWL.GE.IPWU)) GO TO 10130 GO TO 10017 10130 CONTINUE C RWRK(IINN)=XINT RWRK(IINN+1)=YINT IWRK(IINN+2)=IWRK(IST2+1) IWRK(IINN+3)=ITMP C IIN1=0 IIN2=IINT C 10132 CONTINUE IF (IIN2.EQ.0) GO TO 10133 IF (RWRK(IINN+1).LE.RWRK(IIN2+1)) GO TO 10133 IIN1=IIN2 IIN2=IWRK(IIN2+4) GO TO 10132 10133 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IIN1.EQ.0)) GO TO 10134 IINT=IINN GO TO 10135 10134 CONTINUE IWRK(IIN1+4)=IINN 10135 CONTINUE C IWRK(IINN+4)=IIN2 C IST1=IST2 IST2=IWRK(IST2+2) C GO TO 10119 10120 CONTINUE C ISTN=IPWL+1 IPWL=IPWL+3 C IF (.NOT.(IPWL.GE.IPWU)) GO TO 10136 GO TO 10017 10136 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IST1.EQ.0)) GO TO 10138 ISET=ISTN GO TO 10139 10138 CONTINUE IWRK(IST1+2)=ISTN 10139 CONTINUE C RWRK(ISTN)=XTMP IWRK(ISTN+1)=ITMP IWRK(ISTN+2)=IST2 C ITMP=IWRK(ITMP+6) C GO TO 10117 10118 CONTINUE C C If intersections have been found, process them. C IF (.NOT.(IINT.NE.0)) GO TO 10140 L10111= 2 GO TO 10111 10141 CONTINUE 10140 CONTINUE C C Discard the intersection table and the sorted edge table. C IPWL=ISWL C C Loop through all the edges in the AET, updating the X coordinates and C further processing those that terminate at the top of the scanbeam. C ITMP=IAET C 10142 CONTINUE C C Exit if all the edges have been done. C IF (ITMP.EQ.0) GO TO 10143 C C Update the X coordinate to its position at the top of the scanbeam. C RWRK(ITMP)=RWRK(ITMP+1)+(YTOS-RWRK(ITMP+2))*RWRK(ITMP+3) C C If the edge terminates at the top of this scanbeam, process it. C IF (.NOT.(RWRK(ITMP+2).EQ.YTOS)) GO TO 10144 L10113= 2 GO TO 10113 10145 CONTINUE 10144 CONTINUE C C Advance to the next edge in the AET. C ITMP=IWRK(ITMP+6) C C End of loop on edges in the AET. C GO TO 10142 10143 CONTINUE C C End of scanbeam loop. C GO TO 10036 10073 CONTINUE C C Dump out all the polygons that have been formed. C C THE FOLLOWING CODE HAS BEEN REPLACED BY CODE THAT CULLS OUT DUPLICATE C ADJACENT POINTS. SINCE THE REPLACEMENT CODE IS SLOWER, IT WOULD BE C ADVANTAGEOUS TO FIGURE OUT (ABOVE) HOW TO PREVENT THE DUPLICATES FROM C SNEAKING IN. ONCE THAT HAS BEEN DONE, THE FOLLOWING CODE CAN BE PUT C BACK IN: C C MXYC=(IPWU-1-IPWL)/2 C IPXC=IPWL C IPYC=IPWL+MXYC C WHILE (IPPL.NE.0) C NXYC=0 C ITMP=IWRK(IPPL) C WHILE (ITMP.NE.0) C NXYC=NXYC+1 C IF (NXYC.GE.MXYC) C INVOKE (WORKSPACE-TOO-SMALL,NR) C END IF C RWRK(IPXC+NXYC)=RWRK(ITMP) C RWRK(IPYC+NXYC)=RWRK(ITMP+1) C ITMP=IWRK(ITMP+2) C END WHILE C NXYC=NXYC+1 C RWRK(IPXC+NXYC)=RWRK(IWRK(IPPL)) C RWRK(IPYC+NXYC)=RWRK(IWRK(IPPL)+1) C CALL URPP (RWRK(IPXC+1),RWRK(IPYC+1),NXYC) C IPPL=IWRK(IPPL+2) C END WHILE C MXYC=(IPWU-1-IPWL)/2 IF (.NOT.(MXYC.LT.1)) GO TO 10146 GO TO 10017 10146 CONTINUE IPXC=IPWL IPYC=IPWL+MXYC 10148 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(IPPL.NE.0)) GO TO 10149 NXYC=1 ITMP=IWRK(IPPL) RWRK(IPXC+1)=RWRK(ITMP ) RWRK(IPYC+1)=RWRK(ITMP+1) ITMP=IWRK(ITMP+2) 10150 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(ITMP.NE.0)) GO TO 10151 IF (.NOT.(RWRK(ITMP).NE.RWRK(IPXC+NXYC).OR.RWRK(ITMP+1).NE.RWR +K(IPYC+NXYC))) GO TO 10152 NXYC=NXYC+1 IF (.NOT.(NXYC.GE.MXYC)) GO TO 10153 GO TO 10017 10153 CONTINUE RWRK(IPXC+NXYC)=RWRK(ITMP) RWRK(IPYC+NXYC)=RWRK(ITMP+1) 10152 CONTINUE ITMP=IWRK(ITMP+2) GO TO 10150 10151 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(RWRK(IPXC+NXYC).NE.RWRK(IPXC+1).OR.RWRK(IPYC+NXYC).NE. +RWRK(IPYC+1))) GO TO 10155 NXYC=NXYC+1 RWRK(IPXC+NXYC)=RWRK(IPXC+1) RWRK(IPYC+NXYC)=RWRK(IPYC+1) 10155 CONTINUE IF (NXYC.GE.4) CALL URPP (RWRK(IPXC+1),RWRK(IPYC+1),NXYC) IPPL=IWRK(IPPL+2) GO TO 10148 10149 CONTINUE C C Normal exit. C RETURN C C The following internal procedure processes the list of intersection C points that IINT points to. On entry, it may be assumed that IINT C has been verified to be non-zero. C 10111 CONTINUE C C Loop through all the points of intersection. C 10156 CONTINUE C C Extract the coordinates of the point of intersection and the indices C of the two AET nodes describing the edges that intersected. C 201 CONTINUE C XINT=RWRK(IINT) YINT=RWRK(IINT+1) C IPE1=IWRK(IINT+2) IPE2=IWRK(IINT+3) C C If the two edges are not adjacent in the AET, there's a problem. We C look for the next intersection of adjacent edges and move it to the C beginning of the list. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE1+6).NE.IPE2)) GO TO 10157 C IIN1=IINT IIN2=IWRK(IINT+4) C 10158 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IIN2.EQ.0)) GO TO 10159 IERR=1 GO TO 10161 10159 CONTINUE C IF (IWRK(IWRK(IIN2+2)+6).EQ.IWRK(IIN2+3)) GO TO 10162 C IIN1=IIN2 IIN2=IWRK(IIN2+4) C GO TO 10158 10162 CONTINUE C IWRK(IIN1+4)=IWRK(IIN2+4) IWRK(IIN2+4)=IINT IINT=IIN2 C GO TO 201 C 10157 CONTINUE C C Check whether or not both edges are from the same input polygon. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE1+4).EQ.IWRK(IPE2+4))) GO TO 10163 C C Both edges are from the clip polygon or both are from the subject C polygon. If edge 1 is contributing to an output polygon, then edge C 2 should be also, in which case we add the point of intersection to C the left side of one polygon and to the right side of the other C polygon. In either case, we must swap the left/right flags in the C two edges. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE1+9).NE.0.OR.IWRK(IPE2+9).NE.0)) GO TO 101 +64 C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE1+9).EQ.0.OR.IWRK(IPE2+9).EQ.0)) GO TO 1 +0165 IERR=2 GO TO 10161 10165 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10167 IPSN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10168 10167 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10169 GO TO 10017 10169 CONTINUE IPSN=IPWU 10168 CONTINUE C RWRK(IPSN )=XINT RWRK(IPSN+1)=YINT C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE1+5).EQ.0)) GO TO 10171 IWRK(IPSN+2)=IWRK(IWRK(IPE1+9)) IWRK(IWRK(IPE1+9))=IPSN GO TO 10172 10171 CONTINUE IWRK(IPSN+2)=0 IWRK(IWRK(IWRK(IPE1+9)+1)+2)=IPSN IWRK(IWRK(IPE1+9)+1)=IPSN 10172 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10173 IPSN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10174 10173 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10175 GO TO 10017 10175 CONTINUE IPSN=IPWU 10174 CONTINUE C RWRK(IPSN )=XINT RWRK(IPSN+1)=YINT C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE2+5).EQ.0)) GO TO 10177 IWRK(IPSN+2)=IWRK(IWRK(IPE2+9)) IWRK(IWRK(IPE2+9))=IPSN GO TO 10178 10177 CONTINUE IWRK(IPSN+2)=0 IWRK(IWRK(IWRK(IPE2+9)+1)+2)=IPSN IWRK(IWRK(IPE2+9)+1)=IPSN 10178 CONTINUE C 10164 CONTINUE C IDUM=IWRK(IPE1+5) IWRK(IPE1+5)=IWRK(IPE2+5) IWRK(IPE2+5)=IDUM C C One edge is from the clip polygon and the other is from the C subject polygon. Check for a local minimum. C GO TO 10179 10163 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.((IWRK(IPE1+4).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IPE1+5).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IP +E2+4).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IPE2+5).EQ.0).OR.(IWRK(IPE1+4).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(I +PE1+5).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IPE2+4).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IPE2+5).EQ.0))) GO TO 1 +0180 C C Process a local minimum. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE1+9).NE.0.OR.IWRK(IPE2+9).NE.0)) GO TO 101 +81 IERR=3 GO TO 10161 10181 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10183 IPSN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10184 10183 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10185 GO TO 10017 10185 CONTINUE IPSN=IPWU 10184 CONTINUE C RWRK(IPSN )=XINT RWRK(IPSN+1)=YINT IWRK(IPSN+2)=0 C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10187 IPPN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10188 10187 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10189 GO TO 10017 10189 CONTINUE IPPN=IPWU 10188 CONTINUE C IWRK(IPPN )=IPSN IWRK(IPPN+1)=IPSN IWRK(IPPN+2)=IPPL IPPL=IPPN C IWRK(IPE1+9)=IPPN IWRK(IPE2+9)=IPPN C C Check for a left intersection. C GO TO 10179 10180 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.((IWRK(IPE1+4).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IPE1+5).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IP +E2+4).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IPE2+5).EQ.0).OR.(IWRK(IPE1+4).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(I +PE1+5).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IPE2+4).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IPE2+5).EQ.0))) GO TO 1 +0191 C C Process a left intersection. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE2+9).EQ.0)) GO TO 10192 IERR=4 GO TO 10161 10192 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10194 IPSN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10195 10194 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10196 GO TO 10017 10196 CONTINUE IPSN=IPWU 10195 CONTINUE C RWRK(IPSN )=XINT RWRK(IPSN+1)=YINT C IWRK(IPSN+2)=IWRK(IWRK(IPE2+9)) IWRK(IWRK(IPE2+9))=IPSN C C Check for a right intersection. C GO TO 10179 10191 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.((IWRK(IPE1+4).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IPE1+5).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IP +E2+4).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IPE2+5).EQ.1).OR.(IWRK(IPE1+4).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(I +PE1+5).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IPE2+4).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IPE2+5).EQ.1))) GO TO 1 +0198 C C Process a right intersection. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE1+9).EQ.0)) GO TO 10199 IERR=5 GO TO 10161 10199 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10201 IPSN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10202 10201 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10203 GO TO 10017 10203 CONTINUE IPSN=IPWU 10202 CONTINUE C RWRK(IPSN )=XINT RWRK(IPSN+1)=YINT C IWRK(IPSN+2)=0 IWRK(IWRK(IWRK(IPE1+9)+1)+2)=IPSN IWRK(IWRK(IPE1+9)+1)=IPSN C C Check for a local maximum. C GO TO 10179 10198 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.((IWRK(IPE1+4).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IPE1+5).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IP +E2+4).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IPE2+5).EQ.1).OR.(IWRK(IPE1+4).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(I +PE1+5).EQ.0.AND.IWRK(IPE2+4).EQ.1.AND.IWRK(IPE2+5).EQ.1))) GO TO 1 +0205 C C Process a local maximum. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(IPE1+9).EQ.0.OR.IWRK(IPE2+9).EQ.0)) GO TO 102 +06 IERR=6 GO TO 10161 10206 CONTINUE C IPP1=IWRK(IPE1+9) IPP2=IWRK(IPE2+9) C IWRK(IPE1+9)=0 IWRK(IPE2+9)=0 C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10208 IPSN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10209 10208 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10210 GO TO 10017 10210 CONTINUE IPSN=IPWU 10209 CONTINUE C RWRK(IPSN )=XINT RWRK(IPSN+1)=YINT C IWRK(IPSN+2)=IWRK(IPP1) IWRK(IPP1)=IPSN C C See if the meeting edges are contributing to the same polygon. C IF (.NOT.(IPP1.NE.IPP2)) GO TO 10212 C C They aren't. Append the subsidiary nodes of one polygon to the other. C IWRK(IWRK(IPP2+1)+2)=IPSN IWRK(IPP2+1)=IWRK(IPP1+1) C C Remove from the polygon list the polygon whose subsidiary nodes have C become part of the other polygon and put its principal node on the C garbage list for 3-word nodes, so that it can be re-used. C IF (.NOT.(IPPL.EQ.IPP1)) GO TO 10213 IPPL=IWRK(IPP1+2) GO TO 10214 10213 CONTINUE ISPL=IPPL 10215 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ISPL+2).EQ.IPP1)) GO TO 10216 IWRK(ISPL+2)=IWRK(IPP1+2) GO TO 10217 10216 CONTINUE ISPL=IWRK(ISPL+2) GO TO 10215 10217 CONTINUE 10214 CONTINUE C IWRK(IPP1)=IG03 IG03=IPP1 C C Any AET node that referenced IPP1 must now reference IPP2 instead. C IDUM=IAET C 10218 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(IDUM.NE.0)) GO TO 10219 IF (IWRK(IDUM+9).EQ.IPP1) IWRK(IDUM+9)=IPP2 IDUM=IWRK(IDUM+6) GO TO 10218 10219 CONTINUE C 10212 CONTINUE C 10179 CONTINUE 10205 CONTINUE C C Swap the positions of edge 1 and edge 2 in the AET. C IF (IWRK(IPE1+7).NE.0) IWRK(IWRK(IPE1+7)+6)=IPE2 IF (IWRK(IPE2+6).NE.0) IWRK(IWRK(IPE2+6)+7)=IPE1 IWRK(IPE1+6)=IWRK(IPE2+6) IWRK(IPE2+7)=IWRK(IPE1+7) IWRK(IPE1+7)=IPE2 IWRK(IPE2+6)=IPE1 C C If the AET started with edge 1, it now starts with edge 2. C IF (IAET.EQ.IPE1) IAET=IPE2 C C Exchange the polygon pointers of edges 1 and 2. C IDUM=IWRK(IPE1+9) IWRK(IPE1+9)=IWRK(IPE2+9) IWRK(IPE2+9)=IDUM C C Advance to the next point of intersection in the list. C IINT=IWRK(IINT+4) C C Quit if there are no more points of intersection to process. C IF (IINT.EQ.0) GO TO 10220 C C End of loop on points of intersection. C GO TO 10156 10220 CONTINUE C C End of internal procedure to process a list of intersections. C GO TO (10110,10141) , L10111 C C The following internal procedure processes an edge in the AET that is C terminating at the top of the current scanbeam. The variable ITMP C points to the edge that is to be processed. If the edge is removed C from the AET (which can happen), the procedure must adjust the value C of ITMP so that the next-node pointer in the AET node that ITMP C points at properly specifies the next AET node to be examined. C 10113 CONTINUE C C Find the index, in the user's arrays, of the end point of the C successor edge. C INNP=ABS(IWRK(ITMP+8))+SIGN(1,IWRK(ITMP+8)) C C Extract the X and Y coordinates of the end point of the successor C edge. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+4).EQ.0)) GO TO 10221 IF (.NOT.(INNP.LT.1)) GO TO 10222 INNP=INNP+LCCP GO TO 10223 10222 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(INNP.GT.LCCP)) GO TO 10224 INNP=INNP-LCCP 10223 CONTINUE 10224 CONTINUE XCNP=XCCP(INNP) YCNP=YCCP(INNP) GO TO 10225 10221 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(INNP.LT.1)) GO TO 10226 INNP=INNP+LCSP GO TO 10227 10226 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(INNP.GT.LCSP)) GO TO 10228 INNP=INNP-LCSP 10227 CONTINUE 10228 CONTINUE XCNP=XCSP(INNP) YCNP=YCSP(INNP) 10225 CONTINUE C C Check the vertical position of the end point of the successor edge. C IF (.NOT.(YCNP.GE.YTOS)) GO TO 10229 C C The end point of the successor edge is above the top of the scanbeam. C C Check whether the edge is contributing to a polygon. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+9).NE.0)) GO TO 10230 C C The edge is contributing to a polygon. Form a subsidiary polygon C node to add to that polygon. C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10231 IPSN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10232 10231 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10233 GO TO 10017 10233 CONTINUE IPSN=IPWU 10232 CONTINUE C RWRK(IPSN )=RWRK(ITMP) RWRK(IPSN+1)=YTOS C C Add the end point of the current edge to either the left end or the C right end of the polygon to which the edge is contributing, whichever C is appropriate. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+5).EQ.0)) GO TO 10235 IWRK(IPSN+2)=IWRK(IWRK(ITMP+9)) IWRK(IWRK(ITMP+9))=IPSN GO TO 10236 10235 CONTINUE IWRK(IPSN+2)=0 IWRK(IWRK(IWRK(ITMP+9)+1)+2)=IPSN IWRK(IWRK(ITMP+9)+1)=IPSN 10236 CONTINUE C 10230 CONTINUE C C Update the node to represent its successor edge. C RWRK(ITMP+1)=XCNP RWRK(ITMP+2)=YCNP C IF (.NOT.(YCNP.NE.YTOS)) GO TO 10237 RWRK(ITMP+3)=(XCNP-RWRK(ITMP))/(YCNP-YTOS) GO TO 10238 10237 CONTINUE RWRK(ITMP+3)=SIGN(RBIG,XCNP-RWRK(ITMP)) 10238 CONTINUE C IWRK(ITMP+8)=SIGN(INNP,IWRK(ITMP+8)) C GO TO 10239 10229 CONTINUE C C The end point of the successor edge is below the top of the scanbeam. C We have arrived at a local maximum, so handle that case. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+6).EQ.0)) GO TO 10240 IERR=7 GO TO 10161 10240 CONTINUE C IPP1=IWRK(ITMP+9) IPP2=IWRK(IWRK(ITMP+6)+9) C IF (.NOT.(IPP1.NE.0.OR.IPP2.NE.0)) GO TO 10242 C IF (.NOT.(IPP1.EQ.0.OR.IPP2.EQ.0)) GO TO 10243 IERR=8 GO TO 10161 10243 CONTINUE C IF (.NOT.(IG03.NE.0)) GO TO 10245 IPSN=IG03 IG03=IWRK(IG03) GO TO 10246 10245 CONTINUE IPWU=IPWU-3 IF (.NOT.(IPWU.LE.IPWL)) GO TO 10247 GO TO 10017 10247 CONTINUE IPSN=IPWU 10246 CONTINUE C RWRK(IPSN )=RWRK(ITMP) RWRK(IPSN+1)=YTOS C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+5).EQ.0)) GO TO 10249 IWRK(IPSN+2)=IWRK(IPP1) IWRK(IPP1)=IPSN GO TO 10250 10249 CONTINUE IWRK(IPSN+2)=0 IWRK(IWRK(IPP1+1)+2)=IPSN IWRK(IPP1+1)=IPSN 10250 CONTINUE C C See if the meeting edges are contributing to the same polygon. C IF (.NOT.(IPP1.NE.IPP2)) GO TO 10251 C C They aren't. Append the subsidiary nodes of one polygon to the other. C IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ITMP+5).EQ.0)) GO TO 10252 IWRK(IWRK(IPP2+1)+2)=IWRK(IPP1) IWRK(IPP2+1)=IWRK(IPP1+1) GO TO 10253 10252 CONTINUE IWRK(IWRK(IPP1+1)+2)=IWRK(IPP2) IWRK(IPP2)=IWRK(IPP1) 10253 CONTINUE C C Remove from the polygon list the polygon whose subsidiary nodes have C become part of the other polygon and put its principal node on the C garbage list for 3-word nodes, so that it can be re-used. C IF (.NOT.(IPPL.EQ.IPP1)) GO TO 10254 IPPL=IWRK(IPP1+2) GO TO 10255 10254 CONTINUE ISPL=IPPL 10256 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(IWRK(ISPL+2).EQ.IPP1)) GO TO 10257 IWRK(ISPL+2)=IWRK(IPP1+2) GO TO 10258 10257 CONTINUE ISPL=IWRK(ISPL+2) GO TO 10256 10258 CONTINUE 10255 CONTINUE C IWRK(IPP1)=IG03 IG03=IPP1 C C Any AET node that referenced IPP1 must now reference IPP2 instead. C IDUM=IAET C 10259 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(IDUM.NE.0)) GO TO 10260 IF (IWRK(IDUM+9).EQ.IPP1) IWRK(IDUM+9)=IPP2 IDUM=IWRK(IDUM+6) GO TO 10259 10260 CONTINUE C 10251 CONTINUE C 10242 CONTINUE C C Delete from the AET the edge ITMP and the edge that follows it. The C nodes go back on the garbage list for 10-word nodes. C ITM1=IWRK(ITMP+7) ITM2=IWRK(IWRK(ITMP+6)+6) C IF (.NOT.(ITM1.EQ.0)) GO TO 10261 IAET=ITM2 GO TO 10262 10261 CONTINUE IWRK(ITM1+6)=ITM2 10262 CONTINUE C IF (ITM2.NE.0) IWRK(ITM2+7)=ITM1 C IWRK(ITMP)=IWRK(ITMP+6) IWRK(IWRK(ITMP))=IG10 IG10=ITMP C C Adjust the pointer into the AET so as to continue looping properly. C ITMP=IWRK(ITMP+6) C 10239 CONTINUE C GO TO (10112,10145) , L10113 C C Error exits. C 10003 CONTINUE IERR=1 RETURN C 10006 CONTINUE IERR=2 RETURN C 10017 CONTINUE IERR=3 RETURN C 10161 CONTINUE IERR=3+IERR RETURN C END