[framework] # outputformat for the *dynamic* mapstacks (not the states and summary maps) # 1: pcraster # 2: numpy # 3: matlab outputformat = 1 # netcdfoutput requires also outputformat = 1 (default) and additionally the name of the file netcdfinput = forcing_Lahn_2014.nc netcdfoutput = outmaps.nc netcdfwritebuffer=10 EPSG = EPSG:32632 [run] reinit=1 starttime= 2014-01-01 06:00:00 GMT endtime= 2014-02-01 00:00:00 GMT #endtime= 2015-12-31 00:00:00 GMT timestepsecs=21600 [modelparameters] # Add this if you want to model reservoirs Sl=inmaps/clim/LCtoSpecificLeafStorage.tbl,tbl,0.5,1,inmaps/clim/LC.map Kext=inmaps/clim/LCtoSpecificLeafStorage.tbl,tbl,0.5,1,inmaps/clim/LC.map Swood=inmaps/clim/LCtoBranchTrunkStorage.tbl,tbl,0.5,1,inmaps/clim/LC.map LAI=inmaps/clim/LAI,monthlyclim,1.0,1 # Model parameters and settings [model] lateralmethod = 2 transfermethod = 2 nrivermethod = 2 modeltype= wflow_sbm AnnualDischarge=2200 Alpha = 120 ModelSnow = 1 ScalarInput = 0 InterpolationMethod = inv WIMaxScale = 0.8 Tslice = 1 UpdMaxDist = 300000.0 origTopogLateral = 1 configfile = wflow_sbm.ini fewsrun = 0 OverWriteInit = 0 updating = 0 updateFile = no_set lateralmethod = 2 sCatch = 0 intbl = intbl MaxUpdMult = 1.3 MinUpdMult = 0.7 MassWasting = 1 UpFrac = 0.8 UStoreLayerThickness = 100,300,800 wflow_subcatch = staticmaps/wflow_subcatch.map wflow_dem = staticmaps/wflow_dem.map wflow_ldd = staticmaps/wflow_ldd.map wflow_river = staticmaps/wflow_river.map wflow_riverlength = staticmaps/wflow_riverlength.map wflow_riverlength_fact = staticmaps/wflow_riverlength_fact.map wflow_landuse = staticmaps/wflow_landuse.map wflow_soil = staticmaps/wflow_soil.map wflow_gauges = staticmaps/wflow_gauges.map wflow_inflow = staticmaps/wflow_inflow.map wflow_riverwidth = staticmaps/wflow_riverwidth.map RunoffGenSigmaFunction = 0 [layout] # if set to zero the cell-size is given in lat/long (the default) sizeinmetres = 1 [outputmaps] self.SurfaceRunoff=run [summary_sum] self.Precipitation=Sumprecip.map self.PotenEvap=Sumevap.map [outputcsv_0] samplemap=staticmaps/wflow_gauges.map self.SurfaceRunoff=Q.csv