using System; using System.IO; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using General.tests; // The build of this test is disabled by default because it requires NUnit. // If you decide to build the test make sure to install Nunit in your solution. namespace ECModuleTests { public class ECModuleTests { //The Constructor loads the library static ECModuleTests() { TestHelper.SetSharedPath(Ec_ModuleLibWrapper.LibDetails.NETCDF_DEP); string filename = TestHelper.GetLibraryPath(Ec_ModuleLibWrapper.LibDetails.LIB_NAME); __libecmodule = TestHelper.LoadLibrary(filename); Assert.That(__libecmodule, Is.Not.Null); //these libraries are needed to load the grid from a netcdf file, only for unit testing TestHelper.SetSharedPath(IoNetcdfLibWrapper.LibDetails.LIB_DEP); filename = TestHelper.GetLibraryPath(IoNetcdfLibWrapper.LibDetails.LIB_NAME); __libionetcdf = TestHelper.LoadLibrary(filename); Assert.That(__libionetcdf, Is.Not.Null); //load gridgeom (e.g. for finding the cells) filename = TestHelper.GetLibraryPath(GridGeomLibWrapper.LibDetails.LIB_NAME); _gridgeom_libptr = TestHelper.LoadLibrary(filename); //we should chek the pointer is not null Assert.That(_gridgeom_libptr, Is.Not.Null); } //some temp data used in the test //pointer to the loaded dll public static IntPtr __libecmodule; public static IntPtr __libionetcdf; public static IntPtr _gridgeom_libptr; public void readPoints(string pathIn,ref double[] x, ref double[] y, ref double[] values, ref int nSamples) { string[] pathInLines = File.ReadAllLines(pathIn); string[] firstLineIn = pathInLines[0].Split(' '.ToString().ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); nSamples = Convert.ToInt16(firstLineIn[0].Trim(' ')); x = new double[nSamples]; y = new double[nSamples]; values = new double[nSamples]; /// Store the values for (int i = 0; i< nSamples; i++) { string[] val = pathInLines[i + 1].Split(' '.ToString().ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); x[i] = Convert.ToDouble(val[0]); y[i] = Convert.ToDouble(val[1]); values[i] = Convert.ToDouble(val[2]); } } private void getMeshid(int ioncid, ref int meshid, int meshType, ref IoNetcdfLibWrapper wrapper) { // get the number meshes int numMeshes = -1; int ierr = wrapper.ionc_get_number_of_meshes(ref ioncid, ref meshType, ref numMeshes); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(numMeshes, Is.EqualTo(1)); // get the mesh id IntPtr c_meshids = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * numMeshes); ierr = wrapper.ionc_ug_get_mesh_ids(ref ioncid, ref meshType, ref c_meshids, ref numMeshes); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); int[] rc_meshids = new int[numMeshes]; Marshal.Copy(c_meshids, rc_meshids, 0, numMeshes); meshid = rc_meshids[0]; Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_meshids); } // Create the netcdf files //TODO: add in/out txt [Test] [NUnit.Framework.Category("TestTriangleInterpolation")] public void TestTriangleInterpolation() { string pathIn = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\inTestTriangleInterpolation.txt"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathIn)); string pathOut = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\outTestTriangleInterpolation.txt"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathOut)); int numSamples = 0; var sampleX = new double[numSamples]; var sampleY = new double[numSamples]; var sampleValues = new double[numSamples]; readPoints(pathIn, ref sampleX, ref sampleY, ref sampleValues, ref numSamples); int numTargets = 0; var targetX = new double[numTargets]; var targetY = new double[numTargets]; var targetValues = new double[numTargets]; readPoints(pathOut, ref targetX, ref targetY, ref targetValues, ref numTargets); IntPtr c_sampleX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleX, 0, c_sampleX, numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleY, 0, c_sampleY, numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleValues, 0, c_sampleValues, numSamples); IntPtr c_targetValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numTargets); Marshal.Copy(sampleValues, 0, c_sampleValues, numSamples); int ioncid = 0; //file variable int mode = 0; //open in read mode var wrapperNetcdf = new IoNetcdfLibWrapper(); int iconvtype = 2; double convversion = 0.0; string pathNetFile = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathIn)); int ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_open(pathNetFile, ref mode, ref ioncid, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); int meshid = -1; int meshType = 2; //get the 2d int l_networkid = 0; // invalid network, not really intrested in getting the networ var meshtwoddim = new meshgeomdim(); getMeshid(ioncid, ref meshid, meshType, ref wrapperNetcdf); ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_get_meshgeom_dim(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref l_networkid, ref meshtwoddim); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //You need to know in advance the number of mesh points var meshtwod = new meshgeom(); meshtwod.nodex = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * meshtwoddim.numnode); meshtwod.nodey = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * meshtwoddim.numnode); meshtwod.nodez = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * meshtwoddim.numnode); meshtwod.edge_nodes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * meshtwoddim.numedge * 2); //var gridGeomWrapper = new GridGeomLibWrapper(); bool includeArrays = true; int startIndex = 1; //the base index of the arrays ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_get_meshgeom(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref l_networkid, ref meshtwod, ref startIndex, ref includeArrays); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); // default parameters for averaging int jsferic = 0; int jsferic3D = 0; int locType = 1; var wrapper = new Ec_ModuleLibWrapper(); ierr = wrapper.triang(ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod, ref startIndex, ref c_sampleX, ref c_sampleY, ref c_sampleValues, ref numSamples, ref c_targetValues, ref locType, ref jsferic, ref jsferic3D); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //check the interpolation results double[] targetValuesResults = new double[numTargets]; Marshal.Copy(c_targetValues, targetValuesResults, 0, numTargets); for (int i = 0; i < numTargets; i++) { Assert.That(targetValuesResults[i], Is.EqualTo(targetValues[i]).Within(1e-6)); } } // Create the netcdf files [Test] //[TestCase(1)] //[TestCase(2)] [NUnit.Framework.Category("TestAverageInterpolation")] public void TestAverageInterpolation() { string pathIn = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\inTestAveragingInterpolation.txt"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathIn)); string pathOut = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\outTestAveragingInterpolation.txt"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathOut)); int numSamples = 0; var sampleX = new double[numSamples]; var sampleY = new double[numSamples]; var sampleValues = new double[numSamples]; readPoints(pathIn, ref sampleX, ref sampleY, ref sampleValues, ref numSamples); int numTargets = 0; var targetX = new double[numTargets]; var targetY = new double[numTargets]; var targetValues = new double[numTargets]; readPoints(pathOut, ref targetX, ref targetY, ref targetValues, ref numTargets); IntPtr c_sampleX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleX, 0, c_sampleX, numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleY, 0, c_sampleY, numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleValues, 0, c_sampleValues, numSamples); IntPtr c_targetValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numTargets); Marshal.Copy(sampleValues, 0, c_sampleValues, numSamples); int ioncid = 0; //file variable int mode = 0; //open in read mode var wrapperNetcdf = new IoNetcdfLibWrapper(); int iconvtype = 2; double convversion = 0.0; string pathNetFile = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathIn)); int ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_open(pathNetFile, ref mode, ref ioncid, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); int meshid = -1; int meshType = 2; //get the 2d int l_networkid = 0; // invalid network, not really intrested in getting the networ var meshtwoddim = new meshgeomdim(); getMeshid(ioncid, ref meshid, meshType, ref wrapperNetcdf); ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_get_meshgeom_dim(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref l_networkid, ref meshtwoddim); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //You need to know in advance the number of mesh points var meshtwod = new meshgeom(); MeshgeomMemoryManager.allocate(ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod); //var gridGeomWrapper = new GridGeomLibWrapper(); bool includeArrays = true; int startIndex = 1; //the base index of the arrays ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_get_meshgeom(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref l_networkid, ref meshtwod, ref startIndex, ref includeArrays); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); // default parameters for averaging double Wu1Duni = 2.0; // default value from flow_geom init int method = 1; // averaging int minNumSamples = 1; double relativeSearchSize = 1.01; int jsferic = 0; int jasfer3D = 0; int locType = 1; var wrapper = new Ec_ModuleLibWrapper(); ierr = wrapper.averaging( ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod, ref startIndex, ref c_sampleX, ref c_sampleY, ref c_sampleValues, ref numSamples, ref c_targetValues, ref locType, ref Wu1Duni, ref method, ref minNumSamples, ref relativeSearchSize, ref jsferic, ref jasfer3D); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //check the interpolation results double[] targetValuesResults = new double[numTargets]; Marshal.Copy(c_targetValues, targetValuesResults, 0, numTargets); for (int i = 0; i < numTargets; i++) { Assert.That(targetValuesResults[i], Is.EqualTo(targetValues[i]).Within(1e-6)); } //test averaging on the edges Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_targetValues); numTargets = meshtwoddim.numedge; //interpolate on edges locType = 2; c_targetValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numTargets); ierr = wrapper.averaging( ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod, ref startIndex, ref c_sampleX, ref c_sampleY, ref c_sampleValues, ref numSamples, ref c_targetValues, ref locType, ref Wu1Duni, ref method, ref minNumSamples, ref relativeSearchSize, ref jsferic, ref jasfer3D); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } // Test averaging interpolation on location type 2 (middle points of edges) [Test] [NUnit.Framework.Category("TestAverageInterpolation")] public void TestAverageInterpolationOnEdges() { //get the sample points string pathIn = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\inTestAveragingInterpolation.txt"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathIn)); int numSamples = 0; var sampleX = new double[numSamples]; var sampleY = new double[numSamples]; var sampleValues = new double[numSamples]; readPoints(pathIn, ref sampleX, ref sampleY, ref sampleValues, ref numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleX, 0, c_sampleX, numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleY, 0, c_sampleY, numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleValues, 0, c_sampleValues, numSamples); int ioncid = 0; //file variable int mode = 0; //open in read mode var wrapperNetcdf = new IoNetcdfLibWrapper(); int iconvtype = 2; double convversion = 0.0; string pathNetFile = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathIn)); int ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_open(pathNetFile, ref mode, ref ioncid, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); int meshid = -1; int meshType = 2; // get the 2d int l_networkid = 0; // invalid network, not intrested in 1d for now var meshtwoddim = new meshgeomdim(); getMeshid(ioncid, ref meshid, meshType, ref wrapperNetcdf); ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_get_meshgeom_dim(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref l_networkid, ref meshtwoddim); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //You need to know in advance the number of mesh points var meshtwod = new meshgeom(); MeshgeomMemoryManager.allocate(ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod); //var gridGeomWrapper = new GridGeomLibWrapper(); bool includeArrays = true; int startIndex = 1; //the base index of the arrays ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_get_meshgeom(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref l_networkid, ref meshtwod, ref startIndex, ref includeArrays); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); // default parameters for averaging double Wu1Duni = 2.0; // default value from flow_geom init int method = 1; // averaging int minNumSamples = 1; double relativeSearchSize = 1.01; int jsferic = 0; int jasfer3D = 0; int locType = 2; //test averaging on the edges int numTargets = meshtwoddim.numedge; IntPtr c_targetValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numTargets); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_targetValues); //interpolate on edges c_targetValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numTargets); var wrapper = new Ec_ModuleLibWrapper(); ierr = wrapper.averaging( ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod, ref startIndex, ref c_sampleX, ref c_sampleY, ref c_sampleValues, ref numSamples, ref c_targetValues, ref locType, ref Wu1Duni, ref method, ref minNumSamples, ref relativeSearchSize, ref jsferic, ref jasfer3D); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } // Test averaging interpolation on location type 2 (middle points of edges) [Test] [NUnit.Framework.Category("TestAverageInterpolation")] public void TestAverageInterpolationOnCellCenters() { //get the sample points string pathIn = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\inTestAveragingInterpolation.txt"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathIn)); int numSamples = 0; var sampleX = new double[numSamples]; var sampleY = new double[numSamples]; var sampleValues = new double[numSamples]; readPoints(pathIn, ref sampleX, ref sampleY, ref sampleValues, ref numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleX = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleY = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); IntPtr c_sampleValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleX, 0, c_sampleX, numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleY, 0, c_sampleY, numSamples); Marshal.Copy(sampleValues, 0, c_sampleValues, numSamples); int ioncid = 0; //file variable int mode = 0; //open in read mode var wrapperNetcdf = new IoNetcdfLibWrapper(); int iconvtype = 2; double convversion = 0.0; string pathNetFile = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pathNetFile)); int ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_open(pathNetFile, ref mode, ref ioncid, ref iconvtype, ref convversion); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); int meshid = -1; int meshType = 2; // get the 2d int l_networkid = 0; // invalid network, not intrested in 1d for now var meshtwoddim = new meshgeomdim(); getMeshid(ioncid, ref meshid, meshType, ref wrapperNetcdf); ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_get_meshgeom_dim(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref l_networkid, ref meshtwoddim); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //You need to know in advance the number of mesh points var meshtwod = new meshgeom(); MeshgeomMemoryManager.allocate(ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod); //var gridGeomWrapper = new GridGeomLibWrapper(); bool includeArrays = true; int startIndex = 1; //the base index of the arrays ierr = wrapperNetcdf.ionc_get_meshgeom(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref l_networkid, ref meshtwod, ref startIndex, ref includeArrays); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //5. declare but do not allocate meshgeom. it will be allocated by gridgeom (fortran) var meshTwoOut = new meshgeom(); var meshTwoDimOut = new meshgeomdim(); //6. call find cells var wrapperGridgeom = new GridGeomLibWrapper(); ierr = wrapperGridgeom.ggeo_find_cells(ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod, ref meshTwoDimOut, ref meshTwoOut, ref startIndex); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); meshTwoOut.face_nodes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * meshTwoDimOut.numface * meshTwoDimOut.maxnumfacenodes); meshTwoOut.facex = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * meshTwoDimOut.numface); meshTwoOut.facey = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * meshTwoDimOut.numface); ierr = wrapperGridgeom.ggeo_find_cells(ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod, ref meshTwoDimOut, ref meshTwoOut, ref startIndex); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); meshtwod.facex = meshTwoOut.facex; meshtwod.facey = meshTwoOut.facey; //// default parameters for averaging double Wu1Duni = 2.0; // default value from flow_geom init int method = 1; // averaging int minNumSamples = 1; double relativeSearchSize = 1.01; int jsferic = 0; int jasfer3D = 0; int locType = 0; // interpolate on the faces //test averaging on the faces int numTargets = meshTwoDimOut.numface; IntPtr c_targetValues = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * numTargets); var wrapper = new Ec_ModuleLibWrapper(); ierr = wrapper.averaging( ref meshtwoddim, ref meshtwod, ref startIndex, ref c_sampleX, ref c_sampleY, ref c_sampleValues, ref numSamples, ref c_targetValues, ref locType, ref Wu1Duni, ref method, ref minNumSamples, ref relativeSearchSize, ref jsferic, ref jasfer3D); Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); //9. deallocate memory allocated by c# Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(meshtwod.nodex); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(meshtwod.nodey); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(meshtwod.nodez); //Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(meshtwod.facex); //Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(meshtwod.facey); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(meshtwod.facez); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(meshtwod.edge_nodes); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(c_targetValues); //8. deallocate memory allocated by fortran //ierr = wrapperGridgeom.ggeo_meshgeom_destructor(ref meshTwoDimOut, ref meshTwoOut); //Assert.That(ierr, Is.EqualTo(0)); } } [Test] [NUnit.Framework.Category("TestECModule2D")] public void TestECModule2D() { var wrapper = new Ec_ModuleLibWrapper(); int ntargets = 1; // 1. ecModuleAddTimeSpaceRelation string c_name = "waterlevelbnd"; var x = new [] { 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 }; var y = new [] { 0.66, 1.00, 1.33 }; int ncoordinatesSize = x.Length; int jsferic = 0; int vectormax = 1; string c_filename = TestHelper.TestFilesDirectoryPath() + @"\tfl_01.pli"; int filetype = 11; int method = 3; int operand = 2; int src_refdate = 20180320; int dummInt = 0; double src_tzone = -999.0; //to be defined double missing_value = -999.0; var targetItemArray = new int[ntargets]; IntPtr c_x = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * ncoordinatesSize); IntPtr c_y = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * ncoordinatesSize); IntPtr c_targetItemArray = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * ntargets); Marshal.Copy(x, 0, c_x, ncoordinatesSize); Marshal.Copy(y, 0, c_y, ncoordinatesSize); bool success = wrapper.ecModuleAddTimeSpaceRelation( c_name, ref c_x, ref c_y, ref ncoordinatesSize, ref jsferic, ref vectormax, c_filename, ref filetype, ref method, ref operand, ref src_refdate, ref src_tzone, ref missing_value, ref c_targetItemArray, ref dummInt); Assert.That(success, Is.EqualTo(true)); // Marshal.Copy(targetItemArray, 0, c_targetItemArray, ntargets); Marshal.Copy(c_targetItemArray, targetItemArray, 0, 1); // 2. ecGettimespacevalueByItemID double timesteps = 99.9; IntPtr c_target_array = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * ntargets); success = wrapper.ecGettimespacevalueByItemID(ref targetItemArray[0], ref timesteps, ref c_target_array, ref ntargets); // LC here it breaks, success is false Assert.That(success, Is.EqualTo(true)); var target_array = new double[ntargets]; Marshal.Copy(target_array, 0, c_target_array, ntargets); success = wrapper.ecInstancePrintStateToFile(); Assert.That(success, Is.EqualTo(true)); //Add clean ec module instance } } }