module fm_polygon_module ! ! This module provides support function for processing polygon data. ! Original source: ! !!--module declarations--------------------------------------------------------- contains subroutine register_polygon(name, pol_ptr, idcount, totpoints, & & areatp, mustbeunique) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Search for a polygon in a tree, given it's name. Stop with an error message ! if it is not found. ! If the polygon does not have an id, add a unique one. ! If the polygon already has an id, and the usage of the polygon should be ! unique, stop with an error message. ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use properties use unstruc_files, only: mdia use message_module ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! type(tree_data), pointer :: pol_ptr integer :: idcount integer :: totpoints character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name character(len=*) , intent(in) :: areatp logical , intent(in) :: mustbeunique ! ! Local variables ! integer :: id integer , dimension(1:1) :: values character(len=1) , dimension(:) , pointer :: data_ptr character(len=10) :: idstring character(len=200) :: message character(len=80) :: node_type type(tree_data) , pointer :: polygon_ptr type(tree_data) , pointer :: node_ptr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Initialize ! values = 0 ! ! Get corresponding polygon node ! call tree_get_node_by_name(pol_ptr, name, polygon_ptr ) if ( .not. associated(polygon_ptr) ) then write (message,'(3a)') 'polygon ', trim(name),' is missing' call write_error(message, unit=mdia) return endif ! ! Create the polygon's ID ! id = 0 call prop_get_integer(polygon_ptr, '*', trim(areatp)//'id', id) if (id == 0) then idcount = idcount + 1 ! ! This is a new area ... add the ID ! call tree_create_node( polygon_ptr, trim(areatp)//'id', node_ptr ) write(idstring,'(i0)') idcount call tree_put_data( node_ptr, transfer(trim(idstring),node_value), 'STRING' ) ! ! Get number of points in this polygon ! call tree_get_data_ptr( polygon_ptr, data_ptr, node_type ) values = transfer( data_ptr, values ) else if ( mustbeunique ) then write (message,'(3a)') trim(areatp)//' area ', trim(name), & ' is specified more than once in polygon-file' call write_error(message, unit=mdia) return endif endif totpoints = totpoints + values(1) end subroutine register_polygon subroutine read_polygon_data(polygon_ptr, idcoord, start, number, & & xcoord, ycoord, areatp, indx) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read polygon points ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use properties use unstruc_files use message_module ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! type(tree_data), pointer :: polygon_ptr integer :: idcoord integer , intent(out) :: start integer , intent(out) :: number real(fp), dimension(:) , intent(out) :: xcoord real(fp), dimension(:) , intent(out) :: ycoord character(len=*) , intent(in) :: areatp integer , intent(in) :: indx ! ! Local variables ! integer :: ip integer , dimension(1:2) :: inputivals real(fp), dimension(1:2) :: inputvals real(fp) :: misvalue character(len=1), pointer, dimension(:) :: data_ptr character(len=30) :: node_type character(len=30) :: parname character(len=200) :: message type(tree_data), pointer :: node_ptr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Record start and number of polygon points ! misvalue = -999.999 start = idcoord number = -1 call tree_get_data_ptr( polygon_ptr, data_ptr, node_type ) inputivals = transfer( data_ptr, inputivals ) number = inputivals(1) if (number == -1) then write(message,'(a,a,i0)') 'Unable to read the number of points in ', & & trim(areatp), ' polygon of area',indx call write_error(trim(message), unit=mdia) return endif ! ! read the polygon points ! do ip = 1, number inputvals = misvalue write (parname,'(a,i0)')'row_',ip call tree_get_node_by_name( polygon_ptr, parname, node_ptr ) call tree_get_data_ptr( node_ptr, data_ptr, node_type ) ! ! inputvals is of type real(fp) ! the data to be retrieved is in real(sp) ! call transfer with a real(sp) constant as second parameter ! inputvals = transfer( data_ptr, 0., 2 ) if ( comparereal(inputvals(1),misvalue) == 0 .or. & & comparereal(inputvals(2),misvalue) == 0 ) then write(message,'(a,i0,a,i0)') 'Unable to read '//trim(areatp)// & & ' polygon point ', ip,' of area ',indx call write_error(trim(message), unit=mdia) return endif xcoord(start+ip-1) = inputvals(1) ycoord(start+ip-1) = inputvals(2) idcoord = idcoord + 1 enddo end subroutine read_polygon_data end module fm_polygon_module