[waves] Wavemodelnr = 3 Rouwav = FR84 Gammax = 1. #Maximum wave height/water depth ratio BedlevMode = 2 # 1: FM approach: Bed levels at waterlevel cells based on bed levels at velocity points probably only needed to get a good comparison with Delft3D-FLOW CFLWaveFrac = 0.1 # Wave velocity fraction, total courant vel = u + cflw*wavevelocity not sure if this really is needed Epshu = 0.05 # Threshold water depth for wet and dry cells a big epshu is important in some cases UnifFrictCoef = 0.0210000 # Uniform friction coefficient (0: no friction) a frictcoef of 0.0 will blow up the simulation EulerVelocities = 1 To get Eulerian velocities on output Conveyance2D = -1 # -1:R=HU,0:R=H, 1:R=A/P, 2:K=analytic-1D conv, 3:K=analytic-2D conv