# Generated on 2019-03-13 11:52:15 # Deltares,Delft3D FM 2018 Suite Version, D-Flow FM Version [General] Program = D-Flow FM Version = FileVersion = 1.02 GuiVersion = AutoStart = 0 [geometry] NetFile = FlowFM_net.nc BathymetryFile = DryPointsFile = GridEnclosureFile = WaterLevIniFile = LandBoundaryFile = ThinDamFile = FixedWeirFile = PillarFile = StructureFile = VertplizFile = CrossDefFile = crsdef.ini CrossLocFile = crsloc.ini RoughnessFiles = roughness-Main.ini;roughness-Sewer.ini NodeFile = nodeFile.ini RoofsFile = LeveeBreachFile = ProfdefxyzFile = Uniformwidth1D = 2 ManholeFile = WaterLevIni = -5 Bedlevuni = -5 Bedslope = 0 BedlevType = 3 Blmeanbelow = -999 Blminabove = -999 IniFieldFile = initialfields.ini PartitionFile = AngLat = 0 AngLon = 0 Conveyance2D = -1 Nonlin2D = 0 Nonlin1D = 1 Slotw2D = 0 Slotw1D = 0.0001 Sillheightmin = 0 Makeorthocenters = 0 Dcenterinside = 1 Bamin = 1E-06 OpenBoundaryTolerance= 3 RenumberFlowNodes = 1 Layertype = 1 Numtopsig = 0 SigmaGrowthFactor = 1 Kmx = 18 # Maximum number of vertical layers Layertype = 1 # Vertical layer type (1: all sigma, 2: all z, 3: use VertplizFile) Numtopsig = 0 # Number of sigma layers in top of z-layer model SigmaGrowthFactor = 1. # Layer thickness growth factor from bed up StretchType = 1 # Type of layer stretching, 0 = uniform, 1 = user defined, 2 = fixed level double exponential Dxwuimin2D = 0.1 # Smallest fraction dx/wu , set dx > Dxwuimin2D*wu, Default = 0.1 StretchCoef = 1, 1.404019, 1.971269, 2.767610, 3.885900, 5.455881, 7.660161, 10.755012, 15.100148, 15.100148, 10.755012, 7.660161, 5.455881, 3.885900, 2.767610, 1.971269, 1.404019, 1 # Prescribes the layer thicknesses in percentages [numerics] CFLMax = 0.7 AdvecType = 0 TimeStepType = 2 Limtyphu = 0 Limtypmom = 4 Limtypsa = 4 Vertadvtypsal = 5 Icgsolver = 4 Maxdegree = 6 FixedWeirScheme = 6 FixedWeirContraction= 1 FixedWeirfrictscheme= 1 Fixedweirtopwidth = 3 Fixedweirtopfrictcoef= -999 Fixedweirtalud = 4 Izbndpos = 0 Tlfsmo = 0 Slopedrop2D = 0 Chkadvd = 0.1 Teta0 = 0.55 Qhrelax = 0.01 Jbasqbnddownwindhs= 0 cstbnd = 0 Maxitverticalforestersal= 0 Maxitverticalforestertem= 0 Jaorgsethu = 1 Turbulencemodel = 3 Turbulenceadvection= 3 AntiCreep = 0 Maxwaterleveldiff = 0 Maxvelocitydiff = 0 Epshu = 0.0001 SobekDFM_umin = 0 SetHorizontalBobsFor1d2d= 1 [physics] UnifFrictCoef = 0.023 UnifFrictType = 1 UnifFrictCoef1D = 0.023 UnifFrictCoefLin = 0 Umodlin = 0 Vicouv = 1 Dicouv = 1 Vicoww = 5E-05 Dicoww = 5E-05 Vicwminb = 0 Smagorinsky = 0 Elder = 0 Irov = 0 wall_ks = 0 Rhomean = 1000 Idensform = 2 Ag = 9.813 TidalForcing = 0 Doodsonstart = 55.565 Doodsonstop = 375.575 Doodsoneps = 0 Salinity = 0 InitialSalinity = 0 Sal0abovezlev = -999 DeltaSalinity = -999 Backgroundsalinity= 30 InitialTemperature= 6 Secchidepth = 2 Stanton = -1 Dalton = -1 Backgroundwatertemperature= 6 SecondaryFlow = 0 EffectSpiral = 0 BetaSpiral = 0 Temperature = 0 [wind] ICdtyp = 2 Cdbreakpoints = 0.00063 0.00723 Windspeedbreakpoints= 0 100 Rhoair = 1.205 PavBnd = 0 PavIni = 0 [waves] Wavemodelnr = 0 WaveNikuradse = 0.01 Rouwav = FR84 Gammax = 1 [time] RefDate = 20010101 Tzone = 0 DtUser = 60 DtNodal = DtMax = 30 DtInit = 1 Tunit = S TStart = 0 TStop = 3600 UpdateRoughnessInterval = 60 [restart] RestartFile = RestartDateTime = 20190313 [external forcing] ExtForceFile = test.ext ExtForceFileNew = FlowFM_bnd.ext [trachytopes] TrtRou = N TrtDef = TrtL = DtTrt = 60 [output] Wrishp_crs = 0 Wrishp_weir = 0 Wrishp_gate = 0 Wrishp_fxw = 0 Wrishp_thd = 0 Wrishp_obs = 0 Wrishp_emb = 0 Wrishp_dryarea = 0 Wrishp_enc = 0 Wrishp_src = 0 Wrishp_pump = 0 OutputDir = FlowGeomFile = ObsFile = CrsFile = observcrs.ini HisFile = HisInterval = 60 XLSInterval = MapFile = MapInterval = 60 RstInterval = 86400 S1incinterval = MapFormat = 4 Wrihis_balance = 1 Wrihis_structure_gen= 1 Wrihis_structure_dam= 1 Wrihis_structure_pump= 1 Wrihis_structure_gate= 1 Wrimap_waterlevel_s0= 1 Wrimap_waterlevel_s1= 1 Wrimap_velocity_component_u0= 1 Wrimap_velocity_component_u1= 1 Wrimap_velocity_vector= 1 Wrimap_upward_velocity_component= 0 Wrimap_density_rho= 1 Wrimap_horizontal_viscosity_viu= 1 Wrimap_horizontal_diffusivity_diu= 1 Wrimap_flow_flux_q1= 1 Wrimap_spiral_flow= 1 Wrimap_numlimdt = 1 Wrimap_taucurrent = 1 Wrimap_chezy = 1 Wrimap_turbulence = 1 Wrimap_wind = 1 Wrimap_heat_fluxes= 0 MapOutputTimeVector= FullGridOutput = 0 EulerVelocities = 0 WaqInterval = 0 StatsInterval = TimingsInterval = Richardsononoutput= 1