substance 'IM1' active description 'inorganic matter (IM1)' concentration-unit '(gDM/m3)' waste-load-unit '-' end-substance substance 'Cd' active description 'Cadmium (Cd)' concentration-unit '(g/m3)' waste-load-unit '-' end-substance substance 'IM1S1' inactive description 'IM1 in layer S1' concentration-unit '(gDM/m2)' waste-load-unit '-' end-substance substance 'CdS1' inactive description 'Cd in layer S1' concentration-unit '(g/m2)' waste-load-unit '-' end-substance parameter 'TaucSIM1' description 'critical shear stress for sedimentation IM1' unit '(N/m2)' value 0.1000E+00 end-parameter parameter 'ZResDM' description 'zeroth-order resuspension flux' unit '(gDM/m2/d)' value 0.0000E+00 end-parameter parameter 'TaucRS1DM' description 'critical shear stress for resuspension DM layer S1' unit '(N/m2)' value 0.2000E+00 end-parameter active-processes name 'Compos' 'Composition' name 'Sed_IM1' 'Sedimentation IM1' name 'S12TraIM1' 'Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1' name 'S1_Comp' 'Composition sediment layer S1' name 'Sed_Cd' 'Sedimentation adsorbed Cd' name 'S12TraCd' 'Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 Cd' name 'CalTau' 'Calculation of bottom friction' name 'DynDepth' 'dynamic calculation of the depth' name 'Res_DM' 'Resuspension total bottom material (dry mass)' name 'PartWK_Cd' 'Partitioning Cd in water column' name 'PartS1_Cd' 'Partitioning Cd in S1' name 'Veloc' 'Horizontal flow velocity' name 'Chezy' 'Chezy coefficient' name 'TotDepth' 'depth water column' end-active-processes