------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Building METIS requires CMake 2.8, found at http://www.cmake.org/, as well as GNU make. Assumming CMake and GNU make are installed, two commands should suffice to build metis: $ make config $ make Configuration ------------- METIS is primarily configured by passing options to make config. For example: $ make config shared=1 cc=gcc-4.2 would configure metis to be built as a shared library using GCC 4.2. Common configuration options are: cc=[compiler] - The C compiler to use [default is determined by CMake] shared=1 - Build a shared library instead of a static one [off by default] prefix=[PATH] - Set the installation prefix [/usr/local/ by default] Advanced debugging related options: gdb=1 - Build with support for GDB [off by default] debug=1 - Enable debugging support [off by default] assert=1 - Enable asserts [off by default] assert2=1 - Enable very expensive asserts [off by default] METIS' index and real data type size can be configured by editing include/metis.h. Installation ------------ To install METIS, run $ make install The default installation prefix is /usr/local. To pick an installation prefix for METIS pass prefix=[path] to make config. For example, $ make config prefix=~/myroot/ will cause METIS to be installed in ~/myroot/ when make install is run. Other make commands ------------------- $ make uninstall Removes all files installed by 'make install'. $ make clean Removes all object files but retains the configuration options. $ make distclean Performs clean and completely removes the build directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------