# Input file for agrhyd to aggregate a hydrodynamics information file) # Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2015 [General] inputhyd=.hyd # inputpatchhyd=.hyd # inputpatch1hyd=.hyd # ... # inputpatch9hyd=.hyd output=.hyd # the following keywords are optional, use a pound sign (#) in front of a setting when not needed start=-2000000000 stop=2000000000 reference_time_output=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS horizontal_aggregation_file=.dwq vertical_aggregation_file=.vag river_flow_file= lenlen=true # How to run agrhyd # ================= # You can run agrhyd from a command prompt using: # agrhyd # Without an argument, agrhyd will ask the name of the ini-file # Explanations of these and other settings for agrhyd # =================================================== # Options in this file are set using [keyword] = # Only the keywords inputhyd and output are always required # You can use the pound sign (#) for comments or to turn off optional keywords quickly without deleting them # Required keywords # ================= # input/output hydrodynamics information file # ------------------------------------------- # inputhyd=.hyd # # By adding input patch names, it is possible to append Delft3D 4 (structured) restart hyd's to an unfinished first part of a run # inputpatchhyd=.hyd # inputpatch1hyd=.hyd # ... # inputpatch9hyd=.hyd # # output=.hyd # Optional keywords # ================= # Conversion start/stop time in seconds since reverence time # ---------------------------------------------------------- # start=-2000000000 # stop=2000000000 # Shift the reference time # ------------------------ # reference_time_output=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS # # allows to shift the reference time used in the hyd file for Delwaq. Calculates the shift in seconds from # readable date (in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, do not use quotes), and applies is when writing the new files, # also in combination with aggregation. # Horizontal aggregation file # --------------------------- # horizontal_aggregation_file=.dwq # Contains the horizontal aggregation table of hydrodynamic volumes. Create horizontal aggregations using the DIDO tool # Filetype: ASCII - Free formatted, generated D-Waq DIDO # File contents, record description: # record 1: five integer numbers separated by a blank: nmax mmax mmax*nmax dummy1 dummy2 # nmax mmax number of computational volumes in n-direction/m-direction # mmax*nmax total number of computational volumes # dummy1 dummy2 dummy values # record 2–end: mmax*nmax times one integer containing the aggregation volume index number # Restriction: The input items are separated by one or more blanks # Example: model area with 4 * 2 volumes (free formatted file) # 4 2 8 1 0 # 1 # 1 # 2 # 1 # 2 # 2 # 3 # 3 # Vertical aggregation file # ------------------------- # vertical_aggregation_file=.vag # Contains the vertical aggregation table of hydrodynamic volumes. # Filetype: ASCII - Free formatted, generate manually # File contents, record description: # record 1: one integer number: kmax # kmax number of computational volumes in k-direction (vertical) # record 2–end: one integer containing the aggregation volume index number # Restriction: The input items are separated by one or more blanks # Example: aggregation from 5 to 2 layers (free formatted file) # 5 # 1 1 2 2 2 # # specifying kmax as -1 will result in automatic 3D to 2D aggregation, # independent of the number of layers in the input # Extra discharges file in DELWAQ format # -------------------------------------- # river_flow_file= # will produce a discharges file in a format that can be included in Delwaq # Apply a regular aggregation on the grid # --------------------------------------- # regular=true, yes or 1 to turn on # m_fact=2 # n_fact=2 # m_offset=2 # n_offset=2 # Will preform an automatic aggregation by merging m_fact segments in the m direction, by n_fact segments in the n direction # starting from the segment at m_offset, n_offset. # When 'regular' is turned on, all the four other parameters should be set. All should be greater or equal to 1. # Expand to full grid # ------------------- # expand=true, yes or 1 to turn on # Will expand the hydrodynamics from 'active only' to 'full grid' # Force a minimum dispersion length # --------------------------------- # minimum-dispersion-length=0.0 # Will force using a minimum dispersion length # Force using original dispersion lengths # --------------------------------------- # lenlen=true, yes or 1 to turn on # Will force using original dispersion lengths