PROGRAM ung2shp ! Silly application that converts an Arc/Info ungenerate arc file ! into a shapefile, the input file is passed as a command-line argument. ! ! Source of data in this format: ! ! References: ! ! USE shapelib IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(len=1024) :: filein, fileout TYPE(shpobject) :: shapes TYPE(shpfileobject) :: shapefile INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: shapesize(:) INTEGER :: i, j, dot, nshape, id DOUBLE PRECISION,ALLOCATABLE :: shp(:,:) CALL getarg(1, filein) dot = INDEX(filein, '.', back=.TRUE.) IF (dot == 0) THEN fileout = TRIM(filein)//'_out' ELSE IF (dot == 1) THEN fileout = 'out' ELSE fileout = filein(:dot-1) ENDIF OPEN(10, file=filein) ! count shapes nshape = 0 DO WHILE(read_ungenerate_shape(10) >= 0) nshape = nshape + 1 ENDDO IF (nshape <= 0) THEN PRINT*,'Error, bad number of shapes ',nshape,' in file ',TRIM(filein) STOP ENDIF PRINT*,'Found ',nshape,' shapes' ALLOCATE(shapesize(nshape)) REWIND(10) ! count size of each shape DO i = 1, nshape shapesize(i) = read_ungenerate_shape(10) IF (shapesize(i) < 0) THEN PRINT*,'Error, bad size of shape ',i,shapesize(i),' in file ',TRIM(filein) STOP ENDIF ENDDO PRINT*,'Counted shapes' ALLOCATE(shp(MAXVAL(shapesize),2)) shapefile = shpcreate(fileout, shpt_arc) IF (shpfileisnull(shapefile) .OR. dbffileisnull(shapefile)) THEN PRINT*,'Error, opening output shapefile ',TRIM(fileout) STOP ENDIF j = dbfaddfield(shapefile, 'ID', ftinteger, 9, 0) REWIND(10) ! import each shape DO i = 1, nshape j = read_ungenerate_shape(10, shapeid=id, values=shp) shapes = shpcreatesimpleobject(shpt_arc, shapesize(i), shp(1,1), shp(1,2)) j = shpwriteobject(shapefile, -1, shapes) j = dbfwriteattribute(shapefile, i-1, 0, id) CALL shpdestroyobject(shapes) ENDDO CLOSE(10) CALL shpclose(shapefile) CONTAINS ! Reads next shape from ungenerate file. ! Returns the number of points in the shape, -1 for end of file or -2 ! in case of error. FUNCTION read_ungenerate_shape(unit, shapeid, values) RESULT(read_status) INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: unit INTEGER,INTENT(out),OPTIONAL :: shapeid DOUBLE PRECISION,INTENT(out),OPTIONAL :: values(:,:) INTEGER :: read_status CHARACTER(len=1024) :: line INTEGER :: npts, nptsmax, lshapeid DOUBLE PRECISION :: x(2) nptsmax = 0 IF (PRESENT(values)) THEN IF (SIZE(values,2) >= 2) THEN nptsmax = SIZE(values,1) ENDIF ENDIF READ(unit,'(A)',end=120,err=120)line IF (line == 'END') THEN ! end of file read_status = -1 RETURN ENDIF READ(line,'(I10.0)',end=120,err=120) lshapeid IF (PRESENT(shapeid)) shapeid = lshapeid IF (lshapeid < 0) GOTO 120 npts=0 DO WHILE (.TRUE.) READ(unit,'(A)',end=120,err=120)line IF (line == 'END') THEN ! end of shape read_status = npts RETURN ELSE READ(line,*,end=120,err=120)x npts = npts + 1 IF (nptsmax >= npts) values(npts,1:2) = x(:) ENDIF ENDDO RETURN ! never reached 120 read_status = -2 RETURN END FUNCTION read_ungenerate_shape END PROGRAM ung2shp