subroutine sysini(error ,runid ,filmrs ,prgnm , & & version_short ,filmd ,gdp ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2022. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Initialises the FLOW system (EXCEPT for the ! User Interface prog.) ! - Determines the program type, hardware type, ! Method used: ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use mathconsts use globaldata use string_module use deltares_common_version_module use dfparall ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! integer , pointer :: lunmd integer , pointer :: lundia integer , pointer :: lunprt integer , pointer :: lunscr real(fp) , pointer :: earthrad real(fp) , pointer :: eps real(fp) , pointer :: amiss real(sp) , pointer :: smiss integer , pointer :: imiss real(hp) , pointer :: dearthrad real(hp) , pointer :: deps ! ! Global variables ! logical :: error !! Flag=TRUE if an error is encountered character(*) :: filmd !! File name for MD FLOW file character(*) :: runid !! Run identification code for the current simulation character(*) :: version_short !! Version nr. of the current package character(12) :: filmrs !! File name for DELFT3D_MOR FLOW input file ( character(6) :: prgnm !! Help var. determining the prog. name currently active ! ! Local variables ! integer :: ierr integer :: lfil integer :: lrid ! Help var. to determine the actual length of RUNID integer :: lridmx ! Help var. for lunprt: LRID < 47 integer :: lunhlp ! Help var. integer :: n integer , external :: newlun logical :: ex ! Help flag = TRUE when file is found character(10) :: date ! Date to be filled in the header character(message_len) :: txthlp ! Help var. character(20) :: rundat ! Current date and time containing a combination of DATE and TIME character(256) :: version_full character(256) :: filtmp ! Help var. to specify file name character(55) :: txtput ! Texts to be filled in the header type(message_stack) :: stack ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! dearthrad => gdp%gdconstd%dearthrad deps => gdp%gdconstd%deps earthrad => gdp%gdconst%earthrad eps => gdp%gdconst%eps amiss => gdp%gdconst%amiss smiss => gdp%gdconst%smiss imiss => gdp%gdconst%imiss lunmd => gdp%gdinout%lunmd lundia => gdp%gdinout%lundia lunprt => gdp%gdinout%lunprt lunscr => gdp%gdinout%lunscr ! ! initialisation of constants in gdconst and gdconstd ! earthrad = 6378137.0 ! Mathworld, IUGG eps = 1.0e-6 amiss = -999.0_fp smiss = -999.0_sp imiss = -999 ! dearthrad = 6378137.0d0 deps = 1.0d-12 ! ! initialisation ! NOTE: lundia gets fake unit number (< 10), for inquire statement ! in triend when lundia is not yet opened ! txtput = ' ' if (prgnm=='tdatom') then txtput = 'Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module...' else txtput = 'Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module...' endif ! ! initialisation unit numbers ! a lun gets fake unit number (< 10), for the inquire statement ! in triend in case the lun is not yet opened ! lunscr = 6 lundia = 0 lunmd = 8 ! ! platform definition ! call util_getenv('ARCH',txthlp) call small(txthlp,message_len) if (txthlp == 'win32' .or. txthlp == 'w32' .or. txthlp == 'x86') then gdp%arch = 'win32' elseif (txthlp == 'win64' .or. txthlp == 'x64') then gdp%arch = 'win64' else gdp%arch = 'linux' endif gdp%errorcode = 0 ! ! check userfile consistency ! version_full = ' ' version_short = ' ' ! ! Force the version information of the module precision to be displayed within the what tool ! call getfullversionstring_deltares_common(version_full) call getfullversionstring_flow2d3d(version_full) call getshortversionstring_flow2d3d(version_short) call flwlic(lunscr ,version_full ,prgnm ,gdp ) ! ! put header on screen ! if (.not.parll .or. (parll .and. inode==master)) then write (lunscr, '(a)') txtput endif ! ! initialisation id's (computer, runid ) and open lundia ! call iniid(error ,prgnm ,runid ,filmd ,filmrs , & & gdp ) if (error) goto 9999 call remove_leading_spaces(runid ,lrid ) if (.not.parll .or. (parll .and. inode==master)) then if (prgnm == 'tdatom') then write (lunscr, '(a,a)') ' runid : ', runid(:lrid) endif endif gdp%runid = runid ! ! Date and time ! call dattim(rundat ) date(1:4) = rundat(1:4) date(5:5) = '-' date(6:7) = rundat(6:7) date(8:8) = '-' date(9:10) = rundat(9:10) ! call remove_leading_spaces(filmd ,lfil ) ! ! get source code location ! txthlp = deltares_common_source_code n = index(txthlp,'/src/utils_lgpl') ! regular checkout with src and examples level if (n==0) then n = index(txthlp,'/utils_lgpl') ! reduced checkout with src and examples level endif if (n==0) then txthlp = 'unknown source code location' else txthlp = txthlp(16:n-1) endif ! ! write start date and time in LUNDIA ! write (lundia, '(a)') write (lundia, '(80a1)') ('*', n = 1, 80) write (lundia, '(a)') '***' write (lundia, '(2a)') '*** ', trim(version_full) write (lundia, '(2a)') '*** built from : ', trim(txthlp) write (lundia, '(a)') '***' write (lundia, '(2a)') '*** runid : ', trim(runid) write (lundia, '(4a)') '*** date,time : ', date, ',', rundat(11:19) write (lundia, '(a)') '***' write (lundia, '(80a1)') ('*', n = 1, 80) write (lundia, '(a)') ! if (prgnm=='tdatom') goto 9999 ! ! copy contents of old td-diag file created by tdatom ! test for ERRORS and if found, stop ! if (inode==master) then filtmp(1:8 + lrid) = 'td-diag.' // runid inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), exist = ex) if (ex) then open (newunit=lunhlp, file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), form = 'formatted') 50 continue read (lunhlp, '(a)', end = 100, err = 100) txthlp write (lundia, '(a,a)') ' ',trim(txthlp) ierr = index(txthlp, 'ERROR') if (ierr/=0) error = .true. goto 50 100 continue close (lunhlp, status = 'delete') endif endif call dfbroadc_gdp(ierr, 1, dfint, gdp) 9999 continue end subroutine sysini