@INITSCREEN (screen type on pc, screen dimension on unix) 2 930 670 JVGA NXPIX NYPIX (1024x768) 2 1200 900 JVGA NXPIX NYPIX (21" scherm) jvga = 1, vga: jvga = 2, supervga: (only on pc) NXPIX, NYPIX, hor. and ver. resolution of initial screen (only on unix) @GRAFCOL colors in graphic screens 6 38 24 16 30 NCOLDG,NCOLRG,NCOLSP,NCOLLN,NCOLTX grid, temp perm landb vectors 12 = geel 16 = groen 20 = licht blauw 24 = donker blauw 38 = bijna wit @TEXTCOL colors in text screens 0 5 standard background R 0 : Black 4 : Cyan 0 4 choice menu's R 1 : Red 5 : Blue 0 4 input forms R 2 : Yellow 6 : Magenta 1 7 error messages R 3 : Green 7 : White 7 5 titles in help R 0 4 1 7 program name on top of screen R 7 5 help pages R 7 5 key explanation bottom line R 1 4 0 4 popup screen help R 7 0 shadow behind input forms R @NPOS size + position of HELP text screen 2 2 78 16 @CIRCLE (size of circle relative to screen dimensions) .005 RCIR @SUNSET (deviation from standard position of sun, in degrees) 10.0 45.0 THSUN PHSUN THSUN =< -45 : night, THSUN = 45: tropical 12 hrs PHSUN = 0: sun west, PHSUN = 180: sun east @ISOVALUES () 0 -3.0 3.0 30 6 auto, VMIN, VMAX, NV @LEGPOS 2 7 2 85 xleg, yleg, xinfo, yinfo